ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10. 1891. AROUND TOWN. Forecaat till S a. m. Frlday Falri warmeri easterly wincJa. The revenue collectiom veaterday were $3,153.86. Gen. Jas. D. Glenn, of Greeniboro, is in the city today. Prof. Elwyn Waller, of the School of Mines, New York, is in the city. The thermometer at Grant's pharma cy today at 2 p. ra. registered 70". J. B. Bostic left this afternoon for New York on business, to beabsent about one ween. Thos. A. Tones, esq., of Ashevillc, has been appointed a notary public by fiuv. Holt. Col. P. S Cowan and L. S. Melden, esq., of Wilmington, are at the Swan nanoa. Ronald McDonald, hear! master of Ra venscroft school, has returned from ui trip to England. Miss Iosia Rich left this afternoon foi a three weeks' visit to Philadelphia, and other points north. Alriertnan Guilder returned this morn ing from Morganton, where he has been on professional business. Cbas. N. Graves, manager of IvIltnttV opera house. Hickory, came up to Ashe ville yesterday on business. Company K., Ashevillc Light Inlantrv. will lie inspected tomorrow night by Inspector-General A. L. Smith. Johnny Suggs, left yesterday for St. Mary's "college, Raleigh, where he will attend school the ensuing year. Geo. Henderson and Col. Williamson have gone to Toe and Caney rivers. Mitchell county, on a fishing trip. Recorder Miller had four cases for judgment this morning. One cursing case, and three drunks were fined each. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright, of Phila delphia, are at the liatterv Park on a visit to Mrs. Wright's parents, Col. and Mrs. Coxe. Tomorrow is the day for the regular weekly meeting of the board of aldermen, and a meeting will be held if a quorum can be had. Hugh A. Murrill, president of the Hickory printing company, and mana ping editor of the Hickory Press and Carolinian, is registered at the Swanna noa. The New York Sun savs that "there will probably be more northern tounsis in the south during the coming winter season than there nas been in any past winter." Marriage licenses have been issued to (,. W. Promt and K. C. Mauldin: A. 11 Stameiand R. E. IVnlaiiil ; J. E. Peebles and E. I.. Hyatt; Thos. I .rant and cl(iie Gentrv, all of Buncombe. The new jury appointed on the widen ing of South Main street went to work on the line til :S morning. The following gentlemen compose the jury: J. M. lies ton, J. F. Graves. J. S. Grant, John P. Morgan. Jesse R. Starnes and Will West. At the regular weekly shoot of the Ashevillc Rule club csterdav afternoon. the following were the scores made: S W. Battle, 138; A. H. Baird. 135; J. M. Young, 131; J. F. Graves, VH; S. A. Mc Canless, 117; F. X. Hirninghani, 1U0; T. L. Johnson, H.t. At the last meeting of the board oi county commissioners Messrs. 1. M. Young and C li. Atkinson were ap pointed registrars for this township for the new registration. For the conven ience ol the public the office ot both ol the registrars will be at Natt Atkinson & Son's. Bill Nve, the russet-shoed, gold-specta cled Skvland humorist, came over to Ashcville today and gave The Citizen a breezy, pleasanteall. Mr. Nve remarked incidentally that in a little or no time he can lick any man who savs he wrote McDougall's Buncombe letter in the New York World. The ladies of Oakland Heights will on next Tuesday evening give an entertain ment consisting of tableaux and music for the benefit ot the Mission hospital. The tickets will be only-'o cents, and it is hoped that the people of Ashevillc will encourage the interest in this local charity on the part of these kind stran gers. City Ticket Agent Murphy will sell re duced rate tickets as follows: To the Concord presbytery, at H.irrisburg, N. C, tickets on sale Sept. 9-13 inclusive, good returning until Sept. 17; round trip fare, $7. 3. To the Eastern Carolina fair and stock association, at Goldsboro. tickets on sale Sept. 13-17 inclusive, good until Sept. 19; round trip lare, $6 60. A. W. Moore, proprietor of the Centen ary. of Florence, S. C, is in Ashcville in the interest of his paper. The motto of the centenary is A closer union ol the states, the churches and the nation." It is a handsome paper, illustrated with tine portraits of prominent men from the sections ol wlucn it specially treats. Mr, Moore proposes to give A'heville's prom inent citizens nn opportunity to look at themselves in the columns of the Centen ary, if they are so minded. Tbp rinrhfim Run savs: "Mr. I. T Street, Ashcville, who was hurt in the wreck near htatesviiie, arrived intne city today on the 12:52 train in company with his father. Air. I. H. htreet. 1 hey u.rp met at the dennt hv Mr. R. T. Rtir. ton and spent several hours at his home on Kamseur street. Mr. street was tak ing his son to bis home in Person ttrhfre he will remain until he re covers from his injuries. The young man I . I I A l i .L. I. 1 ,t was ngnt: oauiv nun auout tne iicttu. As announced iu The Citizen's adver. tisine columns today Bingham school opens on schedule t;me October 1. The quarters will be finished in ten days, and everything necessary for opening will be in readiness despite tne very uniavora. ble weather for building. Mai. Bingham says that too much praise cannot be given toj. M. westan, tne contractor, and his working force for the intelligence, energy, leal and success with which the work has oeen punned, uny scholars will be admitted, for terms and ad vancemcnt necessary for entrance see ad vertisement, or appiy to Maj. R. Bing ham, No. 1U3 Montford avenue, Asbe ville, N. C. A Cnlneoer, Va.. special, dated Septem ber 4, to the Richmond Dispatch, has the following complimentary notice of a young lady well known in Ashcville: "Those who attended the germaa given at 'Green Lawn' to Miss Nettye Henry of Asheville, N. C, pronounced it the most enjoyable atlair of the season. 1 he spacious dining hall, its highly polished Boors, original and unique favors, with accomDanvine viands, were in keeping with the occasion. The leadership of Mr. B. H. Maddux, assisted by Miss Henrv. could not have been excelled. The dancing continued until fire minutes of 12 o'clock, when tne suggestive strains of stirring march led tne guests to the breakfast room to partake of refresh ments which were there spread. There were sixteen couples dancing, with a number of gentlemen in beisance." THE BOARD OF EDUCATION. THE HEF.TINO HELD ON MOM DAT AND TUESDAY. The Mont Important Buaiueaa waa tne Appointment ol the Sctaool Committee forltae County The Buncombe county board of educa tion met in this city on Monday and Tuesday. The membersofthe board are: A. T. Summer, chairman; C B. (Way, secretary; J. H. Sams, B. G. Gudger. The most important business trans acted was the appointment of com mitteemen for the various school dis tricts of the county, white and colored, as follows. No. 1 Jesse Ingram, H. M. Pucker, C. W. Ledbctter. 2 W. B. Cook, II. P. Morris, M. R. Cuulc. 2'2 S. T. Bishop, Win. Jarrett, Henry Lance. 3 W. H. Newman, N. E. Lance. J. C. Cockran. S S. Norman, A. H. litarnes, John Halcoin b'. i j W. T Springs, Burgin Jones, John Uucliiier. 5 George W. Ballard, E. J. Rhodes. I' Siraillev. o's ll. M. Gudger, A. L. Bright, Henrv Alexander. ( esse W. Morgan. R. L. F.Jones. C. M. Wilson. 7 W J. Moore, F. W. O'Kclly, B. I' Davis. 71-a-vt. L. Israel, J. C. Bvrd, W. P. Thompson. 8 Wilson Green, J. II. Daniels, C. M Duckctt. S'r-J G. Morgan, A. Z. Wright, J. J. Cole. 9 H. A. Luther, W. H. Curtis, M. H. Morgan. 91-j P. P. Morgon, J. C. McFee, E. C. Stamev. 10 T. B. Brooks, R. M Warren, Thos. Tailor. lilts Jas A Keith, J. W. Rice, Lafay ette Clarke. 11 VY. D. Pearson, Jacob Miller. G. W. Peebles. 12 John Loniinac . H. Starnes, J. J. Miller. 13 Lowry Brown, R. C. Morgan, R. S. Shook. 14 A. B. Hawkins, John Plemmons, Robert Teague. l's W D. Redmond, Thos. Ilradman, Win. White. 10-. H. Miller, F. P. Ingle, M. B. Wild. 10 R. D. F. Robertson, M. S. Alexan der, 1 1. F. Summev. 17 L. D. Felmet. C. P. Moss, J. P. King. 17'a II. B. James, D. R league, Co I mil 1 1 u s Swain. 15 1 S. Triplett. Lafayette Robert son, Wiley Cole. IS' a William Rogers, Isjac Gorman. Richard Rolierso l. 19 M. F. Hampton, G. W. Cook, J. R. Lansing. 20 Mcrritl Parham, Geo Sluder, J. N W. Rogers. 21 T. C. Glance, W. E. Poundies, M L. Foster. 22 Jacob Martin, Wilson lliowu, jr., A. W. Sluiler. 23 John Lee, A. J. Miles, L. L. M. Snelson. 2-4J. M. King, Wm. Lnster, Robt Randall. 25 T. J. Firgusou, I. V. Evans, M. 0 King. 20-M. 0. Clark, H. F. Duekett, M. A King. 27 Jas. Rogers, Julius Rukerson, G. P Austin. 28 C. A. Reeves, Chas. Wells, Lafay ette Robcrson. 29 R. C. Wells, A. A. Reynolds, G. F Gillespie. 30 Wm. Mann, J. M. Ingle. J. K. Austin. 31 W. R. Powers, M. L. Frnby, I). P Lance. 31' 2 F. A. Lance, T. 0. Lambert, Jas Hickman. 32 L". D. Murray, J. M. Butler, J. A Gibson. 33 jas. Merrill, Thos. Hare, Joseph Harris. 33'j Marcus Merrill, Newton I. an ning, White Leveritt. 34 K. C. Clayton, T. J. Young, E. M Owen by. 35 J. M. Lanning, Joseph Mitchell, T B. Redmond. 36 J. D. Gurren, Henry Reed, II. Dodson. 37 Wm. Henderson, Jason Ashworth. W. A. Mcrrcll. 38-J. M. Ness, T. L, .Neshitt, M. I.. Miller. SSVj Thos. Marlow, Eli Garren, J. J Sherrill. 3'J Juo. II. Hemphill. Richard Allison W. R. Kuv. 40. M. Roberts, W. F. Rice, Jos H Rice. 1 J. W. Gregg, loseph Cordell, T. W Stevenson. 42 W. R. Anderson, G. W. Davidson sr., S. W. Davidson, jr. 42' j G. L. Patton, S. R. Gudger, J. S Gudger. 43 Chas. Henderson, Caney Allison, Herry buinett. 44 G. W. Clement, E J. Kesler, John n, stepp. 45 lhos. Rvnier, S. W. Mitchell, I. M Bird. 46 David Roberts, G. W. Worlev, T F. Fisher. 46i,3 N. R. Perry, L. M. Pease, C. I Moody. 47 John Sorrells, J. A. Brookshire, T M. Sales. 48 B. F. Smith, T. T. Patton, J. F, Stepp. 4tj E. J. Armstrong, Mack Smith B. F. Barnard. 49 W. A. Baird, . C. Reynolds, T. P. Lone. 50 W. W. West. W. F. Randolph, II. A. Gudger, Geo. S. Powell, S. R. Kepler 50Va-H. B. Pettett, W. T. Branton, J. l,. Kicn. 51-S. D. Hall, T. C. Jarrett, Will Rey nolds. 51'3 Mark Owenby, J. W. Cochran1 jno. Aimer, 52 J. M. Jones. 53 ohn Kobeison, F. M. Griggs, J. E. Kay. 54 J. H. Stradley, H. B. Smith, Wm Davis. 55 R. B. Brank, Robt. Chambers. S D. Ballard. 56 W. C. Davis, Rufus Weaver, Burt Pcnland. 56V4-J. A. Reagan, E. Byerly, Frank Kooerts. 57- E. D. Weaver, J. B. Garrison, R. P. Brittain. 58- A. Gwaltney, C. A. Nichols, W. M. Allen. 59- T. M. Cole, A. E. Swain. T. T. Jump. 60 J. VY. McDavis, James Maney, R. S. Penland. 61 W. H. Hnnter, Wm. M. White, W. B. Smith. 62 ).J. Fox.J. Roberts, . M. Pick ens. 52V4-Wm. Edmunds, J. H. Roberts, J. H. Lankford. 63-H C. Blackstock, I W. Roberts. J. C. Fitzgerald. 63yfrl. U. Roberts. S. E. Arrowoood. J. G. Wild. 64 K. H. Cole. I. G. Bel . G. W. Lank- ford. 65 W. N. Penland, T. M. Duln. R. F. Garrison. 68-T. C. Morgan. H. B. Miles. W. T. Bradley. , 66i j W. P. Buckner, H. R. Buekner, A. P. Davis. 67 Lum Whittemore, Jas. B. Hvdcr, ' S. M. Riddle. 67 U Martin Whittemore, Reuben Whitt, George Whittemore. 68 Joel Brigman, N. F. Caron, Harry Williams. 68V2 Thos. J. Dillinghnm, E. F. Dil lingham, E. W. Whitakir 69 J. D. Hurst, J, C, Ray, Jas. B. An; ders. 70 J.J. Greenwood, J. H. Woodward. J. A. Buckner 71 John A. Carter, P. Loving, La favette McKinnev. 72 Clingnian Many, A. E. Ingle, D. L. Roberson. COLORED DISTRICTS. No. 1 A. T. Graham, Moses Cochran, . R. Lnnce. 2 D, A. Russell, George Lowudes, Ja cob Candler. 3 P. P. Morgan, D. F. Gudger, Jerry Curtis. 4 Henry Whitson,Thos.Lwry, Harry Gudger. 41.3 C. V. Roberts, Sam Stevens, Hortou. 5-A. E. Wells, Ervin Boyd, T.J. Fur- geson. 6 John Chisholm, Waile tlaraptoa, Elijah McDowell. 7 Harrison Shorter, Joseph Lynch, lohnson Ashworth. 8 Richard Shorter, Joe Young, C. C. LaniiuiL'. 9 Uamp. Lvtle, Henry Burgin, Spen cer Huriim. 10 lohn Stepp, Wm. Dougherty, R. J Steot). 11 Hardin Mallorv, W. M. Logan, Logan Davidson. 1 2 Same as No. 30. white. 12'a-Win. Roberts, C. B. Wav, Peter Baird. 13 Newton Shepherd, John Bradley lames Commons. 14 IlriK-e Flack, Isaac Commons, Lawson Weaver. l's Sunillcy Ray, Jason McDowell, La mn H.iinl. 15 Geo. Hell. Jacob Cambers. Robert Kiluore. 16-lsaac Ray, Hanip Flack, Robt. Kil oatnek. 1 7 Joe Ganaway, John Reed, Cephus Kice. 18 J. G. Chambers, Peter Penland, (ohn Ray. ORGAN RliCITAI.. 10 be ;leu at Trinity Church Tonight. The following is the program for tl organ recital at Trinity Episcopal church tonight, commencing at 8:30 p.m. Vio linist.'li. H. Garratt; organist, C. A. Gar rati: 1. MHri-li. (CruRiidiTl Trnnserilition r.iirratt 1. Cninmanion. K Hatnle :l. Smia'a mran and violin) Hnnrirl 4. -iTertolre. A flat Vincent A whim p t " 1 h v 111 1 llftthovei MrditaooniorKtin mid violin) K'chbcrK 7. I'HKlorsle 11st & na a) i,utlvant .s l.-i. i.iivJttf t;., trait h Swedidh WedililiK March ...Sucderitlttil Really Transactions. The following deeds hus lieen filed in Register Mackey's office tor registration: J. I!. Bostic nnd wile to Addie C. Greenlee, lot oil Atkinson street, 107x139 leet $1,200 Asheville Investment company to Geo. E. Lee, lot 111 "First addi tion, " 50x125 fret 100 H.C. Long to G. M, Williams, lot on Merrimon avenue, lot 126xl.-)8 ket 441 H.C. Long to G. M Williams, half-interest in 20U acres on Beaverdam 2,500 Painting the town red means head ache in the morning. Simmons Liver Regulator prevents tt. Upeclnl Hales and HcheduleN. See W. M . Clarke, Member Auit-r- can Ticket Brokers AhncoihIIoii Delicate ladies arc always relieved from neud.iehe by Brailvcrotine. Chicken colera mid pips prevented and cured hv Simmons Liver Regulator. JU'JINI-;(iH NOTICI-.H. Forty llecorated Chamber sets, large sie at $2 00 per set, this week onlv at Law's oil Soutii Main street. WIlltlUH"' Caildiea at Kr ger's, 41 College street. Index to New AdvertlMemeiua. (in Salk Citizen ofliee. Foa Rent Citu n otfic-. Kki.irc.kd Weaver A Mm Sai.b of Lois James K 1 homan. R A M Krgiiiur e.'ommiinK-ation. Know to Lkt - t'li irlotie Street. hlMlHAU cikioi. Mai. K Hi'ighHm. R Ol I.MS TO LET. Ni. e, well lurnilied roo-ns to Irt n street car line. Applv mm l H ARLOTTK ST. U Shnw ease and coal atove. Iiuth aa eond an new. cheap. -pi)lv CITI.liN (il-l- tcii, selndl w POR RENT. Three nice rooms unfurnished, 4 minutes from court houae. Applv rllldlw t-ITIZliN OKKICB. R. A. M. Rt jrnlur orimmiiniration Aoht-TUlo t'hftpter No. an, thi CTcning at 8, work in M irk dfRrce. it BINGHAM SCHOOL WILL OPKN OCTOBER ist. CharRrR for dny cholar $1 13 per terra, Ofcyahle $56 Oc-to'wr 1t, $St Frbrury l, which covert tuition and books for threr clauses Boys who can read Intelligently, write leg ihly nnd add, subtract, multiply and dWide whole nam her are suHnently adrinced to enter. For lurthr particulars apply to Maj R. HttiRhnm at 103 Mm it ford Ave ue Ashc- illf, til September 20, and after that at the school ai (i3w $10,000 REWARD. RICHMOND ft riANVII.I.B K. R. CD , ) OFFICE or GRNKSAL M4NADKR, Atlanta, lis., Sept. 1. 191.) Thla compinj will par $10,000.00 fur tbt arrest and conviction of the person or per sons who r moved the rail from the tra, k of the Western North Carolina Railroad, near Boi ian's Bridge Iredell ennntr, North Car olina, on the night of August 26, 191, W. H. GRBBN, Gen Manager, (3d30t Richmond A Danville R R. Co. VIGOR OF mil wsiiip, (jutourf, Parma naei try newtorao. WcakaeM, NcrvaaaaeM, Deblllt. and all lbs train of avlla from aarlr arroraorlatar losfaaa, tha ranulu of overwork, Ic.kom, worry, . rail strsuftta, daralopmaDt, anS lona givea to avarr onria and ponloD of the bodjr. Blmpla, natural mLhoo. Immadiat Improvamsnt aaan. rallara Impowlbla. Lino rafarancaa. Book, szptaoaUoa asiproofimailediiealadirraa, Addraaa mmu sisvhm. W., mVffALV, tt T. CARPETS AND RUGS. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FUltXITntH A XI) CARPET ST0UE. No. 16 Patton Ave , C. E. MOODY, DEALER IN LIME, PLASTER, Portland, l.oui-vlile mid James River Cement. Firewood cut nnd split any size and length. Kindlings, eharcoal, coke and hay, also nianufactiiivr of patent con crete nnd til" sidewalks and nrtihVial stone window sills and '-aps, curbing, gutters, steps, etc. Yard and Warehouse Near Freight Depot, Telephone 73. Office 30 Patton Avenue. Telephone 40. THE WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IS NOW OPERATING IN ITS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT "THE NICKEL SAVINGS STAMP SYSTEM." Stamps may he purchased from the Bank or any of its agents. When you have a dollar's worth, these will he re ceived on deposit at the hank. .Below is a list of our agents who now sell these stamps. As oth'-rs are appointed you will he i.otitied through this paper. T. .J. HEED, Biltmore. T. E. WILSON, Biltmore. J. 11. WOODCOCK, City. LIXDAU, HOI'OH & CO., City. For particulars apply at Bank, where information will he cheerfully furnished. AROEN PARK HOTEL AND COTTAGES. Ten mile from Anheville on A. & S. Rail road, Hoard $'! per day; $12 per week; $0 per month ol 28 ilara. Parties to Dinner or Tea. $1. THUS. A. MOKH1S, apr30dtf Proprietor. HOTEL DE GOWER, CEDAR MOUNTAIN P.0..N. G. An many of the guests will leave this pop ular r sort by Septemb'r 1. from that date unti" the close of the s.-nson rates will be re el uoed to SI 25 per dny; $7'0 per week; $jf 00 per month. Spmal rates made to 'nmiltcs. The best climate, water and table Kuarnn teed, and muM armi einent for the money. T. .C OWER, Proprietor. .iu:udlm I MCHKHIXK W. A. tk H. H. KV. 1 Which Goea Into KfTect, Friday, ; September 4, 1891. tti LPiu'R srmvf.s. Leave 7 a m H ;ni n m ' 9 no a ni 9 ;l'i a m In on a in ' in 3o am 1 : (in n in " 11 o h m Arrive tanii m Leave 1 no p m 1 3 p m " 2 00 p nt 2 :io p m " 3 00 p m " 3 30 p m ' 4 00 p ni " 4 30 p ni " SOp ill " ft 30 p ill ' o 00 p m " 6 30 p m " 7 00 p m " A 00 p m Arrive 9 00 p in Asheville & Craggj Mountain RAIL WAY. Paolllarij known aa lha DUMMY LINE. The eurviti slides, The charming rides Are very fine On the Dummy Line The shady wulki, The quiet talks. In Suntet Park Where squirrels bark, And wild flowers hloom, With lots of room. The four great lakes At Old M m Deakc's Where hull-frogs bum "Tiini-Kum! Tum-Kum!" The mountains grand On every hand The Climbing Kilt Mount isiah at The uluwing skies, The elouds likewise Hv rill nnd pool lieeu shades are cool; Ilv crystal spring Sweet warblers sing. The curving glides. The charming rides Are very fine On the 'Dummy Line. H ad A lor Hag Cln the Cnw Patton Cur, When they are up tbe dummy isrumiiiu. City terminus nt Cnmii Patton, comer of Chestnut nnd Charlotte streets. Take tbe Camp Patton Electric Street Car at the Square. Schedule tor August, 18UI. Leave City Terminus at 9.05 a. m. 3.05 p. ill. 8.33 " 3.35 ' 10.05 " .0S " 10.35 " 4.35 " 11.05 " 5.05 " 11.35 " 5.35 " 12.05 p.m. 6.05 " 13.35 " 6.35 " 2.05 " 7.05 " 2.35 " 1IKPOT. Leave 7 15 m H 05 a m n 00 a m ' 9:10am 10 00am to so u in 11 on a m 1 1 30 a m Arrive 12 no m Leave 1 00 p m " 1 3(1 p m 2 on p m " 2 30 p m " 3 00 p m " 3 3pm " 4 00 p m 4 30 p m " ft on p m " ft MO p m 6 00 p m ' 6 o p m 7 3il p m ' 8 30 p m Bpauti'ul new colorings and doBisrns for fall of '91. Moquetts. Axinin sters, Wilton's Hotly BrusHls, TnpPH try Brussrlri. Extra Super liigrains, Fur llug-H, Smyrna Kurs, Smyrna Carpets, Ingrain Art Squares. Cocoa Mats, Coacoa Matting, Oil Cloth, Linoleum. CRUSHED GRANITE FOR Sidewalks and Drives. EXTRA HAK1I, IH'KMII.R flTONB, Wlil.l. SCKPKNIil). A GOOD ROAD AT LOW COST. L. C. SHIUY, jul.'liicll'm 1'. II Roi .' lis. RAYSOR & SMITH, DRUGGISTS, NO. JI PATTON AVENUE. "WORLD'S BOUQUET CIGAR." The Best The Bt The Best Cent Cigar Cent Clear V Cent ON THE MARKET, FOB 8ALB AT The rlatttrrr Park Hotel, W. E. Pelham Swnnflanua Hotel, W O Mnller, Ravaor ft Smitb, O A. tsoriela, Hampura Feathar too, W. O. Perrv. J. H. I.onabran, John O'Donnell A Co., Wm. Kroger, Worth an a Co., Buropaaa BotaL Irrft-flai IS Mu r ml 3 W fmn ffl 'J ii h r t 1 I I : i ASRBVlLUi ADvmrmEMHsrs. ICE I ICE I ICE I Drivers are Instructed -EC O Celebrated Jellico and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MANUFACTURERS ANDJDEALERS.IN ICE. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. THE CAROLINA SALOON TO THE FRONT. Whilf othern are putting u butf in your mr, Wntfii to nit.' I am now better prepared than ever to ftiniiah ran with anrthina; uaaallr kerrt In a Ural laaaanloon 1 have the htrcat ami brat nm k in Weatrm North CaroHaia', II n ia i tate. anl it coniatK rf the lineat brnail. of Whiskira. Wine anil htmiiIIm kn,.wM . world. Burk ' ThteeXtnr Inab Whlakry, hcTonil a rtoulit the flnrat la t. worlil. Try and yn will he convinced that I am advertising nothinx but acta whllrin Enrol. durniK the Munimer of IHil'l, 1 made nrrnnaamrnta fbr tha above Whia kev. Snaniah flherrv and Port Vlne. thr emml never lirnuuhl r lahwllk I . n... , -i. . eta. Fontrl Canet, Motmui. Chateau Belmont very fine, in French Brandiea I kave a laift tock. inchiding John llciinraay & L'o ' Three Star and other atandard hraada; Naaa Co. 'a Fale Ale, and r.ainnean' hitra Poreign Stout, .n lavt, mv atock of iniportrd Hqnora My atock of Rye whiikir. . mlrt-nccH iiomc of the Aneat and oldcat brand, known. Beer the lineat on the market for family uae. The best braniif of l'lK and TOIIAC O. When vou are In mae ot nnvthini in mi Hue. Iirfare vnlnir rlwwher . and be uouviuccd. My whi'kica an- rrcommenilxl by aunt of the moat eminent men ol th aa for medicinal parpoMa RcptcUully, FRANK O'DONNEIX, PROPRIETOR., THE CAROLINA SAI.), Hi XOKTH MAIN STREET. ASHEVIUJZ .V: i". ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, iij Haywood Street. In the tiitmv ;is in the i;ist, every uttent fon witl he giveti to 10 Jure the finest fr:i(!e of Cnrhoniited ISeveranwmidfr the I'tJRSOXAL supervision ot the proprietor. The con stuutly incjvasinjr (lewnml tor these goods trom this tory is eonvlnsive proof thut a ttnenrtivle is appreciated by nn intelligent public. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons.. t-8BF. ANALYSIS (IF WATRR fSBI). ON FRONT PAGB."S2 OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. (FORMERLY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C, Tbe Moat Complete Health ateaart lu the Soutb. I. now open and ready forgue.t. This hunac ia the most drftirahlv in th South for per. aona who need rent nnd medical ntt'ntion. No hotel in Asheville ban as wall In inched rooni and ita cuisine is unequalled Oulv ha the cae of pntienta is the diet reirulated. "The table -a an important Itature of the aannto Hum Thr water ia pure and plentiful, coming from a larg-: litpid strinK near by. The san itary arranKeinwie are aa perfect as care and money can make them. I'eraona .unermK with throat and lung troubles are grraflv benefitted by a 'tar at this place. The mail leal management la under the direction of I P. W. Nrelus. recently of the lackaon Sana-, torium, at llnnaville, N. V The Saaatorium is thoroughly ennippedl with modern appliaocea tor the wlentitle lief and cure of nil nervoua and coronla dia enaea. The bath departmanta are new throughoat and are under the aaperviatoa or comiieamt and skilled attendants. Tbe metnoils of trratment kielude all forma of hutha, the Medicatrd Vapors, Turkish, Klec trie, Russian, Roman. Mollera, Tberma-ltee. trie, lileetro-Chcmicnl, Masiage, Uleetrl.lly in ail its forma, also Aweli.n Muveaneata. Mrdrral nttenilaiice and every form of treat ment included in price of room. Although the comfort and welfare of tae sick are tne neat conaideraeJona. every oppor tunity ia given to thoae who desire to prnd pleasant and profitable seaaon hen, Addreas for further particulars Mm Bmille Vaughn, ASHEV1LLR, N. C. WE ARE CLOSING OUT THE BALANCE OF OUR SUMMER $ CLOTHING;- BELOW VALUES, Only a Few Left. Price No Object. Determined to make room for Fall and Winter Goods Now is your best time to buy Light Weights in Clothing For mn, boys and children at real bargains. We are pre paring for an increasing Fall trade. Are ready to show samples of Fall clothing, also new hats and neckwear, ('all and see them. Onr Custom Clothing Department Will receive more attention stylish gents' and boys' wear is our aim to retain the liberal patronage of the public and sustain our reputation as dealers in the best goods in all lines that can be procured. J THE WlliTLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. 48 South Main St., Asheyllle. to Give Full Weight. A L - Best Anthracite Coal.. No. 30 Pntton Arenue than ever. For elegant flttintr we cannot be surpassed, It i t

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