Y ASnEViLLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22, 181)1. Judgement hoold be displayed In buying rofV tine above all thing. In selectin,). remedy fur' any dineiui-, you should b positive that It rorttniiiK tViiliint; iaja riouH to tbe lu-akli. Many rmnudie ob the nvirlo-t Itwve the paMt-nt In much worse comUliun. tumi boura June tli cm. - s. s. s. b pnrfly regetahle, and perfectly harmli'sa: the imwt nVlii-ut. child cu take It with iilisoliiit iilety. It oontaiiM to mercury or niin. i Js of any kind, and yet it nnvir f ilk to cure, th di MM l ! ... id!l for. Book u i :jo i kin .lin mo tnm. Swu' v'.nU, 0 I'h'OFBSsioXAl. I' Ami CHAS. A. GARRATT, Orxanist und Choirniflsnr Triniiy Chiu-di, AN1I - CONDUCTOR OF THE GARRATT ORCHESTRA Kfccivrs mipils for the (rt:nn. Pinnu'or e, Violin ntnl VuiiT Cultim- Inr term, etc.. apply at 370 llaywt oil Strri-t. prof7j7baker7 (PROM I.OV ON, UNO ) PIANOS TUNED AND REGULATED, $3.00. Leave order at Wraver & Myrr's 3!t l'ie ton Avenue Aalieviilr, N. I" sc7il in R. H. KKIiVIS, O. I. H., DENTAL oi-i ici: .n Cnnnf.ll nutintnv.. uver Keilwoint's Store, Pulton Avinut Resident, 35 Spruce street. l. RAMSAY. 1' U.S. Dental OiT'Ct i Over the National Hunk of Asheville, Bar nard .bidding. Residence, Hit i harlottc st. febL'ildlv J A. TKNNKNT Architect and Contractor. Plans, sped fi cations and eniimatcd fur nished. All work in my line contracted bn, and no charge for drawings on contr .'is awarded me. KfTerences whan dcfcvd. Office: No. 12 Hcmirv Hb.ek, North C.. rt Square, AsheviPf, N C 'ell9d1 T. E. DAVIS, CONTRACTOR 4ND SUPERlNT NDENT In nil kindu of wonrt, brick and stone v irk, and in ugcTit fr thr Na'ionn Sheet a il R .of. dig Company. Keeps n ntoek of tin shingle on hnnb Ail work guaranteed Ari'M' -or the Teas Putnucc eomontu Hut iiir, steam or hot wnte- heatit g ""t Hux "dirt t'ttiee No. i Willow treet;ofliec hours from to 10 a m.; from 4 to t p in. Residence ." Scnev Street. Tflenhonc 118. iuueldly 4-Ycarn Kxp r .iu.f4 MILTON IIAHmjtt. CONTRACTOR ASIi' HCIl.HEK Olfjce nnd whop, Woite Hulldiiig. CORNGK COl'KT I'l-At'K ANlP MARK HT SIR HUT K. H. BR'TT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, AU urn'linK f all kind done All 'rd:-r promptly tilled and work gimnmteed Can be found At all time at Powell A: Snider' tore. P. O, Hoi T5fi aurlOdt' H. W. FITCH, ARCHITECT ANO SUPERINTENDENT, 31 year practical experience due .vcr .Battery Park Hank. All entimatu guar. in itecd. Office hours 1 to 5 p in. tnayldd&wHra E. COFFIN, RBALBTATK AOHNT. MUX BKoKF.R AND Al'CTIONHliR. Ten VearH' IZxpcrlcnce. No. 82 Patton Avenue. MiAt'ee lllock. Room 4. otlice hours It to 1, 3 to 0. Charles 91. Stedinan, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE OVER THE BATTERY PARK BANK, AHhevllle, N. c. auK3(12m INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General i Insurance t Agent. Rear No. 20 South Main street. Rstahltshcd lHiiS Asheville. N. C CIVIL ENGINEER, ASHEVILLE, N. C Room , Barnard luilt"iiiif. aTTl coBii, STENOGRAPHER ROOM 1. McAPKB M'll.HINC.. Legal Work a Mpeeifilty. "Walter S. Cushmau, (Formerly of the Massachusetts Bar,) ATTORNKVATI,AW, COHHIRMONKR OP DKKIIB, AND NOTAHV rl'ni.lC No. 80 Patton Ave., McAfee bloc, room ASHKVII.I.K, N. C. . Srm.UTIKS: BEAL PBOrSKTV AP nMliVAfG. apr23dtf Dr. J. W. RolHii(f, VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, A8HBVI1.I.B. N C. I will keep an Infirmary for sick animals. Parties having lick horses will tind it much to their advantage to have them sent in at once, where I keep a irood supply of medi cines and profier aoplianeea for administer Iuk it at short notice Office nnd infirmary 7H South Main Street. Ray building, oppo ,site Swannanoa Notel. mayl9dtf J At "Ai'iLbt mi A (fnarauteed Care for Pilee of vhateyo ! iodor degroe External, Internal, Blim' ot Bleeding, Itching, riironlo, Uooent ov Hereditary. $1 00 n box; 6 boxes, $6.00 I ant by mail, prepaid, on receipt of prioo. V.'e gaarniitee to ear any case of Filof Guaranteed and sold only by T. C. Smith ft Co., wholesale and retail traggista, Public Square. AshevUle. ,M FROM THE SEAT OF WAR. IS IT IN RII.TNORE, VICTORIA oh kknii.worth; Mr. HcNaraee Makes Out a poed t'ase lror iilltiuore aud Vandcr- II'.m Workmen and Hits Aaaer- Uoiih Are Hupporled. Hii.vmdri:. N. C, Scot, in, 1891. Kmiou I'iik Citizun: It is extraor- rliniiry that t tic persons who aigned the (liicitmenta published in your issue of the lHth iiist., should possess more accurate inlonnation than I, concerning aflViirs in my chif ge. The article in your piipcr.of the 14-th slated L In) t Mr. Viniderbilt employed he twt'cn 500 aud 600 negroes, and that they assembled every Saturday at Bllt ttinre for their wates. My letter pub lished on the 17th inst. denied these stiilcmcnts, with explanations, and said that lust Saturday not to exceed 2U8 white and colored men nsscmhled at liilimnrc for their wnpes. As a matter of fact, 4-2 of the 228 did not anpear and the tutnl number was really nlv ISO. The letters published on the 18th, not- withstamlinE mv statement, affirm that the am, u- pnDiishcd on the 14-th ' was Mibslantiallv true in rrerv particular. That this is a reckless method of reas. sertinjt facts concerning some of which I those above referred to) the signers of the letters could by no possibility have as aeenrnte information as I, must be evident to any one. Moreover, Mr. T. M. Porter, one of the signers of the letter continuing this statement, has informed me in the presence of witnesses, that when he signed it, at Mr. Hreese's re nest, he had never read the article pub lished on the 14-th, and did not know its contents, and suiioosed he was only MK'iiiiK n naper reiterating simply the l.ut Hint on the 12th inst. there was a disturbance, and that there had been others, and that he was not willing t state that the article in question was ' substantially true in every particular and that be should not have signed the letter had he understood it to mean what it docs, and that he should request Mr. Ilreese to print that correction. Mr. Young, another signer, had not seen the paper of the 14-th inst., and 1 have no doubt it was the same with the others. The remainder of the letter published on the 18th inst. is: "He were all ires. ?nt, and witnessed the disgraceful pro. ccedings, and had it not been for Messrs Porter and Young, blood would proba. blr have been shed." The intention of thisstatcment, is that it shall be understood by the public as substantiating the allegations made on the Hth instant concerning weekly rio tous doings by Mr. vanderliilt s work men ut hiltniore when thev come for their wages, Hut when the particular (listniieliil proceedings were, is pru denilv not recounted, because, as a mat ter ol fact, they hud nothing to do with the case. Tin- following are the facta concerning the ''disgraceful proceeding" which the HiHiiinre estate is called to account for. Late Saturday evening, after all Mr. Vundei hilt's employes had received their pay at Hilt more and had disucrsed, a white man, said to be intoxicated, drove up ,ith a team to Messrs. Porter & Pntton's store, which is not at Biltmore, but in Victoria, where a number ol per soi. :, were silting and stunning, and as the team approached, a colored man sliouti'd "Wlioa," and possibly took hold ol the bridle ol one ol the team, so far as I can learn, to prevent the team driviue over him. This provoked the man driv ing, anil he alighted, with the manifest intention of inflicting punishment on the to. hi who shouted. I hat man drew a pistol, picked up a brick, or drew a knife, I cannot certainly learn which, and pre pared lor the encounter. Several colored men rushed to his assistance, and it look ed bs though there would be trouble. Mr. Porter, going for his gnn quickly broke up the disturbance; not a blow was struck, and no one was injured. The man with the team was not one ol Mr. Vnnderbilt's employes, nor were any of the" other persons engaged in the al fair, so far as can be learned. They are supposed to be men from a distance, and alter diligent inquiry, I cannot lenrn who one of them were, nor do I think that Mr. Ilrceseknows. It is evident to everyone, that the fact that these "disgraceful proceedings" took place, is no more substantiation of the alleged riotous performances of Mr. Vanderbilt's workmen referred to iu your paper of the lth inst., than any affray which occurred in Asheville or else where, nor woultl it be were it pruved, as I think it cannot be, that some of Mr. Vanderbilt's workmen took part in them. 1 only wish to affirm, as I did in my urc- vioiis letter, that the weekly assembly of Mr. underbill s workmen at Kiltmore f' r their pay, is not the signal for intoxi cation, cursing nnd riotous performances as was stated to be the case on the Hth inst., and that such disturbances did not in fact occur Sriitcniber 12, or the two previous Saturdays, as charged. That was all that was at first charged, and all that I denied. It is by no means unlikely that some men employed on the Biltmore estate may have been at Porter & Pntton's g'ore when the trouble occurred. Many of our workmen, as well as those work ing elsewhere, have lived near what is known as Kiltinoie and bought at and loafed about stores there for years, and probably have not changed their habits in this respect. But Mr. Vanderbilt's work is not the cause of this, though it probably enables some who would oth erwise onlv hare loafed, to go in and buy. After our workmen have received their pay nnd dispersed, they are not identified with the Biltmore estate until thev return for work, nor is Mr. Van derliilt responsible lor their conduct. He does not undertake tu provide guardians for them. Thev may and do go to Ashe ville, Victoria and Kenilworth, in each of which places liquor can be readily bought, aud become intoxicated if they care to, and create disturbances on the road, They do not Ret liquor at Bilt more, so far us I know. But the great er part of these disturbancesnrechargea ble to men who may be seen going to As'ieville early Saturday morning, who remain there all day, and leave intoxi cated. With regard to the statements in the letter by Mr. Hreeie, 1 wish simnly to -say that it is well known to all who" live along the Hendersonville road, and other roads leading out of Asheville, that 'drunken rowdiesha ve reeled andshouted and shot off pistols" along those roads, as well in Victoria and Kenilworth as elsewhere, not onlv on Saturday nights but every other night in the w'eek for many years, and that there is nothing in Mr. Hreese's letter which has any more reference to Biltmore nor to Mr. Vander bilt's workmen, than to Mr. Breese't or those working for Other pertons. I am infonned, and believe it to be the case, that most of the nightly , distur bances are to be laid to the charge of men coming out intoxicated from Ashe ville, and occur frequently, as stated by Mr. Breese, in the incorporated towns of Victoria and Kenilworth. Such being the case, it would be entirely proper tor those towns, of the latter o'f which Mr. Breese is mayor, to have the road pa trolled and better order preserved. This is not done, though I know it has been requested of the Kenilworth authorities. I think myself these occurences are dis graceful and should be prevented. It is well understood by Mr. Vamlcr bilt's workmen, that I he slightest at tempt at any disturbance on tlfir part is the signal for their instant discharge. This rule is observed. The consequence is that these workmen are a remarkably paceful, law-abiding set. 1 iceat my invitation to any one who cares to prove this, to come ou. Saturday and see. He will find much going on that would not occur in a drawing room, but 1 t ink will be disappointed if he looks for any riotous disturbance. 1 do not wish to be understood as staling that these workmen are total abstainers or non combatants. 1 know that such is not Un ease. I append several letters concerning matters relerred to in my lettcts. Iain, respectfully yours, C harks MvNamce. m Rn.TMURK, N. C, Sept. 10, 1801. r- coiTOK i Hh v. itiziin : I am the man wno tlrove up to Porter iV Patton s store in Victoria last Saturday when the disturbance occurred which has been mentioned in vour coluinnns. When I drove upl had a difficulty with a colored man who seized my mule In tra; head and stopped mv wagon. I jumped out alter him and he picked up a uricK to ttirow at me. Air. Porter en- de.1 the disturbance, No person engaged in the disturbance is employed on Mr. Vanderbilt's estalc. 1 saw the colored men who iiimoed oui to help thenian who picked up the brick, nut tliey are all strangers to n-e. F. M. I'utton. Hm.tmokr, N. C, Sept. 10, 1801. Editor Tint Citizen : We arc at Hilt- more every Satutdav and pay off Mr. Vanderbilt's workmen. We deny in loto the statements contained in your paier on September lth, under heading "May nea not excepting nt limes intoxicated men are seen about Hilunore. I) F. llerntlnn, (. It. Wheeler, jr. Etlward Aston. Bii.tmorr, N. C, Sept. 19, 1801 lilitTOR Thk Utizkn: Permit me to add my quota to the inlonnation about the disturbance iu Victoria last Satur day. I am a deputy sheriff and felt it mv luty as soon as 1 learned of the affair to investigate it thoroughly. I did so and learned that noneof the iersons engaged in it weie in Mr. Vanderbilt's employ, and that the colored men were all Iroin a distance and unknown here. 1 have read Mr. MeNaince s letter of this dale and his statement ol the facts ol the (lis turiiancc ate a I undei stand them to be. I wish also to sav that I have been cm ployed upon the Hiltniore estate for u year and a half, and probably am af wen acquainted with the lorce ou the e tate as any one. I think both the white and colored men employed on the estate ire the most quiet, peaceable and order ly set of workmen 1 ever saw. t rior 10 coming to witmore i was at one time chief ol the police of States villc, and was from time to time employ ed on the police ol that city. J. C. Live, I). S. ltil.riioKK, N. C, Sept, 1801. Lpitiir I'iik Citizkn: I was at Hilt- more Saturday, September 12. 1801. when Mr, Vaaderbilt's workmen were being paid off. There was absolutely no disturbance amongst them, they received their pay quietly and dispersed. I am at Hiltmore frequently on Saturdays and such disturbances as were mentioned in your paper on the 14-th inst., have never occurred when I have been there. It is my opinion that Mr. Vanderbilt's work men are a particularly quiet and orderly set of men. 11'. A. Thompson, C. U. Advice to Women If you would protect yourself from Painful, I'rofuse, Scanty Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR CAHTKitsvii.t.K, April lti. Thin will rertifv tlim two mt in tiers nf mv immerttMe family, iifwr ! savin au.lVre. fur rears from vie 1111 rmi irrriMiiuriiy. H'inir treated williu.it benefit bv nlivwic-iuiin. were at lenjrtb coniileU;ly cured hv one bottle of BrHrttleliP l-emiilo lletrululnr. Hh effect Is truly wonderful. J. w . htka-Wie. Book to " WOMAN " nmllpd FIIEK, whteh enntalui valuable iuMrmaiU'U ou tut renin it ttispap. BRADFIELD REGULATOR ATLANTA, SA. CO.. FOB SAIK Br ALL VHVQQISTS. YOUNG MEN OLD ME IT II TNI THUS OF THE SERFENTS OF OUEASI. Tksf mass hsrole snorts to frst tDemitlvoi, sni not snowing now so incceiinniv 8HAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES pin drtpmr n1 itni into to tirlf tauSRUOttlTkmbltFI.P.1 OUR NEW BOOK Hot froe. pol iid. (fltd) for limited tlm.ipllni th phlloaophy of DUe&l sVBti Affliction! of tb Ortrant of Mm, and how bjr HOME TREATMENT. br mttbodi loiuiiTtir w own. Mi worat of Loit or Falling Manhood, OanoraJ and Marvoii Do bllltr, Wknu of Bodf ad Mind, Bffacti of Errori or Ixcoisat. Stunted or tnaltts Orraif rmn h Cored. Bu in a day. Bow(oInUriand8tronfthnWEAI,UHDEVELOPEp 0B9AH8 FAME of 10DY mad plat u to all inWroittd. HiBtoaUfr from W State, Trrrftortft and Foreign Countma, TonMBWrfclhtm. tot Book, full MpUna'tno anil proofi. a.ldrl ERIK MEDICAL vO our rMLU,ri.i $10,000 REWARD. RICHMOND rtANVIM.B R. R. CO , lIKPlCb' OK GKNKRAI. MANAe.P.K, Atlanta, Gn., Sept. 1, IH'.lt Tliis company will pav $lO,ooo.uo fc-r the arrest and conviction of tlv- person or per sons who r m-ived the rail from the tra. k of the Western North Carolina Railroad, 'mnr Bos-ian's Briilee Ire lell county, North Car olina, on the night of August art, 1N9I. W. H. UKliliN, lien Manager, MSd.lOt Richmon 1 & tanvllle K R Co HOTEL DE GOWER. CEDAR MOUNTAIN' P. 0., N, C, Ai many of the guests will leave this pop ular retort by September 1, from that date until the close of the seasoa rates will be re duced to $1.25 per day; $7.(10 per week; (45.00 per month. Special rates made to families. The best climate, watr and table guaran teed, and mott antuteiuent fur the money. T. .C UOWfiR, Proprietor. au31dlm For MEN ONLY 1 V. a. for Infants "CMtorlatasowclladaptedtochfldrenthat I Irreomim-ndltaasmwriortoanynrescriDUoii I known to me.' II. A. Aaairit, M. I)., Ill So. Oxford St.. Bruuklyu, N. T. ASHEVILLE MARKETS. Corrected daily tv I''V'.LL Si SNIIM-R, wbolesnlc and retail khjcitb. Thrsv firiees lire luiiiK jmiti by the im rclmntt, ti dny. H'ltter L'0!Apiilf8 5(C 1no I virus .... Hi' Applet, 'tried iV t-'htekeiis 1 1!' offir.Mi I'tnnpkitiH.caeh ftOitlii Turkeyn 7nf oo-S' 'ruum 'Mini 3". I'tieks 1 to 'JiHilei nwax, per 11 1 s I'otntm-s, Hw't 7"llmey 1 I I'cttatues, Iriwlt .. fill Wheat lOO TuruipH 30di 4ii,L'nrn.. ff ini n?i MO. Meal Mf CfilibaKe, per lb... 1 lout,. ...ru Beans, pr bu loui. i jrlu ye 75 I'ens (',: 7."i Ilitv, ton $i."nn$i;ii hestnutB ,..'J nu 'eliTV. Hot L'."t(fJ;40 WANT COLUMN. WASTFIl. TyANTUIl. Two Imtll uirls at tin- ll.il.laii. I Ik-it-'lits San.it rium. - isjil - ini iit-.li,iu-l to Agi-20 to -J5. ' I iK, I'. W MililTS. al4dtl 'S Meat a n I i ttiiliui; . urt il. Cust m nn more t nsi- IturaenteNtir vry I'mvuir, Highly prt'unu-d iiihI superior, luiiy ii.le atdruK Ristw Try it ' apr'J7d1 w FOK h'i; T. RUNT. Kou. I'ur-ii-ln(l lions-s fu Ii sel I ill in JlllR M!T n ut A pptv to . W TSUN, Atint. St-, onil slo-y rtKMil fur h',ti, Hllxli't feet t. "11. ne slrt-i t. near I ii v ,t -urtet Apply I A LI 1 K, II' II l .V I. I'M Hi- TON, lltl'.Mf 1 '. 1 aito.i Avenue. n oaiit api.tre Ap- li'l.Wl' Hi S t'atti'ii V vim tie. - - - - pOK RUNT. Store and itnsrfikitl ply tt v i an jotitf jpoK Kli r. lioiid rooms lnr i tli t Si'eond tinor mm ilu it So 17 set Id 11 .r nttn-r put poses, Apply in .si'Ki-i'.r, t'si; i-o' ki;n . The l:c tuti u h"tiv k'luu it a tli.- i'i. M on run on 1st t i iv ! i .in i', ill-died us it ma suii Jt- v set Oil ivv JK U v t IUK- i 1 be t r r iiilit!-- i.' -TAU.1: OK UK NT 1 rom Novetn'ter 1st tojtttu- 1st, suburban ri siilcnct , 'J utiles h orn ctit t h use, iu the country, yet connected itn tv, n t . y Look out Mountain cl'iMrc ttattr.vav tiiiui e ery 1 ."i minutes. uipie jjiMuiid-i, exipnsttc view. House completely tu, indnd an . etpi.p pi d wit-t all mode u c otveni ltee b.Kha d w.i cr closet on b th tluors, electric b h hea'ed tlirouuhotn by s . att: with I'unti an boiler. Two rejiist.cn at Jtr-ev cows iu Iu1' it' owner who occupies it only as u tmuuiict residciice. Gentientati desiring a .vi tt i re-i- incnt. Addrchs sepldtt i'. t lock iio r;i.. tVK S Lh. House and lot, Hit pep -t street. Applv at HclTdtf 1!M lATTi.N AVlvNl li. A few choice pieces of furniture for sale. Cab ut h'Jldat G-lr- N FKIvNCll liKOAIt f ()V8 boR SAUli. I'ive tine voumk cows, with lirst calves. Three j'ive four K:'lh" each per lav, and will be sold for $-Ui e-ieh. Two ive ovir three gallons eat h per dav ami w ill be sold for $ i each. Applv at julUidtf lli,Y CtTIZi'X oi-i-ici:. pUK SAL1I. After th istnfSf t mb;r havdiir no fur ber use '"or the , sold tor no f 11 t one " iir rrev tlehlins I'er- hertm nt.-ck, the largest p fir ut ihe coautt v, : rf ' s'ill Krow;iK. rt- 11 fir four and ti.e, kmd nil tic i 1 t ve w 'V. hav bica worke' iu iiKin:-iiil plouuti sinet i :st Mav.aiid cati'i t be tualeit lor It 111 inu pur'aises Ke.m mii'T thes hor-' s are H I'cr enema stock f'r- m lyd "du e mare Al-o St'.d.bakci two i.nf-i' wil'tl a. d Irirnes mane f.o hor-- s by M- ui-ou Vulmm, N. Y Price $ 7a for the lot Anp v to H. 1 It INliM NN, S uit,, nailda I. 1 )., N C , Where horic can be seen miy dav except Sunday at work tin I 4-dtf HOAKDIXG. H' Three delightful rtmms with board, nt MKS.J A Li: I-:1... se; ldtf lid I bat oneet. II OA KIM NO. Hy Mr K. W. Kobinso t, at No 1 J 1 H iy wood str et Larue, any room and .veil shaded grounds Hot end co:d water, ami rii:ht ou Moiitlord 1'nt k cur tine auiadtf I'MMl-K ItO -KO. Rooms lame nnd airy H very tiling fresh and ncwlv panned, mid furnisi cd Immedi ately on street car line. Terms leasonable. MKS, J. L. SMATIllCHS, juul'Jdtf Hi Patton Ave. gl'MMKll HO A KHKKS. Aceommodaied nt Oakwood by a Tiladel phi i lady One mile and a half horn lloint nv bridge oa the Sulpl ur Spnnjjs electric ioad. Hailv mail Aiidie s tor terms MR 11 S. WILCOX. Inanda, 1'. O., Mu.tcoinbc Co., N. C. auL'-lrdlm N' TlCli. I hereby notitv all imTchnnts and other men iloini; business in tbe citv of heville or other places, not to all'" a- mv wife -tor child ren to make any biS uud have the same ehared to me. as I positively will not pay uny bills made bv them tt- r this date. uly , IH'.O nilN li. HAMPTON. iul'UHm MISChLL SKiil'S. I i Wn.iTi-rn bi til's' nudard brands f "X"t corsets iu br k' u six it at and be low cost Murrain- it we can lit vnt n.lHdtf HI: A K PI N St H NKI N. A rtd lrih set 'er ansu ers to name ot "Missie.1 Su tu' le rcw-ird f r any informa tion of where -bouts bc dtf KKNIL WORTH INN. LOST. In driv:ng from i.' ! drove street to Kenil worth Inn, a black shiwl "lease return t" J4 C.ROVK 8TKUHT. HelOd.St. Chalybeate Water, Hrouiiht in pine direct from the Asheville Chnlybente Spring (long known an Lee's Chalybeate spring t now on side at booth on north court iuuure, by the ubtsu, Ber ed cold, 2 cent", three irlasses 5 cents or by the sal tou, half gallon, ur any q natitv desired at low prices. H.J. ARMSTRONG. Jul7uU BABY and Children. CatoH enrss Cotle, Consthtlon, I Kills VVoriiia, give oluep, aud pruuiutm di e-eatlon. emir Biouiaeii, nuu-rim-ii r.nirun...n. Without injurious, medication, Tai Ciirrina Comfixy, 7? Murray Rirert, S. Y The E ii jff iilinc Wines C'lll now be foimil at ih- m ;t-.ii-litm-n is i I Honrmz'i Wine mid l.-itn.r Ccupatty mu Jarne- II Lougl'mii, Ashtil'i-, I'ntti' wish in i t puri'tuKe iiri-.t itn-i Hi, vn.evartj can have priei-s tpiou-H uu applaaii m. iia Sold by the ease oiily .1 ' ' 1 1 K 'loYT. w?l2dyin i.ntli i. N. c. $500 Ui war tl. Wli will pnv the a bo . r rt'i' f(.r hi v ca-t of I, ver Ciiiplaint, I'vsi .-iia. j,-k H. ;i nt he. ItnliKi'Mibm i'oti - tipa ti-m m i .,s. tivt-itesH we earn" t out u i t h V,-sl's Veueiahle l.ivir 1'il.s, v. h- n '.be di reel mux are strtt-t I v om p'-i"l wi They are purelv Wu titlili.-. ami im-vit t'til I irive aiitisi.u'iit.ii s-m;ir (.'..m d .;rv 1 boxes, eon t .liniity '.U 1 pi, is r ir an of count erti-il-i and i'ni .t M"'i- 1:1- y ti'ina mituutaetiin d i.ni v hv i' I' I ill v Ui.SI C i.M I' N V. C II iC i". 1, I , I. v T t Smith ' I'o . h1u-v . l CNt.l.ll AND I'KKM'II H0MEAISU UaY bCHOOL F0H GlfiLS, N" to Kr nt ), ii mti. , v. !), MKS. Ill lr,VV MAI T I.AMU'. I'M. Tin- si-Imk I will l-i - i't t. Siii'n I it 1 'J l i It 1 1 ' ii ix to i- infant i1us lr..:n mta 1 . 1 t vt-. All alti-rtl til 1. 1 a " t-.; 'i , -i ii , (,11 v 1 tiutl Will lit fonilt d !oi ladic- 'Mn 'i. dp . ,ij , , tion o" M tilt Pati-a- d de .a I av-ili. -Ii plumei- ilc 1'aead tun il- 1'anv ,i; uv I'Chi.k: acct.un. The llliolt Mnuilt.'in lt..t- ,v cbi iitj th tarn ..t a.ii .'in ,,, Wllicb the hntrl IM i-na.vrl. i I,- j -1 1 -Mountain sia imi -'ii 1 1 iC'. i , j ohnn railr-'ad. ah tit .tvm -n n.-i -eitvot Ab vtt c. in tie vii! i". nt i f' !'T . 1 S up a f'i.i . :b : 1 tiani.a lu-reas, M Si p.. Stcpp, his m iu-. ,, hi.-n-k t ; icniHtvid Huia rttdit ,-md i.itt- t , j olina. on th JJd d.tv -t ln'a , made nd t i-eutt d a m a - . ;-, : ! Iiavhv of No. so -..Mili - i ! and a ic t i Vm;. t- nit 1 j.din-a titer: n s- t uh.i mi, i'l "M 't 'K'i . t. ' vl-n i' i ii ' . t : . i otbee ot i't Ul-tt f 'il'i.t.v.u' la-.- i -in North i a in .. on h- '-'d .. -i !.. ins,-,, ui ii o'ei.-'k p it... in uie rt eoi (l1 a,' eli- mad t ML" ttirt er p M o ,a. I ' .d ;d.- I Itn-if. to A K N C . S ! rillr . me tl'iiu-.l, v l.a i in said ! -k ' W-i'cs i"-.7. . u ! b III. I il' l ! I ill 1 1 it i. .it.-, if,-'', vv hi ; r , at. di'iail1 1 iuis br, a ina l it' I ,-; , -.. n; ,, tin llloiit .t tn.d - -ai. m-i t--'a..e and Id id oi ir rt; iim ,t,-rt lot t hi , it : in ol Uu j now cr" ol vul as.a. ; 1 1 t j : i - s.ii.Imj nm-.-ami tUeil ot trust and lo. te. - .n uf .ac ic ci til t in t b' pa - tu- ; -1 ' t !i 'mi tn ..t m v dii ntidsccund I tia snii -i, a-.otsaui; tin tin if. i.;ii(.d as in '1;,i,m. .hi-! l i . i . lo "Mill I'lO' tK.o-c ti'l d. ii - t I - l ', 1 1 1 i ! t - i ! I s le by punlic ll. tii.'; up-. a 1 a- r , - as h rctuui tei d t tin d ' .; It i i t- In lie -1 I bl llCI III T-ln II - i t . O' Mm , I lit .1 l; d i ; u it lober, A 1'.. I I . tin- 1.01,1- a .1 p-cai-i ises a- set ort Ii and il- i t d 1 a -.oil tin a t I XilUe (Iced, ami i;i . .! ol i: u-a , am ".r 1 nmi'i I jaul tenia r dt mti j 1 1 n n . -t it:e -.i m n-u-i , m-i.-1 is hereby made t -aid itn : ! a -t a- .!, d of i trust, us r- ytsiei-fi! in nd 1 Lt- 1 v i..l,ir J above statt tl. said I a a.'- at ' pi t tin -( t,. h j soltl iu o: tlct to -.iti". lh, il ' (-, i'o-!-- and all ex; t iim-s nt. tu r. il hi h-.,m .:. ,,: - 1 1 1 , , So si-cured by -aid innri-io --i i d e-i n trust, m-eonliUK n 'la. 1 n H 11 t ,c -aim . 1 Ins August is , t Ii.iKI.i. A. KAN K I N, Trustee, For furt hi r pat li.nlars a Keed, ut torne.V. itlhi- law aid buildtiiK, Ahhiviitt , N, . , auiidids RICHMOND & DANViLLE H. !. CO WESTERN NO-ITH C .VIOLIN 4: DiVJSlON, Cotlilitiscd schedule in t Mei i : t o, l- KASTiiiirsn No i.i ) " Kiioxvilie, lv T V., vi,. l L' :. p ; ' .ilorrist w u. " 1 .". Lv. I 'uint Km k, K . i i 1 . I .i p '. 1 ' I " Hot Sp.'niUS, ' I I1-;"!! I 'J. 'J j-lll Lv. A-nevidc, " ii -'pr " Koiimi mi ib, " 7 i-pa: .; -;i .in " Marion, " s i pai t .; ui.. " Mo canton, ' s in , i t N rin " Hiikory. " l-n-m .". J-i- n " New .mi, " 1 o ' i pat 1" r. " Statesviile, " 1 1 mVmii '. i . . v: Ar, Mlllbm y. " m; 7 I .-a; " llreen-Ii'iio, " ;o . ;i ; i , " lUUi ibe. " L.i'iiii 1 t A r. Kiel; in oud, " (i I 7 in i 7 i 'am Lv. C-r' eiishoro " to nn n r: in m Ar. luirliam, '' I ," : nn I ,( '-:-u " Kab lull, " 1 ...p a , 7 l.-'.vn " (Joldsii ro, " ,". .".pin L' o .p I. v. Iiau vide, " 1 - .pin : i 1 ". - at Ar. Lvnchb m K , 1. ; ir. ..in ;rji',,ai WufchlUKtoil. " '.I li.iii'i .i ... ai : " Haitiumrc, I'eint 11- pci 1 J I oa ' I'liibob Ipliia. " .'i "it,, m i ,p.,. " New York. " ' J . t i ' t . a . a, Wl'STHoI'M), No 'J i .n i Lv Sew Yn-k, I niti. TJ l".,m 1 .1.., p 1'htlad- Iplna, " d o on " Bab nn -re, " i'. I ". ai 'i .' .i " Wahii.to:, K l I l h m 1 : ..op " Lyiicbiiurf;. " di"pm j .am Ar ltnu vide, " h ( ' ; a i h p. mi Lv. Kicbmond " ." ' 1 -yu . J .'. n i " Panvillc, p ., ; .,, Ar. Oreeiisboro, " 1 it .', ..-mi i I tu Lv tiald-ooro, U I' . i.'.p n , . -pra ' KaleiKb. " '"' 1 11 " 1 1 ' m " lUiriiaiu, " 7i .'pti- ua Lv Oreensboto, 'o.'.pM! ini'sun " Salislmrv, " IL' " :im 1 t -am '' Sialt-sv lie, " 1 7i -'..tu ( I ' .'.-pn New t on, " 'J 7 i a 11 I ; an " Hickory, " .. .iki-ii -.'oi'pni " M'ireatittiii, " a.'i am; ii ::t i j " Marion, " t- tr.atti l ipm " kimn.i Kn.dt, ' ;". i:;ain! " ". i pm Ar. A-hevtUc, " d.i'.ain ,rn .pin " Hot Sprnms, " s id.-iai , i t-opm " I'uint Kock. " Plt-a ! 7"tt;iiu " MtnristowilpH i' ' .V 1 ' iiTam 7 1 "pm " Knoiville, '' ll ;t'- i io i s L-'o-pm tSOUTHMOl NIi '--o I f No. I (i. Lv Asheville, i IK II .'Mam; L'Diipm " Hender.'' ui villc. " t L' -t '.pm ; ;i 1 1 1 pm l-'lut Kock, " 1 L.' ;s;.m ,".ltnm " Saluda, " 1 " 'pm 1 ii-H p m " Tr on, " 1 a , pm ; l Torn Ar. SiuirtanbTij. " ;i"opai! .".Lidpin nokthiuh'mi N" i:t 1 t Lv. Spartuubutf; ' 7 opui j ipm ' Tryon, " s .j. ini MMipui " Saiuda, " s I'.ipmi ,'i l-lain " l ltt Kock. " Pi7pml 4-,,.'pill " Hendefs'uv'le, " ! ) ilptn 4 l'L'omi Ar. sbcville, " loo.j.pmj ;(i7pni Wl Kl'IIY UK Wi ll V" "' ! So !-(.. l liail c.v epl Sun Lv Asnevi le, " 'I'lftm I Ar. Wavnesville, " Hrvsou City, P-f'-tm I u i : pm pm 1 " Toimn'a, b Lv Tomo'la. Ar. liryson City, " Wavnesville, " Ashcide, si.i:i;pim; i." it -t:ti """No's Viand m full nuiSI RalciKh, Ottcnsboro nd Kit Nits 1 ' mid i - rullin -u m Kutixville nnd New Yo k. 4 r-Oatn 'J - !.'! ttl L't optii I'Ttpui ri" i s bet ween - d c. eter- bt" ween via A-hevibe, Satisiuirv and Wn-hhinton. Nos. ITi and Id, Tubman Sleeper beeween Chntleston. Ciiicmnat-, vi C"lum ia, Spar tanburg, Paint Koe Mioxvtll aril Jtllico. No 13 aud 1, fill I -i an Sieepi v. Car ne tween A-.be . ille and Savai.nah, via Spartan burir and C. K. K. ot On. W. A. Tl.'KK, A". 'ei R. R. IlRUHWiKS, t bai l i P, .die, A., N. C. Supt. slli vitle, N. i J i I.. I : t 1 .1 ) n, W.H. GRRKN, Oeu Pass. Ant Gen. Manager. SOL, HA Ah, lTailie Mnnuger. HWIS MAIIIU'X. 1'i-t'S. II. T. col.UNS,Viix--I-re8. Capital, $55,000. Surplus, $30,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. Slate, County And City Ilepository. Orji.mUcfl May, i88. . 1 . v ; ; i;. 1 , 1 1 a n k 1 n ! urstXKss tiiansactki). Iuler.-sl J'ai.I on IK-pi.tU-s In Saving, Ocpartiuent. nilUXTOHSi ..l;-,VIS M MilM'X. II. r c 'I.I.INn, l I. I. I-., m; 1. 1 1 "S. II. Fl.-i-il, o;i. 1, -mm ;i a. m., till . I' SAWVIiH. I'KK-il i'M-. OTIS M,;cilXli, Vli b-1'kks CAPITAL "in; nizi;ii:marcu.:i, is-.il. Battery Park Bank. 'Iran 'i -is it ir- iii-ial bankinir bu-iness. "i a ppi oi cil ualaUT.il Codec tions made SAFE DEPOSIT. Ut iits m.x. w in its I iroi'rooi Vaults at Reasonable Rates. S...i. i!.: ,. o i-i 1 . uf arltviiluals. tia-iks. liankcr.ifirnisinilScurpunuions. tHHIXTORH. S i. . ,s, I . r-u ii ,i, . T H u I. . S C-..V, ! I. V. V.. .1 IL l;. S i). M 1 SHU iil'IISIIII. RALEIGH, N. C, FROM OCT. I, TO DEC. 1, 1891. FOURTEEN SOUTHERN STATES 1 ".-1 i t i.-i i .-1 1 . t(--"dicf with Arizona and New .Mexico. These will show .their uiid.'vrlopi'd ami developed resources and ndvettise lo the ninny lliousands their advantages. AMUSEMENTS An-l ini oi-o-t iii.u.- features of every description will enter tain. President Harrison will likely attend, as will also doveriKir hittison. of Pennsylvania, toe-ether witli Gov ei in irs of South. rn States. SPECi.1L ARRANGEMENTS Have ln-e i made for hundreds of newspaper men to attend (.Vjti). Special Slate and School days hnvelieen arranged. HE EXHIBITS Will lie in Hie lai-oest liuililinjj,-ever put up in the State. North Carolina not niakiti"' n proper exhibit will suffer in results and he outstripped by other states. SPECIAL COUNTY DAYS have lieen arranecd with representatives from thu Western count ies as In-low: October 2. Transylvania M. 1). Cooper. October."., Yancey W M. Moore. October (5, Swain U. L. Iieatherwood. October 7, l'olk-C. A. Carson. Octobers, buncombe V. F. Toiulinson. Ocioberl l-, Mcl)owell-J. T. (iritlin. October Hi, Macon Dr. C. J). Smith. Oclober 20, Henderson II. (1. Ewart. Odober 21, Clay-It.M. Kensew Oct,. ber 21). Cherokee K. F. Case. ( 'ctober :i0, (iraliain lr. J. A. Cooper. November 4, Mitchell I. W Bowman. November a, Watauga--I). 15. Dougherty. November 11. Madison J. C. I'ritchard. November lit, burke W. C. Knvin. November li), Ashe G. W. Brown. No ember 24, Haywood Z. V. Rogers. November 2(5, Rutherford T. R. Justice. November 20, Jackson W. 0. Tomkins. Cit izens of buncombe county solicited and urged to send in their exhibits by the 20th September. S. R. KEPLER, Director. REV. G. II. HELL, Collector. L. F mcloitd, Cashier. j. r;. ray. LHARl.HS MCNAMBK, J h RANKIN, M.J. BliAKDI-.N.; Hi; I-II. I - p. rn. On Salur-lav. till 6 p, m. . 1!. RANKIN, Cashikr 'S1()),()00.()0. Com nit rein I paper discounted Loans tnaa un all accessible poium. Mi-llfi!. Il'lM IL, Com;. Ciuk. T. v. Patton, f II. T. Coi.uns, Ii. S. Pkkkv, W. H. Ballard, AT MP ill nil III "SHf atiFtiexs hif. bdhiii if W(,V;lsS,l":;iWW;'Vlft. 1 - ".'".'.r1 .-w.tvi,wirt''ww'N yiso'