ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 22. 1801. SPECIAL DAY AT THE EXPO. Bl'NCOJlBE'8 IA V OCTOBER WILL 8. BE W. F. TomlliiHon, who Will Super Intend on That Day, Appoints Hit AHHlNlanta, one From Kacli Township. W. F. Tomlinson, who is to supi-rin-tend "Buncombe day" nt the Southern exposition, issues the following: Thursduv, October 8, has been selected as the Buncombe county day at the Southern exposition, and as 1 have been appointed to represent the "State ot Buncombe" on that occa sion, 1 would especially urge that all who have not prepared exlul s should do so at once and send to i !ier Mr. Kepler or myself, so that we will h i ve such u display of the products ot the fer tile transmoiitaue section as will he worthy of her. Buncombe has been as signed a prominent space in the exposi tion building, and it is now being hcai.ti full v decorated by Mrs. Annie Wlii'iin ad. of Kaleigh. One car load o! exhibits w II go from here on ImhI.iv m' . "1 have appointed the 'olio ,ving -jfii-tlemen as assistants at thei poMinm on "Buncombe day." hv au'liuim missioiier John I. I'auiek: Asheville M. L Need. rpt)cr 1 1 . J 111 t II I l II"Vt Loin- Lower Hominy 1'airview K C Limestone. I . K Swauuailoa C. -.' I. N. K. t. lay'.ou. t ',ai r n. II. S e bcrts Black Mountain . M M.O.y Reenis Cnek B l nvi r French itiuii. D A. B ael. well. Flat I. nek . V. KoIkt.s. II. Wo.,.l.,rd. Morgan ilill-J N Morgan. Averv's Cre k . li. C' elir.i i. Leicester 1 I) I-' 1i'1ku-mu. Sandy Musi, L L. L In d. Tickets ol ;i in ssi .ii t. the :.'''"iim!s will lie luinisliul to all v;; ailem) This is important. The iiiijniiiv ol thtisc mentioned al'ove have Ik cm sun and signified their intention ol .itninl ing. Those who cannot go will please so notilv me. INTEHESI' IMHI.ISIM;. Ten ConterHlntiH at Mr. Tultle's M ellim l.'i Mlitht. Kev. Mr. T tittle's serin. mi hist night at Central church was the strongest he has preached since he has been in Ashcvil e. His subject was "The great white throne, or judgment ot the last d.iv." Hi open ing remarks were iu keeping with the sublime theme he discussed. Fiom the lirst sentence to the eloseol the disci.m se ! the stillness ol the heaieis was ilk. J death. Never perhaps has a sernn n hetn hearil here that was so powerful in con vincing men and women ol the .vail! revelations ol the day ol liual accounts. Otic was made to see tlicopcn books and tbe awful record ol every thought, worn and deed ot lile, wtth its pages colored with tite influence wielded, whether in public or private h'e. Mr. Tutlle spoke plainly, yet without an e-athet or utt iuni wonl, ot the tearuil record that public olheials will tiud iigaittst tnetu. He said tne town cotmcl and board of county commissionct would have to answer lor the hinder wasted w ives and ragged chihln u ol drunkards mailt in the licensed wlnskv houses ol this city. His picture ol On board granting license lu men to make criminals, anil at the same tune drawing the jury to try them, was most vivid. But bow difleteiil his preser-tationot this subject from usually met with even iu the pulpit. His every sentence was pregnant with love and symnath and his appeal to sinners to havi -.e iccord of guilt blotted out sviin . . li .mini Christ moved the congregation i. tears, and caused a huge uutuncr lodicl.tre themselves seekers ol p,(rdo :. There were ten public prulcssiunsoi ..ti.j .it the eiose ol Hie service. Tin-: ai.i)i-:u.ii:n. tipecial Meelluic Held In tin- Mayor'M Otlice YeMerda. A special meeting of the hoard of alder- men was held in the mator's otlice yi s-1 terday atteiuoon at 4 o'clock. Aider- : m.-n Reynolds, Starnes Brevard and Mc- j IXjwcII were present. Alderaian Starnes ; presided. J The matter of disposing of a tew bonds ' was taken up. A letter was read trom ' W. Piuckney .Mason, ,.f R. ckville. Md regarding the city's bonds, Mr Mason saving that he dest't-d to invest in lour bonds ol the denomination of $aii' each. He wanted to know it an certain class would be prclci able, file city cltrk was iristrticted to advise- Mr. Mason, ! that while all the bonds were- eipi.dlv good he might lake i he market house bonds, as the money was desired tor tin purpose ol completing that budding. The board onli'-ed the reltase of the bondsmen ol . It. Clayton, ex-supenn-tendent of streets, when Mr. Ci.nton shall have made Ins linal settlement with the citv clerk. W. 0. Wollc told the board that the deeds called lor a twelve-loot alley be tween Dickerson ci Co.'s store, and the First National bank As it now is. Mr. Wolfe pointed out. the hank authori ties nre putting iu a wall, which narrows the alley down to eignt leet. The street committee took the nuttier in hand, and the board adjourned to meet again on Friday afternoon. The street committee investigated the wall of the First Nationa1 bank, and found that the bank people had deeds which showed that they were building strictly on their own grounds. TIIK HXHIHIT. A Shipment of Specimens) to Ite Made Next Thurndav. S. R. Kepler is busy now, getting ready to make the first shipment of products of Buncombe county to Raleigh, for exhi bition at the Southern exposition. A number of specimens of minerals, woods, etc., have been received, enough to muke a small show, but after all a very small part of what Buncombe should send down. Mr. Keplerundhis assistant, Rev. Geo. II. Bell, have worked hard to get up this exhibit. They expect considerable additions within the next few days. Bun combe's space at the exposition is 15x47 feet, and every inch should be tilled with something which will interest the visitor n well as the orosnective settler. There slwuld lie un excellent display of the county woods, but us vet there are only a lew samples. Those nbeady se cured however, are splendid s miens, The first shipment will be sent down Thursday, and another shipment will be " made next week. Let every person who is interested bear this in mind, and bring or send anything that will add to the vulue ol the exhibit. Buncombe must keep up her reputa tion, but she will not do it if her people sit idly by, while the procession moves forward. AROUND TOWN. ForrcaHt till 8 a. m , Wednesday Clean Hlalionurv tempt rHlurei Nllitlilly war men HorlUerlv wliiclf. Saturday's revenue collections amount ed to $4.N6l.9X. There will be a prize drill of the Ashe ville Light Infantry in the armory on Friday night. H. X. 11 wire, stamp clerk in Collector Rollins' otlice. returned yesterday Iroin a sliort trip to Winston. 1'rof. Hasstert and members of his or-1 chesua left on Moudav lor Philadelphia, j to be gone several weeks. Miss Laura MeLoud left this iltemoon ! t'.ir Spartanburg, where she w ill take a position in Converse college nste.iclicr. I A. iron II. Woodhu!l, starringin 'Tncle Hiram." a New F.nulanil comedy, comes I to the Grand next Tuesday night, the '.".It h. Recorder Miller looked alter a pistol case, one drni. k anil a last driver this morning, and when the debi is was e'eared up C hid McDowell's book showed .s;u'i iu lines. M. F. Burke, now connected with the ivi hinoiid I imcs. is at the Swauuailoa. licit' lu- will remain lor several d.iys. Mr Bui kr was lorn erlv manager ol tie Western I'laou telegraph ollhe in Asht silie. Mr, C I). I'liabam has very generously g vui the i sei'i Ins due hall over l.indau ,v; II aigh's .-toie, near the cotion t.ic i.iry, tree ot icul for nine months to tin Kn Icrg.irtcii nssociatiou. The school lor the little ones will open Si tit 'Jit. Ldward Foiee, of I on svtlle, k.. at-! tci a sol "ii a ol ten moil' lis at the piiu c p d i call h lis a ts ol 1- ai . pc. si.t and ; rw.t is now back in Asmvdlc Mr. F -in sas unhesitating v that he eon- ; Si u-sA hcville the grandest health re-j sort in the world. W A Dougherty, manager ol the -he-', vnlc lii.:iich ol ii. B llanitim Jt Co . clotlners, has icturued trom his put-' chasing trip north. This linn's new I g ii -ds tor the fall ami winter season arc ! ..Hiving now. ati'l are bung pir in posi- ti m will the good taste al.vas shown bv the heail ol this branch. The Raleigh correspondent of the Wil mington Messenger says: "Mr. S. K. j Kepler, of Asheviih-, is here arranging ; lor the exhibit w hich the Ninth congres sional (list i ict will make at theexpost-: snion. lie represenl-seventeencounttes. Some line products w ill lu-siiow u." Mr. . Kepler returned to Asheville Saturday. Kvervbodv in general, but ladies in p iriti ul. ir, will enjoy a visit to the l.vce-1 inn tonight, the regular weekly meeting, 1 he ka iuii- ol the evening is to bean a Idtiss by Miss L. M. Curtis, of New 1 oi k. on "Physical culture." Miss Curtis has given this subnet long study. ! i-r tall, will greatly l.ei.elit anv who itti ml tonight. I The tr.iv ling public will be pleased to learn that on the litst ol t Ii toher tele i it Miotic connection will be established be- v, t wet ii the city ticket otlice and tin- pas-. r seuger dciiot. Un and alter that date, Clarence W. Murphy, ci'y agent, will he j pr. pared and pleased to furnish all iu-1 ipnrers with the neivs regarding the; uioveniciits of trains. This is a much iktded ci vctiienee and one that the ; illiiif will !!' t lad to appreciate. If uny section ol Notth Carolin i gets ahe d ot r.inii.ouioe e, Hint v on tall corn at the S"iii'i n i Tiiositioii, it will have to he doac b using a tor: y-l ,ot ladder, l ai-mir Joiiti Capps, one ol lliinc tube's b- si idlers ol the soil who lives on I nner Ket ms eret k, brought to to .vnaj couple of sta'ks ot corn, each ot tthich niiasuies IT teel in height. The seed was i planted in the latter part ot May. These , spkiuiiil specimens wil he sent lo Kaieigh, whee thrv will lorth a pari ot Buncombe's exhibit. Mrs. Lockhart. -via. of Capt. John S Lock ti. u t, one ol I 'ur ham's latgest tub i e' en dealers and ititbicntialci'iZ' Ms, died at t he Western insane astlum at Morgan ton this morning. Capt. 1 I. S iw yer, ol Aslkvillc. of t i if board of directors, who was also a warm tn r soual trieud ot Mrs. I.ockhar'., received the news o! her death by and a casket was sent down ' v Blair - M,- Dott ell Mrs. Lock hart w as an tstiin.i I hie la Iv, but about two wt-.-'.s ago on account ol t he impairment ot her mind, she was taken to the nsvhim. I'ae dt C' a sed was about 4-,i ye.irs i , I , t and h ives a bereaved husband and several c'lildren. The nioud took Train following change in the ! and Danville railroad schedule i-tVect on tht Jotb instant: No. lolroni Spartanburg, w Inch la-retotore has nrrived shrvdli- at at !-. ir, and "MTvillg the .":1 7 p in now reaches lit is continued to Paint Rocl Charles ton and Clin itiu.n i st etier. w hu h arrives m Cincinnati at 7 -O a. in. in stead ot lo:!.") or formerly, thus enabling pas-t ngers to take birakiast and make the many west and northwest connec tions at I hut point. Train No. 11 now haves Aslu villi- at 0:00 p m , instead oi .":'j;i as lornierlv, and carries the Jersey City and Kuoxvdle sleeper Train No. Ill, can viug Knoxville 'old Raleigh s'eeper. now leaves at ti:'.l p. in., instead I b;'.i as tonnerlv. Realty TraiiMiicllonn. The following deeds have In-en tiled in R' gister Mackey's olTice for registration: jesse R. Starnes and wife to Hill - Mc I ii tire two lots on But trick sireet, 'J-lx-Wi left each $1 .ollU Jesse K. Starnes and wile to Hill ck Mtlhtire, lot Haywood street "7x130 f et 2.000 Asheviilc Loan, C. and I Co., to Mrs. A. M. Grant, lot on Mont fort avenue, (iOxl.St) feet l.lioo Miewereit and Cured. "First I was skewered and then I was ' cured," says Jones, and he laughs heart-j ily over his li'tle joke. Well, let him laugh. Let laugh who wins. He was skewered through by dvspepsia and its attendant train ol ills. He was cured by I'r. Pierce s Golden Discovery. Do you feel dull, languid, low-spirited; experience a sense of lullness or bloating alter eat ing, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in ; Cue mouth, irregular appetite, ! Irtipient headai-iies, nervous prostration' or exhaustion, hot flushes alternating with chilly sensations, sharp, biting transient pains here and there, cold feet, drowsiness alter meals, wakefulness, or ; disturbed and unretreshing sleep con- i slant and indescribable feeling of tlrsad, or of impending calamity? These are symptoms of Bilious Dys-1 pepsin, or Indigestion, Dr. Pierce's i Golden Medical Discovery will subdue ' the cause, if taken according to direc-J tious, for a reasonable length of time,, or money paid for it will lie cheerfully re I funded. j Simmons Liver Regulator is the loe of malaria as it throws off the bile and pre vents it accumulating. Special Hales and (tehedalcs. See w. M.Clarke. Member Anter cau Ticket llrouern AtMcoiailon. Coughs and colds kept off by tiiking Simmons Liver Regulator to regulate the system. To AclvertlNeraP To insure change of ndvertisemfnts running on regular contract, copy must be handed in bv 10 o'clock ft. m. WOULD LIKE TO KNOW: Why the street cars will not wait for each other at the square, although the delayed car is within fifty feet of the junction. Who cares for electric lights when the moon gets in its baud like it did last night. What service is expected of the tar bar rels on the south side of the square. How it happens that the register of ! .li't'ilti for TrmiBvlvntiin rnnntT in elprtprf . 111 'ywocul. Alderman Starnes doesn't make a Koih1 presiding officer. HUNACEDi'S DEATH. II Will Aid In the Restoration ot Peace Iu Chili. Valparaiso, Chili, via Galveston, Texas, Sept. 20. The suicide of Balina ccda in his bedroom at the Argentine legation in Santiago, is the one exciting topic of conversation in every part at tins city. 1 here is a mingled lecling of savage re luieing at his deatK and ol bitter regret that lie suould have killed bmiself iustcud i,l lading into the clutcues ol the infuria tea etiueus, who would have delighted to tend him limb iroin limb lor the long list ol cruellies lor which they hold him i espoiisiole. It is Hie general lieliet that Balmaceda's death will Hasten, iu a great degree the restoration ol peace throughout Chilli. Now that the chic! encmv ol the victor ious juulu is no more it is likely ttmt bis olio ers will be shown mercy, since without Balmaceda to direct them they are very little to be leared. N. Y. Her ald. Our Natural Knemy. From tlif W.stern i ituen (Rep.) I he republicans have nothing iu com mon with either alliance or democrats. F. O. Hoffman, editor Times, Kocky Mount. Va., w rites: "I am pleased to say that Botanic I'-'mvl B-ibn i the l est a p actier and tome tor iteheate poeple 1 ever saw. It acted like a charm in my case." The iniallible crotine. headache cure Bnidv- Why suffer with dvsepsm, billiousnrss or any disease of the liver when vou can Ik cured by Simmons Liver Kignlar. AdvertlHlntt CIl'. rl'S iiwiiv a new business ; i;St..Ki IjS many tin nhi business ; kICVIVES maiiv u dull husiriets ; A7:Sc77i'N mam a lost business; S.I 17;S mnnv n Hilling business; I'KIZSI-'RVHS mam a lurge business; S:Vi 7t7;S stcct-ss in anv business. lt .averti-e iutliciouslv, use the cut umr.s ol" The Citizen." livery hiuly reads :iml mtinmi'i tion to the returns it h- ntlvertise' itsmtes lire t lie c.'.ea;) n the cnxntrv III MINI. MH MITIl'Kt, Forty Decorated Chamber sets, large size at Si! m er South set. this week only at Law's Mam street. Whitman's Candies ger's, f 1 College sireet. at Kro Index lo Sew AdvertiMeineniH. KnoMs Thns A. Marris. Untki id ; sturn-s Ave. W t tkk l-'emale CnllfK". Sti-si-: i iiNTHteTOH i- M Brot. 1-tNANCiAl. Kris .1 H. WYkinson. Y ,'sinn A eaotl hniiitr Veppfr, cnnnlilf of mipenn- n-rlni: militia kitcnt-n una rvatuit Miplv lit l-'t-uutie c'ollene. i n College utret-t t-gatl' 11 lAKHINlt. Per otis ilt-siriiii: linard in a tvfll iiiitttl hi. use eun nla an samf ny aimliinK t Ml 7SIAK.-SAtlI gj llm KOOHS For October and November Anlcn Pur Hotel, which him hern lull du- in; all '.In iim-t-r itio-ilhl, nnw has a lew ri.iiiiis with tire pi e?, far the moiuhi at i t l)'-r anil Novi mher. THOS A M tKKIS, si g.liltilsrao N. C ST. MR,S SCHOOL, RrvLEICH, N. C. I ll ii AHVF.NT TKR.M BFGINS ON SEPTEMBER 24TH. ntilJm BINGHAM SCHOOL WII.I. OI'BN OCTOBER it. Char 9 for day wcholam. $112 per term, ni.yiihlr Ooto t-r 1t, $." February 1 which cuvvri tuition and books for three Hoys who can rea-i intellixeutlj, write leg. iMy iind HtlU, ub'r n t. multiply and divide whole numbers are nu ficientlv advanced to enter. Fo turth'-r particulars apply to Maj K IHnKh-im. at H3 Montford Avei ae, Athe ville, til September 23, and alter thnt at the school Ml0ct3w FINE, GLOSSY HAIR GROWING THICK AND LUXURIANT, JUST TRY THE ROYAL QUININE HAIR TONIC. A purely vegetable compound, guaranteed tree from all irritating and greasy anbatancei. It is chemically combined, and absolutely harmless. It cleanses the scalp and promotea the hair's growth and prevents it falling out. If continuously used it will prevent and cure dnndrun. Price 50 cnta a battle, 6 bottles for $3.50. Manufactured only by RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 Patton Ave. FALL OPENING OF- DRY GOODS' MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS TAKES TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY. SEPT. 22, 23 AND 24. TIip public are cordially invited to call and inspect our immense stock and pass judgment. Tis the largest and MOST COMPLETE We hn ve ever shown More goods under our roof than in the whole of Asheville combined. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Miss I'osey, formerly of Miss porium and Joel Gutman's, of HEAD TRIMMER Of our millinery department. tend at No. 11 Patton avenue. F. P. MIMNAUGH. CARPETS AXMINSTE1I, WILTON, imiJSSELS. AND RUGS. A KT SQUARES. COTOA W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO, No. 16 Patton Ave., C. E. MOODY, DEALER IN LIME, PLASTER, Portland, Loulivllle nd Jainea River Cement. Firewood cut and split any size and length. Kindlings, charcoal, coke nnd hn.v, also manufacturer of patent con crete and til1 sidewalks and artificial stone window sills and caps, curbing, gutters, steps, etc. Yard and Warehouse Near Freight Depot, Telephone 73. Office 30 Patton Avenue, Telephone 40. 33 ONNYCRE GT IHSHST AT SKYLAND SPRINGS, N. C. Will h kept open thrown October. It will be trr jnient itecemner 1. The? attraction! are: A spick-tnan new honae, lance roomi with tire pmcri, fine viewfl. minrral tprinffs, no mad erer The own-r ia mot ty, bat to pieaae hit jruntR i nd advertlw vim inunt be nam to pieate it you are not BonnrcTeat. Will vou com and are? You will be rrannuahle. Can too spend October with nt May w hear trom ou ON TUB ASHBVt LLB & 8PARTANBUR( CRUSHED GRANITE PIJR Sidewalks and Drives. EXTRA HARD, IH'RsBLR 8T0NB, WBLL KCKBBNRD. A GOOD ROAD AT LOW COST. L.C.BHI7KY, jul3tM2m P. O Bos S68. WOFFORD COLLEGE Hpartanbury c' JAS. H. CARLISLE, LL. D., Pres. FOUNDED 1861. Wofford Collem offer, to stndrnta in the four college classes two parallel Conines of study, each 'railing 1 1 the degree of Bachelor of Arts In one of wh'ch Muucm larguagca are anbsUtnted for Greek. BXPBN3B8. Rnard, tntltion, matriculation, washing, lights fuel, books, and Hit o cry, the neccs say college espenaea for the year, can be met with one hundred and fifty dollars. The nemt Srs'lon begins the 1st day of October, 1HU1. J. A. GAMBWBLL, fee. of Faculty WOFFORD COLLEGE FITTING SCHOOL partanbnrtK, C. The fourth ses.lon begins October t. 1"91 Boy. prepared for College. Bxpeaae man be covered bv tlSO uer mt BauervuMo careful and constant. A. 0. KBMBBRT. A. M., Head Master. aulSdeodSOd PLACE McLanalum's millinery em Baltimore, is AND DESIGNER Everybody is inviled to nt- 'I Beautiful new eolorinysand design! for fall of "01, in VELVET I NO RAIN, FUK RUUS. SMYRNA UU JS, BYZANTINE lU'OS, MATS, MATTIXU. OIU'LOTH A XI) LIXOLElWi. closed during No rem be r, Will open for win- managing the honae himself, not to make Skyland. anitea wun tne tare ana tne treatment at welcome Will you write fur tertni ? The r are ? We hope yun can: it i such a lore' y month. R. R., 8 Ml LBS FROM AAHBVIf.LB. OTIS A. MILLER. Skyland, N. C. Acme Phonography. SIMPLE, LEGIBLE, RAPID. NIGHT SCHOOL OP SHORTHAND : AND : TYPEWRITING. Inatrnction by mall to those unable to at tend. Setsiun begins Oct ,ber 1, ISBt. A. EMERSON EVE, Prlncpal. OVBR POBTOPPICB. ae21d3w PRIVATE INSTRUCTION IN tHORTHANO, TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP AND BOOKKEEPING, BV 101 Bailey Street. taT-Method. modem, Rate issooaW.1 aaidlm ASHEVll.Uj AUVt - K) O FORKED - FREE - FROM - OUST, FOR DOMESTIC USE. Celebrated Jellico and Best WHOLESALE AND UGTAIL COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MANUFACTURERS ANDJJDEALEUSjIN ICE. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 rntton Avenue -THE CAROLINA SALOON TO THE While others are putting a bug in your ear, listen to me : I am now btttcr prriarrrt than ever to nirni.h yon with anything umallv kept in a flr claw aaloun. 1 haw the lariat and lwat .toi-k In Wcilern North Carolina! it not in i State, anil it cnn.i.t. of the tintst brands of Whlikic.. Winr and FHandln known In l world. Hurkr'a Thratnr Irish Whlakcy, beyond a dooht the nnrat in th. world. Trr and yin will be convinced thnt I am advertising nothing bnt iata whilein Kuroiie, during the summer of 1NH0, I made arrangement, for the above Whia key. Spanish Sherry and 1'ort Wines, the equal never brought to Ashrville Imported clar ets. Pontet Canct. Margnui. Chateau Belmont very tine. In French I) ran (lies I have a lain atock. Including John llrnnrssr Jii Co V Three Star and other standard brands; Mass Co ' Hale Ale, and Cuiniiess' Hxtea Foreign Stnut. .n lact, my atock of Im ported liiinor. and wines nre ton numerous to mention. My stock of Rye whiskies unbraces somr of the finest nnd oldest brands known. Beer the finest on the market for family use. The best brand of CIOAKK and TOHAC CO hen you are in tictd ol anything in my line, before going elsewhere, aiae and see mc? and be convinced. My whiskies are recommended bv some ot the moat eminent men of the age for medicinal purposes keiptctfully, FRANK O'DONNELL, PROPRIETOR. THE CAROLINA SALOON. IU NORTH MAIN STREET. ASHEVILLE, N. C. ASHEVILLE SODA S17 Haywood StftreeL hi the future as in the past, every attention will be given to prodrce the finest grade of Cmhonnted Beverages under the PEUSOSAL supervision of the proprietor. The con stuntiy incivasin g demand tor these goods from this fac tory is conclusive proof that a fine article is appreciated by an intelligent public. Vicky and Seltzer Water in Siphons. MTSKB ANALYSIS OF VVATKR l'8BD. ON FRONT PAGR.-M OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. (FORMERLY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. Th Mont Complete Health Resort In tbe ttouth. ! now npfii and iradv tor gueutM. This hoiiM i the mtuit dmtrable in the Sooth for imt onR who nwil rent and medical attcnttun. Ni hotel in Asheville haa an wrll iut niched monin and itn cui'-inr m unrquailrd Only in the cne of patients it he diet rcKulatcd. The tn')f is nn important Irature of the nanato hum The water ts pure and plentiful, coming 'mm a law limpid aprinK near by. The aan itarv arranmmenta are as perfect as en re and money eun muke them. Persons snrTrrina with throat nnd lung troubles are ureal ly benefitted by a stay at this place. The nea kal management is under tbe direction of Lr P W Nccl'us, recently of the (ackson Sana torium, at Dansvillc, N. Y The Saaatorihtn is thoroughly equipped with modern appliances for the acicntitx re lief and cure of ull nervous and chronic dis rases The bath department are new throughout and are under the supervision of competent and skilled attendants. The methods of treatment include all forms ot hatha, the Medicated Vapors, Turkish, Blec. trie, Kuraian, Roman, Molfrrc, Thcnno-Hlcc-trie, Hlectro-Chemicai, Passage, Ktcvtr. ity in all lu forma, alau Swedish Movements. Medical attendance and every form of treat men 1 included in price of room. Although the comfort and welfare of tne sick are the first considerations, every oppor tunity is Kiven to those who desire to prnd pit asant and profitable season here. Address for further particulars BliM Emlllc Vaughn, AftH BVILLB. N. C. THE WHITLOGK CLOTHING HOUSE, 48 South Main St., Asheville. Fall and Winter91-92. Stylish clothing Ur men, boys and children, just opened and rendy for inspection. More taste and care has been used in providing stock for this season than ever before. IUlievinpc that the demand will be hirpe and the season a long one, we have prepared a very large stock in all lines in order to meet the wants of our increasing business. The chief line, - FINE SPECIAL, MADE CLOTHING, is a sight worth seeing. The reputation of our clothing is estnblished, and shall be maintained as superior in Btyle and w aring qualities to any other on the market. Our main strength is in full dress wear and high class busi ness clothing equnl to tailor made in every particular. Overcoats in verv shaie. weicht and mi.ilitv. an immpnfw stock. To complete our stock of mens' wear we offer gents' furnishings in larger variety than ever. Medium and heavy weight underwear, neck wear, hosiery, Manhat tan shirts. The best in the world. And other leading makes. genuine. For stylish and try us. THE WHITLOGK k liSEM UMTS. A L - Anthracite Coal. FRONT. WATER FACTORY, No imitation blocks, but the reliable goods at popular prices CLOTHING HOUSE,

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