" - - - DliSOLIITION. Ernest p. Jenka to Succeed Mesara. jenka & Jeuka. The dissolution of partnership in the real estate and insurance business be tween Messrs. Charles N. Jenks and Ar thur E. (cnlcs, notice of which is given in another column, although probably somewhat of a surprise to most of their friends here, has been anticipated by the members of this firm for nearly a year. Since the establishment of their busi ness here two years ago, the Messrs, Jenks have successfully floated two stock companies the Western North Carolina mining and improvement com pany, and the Western North Carolina corundum company noth ol which are heavily backed by northern capital These two corporations have invested largely in timber and mineral lands Jackson and Transylvania counties this state, and in Georgia, the first named company being at present the possessor of about 12,900 acres, lying on the head waters ol the Toxawav and Tuckaseige rivers, and covered with an unusually heavy grewth ol poplar, cherry, oak, spruce pine and other woods. The company's property embraces the famous Hogback mountain, one ot the loftiest peak9 of the entire Blue Ridge range, its elevation above the sea being slightly over five thousand and five hun dred feet. On the summit of this moun tain the co-npany has built a commo dious hunting lodge for the accommoda tion of its stockholders, and has taken active steps to effectually protect the game and fishonitsmagniticent preserve from the depredatiuus of the "pot hun ter." Thecomoany proposes at no dis tant day to stock its streams with Cali fornia trout, and to construct an artificial lake on the property, covering an area ot several hundred acres, by damming the head waters of the Tiickaseige. The immense timber resources of this traet will also be utilized as toon as a railro. d incompleted within a dozen or lifteen miles ol its borders. The Western North Carolina corun dum company owns and controls twenty rive of the most valuable corundum prop erties in North Carolina and Georgia, having acquired it through the efforts ol the Messrs Jenks, who havepersonallv examined every corundum deposit ot any promise ever discovered in the United Mates. Thecompany is at present work ing two of its mines with great success, the output being large and the qualin of the mineral being superior to any that has heretofore been put upon the market in quantity. The company is about to erect a very complete and costly plant in New England, where the raw material will be shipped and afterwards crushed and graded. Mr. C. N. Jenks has been for ayear and a half the superintendent of the improve ineut company and general manager ot the Corundum company, Mr. A. K. lesks having been the 'secretary and treasurer ol the latter corporation tor the same length of time. The duties in eident to these positions have now become of such an important nature that the Messrs. Jenks areoiiliged to give up in a measure their other business in terests here, although Mr. C. N. jenks will still make his headquarters at Ashe ville, where the principal office of the Corundum company will continue to be located. Mr. E. P. Jenks. who will in the future carry on the real estate and insurance business of Jenks & Jenks, will, in carry ing out the plans and business policy of the old firm, receive the advice and assistance of his brothers, especially with rcierence to trie purchase or sale ot tun lr and mineral lands, concerning which the firm of Jenks & Jenks has a most thorough and comprehensive knowledge. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: THURSDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 24, 1801. AROUND TOWN Forecast till 8 a. in., Frlclay Generaily fain no chanice 'fiu peraturei aoutheaaterly wfliida SOMEBODY SAYS: Tuesday's revenue collections amount ed to $9,350.13. J. M. Moody, of Waytiesville, was in the city yesterday. Prank Loughran, of the Hickory Inn, is in the city today. Rev. R. A. Childs, of Clio, S. C, is reg istered at the Swannanoa. At Grant's pharmacy at 1! p. in. today the thermometer registered To". W. H. Dearer has returned from a trip through Tennessee and Kentucky. "T. W. Patton, esq., of Ashcville, is at the Yarboro," savs the Raleigh Neva and Observer. . W. StaHlev, a popular commercial man ol Cincinnati, is autographed at the Swannanoa. E. 0. Carrier, of the Wejt Ashcville and Sulphur Springs railway company, is in New York on business. Tomorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock t In board ol aldermen will meet in regular weekly session in the mayor s ortice. The new nickcl-in-t he-slot telephone was put in at the passenger depot today, k is located in the Indies' wailing room. "Uncle Hiram," with Aaron H. Wood hull in the leading character, will occupy the boards at the Grand next Tuesday night. Managers Reynolds & Spears, Grand opera house, had a bill board put up on the side ol Kevnolds Bins , build. ing on Fatten avenue today. Deputy Sheriff Morgan yesterday sold his hoise, winch made a record in the race after Brittain last week. Mr. Hern- Ion, ol Biltniore. was the purchaser, and the price was $130. Durham Sun, Tuesday: "T. H. M.irtin came clown today from Ashcville. He says he left Mrs. Martin very much liet ter and thinks she will Ik- able to come home in about two weeks." The pens ia the postoffice for general use cannot be used generally. mat --norma fair Advocate" man was pretty slick. That the worthy sheriff writes about as vigorously as he executes the laws. i nai tne aldermen, with the paving begun and the market house again under way, will not hare it in their great hearts to press the Mission hospital case further. Thh Citizex continues to print news when news is news. That quiet reigns still at Biltmore, the seat of war, while peace and prosperity have their shingles out at the old stand in Kenilworth and Victoria. It is a pity to drive the wagons from the square, as they might subscribe for a a paper, paving in knotty melons. The "inspector of meats" should get hold of the diseased heel question, Butchering has not been discontinued on the river just above the water works Realty Transaction. The following deeds have been filed Ri gister Mackey 's office for registration S. II. Reed and wife to J. H. Reed lot hi Biltmore, 60x105 feet S 300 FALL OPENING OF Meury Koliertson and wife to Grace B. Macnaughton, lot on Cumberland avenue, ItdxlO'J feet 1;500 the j . B. Bostic and wife to P. II. Silt- tie. lot on lilm street, 5!ilH9 feet . H. Suttle and w ife to ohn R. Il.ilrd, lot on Elm street, 5'Ji IS 9 feel R. V. Smith and wife to Laura Wilson, lot on Wilson street, 4Nxlt9 teet P. 1. Suttle and wile to X, C. I.ove, i lots on Highlands and Kullon streets A. hi. I'arham and wile to W. I.. Harnett, land on west side Preach Broad 750 851 Kit 1.701 101 THE Cl'STOH HOl'SK, In Lock Boxes Put Into Fonltloi, tlie New Building-. J. Walter Graham, foreman of the work on the government building, took The CiTtziiN through the big house this morning. On the first floor, or postoffice, work men are busy finishing the plastering, while others are putting in the postoffice screen. The lock boxes were put in posi tion yesterday. Of these there are 711, new and handsome as can possibly be. The working room of the postoffice will be in size 60x6 feet. The postmaster's pri vate office will be in the wing which ex tends to Haywood street. The wood work for the office was done by the P. A. Demens' company, and is a splendid piece of workmanship. The offices lor the use of clerk and ther officials of the United States court, on the second floor, are finished. The court room, however is still under hand ol the plasterer, and on account of the elaborate cornice work will not be fin ished for some time. In the basement workmen are now putting in the brick floor. Here is to be ine lurnace room, irom which hot air will be sent through every room in the building. Here also is the watchman's room, a little space, with an iron ladder by which he can climb to a level with the postoffice floor and see that all is right A large ventilating shaft runs from basement to roof. An ornamental top is to be put on which will make it eight feet higher than it is now. There will he a hose on every floor, with proper con nections, which will be used in case of gre. Mr. Graham is doing everything to complete the work quickly, but will make nopromises. Thereis much trimming and cleaning to do, and he cannot teli when he will be done. The area wall for the front has yet to be built, and the beat ing apparatus remains to be put in. The plumbing and heating work is being done by Ballard, Rich & Boyce. HAD FEW EQUALS. M.J Bcarden, who on yesterday fell from a ladder while descending Irom the loft of his stable, is better to-dav. His hip causes considerable pain, luit it is thought he will be out in a week or el baps less time. Recorder Miller had only one caw Ik fore him this morning. A bootblack named Murray was up charged with trespass at tne passenger depot. He was fined $, , and not being able to pay was sent to jail. Rev. W. A. Nelson, pastor of the First Baptist church, . K. Patterson, clerk of the criminal court, and Deputy Register K.J. Stokelev, left this morning for Ten nessee, to attend a meeting ot a Baptist association near Pel Rio. Some improvement in the street has been made at and near Battery Park switch on Patton avenue. The street leading up to the Park has been cut down near the junction, and new maca dam spread. The holes lietwcen the tracks have also lieen filled up. There will he a meeting of the lecturers of the district alliance in Ashcville on Friday, Oct. lit). It will be held lor the purpose of organizing the lecture system of the state. President Marion Rutlt-r. f the state alliance, nnd stale lectnrcr J. S. Bell will be present. Great is the power of authority-! Yes terday the dravs were moved from the square I as told exclusively in This Citi- ZKSlaui) today the tar barrels, which alone remained to greei the eye and ruf fle the temper of the oldest inhabitant, were taken away. The aldermen now have iermissinn to take hold ot the lu cent fare, and let the people see what a determined boani can do. Follow the crowd to Law's clearing sale. THE REVIVAL, BiaiNKM NOTICES. C lea riii u (tale. Unheard ol bargains now at Law's c South Main street. Whitman') Candiea at Kro ger's. 4-1 College street. Index to New Advertlwemeuta. Wamtkii Hope. For Sai.k Rox Niitick Jenks & ciik. A I.kttkk Thail. Thrush IM-KRA Hol-su I'ni-lc Hiram K T. C'yrcnr Cnmmnnil-trv K T. KfillHr i'om lave C.vrenr Command' rT at H i hi-. oi-niiiB v,.rk in Red Cnm. l ull tu nnanee rru,tictr-l. it JpoR SALU. ill sell cheap. Woo, I't Krlrrrm-r Hand nook ol !he Mctlu-al Nrn-nce. cummins eicl.t Tiilumis The h-ok arc new. Ho d rcn.mi. lor Helling. AUiirc.H -'Idilt I' O UOX 371 w AN TED A fount rrrttfli-ntrd Kntl'ih Indv with l-'nnch i'.ermiui, piano, wi hen ix.ition Hg gnvcrne.. companion, or any other libt e pac ly not objecte-l ta Address " HOPIi." !it P. O. Hot Spring, N. C. N OT1CK. IntereM In Mr. Tutile'H Meeting Itoea Not l.lniliitati. The sermon at the Central Methodist church last night was on "Confessing and forsaking sin." and was based on Prov. 28:13. "He that covercth his sins shall not prosper; but whoso conlesseth and torsaketh them shall have mercy." It was one of Mr. Tattle's best efforts and that is to say that it was heart searchiug. There were tweotv-one pen items at the altar for prayer and not less thana hall score ol professions of faith. The congregations are so large that it is impossible to seat them in the church. If there werea larger building in the city to which this meeting couid beim ved the indications are that larger numbers would lie reached. It is evident that the Central congregation will have to en large the seating capacity of their church at an early day or swarm and form an other congregation. This church can ZTZLT.,! ! WITOKTBl. BV ..vvnc-iwiiB ,uih YTIICll 1 11' rl IS The co.pnrtnerihip hcrrt'tfnre rxinitnK tvrrrn Oh.irlrs S Irnk and Arthur K. JenWn unilrr the firm nnmr ot Jenka & - ok, ix dl--!..lvci this duv by muti'al con.cn t. thnr kchi r.tuair ami ineuruiicr Iiuhmichs, c met lurniturc nnd Kod will hu mx hern pur chased by Krntot K rnks. a brother ot the lormer mem hers of the hrm Mr Hnifst P. Jenkn will continue the tin hi ne i-BtMbliiheU lir u, r taining the -ild firm mime ot eniti & enks," now no well kno vi throughout this section ot thr stute W )epruk tor him the continued lav urn of mi nr no ai d cuntomern, whom we take thi. inruMon lo in uim tor m int kindlv oiticet the past. CHARl.l-S N. JBSKS, AHTUI'K K. Jl-Nksi. Ashcville, Sept. - J, lin. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ONE NK.IIT ONLY. Tuesday, Sept. 29th. HUMOR AND PATHOS! LAUGHTER AND TEARS! TIIR COM lilHAN. Aaron H. Woodliull In thr New hnKland Comedy, "UNCLE HIRAM." COM I'ANY, Tribute From an Oulo Man to the l.ale Cal. R. G. Dun. Col. T. B. Long, of Ashcville, bas re ceived a letter from J. B. Mogridge, of Plain City, Ohio, in which the following tribute to Col. K. G. Dun, who died in Ashcville recently, occurs: "In him the agricultural world has lost one of its ablest supporters. The friends of progress, justice, reform and humanit sustain a great loss. He bad few enual and no superiors. His relatives are truly distinguished, bnt asa reformer and sup porter of all that is great and good no one surpasses him ; bis many virtues will not soon be erased from the memory of tne nosis 01 nis menus in cms state wno truly loved him for bis many virtues." V. Sf. C. A. Entertainment Courae. The committee of the Yonng Men's Christian Association appointed to se cure subscriptions for the entertainment course during the coming season are still at work and will be glad to receive addi tional subscriptions. Two hundred and twenty-five tickets of the three hundred needed have been subscribed. Any who have not subscribed for the course and who are desirous to have first-class music in Asheville should tend their names to the association at once. Gold Ivory handle table knives a set at Law's clearing sale. $2,25 a bk.i-iui inicresi, as at tne present, it is utterly impossible to seat the crowds of anxious hearers that attend. Central can eat a goodly nuinlier now, but its capacity should be greatly increased. NOT t'NANIMOCH. Alderman Uuclner nid Not Vole to Mell the Bonds, Alderman J. M. Oudger inlormed Tiih Citukn toilav that the statement made yesterday as to the "unanimous vote of the board" on the question of selling the city bonds at 05, or paying 5 ikt cent. commission, was an error. Mr. diider was opposed to the sale of the bonds at the price offered, anil so ex pressed himself at the joint conference on Wednesday and the aldcrmanie -sii,n yesterday. Mr. Oudger presidul at the meeting at which it was decided that $120,000 of the bonds should lie sold at 5 per cent, commission. As an aiuerman Mr. (.udger was entitled to a vote, and accordingly voted "no." Mr. Gudger tells Tub Citizkn further that as a private citizen he would favor the sale of the bonds in this way, but occupying the position he does, he felt that he could do nothing except comply strictlv with the act, which provides that the bonds shall not lie sold for lens than par. Looking nt the matter in that light he voted in the negative. Reduced Rale. City Ticket Agent Murphy will sell ronnd trip tickets from Asheville for the following occasions: Cabarrus county industrial fair (col ored), at Concord. Tickets on sale Srn. tember 2U to 25, good returning Septem ber 26. Kate, $3.40 round trip. Driving club races at Greensboro. Tickets on sale September 28,29 and 30 good returning October 1. Rate. $4.93 round trip. Woman's Home Mission Baptist state convention, at Oxlord. Tickets on sale October S, 6, 7, good returning until October 12. Kate, $11.20, round trip. Conference M. E church, south, (col ored) at Winston-Salem. Tickets on sale October 12 to 16 inclusive, good return ing October 21. Kutc,$8.80 round trip. Bargains upon bargains at Law's clearing sale. oeclal Ram n .hi.i. " 5- arke. Member Amerl can Ticket Hrokera Aaacolallon. A STKONU INCU'lllM", MISS TROJA GRISWOLD, Comtnrtlirnne an 1 Protean Artiste. KVKKV THING NKW THIS YICAIl! NEW NONGS! NEW DNCEf! NEW Ml SIC! Reserved !-rnt now on iale at Ravnor ft Smith'a i'ruK Htore. PR!CHS:S1, 7i-,o, f.Oc -nd 3.1e. ei:dtt IF FINE, GLOSSY HAIR GROWING THICK AND LUXURIANT, JUST TRY THE ROYAL QUININE HAIR TONIC, A purely vegetable compound, guaranteed free from all Irrkatlna and greasy anbataneei. I Itla chemically combined, and abao'utely I harmless. It cleanse! the acalp and promotes the halr'a growth and prevents Ita falling out. If continuously used It will prerent and cure da nit ruff. Trice 50 cents a bettle, 6 bottles for 3.SO. Manufactured only by RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 Patton Ave. DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS TAKES PLAClS TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, SEPT. 22, 23 AND 24. The public are cordially invited to call and inspect our immense stock and paw judgment. 'Tin the largest and MOST COMPLETE We have ever ishown More goods under our roof than in the whole of Ashevillw combiued. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT. Miss Posey, formerly of Miss McLnnahan's millinery em porium and Joel Gutman's, of Haltimore, is HEAD TRIMMER AND DESIGNER f our millinery department. Everybody is invited to nt tend at No. 11 Patton avenue. F. P. MIMN AUGH. ASHE VlLLh A I) VTsTf riSHMBXTS. COAL FORKED - FREE - FROM - DOST. FOR DOMESTIC USE. Celebrated Jellico and Best Anthracite Coal. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS. MANUFACTURERS ANI)DEALERS(IN ICK. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue -THE CAROLINA SALOON TO THE FRONT. While other are putting a bug in your ear, listen to me: Whllein Burooe. durin, th .,7. ..V l"c" . . n..i.i. rj i-r;.7.- -" n,,i nrrann-ment. for the ahov. and wine, mrr too nnmerou. to mention ' ' - tUK Hlon, .t igtim Kyc wni.kle. rmln-ace. tome of the Sneat and olde.t hr.nH. u,.. n T "rkct for family u.e. Th '"?d "of CUSAM TfIAC- age for medlrtaal purpo RctftlllV m0,t 'minn,t mra '" tlw FRANK O'DONNELL, PROPRIETOR. THE CAROLINA SALOON. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET. ASHEVILLE N. C ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, CARPETS AND RUGS. W. B. Beautiful new colorings and designs tor tall of SH, in AX MINSTER, VELVET. WILTON, I.(JRA1N, BRUSSELS, FUR RU(iS. A RT SQIIA It ES. SM YRN A Rl T( iS, RYZANTIN'E RUOS, COCOA MATH, MATTINO, OILCLOTH LINOLEUM. AND & CO., No. 16 Patton Ave., C. E. MOODY, DEALER I1H LIME, PLASTER, Portland, LouUvtlle nnd James River Cement. Firewood cut and snlit anv mizp nnd lonrrth LTinrlllnnu narcoal. coke and hav. also niniiiifiict-ni-ef of crete and til sidewalks and artificial Htone window wills ana caps, curhing, gutters, steps, etc. Yard and Warehouse Near Freight Depot, Telephone 73 Office 30 Patton Avenue, Telephone 40. THE NATIONAL BUILDING AND LOAN COMPANY. OF A9HEVILLK, N. C. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $25,000,600, Lew in M add tii . 8. Powell... A. Conant.,.. Pmidrnt. ; ... it'C'I'reiiririit. Secrttarj. i INCORPORATORS! H. T. Collin.... ! R MBrarer Mercer Brown.. Treaaurrr. Altorncr. ..Ocn. Manag r Field Wurk Frank Cof. Capllaliat. Ucwi.MK-'dni. Fre. Wt.ttrn Carolina Bank. K McBce.'5tint. rirnrria rtitVMl R II H. T. Collin., Pre. A.hcvillc Ice Coal Co. H. C. Ai W. H- Pnlnrl, Cashier first National Baak 0.8 Powell, of Powell ft Mrtcr, gnx-crles n. vonaai. (.ontracior. nnt brnrftt arcrnlnR to iiiTeitors and ahareholdcra equal to similarlnstltul ooa locaicd ill other -i "i nvvi at us main dyH T IU JOHN A. CONANT. Secretary, Barnard Building. BONNYOREST INN AT SKVLAND SPRINGS, N. C. Will lt kept nprn throaRh October. It will be closed daring November. Will open for win- kui.ir itcrmiicr e. Thr Kttr.c tlnnn are: A apirk-.nan new honae. lame room, with a ia,. a mmrral iprinR., no mod ever The owner is managing the houa. himaell, aot to make ' " .... uu. m 1"' "i. 'in. w,,nn Hjimag. ieaN Ynu itin.t he hard to nleaM If rnn are nt aalterf with tUm r. M mmA aw. a . . - ' - .. mm3 ik iiwiaivni ( Bonnvcrc.t. Kill ynu come and see? Yon will he welcome. rraaonable. Can von apend October with u ? May wt hear from ,on? ON THU ASHKVILLB ft Sr.VRTANHURG R. R Will von write fur trrwi The mrr We hope too can: it is rach a lore r month. , H MI LBS PROM ASHBVILLB. OTIS A. MILLER, Skyland, N. C. IF Z THINGS ITS ? IN PHOPER FALL E. H IURNUM Z STYLES 4 00. . FOR HAVE IT. O MEN GO NEW THERE H STYLES TO 10 NEW SEE c OOODS THE a PRICES ARE CORRECT p CATCHY PRIVATE INSTRUCTION SHORTHAND AND HPEWIITIWC PENMANSHIP AND BOCKXEEMNO, BVaft. AND MB8. ioi Bailey atrect. Rate rrssooaMrta sr-Metkoda modem, aaSldlm 7 Haywood street. In the future tis in the oust, everv attnf.inn rvtn an J" 'teA'1? t,ms1 g'""e of ('"donated Beverages under . . , . 1 " wi . lilt, villi' btunljr mrreatimg demand tor these Roods from this fac tory is vonelusive proof that a tine art kle is appreciated hy an intelligent public. Vichy tmd Seltzer Water in Siphons. t-BBH ANALYSIS OP WATBR U8BD. ON FRONT PAGB.-n OAKLAND HEI6HTS SANATORIUM. IPORMBRLY OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. The Moat complete Health Reaoti In the south. I. now open and rradr for (roe. ti Thi. house i. the must deairahle In the South for per--on. who need ret and medical attention, No hotel in A.heville haa aa well lurnlnhed room, and its cilimnc l unequalled. Only in the caie of patient. ! the diet regulated. The talil-.- ia xn important feature of the .anato mini The water ia pure and plentiful, coming from a large limpid apring near by. The san itary arrangementa are aa perfect a. care and money can make them. Persons .ufleriuR with throat and lung trouble, are greatly benefitted hy a tay at thi. place. The med it-al management i. under toe direction of Dr P. w. Neefu., recently of the lackaoa Sana torium, at Uan.Tllle. N. Y The Sanatorium la thoroughly equipped with modern appliance, for the fcientific re lief and cure of all nrrroua and chronic di. eaae.. The bath department, are lew throughout and are under the .uperTinon at competent and .killed attcadaata. The method a of treatment include all forma 01 bath., the Medicated Vainra, Turki.h, Blec tric, RuMinn, Roman, Molitre, Thcrnio-Slcc trie, Klectro-Cheraical, Mauage, Klectridly In all ita forma, al.o Swedih Movement.. Medical attendance and every form of treat ment Included in price of room. Although the comfort and welfare of tne sick are uie first coneiderations, every oppor tunity is given to thoae who de.ire to spend pleasant and profitable aeaaon here. Addreaa for farther paittcular Nisi Entitle Vaughn. ABHBVII.LB. N. C. THE VVHITLOGK CLOTHING HOOSE, 48 South Main St., Asheville. Fall and Winter,'91-92. Stylish clothing for men. bovs and philil and rendy for inspei tion. More Taste and care has been used in providing stock for this season than ever before. Ifelievinc th Ml. tlin flomanl will be lnrge and the season a long one, we have prepared a very large stock in all lines in order to meet the wants of our increasing business. The chief line. FINE SPECIAL MADE CLOTHING, is a sight worth seeing. The reputation of our clothing is established, and shall be maintained as superior in style and w aring qualities to anv other on the market. Our main strength is in full dress weHrand high class busi ness clothing equnl to tailor made in every particular. Overcoats m .-verv shape, weight and quality, an immense stock, lo complete our stock of mens' wear we offer gents furnish inirs in Iapdvp vnriutv than mm u; and heavy weight underwear, m-ck wear, hosiery, Manhat tan shirts. The best in the world. J.iiunnai- And other leading makes. No imitation blocks, but the genuine, h or stylish and reliable goods at popular prices THE WHIT LOCK CLOTIIG HOUSE. J X.

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