f t. Asheville Daily Citizen, VOLUME VII. NO. 134. ASHEVILLE, N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 9,1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. WHERE THE SNJWBIRDS NEST, For a cool place in summer, for henlth I and recreation, visit Linville, Grandfather i Mountain, and the lw:iutiful reeion iur-1 rounding them. RKti;ar fiuien Of real estate at I.inville on and after June 1st, IH01, business lots and resi-; dence sites sold at private sale only. The Kateola Inn. ; This excellent hotel was opened the 1st i of June, under the nvinayement of Mr.! James T. Skilcs. ! Over the Ynnhlotec Road. A beautiful mute for n smnmer excur sion, bv way of Doe River Urj!e, koan Mountain, Crnnlierry, l.invillc. Grand father Mountain, Mowing Kock and Lenoir. I Western Carolina Stajje 'o ;cii Cumuauv. Daily slant- between Cranberry and Lenoir. KcImmIuU-. aciifiii kaht. funi.xn wrst. Lv. '.':00 p. m . CnmU-rry Ar. I 1 :30 a. m. Ar. 5:0't p m., I.inville, Lv. H.oil a m. Lv. 7:30 n. in.. I.i-iville, Ar. 7:o.i p m. Ar 1:1)0 p. m , D1 Winn R'k, Lv. 'J.i 0 p. m. Lv 2:Oi) p ra , Wo-inn R'k Ar. 1:l)np, m. Ar. 7:00 p. m , Lniuir, I. v. 7.' 0 a. m. Eustcrn time. tRead utiwattl. An Opportunity. A cash prize of one thousand dollar! has la-en offered for the k-st Rhort story or novel having the (Jrnmltullier Moun aiii and the Iwnutiful scuiery of that Io alitv woven into the plot. This mountain, situated as it is in the most picturesque part ol Western North Carolina, luruishrs an attractive setting lor an interesting story. The selection will lie made by a com mittee ol competent reviewers, and the storv inu-t not lie less than ltt nor ex ceed 50 pug. s. Detailed information mav Ik- obtained of the Linville Improvement Company, of Linville, North Carolina. ALL, THH VKRV LATEST - STYLES, . 1 MUX'S HllYS'8 AN ISM VI. I. HnV'S II T8. I'NDBKWUAR. Nlil'K WUAK ANIl BOY'S FALL WEIGHT REEFERS. MEN'S FALL OVERCOATS. Look our selection over beforf going elie where, and see our 8PK11M. H'WS AD. In today's paper E. B. Ilarnuui & t o., 8 Court Squ irt-. REAL hSlATE. W.LTHH b. Gwvk. w. w WUST GVVYN & WEST, I Successors tn Walter B.Owvnl ESTABLISHED x88i REFER TO BANK OF ASHFVILLL REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commissioners of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE-Hoalheaat Con rt K nare. CORTLAND BROS,, Real Rotate Brokers, And Investment Agent. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loani) sr. urely placed at 8 per rent. Offices: 34 Ik 26 Patton Avenue Second floor, febndlv RKAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS City and suburban real eitate bought and Hold on commission. Home rented. Parties having hi'uwi t rent will do well to call on us. Hire Insurance. We represent the o'd and reliable '-rnnsylvania Co., and the un Mutual, of New Orleans Mineral and tltn" ber lands We m ,ke a spec ltv of huving and selling large mineral and timber tracts, and caa how joa a long lilt of them. JENKS & JENKS, 28 PATTON AVE. ASHEVILLE, M, C. se28dtf JOHN CHILD, (Formerly of Lyman & Child), Office No. i Legal Block REAL ESTATE . AND LOAN BROKER, TRICTLY A RROKBRAQB BU8IMBSS. Loans secart placed at a per cent. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, 81 Pattoa Avenue. Nt INC1 baud's. F O Boa 854. aovl deha A OR ANY ONB ; WHO HOES YOUR UITYIrtG II so, send them around to A, D, COOPER, COURT SQUARE, Cor. Slain nd College sta., FOR YOUR- STAPLE AND FINE CROCERIES. , Provision!, Few, Grain, Etc., and rest assured vou ahull bti protected in quality J find prices. TO THE PUBLIC! Wo have been selling the Obelisk Flour for the past six years, it has always given Hatirtfaction, there is none better, it cannot be excelled. Should it become neressrv to cut prices to meet compe tition our patrons can rest assured we will protect them at any sacrifice POWELL & SNIDER 5 o t w a -w 2 r r 2: ' H ffl ' 7 ' (73 ' w 53 t O S G 2 cr, 2 m y H C 0 w 0 Q 0 CO X o 0 PC 9 o5 RUNNING ON TIME. That' the wav all our watch-s ran. aad oar dock have the well regulated habit of doing precisely the aame thing. Perhaps yon have a watch that it somewhat ecrtatric la Its movements; If you have, we willstralght ea it out for you In short order and we will also see to it that the expense Involved lathe operation is etcerdlngly moderate. A good waT to ruin the best of clocks and watches Is to let them go too long without cleaning We not only make a specialty of cleaning, repairing and regulating, bat Just now we have another sneclalt.v-u specixl dliplay of flat umbrellas to which wc would call yaur attention. D. II. COSBY, JEWELER, PATTON AVENUE. THIS SPAGE .IS RESERVED -FOR THE ANNOUNCEMENT -OF- mo. oral co. 6RAND OPENING OF THEIR NEW GOODS -AT- 41 PATTON AVE. 7 HAVB YOU SBBN OUR STOCK ( F FINE CLOTHING FOR MEN, BOYS AND CHIL.DKRN? It is aa attractive collection from six prnta snent mam facturcrs, rnnging up to $33. no a suit, and (except in price) almost the equal of tailor's fine week. A VI RY HANDSOME LOT OP FINB DRI3SS GOODS RBA'. HHD US SKPT. 23rd Among the following are GREAT BARGAINS LADIES' AND MISSHS WRAPS. ONB OR TWO LOTS OF i RESSOOOPS. SEVERAL LOTS OF BOYS' SUITS. AND MENS' DBRHY HATS. H. REDWOOD I CO. CLOTHING, DRY GOODS, FANCY GOODS, SHOES, HATS, RUGS, 7 & 9 PATTON AVE. " DON MARCHE," 37 8. Main Street. The Bon Marclie is now receivlnglts hand somely selected sto k of dress goods and trimmings in which there will be found ex treme novelties of one isuit of a kind, no more to be had at very low prices for such material. The stock of fancy goods is larger and bet ter selected than unual. Sole agents for t!in tcmeri end Foster kid gloves. Bvening gloves a specialty. Large stock of misses' and chlldrens' cans McCall.s Baiaar Patter's are- the most stylish and best fitting. Sec the handsome goods at " DON MARCHE," 37 8. Main Street. B. C.CHAMBBRS, President P. O. Mil I.BR, V-Presldent. F. M. WAVER, 8ec. & Treaa. H. A. Mil LER, Gen. Supt. CAROLINA GOAL CO., -DEALERS IN- JELLICO AND ANTHRACITE LEAVE YOUR ORDERS AT OF fICE, No. i a Patton Avenue,-.. AND AT CHAMBERS St WBAVUR'. L1V BRY OFFICE, WILLOW 8T. PKI MPT DELIVERY . YOUR PATRONAGE Is Solicited. ASHBVILLES ART CLUB A FINK INITIATORY nEETING LAHT NIGHT, The Ball Put lu Motion, and It Looks aa If HucceaH Were At- reudv an Aanured (-'act. The call which apprtired in The Citi zen of Tucsdny dfternoon l(ir a meeting ol such persons in the city as v.ere inter eslerl in the to' tnuluin ol an Artclub had a moKt gratilyiiiK rcspmisc hint night. The series of rooms on the second floor of the Lvceum huihling were filled, though not crowded with gentlemen and Indies interested in the subject. The large room, filled up for the occasion by the tuste nnd judgment of K. A. Grace, an artist of no mean1 pretension, nnd the leading spirit in this art movement, il lustruti'd, in anticipation, the points of sugnestions having in view tne culltva tion of pulilic taste and the domcstica tion of decorative art. There were prohiililv fifty gentlemen and Indies in ntteiidnnce, every one of vv Hum were inspired uv I lie one sentiment that had originated "the call and the meeting. I he presence ol such a iium licr, ami of such character, ave assur ai.ee that success hud already crowned the movement: lor it was clear enough, from the numlier present, thnt all doubts of the suflieicnev of the community to organize and uphold such movement might at once vanish, and the good work go on w ith constantly gathering strength. At the request of Mr. Grace. Col. J. D. Cameron at some length explained the objects of the meeting, discussing the principles and objects ol art. its influ ence upon human manner, morals and happiness; and also its agencv in social development nnd national as well as lo cal prosperity; and impressing upon the audience the duty as well as the ability ol this community to at once organize un association through which the ex isting us well as talent talent among us might find exercise or development. At the conclusion of Col. Cameron's remarks, ihe organization of the meet ing was proposed; and on motion Col. Cameron was called to the chair and W. S. Cushm.iii dieted secretary. Mr. Grace was then called on for ex planation and 1,'ibor aioii ol the plan of action out lined in the publi hcd call for the meeting; and in a very animated, but in formal, though very clear and intelligent "talk" ol more than h.iM an hour put his audience so lull in possi ssionol his ideus, and so impicsscd it wiihtiicir feasibility, that all eagerlv awaited the moment when they were to 1 put in shape and action. Remarks, in addition were made by Lloyd Freeman. Julian C. Hrecse. Col. L. M. Haicli. and more briefly by ithers. On motion the chairman appointed Messrs. Grace. I'reeman and Hull as a committee to solint subscriptions, in ad dition to those already secured, to fill up the number proposed as essential to n.'tzanuation. lYSin the suggestion ol Mr. urare, tne audieii "c out Ol us uuiuocrs, uoucu i nnce twisty une names to the subsciip linn liuf Thf rnmm 'ttee will report nt an early dav; nnd with ''Ut doubt an organization will be perfected W the m" or -!otu 01 the present month. , , The meet inn lw.i 'nffl at half-past 10 o'clock, after nn exc ''"K'.v pleasant and useful session. H. Redwood & Co.. 1. P' Snvvyer, f P Mimiiimi'h tv H VVili;.,. ison & Co., Ii. B. Mann & Co., Brown & Mcllowell, lurnislied the decorations and ""u,u' ings used for the occasion. FA I.I. FASHIONS Some or worth 'a Latent fiowna I Cbtcuaro. Chicago, Oct. 6. With stately tread nd black night gowns like robes that didn't fit, the three judges of the new appcllute court for the Seventh district took their seats yesterday. The gowns were cut en train, low corsage, gathered full at the belt and tied with V-shnped yi llow ribbons. The dignified judges got into their re.-pective seats without trip ping. Then shilling their bustles to the leeward they settled hack to earn their salaries. TLc hearing of cases was then Deg tin. Cincinnati, Oct. 6 lustice H. B. Brown and I urines lucksou and Sage, togged out in their fall robes, opened the nppcllalccourl here vestcrd.iv. The court room was crowded, the appellate judges blushed painlully when they saw tne crowd and there was an involuntary movement ns though to tuck the gar ments inside their trousers. It was a silly exhibition throughout. DEMOCRAT POLITICS. To Succeed M. H Ford Reform era lu Nanuvllle. Grand Rapids, Mich., Oct. 9. The democrats ol this congress onal district buvc nominated John L. Lawrence for congress to succeed laic M. II. Ford. Nashville. Oct. 9. A reform demo cratic ticket was el-.rted in the city elec tion yesterday over the regular organ ized democratic ticket by majorities rang ing from 5(KHo 1,00. George H.Gould, who was elected mayor, led the ticket. He is an old conk-derate solo'ier. There was no republican ticket, this -city being overwhelmingly democratic, MICHIGAN FARMER S. Thev are lor the Ocala Plattfortn and Politics. Lansing, Mich., Oct. 9. At jrester day's meeting of the slate farmers' alll ance the lollowiug resolution was adop ted without a dissenting voice. "Resolved, That we heartily endorse the Ocala platform and further declare to the oppressed toilers of America that we are unyieldingly in lavor ol tmleproa ent political action as outlined, at the J Cincinnati conference," Theatre Burned. 8t. Paul, Oct. 9 The Olympic thea ter was burned here this morning; loi $100,000. You cannot feel well without a clear (a -ad, and tor this take Simmons Liver Kt gulator. 1 "erv choice effects on 50-incb uphol- strt y goods, portieres, lace curtains, fine ...ij rovers. Inmbresdins. real Turkish and Japanese rugs, Smyrna ana ayxan-tine- runs, hassocks, art squares, etc, lion ' ... a r A KING'N FUNKRAL. The Emperor of German Will Attend It. Stuttgart, ktober 9. The Emperor of Germany arrive i here today. His visit to the capital of this kingdom is for the purpose of attending the funeral ol the late King of Wurtemlinrg. At the railroad depot the Emperor was met bv King William II. successor of the deceased; by Princess Wurtemburg and Prince Henry, of Prussia, The Emperor proceeded to the castle and entered the hall where the remains of King Karl were lying in state. The Emperor then laid a magnificent wreath of flowers upon the casket and knelt beside the remains of the dead ruler of Wurtemburg. After a short prayer conversed in low tones with King William II. Grand DukeMichael.nl Russia, in view of the fact that the wife of the late King was a Russian Princes. Grand Duchess Olga, daughter of EmperorNicholas, has arrived to attend the funeral as a rep resentative of the Czar. UI'BlNF.tlM EillORIIENF.NTa. An Old Firm In Dry Goods Falls) Want F.xteualou. RoctiF.STKR, S. Y., October 9. A. S. Man & Co., dry goods dealers, have failed for $100,000. The firm was one of the oldest in the city and the failure is a great surprise. H. B. Claflin, N. Y., are largest prelerred creditors, ut $'J0,000. W. B. M. Ionian, ClaflinV financial man, is assignee. PiTTSlil KG. October 9. -The Oliver & Roberts wire company, one ol the largest concerns ol the kind in thecotintry. made requests of its creditors today for an extension Thev claimed to be solvent. CHINF.HK RIOTING, Great Incitement In the City of Amoy, London, Oct. 9. Despatches dated September 27, received here from Amoy, a seaport town ul China on the island of the same name, province of Po-Kien, nearly opposite the center of the island of Formosa, announce that there has been serious rioting forty milts from the town of Amoy. The population of Amoy numbering about HOO.OOtl people, was in a great state of excitement. The riot was caused by fiscal abuses. Several mandarins and other otlicials were killed 'iy the rioters. HENNATION4L POttTF.KS). Thev Attack Thoae Who Had To rtcaert Parnell for Dect-ncv. Cork, Oct. 9. Large posters have been placarded on the walls, fences and other places tluoughnut this city. These posters have deep mourning bord ers and bear in their centres the words: "Murdered to please Englishmen," to gether with verses denouncing the Mc Carthvites and Uuiicd Ireland articles; declaring that Parncll was murdered and imploring the people to r. main tran quil. The posters arc creating much ex citement, INTIMIDATED A VOTER. And Now he Sojonrna In Jail For Half a Year. Lynchiukg, Oct. 9. In the United States district court at Abingdon today, Judge Puul, presiding, Jack Mullins, ol Buchanan county, was convicted of in timidating a voter at a precinct in Buchanan at the last presidential elec tion and was sentenced to six months imprisonment in jail and to pay a fine of $50. 1 his is the first conviction in Vir ginia under the federal laws tor the pro tection of the elective Irnncluse. STATE NEWS. -twit ennntv fair will be held Oct. 13-16. Gov. Holt delivers an address. . t, rnmrrti at the Clinton -nnv'-fi - - revival, conducted by Mr. Fife, was Mr. Marion Butler, president of the state farmers' alliance. if-. r.nrn. P. Hannn. wife of one nil, -- - - - r-uori,,ti'. rumens, dropped dead on Seventh street Tuesday. Hickory Press: The Mercury men tioned lust week that one Deal ran off witii Noah Benfield's wife and $55. We hear he was treasurer of the alliance and took with him $300 of Alliance funds. The Durham Bull Globe of Wednes day had fifty-five editorial paragraphs Business was suspended in the tobacco town for 24 hours to find out what they were all anout As a matter of fact they were all auoui tour lines ioug. Six Millions lo Loan. i .;n limn this amount in sums of 200 ud at 8 per cent per annum (interest 1 . , T 1I..1 nrt .In,,,! th payaote scnu-uNu.io i, . ... .:r--- .. rr Hum'hter's endorsement. Wilt , " " " r to fairly intelligent persons who can rend a little and reason a nine, u mei thmu'lves ntid inmilira in cumuli bk . - good health and -ave a world of sick ness, suffering ami prcmaiuic ijmiK , o ...,, v nl this new co more he n- : mr,n doctor book that aivc miiiiuivu - L.n..rl ah,. nt See or address K. J 1 1 II YC 11V 11 1 . .......... ' - ... . I I. ... -I .1,. W. Heager, urano vcuimi nuui, it very first thing you do in the morning or after tea, tonignt. winu, " you .1,. fruimrnt of a luntf and one dilapi dated shoe to begin on.it won't quite i.- . nii-W-l nlated Corliss enirine of you. And, "No, sir," it wont cure evervbony. i ne oniy iihuiuuk "s .i t n( nn this ureen earth, is. tutu " : . .' toentrulf nil the drugs and medicines L-u v..... inM;i. ..i.-;..;nn you can num. i'm . (.".-"-" Ml ..11 kia III Will nlflO tpll VOU to buy this book if it is his intention to retire Irom practice noun, nu nmunBn u.inv? No matter about that. I often give u way books to persons who can save up 50 cents a week for twelve ... i n,...k This triflinar amount ur iviui"" " - . " thev would priv us for information and get the book lor notning, seer ci nilluiv-rase cottons, cover i... .,.,. f....uhl,- blankets, table linen. towels, nnokins. etc., at fixed and rea sonable prices. H. Redwood fit Co. n.iiii ulsters and caoe coats. I in mciise stock to select Irom, at the Whit- lock Clothing House. no, vou need a hat or cap ? If so we think you can be suited in our assort- tnent, ranging irom iv ixmi iu t.vu, (the last lor Taylor's A. derby. H. Red wood sc v.o. Dyspepsia in all its forms ii not only relieved but cured by Simmons Liver A QUESTION OF TITLES. IT IS CONSIDERED IN THV. METHODIST COUNCIL,. A Difference of Opinion Report of the BUHlnean Committee "Cbiiatlan Unity" Dlacnaaed at Ihe MornliiK Beaalon. Washington, Oct. 9. The third day's session of the Ecumenical Methodist council opened with H. T. Marshall, of England.occupying the presiding officer's chair. The usual devotional services were held. Rev. James L. E. Huray, of England, read some passages from the scriptures and prayer was offered by Rev. George Packer, of Halifax. The minutes were then read and some time was spent in a discussion of a technical disregard bv the secretaries of injunction laid upon them yesterday to refrain from mentioning titles in reading. There appeared to be a difference of opinion between the dele gates on the propriety of omitting these titles but finally it was decided that the title "Reverend" might be used. The minutes were them approved. The business committee reported as follows: Greetings from Evangelical Lutheran synod of Maryland; memorial on Methodist federal relations; resolu tions on opium traffic; memorial on the social question; memorial from local preachers association of Methodist Episcopal chu.ch; motion to hold special love feast on fillowship meeting; motion to appoint a committee on statistics of Methodism. The business committee re ported the following list of presiding of ficers for the succeeding sessions: Bishop H. W. Warren, Methodist Episcopal church, of Colorado, for second session of third day. Bishop J. W. Hood. African Methodist Episcopal Zion church, of Pavetteville, N. C., for the 1st session filth day; Rev. W. T. Myers united Methodist' Free church of England, on 2nd session of fifth day; Bishop R. K. Hargrove M E. church, south, first session sirth day; Rev. Dr. u.i. walier.secretary ol Weslevan Meth odist Conference, London, 2nd session sixth dav. The topic of the morning session, Christian unity," was thtn taken up and an essav was delivered by Rev. Dr. i. Ij. aeiny, Weslevan Methodist church. Greenock, Scotland. THAT TKN-CF.NT FARK. A Conaultailon Between Ihe Com mittee and Major Martin. The ten-cent fare committee of the board of aldermen, Messrs. Brevard, Starnesan.. Leonard, had a consulta tion with Maj. . G. Martin, yesterday. Muj, Martin told the committee about the financial condition of the company. He stated that when there wereonlv two cars between tne square and the depot, the business was a paying one, but that the addition of the other lines took the profit off the line that was paying, He said he would not reduce the fare; in fact, he would stand the city a lawsuit in the Case. The board of aldermen considered the report ol the committee this alternoon. Really Transactions. The following deeds have been filed in R'glster Mackey's office for registration: 0. D. Revel and James L. Wagner to Ava L. rica'ants, lot on Madison street, 42x135 feet $125 H 0. Hunt to Kevell & Wugner, lot on Madison street. 42xl3o feet 125 T. C. Slanies and wile to Mrs. Emma Child, lot on Starnes avenue. 64x122 feet 1,775 . G. Ojueen and wife to E. Baird, lot on Bailev street, 25x100 feet 500 J. M. Campbell to Harriett Hurd. lot on South Main street, 65x80 feet 400 Unfortunate. Proas the Hcndersonville I lines. The Asheville papers without excep tion condetun the recent lynching in un measured terms. It was certainly an unfortunate thing for Asheville. The lixpoalllots. Prom the Durham Globe. The displays so far would not do credit to a common county fair in many coun- where fairs have been held. Hock Quottttlons. Nrw York. Oct. 9. Brie 3()i Lake Shore 1161: Chicago and Northwestern 125; Sorlulk anil Western S5: Richmond and West Hulut Terminal i;it; Western Inion 83. Baltimore Prices. BiLTiHoKR. Oct. 9-PIout, 6rm: unchang ed; w- stern super $3 Scl(nj3.78; extra $3.u t.u; family, .50() .f5. Wheat: No. a nd, firm r; sp t Octotur UH Vi4 11: southern, steadv; Fulti looejjl07; L -ng brrrv 102(iD112. Corn, southern, firm; white, Ti(i '! ynow. i.ttaio New York Market. Nrw Vokk, net. V Storks, dull aad firm Money, enfty at 4Qr,5. Kxchnnice, ImiK. 4.7'.H(q4 7u; short. 4.83V. state i nit., neit cctcd: - -rnm-nt iiinuts dull but firm, i ottun q I t; ales l.'l hale; t.u imil., H,c; orl. 3- 6c; utures stesdv: ilctoiier. 8.40; November, H.70: He cemlier, M M9; January. 9 Ot; Feliruary,9.18; M rch 9.30. ki ur a. ttve nn nrm. wncat active b t firm. Corn dull and steady Pork quiet but steadv at $10 'AtjlU.US Lard quirt but sieudy at 7.00. spirit Turoentme dull and easy at 37037V Hnsfn quiet and steady at tt .354(140 freiaui. firm. AFFAIKS UF CONSEQUENCE. HOUB. The cruiser Yorktown baa sailed from New York for Valparaiso, Chili. The total amount of gold now on the way from Europe is given at 53,877,000, Enrnincs of the Richmond and Dan ville railroad system show an increase of $17,600 iu September. An order has just been received by a Lockport, N. v., company Irom the tier- man government for over $100,000 worth ol pure aluminum. The Veteran Cavalrymen, of the Army ol Northern Virginia will meet in Rich mond, Vu., October 28, lor the purpose ol bcgining the movement to erect a mon umcut to General . h. a Stuart. With all due Uelercnce to competitors. when you see our stock of wraps we tnina you win say iney are notiuu. H. Redwood & Co. Twenty-five new styles school suits for Boys, heavy and durable. Two to 6ve dollars. The w hit lock (. lot rung House, In underwear, hosiery, gloves and bandkercniels our stock is very strong, ri. Red wood at Wo. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS Wholesale Prices. If von want a box of good rigars, 1m ported or dnnttstlc, Grant's Ph rmnry is the E lace lo get ihe n. We do not remit cignr,. ut sell i hem uy the hnx only K ciuHr that yon usually nay ten cents for, I can Hell you the same cigar, flftv in a Ipoi. at even cents. The beat Ave ce t Hgnr at 3V4 cent-, by the box. It will pay yon to cll and examine ttaera. CHANT'S I'HAKMACY. Bnncombe Sarsaparilla A positively Safe and Reliable Blood Purifier. Containing Burdock Root, Sarsa parilla Bark, Prickly Ash Bark. Poke Root, &c. By its use you can save yourself from the suffering caused by foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system strives to rid itself of corruptions. It purines the blood, giving it re newed vitality and force. Being an alterative,it changes the action of the system, imparting fresh strength and vigorous health in place of that weakness and tired feeling, which is an indication of disorder and decay. The concentrated power and curative virtues of Buncombe Sarsaparilla render it the most reliable Blood Purifier that can be used, while it is entirely safe for patients of all ages. Manufactured only at Grant's Pharmacy. Every bottle guaranteed, satisfac tory or money refunded. GRANT'S PHARMACY, 4 South Mala St. J. M. CAMPBELL ! DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. For Sale. The mull t. 1- a . ... -"- v .vn..u t uuuni in n nnr V IIIC. 1 at ground are larije. AU modern convenience!! The suitable for large hotel Pouncen moras in F..f.. ?l n?u,,:. es servant apsrtment. M11 be sold at a excrifice. The best bargain in Asheville for panic, desiring an elegant home. Possesdon aiven in two month.. For Sale or Rent. fl?e acres of laud, m a whole, or in lota. No tot. dryet place about Asheville and flant - r"" ihuilsj. r runuuncea by experts mst the place fur o valid. Sercn tltimrfml fawt- nf .j-nU . m. - H exion aiven at once. Elevation 2,800 feet. . "irw, irom a lot or $25 to reaid Bcet and lots of $25,000. AuuIt J. M. CAMPBRLL. Real bstate Dealer. 0 uj i-4 S "2 1 TSUPHONE ISO. o. I0X t2. H.Re dwood & Co. Regulator. 23