7rt r. 4f' Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME VII. NO. 148 ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 26,1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. IN THE HIGH MOUNTAINS The Eseeula Inn, tit 1111 elevation of three thousand rifjlit hundred und fifty feet, will he kept open during the winter. Those who dcRire nltituiie 'will find this hotel comfortable and attractive. L1XVILLE, N. C. YOU Want 10 Make Your Money Oo lor All It'11 Worth! TIIK BEST VALVES IN CLOTHING, HATS AND CENT'S FURNISHINGS ARB AT K. B. Barnum & Co., 8 Court Square. REAL ESTATE. WALTBl bTqwYII, W. W. WBST, 1 (Successors to Walter B.Qwyu) ESTABLISHED 1881 PEfER TO BANK OF MHKVIllE, REAL ESTATE. Loani Securely Placed at Per Cent. Notary Publli. Commissioners of Deed. FIRE INSURANCE. OKFICK toathet Court iiquare. CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate llrokers, And Investment Agent. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans securely placed at S per cent Office : 34 St 30 Patton Avenue Second floor. fcbBdlT .... INSURANCK. Application for Insurance will receive onr nmnnt attention at all timet. We ran In sure yoar property la twenty of the largest ad neat companies on sarin. Boarding: House For Rent. Hush contains eighteen rooms, has all modern convenience, hot and cold water bath, etc,, and is well tarnished throughout This Is one of the most desirable boarding houses in the city, and will be rented for three snaths or longer an RGADONABLE TERMS To aa early applicant. For farther Informa tion call on or address JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 82 Patton Are., Asheville, N. C. "lOlflLD, ( Formerly of Lyman Child), Office No. i Legal Block REAL ESTATE AND ' LOAN BROKER TRICTLV A BROKBRAGB B08INBS8. Loans secure placed at 8 per cent. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, S8 Patton Arenac, tteit Y If C A bmild'g. OTt dam P 0 Box 884. THE CUP THAT CHEERS BUT NOT INEBRIATES, FIN'S COFFEES. Ku anted Mocha and Java in Cans mi it losc two-thinU J.ivn and one third Mocha. A Inrgt' ou nbrrof u-toni'-r h:ive tmiitii-il to the hih grade and excellent flavor ot' thenc KOodn. Wv also keep other BriuUt of Koaotecl coffee; fin" Hnc of ( recti Coffee at Bottom Price. FINE TEAS. UnKllh Breakfast, Mnyuue Oun powiler.Foochow.OolonR Formoota Oolong, He No, India, Ceylon and In din ktndu The 1nt two brands are a most rxquUlte blend with choice Oolong, combining the strength and fragrance of luitia tea with the pe culiar fluvor of Oolong, A. D. COOPER, North Court Square. Wny notliine: but tho ?'ini- inminrl from reliuLlccU-iilt'ri New Buckwheat Is now in swison. We Iimvi1 a fresh nnl pur1 iirtiV1. Maple Syrup. We now have a moat excel lent quality of Maple syrup which we guarantee to bp absolutely pure. Mince Meat. We will have in stock this week the celebrated Atmore's Mince Meat. Low Prices Rule, from the plainest arti cle of tidily food to the fluent imported daintii'H, mid pu rity in all depart mints reign supreme, Ri'spei tluiiy, I OWELL & SMDEU. Wliotcrtule and Retail firocer. 173 W D O X CO w h w u M t m 3 0 0 0 fi. D 6 CO Q o CO &3 a M 5 fi RUNNING ON TIME. That's the way all onr watches run, and onr clocks have the well regulated habit qf, doing precisely the same thing. Perhaps you hare a watch that la somewhat "eccentric In Its movements; if you hare, we will straight en it out for you In short order and we will also see to It thst the expense involved In the operation is exceedingly moderate. A Rood way to ruin the best of clocks and watches is to let them go too long without cleaning We not only make a specialty of cleaning, repairing and regulating, but just now we have another specialty a special display of fine umbrellas to which we would call your attention. B. II. COSBY. JEWELER, PATTON AVENUE. THE CRYSTAL PALACE. One ot the newest tilings under the sun are handsome souvenir ajer weights with semes of tlwSwannanoa and the French llroad rivers on them. They me selling for only -7 cents at the Crystal Palace, 41 Put ton Avenue. Cull and see them. China, (lass, L-impi, Cttlery, Etc. TIIAD. IV.TIInASII CO. WE AKB SKLI.IVG LOTS UK FINE - SUITS - AND OVERCOATS, nii ii, ! anft Children; FBISK WRAPS I.AIHHS, MISSES. AND AM) CIlll.llKICN. FINK DKIiH.H I.OUDS AND TRIMMINGS To the beat Judges of value in the com munity. There must lie a good reason for it. H. REDWOOD I CO. CLOTHING, DRY GJODS, FANCY GOODS, SHOPS. HATS, RUGS, 7 t 9 PATTOJJ AVH. it BON MARCHE, !5 37 vS. Itlalti Street. The Hon Maicl c in now reeeivingitfl hand Homely uelerted RtOik of tlrens guodn und trinnningit in whiih there will be found ex treme novelties of one suit of a kind, no more to lie had at very luw prices for Mich tnaterinl. The stock of fancy gondii in lurer and bet ter etected than usual. Sole amenta for tfen temcri fnd Foster kid rIoVch. Kvening gloves a specialty. I.utM (tock of miHuen' and childreus captt. McCall.s Bazaar Patter's are the moat stylish and best tl'tiiiR Sec the handsome goods at BON MARCHE," 37 S. Main Strict. E C.CHAM HERS, )P. M. WRAVER, Sec. Kc 1 reus. H. A. MILI.IiR, Grn Supt. President P O. Mll.I.HR, V-rresiilcnt. CAROLINA COAL CO. -DEALERS IN JELLICO AND ANTHRACITE LEAVE YOUR ORDERS AT OFFICE, No. is Vatton Avcuue. AMI AT CHAMBERS WEAVER'S LIV ERY OPPICB, WILLOW 8T. PROMPT DELIVERY YOUR PATRONAGE Is Solicited.. TELEPHONE 130. P. 0 BOX 312. SPOILING FOR A FIGHT. THAT 8K TO RE IHK CON DITION OP CHILI NOW. our Mai AHHaulled for No Other Caue Than Their Nation alltv Proper Reparation j lie", 'innried. v 'w ;. F i & Washington, Oct. 2i. Secretary Trncy said tliis muriiing that a further study of the cipher despatch received from Capt. Schley of the Baltimore on Thursday, in regard to the recent assault on American gailorfr at Valpnraiho, sliuwed that, in addition to the killing of one man and the serious wounding of six others, thirty-live American seamen were arres ted and detained by tile Chilian aullbiri ti s at the same time.aud that they were nfu rwitrds examined anil dismissed, as there was no proof that they had been guilty ol'nnv misbehavior. The Americans were unarmed, sober and well behaved at th" time ol the trouble. At least forty men out of the Baltimore's contingent of 275 men were objects ol tlie rage ol the Chilian mob. It also ap pears that up to the date of Captain Schley's report the Chilian authorities had taken no steps to arrest and punish any or the Chilians responsible for the alVair; or. at any rate, that no Chilians were arrested, nor had the wheels ol just ice oieratcd in any other direction than against the Americans. It is known that the administration regards the situation as very serious, mil that the incident ts not one that can be overlooked as a simple street brawl, but as an insult to the honor and flag of the United States calling for the most rigorous diplomatic treatment. Minintir Ugau lias been instructed to take prompt and vigorous measures to secure proper reparation, lie has been billy advised ol the position ol' this gov ernment in the matter, and has been in structed to neipiaint the Chilian govern ment therewith in the hope that the matter may be amicably adjusted with out detriment to the honor of either country. It is understood that the pres ident insists upon a proper redress lor the purposed insult to our national honor, and that unless it is given within a reasonable time Minister Eagan will be recalled and all diplomatic relations with Chili suspended. KI'.V. MR, USBUKNK, IflHHvr.u at Trinity KplHcopal Church Yt-'HU-rday. There were presint at the morning ser vices of the Episcopal church yesterday, the rector, the Key. Mr. UuHose, Rev. Ii. A. Osborne, and the recently ordained deacon, the Rev. Mr. Rhodes, all of whom participated in the various duties of the service. Ihe sermon was rielivcred by Mr. Osborne. In him was attached much of interest. His career had lieen a varied one in secu lar and military duty. He had been in ihe late war colonel of the 4th N. C Infantry, an omcer ol skill, a soldier ol daring and courage. A mutilated right hand and the scars of three other sever wounds testily to his bravery and his risks. He was lor several years elerkol the superior court ot Mecklenburg county, hiiilil'til, efficient und popular, Ins thoughts and his inclinations meantime urging him to the pursuit which now engages him with so much uselulness and honor. Heentercd the Episcopal ministry several years ago. The knowledge of men neiiuireil in his previous tatniliarity with secular affairs 'has been ol great service to him as lamil- larizing him with the chief springs ot human motive and action. A cultivated mind, a gentle nature, but a tearless pur pose, equip him in eminent degree with the weapons so essential to the vocation ol all others the most delicate in its sue- cesslul discharge. Mr. Osborne's text yesterday morning was tne words ol at, I'aul. Ami now abidcth in you these three, faith, hope and charily ; but the greatest ol these is charily." 1 he habit of the Episcopal lergv hus largely leaned to tile use ol written sermons, with growing tendency to depart lrom a custom which has its merits, and also its serious drawbacks. Mr. Osborne is one ol those whose reli ance is upon lue extempore utterance, more lice, more animated, but in his case at least, quite as finished and pol ished as U elaborated in the closet. Those who heard him yesterday tell the impulse of that readv fluency and im pressive eloquence that gave the trite but actually momentous subject a beauty, grandeur uud importance too olten not ascribed to it. The relation in which he placed truth and hoe to "the greatest ol tliese.chnrity, was especially ucautilul and siguihcunt, the two tirst having their eliiclest signiiicance when, in the end, the one was rewarded aud the other realized. But charity, in its true und broad acceptation, always to live and act in the sunlight ol Him who bad inspired the sentiment so truly divine. At the evening service, Mr. Osborne gave u very interesting sketch of the 1 homuson ormiunnge ntlhurlotte.grat' ih ing and successful, but, like all such institutions, dependent upon somewhat capricious public generosity, always standing in need oi aid to niaintuin the capacity for continued usefulness, The congregation was reminded that on Thauksuivinu day it would have oppor luuity to give substantial proof of lively continued interest Hlttll WAT1CR IN SPAIN. RallroadH Hiibmerited, Teleicraph pole Carried Away. Madhio, Oct. 26. Telegrams from Mcrida, province of Badajas, says the floods in that locality continue. The River Ebro has overflowed its banks and is submerging railroads and highways along its course. In many parts of the provinces the Hoods nave earned away a number of telegraph poles and conse quently communication by means of wire has been interrupted. The olive, corn, grape and saffron crops in many parts of the province of Cindad Real, have been destroyed. A Riot on Sunday. Madrid, Oct. 26. There were serious riots Sunday in the town of San Mich- acle, province ol Madcna, between a bodv of socialists and labor working mend. During the disturbance two men were killed and eight seriously injured. In addition a great number of combat ants on Dotn sines were siigntiy nurt The not was quelled by the police, L1VKLY UOINUHAT CORK. John K. Redmond Anplrlnir to Succeed Parnell. Irish history just now concentrates in Cork, where Pnrnellitesantlanti-I'nrnell-ites are skirmishing before the electoral battle which will decide whether or not John E. Redmond will succeed Mr. Par nell ns representative of that town. The larger.qucstion of leadership is involved in the struggle, for there is no question that the success ol Mr. Redmond at Cork would place him nt the head of the Par- nellite nnrlv. Prominent Irishmen have expressed their willingness to follow the lead ol that gentleman. Mr. Redmond is a young man, genial and eloquent. He was born in lHoG. the son of n gentleman at one time member of parliament for Wexford. Trinity col lege, Dublin, numbers him among her alumni. In 1881 he won a seat in par liament. Two years afterward he made a trip to Australia in the interests of the Irish party, then unbroken under the leadership of Mr. Paruell, and took home about $50,000 for the treasury. He married the daughter of a wealthy Australian. In 1884- lie was present with Thomas Sexton in the Irish convention held at Boston, und was in this coun try a second time in 188(1, when he ntlendcd the Chicago con vention of the Irish National league, in company with William O'Brien and John lieasey. Mr. Redmond, then mem ber ol 1'arlmnieut tor Wexlord, w as con victed under the Crimes act in lfS8 and imprisoned without bard labor for five weeks. He is reported to have declared himsell "the elected leader of the Parlia mentary parly." Within the next ftw days it will be decided by the votes of the people of Cork whether he will or will not be at the head of the Parnellite fac tion. COME AMIS UOKK, F.iifllt Thousand People Haw the ClrcuH In Ihe Afternoon. The circus has come and gone, and Asheville has again settled down to her usual hard work. The crowd which attended the circus was remarkable for two things, its size and its good order. The town was jam full of folks, but theie was good humor on every side. It was, in lact, a typical Western North Carolina crowd. There were at least 8,000 people in the circus tent at the afternoon perform ance. The spectacleof "King Solomon" was very imposing and well done, what there was of it. The bareback riders, the trapezists.the revolving wheelman, were all very good. The hippodrome races were exciting in the extreme. Everybody liot their money's worth and were satis- tied. The sideshow was much above the ordinary. The balloon ascension nnd parachute leap was free and was done in first class style. There was very little crookedness along with the show. There was the three shell game, which took in several people who should have known li tter. One person lost $0, another $35 and so on Next time they will not bet on another man s came. There was a smalt crowd nt the night performance. But nil 'round the people were satisfied, and went home to talk lor dnvs and days over the sights they had seen. COLLISION AND RUNAWAY. A Reversed Kuitlne Takes a (team per Down the Track. There was another collision followed bv an exciting runaway on the Western North Carolina railroad last Saturday It occurred near Newton, and the cir eutiistuuee as giveu Tun Citukn arc as follows; A freight train, with engineer John Clarke in the cab was going east, ll passed Newton, but had not gone fur helow tliat point wnrn u came imu col lision with the rear end ot a work train Engineer Lowe in cn.irge. Mr. Lowe saw the freight coming, and, reversing bis eneiue. he. with his tin-man, lumped The treiirht struck tne -nni cars wun force sufficient to break the work engine loose from its cars. Then the treed en wine, with machinery reversed, without a hand to guide it, started off at full speed toward Salisbury. It happened that there was a clear tracK neiore u, or the consequences might have been more serious. The runaway raced aown as far as Catawba, twelve or fifteen miles below the scene of the accident, where it stopped of its ownaccord, its tires buying given out. r . i r..- .. ,1 . 1 I ne engine oi me ifciul nnBuainnu, besides a few cars, but no one was in jured. He Did Not coin mil Foritery. Richmond, Va., Oct. 26 The jury in the case ol W. S. Dnshiell, charged with uttering forged note of J. L. Ludwig for $1200 at noontoday brought in a ver dict of acquittal. All theotherenses were nolle-prossed. Monalsrnor Prealon'a IHneaa. Nkw York, Oct. 26. Monsignor Pres ton is lying dangerously ill from a com nliention of heart and stomach troubleat his residence in East 12th street. He was better this morning than for several days, Lottery's Baleful Touch. New Orleans, Oct. 26. Announce ment is that Thomas H. Kelley, cashier of Richardson, Williams & Co., whole sale dry goods house, has embezzled $2,000. Kelley is a lottery fiend. Notice lo Farmers. We want all the first-class butter we can get. Kroger, 41 College St. THE TWO GREAT BATTLES DEMOCRATIC CHAM'Ks NEW YORK ANU OHIO. II 18 All Cioluu Flower and Camp bell'! Way In Their Reitpectlve (Hatea, Havtt a Can Jul Corres pondent. Cincinnati, ()., Oct. 2i. A corres pondent in carefully summing up the sit uation in this state, says that three has been a significant change in betting on the Ohio election during the past week. Two weeks ago the republicans were offering odds of 4 to 1 that McKinlcy would be elected, and even money that bis plurality would reach 15,000. Today the Mckinley crowd will not give 2 to 1 and will not take bets at all on majori ties. The boom for Campbell, which started the first of this month, has continued to grow with wonderful rapidity. His great meeting in Cincinnati Monday night was the one great political sensa tion of the campaign. It was just as much surprise to the local democrats as it was to the republicans. Nkw Yokk, Oct. 26. The registration in this city has been the heaviest ever known outside of a presidential canvass, and of course this is altogether in favor of the democrats, as their greatest ma jority conies from this city. 1 he netting men nreotfermg heavy odds that Flower will be elected and are even giving odds that his majority will exceed 10,000. The lact that Cleveland has en tered actively into the campaign in lie half of Flower is having a wonderlul effect, which is being fell till over the state. Had Money Ktiouu;li, Hut Couldn't Collect It. Boston, Oct. SG. The firm of Irving A. Evans & Co., has made an assignment to Col. Albert Pope and Wilmot R. ivnns for the protection of all its credi tors, to avoid litigation and dispose of ts assets to advantage. The banks holding obligationsof the house arc fully protected. About $550,000 is due to the bunks but the collaturals thev hold aggregate about $(iti0,000. If ail indi vidual accounts due the house arc collec ted there will bea considerable surplus. Stock Uuotislloua. Nkw Yokk, Oct. as. Erie 31: l.ake Shore Cliieni:u and Northwestern 1114; Soitnlk unti WcKtem n:!'; Richmond und West I'oint Terminal lU; Western I nion Baltimore Prlcen. Baltimokk. Oct. 24 -Kloui. stead v; west ern suficr $3 50(,i!3.73; exra .'l.yuffi.4.4o; family, $.',01.43.110. Wheat; No. 2 nil. wcuk; spot and Uctntierini i(itloi-4;.outh- ern, steady; rultz 9H(ij.1ii; L-'iiKbcrry oofltloa. corn, southern; white, new. arm at 7L'(H73 yellow, old, dull at 0. New Vork Market. Nitw Your, Oct. SB Stocks, dull and stitunart Money, easy at 3. Kxehanirc, long, 4.s0'!ilW;4 Htj short, 4.N3'a'it4n3-i4; state tionus, neKiecteu; Koveruiiu-iu oonui., dull but steady. Cotton dull; alcs ,"U bulcs; I'plandH, H 7-Ulc; Orleans, H?,e; lu- turcs, steady, uctnner. ; rovemner. H.jfi; Ikcemlier, N 40; January, H.57; l-'ebru-aiy, 8.73; March, S.htt. l-'luiir-quiet but s'e dy. Wheat active but easv. Corn quiet hut hrm. Pork dull but steady at $10 O0i$ll.o0. l.nrd ibpl and easy at 0 (10. Spirit Turpentine qui.-t and stcadv at 3U-4vi;3 7 V. Kosui inactive and steady at Si 3.Vj(ii,t 37V- FrciiiUtB good demand and firm AFFMKS OF C0SSEQi:ECE. FOREIGN. Home rule will lie the issue in the next general election in Great Britain between the liucruls and conservatives. It is thought Michael Davitt can recon cile the opposing tactions ol the lush parliamentary party ll he will try. It is probable that a general strike of printers will be ordered throughout tier- ninny to demand a working day ot nine ins and un advance ot thirty-three per cent, in wages. The McCarthvitc section of the Irish parliamentary party in Cork has selected Mr. Martin, a butter merchant, as their candidate to contest the parliamentary seat lelt vacant by the death ol Mr. Par nell. iio.uk. Russian Hebrews are arriving in New- York at the rate ot 0,000 a mouth. The vicinity of Oakland, Md., was vis ited by a hearty snow-squall Thursday The name of ex-President Cleveland was cheered twice at a republican meet ing in 1 hilctdelnliin. Special telegrams to Bi ndslreet's indi cate a continuance of the moderate rate of increase in the volume of generu trade. It is stated that the arrangements to have the floating debt ot the Richmond Terminal taken up by a syndicate are almost complete. Ex-President Cleveland is to preside at a democratic mass meeting in New York next Thursday night and Oov Mill is expected to appear on the plut- form with him. Robert Jordan, colored, was hanged nt Hampton, Md., lor a criminal assault on a Mis. Moore, in July last, Mrs. Moore became n raving maniac soon after the triul of Jordan. Charles Wotnbcll, employed in a fac tory at Bnllardville, Mass., has fallen heir to an estate in Australia valued at $1,000,000. It was left by his father, who went to Australia from England thirty-6ve years ago. The will of Mrs. Mary I". S. Searlcs, disinheriting her son, Timothy Hopkins, hns been sustained. Judge Harmon, ol the Essex county probate court, Salem, Mass., deciding that none of the grounds set up by the heirs for disallowing it was proved. A Columbus, Ohio, dispatch says that $50,000 was contributed to the Ohio republican campaign funds by the iron manufacturers of Pittsburg at the be ginning of the canvass, and that they have recently been called ou for further assistance. The Oregon legislature, having failed to make an appropriation for a World's Pair exhibit at Chicago in 189H, the State Board of commerce has employed a number of men to canvass Oregon for the purpose of raising at least $25.- 000 to be applied towards making an exhibit. Monuments of the most beautiful dc signs. It will be worth your while to visit my wareroom. Will sell very, very low. Wolte't Marble Works, corner Couit Place and Market street. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC GIGARS AT Wholesale Prices. If you want a on of good dgdrs. Im ported or domestic, Grunt's Pharmacy is the place to (jet lliem. We do not retail cigars, but sell them by the bo only. A cigar that vou usually pay ten cents for, I can sell yoa the same ciar, fifty in a box, at seven cents. The best five cent cigar at 314 cents by the bo. It will pay you to calf and examine them. GRANT'S PHARMACY. Buncombe Sarsaparilla A positively 'Safe and Eeliable Blood Purifier. Containing Burdock Root, Sarsa parilla Bark, Prickly Ash Bark, Poke Root, &c. By its use you can save yourself from the Buffering caused by foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system strives to rid itself of corruptions. It purifies the blood, giving it re newed vitality and force. Being n alterative, it changes the action of the system, imparting fresh trength and vigorous health in place of that weakness and tired feeling, which is an indication of disorder and decay. The concentrated power and urative virtues of Buncombe Sarsaparilla render it the most reliable Blood Purifier that can be used, while it is entirely safe for patients of all ages. Manufactured only at (3 rant's Pharmacy. Every bottle guaranteed, satisfac tory or money refunded. RANT'S PHARMACY, 4 South Slain St. J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL, ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. For Sale. The mo.t elegant house in Asheville. The grounds arc large. All modern conveniences. Situated risht in the heart ot city. Two minutes' walk from postoffice. Grounds suitable for large hotel. Fourteen rooms in presint house, besi es servant apartment. vt ill lie sold at a saenhce. The best bargain in Anheyillc for parties desiring an elegant home. Possession given in two months. For Sale or Rent. White cottage on top of mountain, with five acres of land, as a whole, or in lots. No log. dryrst place about Asheville and finest views within corporate limits. Pronounced by experts iust the place for invalids. Seven hundred feet of porch; B'ven rooms. Pos session given at once. Elevation 2,800 feet. Kvery kind of real estate, from a lot of $-'.1 to residences and lots of $125,000. Apply at No. G. South Main street. For Rent. Ten room hou'e on Chestnut street, unfur nished, all modern improvements; $35 per month. Possession at once. Ten room house, turnlshed, all modern Im provements; $5 per month. Possession on short notice. Apply j. M. CAMPBRLL. Real Estate Dealer. RAYSOR & SMITH, With the first cold winds you suffer most with rough skin, chapped face, lips and hands. Why bear with the disagreeable sen sations, when theT can be avoided by get ting a twenty-five cent bottle of RAYSOR & SMITH'S A cooling and emollient application, for tof ening the akin, preventing and Immediately curing chapped hands, face, lips, and all irri ated surfaces. Full directions with each bottle. Manufactured only bp RAYSOR & SMITH, DRUGGISTS, 31 Patton Ave, AstacTUlc J -i-it'T".' ... - - - ' " T