ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 3, 1891. Fon MEN ONLY YOUNG MENVOLD MEN . t&T II THi 191.1 If IHf IIHPIIII IV I1SIAH. TktT atrole floru to fm .., bi do snowing now vo wwwniif 8HAKEOFFTHE HORRID SNAKES IkOy glnuplBdMPKlr U)4 MDK IIWMtWIF ItBMWSHllUM XIMOU nuns OUR NEW BOOK ml Int. IJM. I""11' rr. llltid das.exnl.llis tks pstloiophy Dlies." .Bj AflleiloBS Of til. Oralis !". ssd '""J !T HOME TREATMENT. fc attkodi sxelsilMly oa on, worst ram of Lost r rsllisi sUskooa, O.ssrsl as Hirro.s Ds. Mllty. W.sss.M dr .a. illnd. Ilssuaf Errors or Iimm, r trcui rmm b;"CJf ; JSaJSninSo ERIK MEDICALCO. BUFFALO, N.Y- n XI trtvs. THE FARMER'S WORST ENEMY. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC TREATMENT. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Barnett. Nervou. Prostra Ion,. Pnralysl., Rheuma, Neuralgia, Obesity, Insomnia, Ktc , Sue cessfully treated, Patients attended at tbelr own home, or at Al Charlotte .trect. octltidtf CHAS. A. GARRATT, Organist and Choirmaster Trinity Church, AND CONDUCTOR OF THE GARRATT ORCHESTRA Receive! pupils for the Organ, Plano'or e, Violin and Voice Culture Tor terms, etc., apply at 370 Haywood Street, JO. W. SUMMKK. WW. H. LBWU. SUMMERS & LEWIS, ATT0BNBY9 AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office Kio. so pallon Avenue, ASHKVILI.B, N. C. oct 13d 1m CHAS. A. WEBB, Attorney at Law, ASHEVILLE, N. C. Office No. 7, Legal Block. octl2dlm Drs. IttcGlWra & Straw. FRACTICB L1MITBD TO D1SBA.K. OF THt EYE, EAR, THROAT AND NOSE, Testing for Glasses Scientifically Cone. OFFICE NO. 20 PATTON AVE., UP STAIRS. ocUldSiw3m Tbe tjcbeme of Taxation That Hob the jagrlcullurallHt. From Louisville, Ky , Home and Piirm. Mr. Lcih a correspondent of Home and Farm aska ua to explain two more fnctu. One lie found in a newspaper, published in 1N24, showing the price of cliccsc to less t linn the tariff on cheese. "Docs the consumer ouv this tux," he asks. No; for there is no tux. The duty on cheese -vas imposed, aB thedutics on eggs and wheat are imposed, simply to delude the 1,-irmcr. We mnke cheese cheaper here than it can be imported for; so with wheat, so with cotton. A tax of $1 a pound on cotton would not increase the price one cent, for we are exporters, not importers, of wheat, cotton and cheese. These taxes are palpnble frnuds, meant to deceive the farmer. It is a bunco game, rotten from rnd to end. The pur pose is to get the larmcr to vote lor pro tection. If the protectionists really mean to protect chef sc, wheat and cotton, let them pay bounty on all we export. If farm wealth had increased as rapidly under it high tariff from 1860 to 1880 as it increased under a low tariff from 1H50 1o 1860, farmers would have owned twentv thousand million dol lars that somibody else owned in 1880, and their wealth would have been thirty-two billion instead of twelve billion. The Ohio board of equalization meets every ten years. Its report is just out, showing thut, in the past ten years, agri cultural property in Ohio has decreased $108,000,000, while the value of city, town and village proiierty has increased $155,000,000. Yet all this time our ex ports have exceeded our imports, and the country has been prosperous. Four ourselves, we denounce any scheme of taxation that makes prosperity tor tnc cities, tow us and villages at the expense ot the tanners. The titriti does this, and we trust the fanners will fight against it continually as against their worst enemv. Unless all si'gns fail, there willheacomt te display ut the election returns at The Citizen" olhce tonight. THK HOTKI.S, ASHEVILLEMARKETS. Corrected daily by POWELL t SNIDKR, hulesnle and retail grocer.. These prices re being paid by the merchants to-day. Butter 20'Applc. S0100 Eggs 18 Apples, dried fl Chickens 1 2Via!20 Pumpkins, cach.525 Turkeys 70(fl)100Sorguin 30 Ducks 16(0201 Beeswax, per lt 18 Potatoes, sw't COilloney 11 Potato!, Irish .... 60 Wheat 100 Turnip- 30la)40Corn K5 Onions lOOIMeal 85 Cabbage, per tt 1 Oats SO Beans, r nu.iooinii an Kyc o Peas 65(h)75 Hay, ton $16ct$20 Chestnuts ...1 BOICelcrr. dos ar,ffi40 H. W. FITCH, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, ,'ai yean practical experience. Office over lattery Park Bank. All estimates guaran ' eed. Office honrs 1 to 6 p. tn nayl6d:w6m B. F. ARRINGTON, M, D., D. D. S, OPPICB ROOMS No. 81 Over Rayaor & Smith's drug store, Patton Avenue. Pilling teeth a sp-dnlty: nlso treating diseased gums, and all diseases pertHning to tbe denial structure. a27dtf R. H. REEVES, D. D. DENTAL OFFICE In Connally Bunding, over Kedwood's Store, Patton Avenue. Residence, SB Spruce street. w P. RAMSAY. D.D.B. Rental Office i the National Bank of Ashevllle, Bar .,d Builfiiflg. Residence, 9 Charlotte st. iehi:ediT J A. TBNNRNT. Architect and Coutractor. io.i..m. anik estimates fur- . ..rj??"' i mv lini contracted lor, , 2"Z: ,u.,.. for drawings on contracts riwarded me. , l , Kelerences wnm Office: No. 12 Hendry Block, tfquare. Asheville. N. C. North Court irbigdiy T. E. DAVIS, CONTRACTOR AND SUPERINTENDENT In all kinds of wood, brick and stone vork. and Is agent lor tnc auonu- o,x...u 7,- "K. v. . stock of tin shingles n hand All' work guaranteed Agent lor u i out " - - ..V....-T,- - - . , u . ... omce niraimiun,n .w Who are at Them, and Where Tbev Come From. Swannanoa: A. B. Curch.J. Hirshlcr, Philadelphia; M. L. Gudgcr, D. P. Miles iucinnati; W. R. Marshall, St. Paul; G. Hines, St. Louis; W. J. Barker, Indi nnaoolis; G. W. Callahan, Knoxvillc; H Silvertone, W. O. Wheeler, New York; las. D. Glenn. Greensboro; U. S. Walton and wile, Morgnntou; Ceo. H. Smnthcrs, as. M. Moody, M. H. Love, Waynes. lie. Grand Central: W. A. Hovel, W. A. Monrov, R. 0. Patterson. N. C; H. J Elmore and wife, Bryson City; Jas. W Terrell, Webster, J. H. Wolff, Rev. R. T, Brown, W aynesville; J. r. awilt, N, C. Wm. Simpson, G. A. Rumsey, li. B. Dal Ins, Knoxvillc; Prof. J. M. Tiernum, Sal isbury; C. A. Thomwcll, Rome, Ga.; Kcv. K. f. rrancis ana wue, . R. C. Iillis and nephew, Waynesvillc; I. H. Susonu. Newport, Tenn.; h. An ceo and wile. ht. Louis u. M Hoon, Boston; Ga.; W. J. Pavne.Chntta nooga; J. C. McDowell, Baltimore; John . Malom-v and wile, w. L.; u. . Am rain, riiiladeipmn; 11. K. i-ninswortn W. V. Clifton, Raleigh; W. P. Hnlrbur ton, Johnson City. Grand Central: Geo. YoungCoopers . C. Hunter, Leicester; U. L. Gaston, Ikiminv; D. A. Blackwcll, Blackwell Springs; J. R. Ragnn, Arden; H. M. Boone, N. C; John L. Words, Danville; E. L. Cockrell, Alexandria, Va.; I). L. Schulhofer, Waynesvillc; A. E. Posey, Hcndcrsonville; E. W. Goolsby, Greens boro; P. A. Barlv, Charleston; W. T. Shuler; J. C. Deainer, T. V. Shopc, J. M. Rhymer, Yellow Creek; Labe Farley. John Farley, Thomas Farley, Graham; Walter Moore, weusier i. a. rainam, Andrews; M. W. Bell. James Sneed, (. M. West. Maik Ceen. lames hwanson. b. A; Styles, Murphy; Chas. MeKennie, Tryon Citv; J. H. McMuhnn, Bryson City; R. P. McMuhnn, l. K. mcAianan, incusou; J. Payne, Chattanooga, fetid. No. 0 Willow street; a. ra.; from 4 to U p m. Street. Telephone 118. Residence 30 Seney luncl.'Uiy 34-YearB' Experieuce-34 JWILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACE AND MARKBT STREET. B. B. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, .hi of all kinds dona. A orders promptly filled and work guaranteed. Can ETtou-i at all time, at Powell Snider-. tore. P. O. Box BB angldM L Charles M. Stedman ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE OVER THE BATTERY PARK BANK, Asbevllle, N. C. aag8dm INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General i Insurance i A .rent Rear No. 80 South Main street. Established 1866. auS dlv Asheville. N. C A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER ROOM I. :AFBB BUILDING. Lecal Work a Specialty. Walter S. Cushman ( Formerly of the Massachusetts Bar, I ATTORNKV-AT-Uw! cowwissioHsa or okkd., akp kotakv pubi. i. an Patton Are.. McAfee block, room ' A8I1BVILLB, N. C. iriCIUTIUi RIAL FROPSRTI Mt COSVKVAM'IMJ pr33dtf Dr. J. W. Rolllne)" VETERINARY PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, A8HBVILLB, N C. I will keen an l.flrmwy for .Ick Parties Having sica nuw. " ." - - -r.i.r. .j.... in haTt them sent in a oacc. where I keep good supply oi si doc. and proper appliance, for administer, to. It at Aort notlcs. Office and Infirmary 78 ttoath Main 8treetf Bay Bouatng, oppo site twaaaaaoa Hotal. snayllMtt WANT COLUMN, WASTED. ANTKD. I'oHltlon fis housrkcepcror at t o'iiimmon. AppW or Mdnrens oct28dlw 3H2 NOKTIi MAIN ST. "7"ANTBD To rent, nn unfurnishrd hoime ,Y of ten or twelve rooms, lu good con dition and in a de-irable locality. Address li., nov2d3t 22 Patton avenue. 11TANTKD TO RKNT A nice 4-room V house, In good locality, within 10 or 15 minute' walk "f court place, near car II c. Nothini! ' gilt-edge" wanted. Ad Iress, with full particulars, A. w w , oct31dlw citizen u nee. 0 HA PINO, Prick y Heat to curt, coaling no more. Moincr, io uf a ra cine Tol'ct Powiler, Highly iwr fumed, Buperior, 25c. all drug' NOW IS YOUR TIME ! J. D. BREVARD'S The Place To Buy Goods Cheap for Cash. Don't fail to see his large stock and Cheap Goods Before You Buy. Ask to see his $2 Calf Shos for men. Also his $5 lleiser hand-made and all others o t prices between. Full line MORROW'S FINE SHOES FOR LADIES, As well as staple grades. Also Frank D. Wildman's chil dren's shoes, as well as staple lines. Also his large and varied stock of mens and boys' clothing, which he is sell ing so cheap. Huve you seen Brevard's DRESS GOODS ANDTR1MMINGS? f not, call ft" him and soe the best value for the prices in town. His stock is varied, consisting ot Ladies , uents under and outer wear, including Overcoats for men and cloaks and heavy wraps tor ladies. Also a complete line oi staple goods. All at bottom prices lor man. J. D. BREVARD, No; it North Main St., AghevUle, N. c. nov2dlw FOR RUNT. Two, four or s:x room, fine 42 CHIiKKY STRBbT. TIOR KENT. X; ni-lphbiirhood, four block of uostotticc Furnished room near Mont- lord avenue. oct7dtf 163 HAYWOOD STREET. "17V1R RENT. X1 i T710R RENT. Purnishcd rooms at the Villa C the most central house in AKhfvllle, Rates KeiKonauie. uk.j.m. luilhi. oct27dlm TTJOK HUNT. Oneelaht room house, nlcrly X: furnished, on cast side of Heuucutcber tnoiitituin. None but nrat-class people need apply. Price $20 per m-mth. Apmy to oct'.'9dlm P. C. MelNTIKE, College Strict. FDR RKNT beauti:ul i T.' A twenty-room house, in grove, half wav be'. ween Kenil worth Inn and Asheville Well adapted lor board rs. M"dern conveniences. Price moderate. Possession at once. Apply to I . A. KAKINIIOl. r, octSdlm No. 20. Patton avenue, up stairs T7U1K RKNT. A house on the corner of F Plint and L'herrv strcts. No 40. with eight rooms above nnd three basement rooms, with bath and waier closet, sink In kit hen. and k'uoil well in yard, with house lumished or not furnished Applv at rest dence. W.J. ALEXANDER. nuv2dlw iOR RENT. Store and basement on court square ply to COK TI.ANl) BK"8. uu2Udtf 26 Patton Avenue, Ap- JPOK RUNT. Prom November 1st to lune 1st. suburban residence. 2 miles from court house, in the ,-ouiiirv. vet connected nittl town by Look out Mountain electric tramway, running every 15 minutes. Ample grounds, exquisite view. House completely lumished and equip ped with all modern conveniences bath and wuier closet on both floors, electric b lis. heated throughout by steam with Furmiin boiler. Two registered Ji rsey cows in full milk, a line nair of bors.-s with singU and double vehicles, mny nlso be rented Ample barn accommodations, furmer in charge. No tenunt wanted but one who will take care of ow-uer's property a ol nis own; tutting piaee of ow ner who occupies it only a. a summer residence. Gentleman desiring a i tirrcm. dence heie might muke permiinent arrange inent. Address I', u. luib. uu uw, sculdtf FOR S.iLh. in this city. A rare opportunity for par ei, witn money. a. x ocltltf Citizen Olhce, J?OK SALE, After the 1st of September, having no fur ther tine lor the n. solil lor no I Ult, one pair grcv Uclding. Percheron stuck, the largest puir in the country, and still growing, rising mir .nil I, .e. uina nnu K- Lie in cvc.jr v huv- been worked in wagon and plough since lust May, and cannot be beaten lor nau ing miFiuwi Upineiubfr thesi horses are ft rer- ctieron stock from t lydesdale mare Aio stiidt-linker two borne wagon ana names maur for hors s by Moulton, Auburn, N Price $700 for tnc lot. Appiy to B. D. HI 1NEMANN, Supt., Inunda. P. O., N C Where horses can be seen any day except Sunday at work aujuu HOARDING, OAKUERS WANTED at 27 North Main street. Rooms neatly luri goud board at a reasonable rate. w. T 0ARIHNO. One couple or twogents can JJ be nicely sec miiioil :tea in irout room uiso day boaiuers wantru at una. n, , i o , oct3ldst 8 Plint street. The Alliance and North Carolina. Prom tbe Springfield (Mass.) Republican. There seems to be but one southern state where the alliance is causing the leaders of the democratic party any un easiness, and that is North Carolina. In several states, as in Florida, the alli ance is nistiuciiy iosiiik grounu, not only in political influence but in member ship. LEMON ELIXIR. Plesswant, Elegant, Reliable. For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon blixtr. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness and pal- nitntion of the heart, take Lemon Elixir, r .a ; i' I C....I I. ror innigcsiiuu uuu iuui piuuiuvh wh Lemon Elixir. For all sick and nervous headacnes take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, tor natural and thorouirn or- canic regulation, take Lemon blixir. Dr. Moziev s Lemon uuxir win uui mil vou in anv of the above uanied dis cuses, all ol which arise from a torpid or Hiaonsfd liver, siomacn, giuneys jt hnwpla. Prepared only by Dr, Mozlky, Atlanta, (Jn., oOc ana m.uii )cr uimic, m umg' gists. LEMON BOX OKU1-. rHi nil Coughs. Colds. Hoarseness, Km Thront. Brouchitis. tlemorrnnge nnrl all throat and luwr diseases. Ele- Fiint. reliable. " " " J l- T 1 l 25 cents ai aruKK181"1 iciuisu by Dr. H. Moxley, Atlunta, Oa. janl7eoa E. cor FIN, AUCTIONEER. REAL ESTATE AGENT and LOAN BROKBR 83 Patton Ave., (2nd story) Room 8. I sell furniture, real estate, or anything auctiun. If not In otflse when you call, write name and residence on .late, and I will visit vou Refer to J d. teeie. manager iiaucry Park hotel or anv bank in Asheville. Trappers and Sportsmen WAN! H0. 100 good nk, t otter skin. Will nt.n huv hear. mink, wildcat and fos. shins We can lurntsn stsei truns to mmr wu want tbem Skins of small animals mast be "cased," that is not cut open, a. It lessens their value. Ski i them entire nose, feet and all Dry in the shade; use no salt or alum. Alwavi remove the bone the tail. Call ..Mr... IENK8 & IBNKS, nctiidtf 28 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C oct31dlw 17VRST-C LASS board, gs, both, hot and J cold w liter, or furnished rooms for light housekeeping at . . . ,,,, octlltlCllw" ru. u arsuv a a i iid i . lirtKTKH board. A few urge, warm rojnn centrally located, good table, terms reasonable. MRS. M. 1.. WA tsu,i, octSOd 1 w' spruce siren, OARD. Board In the country with home comforts. Term, moderate, uany mall. MRS. H. T. WILCOX, oct24dlm inunua, r. v. JjlOR WINTER. octiouu Sunny rooms with board MKs. J L 1.1 A A. LUU, mVINTER BOARD. Rooms warm and comfortable. Kverythlng fresh und newly painted, and luniisticd inline diatcly on street car line. Terms reasonable. AinO. J. 1- Prtlll " " ;nnl2dtf 81S Patton Ave. mVDC DAR-T OCK a ire oust No. 3a Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. VISini.B WRITING, each letter seen as printed and work al wnys in sight;permanent and perfect alignment; AUTOftlATIC RIB RONPKKD KKVKKSK;changenble ribbons; light running. UNI.IMIT EDSPKKD; Automatic paper feed; Dtl 'ABLE; the best munilolderyet produced; d tuchable enrringe, and many other advantage, too numerous to mention. It munt be seen to be atiprcciuted. The Bar Lock Typewriter is believed to be the most compact and servlcablc typewriter ever produced and wynvite comparison and test of its advantages, side iiy side with writing machines of any other make whatever SUP PLt KS AN I) SI'Rf 1 A I.Tt KS fornll kinds of typewriters, writ ing paper. mor- th m too kindn.troin 50eents to $2.45 - er ream; munu-. script covers, carbon papi-r, ribbons all colors, record, copving and indelible. Stands, drop cabinets and desks Irom $o to $50. ttaTAll Kinds of Typewriting Neatly and Quickly Done."Q) oc5d6m REMOVAL. I have moved my boarding house from corner Patton avenue and church street. to 211 (the O M. Roberts p'acc) Patton avenue, where I am ready to accommodate regular and transient boarders. Terms reason utile. OCt7(llf MR. B. STBVHNMJM. The Eii,adine Wines Cn now be found at the establishments of Bonanza Wine nnd Liquor Company and Jame II. Loughran, Asheville, N. C. Parties wishing to purchase direct from the vineyard can have prices quoted on application. Wine sold by the case only. JOHN K. HOYT, 12d2m Luther, N. C. $5o Reward. WE will pay the above reward for any case ol Liver complaint, liysiiepsm. hick m-ao-nehe. Indieestion. Constipation or Cos- tiv.-ness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the di reetlons are strictlv complied with. Thev are purely Vegetable, nntl never fall to give satislaction Sugar Coated. Large boxes, continuing 30 pills 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and Imitation The genuine manulacturcd only by THK JOH C. WI-.ST COMPANY. CIIICAOO, ILL. Sold by T. C Smith & Co., Asheville. N. C CHEAP FISH ! The place to buy fish, and buy them cheap, is P. C. Mclntire's Butcher Shop on College street, in front of Woodbury's livery stable. Only 20 cents per bunch. oct23dtf P. C. McINTIRB. Chlybeate Water, Brought in pipe direct from the Asheville Chalybeate Spring (long known as Lcc'. Chulybeutc spring) now on sale ut booth on north rourt square, bv the tlnss. ser ed cold, 2 cents, three Klusses 5 cents or by the gal lon, hull gallon, or any q .amity desired at low prices. E. J. ARMSTRONG. jumiti typewriter:, typewriters. A supply of Ri-miiiKton Typewriter al ways on Hand. Also typewriter suppms Record and con-vint, ribbons, any color, cleuniiiK brushes, and linen paper any quali ty. Stnu lor catalogue, or iui on Aacntfor W. N C. At K. & 0. Freiht Pepot. oc2dlin RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. GO. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Sept. 20, 1891 kahtbound" " No. 10. I No. 12. Knoxvillc, K. T. V. & G. 12 2rpm 815am Murristown. Lt. Pattit Kock, " Hot Springs, Lr. Asheville, " Round Knob, " Marion, " Mo'Knton, " Hiikory, Newton, " Stutesville, Ar. Salisbury, " Greensboro, " Danville, 1 5'tpm lilVam 4 10pm 45' pm 04 it pin H 12 pm 84Kptn 9 3lii m io Ktpm 10 Itfipm I ll'Jtipmi 12 2oam 10nnra 1215pm 122-pra 2 1 5pm 3 24pm 4' "3 pm 44Hpm 5 a 1 pm 5 . 4 pm 6 4pm 7 4'pni 1057pm Ar. Richmond, Lv. Greensboro Ar. Durhum, " Rabich, " Goldsboro, jv7uiriivTiie, Ar. Lvnchb.irK 12 30ara 1 12 55t'n 6l7m 70t)am I I210nm R&D. WashinKtonj " Baltimore, Peun. Phitadt Iphia, New York, " 1 0 'dam 1252pm 1 45pm 3 J5pm 125rpm 3 1 fipm 4 35 am 7 15am 1 2 'Opni 1 45 am 3 2()am WKSTBtHJSD. tv New Y(rk, Penn. JAMES FRANK, FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Asheville, N. C. frhiodlv Br-r-r-r-r-r-r ! Now .top and read a moment! Main spring broken I Maybe worse! lean make it run again whatever 1. wrong, and at as little cost as you pay for best work.'lwith guarantee. I will have it ready lor you at the hour promised. M . TILLER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, No. 4 N. Court Square. THE SOUTHERN BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, Asheville, N. C. OPP1CKRS; John H. McDowell ......President. lonn u nrevitru.... ice , ...... H. B. Stevens Secretary and I'reas. W. R. Whitson Attorney. DIHKCTORS: J. R. Stnmes Mer hnnt J. II McDowell Merchant. John I)' Brevaro Merchant. J L Cuthcy Clerk Superior Court. John Y. Jordan Manufacturer. W. R. Whit 'on Utorncy at Low. H. B. Stevens D'p'ty Cl'k Superior Court. T. W. POSTELL, Agent, o20d3m 43 Patton Avenue. Philadelphia, " l)aluimiri " "Washington, K. He D " Lynchburg, " Ar Du,iv He, " Lv. Richmond, " " Iianvillc, Ar. Greensboro, " Lv Galdsboro, K. Jt U ' Raleigh, " Ilurham, '' Lv Greensboro, ' " Salisburv, " Stutcsvilie, " ' New-ton, " ' Hickory, ' " Mtirgauton, " ,' Marion, " " Round Knob, " Ar. Asheville, " " Hot Stirings, " " Paint Rock, " i)45pmU0 2flam 11 2."pm 1 12olam aooninl 2'-'opin 'i2ti'iin 460pm No. 9 No". 11 1215um 4-3()pm a.Mhnn tl4finm I Ho 7 pin 0 3 ipm 1 0 'jfipm 12fi5am 1 C2ain 247nm a 1 0am 3 5 nra 446am G a3um 6 55am 8 Ifiam 9 10am M orristo wn , B T . V . fc G 1 007am Knoxville, " 113oam 11 llliinl 11 (Klpin 6 1 opm I K 2.riam 85piuj 8 1Uam 3n0ptn 2R5am K2'.'pm 83nam 10501, m 1 1015am a iopmi 8 30pm million I 130am 7tlopm 3 32nm 10 28iitn BOUTHDOt'ND. NO. 14. Lv. Asheville, R &U. 11 aoam' " llendcr.onvlllc, " 12 26pm " Hint Rock, " 12 3Spm " Suluda, " lo.'tpm ' Tr on, " 151 pm Ar. Spartanburg. " 31'Opm 1215pm 1 03pm 1 G5pra 2 37pm SIHpm 4 03pm 440pm 559pm 7 44pra 8ot)pm 7 15pm I 8 2opm jJiloiS 2illlpm 2 52pm 3 0llpm 3 23p n 40npm 5 23pm NOKTHUOU.ND. Lv. Spartanburg, Tryon, " Saluda, " l-l it Rock, " Hcndcrs'nv'le, Ar. sheville, No: 13; T"No IS 7 05pm 8 1 2pin 8 4ptn 911pm 9 JOpin 1010pm 1 35pm 24Spm 3 23pm 345pm 3 54pm 445pm ill'KPlIYDKANCI. No G5. I No. 64. t Daily except Sunday.) Lv AshcviMe, Ar. Wavnesville, " Bryson City, " Tomot'a, Muriihy. Lv. Mu phy, " Tomoila. Ar. Bryson City, " Waynesvillc 44 Ashevidc, 74nam 9 4i turn I 12 47pm 6 llfipni 6 25,m j 4 30pm I 4 51 In in I tl20atn I 2o5pm I 4ll5pin SI.RBriNU CAR SKKVICH. THE MISCELLANEOUS. OTICB. Mr.. Halyburton gives grcnt Inducements in millinery and' dress trimmings during the coming week. Call and examine her scock. oci31d4i RBAT OPPORTUNITY FOR 8ALK A cuudttlon It medium sized cylinder stove, in good oct31dlw hnuuiie at JknrifUKlt muni, South Main street. UNITED 8 TATBS Mutual Accident Asso cia Ion of the city of New York. The Oldest, Largest and Best oct JtMU r. w. I'Ul ull, Agent. Qn We offer a lot of standard brands O'itsof corsets In broken sizes s and be low COHt, sasdtr Buraains It we can fit von. BEARDbN & KANKIN. NOTICE, Mrs. Hnllyburton Is ready foe h r fall dressmaking. Promise, bctt r work and more stvle. She ha. b.en noith for the latest styles and experienced hands. Khr invites the attention of the ladles to her mtllimry. She has the be.t trimmer ever brought to Asheville, f rmerlvoneol wooa wara & Latbrop'. head trimmer, of Wash ington, D. C. octOdlm. 23V4 NORTH MAIN STRhET. Health is Wealth! Tui School of Private Instruction, ioi Hallev Street. Lesson, gleen daily in SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP, BOOKKEEPING, AND THE ENGLISH BRANCES. Our instruction is ndnptcd to the require. menls of rnch Individual student, the'etiv se curing rapid and forough progress. Par ticulars rurmsliea upon appucauun. ASSIGNEE'S SALE -AT- B0ARD1NG. GUDGER HOUSE, 211 HAYWOOD STREET, M, O. MILLER, Proprietor. ' Location nnequaled in the city. Scenery fine table the bet. Polite and attentive .errant.. ate. on application. Will accommodate tabic boarder.. octlOdtf. Da B. C. Wist'. Nkrvi and Bhain Tkkat uk nt, a guaranteed .iiecific for Hysteria, nlinru. Convulslor.. Pit.. Nervous Neu- nililn Headache. Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, softening ol the brain resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and dentn, frematureuio a Barrenness, Loss of Powtr lu either sex, voluntary Losses and gpcrmatorrbosa, caused by over-exertion of the bram, self, abuse or over-indulgence. Bach box con tain, one month', treatment. $1.00 hoi, or six boxes for 15,00, sent by mall, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by u. for six boxes, accompanied with $S 00, we will send the purchaser our written guar antee to refund the money If the treatment doc. not effect a cure. Guarantee. Issued only by T. C. Smith Co., Druggists, Salt Agents, Public Square, Asheville, N, C. "MARBLE HALL." Twenty thousand dollars worth of good. to be SOLD AT COST. Overcoat., men', and boys' .ult. and all kinds of gents' furnishing good.. This Is a tine opportunity to buy your winter goods at prime cost. J. M. UUDGER, JR., oct27dtf Anlnee, Nos 9 and 10 Pullman Sleepers betweeil Raleigh, Greensboro and Knoxvtl e. Nos li aud 12 I'ullinnn Sleepers between Knoxvillc ami New votk. via Asheville, Salisburv and Washington. Nos. 15 and tu puiimun Mceper M-ewcc Charleston, Cincinnati, vi i Columbia, Spar. tauburg. Paint Kock. Knoxville and Jellico. w. A. 1 UKK, AS. i-en. 1 , A., R. R. BR1DGEKS, Charlotte, N. C. Supt. Asheville, N. C. JAS. L. TAYLOR, W.H. GREEN, Gen. Pass. Agt, Oen. Manager. SOL. HAAS, Traffic Manager. w. jirniTrno JUatest YVmiLlldi D. GASH & CO., General Agents. .-UTiit'..' T liMMaKl in. . 7- Js Ill rat Kllllr ' viiff;-Vl J3I8 ME ; J SHARP'S OAKS HOTEL, ASHEVILLE, N,C. ARTISTIC, HOMELIKE, CLEAN. fnsui poised, wholesome table fare, attentive service, without ostentation; everything business-like; no noise or fiiction. FRANK SHARP, Proprietor, Formerly of the "Southland" Hotel, Cartersvllle and Carrollton, Georgia. Every department of the Oaks is under personal supervision of a member ot the "Sharp" family, all experienced hotel workers and guests soon realize they are cured for in a way qtiite'uiiusuiil in hotels, l-.tectric curs pass the dour every ten minutes. Only five minutes wulk irom tne puiihc square. bwis maudux. Pres. H. T. Collins, Vice-Prc., I., r mclovd. Cashier. Capital, $55,000. Surplus, $30,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository. Organized Slay, 1888. CiENEKAL, HAXKIXU UUfctfXESS TRANSACTED. Interest Paid 011 Deposits In Savings Department. LEWIS MADDUX, H. T COLLINS, M.J. FAGG, ). E. REED DIRECTORS 1 S. H. REED, J B RAY, CHARLES McNAMEB, I. B. RANKIN, M.J. BBARDBN. Batik oiien from 9 a. m till 4 p. m. On Saturdar, till 6 p. m. J. P. SAWYER, Pbbsipent. OTIS M. COXB, Vick-Pkhs. I. B. RANKIN, Cashikr CAPITAL S100,000.00. ORGANIZED:MARCH:3, 1891. Battery Park Bank. TrnnHaets a general banking businens. Cot .-nerclal pnper diflcountedLoanHmaa upon approved collateral. Collections made on ill accessible points. SAFE DEPOSIT. Rents Boxes In Its Fire Proof Vaults at Reasonable Rates. Solicits accounts of individuals, banks, bankcrs,tlrrasandcorporations. DIRECTORS. T. S. Morrison, R, L. Grahau, 0. T. Rawls, O. S. Powkll, V, B. McBrb. J. U. DOSTIC, P. S. COXB, O. M CoxB. T. W. Patton, H. T. Collins, E. S. Pbrrv, W. u. Ballard, 9 Eagle Street. SEE FOR YOURSELF OUR NEW LINE LAWN TENNIS RACKETS, rora $1.00 to $4.25; nets, poles, etc. A beau tiful line Croquette, Base balls and Bats' Our new line HURD'S CELEBRATED STATIONERY No. The most extensive retail liquor dealers in the city. We handle the Great Gold Grain North Carolina Corn Whiskey. Those who buy it say it is the best in the city. We also handle the great World Renowned Rye WhiRkcr, known as Private Stock, with many othtr fine brands. We keep a tine stock of Imported and Domestic Cigars and Tobacco. n connection we have the most complete Billiard and Pool Parlor in the state. Call and see us and feel at home ! GAINES & WASHINGTON, Proprietors. oct31dtf Our 25 cent Fountain left. Our Staple and fancy, Pen Is going right along plenty new Souvenir of Asheville, only 25 cent.. Wc .hall close the balance of our Dictionary Holder, at $2.50, worth $3.50. J. N. Morgan & Co., booksellers and stationers, S Public ttquare. TRY THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY 17 Patton Avenue. 1 C!M k cruarnnteod Onro for PUbb of whalovci kind or degree Ext'-tv. l, Iutornnl, BHtri or Bleedine, Itohiut:, f'hrotuo, Recent tr. Hereditary. $100 a box; 0 boxes, $5.00. Sent bv mall, propnul, on rt-oeipt of prion, We guarantee to euro n: y case of Tilea 'iuaranteeu ana aoia oniy oy T. C. Smith Co., wholesale and retail draggi.ta, Public Square, AshevlUe. LLfCMCf OWICE HELP VJANTED ""I' s i III., To take the place of a corset-if you won't wear, one-try the Ball waist. That's, just what you can do. You can try it, and even wear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you're not satisfied, you can return it, and get your money. F. P. IMininauKh, FAIR'S Mlffl HOUSE. PIANOSi STEINWAY, EVERETT, HARVARD. ORG ANSI WILCOX & WHITE, PARR AND (k VOTE Y KIMBALL. BANJOS, GUITARS, VIOLINS, STRINGS, ETC. GH 0 THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY. "lt.G.C" Cures tioiiorhwa and Glfwtlll lto&Days, without Pain. l'rovontg stricture. Columns no norldor poisonous .nbstnnt'os, anil Is gunrnnteed absolutely hitrnilnss. proscribed by phyBlclans. Host 8y rlngafrae with each bottle. Price II Sold by druggl.te. Beware ot Sub. stitnte 0hem.0o.I,td.,N.O.I,a FOR 8ALB BY RAYSOR t SMITH, ASHEVILLE, N. C 1 WA f.mmKWf rfi -w.iiiraa..iss i.n Mfcaansssa EASY INSTALLMENTS, LOWEST PRICES HIGHEST GUARANTEES. ESTABLISHED SIX YEARS AGO. I can refer to hundreds o' patrons, the beat men in Western North Carolina. Call on or address C. FALK. 35 N. Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. OB Spartanburg, . C.