ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7. 1891. THE CITY DADS' MEETING. NOTHING STARTLING WAS OUGHT VP YESTERDAY. Toe Men Who Govern Vu Have a RatberUnlntereatliiK Session The Patton Avenue Tadpole Hatchery to tie Looked After. The citv fathers hadn't much to do at their meeting yesterday. Besides the presiding officer, Mayor Blanton, Alder men Brevard, Reynolds, Starnes, Mc Dowell and Leonard were present. A Sewer Extension. B. J. Alexander argued that an exten sion of the sewer main was greatly needed on Bailey street, and asked the board to allow bira to make the exten sion, 200 or 300 feet, the money thus advanced to go as city taxes tor iovi. A part of the street will also have to be cut down. The board, alter a long quib ble with Mr. Alexander decided to ullow him to furnish the money to do the grading and put in the sewer, on the terms agreed upon. For the money ad vanced tor the grading he gets tt per cent., for the sewer money advanced nothing. Mr. Alexander thought he should be allowed 8 per cent., as none ol hi money, he said, was bringing him less, but the board would not go over b The city engineer was ordertd to make the survey, and bids lor the work will be opened at the regular meeting next ween Want the Gas House Moved. W. C. Carmichael, Mrs. M. E. Hilliard, Chas. E. Hilliard, F. A. Hull, W. F. Sni der, J. H. Loughran, J. M. Ray, Frank Loughran, G. A. Mears. Tweed Bros. B. C. Trexler, W. D. Hilliard, A. Kreck H. C. tones and Mrs. S. G. Atkin sent a petition to the board, reciting the nuin ber of fires and an explosion occurring at the gas house near Atkin street, and asked that the authorities in view ol the fact that the plant was a constant men ace to hie and property, have it removed to a ooint where ir would not be so dan gerous. The matter will be looked into by a committee. Some Street Stun". The board called up the question as to the widening of East street by the Look out Mountain railroad company. The chief of police was instructed to notify the company to go to work within the next week, and it tliey tail to do this, the city will proceed to do the work ol widening the street and collect the bond. It is thought that this will hurry up the company. Alderman Reynolds is one ol the bondsmen. The reports of the juries on Cherry street and Cumberland avenue were taken up and rejected, because of the fact that the benefits assessed were greater than the damages awarded, which is agiiinsi the law. The riport of the jury on ti.e widening of Njrth Main street was taken up, dis cussed and adopted. A jury was ordered for Turner street, which is to be made tweuly-tive feet wide. A Bank Patrol. Lawrence Pulliam, appearing for the four banks of the city, said the bauks bad thought it best to ap point a watchman to look alter those institutions at night, and asked that J. B. Worsley be clothed with police au thority in the discurgc of his duties. The request was granted. Mr. Worsley's salarv is paid bv the banks. The street committee was instructed to look up the contract made bv the lormer board with the Asheville street railway company in regard tts the keeping up ol certain streets and require a compliance with the contract, whatever it may be. The light committee was instructed to look into the bill of the 1'eople's Light, heat and power company, lor lighting the city, and make a report of its inves tigations to the hoani on next Friday alternoon. No moonshine will be paid lor by the committee. Matters ol Minor Moment, Mr. Brevard, the committee appointed to look fully into the custom of 'drum ming," was given more time in which to get legal advice aud make a report. The street committee was ordered to pay immediate attention to Patton ave nue, from Water to Church streets. The water never runs off there, but stands in a puddle, and becomes offensive. It has been often referred to bv The Citizkn Randall Rjgsdale. colored, was grant ed exemption from lax, on account of physical disabi lties. i. W. ntzpatricK was granted a per mit to build a stable on his premises on Central avenue. The bill of Callahan Bros., for stone work on city hall, $390, was ordered paid, as was the bill of J. A. Tennent, for material aud labor on city ball, $Y3 5.38 MAY TAKE THEM OFF. Some More News About tbe Im provemeut Bonds. The aldermen, after the regular meet ing had adjourned yesterdav afternoon had a consultation on the one sub ject that has been talked of more than all others the improvement bonds. Mayer Blanton said the bonds had been on the market so long; they had been written about and telegraphed about by many who had no authority for the handling of them; all of which, he thought, had at least done the cause no nood. He then suggested that it would be well to withdraw the bonds from the market for an indefinite peiiod. The board did not take action on the matter, but it is believed that, if the bonds are not disposed of by rext Fndiy, the al dermen will call them off tbe market. MR. HOWELL ANGLES. He Catches Some Fish and Kills Several Fowl. olin H. Howell returned yesterdav from bil autumnal fishing and hunting trip to Cape Breton. He has a good sized story to tell his friends. It can be believed, too, for he's a great sportsman, as everybody knows. Mr. Howell lett here August 3 and was joined in tbe north by Mrs. Howell. His time bat been occupied with gunning and trout and salmon hsning. In tbe second month of tbe fishing season the en ergetic and enterprising Asheville Nimrod bagged, or more properly caught, 1,200 salmon and trout. ( This can be proved.) When the fishing season closed he took down bis gun and in a month brought down 200 geese, brant and black duck. (This is thoroughly reliable.) Mr, Howell explored much of Cape Breton jind surrounding regions. Mrs. Howell will be home in a short while. Do Yon Kuow That Asheville has a first class portrait artist ? Mr. Lloyd Freeman, whose stu dio is at Lindsey & Brown' photo, par lors ha a bne display ol portraits on ex hibition at tbe above place. Hi work is certainly of the highest order. You should call at once and examine these work of art and leave an order for a portrait to surprise your wife with on Christmas morning, novSdlw. AROUND TOWN. Forecast 1111 8 a. m. Sunday i nllKhlly warmtri fair wi-ather wliidH becoming: urlbli wariu cr aud fair bunuuy. Miss Pack returned yesterday from the north. Mr. and Mrs. D.C. Waddcll are in New York city. A daughter is born to Mr. aud Mrs. P. A. Deuieiis. Revenue collections vestcrday amount ed to $4,473.21. Geo. A. lones, esq., of Franklin, is at the Grand Central. R. A. Peal hits returned Irom u visit to his old home in Put county. At Grant's pharmacy at 'i i. m. the thermometer registered 5ti. Miss Laura E. McLoud is home Itoiu Spartanburg for a few days. Attorney general Davidson arrived ill the city last night Kaleigli. Ashley V. Cole, ol Kiernau's News company, is at the UuUery Park. A. David, an old Ashevilliau. but now a commercial tourist, is in the city to- lay. Ex-Congressman 11. G. liwurt, of Hon- dersonville. is registered at the Swan uauoa. Marriage license has lieen issued to J E Galliou and Dinah Hickman, white, of Uuncombe. Yesterday's deposits m thecity sch ols department ol the Nickel Savings bank amounted to $19.15. The Assembly hall dancing class will liegiu un Monday night at 7 o'clock, so as to close in time lor the theater. Mrs. L. T. Mason aud Miss Louise Mason have returned to the city, and will spend the wiuternt Mrs. llano's. . B. Sicilian, of the sixth auditor's olbec, at Washington, and Mrs. Sicilian, are Dr. Arlington's on Spruce street. A sixteen-horse tubular boiler for beat ing purposes has been muled to the equipment cf the Asheville Tobacco works. Fout or live good dry goods salesmen are needed at Mimuaugli s .Monday morning to assist in giving away goods lor cost. 'The Sabliath and how to keep it the subject ol the sermon at I nc French Broad avenue Baptist church Sunday morning. I he sidewalk on Merrimou avenue. which lias been com plained ol many limes, is lieiug repaired, as Patton ave nue und Church street have been. li. I. Holmes, secretary of the Ashewlle Tobacco association, reports the sales on this market during t lie month ol October as 17,1 Gi) pounds, lor $1 1.5VJ.HM. The seats for Patti Rosa's engagement at the In and are going rapidly, lbe were put on sale yesterday morning, an at noon over one huudied bad been sold. There will be a meeting for boys to morrow at the Y. M. C. A. at 3 3u o'clock. "How to Be Strong" is the topic, and every boy that can should attend. B. P. Davis, who was so seriously hurt some time ago by falling out of a chest nut tree on lown mountain, has nil proved a great deal, but it is thought that one toot will have to beampulated Rev. J. C. Posted will preach at River side Methodist church tomorrow morn ing at 11 o'clock. Sacrament of the Lord s -Supper will lie observed. I sual servile at niyht by the pastor. Services will continue at this church all next week. There will be a song service at the Y. M. C. A. tomorrow afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. In addition ts tbe usual chorus singing led by piano and violins there will be a soprano solo. Rev. J. (. Pos ted will give a gospel address. All men are invited. The snot in a chimney of a cabin on Mountain street cauaht tire last night about It o'clock. An alarm was turned in from box 462. court place, the tire bell working like a charm. The depart mcnt turned out promptly, but its serv ices were not needed. The following squib blew into Tiu: Citizkn office this morning from an unknown source, and is said to be Patrick Henry Winston's latest on Eastern North Carolina: " I he land in Eastern North Carolina is so poor that when a man dies his friends place n bag ol Peruvian guano under Ins body to insure his final resurrection." Recorder Miller had only four cases this morning" John Taylor, colored, for whipping his wile. $5; J. A. Gillam. drunk. $5; J. A. Gillam. carrying a razor, $3U; David Oaks, carrying pistol, $30. Oaks thought he had a right to carry a pistol, as he was an officer in Tennessee; but as he had no papers on his person, the re corder put him on the list with the rest of them. A meeting of the executive committee of the Art club was held in the club rooms last night. President C. W, Woolsey pre sided. The meeting was devoted to the d iscussion of the articles of incorporation and constitution and by-laws of the club, a recommended by the committee, f hese were adopted. A meeting of the s ockholders of the club will lie called at an early dav. Norman C. McLoud, once Tim Citi zen's city editor, but now doing repor tonal work on the Buffalo, N. Y., Times, came down to Asheville on a flying visit yesterday afternoon and is shaking hands with his countless friends todav. Mr. McLoud, by his work, is making a name for himself in newspaperdom in his new home andTHB Citizkn is glad to know it. He will leave on bis return to Buffalo on Mondav next. In the steady rnsh for advertising space in Trig Citizen the people-never torget tne popular wuntcolumns. every body reads the wantlets because they are short, terseand apt to contain some thing that will interest any reader. These Wantlets are one of The Citizen's many good features, and if you care to give them a trial, all right. No other paper in the city has a Want column. Paste this in your hat, and when yon want anything don't forget to go to the right place. Patti Rosa, whose engagement at the Opera bouse is announced for Monday night, occupies a proud position on the American stage. Her supremacy in ber particular field of work is everywhere acknowledged. To a hriirhi and win some personal appearance, Patti Rosa adds the highest order of comedy talents ana that subtle magnetism that is so rare a quality in stage worker. Her ap pearance here will be in her delightful play, "Dolly Varden," in which tbe full strength of her work is shown. My wife ha nsed Brndvcrotine for the headache with the best imaginable re sults. I state this without solicitiou. J. W. Mashbum, Abbeville, Ga. Facts ssruk loader than word. Sim mom Liver Regulator will always core, At Strauss' deyiled crab. WOULD LIKE TO KNOW: If a person or a firm getting money from a gullible man on representations that thev have a "dead cinch" when thev really have a "dead hoss," cannot be said to be guilty of obtaining money under false pretences. How it would seem to go back to tbe old five-cent tare once more, if only lor a day or two. If The Citizen's weekly Bingham bud get is nut good reading. How many young women of the city are interested in the aforementioned Bingham letter. If Church street will be unobstructc ! bv the time conference meets. Why "Mad..m Rumor" always "whis iers delightful facts." If it is a fact that " Indian summer had scattered his hazetothedistant horizon" on i he teachers' trip to Bryson City over fl. H' i k ugo. Whcic Eugene Bcarden und Will Cocke got those high silk hats "at." Broxlus Rrouifbt Back. Win. P. Brosius, who masquerade in Vslieville as C. C. Rogers, and stole $S(I0 worth ol jewelry Irom Mux. A. Tiller's store in August, is behind "Bun combe's boasted bastille's bars" al last. Detective . H. Hampton returned from Baltimore with his prisoner on this morning s train, ll-osius was put in jail and kept there until nonn when he was taken neiore ustice A. aummey He waived examination, was returned to tail and will fie kept there until the next term ol the criminal court. It is thought that the most of the watches and jewelry stolen by Brosius weie dis posed ol by him between Salisbury and Baltimore. Brosius has served two terms in the penitentiary for theft. Federal Court. In the federal court todav J. C. Priteh- at d, esq., counsel for the defence, secured a continuance until the next term of the case against Wiley P. Williams, for rob bing registered letters, on account of ab sence ol an important witness. The lollowiug oll'ei.ders were fined $100 and costs and imprisoned one month: L. B. Davis, R. M. Andrews, Joseph Jenkins. Cal Addington, George K'av, Alex. Grav, Joe Ileuson, Cam. lackson and Calvin Smith. The criminal docket has been disposed of. One hundred and ninety bills have Ik en found at this term, a larger number than usual. Lively Time on the Cars. Petective Hampton, who came in this morning, tells of a shooting affair on the train near lliuh I'oint. A lot of colored men ijot on al Greensboro. Some of them jjt into a row, pistols were drawn and several snots tired. two of tin combatants fell off the train, but as it did not stop it could not be told whetiier the men were hurt, lhe snooting cre ated a sort 01 a panic 011 the train. Art Uinplav. At tin- studio of Lindsey & Brown is tii be found the itr-st beautiful display of art goods, embracing pictures of every kind, pastels, water color, oil paintings, etchings, artelvps, engravings, photo graphs, Jtc. Frames by the hundreds of the r ost beautiful designs. Farloreasels in oak. bronze, silver and gold. A complete stock of art materials for ill painting, pastel, crayon and water .olors. I'illsbury best XXX flour. Kroger, sole agent tor Asheville. At Strauss' crab salad. Bl'tolMtXS NOTICES. There are lots nf bargains at Law's now. WTVVatch out for the Asheville Cigar Co. '9 ad. next week. We get Whitman' candy by eipiess every lucsuavand rriuav, Kroger, 1 College St. At Strauss' jsters on hall shell. Huyler's candy received bvexpnss to day, Nov. 3rd. I M. llestou, No. r South Main street. Plenty of birds, squirrels, 'possum and oysters served at the liming Pavilion at Sulphur Springs. oct!7dtf At Strauis' oysters in bulk. We t.-ike pleasure in informing the pub lic that Mrs. M. Haines, of Philadelphia, has taken the house No. 53 College street and has fitted it up as a first class boarding house where we are convinced that home comforts will be found, MpeclMl Rales. Wee W. M. Clarke Member of Amercan Ticket Bro kers Asscolatlon, Grand Central. Index lo New Advertisements. WAS ED E 8. Wurren. CANiims Harry Shartle Wins tub Battls Cryatal Palace. Tinl.s Dki.icaciks Powell A Snyder. OrtmA Hot'. Mrs. Gen Tom Thumb. w ANTED To bur second-hand. elf- feeding, hard coal hca'inv .tove. B. S. WAKKBM, nov6d3t 3 Orange ilrnt. German Canaries. I have lust received a number of Haru Mountain Canaries Parties desiring nrst-clats singer, should call at SB Sooth Main street and procure one before they are all .old. HARKV SHIRTLB. FRESH CRISP CRACKERS. FULL LINE AT KROGER'S ASSIGNEE'S SALE -AT- "MARBLEHALL." Twenty thousand dollars worth of food. to be SOLD AT COST.. Overcoats, men's and boy.' nits and all kinds uf gents' furnishing goods. This Is a fine opportnslty to bay yonr winter goods at prim. cet. J. n. GVDGEK, JR., octarpt. As)ls;s FLEXIBLE STEEL WIRE TCI The Best Mat for scraping side and bottom of one's feet. NO FRAMETO TWIST, NO RIVETS TO LOOSEN, SOFT AS A C ARPET, VIST DURABLE AS STtEL CAM M'KE :T, Pit .4 I.K 11V W. B. WILLIAMSON ; CO.. Furniture and Cupels, WOOD. I COKE. I LIME. KINDLING. CHARCOAL! PLASTER. Best Quality Baled Ohio Hay. Jim:s""u.CEMENTS. FINEST PLAIN, PRESSED AND MOULDED RKICK. Artificial Stone Tiling; and Concrete Work. C. E. MOODY, Yard and Warehouse Near Freight Depot, Telephone 73. Office 30 Patton Avenue, Telephone 40. THE NATIONAL BUILDING AND LOAN GOMPANY. OF ASHEVIIXK, N. C. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL $25,000,000. INCORPORATORS! Frank Coif, l anitaliat. I W. H Penlund. Ca.liier "lest National llnnk. Lewi Mil 'dut. I'rr. Wr.tern Carolina Bank. ' O R Pou ell. ol Powell & Snider, Krocrric. V. B McHer. Supt ileurgiu Central R K. "iihinxml Pcanmn, i aiiitnli.l. H. T. Collina, Pre. A.hevllle Ice Hi Coal Co. i J A Coiiant. Co .tiactoi. H C. Hunt We solicit th" co-operation of thr citizen of A.licvllle. PutIv a hoim- institution with benefits accruinK to investor nnd shareholder. equal to .irailarln.tttui.on loiued in othir fltate. For tovk or loan applv to BONNYOREGT I2ST3ST AT SKYLAND SPRINGS, N. C. Will tw kept open through October, it wilt be wr fru'iis i urccm ixt i. The attri't ions are: A nick-nnan new honte. mtarral pntiK-, tv mad crrr The own r ii mo ey, but to p'eate hi Rui-ntR -nd advertise You mutit be bard tu plcAM it' yun are not BonnTcreat. Will vou come and t? You will be reasonable. Can tuu spend October with u Mo w. Iinr Irnin OS TUB SHHVILLB & 8FARTANBUUO R. R., 8 MILKS FROM A8HKVILLR. Thin Spare Reserved for LUDDEN & BATES. T. W. .We'll. Ap'nt. REMOVAL. I have moved my boarding house from corner I'uttun avenue and Church street, to 311 (the G M. Robert! p'ace) Patton avenue, where I am ready to accommodate rejcilar and transient boarders. Terms reasonable. oct7if MR 3. STEVENSON. The En a dine Wluea Ctt now be found at tbe eitabliMimeuU ot Bonans Wine and Liquor Company and Jatne H Loughran, Asheville, N. C. Parties wishing ts purchase direct from the vineyard can have prices quoted on application. Wine sold by the case only. JOHN K. HOYT, el 2d 2m Luther. N. C. CHEAP FISH ! The place to buy fish, and buy them cheap, is P. C. Mcln tire's Butcher Shop on College street, in front of Woodbury's livery stable. Only 20 cents per bunch. oct23dtf P. C. McINTIRB. Chalybeate Water, Brought in pipe direct from the A.hevllle Chalybeate Kprlnir (Ions known aa Lee's Chalybeate spring) now on aale at booth on north i-onrt square, bv the alaaa.aer ed cold, 2 cents, three alanaea 5 cents or by the gal lon, half gallon, or any q lantlty desired at low price.. B. J. ARMSTRONG. jul7itt Trappers an-1 Sportsmen WANTED. 100 TTof "otter Skins Will also buv bear, mink, wildcat and (ox skins. We can fnrni.h steel traps to those who want them Skin, of .mall animals mast be "cased," that I. not cat open, a. It lessen, th Ir vKlue. 8.1 1 them entire aoac, feet and all. Dry In the .hade; aae ao salt or alum Always remove the bune from the tail. Call on, oraddreM JUNKS JBNKS, octodtf 38 Patton Av., Asheville, N. C. -BOARDING. 6U0GER HOUSE, 211 HAYWOOD STREET, M. O. MILLER, Proprietor. Location naeqnaled m the city. Scenery tne table the best. Polite and attentive servants. atrs on application. Will accommodate table boarders, octlsdtf. Br-r-r-r-r-r-r ! Now atop and read moment I Main spring broken I Maybe worsel lean make It ran again whatever is wrong, and at as little castas you pay for best work, 'with guarantee. I will have It ready lor yon at the hoar pro M. A. TILLER, " WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. No. 4 M. Coart qsusro. JUHK A. COIAJIT. Secretary, llartia-d Building;. cloieii during Novemtcr. Will opcu for win laiirv room with fire nine:1, fine view. munaijuifi ijc d uc Imnnt lf, not to mukt sk.vlmul lulled with the fit re and the treatment n welcome. Will you write fr trnn ? Thev are ? i hope you can: it i nufh a love'r month OTIS A. MILLKll, Skyland, N. C. -I'OK THK- NEXT THIRTY DAYS WE WILL SELL - AT - COST Our Bntir'fclock con.Htinx of Carriage, Victorias, Ruggies, Phaetons, Wagons, Blackboards, AND 100 SETS OF HARNESS, Lap Robes, Whips and Horse Blankets. Also one Brand New Ten Hone Steam Boiler with all fiiturcs below manufactur ing prices. J.IWOODY&CO. nov6dl w RAYSOR & SMITH, With the first cold wind, you suffer most with rough skin chapped face, lips and hands. Why bear with tbe diangrceable sen satlons, when thev can be avoided by get ting a twenty-live cent bottle of RAYSOR & SMITH'S A cooling and emollient application, for sof. enlng the skin, presenting and Immediately curing chapped hands, face, lips, and all irri tated surfaces. Pull directions with each bottle. Manufactured only by RAYSOR & SMITH, DRUGGISTS, 31 Pattoa Ae., AheUle. ASHEVILLE ADVERTISEMENTS. :C O FORKED - FREE - FROM - DUST. FCKJJOMESTIC USE. Celebrated Jellico and Best A uthracite Coat. WHOLKXALK AND UKTA1L. (X)KE IX OAll LOAD LOTS. MANUF.UTUKKRtf A N 1 )J I ) E A L R KS4 1 X Whl. Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone Mo. .6 nnd 40. No. 30 Pptlon Avenue TH?" CAROLINA SALOON TO THE While others nro putting a I am now better orennrril thnn evt r tn elnss alin. I have tbe lariicnt and liest .tink In We.trrn North Carolina, if not in the stntt . anrl It i'niiit. of lhe lire.t hrandi nl Whi'klr., Wine, and Brnmlie. known in the world. B-irk '. Th'eeStnr Irinh Whi.kcy, heynnd a doubt the finest in the world. Try and you will he convinced that I am ailvcrti.inK nothing lint lact. Whilritl Kurotlt. dtlrini? the Mutnmrr of 1HM I nta.l .mn.rawnt. tl. ..I...... U'ki. key, Simninh Sherry and Port Vinc. the equal never brouvht to A.hevllle Imported Clar rt. Hon let Canet, Murfciux. Chateau Belmont very fine. In French Brandiea I have a laiire mock, including John lli-nni.nv Kt Co ' Three o . i-aie Ale, Rim l.ullineH.' Hxtrn Foreign My Hoc k of Dye whinkk'n , mbi'itec. mmt of the line.t and oldest brand, known. Beer, the finest on lhe market for fa-nily une. The lict brand, of ClOAHS and TOIIAC O. w hen you are In uccil ol anvlhing in my line, before going elwwherc, come and kc me ind be convincnil. My whiskies are recommrnded bv some of the mmt eminent men ol the fiKC for medictn! purpoc Reauictitilly, FRANK O'DONNELL,, PROPRIETOR. THE CAROLINA SALOON. fJ SOUTH MAIN STKEET, ASHEVILLE. N. C. .Mu wine, lire iihi nimicrou. 10 mention. ASHEVILLE SODA 217 Haywood Street. the tntmv ns in the past, every attention will be given to produce the finest grade of Cnhonuted Beverages under the rfiltSUXA L supervision ot the proprietor. The con stantly indenting demand for these goods irom this fac tory is conclusive proof flint n tine article is appreciated hy an intelligent public. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. OAKLAND HEIGHTS SANATORIUM. IPORMBRLV OAKLAND INN.) ASHEVILLE, N. C. Tti Mont complete Health Resort In the Sontta. Is now 0111 nnd rea,ly forrueita. Thl hi nac U lhe moat deairablc In the South for iier. on who need rest and midli al attention. No hotel in Aoheville has a. well furnlnhed room ami It. cuimne i. nurqua'led. Only in the case of pnticul. I. lhe diet regulated. Th. table is an important feature of the sanato rium The water Is pure and plentiful, coming from a large limpid .pring near by. The nan itarv arrangement, are aa perfect aacare and money can make them. Persons sufforlnie m th throat and lung trouble, are jreentlv benefitted by a .tay at thi. place. The mctf leal management i. under the direction of P. W. Neefua, recently of the lackson eUna. toriura, at Uan.ville, N. V The Sanatorium is thoroughly equipped with modern appliances for the K-ientific rc-i lief and cure of all nervous aud chronic dia enc. The bath department, are new throughout and are under the .upervieion ot comiictent and skilled attendants. The. method, of treatment include all forms ur bath., the Medicated Vapor., Turki.h, Utec. trie, Ku.lan, Roman, Moli'.re, Thermo-Hlec trie, Klectro-Chemical, Mansage, Klcctri,-ity In all its forn a, also Swedish Movement. Medical attemiance and every form of treat mcnt included in piice of room. Although tbe comfort and welfare of tuv sick arc lbe first considerations, every oppor tunity is given to thoK who dcaire to upendj pleasant and profitable season here. Address for farther particular. BIIm Einllle Vaughn, A8HBVILLB. N. C. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE, 48 South Main St., Asheville. Fall and Winter,'91-92. Stylish clothing for men, boys and children, just opened and ready for inspection. More taste and care has been used in providing stock for this season than ever before. Believing that tie demand will be birge and the season a long one, we have prepared a very large stork in all lines in order to meet the wants of our increasing business. The chief line, FINE SPECIAL MADE CLOTHING, is a sight worth seeing. The reputation of our clothing is established, and shall be maintained as superior in style and wearing qualities to any other on the market. Our main strength is in full dress weRrond high clas busi ness clothing equal to tailor made in every particular. Overcoats in everv shape, weight and quality, an immense stock. To complete our stock of mens' wear we offer gents' furnishings in larger variety than ever. Medium and heavy weitrut underwear, neck wear, hosiery, Manhat tan shirts. The best in the world. IDieinlap And other leading makes. No imitation blocks, but the genuine. For stylish and reliable goods at popular price, try us. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. A FRONT. hu in your ear, listen to me' furnish vim with anvittlni. m.....IIb t... I- .... Stur nnd other nd other .tandnrd brumls; A; ,n tact, my stock "f imported liquor. Stout WATER FACTORY,