ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: WEDNESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 18, 1891. Bank Counters, Tylor System, fort' able, Unequaled in Styles, Cost and Finish. 150 Tat tatiloiriw r ruii-i', heal., ale., lllo.lraled In UiHim. Hnnii, ra. toft I&OkIi. THE WIND IT BLliW HARD 00D3 AND ENDS. Tiiv tins year has cost $50,000,000. One New York hotel rents for $250, HOO a year The male of the silkworm motli I travels at the rat of 100 miles a day The crude of the Brooklyn bridge roadway is HI foot per 100 feet ol length. The newest thing In note paper is ol a delioate heliotrope, with a silver inoti ograin a ,l....r nf lau,i.... l... ui.-.........;. aylr. HVM mill eliemi- , . ,, . . . I n ,u"l,ul1 w UHWW,lfc co.-i.i-, o S ?Sh,rS wl"IK',r;! l"': ui,ll-v "ul ' ll,e "l". doc,r i has lieeii trie.) in Sweden, wiili reported tit me . lotins rapidly roiling mi in iui , ll(Hj riiSllj(s north, wist. I'Tl.tK DEKKCO. CARKII.U UMBGKGKR IN THK AIM. The Mot.t Kemnrltable Wind HI or in ou Kicora Ih Told of Here With all the lrool Neci'Hitnrv In Much CaMen. From the Cincinnuti Coinmer.liil (aictte. "I guess we will have a storm to- Also Tyler, ltoyal nioht observed Ilm-nailnv.coniiiiiF into Otnee Ileakatind Type- . .. -, . vi'iir t iiiiiiH'ia, ou . the cnln. i o'l the mountain sale ami Mylr. HVM will eliemi. I'hl ill! enrtn, won ri'diH'itmi In pHee., 1:111 iuk ealai.ieue Free, Piire la eta. lull Mar l lifska, I'halrs 1 villi's llima litM-a, falilawa, I iaal HLmk taWnata, air., alanj. la Suiclal nark aiaila In unit r. Ml. l.onla, Mo., V.N. .1. "Wouldn't be s'" ized a darn hit if we ilid, plainer," commented the host. "We g iiuctinits has riulil peart storms up liver." "Wows pn'ity hard in Arizona," said lliirniul.iy, teelniK called upon for a spec imen. 'I've sien I he thinnest sort ol saye-hrush fviiis driven three leet deep into uranite houlders by the sheer force of the wind," "Hp there in the northwest," clipped in Callicott, at the top of his lungs, "the wind has Ihi.ii estimated at 1 1)0 miles an hour anil upward " "Uinnph," contempinouslv nut in the "' ,s" old niouutaineer, "il l voiients call that CONDUCTOR OF THE GARRATT OR .'HE'TRA lilowiti?' You must wait it shake or two and 1 II size up tins here zephyr that s aunisin' itself outsiile. It coiumenced i'ROi&SSIOAL LANDS. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC TREATMENT. Mr. and M's. . n. Nervo--s Prostration Pnratj Nlicunin ti-in, Veura'j-iii. llbi-sit y ItiHiimiti.i. Ktc , Suc cess, illy treated. I'utifiHs attended at their mwn hotiirs or at HI Charlotte street. netti dtf C HAS 7 a7g A R R ATT , Organist nnd CI oirmu-tiT Trinily I huri-h, Ki-ccivcs pupil lur the nran. I'litno'or e, Viitlin an.) nice ul' ore l-'nr terms, etc.. apply at 1"4 llinliy Street. Jn. W. Si mmi-k- '. 11. I.KWIS SUMMERS & LEWIS, Attorncs at Law, Office No. so I'atlon Avenue, AsHKVII.I.K, N. C. nettaillm CHAS. A. WEB3, Attorney at Law, ASHEVILLE. N. C. Ollice ro. 7, J tiil netl'Jdtin Drs. Mcfiilvra & ftraw. rmcTtcn i.imitkii to insi.Asi:s iif THE EYE, EAR, THROAT AND KOSE. , True worth never seeks ereilit for more than it is, that is left for imitators and eounterfeiters It is easier to furtive a Irimal for the wrong he did us than lor the lie la told to keep it from us A man is always taller in the mom mi; than n lien he i;oes to lied When von art1 asleep on 'stretch ai"l yrow " Or Koch's enormous eorri'spiaaltiiieii is entirely in ehai!,'!1 of his wile, who permits no other calls to intcrlert) with her dutic1 as her liusliaud's sihm'i tary T!ie niotlier ol the late II.- ry 0. '.York, (he author of 'Miivlihu; 1 liroiitrli ( ieoivia.'' dii-d at her lionie in llartfor l on the day ol Ueueral Slier mail's death That we lost the race lee:iuse we stopped to point nut (in- l i ' . way to a naiidei"ir will he reineinlien d liy liim I i 1 1 1 1 1 lt 1 1 our iiaiiies are not eapitalizetl in the next day's neHspaH'rs The U liulou In rt mill l.llei'Htui-ti. Many a famous pieture has a window for its sctlint:. Noah sending lortli the dove from the little cubit window The moth r of Siseru looking out at it w in dow as she cried throiifjli the lattice "KiL'iit, in v hnllv buck! KiL'ht you ! " hy is lii.-elianot fo Ioiik hi eiiiniiiit? are! That's l.inibciKer cheese you Si-ter Antic at her watch on the top of smells. Filucn minutes ujjo that wind tl. tower, who saw onlv a "ureal cloud l.lew through the front door of I'cle ,.,, ,l,is w'av " t'lmrliilte li.ishwilers sal ion m ltohville, right , , . , . . . across the tree lunch counter." ( ,"''l:1.v 'v"- "''".-lini: 1'elnnd prison "Well," interrogated the two hunters, ''i"". ' i' ' i'l' llat 111 ihtionall "llobvillc's ust Hgzuctly 'Jl'J miles pli asart thun.-s are wen from within from w here you're stati'lm' this here while nain i n I dlsanrx iiitineiit lurk in hlo A in1 when ? ' Just liliecn miuiites ago be my chro uoineter," replied llornaday. The old Ullow hurrieil to the door. "dime here," he called, opening a small peephole as he spoke, through which the storm rushed madly with a whistle like a steam engine. Snilliiigal t he air once or twice he said: "I liayiuglil so. What d'yer smell, gents?" "I'liew! Something rotten skunk!" gacRvd C.dl co t, holding hi . no-e ' l.unlx.Tgcr cheese!'' ejaculated Hor- tiailav. KIH0TEL ' BELMOMT.tx (Pornnrljr Sulphur Springs Hotel.) FINEST WINTER HEALTH RESORT IM THE SOUTH. LOCATION UNSURPASSED I BUILDING. New brick, three itorr, lire proof, sti-Htn heat, open fires, eectrie elevator and bells, gas light; toilet and bath ronms. AMUSEMENTS. RendlnK roomi, card, billiard and pool pinion lor both Indies nnd gentlemen; winter orehentia, teiinl- court, fishing an I hunting. RELISHES. Mrneing mountain air. mineral water. Jersey er. am unit ml k, creamv butter, tenderloin steak, ai.d a rcaiuYut pliysi' elan. TAKE Ot'K BLKCTKIC CAR AT DKrOT. JOHN H MARSHALL, novndilm Director. CALL AND SEE! DO NOT BE DECEIVED, "IdTYPE BMt WRITERS. WANT COLUMN. WASTED. T TK' 1. A white girl 14 or 1R years Ohl, noviiiiiat nnre fur lulllv. Aonlv to 37 W llAYWOOliSTKl.HT. BABY rt tteiltuml ChnhiiKetiitd. Cost. lag no more to use Pomcine Nur seiv Powoer. Highly priunnd nnd superior, unly g"ic iitdrug- gisis Try it. apr.uiw FOR RUST. laK KliNT Ili airable connecting ollic s nvenue. -BUT CALL AND SEE- J. D. BREVARD'S -STOCK OF- Clotliing, Shoes, Hats and Dress Goods, From the most staple to the Plncst Fabrics at prices to meet the itiuriet competition These goods are not ut cost, but at prices so low you will wonder how It Is possible THE SECRET: They were bought for eush with discount off There Is nothing added on for slow or bad debts, as he sells strictly for cah. He Is able to meet even aislgment sales, big cuts, or so-called cost. Call nnd see for yourself and be convinced. J D. BREVARD, W. D. GASH & CO., General Agents, No. 3a Patton Ave., Aslievllle, N. C. VISIBI.B WRITING, each letter seen as printed' and work al ways in slcht : permanent nnd perfeet alignment; AUTOMATIC Rl B PONFKKI) K HVKK8B; changeable ribbons; light running, UNLI MIT liliM'iCKH; Automatic paper feed; lU KAMI. IS; the best manlfoldcr yet produced; d. taehuble carringe. and manv other advantages too ntuneruus to mention. It must he s ien to be appreciated. The Bar Lock Typewriter is believed to be the most compact and servieable typewriter ever produced and wrynrile comparison and test of its advantages, side, by side with writing machines of any other make whatever Sl'I'PUKS ANDSPBCIAI.TIES foraltklndsof typewriters, writ ing paper, more In m too kinds, trom GO cents to $2.45 nerreutn; matiu. aeript covers, enrbon paper, ribbons, all colors, record, copving and indeble. Stands, drop eubinets and desks from $5 to $50. f-iTAU Kind!) or Typewriting; Neatly and Quickly Done.l ocOdatn No. II North Main St. AHheville, N. C, ASHEVILLE MARKETS. Corrected dally bv PdWHI.L & 8NIDKR, wholesale and retail grocers. These prices are being paid by the merchants to day. Butter SO' Annies (10(91 on Kgas 1 SI Apples, dried aiiiin Chickens t Ulftli'-Mt Pumpkins, each. o(u)2o Turkeys 7HW10O S.irgum 80 nuek! llldl t!()!lteis n i, per til 1 Polatoes.sw't r,0'ltonev 11 Potatoes, Irislinofaflo Wheat loo Tuniips :to(4iliCorn OO Oni ns 12nMrnl " til ints .oo n.lU... ?R liennn, or nu. , n. i -.'i Furnished rooms ut the Villa ! chestnuts ...1 OO'Celerv. doj 25(9 40 s ' Jl in Me t tee building Apaly at OU'reiu h j cilibagc, per th.. V Iht most cntrul house in Asheville Kutes He isouable. oelJidlm UK. J. M. CKII.BV. I.I11K KFNr. Pour room cottage ut No. i U 411 l-rcneh uro:iu avenue, app y 10 TIKIS. 1) OI1NS I (IN t At Johnston liuiliiing Testing for c.l. sses Seientili'. al'y l-'one. OFFICE NO. 20 PATTON AVE., UP STAIRS. oet Jldfcwitm H. V. FITCH, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT. 31 years ptaetlial expirienee. cilice ovir Hattery Park Hank. All esiimalis guaraii eed. Office hours 1 to 5 p m niayltwirwvvitiii I'licn silence reiencd supreme inside, while the liiuzclruni ltohville continued its jaunt. HIm wtfe'tt Middle Name. Prom the Maine. ipolis Journal There is an attorney in town who is telling ol a little experience he lately with an odd character from the rural districts. It seems that the ratiner went to tlie law ter's ollice tor the tiur- tin those who look tlirnii.di the wrotn: side of a wimlowf A lieri;iii child feels all the lonelier thai slit- ha llo part in the I'hriMiuas cheer win li she repirds from the outside of a loti ensi-nii'iit l'oor Kiioeli Arden tempted hy the rl iwinu window of I'hilips Inne. snw framed in that "eouiioi'lalili' ispiare ol ruddy litrhl" his liappiin ss and his do spair Hut fioiii "( '.i.-a I iui li windows' nov i 4d 1 w 1"OK RKNT. A nicely lurnishedsotilli room. 1 with or with. u t board, at corner ol Montforii and Bearden avenues, No BJ. noutadiw" ' one eight room house, nic-ly ' on nisi side of lle:iucuU'hcr iiountain N ne but lir-l-eiai-s pi opie ueio apply. 1'uee $SO per m oith Apply to ,y P. C. MclNTIKK. oct.Udlm l ollege Strert. j 111 Kl!T Huriushiil roonlB III i e hmise with niodtni unprovcitu nts; iii'Mniiin- Iweiition; tvvi hloel.s Irutn o:ik Hotel; on ( street eio line. Oood bo.iril next door. MKS. S. Ti-.KKV, H- c hnilotte Street. LUDDEN & BATES SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE. mm ni'.s r. 1j furnished, on east side T pose ol yeliini! a deed made oat lor some I he mistress of wntrK'inu looU.'d I ue listener low II n V inniiiPTnil U n n fl C swamp laml lie was selling. I ne listener upon a little child sin-iin; "( I B. F. ARRINGIllN, M. U., U. U. 5. olw,ashl. dtlieoi,lni,usre1p.cst,ad ,i.,.til" and "leant uiuiii the luusi,- a- a llieiue" for a masterpiece of art It non'iill m I OI'SH l" K RUNT. Thr lii-nutil'iil house ss , piibi in isgyaraqg1 1 RICHMOND & DA! V ILE R. R. CO WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condcnuvd schedule In e fleet Sept 20, 1891. EA8T110UND No!lO. I No. '2 Knoxvllie, K T V. Hi (i. 1 2 L'rrpiifj" H rhinu K. & D. 4 40pm12irpm " 4..i pro 1 1 2 ii -ltn " e'Jpm 2 1fipm " HI 2pm 3 2pn. 8 4-Hpm 4 "iipm ' 0 32- ml 44Kpm " loi.tpml BUlpni ' 10 3rpin fi"4pni " 11 ; 6 Miprti " I2 2ftitnl 7 4pm " lt4n.tiii I lOf.Ti.m " 1 2 3():tm 1 1 2 .r5 " 6 17 Vnf 7Miun Lt. !nint Knok, " Hot MprincM, Lv. AfhtvilU-, " Round Knob, ' Mnrloii, " Mo-Kunton, " Hirkury, " Ncwinn, " Stutfsville, Ar. Salltihiiry, Onen-sboro, " Danville. Ar. Kk'hmoin), Lv. Ori-ennhoro Ar. Unrlimn, KnlriKh, " Goldaboro, ' I '':"''1al'' i ski " - . vivllvL yiSHfeVlLL-e.N-'C-H Njwwj 12 52pm 1 -l 5pm 3 2fpm 1210 .m 4 3ftum 7 loam 2 Opm SHARP'S OAKS HOTEL, ASHEVILLE, N.C. artistic, hoii;liki;, clean. rniu''pn'fl,(I, wholcHomc table lure, attentive service, without ostentation; everything business-like; no noise or fr.ctiun. FRANK SHAUP, Proprietor, Portnerly of the "Southland" Hotel, Cartersville and Cnrrollton, Georgia. Hvery department of the Oaks is under personal supervision of a member ol the "Sharp" family, all experienced hotel workers and quests soon realize they are cured for in a way quite'unusu.-il in lino-Is. hleetric cars pass the door every ten minutes. Unly five minute, wulk from tie.1 piihlic square. iiri'ici; Over Costiy's Jewelry Id II IMS tore, I'att.m Avenue Mrl-'illiui! teeth a -p d 'Ity: ulsu treniniK ,'is asetl Kiims. ml all iIim-iisi'S ,-ruMnini: o the din. ul structure n' I R. H. RKKVliW. . 1. S., 'i. rolinulil nillKlUlK. "UT Kedwood's Ston . I'lilton Aveilm Uesidenee. :t.r Spruce street J. W. FOREMAN, I. I.. DENTAL ROOMS, Y M. C. A. Iliuldinn. art t'ntlon Vveiiue. Kefirs liv reriiiissiiiu to: V H. H Thiu-kstiin. M. i . II. 1'. S I'nriii ville Vn ; j. Hull Moore. M 11 ,P l S . Kich mon'd. Va . W U. Nun s. II I'. S I lia. lottesville. Vil ; W II. Ciuuri ill. II. II S . "ml Dr j H. Woo.llev. N irliilk. Va nnviudain J F ramsav. n. 0.8. Dental 1 k. 'JILT' ; itllite i Over the Nntionnl Hank of Asheville, Mar- ,iard Iluildinn. Residence. UK Chnrloltc st then, pukui" uii im.ii a. id paper, ne pro- cceilcd to jot down the particulars in the deal. "Your name?'' from the attorney. "I'liihp Waul " from llic tanner. "Wh it is vour wile's name? ' "i:iiz.i A. Waid." "l:lia A.; what docs A stand lor1" "I don't know. never asked her,'' replied Mi. Ward tiueoneei ncdlv. "Ilou't know vour wile's niidillc name ami you aa old man and married to her lor a fiood many yeurs as you say. Why, ilns is licit. What's the reason you never asked her what her middle name was?" "Well, sec here voting IcMow," returned the umuquisilivc Watd. "I'm a pretty imlcpciiuiiit cuss, alius have laeu an. I alius intend to lie, and the iact is I'm too in a pt nilciii to ask tier." I'ncc-rtitl.allrw. From the.NeM Vutk Mereur. I'ull tilt' life's wearv wav One meets with many a sad surprise. The minstrel siiif; his sweetest lay Perchance when tears are in Ins eyes And hie at best uncertain is. Surprise conies without warning, At my lit how lair the champagne's ti.z, was in-piration that trave the uaiiie ol Tin' I 'pi n Window to the nmunine of Ihe Shut in soeiely Tliroit'.di it the h .ir I. I Ic folk catch a j.'liu. f the Treat. Iiu-v world, where their li.av v 1 I 11 on I'utt, hi avenue, known ;is the' M Koliirls pi ice, i lor nut on the la ill of No ve IS'.it J llSSti K. S I .M N I'.S. novtadlw 1.1HK KliNT. Suburban re-iilenee, near ' elee ri trains ay, eoinpletelv lurnislnil. eneam he.ner and tnoihrn coiivei iciios I'ine pnirol hor-is with v. hides, ami t .w Jersey com s. Adilre-s 1' 1 1 111 IX r..)J hen tl 1 1 CHICKF RING MASON & HAMLIN, MATHUSEK AN1 STERLING PIANOS. MoK KliNT A Inrnc in w In. 1 "Si I1 mllv loeated. l.ri to.inis. nil miillern mi- Iiath room', water eh. sets, In .Hid coin water, lair." rniKe, etc; two 'in fect may not pi It is like a diauclit ol I 11Iltur0,.h.,i; rent reason thle." . in - " ti.x, i.,r K.uraers. Allan g . . ooa.o J. leliJBdlv A. TF.NNKNT. Architect and Contractor. I'luns, spedlieatinns and estimates fur nahed. All work in my line contracted lor, and no chnri:e for drawincs on contracts i warded me. References when desired. Office: No. 11! Heuiirv Block. North Lourt .-.iiunre. Asheville. N. C tcMUdly wine to lliiill "Look out, not in." is a law of phys ir,:l as well as of inyntal hyL'ii'iie ll is like liftini: tin1 li I of I'iiikIoim's Iiox Woes Hy i.ul. I".iviinf the 1.1,'ssins to li" cniiiit 'd. I'hieaKo Herald lllinisii-i Aieott's I'oliito Ituifa. The l.i i. mi' heard a singular story about I'.: .n-oii Aleott ut Concord the other day. lold lo illnsiratu Ins remark alile ih! "Iiv.-iirssof nature. When the potato hit 's llrst liei.'an to ravage the eastern llclds. a (.'mid inany years ui;o. Alcolt had a proiuisiii;: potato patch, and his neM iioilibor also had 0111. the two lii lds ml jiiiiiir, with a fence lietweeti thi'iu Aleott roseavery early in the luoruinii and went at his field, and was out of it liy the time hisneii.-h I low had the headache in the iiiornuifi. hor L.'ot up. Tlie neililior worked very iinlntri onsly elenrhit Ins vines of tile la ties, which lie stepped olt into 11 till pail nnv.'iitl Asheville, N. C. , I.-hlK Kl-.NT A stood residence house. iienrly new, on Lookout moiintnin electric riiiiwuy 1 Va miles Irtun 01 rt home. 7 mollis, also two rooms in immediate reai. all neees arv oiitliuihliiiKs, ilh trom to lour aire's ol laud; nun I well wat" r 111 link riimii ilmir larue pastuie, plemv run- uliii wTter i..r stock; possession eiv.ii 1st MASON & HAMLIN, STEALING AND PACKAHP. lu-cemiier. iHiil: ltncc mr iimiuh 2.. At.- a v or Himlv t' C. S CUOI'LK L v . I) .in v 11 lc, ; Ar. LvnchbnrR K . " Wnahingttin. ' ' Baltimore, Pen ' Philadelphia, " " New York, " WKHTHnl'NP. Lv. New York, Pen ' PhilacU-lphia, " " Hnltitnort-, " ' VaxhinKtont R. i " Lynchhurg, Ar.nanvlle. ' I. v. Kii-hmond, " Unnville, J f Lv (;li)Hl)uru, R. & : ' Rnletuh. hurhuin, " Lv Oreennlioro, M tSnliHliurv, " ' Stati'flV'lle. " ' Newton, " ; " Hickory, " I 41 Muruanton, " 1 .' Marion, " 1 " Kimnil Knott, 11 Ar. Aheville, ' " Hot SpriiiKd, ' : Paint Kock. " I ' Morrintown.ti I - ; ' Kn- svill.-. "HllTHllorNI i Lv ABheville, RAP. " Hender'iiiville, " j Hut Uock. ! ' Saludn, " ' Tr n. " ! Ar. Simrtunlr r. " 12 55pm 1 4-flam 3 1 R,im 3 Warn j 0 V5jtn 1 IHnin STRAUSS' EUROPEAN HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. I ROOMS ALL NEWLY FURNISHED. BOARD BY THE MONTH, WEEK OR DAY. Street cars pass the door. 0ien from A 11 U.tpml lilulam 3 00am 'J'.'Opm 3 20atu r(lim No 0 I No. 11. I iaiSnml iHOpm ! 3 ..oam I 6 pm ; Also, tahle Hoarders can be accommodated H4.ram 9.iilpm , nVlnelc in until 12 o'clock n m. "ll 10am jl 1 Ollpm i Am prepared lor catering at shortest notice for Home Parties, Balls, etc. All I Task Is 0 topm n2.r,am I trial. H4.rpm I 8 loam 3onPm annum i My Celebrated rhiladclphin Fries H'J'Jpml H3oam i lonilpm llo 15nm Are well known. No one can surpass them. Am proud to say 1 have the finest, larffes S4.ftpm H.'lopm! Rane in Asheville. Can serve orders in from .'I to n minutey, such as Fish, Gume, Oyster 600pm 1 atlam on llie llall snell. route ami attentive waiters, ricascu to serve an. Kesptettnuy, ?nr.n,n .4 :i''nm 1 nprnllO'.'Snm laiopm 1 oanm 1 nfipm 2 .'t 7 pin 3 I Hpm otinn 4 40pm 1011 12S."nm 1 n'Jam '1 4Tnm M 1 nam 35 am 4 4iiatn n aainn lifi.oaml nntlpm N .(tain I i-l-U'lll I) loam I NOopm ,St01"OTami "tctpiu 1 1 Mourn i m "opni o 14 1 1 annul 1 '1 '-'rtpm 1 2 asiitu 1 o:i,in I 1 51 pm 3oopin dre 4d I v IC. STHAISS, Prop. NOHTIIIIOI'SU. No. 13. I No 15 : I"" TheKirl who vestcrniyht you sw ore The fairest maid ill all the world, Tins moruim.' met you at the door, Her color down, her hair uncurled And so it (-lies. Surprise runs rile; Hut since the day's ol Noah's ark The most uncertain thine; in hie Is eating cliesnuts in the dark! T. E. DAVIS, CONTRACTOR AND SUPERINTENDENT nit: Who ure ut Them, nnd Wlierc I lirt Come From. Ilmtrrv I'itrk.Snt. I!. Jones, Morris- In all kinds of w ood. Iirick nnd stone w irk. : f..r ,1... Vniinniil Sheet and kt'iif- ir.R Company. Keeps a stock of tin shinitles : town; tico. V. ttorrell, Newport; Alex, nnhnnd. Ail work Buarantced Aent ior .. . , ,. , . . , . , Cliai lesion; lien. Iuuess, jr., Montclair, N. J.; John IS. Ilalstcd, tl. S. Co jtlwiti, J. W. t'n'cene and wile, I. N. See, New Y'oi k; Ce i. I.. Itectle, Clncaf-o; 11. 11. Doiiohoo, St. t uns; Milton Nohles anil wile, the Peas Fin niter coiniiinv Hot nir. steam or hot w ate-heati' K 1'ost Iti.x mil. cilice No. Willow street; ollice hours irom M to 10 a m.; from 4 to ( p in. Residence . II Seucy Street. Telephone I IH. iunelVidly J4-Yearn Kxpt t euce-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AN1I ltPII.I'KR Olhce and shop. Wolfe Building. and then put into a lire which lie had liuilt near by. bill he seemed to make no impression upon the pestilent in sects. One day Aleott passed by lustlie neighbor wa thus busily elikMlted and saw him puiinii; a pailful of the potato beetles upon the lire Tilt' phil osopher looked very uiiieli pained. "My friend." said lie. "I wonder how you can be so cruel us 10 burn those in sects." "Have to do; with tlieni." said Ihe neighbor "I see your vines look pretty clear What do you do with yours I" "Oh," said Aleott. "I allicr them Brooklyn; S. A. 1'caree, Columbia. i oil' carefully into a basket, and then, lis S'lvatitiamm.-S. T.Kelsev.F. Thomas, Pt'i'Hy ns ' can. throw them over the 1-. 1'acker, Win. Yeaman. E. A. Willar.l, fp!,ct' i,lto y",ir Tl'"' jr.. New York; J. 11. Cinenhack, S. K. 9erilt . dovlJ'itl lit North Court Miiure, Room POR RKNT. Store and baeenn tit on court ipiare A p. , uv to COKTLANH UK' S. 1 iiu'Jiiiltf :'ll I'uitnn Avrnue. 1 HOAKinXC. J IOARtilN( Cnn a co modatc one ou J3 pie or two ticntlcnien pi ironl room.. Also tnlile hoarders wauled ut iiov'.idim' au IIAH.HY srKuJ j OAKI). Hoard In the country with home comforts. lerms nioUetate. oauy ; mail. MKS. 11. T WII.CO., j oetU4dlm Inundn, N. C I'ermnnent and tahle li 'lird- ers can be accommodated with good ; ,...,.r,l ,,.,,1 .'itn.l'i.rii li e rooms at I MKS. R K 11KI KSIi. novllldlm No. 9 Hiawassee 1'iace tin easy paymenis. without inter st. Ship- pel direct ir.'m l.ictorv 1 p ircnascrs n freiirhts ".''i'l line p i e only a d thnt the Lowest known Snli-iaelio'i nu ir. intend or no sit e Fifteen din.1 t-inl i i v ur home. l or ea nl. uncs. prie s, p rt alms etc, call on or nildrcs Lv. Spartanburu, " I ryon, " " Saluda, " " Hint Koek, " " Hendcrs'nt'le, " Ar. shcville, " yeKPIIY BHANCII. No 6n. j No. 64. ( Daily est ept Sunday. 1 7onpm 8 1 '.'pm M 4pm 91 lpm 9'opm 10 111pm ' n Hoi 1 -mwmim'x N o 15 j -z. tsT - - - I j i 1 Mfipm i 2 4Npm LMptn : a4npm 1 3n4pin I 44ipm 1 T. W. PO.HTKI.Ia, AKCiit. Lv Asheville. Ar. Waynesvillc, Hryson City, 1 .. ' ""y-'i 1 "Murphy, 28 PATTON AVENUE, ASHrVILLE, N. C. i.y. Mu-phy, 1 " Tomotlu. j Ar. Bryson City, , " Waynesvillc, 1 " Asheville, 74onm I 9 4oain I 12 47pm 6onpm I fiJiSpm I nov'.idtf 1; tm vi.N, AUCTIONEER. It covers the ground the Ball waist-if you on't have a corset. There's the corset shape, without the restraint, and it carries the weight of the skirts on the shoulders. The whole thing SLKKPINfi CAR SP.RV1C1' Nos 9 nnd 10 Pullman Sleepers between I 4:10pm I 4' I tljonm 1 can eo in the wash. ieeTi ' If you're not satisfied with lVIAMUNr. li Unleiuh llri ottslxirit litlll f RH1' KSTATK All IJ' T ASH LOAN ItKOK liR ." 1 1 nud 1 2 I'ullmnn SleeiKia la iween It, alter Wearing lt tWO Or a-.- ration Ave , t-uo t"r, 1 r.o, r.. Kit liwt itirv and Washinuton. I sell furnitur.'. real estate, or invthiiiK ut Nos. 15 and in Fuiln11.11 Slccjier t -ew een , uucll n v. nariesioii, Kim,,,.,,'. i 'I If nut 'in office when ton call, w rite name tan liur, Faint koc. Knoxville and Jellieo. nnd residence oil slate, nnd I will visit ou. j 1'. A. T 11RK. As.l'.en P. A., sunny ro.-m. wi.hln.ard. "' ' "' " Su t Asheville. N MkS. l l.l.V A. l.l.l'.. " ' J VS. I.. TAYLOR, ()R YY1NT1SK. oetlOdtf yl.NTKK HO 1 U 11. Rooms w nrm and eom'ort hie liverythinc Irish anil new H paoiled. and lumislied Imme diately on street cor line. Terms leasonable. .MKS. I. 1. SMATllliKS, '.unl'Jdtf 31 Fatton Ave. three weeks, return it, and get. your money. P. P. Rliniiinuirli. Chalybeate Water, llrnueht in pipe direct from the Asheville ChuU bcale Spiitm (lonu known as Lee's, ChalVl) ate sprinul now on sale at booth on north court square, liv the lass. ser ed cold, Jce'ta three glasses cents or by the Knl I Ion, hall unllon, or any t untitv desired at; low prices. li. J. ARMSTRONG. juliotl 1 Gen l'uss. AKt. W.H GRIiKN. t.en. Mnnniter. SOL. H Ks. Trarhc Mnnairer. ALK'S 3 .1111 in r'li:.... 10. :l ..,..1. oil ....1. 1 COKNKK COFKT l'l.ACH ANH MARKKT rauoit, 1 iiiianeipiiia; t. 1.. i.cauicrwoou sTui'FT ! O'80" City; W. 11. Kamsuy, Cliatta Itode Ashore on an lilepliunl. Years uuo there was a traine sliip- ... lioima; Kred Pelliam. Chicago; J. Muoni, wreck on Ihe Maine coast near Mount K. Ha BRITT, ' '""'""; J; w-t-'l K. Koston; I enrosc D.rt TUe V(,SSI, vvas tralisportiii" ones, J. A. W. Hunter, Wavncsville; W. ; ,, , , ., . .. . STONE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. -t- lnLZ,i Also arrndlnu of alt kinds done. All orders Wiselusset bv an lilieient lliuriner in thai oromntlv filled and work nuartinteed. Can 1 ariu centr.-o. 1. t.rowu- Rica- FOR S.Lb. ITlo R SAl.B-Voluable farm in Transyl-! " " ' ' -auia county. It iBK on the l-rcneh llroad . TraDOCTS mltl SllOriSnieil ! river, lour mile- nhose Itrcvatd. know 11 im 11 I Ilium hole! place, a'ld in a good ncu; ibor- WANI'KO. IOO (jood otter ski 's Will hood contnitiiiiK -on ai res moreor less. One , ,w buv bear, mink, wil lent and lo slns. ! bill 01 it lirst class river bottom. Price low 1 We Clin frnih steel traps to those who and terms est. Apple to w-ant tliem Skins of small nniuials mii-t ne I nos. 11. jiiii.miio, I "e nsed." that is nut rut open, as 11 lessens 17dlwwlm .1 and a Johnsl.n It'lilR. , th -ir vnltir. Ski them entire nose, feet nnd lirv in the shuilc; use no sun or aniiu MlSCHLLASKHrS. e-i1 Reward tor two letters and Ol" " irlo-t on street riiur-ia dressed to Laura and N. 1'. Cltivlester. pn-ud- Ik found at all times at Powell U Snidcr'r 1 n.oild; 0. A. Hanks, A. K. lirown, Knox- store P. O. Dux flSO. anrltldtt Charles M. Stedman, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE OVER THE BATTERY PARK BANK, AHl.eYllle, N. C. aug3d4m INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General 1 Insurance 1 Agent. Rear No. 20 South Main street. Kstablishcd lHlir, au5 dlv Asheville, N. C A. II. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. R1H1M 1. MCAl'HR lliriLniVO. Leicul Work a Speciality. Walter S. Cushman, ( Formerly uf the Massachusetts Oar.i A1TOHNKV-AT.I.AW, COMMISSION!! OP PRKPS, AND NOTAKV Pt'M.IC No. SO Patton Ave., McAfee block, room 4 ASHHV1LLH, N. C. SMCI.UTIS8; Ul PBOPkRTI St CONVkiAM'IM. Rir23dtf salty port. Aeeordini; to bis rcoi)IUu f.iontc tlu linns mid the tiiors ami thp vih"; J. M. Sams, Salisbury; B. C. Jam- j ImmUlvs ,, ,1(,al.v IlM cri.vv wort, eson, Johnson City; 0. H. Oallalier, jrowlli;a. The me who euino out of Sweetwater; Miss Sue Stevens, Jaa. Rich- tle aisaster easiest was Ihe elenhaiit ardson, John !. Scott, h. l''Klett.N. C.; j k Ho ,.,! Wl m c,urBe . . Keauan, Veaverville h. t . White, , , , , , Alexanders; I. II. Wilhuii.son and wile. V"M- the animal behind the far mid Miss A.J. Stnnlcs.KeidBvillc; M. II. Holt, the bulKV swuuiner t iiui tl li)inl ly Kav C. Werts, Sjurtanhuri;; M. 1.. Uiitl- i to the rock bound coast of Maine. Her, Lmcintiati; J. Al. Hunter. Wnvnes ville. fitn A'ocs::-Frnnk K. Pierce, N. C; M. B. Gnddis, Marion; J. II. Currie, Hendcrsnnvillc; B. Iv. Ik'lue, Alabama; B. L. McAl'ce, Canton, 0a.; Charles Sprincer, Atlanta; J. VV. Bobhitt, Phila dclnhiu; (eotge tsinith, New York; J 110. M. Hunter, Wavncsville; J. N. Morgan, liallimore; W. O. Knight, Kiehuiontl; A. Howell and (lauL'lucr, Waynesvillc; 0. 0. McCully. Knoxville; Francis Former, Montimu; W. V. Clifton, Kuleigh; K. H. Cole, Knoxville; B. (. Williams and wile, Miss Alice Williams, I'elzcr, S. C; Nathan I.inz, Cincinnati; J. W. Lang, S. C; Samuel Rhodes, Cashier's Valley; W. B. Kumsey, Chattanooga; W. A. Smith, Boston; C. S. Watson, Baltimore; W. E. McElroy, Charlotte; i). G. Hall, B. T. V. und G. R. R.; Miss Anomi, New York; J. A. Bulch, Tennessee; L. J. Pear son, S. C. tlAPAISESIf PILE 12 -.BissaK CURE A trasrSEtecd Cure for PUes of whatever tin3 ot degree External, Interna), Blind cr Elecdir, Itching, Chronic, Beeent or nerodiUry. $1 00 box; 6 boxes, $5.00. t-at by mall, prepaid, on reoeipt of prtoe. we gnMaiitca so ear snj ma ut runs QtnUiwteed and sold only bv T. C. Smith at Co., wtaokssal aad rttal ' alnuigisU, rnuHa Bqnara, v " yafVtVtlv .''S-fstyavyv-t t k Household Remedy $ ' FOR ALL I BLOOD and SKIN i Jloltiian P. Day in Lewiston Joiirn:, It Wna Ihs Measles, "I think," said 11 fond Texas pa. cut. "thiil Tommy is going (.1 he a poel when lie grows up He doesn't eat, nnd sits by the stove all day and thinks and thinks.' "You had better grease him all over. He is going to have tin. measles, and if you grease him ll'i'V will break out all over him. and then he vvill feel better " -Texas Sittings 1h(tv-a few pieces of choice dia nond lew elrv for sale at a narKain. If you wih to exatiiiuc with u view to purchase address J. M Xlt-OLK , novlOdlw Caie Jenks i Jenks. I"k. move 1 eis oliiee to rooms over Wor then A: l'o drnit store. No 17 North Main street IMlice hours. 11 to 2 and I to 4. novldtf UNlTlitl STATUS Mutual Acciihnt Asso ein ion of the eit.-of New Yotk. The Oldest, Lurucsl und llest octaB.llf T. W. I'OSTKLL, Aent. t in We offer a lot of standard brands t- J.of corsets in broken ail. s at auU be- w ei st. selM It! Itu renins if we cnn fit Tim lUiAKllc.N & RANKIN. TiiTK'li All tiersons are hereby forbid- J den to trrssnuss, by huntii'K or other wise, on mv lands on Haw t'r.ek, nnd he fill' pennlita of the law will be enforced attuinit all offenders. I- A. WbUU, nov4d well 4t uil Alwnys removc the bone fr Ihe Itt'l Call on. or mldress JUNKS JKSkS, oettidtf Patton Ave., Asheville. N. C. BOARDING. GUDCER HOUSE, 211 HAYWOOD STREET. !M. O. MILI.KK, Proprietor. Loention unequaled In the city. Scenery fine table the lust Polite and attentive scrvunts. Rntes on auiilieaiioti. Will accommodate table boarders ocllodtf. PI 1. VTOTICB The firm if Alexander At Wex i ler bate this day dissolved nurtnership and mv p;itrons miy nw find me ut No. 17 Noun 'Main sire. t. where 1 will be fully pre pared 10 UII nil the demunds in the Jewelry trade. . WHXLHR. 17. ;u No. 17 North Minn street. LEMON KLIXIK. I'lCHHant, Elcitaul, Reliable. ANNtlUNC'liM KNT We opened our La dles' Hair Dressing Parlor Monday, November 111 No IS Patton ave ntii. over Hattery Park bnnk We will 1st preimred to do all kinds of ladies' huir dress itiK, siiiKC. shamiioo, cuttinu nnd curling li iima IJveuini: toileU arratiKed in the lut est I'nrisiau styles. 17-dlw MMB. CHEVIONY. I "VToTICIi, The Wornans' I J.1 so. J DISEASES mm m u Ll t Botanic Elccd Bsb Ur..... 8CR0FUU, ULCERt. IALT v.urga rheum, eczema, mn torm si SMllansal SKIN ERUPTION. Ss- tlsit tolas sMosslsss Is Isalnf ss Ihs A srtttm sasT rsstsrlnt th sssstllslloa, ahia Imsslrst free) sat seen. Ut f slaieit sesemstsrsl ksalliMj pressrHn ( 1 luitltj ss la ensrsnlnlni cars, H . Slrsetloatsre felleese. SENT FREE -J!OT27- BLOOD BAkM CO., Missis. Cl. i 'v'V.' If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS ritit. notice of K'llieh wtl lie otven. A. W. FK.NNI M AN, t-resineni. Mrs. Thos. A.Jones, S cietarv. noviudat Eiehanae as ...l.finn lah I he t.lllllle to kHOwthUt For biliousness and constipation, take 1 the reopeninn of the each nge is only oe- Lemon Klixir ferred until the present depression or trade rV l'ii j , . is relieved. Meanwhile, tney consider it For fevers, chills and muluriu, take 1 'mote vrillivnt to confine themselves to tak- Lemon Elixir. Inu orders, which are carefully filled by Ihe For sleeplessness, nervousness and pat-1 old cousig n These order- for "taMcs pitntion of the heart, take Lemon Elixir. trSt! roi inoixesituu null iuui bkiioui.ii inne also oe a Lnnitnia. snie, ueKiu'-iug . Lemon Elixir. For all sick and nervous headaches take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, lor natural nnd thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. Dr. Mozlev's Lemon Elixir will not tail you in any of the above named dis eases, all ol which arise Irom u torpid ur diseased liver, stsmach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared onlv by br. iVJozi.ev, Atlanta, Gu.,50cand.i.OO pei bottle, at. drug gists. LKNON HOT DROP, Cures all Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and long discuses. Ele gant, reliable. 25 cents at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Moiley, Atlanta, Ga. janWeod JTOTtOB. Br virtue of a deed of trust mnde to me by T. W. Ashtnn on the 8th day of Brptemb , 1W89. and renistered in the office of thj regis ter of deeds of Buncombe county, in book 1 7, at pane H6, etc., of mortaane records, to se cure the paym'-ni 01 cerxain nun. okiciu mentioned, and bv reason of the f illure of the said Ashton to pity said notes when due. as provided in the said deed of trust, t will sell at the court house door in Asheville, N Con Wednesday, the lHth day of Novem ber. 1H91, at 1 i o'clock m . to the highest bidder for eaah at public auction, the lot of land described in said deed of trust, situated In the northern pari of the said city of Ashe ville. at the northern boundary thereof, on the east at 'e of Main street, and bounded and more particularly dcerlled as follows: Beginning at a stake on the east side of said street, 162 feet from D. W, Canble's north west corner, and runs with said street 83 feet to a stake, known as atnelson's corner; thence with Snelson'i line east 33d feet to state at a new street; these south with said near atreet So feet to a stake, formerly MeCanleas' liar; thence west with said line about 335 feet to th beginning, being fully described la said deed cat trust. This October 14, ISO) . ' octl3dwed4t torn. W.WBaT, Trustee. 'nil li. ONE NIGHT ONLY, Friday, November 20 ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY ! "SATAN," The Masterpiece of the World's Greatest Author, SARDOl', by the Celebrated Bmotlonnl Actr.'Ss. ROSE OSBORNE, SUPPORTED BY A NKW VllKK COM PANY TINPBR THB MANAOHMKNT Ot M B. RAYMOND, DO NOT FORGET THAT- IWEEKLY CITIZEN ONLY SI-ONE DOLLAR-SI PER YEAR, Strictly in Advance. $5 For a Club of Six. Send One Dollar and relies your subscription at once. Special Correspondents in every section of Western North Carolina. PIANOS: STEINWAY, EVERETT, ORGANS: ' I WILCOX Hi WH1TR, FARRANDft VOTI5Y KIM BALL. ; j SANJOS. GUITARS, VIOLINS. STRINGS, ETC. NOTICE. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF BUNCOMBE COUNTY. EASY INSTALLMENTS, LOWEST : PRICEli. HIGHEST GUARANTEES. ESTABLISHED SIX YEARS AGO. 1 can refer to hundreds o' pntrons, the best men iu Western North Carolina.. Call on or address C. FALK. 35 N. Main Street, ASHEVILLE, N. C. OR Hpartauburie, H. C The tax list for this yar has been In mr aaada for collection for some time and but few hare settled. j ne county is in aed of money to defray Its expense, and meet the demand upon it, 1 sea espect-d and required to collect the taxes, which t intend to do without delay. My deputies have been instructed to proceed with the col lection, without regard to person. I hare no dl.po.iUoa to pm. the people, But the taxes aiu.t be paid, and Indulgence I can not gin. Let everyone mat forward; at once, and aa taemMlve cost and m much tronble aad aaaiivane Re.pectluliY. .. O. L. MBYNoLDi, OTlTdlar ; Bherllf. SPECIAL, FEATURKSl LOCAL NEWS, FOREIGN NEWS, A(iUlCULTUUALNEWS, ALLIANCE NEWS, AND A WAYS 0 E M. 3 C RA T,l C, The Dent Family Newspaper In the State. TRY THE MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY it Patton AvMtue, A LITTLE HIGH. is the way sonif people liketheir H'aine. However, few pi'ople want even a picture of Asheville that way. Appreci ating that fact and ever desirous of sav ing tlie people money (while making some for ourselves) The Citizkx has purchas ed the exclusive right to sell the VIEWS of Asheville (which have lieen sold at $5 each) for a paid-in-advance subscription to Two Daily I'itizun. That is. you pay us 'i for Tii r; Daily Citizkx for six months, and we. will give you a superb picture of Asheville FREE. That's a telling of ter or ought to be. You get Tim Citizen at the usual rate and the picture besides, and we get the inter est on your f 3 and the ilea sure that conies of being liberal. If you want extrti copies of THE F1C TL'KE to send away that mattercan prob ably be arranged at the'business office of The Citizen. But first we must have the paid-in-advance sub scription of $3. That's fair. N. B. You can take your choice of the pictures, those on thin or those on thick paper. The former a re best to send away; the latter are the best to frame. THE CITIZEN. THE MAITLAND SCHOOL, UNOLISH AND FRENCH. HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 40 French Broad Arenue. M KS. IU'KGW YN MA1TLAND, PRINCIPAL. The sehool will re-open September 24th. Honrs lor Infant elass from nine to twelve. An attt-rnoon elnas tor French conversa tion will be formed tor Indies under the direc tion of Melle Hat-rand de la Faverie, dl plomee lie I'aead'-utie de Paris. Health is Wealth! n r c WK.a Maavi ins RRAtN TRKAT- msst. guaranteed specific for Hysteria. Dliilnesa. Convul.lors. Kits. Nervous Neu raliria, Headache, Nervous Prostration cauMd bv the nM of alcohol or tobacco. u. -lrMf..lnaa M.ata lletifn.sion. BUI I, III II K "I ik, hr-ln Manllinsr In insanity and leading to miserv. decay anddrath, Premature old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Powtr In either ex, In voluntary Lossea and Bpermatorrncea, iiara h. overexertion of the brain, self- abuse or over-indulgence. Bach box eon- tains on m.nth's treatment, ft 00 a mix, ... hAM for aa.oo. aa tit bv mall, prepaid. on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to curv any res. With each order received by u. ftr six boxes, accompanied witn so oo, w. will send the purt haaer onr written gnsr. antM o refund th noaey If th treatment doae not eneet a cut. Onaraatars Issiied only hy T C lamlth Sc Co.. Druggists, Sale Agents, Public Bouar. AsbcviU. 8. C. tfJUH g tilal J iai nasi nliniJ ARB YOU TaKIHw sam THIS NEW MAGAZINE t WHION IV1RYB0DV IS I talking snout and most people are readmit tfa .... . .v. U i Hill)! U sllkaMISI V ,M- a I'D. tw ii,l,auLvU n Latura January I. v lull 111') : $2.00 to $2.ev The review op Reviews, , 13 At or Place. w o.k. simi to cia's ri it sisru con. Hr G 0 m "ll.ll.C." Cures Uonnrbasa snd Oloetln ItoSUays, without Pain. I'mvents Stricture. Contains no acrid or poisonous substances, snd Is guarantor! absolutely harmless, nrerwrlbeid by physicians. West Sy ringe free with eeeh bottle. Price It Sold hy druggists. Bewara of Sub. tllntes.Aeinenhfim.Oo.Ltd.,y.OJ.a FOR BALB BT IIAYSOR I SMITH, AtHEVlLLC, N. C,

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