1 Kptmr-fit "P51 Asheville RKAD'THE CITIZEN" IF YOU WOULD KNOW ASHEVILLE. Christmas comings secure your advertising space now VOLUME VII.-NO 184 ASHEVILLE N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. v Daily Citizen. ARE YOU HARD TO SUIT IN COFFEE? If so wo want tow'll yon jnt one pound of our tri'od Co ff oo, mill Hiiro ii8 yon livo w" will soil yon more. Tho faot in wo have tliolM-st to tic found n v whore, a 'id you'll ay so too after wiving it a trial. We nw receive these Coffees in air-tiiiht packages every few (la vs. ftlandhling Java, Arabian Mocha, 9Iaracailo, Rio, Laguvrii, Santos KROGER. FRESH AND DRIED FRUITS. INKYARD CLl'STBR BASINS, LONDON LAYBR RASIN9, Sl'TTAN MKBDLKSS BASINS, VALBNCIAOPPSTOCK RASINS ."LKANRD CURRANTS, F10S, CAI.H'ORNIA APNICOTS, CRUNKS. LBGHOKN CITRON, ORANGE PERL, POKD DA TBS. DKIH1) APPLES, FLORIDA ORANGES, LBMONS, COCOANt'TS, M.LAO GRAPES, CRANBERRIES, GKUKN APPLES All frh stuck. mured. A. D. COOPERS. NORTH COURT SQUARE. USB Itl'JKWHHM' FLOUR. A lull line of e:,nnel goiiils anil dried fr'tlts, the frcrlmt iiimI nicest it ck to ti found any wlfrc ; not a ea:iol' old oul. on our shelves; ; spci-iul prices by tin ait KHO(iKR. KLAL l-.SlAVb. WLTS BGWVN. W WJW."" GWYN& WEST, i Successor, to Walter B.Owyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHFVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary PultlU Cnmmlhsit'nfrs oi lieeds FIRE INSURANCE. OKh'ltK -HoiitheaHl CourtHquare CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Broker, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loan. se. urely placed at n per cent Office. 24 2(1 Pntton Avenue Second flout frbudl v JOHN CHILD, (Formerly of Lyman ft Child), Office No i Legal Block RKAL EST AT K AND LOAN BROKER, TRICTLY A RROKRRAGB BIS!NB8. Loan, secure placed at per cent ST. NICK NON-PLUSSEO. He can easily All this bid stock or anv other with the nice thing, we oner for the holiday.. Quality and price, guar- JUST RECEIVED! The hiindon.et assortment" of the new Htvltf Ladie' CAPER, with sleeves and Reef ers Pur Trimmed, whuh are maiufncturers' nam pics and will br told at very low prices. toode art- new and frch. OPBNINC. VV CHRI-TMAS NOVELTIKS THIS WBI-K Lar:c new stock Silk and Wool material or Embroidery, Crocheting and Knittirg, With dditiunal force, we hope to nerve our ustoincrs promptly. BON MARCHE," 37 S. main Street. ZS2 0 0 0 0 CO 3 0 WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, as Patton Avenue. Next V M C A build'g. P O ItoxSB. Pulliutu & Ruiledjce, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, OVER BANK OF ASHEVILLE. THE MODEL CIGAR STOKE, Patton Avenue, V l. getting ready lor Holiday Good. Has received a new stock of Merschaura Pipe., Mi-rschuura Cigar and Cigarette HuMera A Ave assortment of Russian Leather Cigar and Cigarette Case.. A new lot of Imported Key Wr.t and Domcatlc Cigars, 2R In a box, with the. words printed on them, "Compli ments oC.theSeason." Call and Examine My Stock J V3 W X D O X OT w h Z & -J i w oa m m CRISP, KEED, AND MILLS ALL. F.VF.S THIS TRIO IX THE HOVKE. "However nhocktnulnrg- the tocklng, He there a icon' or even mo e I fill them a I the lar c and mall I'Kaini otic and plcming hII, For the plact to buv keeps the iunply And than at Thnd V. Thrnnh & Co 'aCryi. Palace. Thui'i wliat Old nt M K wmn MinginR at he c ime lino our m tore the yihcr dav. llr wHon't fur from wrong eiihrr. Such a at ck of holldnv goods it we have thia tcaou wuh uever before oti our ih Ives Come and see lor yourae t, and don't ail until themh duiinK t')c last few days. We can tell you of smie of tlu-m, our dots cannot be cqnnlle . io qualitv and write. I he te vtst tlnnn under the huh it an elrctric X'liat card invented in Berlin ince lii'itXina. To nporecta e them 1 to rr tho m Space forbids mvntioninK any more of nar novelties. Please call cany. THAD. W. THRASH & CO. v The Farmer Escorted to the Npeultrr's cbtr by the Man From Tcxum and the Man From Maine Ureal Kuthulin and Good Keelliiii. Washington, Dfc. 8. Although there wn un absence ol the rush which char acterized the entrance of the public to the house galleries ycslenlay, there was this morning no appreciable diminution in the number of spectators. Every avail able sent had its occupant, and the bright dresses of the Indies formed a plcisinc Ira me to the bustling picture be low. At the hour of noon Clerk McPherson called the bouse to order, and the journal of yestcrduv'b proceedings was read. The clerk then announced that he was ready to receive nny motion. Hobnail, of Indiana, moved that the house proceed to the election of speaker. Agreed to. L I I in ; i ti placed in nomination Charles R Crisp, ol Ijcoryia. Henderson, ol Illinois, placed in nomi nation Thos. U. Kecd. Applause on re publican side. Simpson, of Kentucky, placed in nom ination Thos. C. W.ubiiii, ol licorgia. Outhwaite, ol Ohio, and Henderson, of Illinois; Gates, of Alabama, and Simp son, of .Kansas, were appuiuled as tellers. The roll was then called with the fol lowing result : Crisp, 228; Keed, 83; Watson, 8. Mills and Spriiujer were heartily ap plauded when, in response to the fill ol their names they recorded their votes for Crisp. Mr-side the three candidates those not voting wer- Marline, Muchanan, Va., Fwin. Hartm r. Hoar, Sanford, Williams, ! (Mass.) awl Wilson (Ky.J I The clii k having announced the result and declared Crisp duly elected, the : sH'aker was named amid a storm of np I plaiise. The clerk then appointed Mills : iii d Kcd as a committee to escort the 1 newly elected sneaker to the chair. COUN I'V CO.1l ,11 IBltlUNP.RIt, What the Board Did at Thh Sloulll'H MretlnK. The board of county commissioners adjourned at noon today. At this meeting R. V, Justice was ap pointed constable for Tipper Hominy township, and filed his bond in the sum of $1,000. License to retail spirituous and malt liquors for six months from January 1, 1892, wasgranted the following persons: Steele & McKissick, WO. Mullrr, Hamp ton & Keatheiston, Frank O'Dounell, G. A, Sornlls, John O'Dounell, Bonanza Wine and Liquor company, J. H. Lough ran, Walter Connelly, Gaines & Wash ington. License was granted the Knoxville Brewing company to sell malt liquors at wholesale. The annual bonds of the following county officers were filed : D. L. Rey nolds, sheriff, $100,000; J H. Courtney, treasurer, $80,000; J. L. Cathev, clerk su perior court, $10,000; J. J. Maekey, register of deeds, $5,000; . R.Patterson, clerk criminal court, $5,000. COMINil TO AHHEVILLE. J. W. HuiumerH, Kxq., of Mecklen burn, to Arrive on the iolh. The Charlotte News has this to say of Mr. J. W. Summers, of the Asheville law linn of Summers & Lewis: "Next Thursday, 10th, will witness the departure of Mr. J. W. Summers, a Droimuent lawyer of this county, now residing at Davidson, to Asheville, where he will go into partnership with Mr. W. II. Lewis, lormerly of tiastotiia.nnd who has been in the practice of the law some three or four years, but has laen in Ashe ville for some two months, and is doing very well there already. Mr. Summers lias been practicing his profession for something over six years, and has been quite successful, having ns we are relia oly 'titornied. won over 80 per cent, ol cases placed in his hands, a record that speaks lor itsell. Mr. Summers has the refutation, too, ol being exceedingly well rend in the law and has prepared some voiing men for the bar, who stood ex aminations at Kaleigh without u blun der." ftOI VKNIK CAMUS, IV IPrVIHVT CrPPI V S-'niLandhismarchdownthenislew s A ill Mil 1 I Mill Mil i" perfect ovation, the democrats lining n.t niLuriiU uti 1 uii ., mss uml uiviK ,, t.lcer aru, cheer. If the merriment f Chris'tnt. deWnd. I W1lK'" ("ilt bt'1" '"' C"V , said : upon what goes on the tuhle-and that has j Oentlemen of the house ol reprcseula a Kood ileal t do with It all that the lives: l-'or the great honor you huvi heart can desire I. at your disposal. cor.lcrred upon me I return my hear licit .,, , ., . , , . . . . i tnauKS. l snail enncavor io iu.ciinif:i There nill be a Hood of orders, but the i , . . . ... , ... ,..:,i, thei utiisol the onuc o soeakir with more the merrier: we are ready for ill com- ;c,,, tesy, with firmness and with abs . eis. Give u. a call, If It i only for the pur-i lute impartiality. Applause Let poKofseein,; for your.lfhow complete and unite in the lio)e that our labors hen , ituiu a-nullltr til til n it V fl tlf IMtWM 1 1 (ll llli varied is our stock. You will find that we I ... . , . c t,., I li tijn-i in , iinni'i uiivi huh wi in" arc more than justified to calling your itten- Vcd country. Applause I am now tiontoour large and well selected atsott- ready to take the oath office." mtnt of Fine Groceries. ' D ., 1 THE 8KNATK, Respectfully, i POWELL Sc SNIDER'C',C",CV:;;UW1,", Bus, Washington, Dec. 8 Immediately af ter the reading of the senate journal, tin onth ol office was administered to Jones, ot Arkansas, re-elected. Cnllom's motion f yesterday that the oath of office be administered to Mr. Dubois was put and agreed to, and the onth was accordingly administered to Dubois. Hoar's similar motion as to Call, ot Florida, was also agreed to; and the oath was administered to Call. On further motion of Hunr the papers in the matter ot the credentials of David son (claimant lor Cull's seat) were re let red to the committee on privileges and elections, with instructions to investi gate and report ut an early day; and on motion of Hale, a like reference was made of the papers iu the case of Clog get t, claiming the seat of Dubois. The senate then, at 12:30, took a re cess till 2 p. in. A COLD DAY FOR MILLS. THE CRIP, KEEN AIR FROM GEORGIA DOWNS HIM. A Result Reached la Democratic Caucus on the aalb nallot, ao W. T. Crawford Telegraph The Citizen" Life ofcrlap. Washington, Dec. 7. Crisp was nom inated on the twenth-ninth ballot amid great enthusiasm. Crisp 119, Mills 105, Springer 4, and Stevens 1. W. T.Crawford. Charles F. Crlitp. A story was for a long time in circula tion that Charles F. Crisp in his youth was an actor. It had its embellishments, and circumstances were even related of how he was tempted to leave the stage for the bar, and yielded only alter a hard struggle with himself. The whole story, though very readable is fiction. It grew out of the fact that Mr. Crisp's father was an actor, and a very good one, it is said. But the son never trod the boards. He was born in Sheffield , England, where his parents were temporarily living, but was brought bv them to this country while still n child, and is a thorough Georgian in his education and entire bringing up. He was admitted to the bar u'ton attaining his majority, and was at one time a common pleas judge The appointment was leceived with nppl iuse not unmixed with laughtei Hoiuctlilnii M-vr and Cnlcliy In the In n few moments Crisp entered viih! ttuuveiilr Line. .Mill .inn Kin supporting iiin u. cum, , . swirs. nothinu neater or prettier has been brought to Asheville tliini the souvenir cards just received by Tli.nU W. Thrash & Co.. at the I'atton avenue crystal palace, several of which have been sent to TllK C.itizun, These cards have different views prin ted on them from halftone engravings, vlnle the picture is beautifully bordered by an embossed wreath of native rhodo dendron. There lire views of Kenil worth ami Hatterv l'ark hotels, French Broad and Swnnuunon rivers on the cards. The effect of t lie whole is very pleasing and thise souvenirs are sure to sell rap idlv. A mini lr of them fastened to gether us a booklet would make a very pretty present to a 'riend, and one that would give a pleasing impression of Asheville and surroundings. THI-; MAII.H. , , ,i--- - This is Not DIAMONDS TRUMPS! we have some entirely new designs In Ktiiirs. Of course they are not to be h. a ir.it for nothing, but they're to be seen for noth i g o th.tt, if y.u can't possesa them. ou cuu aMeast lo k at them. Some of them nrt-set in dinm nd thut flash with won- droits radi tnce; other are set In brilliants i nly to of d stlnKul'hed from the Ken it.' item by the experienced eye. It Is the fashion to coup)-' purchases ol jewelry ith the idea that lavish outlays are enstntlal Nothing oi inc aina. n can ony 'ucn ana ape a lit le or vou can buv U'tle and soend mn h ao exceptionally ju 'Icious selection can be matte irom our stoca oi jewe ry, etc. II. II. COSDY, JEWELER, PATTON AVENUE, MAUD S., ! Hut i only one of the j ninny tine horses that nre kept fnt by the never j reusing supyily of our corn, hay, oats and white shorts, that we are daily distributing throughout the city to lovers of their spirited steeds. We are head quarters for feed and defy competition. Call and see us I GREER & JOHNSON They Are Now Whirled I'p Town in a Hum, In contrast with the old style of con veying the mail between the p istoffice and passenger depot, i. e., by mule and curry ill, it is pleasant to see how the matter is handled now that the street railway company has the contract for earning the mails. 1 he Battery l'ark special caris usually the first car to come to the square after the arrival of a train, and upon this the sacks of mail are tiituwn. When the square is reached the sacks are grubbed by employes ol the company uml whisk ed across tile square in a jiffy. This pleases everybody who deiiends upon the posfothce in any way, as the mails arc brought up towu much quicker than thev were formerly. HKDICAI. ttOCIETV. B. C. CHAMBERS, Presi P O V-Proident. VBR, reus. HR. JAMMERS, IF. M. WAVI eside t I Sec. Ac '' rem V II l.KK. H. A. MII.1.1 otdent. Gen 8upt. CAROLINA COAL CO. DEALERS IN JELLICO AND ANTHRACITE Ul'MINUHB THDI BI.KH, A Deed In Tru.it In Bee lire Pre ferred Creditors) Fort Worth, Tex., Dec. 8 E. Bou mad has filed a deed of trust, J. Ii, Simp son, of Dallas, trustee, conveying bis stores in Fort Worth to secure preferred creditors to the amount ot $197,081. The creditors include New York utid Texas firms. Amount of assets and lia bilities unknown. London, Dec. 8. The private banking frm of Bawtree, Duwnay & Curse, ol Colchester, suscnded business today. 1 he firm had a high reputation through out Essex, in which county Col chester is located. It is feared the failure will cause great trouble. All business is stopped in Colchester. Most ol the local institutions, leading tradesmen and the town council banked their money with the firm. No statement ol liabilities and assets has yet been issued. NARROW ESCAPE. j. B. LEAYE YOUR ORDERS AT OFFICE, No. la Patton Avenue, AND AT CHAMBBRS WBAVBR'H L1V BRV OPPICB, WILLOW ST. PROMPT DELIVERY YOUR PATRONAGE Is Solioited.. Porter Severely Injured at PlKcon River. I'igkon Kivkr, N. C, Dec. 7. Spec'alJ What came near being a latnl accident happened to Mr J. B. Porter, of the firm of (eo. Porter & Co., lumbermen of this plate. Mr. Fnrter was holding the brake on one of the cars which were being placed on the siding for him to load, when by a sudden jerk he wns thrown from th top of the car to the ground, striking bis head against the rail, bruising him se verely and spraining his ankle hadly He will be laid up for some time on ac count of his injuries. SENATOR GORMAN. TELEPHONE 130. P. 0. BOX 31 Z And Still it Goes. WINTER. - UNDERWEAR AJV ACTUAL COST. Come while we can fit you j a big stock to select from. Don't miss this great opportunity. Re-elected Chairman of the Dem ocratic Cancna. Washington, Dec. 8, The democratic senators at a caucus held this morning unanimously relected Senator Gorman, chairman, and Senator Faulker, secre- retury of the caucus for the ensuing term of congress. Acommittee was appointed to fill vacancies in the minority represen tation upon the various committees, alter which the caucus adjourned. election of Ofllcem and a Bauquet I.am Nlifht. A meeting of the Buncombe county medical society was held at the Winyah sanitarium last night. An election of officers was held with the following result: President Dr. Karl von Ruck. " Vice-president Dr. G. W. Furefov. Secretary Dr. W. P. Whittington Treasurei Dr. H. Longstreet Tavlor. Council Drs. M. H. Fletcher, L. B. Mc Brayer and Chas. E. Milliard. A banquet was then tendered by Dr. von Kuek to the physician, and invited friends, lasting until about 1 o'clock. The cveninif was spent very pleasantly by all. ' (Secretary Tract's Report. On the subject of naval militia Secre tary of War Tracy submits the follow ing statistics as to numbers: California, 371; New York, 342; Massachusetts, 238; North Carolina, 101; Rhode Is laud, 54; Texas, 43; Total, 1,139. He a Hs: "The naval militia, therelore, com arises today an effective, organized force ol over 1,100 men, distributed among six stales. From information receivtd from various sources, it is beyond ques tion that, as soon ns the necessary ou thority is given by by enactment of their respective legislatures, other states will immediately establish organizations, and the number of men in the service will lie largely increased." Dora Petlro'n Death. Rio Janeiro, Dec. 8 Monarchists in this city are disheartened by the death of Dom Pedro, The supporters of the mon archical idea will hold a public meeting in Rio Janeiro Wednesday next to pub licly express their grief at the death ol the ex-emperor. Paris, Dec. 8. The body of Doin Pe dro, ex-emperor of Brazil has been placed in a coffin in which, after the royal ob sequies in this city, it will be conveyed to Lisoon ana interred in the lamily vault there. Afterwards he went into politics, and his success in that field has been so signal that he is now regarded ns one ol the democratic leaders in the south. Judge Crisp is entering upon tilth term as a mcmticr ol the house. While the new speaker ranks well as a sagacious man of affairs and parliamen tarian, he is especially noteworthy for the possession of a most equable temper. While at all times earnest and sincere, and courageous beyond questio , he never grows unduly excited and never loses command of himself. His experi ence on the bench has been of great ser vice to him in his legislative career. This quality in bim was strongly marked during the exciting times in the last house. Judge Crisp was olten in the forefront of the minority's engagements with Speaker Reed, and at times led the opposition lo the speaker, but he alwuys carried himself with the utmost self-com mand. Mr. Keed could never, by any of the arts of fencing which he used so skil fully while in the chair.succeed in ruffling Ihc calm uud judicial spirit, ol the Geor gia lender. This cool and imperturbable temperament had much weight in Judge Crisp's. favor. It is pre-eminently the quality a speaker should possess, and particularly when so much of general party interest depends upon the action of the house of representatives. Judge Crisp while in congress served with distinction on the election commit tee. He has had charge of the demo cratic side of all the important contested cases during the past six years, and in the last house, when so many democrats were unseated, his services in making clear the partisan action of the majority were recognized as of great value to his party. Judge Cri.p is a handsome man, of good figure, forty-five years of age, and of a kind and companionable nature. Personally he is one of the most popular men in public life from the south. Prom the Atlanta Constitution. We have understood that Judge Ciisp is a Cleveland democrat. Htock Quotation. NKW York. Dec. H. lirlr !iqVt. Lake Sh( re ItRlA: Chicane, and Northwestern lUffVa: NiMlulk anil Western ; Richmond an. I Wr.t Point Terminal 9; We.tern Union Haltlinore Price. n.t.'riiiouK. nee. B Flout, .teadv: un channel); western suner 3.85sta.'; family 4 50r4 90 Wheat, strong: suot 10464 104V: miihrrn. firmer: Fults. DSullO; LnuKberri 10(rain6. orn. suuthc.n, active; while 806B; yellow. B0(.. New Vork Market. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS AT Wholesale Prices. If jnu want a box of good rlgart, Im ported or domestic, Grant's Pharmacy i. the place to get , he n. We do not retail cigar., bat sell them by the box only. A cigar that yon usually pay ten cent. for. I can Kit yon the same cigar, fifty ia a box, at seven cents. The best five cent cigar at 3U cents by the box. It will pay yon to call and examine tbn. GRANT'S PHARMACY. Buncombe Sarsaparilla A positively Safe and Reliable Blood Purifier. Containing Burdock Root, Sarsa parilla Bark, Prickly Ash Bark, Poke Root, Ac. By its use you can save yourself from the suffering caused by foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system strivet to rid itself of corruptions. It purifies the blood, giving it re newed vitality and force. Being an alterative, it changes the action of the system, imparting fresh strength and vigorous health in place of that weakness and tired feeling, which is an indication oi disorder and decay. The concentrated pdwer and curative virtues of Buncombe Sarsaparilla render it the most reliable Blood Purifier that can be used, while it is entirely safe for patients of all ages. Manufactured only atj Grant's Pharmacy. Every bottle guaranteed, satisfac tory or money refunded. GRANT'S PHARMACY, 4 South Main Hi. BARELY STANDING ROOM -THB- PVBLIC DELIGHTED f THE REQUIRED AMOUNT ALMOST IN SIGHT -THE Sale Still in Pi-ogreM. ONLY A FEW WEEKS MORE FOR BARGAINS ! BACK ORDERS O' FINE GOODS DAILY ARRIVING. Importera' price, are all that', asked. Plrst Cost (or a stock that ia conceded by Judge, of Dry Goods tb. Finest in North Carolina t Neighboring towns have h'ard of the Slaughter and are fast procurlmsome of th. Bargains Everything In the Immense e tabli.hment at Coat, millinery Included, Aa Immense stock of BLANKETS, COMFORTS, AND LINENS At Manufacturers' Price.. Another ship m nt of those French coat, and Reefer Jack et.. Everything Spot Cash! No Nitw VoaK. Dec. 8. Stocks, quiet but firm. Monev. ensy at 33V4. Exchange, long. 4 8' ffiHlV.: short, B4i;4.HVi: state h nils dull and cteady; govemnrnt bonds. dull but steady. Cotton quiet; alt-ii bales; r,l,tls. 8 l-16c: Orleans, 8 7-16e futures ouiet nnd firm: llecember, 7 80 January, 8 91; Peuruary.8.1 1 ; Mi-reb, 8.SS: April 8.39; May, i4 PI, ur quiet but steady. Wheat- aitlie rut firm. Corn qui. t but firm fork quiet but steady sn .viro.sio.7B. l ard ouiet but firm at $6 474 irit- Turpentine dull but easy at 83vi33i. Rosin quiet but steady at Sl.95ini.40. freigau unu ana weaa. AFFAIRS OF COSSEVUh'XCB. DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Time and Place to be Decided ou January ai. Washington, Dec. 8. The executive committee of the national democratic committee today decided to call a meet ing of the national committee to be held at the Arlington hotel, Washington. 0. C, January 21, 1892, to decide upon the time and place for holding the demo cratic national convention. la He Comlusi to Aanovlller Washington, Dec. 8. Secretary" Pot-, tart' cat thowt decided improvement this morning-. Re retted well last night Got. Campbell's, Family Alarmed Columbus, 0., Dec. 6. Got. Camp bell's ailment it the grip. He wat de lirious last night and hit family were greatly alarmed. Hit physicians tny that no danger need be apprehended if the governor takes proper care of ninisell and noes not go out too toon. New York World. RoulhCarollua' Prohibitory Law Columbia, S. C, Dec. 8. The house of representatives hat passed Child't bill to prohibit the matufacture and taleot tpiritt and intoxicating liquors in South Carolina under certain restrictions. Killed Hltnaell. Charleston, 3. 0., Dec. 8. Clarence Wagner, aged 47, inspector of weight! and measures ot the city market, com' nuttea suicide this morning. . Commercial Treaties. Komi, Dec. 8. New commercial treaties between Italy. Qermanv and Austria . P0RB1GN. The number of train robberiet in Rut sia during the past few months has never been equalled in (hat country. Bv the death of Dom Pedro his dnngh ter. the Countess d'Eu, becomes invested with nil her lather t rightt to the throne of Brazil. In the Italian Parliament Saturday Siunor Crispi, ex-premier of Italy, refer ring to tne triple alliance, taia itaiy must detend herselt on ner own resources, and concludes his speech by decluring if war breaks out it will be uiiiversa and woe to those who are unprepared t H0MB, Thirteen carloads of flour have been subscribed by Minneapolis millert lor the ttarving peasants ot Kutsia. As Christmas and New Year's come on Friday it is proposed in New York to have a three day t nonoay at eacn. In Wavne county, Ky., twenty miles southwest Irom liurnside, Ky., a wen has been drilled which is producing 1,200 barrels a day ot lubricating oil. A northbound passenger train on the Louisville. New Urleant and lexat rail' road left the track near Evansville. Miss, Saturday on a trestle over a bayou. Tuts save way. and a train of two day coaches ann one runman steeper and two cart were tbrown Into tne bayou. Mo lives lost. Hon. Benjamin P. Tracy, secretary of the oavy, in his annual report to the president reviews the work done during the year in the construction of new thirjt. Bxoeimeuts with armar have demonstrated the superiority of the product ot American manufacturers, ana the department have tuecesslully devel oped a smokeless powder of American invention. The secretary acquits the navy of all blame in the attack on the J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR fllE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. For Rent. Two three-room houe with earden at tached, on Hill treet, $7.50 per mouih each. ricaattnc place lor small lamiij. For Sale. Elegant .line-room home, beside, servant's uxc; one of best purts ot city; five minutes alk of sou ft re: c.ta fixtures in houMv. Inre lot, n wi anHurpanseil In Aihevillc fnce 9.U0U, one-hall cash, balance 12 and 8 mouths. For Sale or Rent. White cottage on too of mountain, with ve acre, of land. a. a whole, or in lots. No log, dryeat place about Asheville and fin.t views within corporate limits. Pronounced by expert. iust the place for invalid.. Seven hundred feet of porch; ven rooa.. I'u. session given at once. Blevation 2,800 feet itvery kind ol real estate, rrom a lot oi $25 to residence, and lot. of $25,000. Apply at Mo. S. South Main street. Furnished House For Rent. Ten room house, furnished, for rent. All modern conveniences. Possession at once. nest st eet in Asheville. Price too uer montn. Apply to J. M. CAMPBRLL. Real hstate Dealer. good, charged while this tale laatt. Come a. early as possible and atay as long as yon can. Every minute .pent count, to your interest at No. ii Patton Arenae. F. P. MIMNAUGH. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSE For rent to a responsible party. Hone Is in a fond locution; hath hot and cold water Alto a boat ding house for nnt nc n ive tne txst laciiitusoi any nrm it the rtate for Jnuriaii your dwtllinir houses, your furniture, atoise and stock It vou set burned out vou know that vnu c ncome tout and be sure of getting your money. Some choice bargains In cttv and suburban properties can be had by calling at our of- d e. i ltn Oct .anas m specialty. JE1NKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Rooms 9 and 10, McAfee block. S3 Patton avenue, A.nevuie, n. i:. B Z o . o b u O ft z o CO o r CO 52J o o o o 8 t m e s 10 ! n it ? 9 B e f 3 & O 0 w CD Ci o 0 .0 en o w go 3 3 3 B'S' 5-5' 2 P v cr,To Jj ej 0 a, " a g-o p 9 13 w, P 3 P-s3 0 Uf tp Q CT fa t. a S 5 rr 0 M et- ss-o n 5 S 2 o so d 5 OCT B 2.ff 8 lm - B" nSsB" m w y? Si ?S 00 S B .ef Ml i 3 St F. E. KIITC1IELL, a3 patton Avenue. and sat np to eat bit breakfast. hart beta turned here. - , Baltimore men in Valparaiso, emu,