Asheville Daily Citizen R1CAD"THE CITIZEN' CHRISTMAS COMING! SECURE YOUR ADVERTISING SPACE NOW. IF YOU- WOULU KNOW ASHEVILLE. VOLUME VII.-XO UU ASHEVILLE N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 10, 1891. PRICE 5 CENTS. WJIITntN'S CANIUKS BY EXPRESS Tl?liJI..Y! A!il KR1IHVH, Kr KiT 41 t ollcjfc Hi. K R O G E R Fine northern Apples, Malaga Grapes, Extra Fancy Seedless Raisins, London Layer Raisins, Extra Fancy Cluster Raisins, Cleaned Currants, New Figs and Dates, Mincemeat as Good as Your Mother Made New English Walnuts, Almonds, Brazils, Pecans, Filberts. Imported Cheese. K'MiUKFOIlT. SWISS. m:i;fciiati:l, ! i!OM i: dk ititii:. HI )AM. PINEAPPLE. SAP SKiO, Kroger, 41 College st KkAL EST Ark. Walthk B. (Jwvn, W. W. Wrht GWYN & WEST, uSuci-eastir to Walter B.Gw vm ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHKVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loan Hcvurely Placed at 8 Per Cent. olnrj Public. Comniiitimers of Iced FIRE INSURANCE. OKKICK Houltieaul Court Nquarr, CORTLAND BROS., Heal Etitate Brokers, And I n eminent AjfentH. NOTARYiPVMI-IC. Loans sc. urely plated nt 8 ier cent Offices 24 & 2ti I'attnn Avenue Second Hooi fehwril v JOHN CHILD, iPormt-rly of Lymnn & Child!, Ofllce fio. i Legal Block KKAL ESTATE AND LOAN nwoKER, TK1CTI.Y A KROKI'.RAOB lll'SINUSS. ,cim stiure placed at h per cent WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, :!H l'atton Avenue. Next V M C A build novl d.'lm I' i) iior,r4 PuIUhui V Km led, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS, OVER BANK UF ASHEVILLE. -THE PattonAvenue, TH;onljp tMliulveplacc in the rityH where jou can finditbe moitinauthul line ol' .mole ing article, uch a. Meraehaum IMpea; al.o French briar l'liie, and a tiue nmorttmnt of Cigar and Cigarette Caaca. A lnrRC a ortment of Wulking Canea in the luteal lyle ol handle, in Sterling Silver, German Silver. Oiidvicd and Hulled Uold plate. Call an examine mjr CHRISTMAS GOODS. NO CHRISTMAS this vis.-vn c w m o c 73 tJ C 73 m CD c o z rn H Will be Coil'pll'te Without Some of our F.ini'.v (Iroeeries. We have About everything Y)U WiMlt Let your wants lit known And we will do Tlic balance. O c 73 A. J). coorEirs. NORTH COURT SQUARE. JUST RECEIVED ! 1'he hnrnUotn'"t nrtmetit' of tin new tvle La-dieV I'Al'HS. with sit eves iintl Kerr rs I-'ur Trimmed, winch are miinulHCturcn.' sample and will be sold nt very low price tiiimU an- ww nnrl (rvU. nl'liNlNt; i'l-' iMKKTMAS Nn V l.l.TI l this wv.vk l.urci' new stock Silk and Wool material nr limbronlery. Crochrtinj; Hiid Knit t it With lulditiurml force, wc hope to scrv unloincrs promptly. v nut ii BON marche; 37 H. Main Street. C2 W X D O E w cs OS h Z J J w Z PS 0 0 0 0 2 a ir d o Q. "3 0 M 4 a QUESTION OF Till- HOl'K. You can easily kucm what the question is There is only one a'l nbflurbint; conundrum at this season of ihr- year what will be particular!? appropriate as a Chrintmne gift? It In a question which you will have to determine for yourself because you know whose taste you arc icoiiiff to consult, hut we can at least assist you in solving the problem and you will confess that you came to the ritht place if you call and look at our socially selected and handsome stuck of Watches, Silverware, Jewelry, Novelties, Clucks. Gold Spec til ccs, &v , &c. II. II. COSBY. JEWELER, PATTON AVENUE. SOMETHING HANDSOME IN MEN'S TIES. The proper thing for a CliristmHH gift for your best young man, your father, brother or husband you will flntjs on my shelves. Christmas Neckwear, Silk Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Mufflers, Suspenders, Slippers, Silk Umbrellas, &c. F. E. BIITCHEIX, 28 Patton Avenue. GO AFTER CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. ('J utter them Hi thin !uy 1 morning nftvr Chrintnim with your whole uiitl and with enthimiaxin And do what he inn't doiti; une irood pidKntent. He m y ,;et stu k iin-l with he hadn't beun. 'e are nhle to offer iotiie tiK'xtiitna for v'hr.Mt. iiiuh l)uyTH, the nccepiance of which will b iiiK continued nati ft' action every time. Come early, c-nnc thin week, if yn can, in I nave the trouble tif buvinu in th' ruh. We are niHhed all the time, but with our corps of ten cterkt wc will be able to iv vou Kpeciul attention i his week. Another shipment of fine dreMcd dull thin week. The K. K 'h are nl' the rae. only 1 cents Cut nrcheftttf . bnbv in nculen, etc.. arc novelties. I hurt lorct our stock of booki, KnuieN und toys Kcneraliy when niukitiK your purchases. THAI W. THRASH & CO., CryHtal lalace WHEATI.ET, A NEW, OELIGATE AND DELICIOUS Itreakf.iHt Food. Fxcontioiiiilly rich in tin' iiitrojjt'iious and iihosplnitic food t'ltMiicnts necessary as a sustaining power for mental and physical labor, abso lutely the best cereal food for mush, gems, griddle cakes, puddings, etc. We are always prepared to furnish our patrons with the latest innovations in food products. POWELL & SNIDER YOU KNOW Where to find good groceries YOU knOW Where to filld jUSt I the kind want. of groceries you BUT DO YOU KNOW Where to find thekind of ser vice you want? Where your 1 -111 l II A orders win up ascnreiuuy ai- tendtd to as if you saw it done? We give every order our personal attention. We cor rect mistakes gladly. GREER & JOHNSON TKLKl'HOXK 13(5. ANNOUNCEMENT. 1 wish t.i iiuiiotn.LT t the iciplc of Anhi- ville and vicinity that 1 hnvc now in opera tion THE TROY STEAM LAUNDRY. The machinery it entirely new, of the new est and most approved patterns und most complete lu all Its details. ONLY FXI'KRIICNi I J And skilled hands arc employed and I am determined to give and to guarantee Full Satisfaction. Prices and Terms as usual. Soliciting your pationnge I am Isespectfutlr. S. SCI1IFFMAX. 46 South main St. LAST SESSION OF THE YEAR WKKKLV 1HKKTINO OF BOAHD UFALUKHSIKN, The I'fuplv'H l.liilil. Heat and I'uwer Kiiiiniiii) Mettled Willi rrocvrdlnga lo be IiiHiltnteU AiculitHt Gen. Vouti. The honnl nfnlilcrincn Ih-IiI tln-ir Inst miTiiiiK ol the year yi'sterilay nl'teriimin nt 4 o'clock, ami it win an intereitiiiK mti'tinj;, too, doth in nm .rial svnse and ns to the amount of linsini-s done. Mayor Hluiiion pn-mded, and the al-ili-nncn inisi-nl were Messrs. Reynolds, Starnes, Brevard, UudKer and Mellow ill. Mr. Reynolds showed the efli-ets of his recent illness very little, and rei-eived the coiiKra:ulations of his friemls with his usual modesty. He created some merri ment lv stating that votinu from a sick lied liv proxy inilit be erfective, but wasn't altogether aa satisfactory ns liein present and taking purt in the meetings ol the hoard. a 1 1 ) i n r mi:i;tinc. Previous to the regular meeting . fc: lie hoard a short joint meeting was held with the advisory committee, the mcin Ihts of that co-nuiittee present being ' Aiur'the joint meeting' had t.('m. 'to 1 m..... i ........:...... ii..... t I-.... irder Mr. J. S. Adams appeared Ik fore tilt m anil stated that a joint meeting had bien culled at his solicitation, and to listen to a proposition from people he ri prlseiiti'd, but he was sorrv to sav that he (or they I could not yet make the (imposition intendcu, whereupon the meeting ailourned. SliTTI.KMKNT WITH P. L. II. I'. Co. When the aldcrinanie meeting came to order Mr. Brevard, in behalf of himself and Alderman McDowell, who had been empowered by the board to settle with the People's light, heat and power com pauv, reported that thei lounil the bills against the city lor lights Irom une t lo Dec. 1. lS'Jl, amounted to $:,.-"i9.40, Mini that, in consideration ol the poor lights larnished during that period, the company hail consented to a deduction ol S3UU.SU, leaving a balance due the company of $J,058.0(l, for which they had agreed to accept the city's note pay able in seven mouths at 8 per cent, in terest. Alter some discussion, in which the (picstion ol interest came up, the report was accepted, confirmed, and the clerk was ordered to exeeu.e the note as agreed. MORI? AMI IIKTTl.K Sllll-WALKS. A petition signed bv most, il not all, ol the merchants doing business on the east side of South Main street, was pre sented, proving the board to order the projK-rty owners on their side of said street to put down at once good pave ments in front of their proiiei those in use had Income almost impassable. This brought on a general discussion of modern improvements in this line, ami upon motion of Alderman Starnes, it was ordered that prorty owners on Main street Irom Sveamore street to Walnut street, that had not already- done so, lie notified according to law, to put down concrete pavements in front of their property. On motion of Alderman i'lHilger, the same w as ordered as to Cat ion avenue Irom Waterstrcet to the pub lie si ii a re. STKKKT RAILWAY MIST MOVE Till! POSTS. On motion of Alderman Brevard, the s,rt,l,t railway companv was ordered to remove the posts on hast street. MK HI NT OKI'S CRIMllT. Mr. II. C. Hunt asked the board to in struct the city tax collector to give linn credit on his city taxes for the amount he had exiended in constructing the rock wall at the bridge across Town branch. The tax collector was ordered to allow Mr. Hum his claim, ns far as it covered his taxes for the current year. AN OKIHNANCK THAT Wll.l. HOLD WATKR, Alderman Oudger brought up the ques tion of water rents, and on motion the ordinance offered by him at the last meeting of the board was put upon its second, ami by a suspension of the rules, its third and final reading, and therefore j becomes law. On motion ot Alderman : Starnes the substance of the ordinance was ordered published in today's Citizkn 1 that every one may Income cognizant j ol Us reiiuiremenls. PKOCKKOISliR AOAISST C.liS. VOI NC. Alderman Starnes asked if anything had been heard from Gen. I'. M. II. Voting anent the overpay of $3,000, that lie h id drawn on this paving eon- tract. Ihe mayor stated Hint he bail notified lien. Voting that unless lie ar ranged the matter satisfactorily, the city must proceed to recover, but up to that moment had had no reply from hint, (In motion of Alderman Oudger, tin city attorney was instructed to institute proceedings at once against the general for its recovery. Ml IKINI) VKT SII'.SKU. Alderman Hrcvard stated that the debt- in executing a Ixiud bv the !'. I,. H. N: f. Co. for the (aithlul lighting of the city, bad liccti delayed by the absence from the eitv of one of its ollicials. It would be executed upon bis return. I'HKSIIIKNT IIHKI-SK OHTS CKKDIT. President Ilrecse, of the First National bank, asked the board to instruct Illi cit v tax collector to give him eredit on his eitv taxes to the amount by him ex pended for paving. The tax collector was instructed to give Mr. Brecse credit to the amount of his taxes for the cur rent year. KKIDKTS OF STKKKT COMMITTKKS. The street committee's report on the widening of Charlotte street, left over at last meeting, was accepted, but the report as to the widening of Senev street was, on motion ot Alderman Starnes, postponed to the next meeting. On motion of Alderman Reynolds, the street committee wns instructed to look lurlber into the question of widening Hast street. SALARY OP IH II.IllNi; INSPKCTOR. The quest ion of the building insR-ctor's salary was introduced, and on motion of Alderman Reynolds the salary was fixed til $100 per annum. llll.l.S OKDKKRU PAID. Webb & Oates' bill for $385 for street work was ordered paid, if it should be approved by the chairman of the street committee. Julius Breese, representing the Charleston News nnd Courier, bill for advertising, $34, ordered paid. TRANSFER OP LICHNSK. Mr. Woody'B license as a butcher wns allowed to lie transferred to Mr. Tucker. who will chop steaks at the old stand. NOT TILL JAN. 8. After looking on the present situation of-oflairs and the hopes which die not with the old year, and which are exoect ed to be realised before 1893 should have found its predecessors, the board, con scious of the impossibility of meeting on either Christmas or New Year's day, ad journed, .to meet again Jan. 8, 18UX FOR FAI.81C FHF'riiNtiK. ArreMt of John DavlH of Kalelifti on a Herloua Charite. Rai.i:k;h, N. C, Dec. 17. Wilmington is greatly excited over the arrest of John Davis, prominent in church affairs and principal promoter of the elegant new Fifth street Methodist church, on Un charge of false pretense to an amount approximating $100,0(10. Much ol the money was church funds. Widows, or phans and laborers arc reported to have suffered at hi? hands. Claims of $(in, 000 arc already in the lawyers' hands lor collect ion, and Davis is in custody of the sheriff. Charlotte Chronicle. AT THE FENSIOFOFHCE. IT WIIJ, BE lNVlCTICiATi:i IN CO;R-. A Resolution lo That KiTect Re ferred to the Committee on Rules) ChaiiKCH In the Co.nmlt teeH Holiday HecesH Frovlded For. Washincton, Dee. 18. The attendance in the house thismorning was very small. The committee on rules held a biif meet ing and (letermined to report to the house a rule empowering the sK-aker to PI"'"t the committers of the last house with tin-tollowmg changes: Ihe iniiii-iK-rship of the committee on ways and means increased from 13 to 15 iikiuIutk; ipiadro-centiiinial committee irom 0 to 1 1 members; committee on Indian depi a dations claims to be disieuseii with. On motion of MeMillen, of Tennessee, the concurrent resolution was agreed to providing for a holiday recess Irom Wed nesday, o.ld iust, until Tuesday the 5th. McMillin, from the committee on rules, reported a rule designating the commit tees of the house and membership thereof. The method of designating the chairman ol auv committee wasehanged in this: formerly, in the event of the death ol the chairman, the second meui licr succeeded lo the otlice. Tins was charged by giving the Appointment ol the chairman to tin speaker. Springer suggtste i that the designa tion ol the tpi.-ulro-ccnlt-nninl committee should lie ch. inged to the committee on the Columbian exposition. The sugges tion was agreed lo ami the report was adopted. linloc, ol Tennessee, ollered a resolu tion lor the iippoiiituu ul ol a spicial e itiimitttee ol live uicinbers to inquire into (lie charges mailt-agaiiHt the com missioner ol pensions and 'he adminis tration of his "dice. Referred to the committee on rules. Mr. Chipmaii, of Michigan, announced the death ot Ins colleague, Melbourne II. l-'ord and, in respeel to the memory of i lie deceased, the house adjourned until Wednesday with the understanding that on thai day no business shall be trans acted except that ictcrring to the recess n solution and to the auiiouiicciiK-ut eomiiiiltccs bv tin- speaker. CUM. I IK N t I ISMKII, Now It KeniHtiiH to be He-.. If We Are. Lonihin, lice, lil. A despatch to the Times from its correspondent at San tiago Ic Chili, states that the publica tion of correspondence which has passeil between the governments ol Chili and the I'nited States in relation to the as sault upon the sailors from the American man-of-war llaltimore, has liecn com pleted. The despatch adds that the pub lie is apparently satisfied with the course pursued bv Chili. l-)vcrvthiug is quid throughout the country. UKfi. V. M. II. vin nc; He Will Try lo lie In Next Week. Artlicvllle Mayor Wanton received the lollowing telegram yesterday afternoon : CARTKKSVII.LIi, da., lice. IS C. D. Wanton Will try to Ik- in Asheville next week. M. II. Tonne. I he committee of the board ol alder men will give tii-ii. Young a hearing as soon as be reaches the eitv. CVKt'H W. I II I. II. No Improvement In II Ih Condition ns Vet. Nkw York, Hcc. 10. There was no perceptible improvement in llit-condition ot Cyrus W. Tiild lodav. While be is not in immediate danger, he is said to lie very low, and takes but little nourishment. Wants lo Uie. I'M. Moore, who was arrested and jailed in Charlotte last week charged with raising a check of M. Swartzlicrg's from $2.50 to$ 15.00, was brought back to this city last night by Policeman (iiidger. It is said that he tried to hang himself while in jail in Charlotte, and said he wanted to die. Kt-Hult of a Trial II y Jury. Nkw York, liecem'ier IS. The jury in the ease of Noah Kichards, the negro servant on trial for the murder of Police man John J. Sherman, this morning brought in a verdict of murder in the first degree. Killed In an KxpIomIoii. Milwaukkk, Wis., Dee. 1'.). An ex plosion nt the blast funnaee of the Illi nois steel company at Hay View, this morning, killed tw o men and injured sev eral. Five Dollars) lor a l.oaf of nread. In order to attract attention to the wonderful merits of Sugar Coated Yeast, and at the same time tin good, the Sug.-tr Coated Yeast Co. offer a prize of live dollars for the liest loaf of bread made by auv brendmaker of Asheville or vi cinity, with Sugar Coated Yeast, which is now lor sale by the best grocers. Hi red ions for use wrnpied around each bull. Terms of coinielion: One loafol bread, with maker's name, to be sent to T. C. Smith & Co.'s drug store, Wednes day, Dec. 30ih by 2 o'clock. Awards will lie made at once by lbr-e comiH-tcut lady judges, and the result published. The competing loaves will lie given to the Mission hospital, unless the makers want them. Who is the best bread maker in Asheville? Families, restaurants and hotels will find Armour Packing Company's wes tern dressed Ixef at Hilt & Shank's. Canary birds for side 5'JVa South Main strett. at Shurtlc's, Fifteen thousand dollars worth ol fine china, Inncy goods, etc., very low in price, at the Crystal Palace, 41 Pulton avenue. Beef Tenderloins and all choice cuts of Armour Packing Company's western meats at Hill & Shank's. Go to Vuughnn & Allen, corner Hay wood street and Patton avenue, for fresh candies, ft uits, etc. Oysters stall ho u is Call an Hill & Shank for Armour Packing Company's western beef. BOSTON SYMPHONY CLUB A FINK COKCKRTGIVi:iH I.AttT Flral of a Merles of Refined Kit lerlalnnieiilH K.nqulMlle FlitiMh and MarvelouM MaHlery Vocal liym.iHHllcM. The concert given last night at the opera house was primarily due to the liberal spirit and wise judgment of the nana gersol the Young Men's Christian Asso ciation; n determination to give the public participation in amusements ele vating, refining, and at the same time pleasing to every taste. 1 he concert last night was the first of what we may expect of a series of similar and not infe rior entertainments. There was no disappointment, even after the somewhat extravagant esti mates of the capacities of a musical club so widely famous. The large audience proved at once ils cultivated taste and its appreciation of good music by ils breathless silence and absorbed attention as each gem of the programme was in succession presented; broken only bv hearty applause and rapturous encores. The first piece, a symphony from Haydn, by the whole club, at once fixed the char acter ot the music and of the musicians, und introduced the audience to a new field of pltasure; to music delicate, re fined, suhdued in its sound, but pene trating every ear anil thrilling every heart. There was an exquisite finish in every note, a clearness and distinctness in every touch, a sweetness in every har mony t hai was a marvel of mastery over the powers ol instrtimi-iilal capability. Those in the habit ol licing si tinned anil deafened bv the blasts of tlic brass baud or the blatant appeal to popular lavor ol the usual orehestial music, might be amazed at the impression made by the exquisitely delicate low sounding notes which so gently and, relatively, iuaudibly felt tison the car, and vet went straight to the mark wit ha force more impressive and pleasing than if they had been driven and hammered in by the elamorof artists whose lorte is noise, and whose triumph is in the stunning detonulions of iiinccrtcd eonlusion. The program is too long to review in detail, und Till! Citizkn can particu larize only a few portions. Miss l.anra Hinnlinm, in the second piece, sang an aria trotu the Carnival of Venice with a voice K-rfectly trained, ol mal villous clearness and llcxibilily, with extreme ruuge ol compass and with won derful eapaeilv ol sustaining itself in un broken smoothness even in the very high est and most ambiiious notes. It was a powerful illustration of natural capacity andhigh culture; vetTiiiiCiniiN must be lirrmitted to say that, lo the unsophisti cated car, the pleasure derived from the K-rleet culture ol Ihe human lliruat into the siicccsslul rival of n fabricated inusiial instrument was less than that simple, natural, and at the same time, exquisitely cultivated faculty glorihcd by such singers as adorned the school ot Jeiiy Linil; a school of nature, to which art was invoked only to give finish and refinement. Mr. Kui-quov gave us new revelations of the power and sweetness of the famil iar llute; no longer "lamiliar" on his hands, but n very wizard in his fingers, now lull, round and sweet; again amma-tt-il, vivacious, capricious, llcxible, living from the extremes of the deep low notes to the heights ol the very highest, anil nil with a sweetness, melody and perfec tion ol finish that astonished, with ils skill and delighted with ils harmonies. His solo, Souvenir de liaden, was a mar vel of execution; but as a friend near by expressed it, was rather an exhibit of skilllul musical gymnastics than a speci men of satisfactory music. This, how ever, does not detract troin Mr. Kucquoy's excellence; lor otherwise he gave full evi dence of his mastery over the instrument in all the elements ol power taste and sweetness. Perhaps as much enjoyment was de rived Irom Mr. Arthur l.aseur's "Canti lena." rendered on the viobncello, as 'from any other source; that gieat big: mi wield v-lookiiig instrument, submitting I itself to skillful manipulation, and meekly 1 and sweetly giving out the most sub dued, sweet and touching notes, now loud and bold, now soil und plain; live, and breathing out with apparent sclt-conseiousiiess all the expressions ol human emotion. Thk Citizkn mentions only a few of the (R-rfot iners, only a lew of the renditions, mid do this without disparagement. There was perfection in all, perleetioii in , everything; ml I UK Citizkn regrets that absence ol exiierience and artistic knowledge which forbids lull justice lo a delightful entertainment which Asheville is not otten privileged to enjoy at this distance from the ceulres ol h iu; Il musical art. A I'l' A IRS OF CUSSHOL'UXCIi. The list of deaths caused by the rava ncs of the grin ill Ivngland continues lo grow larger daily. A semi-official statement from Valpa raiso is to the effect that the inquiry by the Chilian authorities into the assault made upon the sailors of the United States cruiser llaltimore in Valparaiso will be concluded this week and will be considered bv the ChiliungOveriimeiit on December 1!G. HOME. Mr John Hoey denies that there has been a settlement with Adams Express company. Mrs. Jas. Illaine, jr., hnseomplaiued to the New York police that she was being lierseeuted by private detectives. United States Senator Chandler is said to have watched naturalization cases in New York in the guise of a deputy super visor. The national prohibition convention, to nominate the presidential ticket will lie held in St. Louis June 29th and 30th next. The nnti-loticrv democratic state con vention of Louisiana nominated a lull state ticket ut Uatou Kougc, with Mur phy S. I-ostcr for governor. Democratic senators ure quoted as ex pressing the opinion that the nomina tion of Mr. Hlkins indicates that Mr. Illaine will not lie a candidate tor the presidential nomination. John L. Ferguson, a book-keeperin the National bank ol Kansas City, Mo., was arrested Thursday, charged with embcz- ihnti $20,000 Irom the bank, shortage was discovered while Ferguson was ill. He made a lull confession. The comptroller of currency has re ceived a telegram from the examiner in charge ol the hirst National bank ot Wil mington, N. C, saving that the bunk is practically insolvent and suggesting the appointment of a receiver to wind up its nltairs. 1 be comptroller will appoint a receiver. It is understood that objection wilt be made to seating Senator Hill when he presents himsclt to tnketheonthof office, the contention of some republican sena tors being that his failure to qualify as Senator and holding: oa to the gover norship operates as a renunciation of the scuutorship, IF YOU WANT A BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENT ami one that will be use ful for years to come, you will find it at Grant's Pharmacy. It is the Height of Folly to invest dollars in fancy boxes, cards, etc., that are of no practical value to the person for whom it is purchased. For in stil nee, when you pur chase a toilet set all ar ranged in a fancy phicli case. Yot frequently get about f 2 worth of toilet set and $ 5 worth of plush case. At ( rant's Pharm acy you will find an as sortment of excellent toilet sets in neat paper boxes. When you pur chase one or them you invest every cent in the toilet set alone. We have a number of elegant presents for gentleman or lady. Call and exam- ! ine them before purchas ing elsewhere. GRANT'S PHARMACY, J. M, CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. For Rent. Two thrce-room homes with Kurrirn at tached, on Hill. street, $7.fto per mouth each. t'lcaiHut pluce lor small family, For Sale. ItlcKiint nine-room house, besides servant'" houe, one ol I test parts ol city; five minutes walk ol square; k natures in house, lure lot, views unsurpassed in Asheville. I'ricc $.M0O( one-halt cash, balance 2 and 18 months. For Sale or Rent. White cuttae on top of raouuiuln, with live acres ol land, as a whole, or in lots. No lux. dryest pi ace about Ashtville and tint-si views within corporate hums, rruiiounccil by experts mi the place lor invalids, tie veil Hundred Icet of oorch: Sv veil rooms. Ton- session xiven at once. Blcvation I'.HitO u-ei. Uvcry kind ol real estate, from a lot ol $23 to residences and lois ol $U5,uuu. Apply ul No. 5. Souito Maiu street, Furultfhed. House For Kent. leu room house, furnished, for rent. All modern conveniences, 1'ossession at once, litstsi.eet in Asheville. fnce $ou per mouth. Apply to j. M. CAMPBltLL. Heal bstatc Dealer. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSE For rent to a responsible party. Home Is in a good location; hath, hot and cold water. Also a boarding house for rent. rtc have the best facilities of any firm In the Ptatc for insuring your d wellinK houses, your furniture, s torse and stock 11 you w-'t burned out you kuow that you can come to us and be mire of netting your money. Some choice bargains In city and suburban properties can be had by calling at our of tut. Timber lands a specialty. JENKS & JENKS, HEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Rooms 9 and 10, McAfee block, 32 Patton Avenue, Aahevtlle, N. C, CO M tO 14 M n PI 0 0 S5 ft 0 (A H O r c CO ON H B W r CO to CO DON'T (lit These hard times by buying trifling gifts for yourllrirnds, hut Invest youi monej In lome i'l od subatuntiul article uf WEARING APPAREL whichlwlll 'do the ;rci-ipii;nt;aome good and make thcift'.and giver be appreciated. We keep .everything a Indywears'and few things for gentlemen also. Wehavc received un unuauutly large aasortment of Holiday Goods in Han Ikcrchicfa from the plain goods at 5 cents each to the real thread Cambric and Outehcss I. ace Goods at $25.00, An fra quantity of our famous Kid Glr Ho.iery, Laces, Pun, Reefers, French C. . Mi-iliin Collars, Hits, Bonnets, Baby Capi, Inlioit nnd Children's Clonks, llrcia Goods nnd Silka of every dcacriptlon. Our House Keeping llepartmrut is full upwith Com forts, Rugs, Illanketi, Comfurta, Sheeting, Table llamaak, Towela and Counterpanes, livery article nt prices to auit the hard times. (Jut of our FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLAR STOCK we think you can select a priat-nt for any of your frit-nda. We are atocked on Ladies and Childrt-ns Wraps, they are all fresh new goods, of the latest cut and beautiful material, 3,000 dol lars' worth to select from, the entire lot at I'OMt. Wc have a weakness for selling goods cheap, and our patrons have benutifully II-'ustratt-d their appreciation of our efforts by awctling our sales ovt-r SO per cent, more than the best season we have experienced in AHhcville. We propose having special sales on diUl-rent lines each day from"now to Xttuia. Rare bargains may be eipccted at MIMNAUGIFS. Ho, ii Patton Avenue. im PRESENTS, USEFUL. ND USELESS. 1'i'siilcs our regular stock of Clothing, Dry floods, Shoes, Mats and Kugs, which was never so attractive at the season, we mention Um brellas, Canes, Trunks and Hairs. Mulllers. Handker chiefs, Scarfs, Kid and Dog Skin U loves, Jersey uioves, Mitts, Collars and Cuffs, Slippers, 7 Tidies, Splashers, Table and Huron ii Scarfs, Tray Cloths, Huchings, Hoods and Fancy Caps, Plated Jewelry, Hox Paper, Clocks, Ferfum ery and fancy bottles, Mouchoir Cases, fllove Rnvpu. Ymns Curtis. Fancv Christinas Objects, Plaques, Vases, Cups and SaU'-ers, Mugs, Moustache uups, ona ving Mugs, China Objects, Dolls of all grades, Toys of iron, tin nnd wooddames. Drums, Swords, PiHtols, (luns, Soldiers, Halls, Snakes, Alligators, Wagons, Trains, Chairs, Fine Scissors. Knives Purses. Ornamental Ther mometers, Framed Engrav ings, Mirrors, Manicure hew, I Mush Work Uoxes, i!itc., Etc., Etc. IYVtI.ii.I' 1in crpnnfaOi n,pf. of the foregoing will be found 1 . .1 A I A. .- .a v-htMs rt oeiow coiupeuijors iu uim, I In vino- n limit siv more in our sales force than ever be fore at the season we hope to serve the trade promptly. A merry Xmas to all, and a happy and prosperous New Year! IH. REDWOOD J CO 7 and 9 Patton Ave. for

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