ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER -24. 18JH. Raysor & Smith -Come on with your guesses for the burn ing Candle. Tomor row is the last day that you will be al lowed to guess. The Candle will be light ed at 4 p. m. tomor SOMETHING ABOUT FOGS. particularity the VILXB KIND. Aims- row and continue to burn until it burns out. Raysor & Smith A True fog Rlaea From the Earth and We Have None of That Kind Here The Benefit f Clear and Damp IWeatner Compared. Relative to the dense fug which pre vailed here on Monday night and Tues day morning, a Cituem reporter consul ted Dr. Karl ton Rack, who hai charge of the United States signal service at this point. 1 observed the fog on Tuesday morn ine and I have observed it on other mornings when it was not perhaps so dense as it was then. But what arc called fogs here are in reality clouds; be cause a real log arises- from the earth. and we know br observation that what ever we have in this shape in Asheville forties down. "But what is a fogr It is made up oi small partiuls of water suspended in tbe air. So is a mist; so is a cloud. Rela tively, the same conditions produce all alike. A rapid cooling of the tempera ture at niirht near the earth's surface causes the clouds or mist to settle arouiul us. Everybody has observed it disappem under the sun's rays. It is not dissipated na some think. It rises, seeks a cooler place in space and we see it floating ubout as clouds. Sometimes it is pre cipitated, when the conditions are favor able for that result, and does not rise, This to be thorouehly understood re- auires a knowledge of meteorology, the conditions of the atmosphere under which clouds form, the influences which move them, and what cause the various disturbances witnessed. What are called foes, arise from the earth; gen erally from low places, swamps, low crounds. river courses, etc. Ine air heino- cooler than the beds of these places, the moisture simulv rises therefrom. It is moisture and it floats or is suspended in the air upward into space it the con ditions demand it, or is precipitated. "I do not know that Iocs produce mn ktria. In fact, I have reusuu to believe that there are fewer micro-organisms in foes, even in a malarious section, than float in a drv atmosphere, though thev orobublv exist to a certain degree, A moist surface cannot give off micro-or ganisms to the air; a dry surface can, when the micro-organisms could reuen the air as particles of dust. 01 course, the emanations from any partic ularly contaminated place contain im- K unties wnicn may pr juuee aiseasc, uui rss so in a tog than when the air is dry. We have no such places in Ashcvillc, nor ds I believe we have general logs. 1 do not say that we never have a fog here: there may be togs that arise at times from thenver courses, but they arc not central. No. sir. what we have here comes from above, and the density ol that ol Tuesday morning was no excep tion. It may astonish you to know that, under such atmospheric conditions as existed here last winter, my patients received benefits equal to that of a clearer winter. it is auriuuicu iu mc tumm.. and pure air, in the making up of which many elements enter. The daily observ ations at the signal station show the oresence of a very lurce percentage ol ozone, one of its elements, and, strungc as it may appear, a larger percentage on some wet days than dry ones. A great many things go to make up a cli mate. AROUND TOWN. Toracaat III! a m. m. srtidar howera, followed br clearing weaincrt anirnujr cooieri eoum wealerljr winds. HE BILL NYE BANQUET LIsVT OF TOASTS AND SPEAK ERS. have greatly reduced their immense stock of Holiday Goods, and the balance goes today and tomorrow regardless of the for- mer low prices we asked for them. Don't buy your Presents un- til you have exam- incd our stock and seen our prices. Cdmc . one, come A CHRISTMAS TKK'. Third Grade. Orange Street School, Have a Uuvd rime. The third grade of the Orange street school, taking time by the forelock, had beautiful Christmas tree yesterday. The school room was handsomely dec orated with ivy, holly, mistletoe and other evergreens and pots of growing house plants. The tree was a graceful white pine pro cured by the third grade boys and se curely and neatly fixed by them to the floor. The mannerof distributing tbe presents was rather unique. A bat was passed around containing slips of paper. The number on each slip called lor a present from the tree numbered to correspond with the slip. bach child received a satin sacnei-oug. an ornamental blotting book, and a pen wiper (made by the teacher) and a story book apiece. These books will be placed in the "Third Grade Private Circulating Library" after the holidays aud thus be enjoyed by all. In return, ine teacner received irom the pupils, various articles lor ornament ing the school room; flower-bowls, vuses, pictures, cabinets, and waste-paper bas kets, as well as two boxes of trench can dies, which were enjoyed by all present, Only two of the entire grade were au nt The exercises closed with the singing of Xmas songs, which under the direc tion of Miss W hillock, they learn with marvelous quickness, and sing with de lightful enthusiasm, sweetness, and cor rectness. ALL. ROADS LEADS TO ROME. all and see the Can- The Meadowbrook Hounds Prob ably Coming to Aabevllie. From a recent issue of the New York Mail and Express the following clipping is taken. The newly organised Swanna noa hunt will have to look to their lau rels or Mr. Hitchcock and his hounds may beat tbeta: "The meeting of tbe Meadowbrook Hunt club tomorrow will be of consid erable Importance, inasmuch as it is called to consider the question of send' ins the club's hounds south for the win ter. For several years it has been the desire of a large number of tbe members to send tbe pack away in the winter, but heretofore they have been able to find no suitable country in which to work the animals. This year Thomas Hitchcock, jr., expects to spend the winter at Asbe- ville, N. C, and as tbe country tnere is well adapted for hinting, it was pro posed to take advantage of the oppor tunity ana let tne pace go witn nun. Some members of the club, however, think that the hounds ought to be kept at home, where all the members can use them. It is to discuss and settle this mat the special meeting has been called Inasmuch as tne pack is large, it is likely that a compromise will be reached, and the pack divided, part being sent to Askeville with Mr. Hitchcock, and part left her at tbe kennels." Walter E. Moore, of the Webster bar, is in the city. Dr. J. W. Rollings has gone to Lancas ter, S. C, for the holidays. G. W. Callahan, a prominent Knoxville contractor, is is the city today. Miss Lillie Belote has returned from a visit to Washington and Norfolk. At Grant's pharmacy at 2 p. m. today the thermometer registered 58. Capt. Nu'.-.t Atkinson has gone to Raleigh, to be absent about a week. Robert Troy, a University of Tennessee student, is at home for tbe holidays. Internal revenue collections for the Fifth district yesterday were $6,020.72. All the leading hotels will have elabo rate menus tor their Christmas dinners. Gen. E. R. Hampton, of Sylvn, is on a visit to friends and relatives in Ashe-ville. I. R. Taylor, of Asheville, and Miss Zora Wells, of Leicester, were married this morning. Coui'ressninn Crawford bus had the name of Pescud postoffice chunged to Thermal City. Miss Ella Smothers, of Turnpike, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. O. Muller, on Charlotte street. E. P. McKissick, mannger of the Bat tery Park hotel, returned from Union, S. C, yesterday. Kenilworth Inn will have lunch to morrow from 1 to 2 o'clock and Christ mas dinner from S to 8. Mr, and Mrs. S. G. Bouis and family have gone to Winston to spend the holi days with friends there. Lloyd Freeman, the artist, leaves to day for Knoxville, his old home, where he will spend the holidays. Hon. W. T. Crawford will' spend a quiet Christmas at Washington answer ing his heavy corresonilcnce. Miss Mary Wilson, of btatcsvillc, a pupil of Asheville Female college, went home for the holidays yesterday. Harry Williams, son of Dr. John Hey W illiiims, n medical student in l'liiluuel phia, is at home far the huliduys. Mr. nnd Mrs. John Carroll left today to spend Christmas with their parents, Key. J. S. Carroll, at Chapel Hill. Prof, E. B. 1-ewis. of the Montford ave nue graded school, will spend the holi days nt his old home in Kinston, X. C. T. S. Morrison bus none to New Voik to spend the holidays with his wile, who has been in that city for several weeks. Lloyd Swiccgood, ef Tub Citizen com niisini! room, left this allernoon for Sal isbury, his old home, where he will spend the holidays. Santa Onus, in the person of 0. H Henry, hns remembered The Citizen with u box of oranges fresh from his Floridn grove. The Asheville street railway is doing a most handsome thing in furnishing tree transportation to children ol auminy schools nnd other organizations during the holidays. College street mission indulged in a Christinas tree last night in the chapel ol the Asheville Female College. Presents were distributed and a good time gen erally was had. All young men are invited to attend the christnius services at the Young Men's Christian association tonight at 8 o'clock. The subject of the meeting will be "Glad i idmgs. There will lie regular Christmas service at Trinity church tomorrow, with cele bration of the Holy Communion, nt 11 clock. Seats are tree, and all are cor dially invited to attend. There will be services at Trinity chapel H. S. McDuffey minister in charge, Christmas eve, Thursday night a' 11:30 p. m. There will be celebration of the holy communion at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Morns t.urwmu, ot Atlanta, ac companied bv her voung daughter nnd niece are in Asheville spending the Christ mas holidays with Mrs. Unrwuld s sis ter, Mrs. N. Emanuel at her residence No. 42 French Broad avenue. There will be no special exercises at the Young Men s Christian association to morrow, but the rooms, including gvm nusium nnd bath rooms will be open Irom 9 a. m. to 10 p, m., and all young men will be cordially welcomed both day and evening. Sunday hours will be observed at the postofiice on Christmas day. The gen' eral delivery window will be open tor hall hour after the distribution ot the morning and afternoon mails 8:30 to 9 a. m., and 7 to 7:30 p. m. The car riers' window will also be open at these hours. I he money order window will be closed all day. Life sis' crayon portraits of the prrsi dent, cashier anr board ot directors the First National hank of Asheville were hung in the bank building yester day. The work is from the pencil of Lloyd rrcemen, a rising young artist ot this city, and reflects great credit on his ability, 1 he Irames holding the portrait are uniform, ol a unique putern and very handsome. Hril & Shank, the north court square butchers, never forget the newspniiers. as they never forget to supply the public with the choicest of everything in the wayot meats. Ihb Citizen yesterday received two of the largest and fattest turkeys ot the season, ready dressed for the oven, or which thanks are returned. May Hill & Shank's Christmas be full ot joy, and their patronage grow larger as the years come and go. die lighted. RAYSOR & SMITH, 31 PATT0N AVENUE, 4 EVILLE, N. C. CHRISTMAS AT VICTORIA. Bxtercleea to Take Place In Aahe- Tllle'a southern suburb. The holiday season will be inaugurated by a Christmas tree and enteresting ex ercises in memorial chapel by the day school of Misses Dwightand VanVoorhis on Wednesday next at 2 p. m. The Christmas exercise of the Home Industrial school and presentation of gifts from tbe Christmas tree will take place oa Thursday night at the chapel, commencing at 7 p. m. There will be a tree (or the Oakland colored Sunday school in the new chapel recently erected under tbe supervision of Key, ur. ttrdman on Thursday at p.m No better gift can be fonn j than solid substantial furniturt. The giver i al ways in mind and the recipient has something of practical value. The finest display of furniture and carpet i to be see at Williamson & Co. Pat ton ave nue, St their advertisement. . , ; tour motbet, wife ot inter one of thoaa hanrlmme rockertat Williamson & Co.'. Thry art) girinv a -or""' Chrintmaa discount of 10 per -1. en An Especially Elegant Affair and a General Oood Time Kipecl ed The Menu to Be Complete and Befltilng the Occaolon. A banquet will be given by some of the prominent citizens of Asheville to Mr. Edgar W. Nye at the Battery Park hotel next Tuesday night, December 20. The arrangements which have been in course of perfection for some weeks past, have been completed; and the banquet will be one of the most elegant in every partic ular, that has ever been given in this or any other city. Nothing has been left undone to make it a great success; and it ought to be for the reason that Mr. Nye has wrought well and long lor tbe Land el tne buy with his "treuctiant pen and gifted tongue. 1 he committee ot arrangements con sisting ot W, E. Breese, chairman, J. I' Kerr, W. w. West, John V. ordan ano C. D. Blanton, have made up the toasts, and appointed those who shall respond thereto. Mr. W, E. Breese will toast and introduce the guest, Mr. Nye; and then, when tbe latter shall nave con cluded, the following will be the pro gramme: the Urumn lo hold as 'twere the mirror up to nature: Proposed by Mr. W W. West and respouued to by Mr Locke Craig. Ihc Press the toster-mother ol the Cadi; likewise Bill Nye and bis Boomer ung. Proposed by Mr. John Y. Jordan, responded lo bv Mr. E. P. McKissick North Carolina The Old North State, sell'-rcliunt, yet not vainly sell-asserting. Lit voted lo priucii le, inllcxibly adherent to resolution when adopted, she standi- the embodiment ot action, guarded by euulion, and, while not always the liisl in u row, is ever the lust out ol it. J posed by J. P. Kerr and responded to by the Hon. Chus M, Stcdnuin. The State ot Buncombe Her big bugs, her Bill Nve bous, her bumptious bonds, and her Bois de Boulogne boulevards, and her bonny lielles, and her bouncing liubies. Proposed by lion, Inns. V Bluuton and responded to by W. B Owvn. When these have been concluded, it ns understood that there will be numerous volunteer tousts. Naturally one would expect a resplendent flow ol wit and wisdom wherever Bin Nycspcaks, out judging from the cast given above there will be plenty ol Inn and good cheer dm iug the occasion. The menu has not yet beeu eiven out but it will be a splendid one, perhaps the most complete yet innde in Asheville, 11 is understood that there will be a very select party present, and lor this reason it is natural to expect an especially elegant atlair. IN ANO OtIT. NOW READY I . Our Two Stores, 22 SOUTH MAIN ST. AND 18 N. COURT SQUARE Visit both and see our flnedisDlav of HOLIDAY GOODS. For the children we have a mobt complete assortment of Dolls, Toys, Games, Books, Etc. At our Main street store we have!an unusually fine dis play of Books, Leather Goods, Paintings, Engravings, Photographs, Albums. Frames, Gold Pens, Fancy linsk ets. Fnncy Stationery and a full line of CHItlSTMASiNOV- LjUriHiS. see our ltemarque 1'root iiitcnings, water color reproductions and Colored Photographs. 1'ictures boucht at our store frnmed in time for the holidays. I ome early and avoid the rush of the last few days before the holidays, lours truly, H. T. ESTABROOK. ASHE VILLli AO 'EK TfSEMLTS. iCOAL FREE: FROM DUST AND DIRT. AT REDUCED PRICE. GENUINE JELLICO F0R D0MESTIC USE. T;v..l.,t.l . ..-.. r.. nr...... w .1 t ., miiuniYBngi-iiiisiur rm urn mii'Tii )i n Minn o i in- pro duct of the following mines: Standnrtl Con I Company The Proctor Coal Company, Wooldridge Jellico Coal Com pany, hast, l ennessee Coal Company, Main Jellico Moun tain C'vil Company, operated by the Southern Jellico Coa l Company, and for THE BEST ANTHRACITE COAL. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. COKE IN CAR LOAD LOTS Asheville Ice & Coal Company. Telephone No, 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue j What the Hotel ReiclMterit of AMhe- vllle Have to ttav. Battery Park: C.J. Harris and son Dillshoro; Mrs. C, W. Mursliall J. R. McDonald, wile and daugh ter, Urbane, O,; Mine. Isiman, Lawrence, 0.;J. II. Lindau, Ualtimore", 1 K. M. Tal't, Worcester, Mass. Glea Rock : B. M. Garren and wife, Limestone, N. C; Titos. Stringl'ield, S. J. 011, W. S. Kinsland, Waymsville; . S. Bell, N. C; M. T. Kincaid, I'.E. Hstes, Morg.inton; b- Bral'inuii, Baltimore; VV. V. Chiton, Raleigh, N. C; Mrs. H. li. Kerlec, Black Mountain. N. C; S. Myers, I'hiluilclpliia; 11. W. Adams, Marshall, N. C; K, C. Long, Miss Sallie Long, Waynesville, N C; W. E. McCoy, Greeuslioro, Miss llovt, Hngadine; Miss Wolf, Cherokee; YV. K. Williams. War renton; Mrs. Maggie Lewis ami child, N. C; Walter li. Moore, Webster; II. N. Kice, Creensboro; lid. I-'uleu wider, Green ville, S. C; H. ). Lleudreek, Knoxville. VOVK TAXKtt. HtierlfT Reynold I to be oil llie War Patb Moon. Sheriff D. L. Reynolds is all o. k. long as he thinks he's not being imposed upon, but when he gets that idea into his head, my! you'd better look out. He says that he's bound to collect the taxes; that nut of $'J0,0l)0 due only $10,000 bas been paid. He now desires to say that after anuary 1, 1H02, he proposes to collect the taxes, and will commence to levy on the personal property of those who have no real estate nnd who owe taxes, without regard to race, color, or previous conditions of any kind. All real estate on which taxes remain unpaid, he will on April 1st, advertise and promptly sell on the first day of May. And he means business too. HH. GVIMiF.R DtiAD. al Hue Panned Away Yesterday Her Home In Waynenvllle. Mrs. Mary G. Gudger, wife of Judge J . C. L. Gudger, whose serious illness was announced in Tub Citizkn of yesteday died yesterday evening at 7 o'clock, of grip, complicated with pleurisy. Tbe funeral will occur tomorrow, Fri day at 11 o'clock. Stamping for fancy work on any ma tcrial done in the best manner at 48 South Main street. Ladies' DenkH, Music Cabinets, China Closets. Hook Cnwes, tables, fancy Chirrs and various other things suitable lor a Christmas 1 resent. W. 15. WILLIAMSON & CO., 16 Patton Ave., Asheville, N. C. soisrisriroPiEST iistest AT SKVL4ND SPRINGS, N. C. Wilt be kept open througl October, it will be closed during November. Will own for win terfCiiestH Occetnber I. The attrnctioni are: mick-imn new ho -inc. lariro moms with lire nlacct. Ane view. mineral tprinK, no mud i-vcr The own r is tnntiaifini; the ti ute hiniHtlf, not to make mo. icy, but to pleane his kiu'hU tnl advertise Skyl uid, you must ue nam to pHaac u you arc not suited witn tne ture anu tne treatment at Ronnycrest. Will you come and s;? You will be welcome Will you write for terms ? The? are reasonable. Can vou sikmiu Of to tier with Uitr Wc hope you cun: it is such a lovely month. 7 May we hear from ou ; UN TUB ASHKVl LLB & SPARTANBURG R. R., 8 MILKS FROM ASHEVILLE. OTIS A. MILLER, Skyland, N. C. II A If r attention to the fact nfl 1 L Mat your character YOU TIME TO PAY MODEL STEAM LAUNDRY is read in the linen that you wear? You jinny wear a plain suit of clothes, but if set off by clean, well laundered shirt, collar and cuffs you 'are marked as neat and refined. We .furnish the very best work. Otl CAN AUWAVa uM'liNI) ON CUT TING NICK CKI8P I'KBHII CRACK KK8 AT KKOOHWS. GRAHAM. VA NILLA ANU l.liMON WAPEKS, KB' Clil'TlON I-LA K liS, SNOW FLAKI'.S, SO DA CRACKliRS AND OYSTIiR CRACKUKS TRINITY CHURCH. Order of Mcrvlce for CtarlMliuasi Day, 1891. 0rKn Prelude "For unto as a child is bora" .....Handcl Hymd 'O come, all ye faithful Hymnal Veniti No. 346 Psalms 19, 45 and 83 Do Te Deuin King Hall Benedictus No. 178 Anthem "Sing, 0 hearers"....B. Tours Christmas Hymn ..Warren COMMUNION SERVICE. Kyrie 392 Gloria 415 Hymn 17 Offertory "Nasareth" Gounod Solos and Choruses. Sursum Corda Sa net us Garratt Communion Hvmn I Gloria in Esccelsis Jt. 406 . Nunc Dim 1 Psalter Postludium "Halleluiah Chorus" ., Handel A CUM or Blood PolsoulUiC. t'oliccman I. w. Palmer in arrestine a negro last Thursday night hsd hit hand scratched in some way. The scratch was on the middle finger of hit right hand. The finger inflamed and blood poisoning set in, which necessitated its amputation last night, at tbe third joint or bate of the finger. He ttill suffers great pain, bat is considered out of dan ger. I'oiiceman rainier s residence is on Clayton street and hit attending physi cian it Dr. H. B. Weaver. Will Clot sn Chrlatcnaa Day. - Tne Bonanza Wine and Liquor store will be closed oa Christmas day at usual. ' Suspenrtert will ptcase gentlemen; find Ultra at Harmim's. - Bl'BINKtM NUT1CEH. Xtnus) Books and Booklets. A complete line of Button's and Mar cus ward t publications. Children s Hooks I A splendid line at low prices. Dolls! Dolls! livery one pretty. Get prices before you buy, at Luw's, on S. Alum street. THK Springfield Republican, FOR l8oa. AN 1NDKPBNDBNT, COMPI.BTB AND AULB NBWSl'Al'KK. TUB REPKBSBNTATIVR JOURNAL OP NEW BNGLAND. Daily, $g,00;8i'NDAV, $2.00; Wskklv$1.00. Tbe Weekly Republican U a remarkably raitbful and comprvhrntiTc record of Ameri can life. Its weekly review of the news is very carefully compiled, and Its 13 broad puK contain in addition to the news, a wonderfully rich collection of valuuble and entertaining reading matter. All the brut features of The Daily and ftundav Republi can are reproduced in tbe Weekly in full or hut slightly abridged, and arranged with ad mirable skill and intelligence for the conven ience and pleapun of the reader. The rcau't In a weekly news and family jonrnal which far exceeds in interest and worth any simi lar publication in the United States. It is a paper that New Bniclamlerfl at home nnd abroad will And of apeeial value, and which Americans everywhere can appreciate and enoy. FRBB FOR ONB MONTH. Whitman's enndy by express every Tuesday and Friday at Kroner's. 41 College street. Neckwear ja alwuys a suitable and useful present to gentlemen. SeeUarnum & Co.'s. Gloves will please gentlemen. See llar iium & Co.'t. Special Rate. See w. M. Clarke. Member or Amercan Ticket Uro kera Aaacolallou. Urand Central Index to Mew Advertlaeinenta. . PotiNn C. B. Moody. Wantsd ' Room," CHU-n Office. Hams and Bskakiast Bacon Kepler. ANTBD A nicely furnished room, with open grau, near the square. Address ROOM," dec2d3t ClUien Office. IjWUND Oa Doath Main stre-t a purse 1 containing a aunt money. iwuer can get ineaamc oy exiling on me. C. SO I B. MOODY. atton avenue. FOR LOAN B.000 dollars to lend. Apply to L. A. Parlnbolt, Real Batate Broker, No. 30 Patton avenue. BOARD Corner Bearden and Cumber land avenues, In mall family; accom modations for two or three pcraoni at IB.0S per week. decifadlw 1UNCOMBB CABBAOB Aa well aa other aj uamea and Field Sreds-emineutly adapted to Southern soil and Southern elf mate, sent ore-oaid anvwharr. at reasonable prices. Send for catalogue and try some of mem. j, w. VANUIVBH, decaa-dtf , Weavervllle, N. C. The Weeklr Renubllcnn will be knt free for one month, 12-page paper, i. to any one who wishes to try it. New subscribers to The Wcrkly for 1H92 can have the paper free for the balance of IN!) 1 Address d3t wnt THB RBPURMCAN, Springfield, M-ta. SANTA GLAUS JUST ARRIVED The little folk' friend, Uncle Santa Clans. came Into town Saturday night and bat made hli headquarters In the 0 THE BIG RACKET STORE, and Is unpacking the largest and prettiest line of Albums, Plush Goods, Dolls and Toys that he has ever brought to Aahcvllle, and he asks every child who wants a pres ent to call and see him and leave the order for what you want. There are over 3,700 children in tshcville and enrae will be over. looked If you do not come to ses him. He will have elegant gifts for the older ones too, Remember he Is found only at THB BIO RACK BT. Other stores In town who clahn to have my goods are Imnoiters. Don't be deceived. Come and set vonr friend SANTA CLAUS." BUY YOUR Holiday ooopg OF WEXLER, THE JEWELER 17 NORTH MAIN STREET. A nrae nasorttnent ot Piamoiiris fust re reived. Aiau Watches, Bur King and nil kinds of Jewelry suitable for CHRISTMAS PRKSFNT8. Yuu are rcMectfulty invited to call. Don' forget the uumber 17 North Main Street. THE- CAROLINA SALOON TO THE FRONT. While others ore putting a bug in your ear, linteii to me' I am now better prepared than ever to furnlnh vou with nnvthlnu ...,..,n.. i. ;.. - I have the largest nnd Ileal .tiiik in WeHtem North t'nmlinn il nut in Ihe Slatf. ami It cunniHt. of Ihe linesl brumln of Whi.kUn, Wines unil llriinitien knnwn in the world. Burkr'a Three Slur Irish WhiKkey, bcvon'l n d, nilit the tinet in thi world 1 i v nnd vim will be convinced thul I amn'hcrliaiiiK nothiiiK but men Whllein Kuroiie, during the summer of I Mull, 1 untile arrangements lor the iilmvi Whis key, Spnnish Sherry and Port Wines, the equal never brotu-tit to Asheville Imported l liir ets. I'ontet Canet, Marfcnus. Chateau Ilebnont very fine. In French Brandies 1 hnv. n Imil-c stock, including John llenncssy He Co 's Three Star ami other standard bramls' iimss Co.'s t'nle Ale, and Gummas' Kxtra Poreign Stout, .n lact, my stuck ul itniiorli .1 li,ni,,r and wtnes urc too numerous to mcntinn. My stock or Kyc whiskies rmbraces some of the finest mill oldest lirniiils known Ileer. the finest on the market for ia'uilv ua?. Th.. h,,Mt l..n,l. ,f i-ic. t. ,i, 0f. When you are in need of anything in my line, before xoing elsewhere, come .-mil sir nit nnd be convinced. M v whiskies are reconitnenilnl hv wim. ..f th.. ,,. ....... . u. age lor medicinal purposes. Respectfully, FRANK O'DONNEIX, PROPRIETOR. TUB CAROLINA it A WON. lit NORTH MAIN STREET. ASIIIMUJi, N. (. CO G. II. MAYER, CONSULTING OPTICIAN. 6i South Maiu St. Opera Ulasseis. I'eltrl, fancy and morocco. A useful gift. Field Ulastiea. Qualities and prices to suit nil. Telescopes and Spy Uac8. Up to SO diameter power. Microscopes, For young and old, school und professional work, I raw ill if Instruments. For the mechanical engineer and student. Pedometers To measure distance walked. ASHEVILLE SODA WATER FACTORY, 217 Haywood Strect. in the lutinv as in the past, every attention will he given to produce the finest grade of Carbonated leverages under the PERSONA L supervision ot the proprietor. The con stantly ineivasing demand for these goods front this fac tory is conclusive jtroof that a tine article is appreciated by an intelligent public. Vichy and Seltzer Water in Siphons. WOOD. COKE. f 1 la Ran lot or five WOOD F"R SALE l!Y QUANTITY, ANY LENGT Get Your Meats of HILL & SHANK, 10 NORTH COURT SQUARE. Beef, Pork, Mutton, Turkeys, Cliicheis, Corued Beef, Pickled Tongues, Etc. EVURY THING FRBSH, FAT AND FIRST CLASS. dcclu-dtf FRESH CANDIES MANUFACTURED EVERY DAY BY J. T. COOK, ao Norrh Main Street. Vou should buy no other candles wh-n his delicious morsels, mad fresh every day, can be had. The finest French Tarieties no common articles. A call will show you what I am doing. J. T. COOK, No. 20 North Main Street, Ashcvillc, N. C. dcclO-dlm J. A. WHITE, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, 65 NORTH MAIN STREET. A General line of Fancy and Staple cerled. Canned Ooods a Specialty. nov!7d3m Oro- UICKORY. OAK AM) OTHER THE CAR LOAD OR IN ANY TH AND SUE. SEVERAL KINDS OF CORE ON HANI), SI'ITAIII.E FOR COOKING STOVES, RANGES, HEATING S10VES AND (FURNACES. MAKES NO SMOKE. (CHEAPER THAN HARD COAL.) CHARCOAL AND KINDLINGS. LIME, : CEMENT, : PLASTER, : HAY. FINEST PLAIN PRKStlil) AND FANCY R R I C K SEWER. FIFE. C. E. MOODY, Vard aud Warehouse Near Freight Depot, Telephone OIHcejo Patton Avenue, Telephone 40. R. L. GRAHAM, COMMISSION MERCHANT, -AUKNTIFOR- NOKTH CAROLINA PLAIDS AND DOMESTICS. 1 WHOLESALE GRAIN AND PROVISIONS I carry a lore stock of I'rovlalona, liny, Corn, Outs, limn nnd Shorts in stock and I give you low prices. r OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, 31 Water Street, Telephone 141. noraidilm The best and cheapest feed on the market for both horses and cattle. Ask your dealer for it and take no other. Manufactured by the ASHEVILLE MILLING COMPANY. f ' 1 ' TTn j W J THE SHOE STORE: WEAVER S HVCiriERS, OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, 39 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. (X t rv.'c r not 1 J-Knj; Goods nt Co-1, but at Sii' hCloseFiguroH that Our CuBtoinerB Will Be Satisfied With Their