Asheville Daily Citizen ADVERTISE. But words are things.and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon n thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps mil lions, think. Hyron. ADVERTISE. Many a man has attributed bis success in life to peculiar talents and business capacity, when the fact is he tailed to prosperity on the wings of an advertisement. VOLUME VIL-NO. 218 ASHEVILLE N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. IMPORTED CIGARS, We Carry in Stock MANUEL .tRCIAS Concha Fina, Concha Knptcial. FI(i4RO'H Rciua Victoria, FaueUlas. HKMIV CLAY'S Pcrfectow Kwpccialc8. DOMESTIC AND KEY WEST A9HKVIIJLK tltitR tO.'S PrillCCHH, Time, No. ij. JUAN F. POUTUONOO'S PrlnclpH, Brltauica, Relna Victoria, Londres ;raiiclc, Conchas KHpccialcf, Optra Rcliiu, Chicoa. FRANK TKLLKR'S Pcrfcctos. Petit Bouquet. OARRI5TT & SON'S No. II. , KROGER. HEAL ESTATE. Waltbr R. Qwyn, W. W, Want, GWYN & WEST f (Successors to Walter B.Gwvn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHFVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commissioners ofDceds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE Southeast Court Square. CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans securely placed at H per cent Office. 24 Ac 26 Patton Avenue. Second ;tloor. fehttdlv JOHN CHILD, (Formerly of Lyman & Child), Office No. i Lejral Block REAL. ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, TRICTLY A RKOKBKAGB RUSINUS8. Loan, .ecure placed at 8 per cent. WILLS BROS,, ARCHITECTS, ;a8 I'atton Avenue. Next V M C A build'K. novt dam P () Il 554. ROBERT BROUN, CIVIL BNGINBKR, SURVKYOH ANIlMU CHAN1C1 AN. Construction. In wood and metal con ducted. Thirty year.' experience in prnc'l cal surveying. Instruction in mechanical branches given. Clone measurement, a site dulty. Residence, McDowell Avenue. dccM-dSm A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSE Por rent to a rcspnn.ible party. House i in a good location; bath, hot and cold water. Al.o a boarding house for rent. We have the best lacilitic. of any firm In the .tate for Insuring your dwelling houses, your furniture, .torse anil stock. If you get burned out you know that you cnnconietou. and be sure of getting your money. , , ' Some choice bargains In eitv and suburban Sropertie. can be had by culling at our of ce. Timber land, a specialty. JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Rooms 9 and 10, McAfee block, 34 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. TO MERCHANTS. During my absence In Florida, Mr A.J. Darnctt will call on you with a full line of Groceries at lowest market prices. Anil any orders you may give him will be filled with care, and highly appreciated. Respectfully, O. H. HENRY, With Wilson, Burns & Co., Baltimore. JanSdStwlt w e announce to our friends and the public That we feel justified in catering to our growing trade w ith a much larger stock and greater variety of staple and fancy Jroeories than ever before. We buy all our standard goods jLircct from first hands in bulk at lowest prices and w e are prepared to meet all honest competition in prices. A. D. COOPER, NORTH COURT SQUARE. THE BON MARCHE Wilt close (tut all Ladies' Furs ami Wraps at prices unheard of before, as we are determ ined not to curry any over. Good stock of Wools, Silk and Linen for K-ntiroidery pur pases. A discount f AA fftr cent on Gents' underwear ovet one dollar goods. " BON MARCHE," 37 S. Main Street. C3 W CO D O 33 w M I M z o 0 0 o 3 O CO W H Z J w S2 ft o to M a A BRILLIANT RING. Wc are showing some of the daintiest nov elties ever displayed in jewelry It would be easier to tell you what we haven't got than what we have. If you haven't seen our ele gant trillea In gold and In silver, there Is a treat awaiting you, and, whether you have purchases In mind or not, you should aot miss them. It Is difficult to resist going Into detiiils we are strongly tempted to describe some of theexquisite products of the season's art, some of which show that the caprices of fashion are apt to be wonderfully charming, but you'll get a much better Idea If you come and look for yourself. II. II. COSBY, JEWELER, PATTON AVENUE. 71 pea and Chocolate Pots, lavlland & Co.'. China, rt Pottery. Pccorated Dinner and Tea Seta. yyhlte Granite and Semi-Porcelain, pinware'aud Woodcnware. Spouse Furnishing Good., &c. Rogers' Plated Cutlery, &c. yfter Dinner Coffee Cup.. gouveilr Spoons, Cards, Paper Weights &c all, Piano and Table Lamps. yymateur Decorators supplied with China. y ut Cracks and Napkin Rings. JJolls, Toys, Games, &c. hina from all Countries. Jricntal Glassware and Pottery. DISCOUNT OF 15 PER CENT ON ALL COAL VASBS, FIRE SETS. Our prices throughout are the lowest. 41 Patton Avenue. A GREAT FIND. on con make no greater find than to dis cover the riht place for Groceries. Wc sell Groceries on the principles that we would like to have applied to us if we were haying them. We have an exceptionally fine line of Crackers this week. RiBpictlullv, POWELL 8c SNIDER Wholesale and Retail Grocers. FOR. A FEW DAYS That Is until we commence taking our in ventonr we shall sell almost anything in our store at A LARGE DISCOUNT. H. REDWOOD I CO Dry Goods.lClothing, Fancy Goods, Shoes, Huts and Carts. 7 and 9 Patton Ave WHY DRINK So-calKd foreign wines? In nine c ses out ol ten you get a vile comn iunii ol vnenp ttuto Huirits. ess'nees and ethers. The pro duct hat nc cr been within sight of a vlnc vurd. Vi'U simply pav an exh'trbitant price for r latel wl.h a French name J he result is m scry an I dyspepsia. The Holidays are at Hand S Wtrnt you want Is absolutely the pure juice of the eraie; that wi 1 profnotc diges tion, act as a tonic and cure dysiepsia. Ak your wine merchant for the "ENttADINE RED." It is pure, good cnonghfor any and cheap enouKh for all. II your dealer cannot sup ply you. then wriie to the vineyard. Prices will be given on application. Wine sold from the vineyard enly by the case of 1 doxen quarts, or 2 dotcn pints. JOHN K. HOYT, Bngadlne Vineyard, Luther, N. C. novl4dtf STILL IN THE RING. R. B. NOLAND & SON, GROCERS, No. ai N. Main Street, Wish to announce the fact that they .re sole agents for the Spartanburg steam haked bread, tbe only first class bread to be found In tbe city, and no table li complete without It. We get It fresh by expns. every day. Don't forget that we are wboleaal and re tall dealers In potatoes, apples, onions, and all kinds of country produce. Bvrrything kept that Is usually found in a first class grocery store. WORK IN CONGRESS TODAY VOORHF.E8 SHARPENING HIS KNIFE FOR. WOODS. A Joint Resolution Providing for International Hl-metalic Agree-ment-Expeaker Reed In II I a Seat for the Ft rat Time Since tbe Holiday. Washington, Jim. 11. In the senate Mr. Altlrich presented a remonstrance from the woolen manufacturers of New England against ntiv agitation on the ( tit-si iot) ol duties on wool, unci asked it lie rent! and printed in I lie Rec ord. Mr. Harris objected to cm itmlicriiig the Record with llic lull text. Mr. Teller intrcduced a joint resoltt. tion providing for an international hi met. llic ngrct mint. The joint resolution was tend. It de clares it to he the determined policy of the United Slates government to use hoth gold anil silver as full legal tender money, either under the rates now exist- in); in the United States ot under one that may hereafter be established by the United states alone, or in accord with other nations. The Senate judiciary committee today decided to lay over without uction until next r rid ay nominations at circuit judges. 1 ins was dune at the request ot Sena tor Voorhccs, who desires to enter a protest against the confirmation of Jus tice Woods. Ex-Speaker Keed was in his sent the first time since the Christmas holidays. Cram, ol lexas, who has also been un dent for some time on account of sickness was likewise at his post of duty. 1 lie resolution ottered bv Mr. Urecken- ridge, ol Kentucky, repealing the third section of the McKiuley hill, and enacting in lieu thereof a section authorizing the president to issue a proclamation admit ting Irec ol duty to the American hemis phere, in which no impart duty is im posed, feed corn, .meal,, and other bread products, preserved meats, oil, lumber, agricultural implements and machinery, steel rails, etc., was objected to by Mr. Harrows, ol Michigan. jl'DUHKNTS CONFF.SSF.O. A. I., and p. Co. In Favor of the A. H. Ry. Co. and J. U. Martin. On Saturday afternoon W. Ridgeley Penniman, jr., vice-president of the Ashe ville Light und power company, in the superior court, confessed judgments in tavor ol the Asheville Street railway company lor the sum of $5,0o(.20. This was done under authority ol resolution adopted ut the meeting of the stockhol ders and directors of the Liht und power company on January 7. Between liecetnber 31, IMS'), and Jan uary 7, 1MUI4, the street railway com pany had loaned the Light and power company $110,0 15.70. On this the latter has paid $.!4,-oU., leaving a balance of $5,050.20, the amount confessed. At the same time Mr. Pemiimnn, by authority of a resolution by the stock holders and directors of the Light und power company, confessed judgment in tavor ot Jas. G. Martin for the sum of $8,771.31. This is for money borrowed of Col. Martin, and several mouths' sal ary as president and general manager of the company, the latter sum being $311.29, the salary being $.")() per month. MISSISSIPPI CONUR1CSSMF.N. A Redisricting Bill That Nixes TIiIukh Badly. Jackson, Miss., Jan. 11 While Mis sissippi's number of congressmen re mained at seven under Toner's census, it is certain that attempts will be made to cut the districts as they now stand all to pieces. A bill which radically changes them all is now drawn and ready lor introduc tion. Under its provision Allen will be left in the first district, but with two large counties, Clay and Chickasaw, added. Kyle would lie in the second district, as now, with over half of the territory changed. None ol the present congressmen reside in the proposed tinrti ana luurtn districts. Lewis would be in the fifth with but three ol his old counties left. Hooker, Ciitchings and liccman would all lie thrown in the new sixth district while Stnekdalc would lie in the seventh, with about one thirtl of the territory now in his district. MILLS' FOOLISHNF.SS. Out Ills Friend Worse Than a Fool. Hon. Roger Q. Mills was foolish enough to write the following letter to a man whom he had a right, no doubt, to think his liiend. It was unquestionably wrong in Mills to write it, but it was the basest sort ol treachery in his supposed friend to make it public. "Washinc.ton, Dec. 11, 1891. "My Dear Mr. Phillips: I thank you for your dispnteii of the 4th instant.' It is very gratifying to me to know that my Irirtuls in Texas sympathize with me in detent. The blow to me is much less severe than it is to the democratic party. The authors ol my defeat must be rebuked bv the democratic party or a large ele ment that has been voting with us will abandon us in the coming struggle. The detent of one man is nothing but the de feat of a great cause is everything. "li. Q. Mills." The t' ,il led states and Italy, KoMii.Jan. 11. It is again reported that negotiations between Italy and the United States for the reastablisliment of relations arc making good progress. It is said that the affair may be expected to be completed soon. While there is semi otlieial authority for these reports much reason exists for doubting their correctness. Dr. tiraves Will Hanir. Dknvek, Col., Jan, 11. Judge Rising this morning denied the motion ol Dr. Graves counsel in arrest of judgment and sentenced the condemned man to lie hanged within the two weeks beginning January 31. Increasing In Paris. TAKls.Jnd. 11. The influenza contin ues to spread in this city. The record yesterday shows an increase of seventy in the number of deaths resulting from influenza. HIS OWN SUCCESSOR. The Lire of united statea 'Senator John Sherman. Senator Sherman's term will expire March 3, 1893. He has been elected to succeed himself. The veteran states man was born at Lancaster, Ohio, in 1823. After receiving a classical educa tion he read for the bar and was admit ted in 1844. His prominent public work began in 1H55, when he presided over the first republican convention held in Ohio. He had been a delegate to the national Whig conventions of 1HH and 1M52. Sherman sat in the 1 hirtv-tourth. Thirty-tilth. Thirty-sixth and Thirty- seventh congresses. In March, lKlU, he was elected to the senate, und re-elected in I860 and 1872. He was sccretar;- ot the treasury during the Hayes adminis tration. On March 4, 1881, he resumed his seat in the United States senate, of which he has been a member ever since: and trom December 7, 1885, to February 1887, he was president ol that au gust body. SNOW STORM IN IRELAND Fl'NKHAI, PARTY LOST AND HKARSK lF.SI-:RTF.D. The Roads are IiupaMaaule and No Services Were Held In Any of the Cliurchea Yesterday. Dt'ULiN, Jan. 11. A heavy snow fall in the north of Ireland has greatly imiiedcd traffic. The rouds in many places arc impassable. In consequence of this it was impossible tor many clergymen to reach their churches yesterday and re ligious services were therefore not held. At Tyrone a funeral procession became lost in the storm and alter many fruitless attempts on the part of those taking part in it to find out their way the hor ses became exhausted und it was found neeessury to abandon the hearse in the snow. NO THIRD PART V. Resolution by the Presidents of Farmers' Alliance. Washinnton, Jan. 8. At the session today of the national conlerence of state presidents of the farmers' alliance, held at the Ilillman house, the following res olution declaring against a third party movement was unanimously adopted : "Rsolved, That it is the sentiment and desire of this conference of the presidents of the Farmers' alliance and Industrial union that the delegates of the Farmers' alliance and industrial union who attend the industrial conference to be held in St. Louis Feb. 22, 1892, use their intlu ence and votes to establish and perfcetfra ternnl relations with all the labor organ izations represented in said meeting, with the Ocala demands as a basis for u plat form of principles, and that such plat form be prescutcd to the national con ventions of the democratic party, the re publican party, and the people s party tins year, with an earnest request that tbe principles involved lie engrafted into their platlonns tor the coming national elections of 1892. Hut that they care fully refrain from committing our order as such to ultlliation with any political party or panics. The conference was presided over by President l'olk, with W. F. Gwvnnc secretary. A memorial to Congress has licen adopted, which deplores the agri cultural depression, and asserts that it is due mainly to partial and uulrientlly legislation. 11 is claimed that the pres ent financial system is defective; that nil money should be issued directly by the government to the people at a low rate of interest, and in sufficient volume to meet legitimate demands, und that silve should have all the rights in coinage and the qualities of legal-tender that gold poscsscs. STRUCK ROCK BOTTOM. The Lowest Point Yet Reached In the Price of Cotton, Nkw York, Jan. 1 1. Cotton was very feverish in the morning with all parties upset by the enormous rush of supplies and with active turning about and tail ing in a few points profit whenever a chance offered. The opening was at 3 points decline, anil at noon figures showed 12" 13 points olT of Saturday's close. These are the lowest figures as vet rc- corded in oien trading. Liverpool closed 4(i 5 points down. Fort receipts were estimated at 31,000 bales for the day and 150,000 bales for the week, while in the interior the movement for the week is put at 40,000 bales. "Hasn't He Hit Hint Ylt 7 From the Durham Globe. He lies in his teeth, he lies in his throat and he lies in the putrid rottenness ot his dirty heart, and we toln Inm personally "hat, drink and be merrv for tomor row" Urudycrotine will slop headache, The Old Man Would Have Ills Joke. Two boys, who owned a cattle (arm out west, Christened it "Focus," at their sire's re quest; The old man thought it quite a good conceit, For there the sun's rays meet (the sous raise meat!) The lads prosiwred and they and their families enjoyed the very best ol health Dr. I'iercc's Pleasant Pellets were af ways found in their medicine chest the only positive cure tor billions and sick headache, dizziness, constipation, nidi gestion and all disorders of the bowels and stomach. Strictly vegetable, small sugar coated; only one renuireti for dose, and their action is gentle and tuui vugu, a uc ucbi l,i ver r in on carta. WITHOUT EAT OR DRINK THE SAD FATE OF A MISSINU YOUNG MAN. In Search of a Sliver Mine He Fluda a Horrible Death With Mlaerjr His Onlj Companion Found Dead In a Cave. Ukistol, Tenn., Jan. 8. Town and country have been in a state of excite ment for three weeks over thetnysteri ous disappearance of John J. Goshorn, an agent ot the Mutual Life Insurance company. The country for miles around has been scourged by all classes of peo ple, and lotluy the missing man's body was found in a small cave(not Bishop's) six nulls from this city. He went there on a hunt lor silver. For many years a story has been told of an old man who dug silver from the inside of a cave and moulde I it into coins of various sizes. This story was told him and he went soon after to Reek his fortune in the mountains, as he wrote his sweetheart at Winches ter, Va. It has been suggested by some that he was murdered bv the inhabitants of the mountains for his money, but the supposition is hardly plausible. The mouth of .the cave is very small, but five or ten feet from the entrance is a thirty-foot precipice. Down this he tell and was stunned to unconscious ness. Soon after his recovery he perhaps began to look around lor means of escape but bis efforts were doomed to be fruit less. He crawled up into a small cell. just large enough to admit his body, laid down upou Ins duck, bottoued his coat closely around him, straightened out his legs, threw the cape of his Mackintosh over his face, placed his right hand on his breast und his lelt hand by his side, and there in the murky darkness died of hunger and misery. The remains will be shipped tomorrow to Charleston, W. Va., where his people, who are very wealthy, will take charge of then). No Wine For Sacrament. Prom the Charlotte News. Deacon Dick Fox, of the Iibenezer Bap tist Church, (colored) of this city, was up town today with a jug. He wanted to get a gallon of wine for communion service at his church tomorrow, but found, much to his astonishment, that such a thing could not be done. He tried the drug stores and they called for his prescription. Then he tried the doc tors, and they told him they conld not give u prescription for any such pur pose, as there was no law to authorize them to do so. lim was going arouud quite disconsolately with his empty jug when last seen, tie declared to a News reporter that he never did hear of such a thing in all his born days. ItMakeHa Point of lleiiiie Clean "rom the Asheville Methodist. Thk Wkekly Citizen, of Asheville. is one of the best pa vers in the state, and is the cleanest secular paper that comes to this scribe. THE MARKETS. Htock Quotations. Nkw Yokk. Ian. 11 lirie LakcShf re 122; Chicugo und Northwestern 1 lti'4 Norfolk and Western 53Vg, Richmond and West Point Teriniual ltik; Western Lnion Baltimore lrlce. Baltimokk, Jan. It. -Floor, easy; western super 3. UMtt3.;0; western extra 3(iO(fjjVir western family 4.40(144.75. Wheat quiet; No 2 red spot KHKWIOL: southern, stead v: Kultz, IC.Kj.l.U'l, LoiiKberry 9ti1.04. Com, south ern, steudy; white yellow 44(51. New York Market. Nkw Ydkk. lun.l 11. Stocks, active but heavy. Money easy at 3. Exchange, long. 4.h-,:V4; short. 4.H5; state bonds, neglected; Kovei iiiiunt bonds dull but firm. Cotton steady; calei loH bales; I'plunds, 7 7-10c; Orleans, 7 13-1 lie; lutures opened easy and closed steady; December, 7. 14; January, 7.21; February, 7.31; March, 7 43; April, 7.50; May, 7.67. Flour active but steadv. Wheat uuiet but easv. Corn uinct but steady. pork-quiet but brm at9 75$10.75. Laird quiet but firm at $t.(0. Spirits 1 ur prntine dull but easy a 34(d34U. Kosin quiet but steady at 1.afW1.4U. Freiifltts active out nrui. AFFAIRS OF COSEJL'EVE. IIOMK P. Jandorf & Itro., dealers in diamonds and jewelry, at 51 Maiden Lane, N. i made an assignment today. Secretary Blaine attended a Cabinet meeting at the White House, but was looking feeble. The motormen and conductors of the Consolidated street car company, of Atlanta, ('.a., went on a strike Friday The strikers claim that thev have been overworked and underpaid. The necessity for lenders on the demo. crulic side of the House is becoming more apparent every day, and there is a growing sentiment among conservative men in favor of a steering committee. The impression seems to prevail in manv quarters that lohn H. In man's re-election to the presidency of the Rich mond Terminal system is only com pit menlarv, and that he will soon step down and out The New York Herald announces the discovery bv Mr. Price, the Haytian minister to the United States, of a rev olutionary movement having for its ob ject tbe overthrow of Preisdcnt Hippo, lyte ol Ilayti. A poll of the Xew York legislature, ac cording to the New York World, shows 10 senators and 43 assemblyman lor Senator mil tor president, and two seme tors and assemblymen for Grover Cleveland. There are 10 democrats in the senate and 07 in the assembly Since 1880 more than twenty counties have lost population in the state of New York. Oswego bus lost (UK)tf; bclioha rie, 3,800; Clinton, 4,400; Washington, i 200; Chenango, 2,100; Tioga, 3,300; Lewis, 1,000, and Tompkins, 2,500. During the same time New York, Kings, Monroe and lirie have gained enormously in population. FOREIGN. The death of the Kheiive of Egypt may lead to diplomatic complications in Europe, France and Russia being credited with a desire to incite the Sultan of Turkey, as suzerain, to establish a re gency in Egypt, while England is deter mined to maintain her power in the country, HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT GRANT'S PHARMACY, NO. 24 SOU I h MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. J, . CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND .MPROVEMENT COMPANY. For Rent. Two three-room houses with MrrlMs tached, on Hilllstreet, $7.50 per month each. I'icasunt place lor small family. For Sale. Kit-Kant nine-room house, beside servant'. house; one of best parts of city; five minute, walk of square; gas fixtures In house, larxc lot, views unsurpassed in Asheville. rncc S4,huu, one-hall cash, balance 12 and is monms. For Sale or Rent. White cottage on ton nf mnnntil. live acre, of land, a. a whole, or in lots. No log, dryest place about Asheville aad aneat view, within corporate limits. Pronounced by experts iust the place for invalids. Seven hundred feet of porch; seven rooms. Pos session given at once. Kltvation 3.8(10 fret. Uvcry kind of real estate, from a lot of $26 to residences and lota off 25,000. Apply at No. 6. South Main street. Furnished House For Rent. Ten room house, furnished, tar rent. Ail modem conveniences. Posaraioa at oaee. Ucst street in Asheville. Price ISO per month. Apply to J. M. CAMPBELL. Real Batate Dealer. M to Ol 2 W H O So G (A M o 01 w o 0 s ON M n t0 CO 01 Hi

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