ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 11. 18J)2. A3HEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. SjSJS Bf MANDOLPB-KERX PRINTING CO. tricts in another town were transferred rn Din.YCrnzm, Democratic. Is pnbtiihrd and thus used in the election. The law fltS?t""lrt.??r'y) f0," PlailJy requires that in all cases the des- on Yin ..-to nation or number snail oe tnai 01 iuc B lioinn.,,.. Tmn Mmnk. Om Month On Win........ MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1892. !!!l'."'.r. l!oo I polling place or election district where 15 I IDC VOIC 19 uuciru, mum iivj ...... that "no ballot that has not the printed official endorsement shall be counted." The endorsement on the ballots objected ASSIGNEE'S SALE -AT- LUDDEN & II AXES' SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE. Absolutely Pure. A cream of tartar baking powder. HiKh n. Latest i . s. Thb state of Missouri is in such a pros- to was such that anY one could tell for perous conditio! that it is feared it will wnom the elector was Toting, thereby soon hare to face the problem, What Tj0'ating the ballot law as to its secrecy shall we do with our surplus? Just let These two decisions of themselves were therepublicansgetholdofthestategov- gutfifient to give the democrats control ernment for a jear or two and the dim- of- tlle SCIlate, cnlty will be permanently removed. But t,ere was a third case, and this Tas democrats will see what virtue can be looked at only as a fight for par thn ia in the mrrvmander in New York, tisan advantage by the democrats. In and the republicans will try their hand the fifteenth district Mr. Deane, the re- p;"'.""1 in Ohio and there is no doubt some ex- puimcan uiu,uu cuse for applying this great political rcc- election. There was no question as to tifier in both states. That a redistnet- ms oeing legally eiecieu. i..c ing bill is demanded in the interests of commissioners refused to connt certain justice in New York there can be no ballots cast lor mm iiecause hr finvernor Plow- tors of election had written his name in t the lemilatnre. correctly on blanks containing their re- . turns, and a certificate was issued to Mr. Mr. Springer, chairman of the ways Dane's democratic opponent. The clerk and means committee of the house of f , this tig,.,,,- and representatives, said in his response to m(m(lamua was issiie(j ordering the re the toast, "The Issues of the Day," at turng to be S(.nt back to the inspectors the Business Men s Democratic Associa- for c)n.ectlon. The court afterwards or tin banquet in New York Friday night: Jered n ccrtificatCi based npon the cor I can state, without any tear m sue- returng t0 he j8Sued to Mr. Peane. X h'i TcZ: The certificate issued to the democrat age bill becoming a law during this con- reached the state canvassing board. The gress, nor is it iikcit uiai tin i'"u i one issued to ueane never tirrivcu, uwimk raent ot tne existing law wui c '' to the met!iods iI Gov. Mill. The only south, east and west can, and will, cor- were as to the validity ol the certificate, diallv suooort. It is possible that some .h;..i, i,nd uot been sinned bv the clerk, such'measure, acceptable to democrats I d the rjgl)t oft,)(. ,owcr court t() issue S-.i'-SrwThi. Vskw.n of con- an order to the state canvasser, not to cress." canvass an illegal return. This looks as if Iree coinage is not a The supreme court decided, in effect , possibility during the session of the pres- that the lower court had a right to issue ent congress. P PI Hi 0 a a H s MoneatT the Best Policy The seventy-ninth anniversary of the battle of New Orleans which brought to a close the "War of 1812" wascelebratcd by the New York Business Men's Demo. cratic association on Friday night, by a banquet at the Hoffman house. The event commemorated particularly the memory of hira who won the bntt,e, "Old Hickory," atid was participated in by about one hundred and fifty democrats The toast, "The day we celebrate, was .responded to by Grover Cleveland. Like all of Mr. Cleve land's speeches, it was full of courage good common sense and sound advice. The keystone ol his speech was contained in this paragraph "The democratic party ot today, w its order to the board of canvassers, but if the second certificate was not before the board of canvassers when they issued their certificates, they could issue upon the certificate not having the signature of the clerk. This the canvassers did. THE TATTLER. ii a 8 h S 3 0 J, u C e 0 m A m s r I "MARBLE HALL." Twenty thousand dollurs worth ol" goods to be SOLD AT COST. Overt Kits, nun's uiul bovs' Hiiits and all kini of 'eat' furnishing kooiN. This ia a tine opportunity to huy your winter goods at prime cost. j. iti. c.iim.ku, jr., oetl'Tpt. AHMlKiirtr. UNDERTAKER : AND : EMBALMER. HVKKV KliQl lSITH OF THK Bt'SlNUSS ITHNISHKl). EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. SatlMtai lioii Guaranteed. I'rompt Attention Oivcn to Call, t'ny or NiKht. What He Nee and Hears Worth 'I'alklwr About. G. H. HAYEK, CONSULTING OPTICIAN. 6i South Main St. Sinaking of the street cars, reminds mc that 1 olten wonder what is the matter in Raleigh. The papers there frequently Kx-Presidi-nt raise a holy howl about the service, and particularly about the saucy and indo lent and sometimes insulting motormen and conductors. Where did they get such a crew ? It seems more like a road gang than a set of people who ought to , uractiee politeness at all times, rtsnc- n ic a i r ... . , ... , .... Vllie IS 111 lUCtv 111 una lcaun.L, iwi !,h KYE STRAIN coniures witn ine name ui umsuu, i , n....i,;.,.. .... ,.i a mntrn evil, intrenched a verv nm,,,K:"J u,,u the eyes. of this IT WILL "COST NOTHING. Siitist'fu'tion kii nrautccii Opera ami spy K'nsf. tc-li-scopm. mi- croBcopes iiutl draw in r inatiunifnts at a SuhtanMal Reduction, All kinds of scientific instruments. i ulitT and trsids nc itiect. Teli ph.. ni- N Nn '47 North Mam . 51. S8 FOR S3. Is the most fruitful cause of .lleadiiclie Do not sutler from it. or any other truuhu 01 Have them examined i i.i u.. : ...itUu Ka..ah... P"r," fwr'3'. r, 1 Kie the young women mi its. -' 'a.""11 pj . . . , ..I if neoole one neglected, we have insisted town a on. oi nuncc ngm ucic. on tariff reform and an abandonment ot want a catch before the Leap Year is uniust favoritism. We have thus adopt- , f,,i ,., n,H ,,,,, mt.n who IkIoiiu ed an issue great enough to deserve the ' ,,,,.,.,. .... HU ..m()S. undivided eHortsof our party, involving , . ,,: , . ,..,.. consiaerations wnicn wc pro iu uc- . . . .,, ,, ,.mi,r.... , h.. lieve. lie at the foundation ot the instice ... '... ,. , . r i I Oljuori'.lllll y m tuLcniiK iut iimiiivu ana lairness oi yopumr ru.c. , , , , .,..,,.., Gl) j. Mr. cieveiano ueviueniiy us iiiucu in . .. ..nj mav t,e i) m;m win'. favor of making this year s presidential fight on principle as he was in 1888 as I I am going to say something now these paragraphs show: that will make somebody dub me "I hone, then I may venture to claim unaniireciative crank. It is lust this in this assemblage that, even it there Had . the v M C- A slightlv missed it been but s ight encouragement tor the , cause we nave espouseo, mere wouio " - -, . n , j P' n still be no justification for timidity and That's my unvarnished opinion, lhere tleCtriC 311(1 AlSmi. faintheartedness. But with the success was some good singing, to be sure, but a we have already acmevea, amounting to . , thf i,,,.,.,;,,, nvtliiiiL' a oolitical revolution, it seems to mc .. ,, ' . iwuuu , ,'. ... ., ... . worse than "Swanec Kiver as those r q&n 'ol'rtv fourteen youths sang it. And "Old Ken- r. , K..o .;r..d Cent e. an., mnnHment to relax ill the least OllV tui;l(-v ll,,1,K'- . T'! . w',8nl "K' sll-IU- Ueehi.w thmnrvell..uinvrn.,n works. V..U 0 :. i, est suspicion o tile old plantation music oetermination and persistency. It . ... ,. ,...,,,. , ..ith ne f ,,., .i:iri r .,. we susoeet anvwhere in our counsels s,luV " l"v,'V . Y ':. rnmnrnmisinff hesitation or a disuosition lnJt wiiuiu u .wv i.uu .,. ..... n ...... jc ()own lo wjlh Uu. i,siu. Hsmir IT S .... i., vounir men could ye gotten up Here tnal looiveri. iiicuuujui tu.Mi., -,.-. .i.. 1,1 .,,.,,..;, h i,,i. ance that no ImrL'lnr can enter vour house II. I ne least retreat uuocb . T- r" , ' , j ,u. CATCH BURGLARS, PUT OUT FIRES. Tin: (Yn.KN Iuih inin linst't t lie exclusive riirlit to sell tht superb views of Aslieville,sin j;le cojiies of which hnve been liriiiiiiy $ ", iintl now otter: r hem tit a UTeatl.v rctlucet rate on thick or thin pii tt) subscribers. Anyone pay inj $' in advance for six months' subscription to Tine Daily frnzicx will receive FHKFi a copy of this ennrav ing of Aslieville. Ol ILL 1 jpnx-1' CHICKFRING, M1S0N & HAMLIN, MATHUSEK AND STERLING PIANOS. MASON & HAMLIN, AND STERLING OHGAN?. n easy payments, withuut Inter, st. Shir ped direct frnti factory t purchasers. All freights paid. One price only and th;it the Lowest known Satisfaction Kti;irantecd or no sale Fifteen days trial in vour home. For catalogues, pries, p irtit iilara etc.. call on or ndilrcst X. W. POSTKM,, ARViit- SHEET MUSIC TO ORDER. BUILDING AND LOAN AND ACCIDSNT IN SURANCE. T. W. POSTKIX. .)ft'iit. 28 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. nuv'.ldtf BE A mAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. PERFECT IN FORM ! MATCHLESS IN WAR n pno lw' m turth wtre Ml to.l.nth, A Evr? MAN can bi 8TR0N0 YOUNQ MEN OR OLD, titoriiig rrnm nervous ob BILITY I, nt or Fttitng Min hood, Phrill Esccmf, Mont&l Worry stunted DtvuoiDifnt, 01 tnr PERSON AL WEAKHE.T ca b raitort-d to PE'lFEfT HEAITH bA th N00LE VITALITY ot STROHa MEN, tht Prido iud Town of N.ioni. clfiim by ye:rw of pi'itetieu by rrAi. f infihoti it uniform MONOPOLY OF SUCCRSS" ill t null ing it' I DUe, wcfckneiiei ntid Affile tlont of Men. I'estllimiiials from '' stales and T(TrltirUs. OUR NEW BOOK ?Z'M?&rSii l.whU. youc.n r.ll Ei.lin.tloi tor HOME TREAT MENT FUI.LV RtBTUKED .11 Thooa.mll iive been lv n Re.d ou.' tfiti.iol.U. .Aarcii, .t utic. ERIE MEDICAL CO. 6UFFALO.N.Y. THE SUN. HAS CECURED DURING 1892 : I w our -- i ft X f Tlics( fingers are pointing to tlio Ini't tliatTr.acivs of hind just .outsido tlu corporate limits of Aslit'villo. w'th a mag nificent view of the city and the French Broad river, can now lie purchased at figures so low that no one expecting to buy a home in Aslieville, can afford to let, the oppor tunity I'm buying pass. In a few months the st reet cars will be running wit bin five niiinites' walk of any portion of this laud. Will be sold as a whole or in lots to suit., and on easy terms. Address, for full particulars, P. 0 Box -Hr, Aslieville, X. V, W. I). HoWKI.I.ft, r. K(im;K M i: kkoitm, AShKliW l.ASU, ST. I'iCOHOH MlVAKT. KriiVAKii, It, I.oriSi STliVKSHtlN, V. t I.AKK Kl'SSIll.l., H. Kiin: IIac.oahu, NllHM.IN LofKVliK, Cu , IMiVI.K, M.VHK TV VlN, j. .' HANOI. i:k Hakkis, WiMJAU'ItLACK, MAKV li. WILKIN. Fkasck Hoih;sin Hi knhtt; And many other "dial inu.uOted writer. THIv SUNDAY SUN Is thi; Kr.'aU-st S'Ml'!y Ncwspaii r in the Worlil. PRICE 5C A COPY. BY MAIL $2 A YEAR. AdtircHH rillCSt'.'S vw VorU. i crrauim, uuuhu bfhij illu . a Wlin -h..IM,i,t pv.t wh.iU knowinirit tllUUH) a ...uu --r- and that no tire can break out without your hav p the doctrine that -how' to 1 good. Then aKnin I n.y not . " "j .u..i.t i ,a have that "cultivated car said to be 'T fc necessary to the enjoyment ot such per- ,,nar pntiripmnfltmn ivhiph wnlts nn 11,1 uiani-a. l,ilVv hma nnrl in.inre nrnfpssinnf). I OIICC, "1 belieTe ourcountrymen are prepared Now, don't all speak at to act on principle, and are in no mood Every now and then we see a discourse for political manceurving. Tbey will against the Sunday newspapers. Some not was time in studying conundrums, tn,n( ,t a sm to read them, tnat tnev Boessine riddles, or trying to interpret , , ... (r,.m ,,,,,.u wu doubtful phrases. They demand a plain i; '' . aaitlst the Monda'v Leek, br 1 .MrlA mtammmn t.1 t,.,ltt,nl rtiif. I .. .. . . , . I r I paper, nearly all ot tne lauor on wnicn is pot." (one on Sunday. The matter is about There can be no sort of doubt as to as broad as long, with uny possible odds Mr. Cleveland's honesty or sincerity, on the side of the hunduy paper, 1 ex They itand out boldly in his every pub- lie nrarancc. . rlnT, ; m umn early in December, in referring to a talk he had ht-d with bis scholars about the Bill Nve lecture soon after the Bard No door or window can lie opi ned without sounding the alarm, and it i no cheap that anj owner of a house can purchaflc one. The cost of keeping the Hystem at work is only about at) cent per year, after it i put in. County and city rights sold, tnd the work ing of the alarm shown lor the next two -71892. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, The Best and Cheapsst Family Journal in the U. S. OlSTE DOLLAR .A. YEAR. With (he in i.t iKTlV'rt new h cat net iiiK nniehtnerv, and wi'h corrcsnuiideiits in every sec tion ft the hiibiwiHi uhihe, the Wu-klv Utrai.i is eiiahlctl tn lay heti iv its nailers the lat- st MtlelliMeiii1 and mos entertaining news lnn every ct'y and ''iliitry in the worhl. The reputation tor freedom nn-i ni.lei.einlcnee which it has nctiiircd during the many years ol its prosperous career will tic niaiii'ii neo ni'KING THK VIvAR 89i. SPECIAL FEATURES FOR THE mi Original artie'es mi I'ractienl I'nrmitm and Gardening, Pnr ss it Science, Woman's Work. Serial and short Stories by the l-st Authors. Literature 41 ml ArL, vVu and Hith r. news for V tcrans, mid information on nil subjects. The stamp ot I'uritv and I ruth ia Ideas, Mories and News will be stnctiv m.initatneti Send all Mibscriptiuns to James Gordon Bennett, !4KV YORK WliKKLV HKRAIJ), New Yurk City. ONLY ONE DOLLAR ft YEAR 00N0T FAIL TO SUBSCRIBE NuWFOR THt IS. V. WICF.KI.V HI It I. II. 1 - "The foremost of our periodicals." COMMANDING i EVEKY GREAT CENTRE 0? j THOUGHT AlfD AfiTTON IN ;e would. I r,s- A sample copywlili Illustrated prospec tus will be sent fur 25 cents. FURNITURE. are:you at home at home? a xmas talk on ,v. i.,; ... f ,hr h.nri.ninnt I C hrW. in n CO !llr uml Cll rN I m il Kite. II kind of eotnpHincnU on nur I) K. bed room coim Willi in my i'c suite If money pnvin t. an ir a i wu'i num ns-iv D. W. WILSON, ROOM 28, GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, Afthevllle, N. c. dec312w 1'8 Hid il (I'HS We cnii m ,kc tt ns mitethut will suit you to perfection. Von j clear dn . to no Clintmu pur hnve rend a irood denl about furniture and I chns.' cun poss.Wy KiveKrenl. r nttiliwtion perhaps yon have not quite believe,! all that ' nt ho ne than n selection Tim our stock f you have seen in print but this suite tells upholstered chairs. One exec lent rcnon is its own story and von will be lost in won. ! th it whatever you select, you will have it d r when vou see it How it can be sold at j after the tu'kev has been digested, and such a fiuure will be a riddle to you Come when the Christmas of t'.U is nothing but alone and echo what we say about it and ' a nleasnnt memory. Vour purchase will lie don't forKet to tnkraitvnntaKe of the oppor-! with you when Christina- comes UKum-it tunity which your visit will uflord us to j will see vou throuKh the Christmas lestivi show you our stock. I tics of a liie-iimc. BLAIll & M'DOWELL, 45 Patton Ave., Aslieville, N. C. CUT, WILLIAM K. RCSSHLL Jiik Fi-nrw i tho moat inBtmcMv, tl'ft most ttnit'ly, thw Inrp.-af nnd th Jitindsnnifst of th rtvWws, V4V We guarantee everything we soli. Money cheerfully refunded if You ar dissatisfied with your purchase. E. B. BARNOI & CO. And there it no sort of question as to I hit utterances being soundly democratic, and if he should be nominated again this year, and fail of an election, it would of Buncombe lectured here. And to that pretty clearly indicate that these United cxtent 1 did hira an injustice, which I c.t.. An not ninnt h democrat in the disclaim all intention of doing. 1 simply misunderstood the story. It is one of wmrenuiiK, . . ... . . . IL UC nillU ol fcilui" v.. v.."- ..... . fall into when depending on "second ,.., .,,l ..nmnnr. nana news, i uciicvc m ju, ln,i iiiciv; ois tn.iK.r- r I , 1 k.n ikl, nn atiallnn. .. . i i - U. V,t ... I " atl.Ciy, WDO UHVC Lancu lut w., u,jiv i i read the history of the contested election The , win now be a squechinK of the cases in New York with tufficient thor- Christmas joke, but alas! the Leap Year ughnett to know just what tnose con- jo)e fienn wiU be on haad from now tetttinyolTed.andjustwnattnesupreme on and tl)e gentle sex may expect to court of that, state decided when pass through the year besieged on every it eaTe the democrat! control of the hand by newspaper paragraphs which 6 ... , . i , Daint them as the most persistent and ttatttenate, and thereby the legislature. . on er Hcre't mv There were tnree cases upon wnicn tne ,TmDathy, fair ones if desired. court passed.. First, Mr. Sherwood, re-1 ... publican candidate for the ttate senate The question ot ttore rents is being 4k fwrntT-serenth district, was in- talked over oretty considerably here. A eligible. The constitution of New York prominent merchant said to me the other declares that "no person shall be elligible day. "There," pointing to a store near, to the legislature who, at the time of his "is one instance of a raise in rents, and :TJZ:7ZZZ Ot any $25, m, 122.50 or 20 Suit or overcoat in our house for Fourte,n-Ninety. v" I .!. nma frrt cnvinor nn all fflvrtrnntt a dyfl or miliury officer onderthe United mt. that's different. I SUtea, or aa omcer unaer any cuy gor- can pow and j-u do it, in preference to ernment." Mr. Sherwood was at the worrying myseit to aeatn ana tnen nana ix.:. .t:n. . n.,v mnmiuinnn oyer everything to my landlord. I tinuoi n t- ....... t think the merchants ought to combine of Hornelltttlle. The court decided that Q dec,art olemnlr( s.thui far thou a certificate 01 eiecuon lasuca 10 sucn a ghaJt go, and no farther.' We know man wauld be an absolute nullity, and very well what is fair and just, and that I WHY IS THE VV. L. DOUCLAS I S3 SHOE CEN (TLENIEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEYP I It 1m fi wamlfflSK.K', with no tacks or wax thrrnd to hurt tUtfcct; imidfj or tin.- ht'Ht line cnlf, Btyllsh 1 Biitl (', ainl 6rc.lijie tr mnkf mors gh-f of thi 1 grntlf thanany i it her nutintfif'tutcr. It vtUute bttliti 1 et'wcd rttiiH-H fopdim from i.iu to $MiU. CK UtMiiiuiiie iiniMi-M-wcii) inennpnirmr nhoo vit offcrcti for emuils Fruucit The three grcnt rmi!i8 nf sutijii tu uf the I Imixirti'd shoos whloli t-ost fnm $i.(kttu $2a 10 mim: vtar v ill he initmrtinllv nnd instruc- ; CtA 00 IIiuhI-Wi-wimI Vrli Shoe. Ihio onlf, livrlv ftw. uttfii liv lit- uhit-Mt writt-r tylwh. (iin.r.rtiiMi aiitl iluruliin. TIihIhwI I lN.litii-fil sul.p'i'ts Krowmg out of the tom.m,uu.Kli('osthitf from $umio). i rsMifiiiial cnniiaiKti. 3 I'ollrr Wioim Fariiicr, Rnilroart MftH li Financm' hi lurhHiuv here and nhrona j PO ami LftttTt'iirrlcrftiill wi'urthein; iluoeair, I ' I TlK-(iloii-al I'lirt'st with ah the sucinl i wnmleiw, aim with insid. honvy thrue gultA oxteur rS!,"" "y ' Ik'Sc ktoum. "ficreat j 'g, tV! i.l. i.i .. .... thin prii'e; one trial will ennviuott Uiusa TJerei- no nther wav wlim-liy nic mny who want aslitw forcmift.rt an.l wrvift;. lift the niK-Ht inlnrnmitoii alx.ut th jtrreat a 54,5 niul Si.OO Worhiiiiriiiun'n shoofl prohh-niH (if the time wi hin mi nn rmvn 9 mm aro very utmiiK nnd ilur.ihle. Thoso wlio cmnpasjor tor ti small a mim -sh rt Htu- tnvo glTi-n them n trliil will wfnriitnithiTiiiiilte. rli.-tt m trrrnf snhiiinhv hit. thin n huu- D Atir! i .00 nnd I 1b Bth.wil vwt nn ilr- d m( the foreimmt iiu-n and worm n ot' the ' worhl; lifCuHc there is only one Amen can m-riiMi-.eal for which nil thr treat hail-'rn of irni(n and of ihotiKht write; and that i luiiurttHl8hm'S(,nstiiii;fn!n$i.i'iit($(.iiti, l he iMiruin. The liectmlier number, for rxamnle, con tniim: I -curadation !y reunions The Pro t t of hoyal Volunteeis, by I.i' iitt iiant At-U-ii R Kofitc. Founder of th 'Society f l.oyiil Volunteers; the MfanitiK ot the Victory in MusNitihusctts, In ilov Win li. Kunst'li; Kronen I'eilinK TnwimU 0.- niiuny Another Cotitliet ith-mt Alsace-Lorraine in evitable, by Cnmille I'ellctan, Mem her of the French Chamber of I-iiutiet: Should the Sil- ver Law of iH'.o he Ke'K-nled ? by Jacob H. SchilT. one of the most suee stul and in li ten tial bankcrK in New York; I Modern Educa tion a Failure? h Frederic Harrison, the treat linlish nnftayist; UnrcKUluted ComiK lition Silf-destruciive by Aldace F. Walker, r huirnian of the Western Trarlic Asso i iiu Hon; Women's Cli ba The Volume aim the Value f if Their Work, by Alice H.iVhine:A Ottv with Uird Tennyson. Iv Sir Edwin Ar nold And rive other articles. T here are now in proreii discus'io-iB of Our Pension System Prison ManaRCTneui; The Training of Preachers; T u Lonniumt Lottery; i he -f-ji step ui tne i arm .Atnu tion; Are ICduc iLionul Methods u I niluie ? oOcts. a copy. $.T a year. THK FO I' I'M. Union Square, New Yo-k. worn hv tho hovsevery when-: tUuyaull n their merits, nsthf luercnshifr snips show. 4 : Ao V'i'iin iinuu-Mrtrcn bikw, nest kdUlCd lJuiiu'dln. ver.vHiyllh-.t('uaUimjueJl niMjrtetl slUH'S enstiiist from u smki. i.nsiif.- 2..u. HlAUi niul Cti.9.1 shoe for WlfwesnrethebcstflnoUoiiKOla. .styliHhaudilurahle. Cnutiiiii. See tli L. Jjouki-' nauio and price are euunped on the bottum of each shoe. nrTAKK NO SmNTITI TE.I Tnelnion local advert IspiI dealers supplying ynn. W. 1.. 1)01 Bruckiou,ilaa SoUlby FOK SALE BV WEAVER & MYERS. it KnA InrTrni-Xinoh: ftlfl Oft vnn Ttinvlmvft ntlvSllit Or OverOOllt llliU'ked .K..r)l, ...T , r I ilUU IV1 A .A A. 1 Hi. i- ITlH-ViUVI T ' - - .T siw . . it nf is at mucb as ouent to m rrauireaoi wfawdt.tit.tif. which J"T?y: whae. $15, $14 or $13 50. These rock-bottom prices should hrinK mnny people to 8 Court hat iBritdictlon to determine all ques- natttr with a renter's combine? . ii i ... tion of fact and law tnvoiyea in tne . . oquare. uur puiiuy ia never UJ carry kuuub uyci n uiu uin; "-""" -'v... . , v. ... matter. I see that the local board of managers . . . . . Thaaecondcasewaa wherethe repub- of the Worid't Fair have decided to ai- would rather make a specially low price to better enable us to maintain tins ponoy licaa-county clerk had distributed im-1 low liquor to be sold on the lair gronnds. oed, marked fcalloU in the twenty- I wonia mucn toci -x ra.r m prooaij ""f"" . open Snndaya. Still, if liquor it to be fifth senator district. Ballott officially at a), j wjnld where itg marked and finned by the canaty clerk Mn be controlled. That's the view r xv. m iKatiietin one town were ait- held br J laiucr, Ol m m KIIOVNUFMFDY. !!..:.' Ct i iioi orli na mi-, (ilrm hi J t s; Urjj, will... ul Prtjn. Pnivcim bti-icturt!. t'outnins nn iicrldof pl'tstllhillff 8Ul)f't:UH'e'". llll'l : Kti'trinitm-d uliHtdut'Mv inn itiitf.Hfi. pHHrrlbftd by phyk'Ini'H, Itest Sy. tiiiirr 1'ife ?ltliPiu n bott'.t. Pru it t old bv dnipiiti. Ilnwnrn rf Snb. f tH(1 fi!'f 'hom.( 'o.i i,.'t.,M.' . I a FOR nv RVS0R I FV TH, AS IEVH IF, N m. 11" -w Y n OUlf Al,,l"ACPNrYJilr A pftmphlet of Informstlon and ab- h .straciui ins iwa,siiuwuig tinw .uj untatn I'.ieui., i imii, tmm Msris, uopynciil sttu mw Down to a fine point that's where the making of corsets has been brought to. Kabo for the "bones"- can't break or kink. Loops of corset lace in stead of metal eyelets they can't rust or cut the laces. The Ball Corset for ease and comfort; the Kabo Cor set for unyielding strength. Each is the best of it's kind s If you don't think so, after wearing for two or three weeks, return it to us and get your money backs P. P. Mlmnaugrt. nnd WDtskey Bsb'.ta urea as liquid wiiu out patu. Book of par- Honiara sent rRfcE. H.M.WOOl.LF.V.M.n. UautA.Ua. oilioe UAH WUWiiaU II Pi" ivs I." M - I -