ASHiflV.LX.LE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING. JANUARY 18, 1892. HOTEL BELMONT. (Formerly Sulphur Spring Hotel.) FINEST WINTER HEALTH RESORT IN THE SOUTH. LOCATION on h mountain n natural grove ores acres; 2.6o0.fcet above ca level. HOTEL BUILDING A new three story fire prool brick building, with steam heat ind open fires, electric ele vator a d bells, gas light toilet and bath rooms, barber shop, etc. MINERAL WATER The aulphur soring wnterpoascsses marked medid-al properties, and through its prompt direretic and laxative action ii especially ben.aanl in catarrhal dyspeptic, kidney and liver affection. The iron water is particu larly indicated in an.xmic conditions. SOURCES OF AMUSEMENT- Boating, hunting, fishing, tennis court, croquet grounds, liillinnl anil pool rooms for ooth ladies and gentlemen, reading and card rooms, d.-ncing, a fine orchestra, etc. TAKBOUR BLBCTRIO CAR AT Dhl'OT. JOHN 8. MARSHALL, aovRd3m Director I'KOFKSSIONAL CARDS. MASSA8E AND ELECTRIC TREATMENT. Mr. a lid Nra. H. I. Harriett. Nervous Prostration, Paralysis. Rheuma tism, Neuralgia, Obesity. Inoinnin. Rtc , Suc cessfully treated. Patients attended at their own homes or at 40 Flint street, octlfidtf IN AND OUT. What the Hotel Reglstera of Aahe vllle Have to Hav. Burnett House: John F. McGownn, ChicKo; C. G. Watson, W. M. LoKan, M. . Goodson, W. N. C. Rv ; P. J. Cor, New York; F. B. tain-aou. I. M. Hutljjins, John Jiirrett, Marshall, N. C. Grand Central: D. Cosrtovc, N V.; J.J. Ycates, N. C; John Golden. Pcters hurg. Va.; A. C. Moore, Rnliert Dermis, Newport, Tenn.; J. H. Wilkins, Ruther fonltoti, N. C; L. E. Persons, Mt. Mor ris, N. Y.; V. T. Rogers, N. C ; H. G. Mortis, Hcnriersonville; C. E. Newton, Chicago; J. F. Anthony, Rending. Pa.; A. C. Moore, Newport, Tenn.; Quiiin Phillips, M. J. Harrington and wile, C. Hartlev nnd wife, Miss Edith Newton, the Cassie sisters, J. W. Lincc, A. M. (Juimi, "Two ohns" Co. Glen foci VY, F. Tompkins, Webster; H. A. Dowdon, Dillsboro; C. D. Smith, Franklin, II. D. Amos. Morganton; W. B. Howard, N. C; II. A. Jenkins. Hick ory; Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Ellis, Bow mans Bluff; L. V. White, E.E. Uarlv and wile, knoxville; (,to. B. demons, Phila delphia; C. H. Wilkins, Chicu;; W. M Loan, M. J. Goodson, Spartanburg; A. V Harkins. Knoxville: W. I. l aw and COLUMN. HOW TO WEAR THE BONNET. CHAS. A. GARRATT, Organist and Choirmaster Trinity Church. - and -- CONDUCTOR OF THE GARRATT ORCHESTRA Receives pupils for the Organ, Pianoror e, Violiu and Voice Culture For terms, etc.. apply at 14 Bailey Strict. Wu. II. Lkwis JOS. W. St'UMKRH SUMMERS & LEWIS, Attorneys at Law, Office No. 4. North Court Hquare, lip Stnlrs. ASHKVILI.B, N. C octiadlm bTfTarrington.m. D.7Fors. OPPICB g ROOM8 Over Cosby's Jewelry Store, Patton Avenue Mf-Pilling teeth a sprcinlty; also treating diseased gums, snd all disenscs perw'ining o tne aentai structure. a7dti J. F. GARRATT. Piano Forte Tuner. TERMS REASONABLE. PERFECT SATISFACTION. Leave orders at C. Falk'a, Ashevlllt'. oov23d3m THOMAS A JONBS. CHAS. A. WKIIB. JONES & WEBB. (Successors to Davidson, Martin & Jones.) ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Room No. 7 Legal Building. Asheville, N. C. Jan2-dlG R. H. REEVES, D. D. 8., DENTAL, OFFICE Hi i:onnatly Bunding, over Kcdwood'. Store, Patton Avenue, Residence, 30 Spruce street. J. W. FOREMAN, . I.. DENTAL ROOMS, V. M.C. A. Hullding, 26 Patton Avenue. Refers by Permission to : W. H. K. Thackston, M. I) , l. D. 8 . Farm ville. Va.;J. Hall Moore, M. Ii .li M.S.. Kich mond. Va.W. K. Norris, l. n. 8.. Char. lotteaville. Va.; W. H. Olngrich. I). D. S . and Dr J. H. Woodlev, Norfolk, Va. novllliKim wile, Chicago; W. J. Rattle, L'levclanil, Ohio; R. W. Moore. Danville; Miss Amanda Dalton, Golden Vallev. N. C: Jos. freilns, Milwaukee. SVamiamn Joseph Fiehis Milwau kee; Harold I). Force, Newark, N. J ; C. II. South wick, S. (ialcit, N. C; B.J. Fer guson and wile, Chicago; R.- H. Wool lolls, Wisconsin; E. H. Smith, Va.; II. Hcllex, Phtlndelphia; 12 E. Levy. E. II. Fulenwider, lialtiinore; Milton Keed, At lanta; John H. Harvey, D. S. Crooks. H. I'oweri, Cineinnuti; A.M. Smith, Lynch burg: P. R. Skinner, Ky.j lohn Hart and wife, "Two (onus" Co.; I). A. Mot I'att. C. Seholt, W.J. Ilurke, R. E. olm son, Baltimore; L. A. Thicker, Iowa; William Snow, N. J.; Thus. S. Uoulis, Richmond; Ike N. Kihgsliaoci. Louis ville. battery Pjirk:E. W. Ivversfield.Saml. Rosenthal, Baltimore; Frank Gamliet. Boston; Jos. Schwab, Cincinnati; S. H Sinclair and wife, Miss Matter, Mcrayn Sinclair.Cedar Rapids; Baron E. d'Alinge, Biltmore; Milton Reed, Louisville; H. C. Tyson, James Hall, Philadelphia; Will J. Octzel, Spartanburg; II. F. Cobb, jr., Richmond; C. A. Hanncr, Thoi. G. Carson, MissS. D. Carson, Mrs. C. J. Jackson, F. C. C. Clark, R. R. Dintlscw, J. S. Churchill. New York; James W. Bradbury, Miss E. II. Gregone, Augusta, me; u. n. mumcr, Kiciinionii, a.; L. Ii Jones and wile, t-hungo; 1. TV in Bell, St. John N. B. HEWILL BE kl Kn. P. KAMSAY, D. O.S. Dental Office i Over the National Bank of Asheville, Bar oard Building. Residence, 69 Charlotte st. feblittdlv J.A TBNNBNT, specifications and estimates fur. AO work in my line contracted for, Architect and Contractor. Plans, ai.hed. A and no charges for drawings on contracts awarded me. References when desired. Office! No. 13 Hendry Block, North Court Square, Asheville, N. C fcblSdly Dra. McGlUra & straw. PRACTICB L1M1TBD TO DISBASKS OS THE EYE, EAR, THROAT ANO NOSE. Testing for Masses Scientifically Bona. OFFICE NO. 20 PATTON AVE., UP 8TAIRS. octJld&wSni 34-Year)' Experieuce-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNBR COURT PLACE AND MARKET 8TRBBT. E. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Also grading of all kinds done. All orders promptly filled and work guaranteed. Can b. found at all thnea at Powell St Snidcr's tore. P. O. Box 586. ' anglMtf INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General i Insurance i A tent. Rear No. 30 Sooth Main street. Established 1868. auS dlv Asheville. N. C. A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. ' ROOM 1. McAFBB BUILDING. Legal work a Specialty. Walter S. Cushmau, (Pormerly of the Massachusetts Bar, ATTORMKT-AT.LAW, COHHISUONKK OF uim, and notary public No. 80 Patton Ave., McAfee block, room 4 A8HBVII.LR, N. C. iriCIALTUB: till riOPUTT 1 GOK VKTAHCIH8. apr33dtf JAMES FRANK, DBALII IN FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Ageat for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. Korta Mala Ash. ville, N. C. holudly RuhhcII HarrlHi.ii will not Pay for His) KiUerprlHe. Suit will be brought in n few days in the federal courts ol' San 1'ran cisco against Kussell Harrison for $3,000, monej advanced by the Alaska Commercial company to hi ra lor the expenses of the Frank Leslie explor ing expedition in Alaska. When Wells came out here he got free transportation irom tue Alaska Commercial company, and also made arrangementa ler draw iiiK on their agents in the tar north to corer expenses, as banks are not numer ous in our Arctic territory. The com pany did everything to htlo him. and in all paid $3,000. When the bills of the Commercial Company were sent to Kus sell Harrison and his partner, Mr. Arkcll, tnev replied tliat tue bills must be 0. K.'d by Wells. There was another lone wait, and then 1'resident Sloss of the Alaska com pany wtote to Wells, who replied that he had endorsed bills as all correct weeks belore. I hen Sloss drew on Arkel and Hun i so n lor the amount but ther lowed the dralt to uo to protest. Then sloss used language which the mission aries do not translate for the useaf Alas kit Indians. i am as lonn oi enterprise as anv one," said Mr. Sloss. "but I am not fond of being played by a millionaire like Arkell and his lather's son like Kussell Harrison. That kind of enterprise don't go. Only U a Year. Prom the Rutherford Banner. Ifyoucangcta copy of The Asiik villb Weekly Citizbn, of the 7th inst. and read the farewell sermon of Dr. W A. Nelson, it will pay you for your trou- oie. This Applies let AaheTllle. Prom the New York World. inc inmienza auates somewhat in rainy wenther, because the dust is kept down. Moral: Get rid of the dust by tnorougn street cleaning. "What a pity it is that his face is all pimples: He'il be yery fine looking if it 'twasu't or mat. said pretty Miss Vere, with a smile at the dimples KefiYcted from under the nobby spring nat As she looked at herself in the glasj so my signing, That she had for the younp man a tender regard. There wasn't the least need of den vine for every one knew it. "His beauty is marrca uy tue irigntiui red Dlotclus all over his lace. I wonder if he couldn't take something to cleanse his blood, nnd drive them away?" Me heard what she said about his looks. It hurt his teclitms. but he could not deny she told the truth. He remem bered a friend whose face used to be as bad as his. It had become smooth and clear. He went to him and asked him how the change had been brought about. "Simply by using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, was the re ply." Take that, and I'll warrant you to get rid of your pimples." He did so. His lace became henlthv and clear. And next week he'll be mar ried to pretty Miss Vere. A Household Remedy SPA aa a t BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES 8)b 8 8)m U Pi i roe SCROFULA, ULCERS, UlT VUrCS rheum. ECZEMA, tttri lormol mslljnsirl SKIN ERUPTION, b Slots Sting tttcaclout Is tonlnj up ths system and rtttorlna ths eonlltutlos, has latstlred from any causs. Ha l (uptriunural I ' arhss Imptlred fraai any causs. Ha f ( I almost auptrnalural staling prtptrtlta I , Jnatlfy as Is ousrsnteslng a curs, H A , 4lrotlonssrs followed. 8ENT FREE l I BLOOD BALM CO., Allants, Oi. 0 In; luablo SuKKestions to Women who Uava Difflenlty with Head Gear. The fashion of having strings on large hats seems to be a regular rage. The silly fashion of having huge streamers pendant from the back of a hut is seen no more, but tiny strings crossed just above a Greek chignon and brought about the throat and tied in a small bow under the chin is a fashion so graceful and pretty it deserves to last a long time. There is a general idea among wom en that strings under the chin add years to the appearance of their woorer. Let me explain how this is, according to the French idea. For instance a woman buys herself a bon net that is long at the sides, at times reaching almost to her ear tojis many ladies have the idea that be cause their faces are broad their hats must be ditto: that the hats must taper upward and outward from the ht-ad in order to make the face look small by comparison ; a hat of this soit always adds to the age, and when strings are attached the aged appearance ol the wearer is again increased. A woman with a broad face should wear a bonnet that sets on the top of her head not resting on her ears ana brought in a curve back from the forehead. The hat should be nar row and project over the forehead. and not be too long at the back. A Greek chignon should be avoided the hair done in a French twist that adds to the length of the hood and the hat perched on the top of the buoi at the crown ot her head. With this shaped hat naiTow strincrsof rib bon velvet should lie attached at the buck, both together, not at the sides or rear comers of a hat. They should lie crossed half way down on the back of the- head, and brought about the throat like a band and ended by a small bow just under the chin. If the wearer has a palo complex ion lot her affect dark blue, or blue of the clear electric grayish shade DurK red niMsa color to the face. though caro should be taken that thu red has a yellowish tinge instead ol a green or blue reflection; the latter will make thu complexion look darker inst jad of beintr an iinimn-n ment. i'or cveniiiir lionnets onle cream or bluoshould be worn or pink of a deeper huo. Palo pink is one of the most trying colors to a woman's face; it must bo of a shade to form a harmony instead of a combination with tho complexion -otherwise the eltect is lost. For blond types noth mg is prettier than tho palo sea green or Dine tints of velvet ribbon and the littlo band about the throat lends a soft appearance to tho flesh that is becoming to everv one. Strings that hide tho pretty part of a woman's side head, where her hair grows in pretty curves back from the ears, are not an improvement. But the strings that add a dash of color to the toilet fall lightly over the hair and are brought hxisely about the throat are effective, pretty, do not aim to tr.o nge and always make a woman seem well dressed. Bonne strings are exceedingly ladylike, and uiuir running tendency to one s ap pearanue is equaled by no other por uon oi a woman s toilet. Ismail hats that are rolled back from the face and have a bow sot mi uur tue trout or tne run are very pretty for oval faces. They are very short at tho back, exjiosiug all of the hair that being dono at tho crown of the head and tho hat restiiur flat. The tops of those hats are trimmed with a single pomjion and a knot of ribbon. Strings similar to those be fore described are attached to the back. Providence Journal. WANT WASTED. WANTED A young- KngMsh lady wishes pasition as governess or compnninn. RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. CondenKd schedule la effect Nor. 15, 1891 Good relirtncvt. jun lGdi w A., Citizen Office. EABTBOUND. Knoxville, Morris town. 1 5ipm "1ITANTED Nifcrht class in mathemntW ff shadows and perspective drawing by Robert Uruun, Lyceum Art Club, Saturday jitnl mi w lf ANTIiD To rent large furnished house; IT modern improvements, by a respon sible pirty, tms oihce. Best references A dl res N. Y.. janiidlw- 11 an i bu a iauy desires position as vis f T "inK governess, tu tench kindergarten. primary and elementary branches Special attention Klven to invalid r backward chil- oren. References Address MISS CI'TLR. Janl6d4t Mt WaMhintctoa, Md. "IT"ANTEI Mrs. Kobie at 'Sabine Farm' TT (Judge Henncr h ute) wouid like a few familitte, or a party of In- uds, as guests. The nouse is heated ny steam as well us open nrcs. nut ana coia wuicr; two natn rooms; connecting roo s or single. Jersey cream from the farm, and a pair of hoists with driver if d sin d. Boston and New York ref erences, the highest. ju 8dU LTiK KK 1 Iloutic containing five rooms A.' Address, lor particular LV. Faint Rock, Hot SorinafB. Lt. Asheville, Round Knob, Marion, Morgunton, Hickory, Newton, States ville. Ar. Salisbury, oreensuoro, ban v ille, Ar. Richmond, Lv. Greensboro Ar. Durham, Kaieign, Goldsboro, Lt. Danville. Ar. Lynchburg. 'Washington, ' Baltimore, Philadelphia, 4 New York, WR8TBOUND. Lv. New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, tyg'Sr the lifes BAR-LOCK 12JSpmj 815am 1 Witf: Tf ftPllllliaipn i IsS sSS tyrrV "00ERN rR,T,NG "AcliiSi: MHam 701pm "1,ah- wJfJJSi!a!S-" 6illam 807pra -Mj;J? f .jy 6 21am B28pm "i aWiiTi - m 707am 917l)m 80(iam1012pm 10 20am 1252am 1210pm! 235m 5 30 m 740am 10 30am 12 32pm i zopm 305pm 123lpm 306pm 9 45pm li 25pm 300am 920am Asheville F u. liox 2:14. decl7 lill' T7IOK k HNT Four n-ifurnisheil houses! Four lurnisned h'ns(- ! Ap lv to W A IS N, nt. FOK NI!N -iiiKU- IliNT Two nici r nma, in suite or 2-1 NOW I H M 1 IN ST. jun I . d.t FDK Kli.VI rooinv; tii i very riV-irable front rtTolr.'.r crlieil rooms lot posiothcc, up stairs. r -Twi tillilubl Two doors north, i: Janindl rpo RI'.NT I'ntil May 1. or luncor. eiRht ja. roiu lurniHliel nnnse in ood location; nouse iad lurmiurt- new inquire ol B S. WAKRHN, janlfiiKlt- a orange strict FOR ele KKNT. Suburban resineace. near lectrti tramwuy. completelv furnished. steam heater and modern conveniences Fine pair of horses with vi hides, nnd two Jersey cows. Addrehs 1". O HOX 532. TTOUSK FOK R HNT. The benutiful house JLX on I'ntton avenue, known as thcG M. Koltcrts pluce, is ler rent JliSSIS K. STAKNES, nov25dtl' 27 North Main Mreet. "ATl'KK'S SANITORII'M. Furnish d cottMKea and rooms for rental Tron. N. c f with or without b -ard. Chur;es mod erate. Apply to Ubl) A. MASS! IN, janTdlm Tryon, N. C. Washington, LvncliliurK. Ar.lanviile, Lv. Richmond. Manville. Ar. (irrensboro, lv lianiMhoro. LvRnleiKh. iMirlutm, Ar Greensboro. t Greensboro, Salisbury. Stntesviile, Newton, Hickory, Mortfahton, Marion, Kouild Knob. Ar Asheville, Hot Springs, Paint Rock, Morristown. " Knoxville, ASIIVII.I.B It SPAHTAN- UUKO RAILKOAI) Lv. Asheville. Hendersonville, Flat Rock, Saluda, Tr on, Ar. Spartanh'irg. 1 00am 507am 7 20am 1 1 3 20pm 255am 640am 1160am 1 20 pm 9 47pm 630pm No. 9 No. if i216um 43llpr. 3r,0am 6 7pm (45ntn U30pn lYlo.m 1 11 -opu 5 45pm 5 LTinm 8 2upm H loam 3 0opmi 3 20am 84i)pm 83oam 10 3npm I 10 12nm .'fipinj 7 4."pm 6 Mlpm :0"ani 7 4 4pm 5 1 7ani loir.ptnl t4nair 1M40 m ! In 20nm 12.',.".aint I ! .'am 24(lun :io-uhi 3 47uni ' 3 -4nin 61 7:un I 6 65uni 8 5Bam I 1 1 3' 'lllll : 1 O'MlTT I 57pm 2.'7pih 3 1 1 1 1 m 4o2pm 4 43pm 6 5!lpn 7 44pm rtoopm OOOpn 10 3 'pn No. 14 No. 16. 11 31 lain 12 211pm 1238iin 1 o.'tpm 1 51pm ' .H 1 4pm 2 30pm 3 36pm 3 45 pm 407p i 3 3linm 5 43pm No. 13. I No. 15 Lv. Spartanburg, try on, Saiuda, Flat Rock, Hcndcrs'nvle, Ar. sheville, 7 2Hpm 8 26pm ttoopm 9 20pm 9 34pm 1020pm 1 35pm 2 4Kpm 3 23pm 3 45pm 3 54pm 441ipm TH RKNT That desirable residence. No. 121 Haywood steeet, formerly occupied ny Air. Alex I'orler; Kas, w?iterand nil con veniences. On car line. Apply to F. RBTLEDOB, decl5.dtf Barnard lluilding. Ml'KPHT URANCH. No. 65, j No. 64. Uquy except Sunday, f 7 40am I 9 40am 12 37pm 5 50pm I 610pm Lv Asheville. Ar. Waynesville, tiryson v-ltj, Tomotla. "Murphy, urts In the country, with home com- I'crm. modera e H.-ulv mail MKS N. T. WIl.COX, - Inandu, N C. Man's Idea of a Woman's Club. It is unfortunate, perhaps, but it is really true that to tho untutored mind the word Sorosis brings up a vision of 8tayle8, short haired ladies, with profound intellects and dross reform garment that usually set more or loss awry about the waist, discussing such subjects as "The Improvement of the Economic Condition of the Kaoe. which was touched upon at one mooting. Sorosis never "frivols." It is dignified and grave, as befits an association that has the advancement of woman forever on its mind. It unbends a little at its banquets; it has then to lower its intellect to the level of its guests, but even then there is a flavor of woman's suffrage in the chicken salad, the croquettes lasts or learned disquisitions, and after the feast I have htiaiil it vouched for, the pillows of the drt- takers are haunted bv horrid dreams of woman's oppression in the Dark Ages. But I suppose it can hardly be otherwise uian mat tne merriest mo monts should be tempered with a cer tain gravity to those who have con stantly on their minds the welfare of Woman and Posterity with canital letters. New York Cor. Detroit IW Emblematic Signs Oolug Out. There is a notable docav in the use of emblematic signs on shops in our cities, the barber's pole, the drug gist's colored waters, the cigar pom pey and tavern signs being about the only ones that survive. This mav be due in part to the improved education or tne masses of the people, but the antiquary can't help regretting the change, for there were some curi ous survivals in old siens. even tha druggist's waters being a reminder or MedisBval mamc. - Philadulnhia Ledger. WEAK AND UMDEVEinpFD tVmnWfmSof the human form successfully trested todavelop. strensthen, nlarn all weak, stunted, undeveloped, feeble orssns and part of the bodr which have lost or never attained a proper ana natural else, due to III health, bui eicwwsor unknown oauses. There Is one method anal enlr ene, by which this may be aooumiillslied. Inoreasod now of b ixxl to tn, nUr, .... Impleapparatns sctlui automatlcslly.erasus new UMue, tone and vlor by the siune natural lawsaa the Increase of slie and strensih of muscle. Dont be prejudiced bemuse little uarkinrnpnie by silly means to do the same. IN VRHTltiATB There' no trap back Our nay will come when the puiilio knows elearly srienca from fraud. Write ns for Instructions, foil descrip tion, proofs.referenoea. eta. All sent vou La nl.ln sealed letter without cost of any kind, EBIB KSDIOAL 00., BCITAIiO. 17. T. HOARDING HN fort janHdim ayiXTtiK HCMRD. Rooms warm and comiort Bvcrvthinu iresn amincwlv painleil. unit IU"msncd. Imme diately on street cur line Terms reasonable. MRS. J. SMATli ICRS, iunlL'dtf 318 Fatton Ave. MISCliLLASEOUS. )1'NC'1MBB CAIIIIAGIJ As well asother AJ uarden and Field Seeds eminently adapted to Southern soil and Southern cli mate, sent pre-paid anywhere, nt reasunublc priccs. Send tor catalogue and try some of tnem. J. w. VANIH VKR, dec23-rltf Wcaverville. N. C. A NNOUNCBMENT We opened our La 1 V dies' Hair HressinK I'arlor Monday. November Hi. 18U1, nt No 15 Patton ave nue, over battery Turk bank. We will be prepared to do all kinds ol ladies' hair dress ing, siiikc, shampoo, cutting and curliiiK nanus, i.vemnn toilets urrunged in tile lat est rarisian styles. 17-d3m MMB. CHEVIGNY. Lv. Murphy, Ar. Tomotla. Ar. Bryson City, waynesville, Asheville, ti ooa in I H25nm I lioam 3 2!lpm 5 22pm 8LBBPING CAR SKKVICR. Nos. 9 and 10 Pullman Sleepers betweeu Rnleigh, Greensboro and Knoxville. .os. ll and 12 t'ullman a ecuers between Knoxville and New Vork. via Asheville. Sulisbury and Washington. Nos. 15 and 16, Pullman Sleeper rvewcen Charleston, Cincinnati, viA Columbia, Spar. tanbu"g. Paint Rock, Knoxville ami Jellio. W. A. TURK, As. r.en. P. A., R. R. IIRIlXSIiRS, Charlotte, N. C. Supt., Asheville, N. C. JAS. L. TAVI.UR. W.H. GREEN, Gen Pass. Akt Gen. Mnnnger, Atlunta, (la. Atlanta. Ga. W. D. GASH & CO., General Agents. 3 PATTON AVENUE, ASHEVIXLF VST All Kinds of Typewrltlns: Neatly and Quickly Dotie.-S ocfidOm . YTBVVAWWW 'mm THOS. W PO VTfcLL, Represents Ludden & Botce' Piano and Or- Kan agency; Southern Building und Loun, Huutsville, Ala.; Preferred Mutuul Accidint Association, New York; Real Estate at rock bottom prices. Write or call for lull partic ulars. 2b I'attjn avenue, Asheville, N. C, j.lnl-tihf CO oo T ADIUS, ATTKNTION Woman, lovely -LJ woman, one bottle ol' my cckbrat-d l ontl will (lermapcntly enlarge your form 4 inches in 30 days, and make you as beautiful us Cleopatra, or money refunded. Price $2 00. Woman's only true friend, for it never lulls. Tonti. glorious Tonti, will mnke the leanest person fat, and remove those hor rid wnukies. Send for sealed circular. MKS. DR. MILLER, 918 F St., N. W. Washington, 0. C. jnni.dandwl y Mattrettses Renovated. Old ones mude as good as new. Ticks wash ed oi new oues furnished. New mattresses mudc to order. Will exchange work tor old mattresses. All work guaranteed. Rates reasonable. Orders punctually attended to. MRS. S STEVENSON, nov25dtf 33 DepoiStrect. OTICE Public notice is hereby given Xl that application will he made to tin- clerk of the superior court of Buncombe county, North i.arohna, at his otlue in Ashe ville on Monday, the 15th day of February, 18112, at 12 o'clock in. by the Buncombe Brick and Tile company for leave to amend us cnancr so as 10 increase the capital stock of said company its present capital stock of ten thousand dollars to fifty inousnno uonars. inisjan. 1. 1892. THE UL'NCOMBB BRICK &TILBCO. janl6d30t J. H.;LEE. Trappers and Sportsmen WANTED, 100 eood otter skills. Wil also buy bear, mink, wildcat and lox skins. vtccan turnish steel traps to those who want them. Skins of small animals must be 'cased, that is, not cut open, as it lessens their value. Skin them entire nose, feet and all. llry in the shade; use no salt or alum. Always remove the bone from the tail. Call on, or address JENKS & JENKS, octbdtf 28 Patton Ave.. Asheville. N. C. NOTICE. I have removed the stock of Taylor, Bouis Brotherton to new building on College street, rear of Opera House. Th- remainder of the stock I am offering at less than cost A lew fine Heating Stoves going at ridicu lously low figures. Shnll be pleased make estimates on Plumbing, Roofing, Gas and Steam Pitting, Ac. W. W. WEST, THE MAITLAND SCHOOL, ENGLISH AND FRENCH. HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL. The school will re-onen September 24th. Hours for infant class from nine to twelve. An alternoon class for French conversa tion will be formed for ladles under the direc tion of Melle. Barrand de la Favcric, di plomee de I'academie de Paris, jnnl.Vltf Assignee. jp $2 1 1 J;' Jfe.ii $24. Ha -is E. COFFIN, AUCTIONEER. REAL ESTATE AGENT and LOAN BROKER 32 Patton Ave., (2nd story) Room 8. I sell furniture, real estate, or anything at auction. If not in otfice when vou call, write name and residence on slate, and 1 will visit vou Relcr to J B. Steele, manager Battery Park hotel or anv bank in Asheville 1,000 Cenulna Tyler Curtain Osaka 121 anC. z net spot cash. Wo. 40O7 AnLlminnnk Htj,niWn TvUf 11.. .1 . 4ft. flln. lone hy un win. hlvh. Mice and 1 n.M Proof, Zlne Bottom under drawers; pntent-,' llt-nnv lined Curtain; I'nllshed Oak; Wrltina Tublo; ll Tum bler luck: one lack soeurlnir all flrHWprs, H Iwmivv- canlhuard H'lltnK Ili.xt'B; Cupboard In ml; I'lint ii . Finished Jlnck; extension Arm Slides; 1Vc!-l SOO lbs. Price, F. O. II. at Factory. H i c Also Antique Ash Desks. IVo. 400A. Hame as alHtve.aieiintiiiiiilo of r.,M Antique Ash, good ss onk. Welirhi Mt;.' ll Price P O B. st Fnrlory, 1 . (. ; from our IiiiUHnsiNillsfactorrdirucL Mn.lon.i : solely by the TYLER DESK CO., St. Loulo, ' inoptreufttninRueoriisnk counlem. 1)hrIi.i, pio ,lucol. Doeit ever printed. Bok, rrta; pfauire la et-n'it. J. A. WHITE, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, 65 NORTH MAIN STREET. A General line of Fancy and Staple Gro- ceried. Canned Goods a Specialty. nov17d3m bwis UAnni'i. Pres. L. p biclodd. Cashier. li. T. Collins, Vice-Pres. Capital, $55,000. Surplus, $30,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository, Organized May, 1888. (iKNKHiVL UAXKINO BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Interest Paid ou Deposits) In Savings Department. LEWIS MAlWr H. T.COLLINS, ' M.J. PAGO, I. B. KEED DIRECTORS! S. H. REED. J B RAY CHARLES MCNAMBB, j. n. KArsn.irs, M.J. . B UARDEN, Bank ojien from 9 a. m., till p. m. On Saturday, till 6 p. m. THE "BONANZA," E AND LIQUOR CO WHOLESALE HF.PA RTM BNT, GENTS' PARLOR AND RBA1I1NG ROOM. BOARDING. GUOGER HOUSE, 211 HAYWOOD STREET, M. O. MltLKRi Proprietor. Location uncqimlcd In the city. Scenery fine table the bcHt. t'oiite ana attentive servants. Ratei on application. .Will accommodate table boarders. octlftdtf. Health is Wealth! ' TTinvt JAPANESE lax . CURE IIVLl I BHAUa ft kJf.C i n 'kTRtATltNTy K pnnranteed Cure for FUas of whatever kind or degree External. Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Reoent or Hereditary. al 00 a box: 6 boxes, $5.00. Sent hy mall, prepaid, on rooeipt of prioe. we gnuratitee to enre any oase of Fuse uaranteed and sold only by . C 8 nitlt -4 Co., wai.lcsalr and rrtal 'nwirlpt. r,,stP nqnsrr. 4hrvlll 9500 Reward. WK will oav the above reward fnranvma of Liver Complaint, Dvsprpsla. Sick Head ache, IndiRvstion. Constipation or Cos tivrness we cannot cure with West's Veiretable Liver Pills. when the HI. rectlons are strictly complied with. They are purely Vrgt-table, and never fail to Kive aatisiaction Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing: 8(1 Dills 2R cents. Devtv of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by T. C. Smith & Co.. Asheville. N. C. Da B. C. WisT't Nrkvb and Brain Trrat uknt, a guaranteed apecihe for Hysteria, Disziness, Convulsiops, Fits, Nervous Neu- 1 1 n .1 ..1. - I.'-- 11 . ...... caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco, wakefulness, Mental Depression, softening ot the brain resulting in insanity and leading to miscrv. decay and death, Prcmatureold Age, Barrenness, Loss of Powtr in either sei. In voluntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by overexertion of the brain, self abuse or over-indulgence. Each bos con tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a bos, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes ta curany case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $A 0O( we wtu send tne purchaser our written guar antee, to refund the tnonev if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by T. C. Smith & Co., Druggists, Sale Agents, rnonc Mauare. Asheville. N. c. To Advertisers. T insure chancre of advertiscmental on regular contract, copy must I oe nanaia in dt au o ciocn a. m. "ETTHE BEST KNOWN REMEDY c "H.U.O." Cures tionorhmn an fllwitln ltnSIaya, wll limit Pain. Prevents tHrirturo. Contains' no acrid or poisonous substances, anil Is guaranteed absolutely harmless, presorlbod by physicians. Best Sy ringe free with each bottle. Price t 8n!d by drnggists. Heware p?8nb. stjtutes. AcniPlhem.Co.I,,i..N.O.I.a POR 8ALB BT MYSOR ft SMITH, ASHEVILLE, N. C Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St.,"Asheville. NO. 41. CIGAKS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLE GOODS, SAM- XT1 A O PLE, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. J Jt 43s BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT. We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. Postoulce Telephone Call, No. 7a. Box Q. THE WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IS NOW OPERATING IN ITS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT "THE NICKEL SAVINGS STAMP SYSTEM." Stamps may be purchased from the Bank or any of its agents. When you have a dollar's worth, these will be re ceived on deposit at the bank. Below is a list of our agents who now sell these stamps. As others are appointed you will be not'fied through this paper. T. J. UEED, Biltmore. T. E. WILSON, Biltmore. J. II. WOODCOCK, City. LINDAU, HOUGH & CO., City. U. J. GASTON, Hominy, N. C. ' For particulars apply at Bank, where information will be cheerfully furnished. i 1

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