ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 19. 1892. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN. BrRAhDOLPH-KERR PRINTIXG CO Th. DtlLT ClTIIBM, Democratic, i published Ttry afternooa (eseept Sunday) at the fol lowing rate ttnctly cmak : ONI Vlll $. Six Month Thbbk Months. Onb Month Onb Wbbk. 3. OH I. SO SO lii TUESDAY, JANUARY 19 ISM. The love of Knoxville for Chatt.moo gil, and vice versa, is apparently greater than that which existed between David and Jonathan. And the foundation of it all is jealousy. Fellow citizens, such things should not be. Ok all unfortunate officeholders Mi. Ewart, late member of congress from this district, has" the lead. Especially has he beeu unfortunate in being be traved by t nose in whom he conlided his secrets. After the ridiculous position Mr. Ewart got himself into during the campaign of lS'JO over his insincerity in his force liill speech, which had much to do with bis defeat, it was hoped that he would be retted to private lite with no more smirches on his good name Hut now one T. U. I-ogiiii, a "trustv" of Ins. comes befort a joint committee ot the two houses iinl swears thai Ewart sold through him his share of the agricultu ral reports uul "Discates of the Ameri can Horse,'' which ouht to have been distributed among ti e t.uiners of the Ninth distr ct. This shows up y.ty poorly for lie farmers' aliiance andi dale who ti.iressed so nuicli concern the wcifa'c of the oppressed class in h;s campaign wth Mr. Cran ioril. Tin-: Cui.'i:x thoughtlessly made an incorrect statement in its issue of Satur day when it advocated the appointment ol Dr. C. D. .-mith as a suitable person j . to collect. 'I aids'' for North Carolina's exhibit at tl e World's l-'air. What was intended was that Dr. Smith would be an excentionallv counictent versoii to toiled artie'es to be exhibited at the World's Fair. There can be doubt as to the qualiiio- of Dr. Smith for tins work. He knows everv mineral i'l otii uiountains, and where thev aie locate!, and his long work in til's special held, has made him a.'ijuaintcd with almost every man in mining or minerals, and he could assuredly get a Ungcr and more represent. alive col Ice ion ol minerals ill Western North Carnluia than any man in the state, and Tin: Citikn reit erates its request, and makes it in the mime of Western North Carolina, that Dr. Smith he appointed lor the work m the section of the state lyiiu' west of the Blue Kidge. T:lli C 1 i 1 --i ton News and Cornier ol Saturda v contained one ot its ehar.u u i -islic edito;ia!s, concerning a hill miro duced by congressman Ilerlx'it in the House, repealing section l.lM-S revised statutes of the United States, which forbids the appointment ol any n Con federate to a position in the am. v. '1 he vs and Courier concludes: "It is too late to repeal the vev:s..j; now, on thr motion ol ans-coiiit-.saiaii And on rcllcction Mr. Herbert will tit dcrstand, we are sure the execrable taste ot such a motion being ninic dv i congressman t would be about equal ito that which would be accorded John 1.. Sullivan wen he to pommel and p.mnd Baby McKee for an alleged insult. The Chilian uavy. however ii about an equal match for ours, and it is asserted upon as good authority at that ot Mr. Stead, editor of the Hritish editian ot the Review of Reviews, that "the Chilian Hen could swerp the American tlag ofi the Pacific long before the Americans could procure or dispatch lighting ships that could take ihc sea against the Hunscar nd the E-mer dda and the Abuirautc class of torpedo cruisers." 'his. of course, w ould be more satishic torily shown by a trial than hv a mere assert u.u. Chili's standing army is within five thousand of that ot the United States out unless hc could have help now somt European power, she could only expect to be crushed , in the end, as under no circumstances could she hope to muster more than ailO.OtMl lighting men, while the United States could raise seven or eight millions should ucccsssity require it. Hut there will be m war with Chili, as Mr. llariison must see. in his cooler mo ments, that such an achievement would not gain him the prue of his party's nomination lor president this year, i: t'uev really have a serious notion ol lie s'.. wi.;j; the empty honor upon Mr. lshtine. HON. T. 1 JOHNSTON. lion -.V. 11 H. low Ics Tlioroiml i tiulicaU s Record. W'Asniv.roN, Jan. Hi, 11'J'-'. I'm.oK Tm: Cinn.N. In the ariich' published iu recent issue o! vour paptr taken Ironi the New oi k Sun in reieremf to m ed'ort to effect the repeal of the to bacco tax. and other modification i I the internal levcnne law. wliicli occurre.i in i he last session ot the ,"Otb congress, !iSte record ol Ian. 1 I-, lS'.M, great inpisiice is done Hon. I'hos. j 1). lolinstun. then representative ol the '.ith district ol our mate. Mr. lohnstoii never made any such moiiou as is ascribed to him; on the om it arv in all the ell'orts in that congress, m caucus, as iye.1 as in me house, l.i a i- set t maintain lac illsii ucia people tu. i ;tatc and I ASSIGNEE'S SALE -AT- 'MAIHSLE II ALL." Twenty thousand dollars w tu be :th of good POWDER Absolutely Pure. i of taitiir bakine powder, llifch ct of nil in leuTcuinjt streuKth Latest L;. S. t.ouernment Foot! Report S 8 m ti D H 0 (!) h I r 8 u m as 4 U t. every cllort t. ;in.vive .!' olllllon .i: ill.- I.HCllolll . sou: tl, . hirnscil a v. . uid so dlloii repeated in .I coin cut ions, urging ical or Highly the op. I revi line !u vs, M . ways prment, and m iiiaii ol t ue ligut u speceli ana .1 c ' i in. st r i v 1 1 . g I o win sue ess. -a dt. Iti, cv.'i- iiinl a uio-c lioiicii, i.iithi .i i; , : ... e.'.i ions representative. 1 am. VCi y i : HIV oius. llhn. . Coue.i. Jiillccli (;od lmi. lo win the Ne v VoiL Mill. In a recent letter to the Sun, in ciJiu- ui C ongressuiau t. ow:e s rnoi . s the tobacco tax in the FiUietii 1 s,,il i mil Ins code ague. M1'. . ,!rl'e o.ed his vifi t. 1 W..S e i-t..l,t-il Xivt record snows til :' .Inn '. as .0 Atw-t;s ii It ri ti.i G. II. HAVKH, CONSULTING OPTICIAN. 6i Mouth Main St. SOLD AT COST. Ovi-v-e nits, nun's ami hoys' mits and all kinds of ,enu" lurnishin); koih ), This is n line opportu it y to hny your winter oils at prime cost, J. 31. Ca IMilCU, JR., oofj?it. AKMlitnee. THE SUN. HAS CECUBEO DUR'.IG 1892 : I V. l. lli)vm,i., i r.i;iiKiiK M kkkhu m. , ami.hw Lan;. ST. fit-OhCB MlV KKT, t RrnvAKO Kiri.iNti. ! K, LoriS STKVKNSOS, ' V. Cl.AUK KfSSI' I.L. FiiASi'm I loin 1 Ami mntiy other liistinuN'ii'it writers. TII2: SUNDAY SUN Is the i-.-atest Sun. lay Ne-jiai.-r in tile World PHIC: 5C A COPY. BY MaIL $2 A YEAR. Aililrcss TIIICSl'N New York. WHY DRINK Sn-ealh'i) InreiKt! wine 9 In nine c es out ol ten vu et vile einnp mn l i't cheap p--tl.Uti spirits, cmm' ni'eN nttd et )iern. The pro tim t h.ts never heen within sijrht of a vinc vmtl Vi'U siniplv pav an cxh -rbitmit jiriit tor m lahel wi.h a French name The result !. misery au.l tlyspepsia. The HolidavH are at Hand 1 Whut Tim want is ahsohitety the purf , iuue o! the rupc. thiit will ;roinote tlies tioti. act as a tonic ami cure dyspepsia Ask vour w tne nierchaut I'or the H. Kit i:k IlAC.r.ARn. N'OKM AN l.Ot KYKK, CuN ItOVl.B, Mark Twain, J C ii a iim-:k Hakki, Willi vm Hla:k, M xkv K. WlLKINS. ion Ut m:tt; if i menuii to repen nng'-i'SH h.iins'.oi loeU 111' Mr. Jo,, .hi ire l.i. lit . .mi 1 il. ii ue hid -s iii.K'ii erclit :wi In heve ili l.:lc hi t:n N ,;ioilc inodii i. A:a- .s I to , e:h. i.ii l.i A ! r Ol' .!.. A Ttum.iu 'i Ureuni Hint 1 .one ol It. I 'Ctrl i ill t -t dh I " I' ll! 1 ' i-.e cinilv bv one who wa ciiitc otlieer." Tin: CinKS thinks Mr. Herbert none the less true to his stale or the south having introduced tun lull, and ins i..n nig been a Lonlederntc sohher ui.uos hn iiclioii ti"t i whit more open to criticism And fnrtl.-r. Tin; C.rUKN will wagertli.n the man who wrm.e the Courier's edito rial was never a Coulcdernte soldier. Ii I ,;;, i v he had been the ch.anccs are lento m.i . . .1 .iing t he would not cnlertain the views c piessed. Wis he? Will the Courier answer nil W.'S 11,; h-llg, h... 1! 1 1. e v.i ! tied .1 1 over hihi: en was M 1 I sa 1 huh. . 1 1 1 it I ins 1 illlC.S to .1. Aceei.l U lo'' tain cu ;',s -!;e ib'. iillid that ili ' i-ii-v I .1 eon; ,,. i-lg in- :a 1 : .: i i - Mis ! i .r c ii'-i -r ' i a . M r ivi 'I'm ..,-, 1- 1 1 is 111 nle sc. 10 1 : ; ,, . ie i hi 1 . Ion t n-.tsii' e. La K 'la isoi 1 tiinl the J ir. A. 1 his or v t here w .i a lar.i I' moil- y 111 t lie jar. but lie dc a v h-' a lion Ii. i:'K STRAIN is the -n ost iriiitt'il! eailif ot" .Iloaclilclie. 1.1 nut -aiilhi I, niti it, r iniv other triuili't 01 lie e - U;i - o t In. to i X. limned. IT WII.I. COST NOTHING. 1 LMiaruntecil hi1 -pv "Jli'sses. tr ii a u 11 p tittti titti-- L'Op-'S. HI' Substantial Reduction. VI k i l- . ii' 'ti Histriiiru- It is purr, pi ml eu-tiiht'or arr nni ehenp t iiotiiih inr .ill. II your dealt r cannot sup tlv villi, then write to the rieynnl, Prices uiil be Kiven oil application Wine sohl trntii the iiicvaiil i nly hv .he cuse ot 1 ( .iirirt-, nr - tioien iuts. Ji-UN K. HOYT, i nirailine Vineyaul, Luther. N. C. imvl.Ht GNLY IWEHTY-F1VE CESTS A YEAR THE DAWN OF DAY. m ', zini-: ok Nin.ti-.iors i.itf.ra Il Ki: .ul' islied nionililv hv ttu- Convuen li. in ..i Asiifilll" Wt-.l iiriiiled unil well il- iiisiril .ed. Iiitft'estin to o inK nun oiu ;ihkc A senal sinrv lo' Hnniii; t.nuld. A ,-,,. n( .irii.les mi " W urliii" liy the eele hr.urd c'liinniriitaicir Saddler. I'upers m hi-.ilth, It nit ;towiii:. hiMisi hold eiener, .Vc, lietiuti '.il r produetii'll in color d llcillKiell's erklilliled netiiO' ot "The Holy i iouil y" noeii wi'h evry copy nl the Janu ;,,,,. Speeiiuf" nuiilliers may tie eeu iitM rcilii'-' mid l.nw'it. laiclosc ga ceutti in postage sianil A LITTLE HIGH. That is the wny some jtoople likethi'ir pune. However, few people, want even a picture of Asheville that way. Appreci ating: that fact and ever desirous of sav in; the people money (while making some for ourselves) The Otizkn has purchas ed the exclusive right to sell the VIEWS of Asheville (which ha ve leen sold at each) for a paid-in-advance subscription to Tin: Daily Citizen. That is. you pay us $.'1 for The Daily Citizen for six months, and we will give you a superb picture of Asheville FKEE. That's a telling of ler or ought to be. You get 'liiE Citizen at the usual rate ami the picture besides, and we get the inter est on your '- and the pleasure that conies of beingliberal. If vou want extra copies of THE 1MC TL'HE to send away that matter can prob ably be arranged at the business oltice of The Citizen. Dut first we must have the paid-in-advance sub scriptiou of That's fair. X. 1J. Vou can take your choice of the pictures, those on thin or those on thick paper. The former a re best to send away; the latter are the best to frame. THE CITIZEN. WE WANT YOU 7 jail 1 n-il'.'iv Till' PAWN ill' HAY. Unx sl, 'hiville. to conic anil wc us. We have tin- finest LA- UMlUV south of Washington, equipp- til with i-very appliance for InrniiiK out first class work, making prompt diliv- cries. Wc can anil will jilcasc yon. Cleanliness is next to Cmilli- ness, and we arc next to the I'n slivtc-.... church, opposite the Methodist., church, Church street, Asheville, N. C MOniX STl-.AM LAl'NBKY j :ss u. .st x k n kh. UNDERTAKER : m : EMBALKO ' , "rrJ " AlHl.llIltlU M1III1-.IIC-.. oin tin- Si !.. ins kcj'iiM'e Tlie Ctliliilll AH.llr. ,,, ,i.,. ,.., i ,,.. l,c 1 1 ' " - i i It looks as if it might at least lie pos- : ; ,( hv '. Ii n i. t here a: hie for the I'nited Stnics, f ; ,-,oi i,, 101 1 , u-n; men in Ainf ne.i. Only I'lcsidcnt li.iri'ison, to he siliv enough to , j - ,.Vl.rv j,,,, o,, ,-, uLirlv to cliureh. nijiiSt in a war with Cliili. If so, the ostensible cause will he the insult oil'ei i-il t ) A'.iiei ican u,cu-ol-wars-inen at Valparaiso; hut the real cause is 'resident .larrisou'k di'iei'inin.ilion t i stop, il posnhlc. the tide of ptihiie en;i meut in repuhlicaii circles towards Mr. Blaine a t eir c.inilidatc for president tais fall. It is no longer a secret that the Presi dent and his secretary of state hare very divergent views on this Chilian i(tiestioii. And it is pe .-Imps true that Mr. Blaine may he influenced as much hv persona! political considerations in his pacific pol icy as Mr. Harrison is in his belligerent ideas. Mr. Maine's his card in li is I'ybt for recognition at the bands of the republi can party this year, is his reciprocity scheme, for which he claims, as by com mon consent lie is accorded, sole end ex clusive authorsliin. And the distinguish ed secretary is playinj; this card so strongly, that matters have just about gotten to the point where the republican purty is ready to tender Mr. Illainc the nomination lor the presidency, if li' health does not fail him. Mr. Harrison lias been relying largelv upon Mr. Illaine's physical infirmities placing him on the shelf, but the recent heavy blow dealt the president in the se lection of the Philadelphia delegation, lias caused him to conclude that the "sick" card may fail to be a winner, and he raust do omethinn to draw the at tention of the country, and particularly his own party, away from Mr. lllaine " and center it upon himself. Hence his placing himself so squarely upon the pi it form of the honor, dignity and respect due the American flag, alike upon the sea and land. So it really appears to be a fight for n preBidenticl nomination in the United States, rather than a sincere interest in America or her flag, or in righting of the wrongs of sailors upon the warship Uul timore. The American government can hardly expect to achieve mucb glory even by chastising Chili severely for what she has done. There are only about three million people in her borders, while we have near seventy millions. The glory which would come to the United States i Hit ol eaeii I'm some To revergo. I )n:v o per in. oi he total mini her arr Clii'S ii.iiis, viz., Ti'i,i""i. la "iir jails time .ire i "i ' , oi m i pi i so tier s, 71' per cent, ol whom arc young men. ( mly one-lillh ol the active criuiiii'ils are ever ill jail at aiiv one time. This would make our poou'i.Hion number ToO.O'iil, of which lull. I .".'.iii.i miii arc young men. These are appalling statistics. V. lutrr Hiiakew. Ppi'ii tin- i ,1-eeiiville, S. C , News. Allied Matlox, colored, killed a large spreading adder vesteiday near Irshome in this city. It was several feet long and was as full of lile when lie discovered it as if .in summer. The snake was crawling on the ground. The day was cold, and it is a nivstery that the reptile should have been able to get out ot its winter ii li ters and travel so well. HIiouUI I.lf On ( apt. AthliiHnn'H OvMlc-r I ami. I'rinii tlic rliil.iilclphia Times. Iii Cincinnati there is a horse which loves to cat oysters, and Police l.ieutcn ant Thornton is authority lor savitig that it recently sot nwny with an eight- "nlloti tub ol tlic shelled bivalves. Anil I'liorntoii wasn't even hired by the news papers to tell the story. Kneli's C'oiistuiuptlmi Cure. CI l'r.:-.: the llallimure Sun. I'rol. Koch's alleged consumption cure was the scientific failure of the year. I.KMOM KI.IXIK. I'lcanant, KlCKant, Reliable For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills and malaria, take Lemon lilixir. For sleeplessness, nervousness and pal pitation ol tlie ncart, uikc i.emon ivuxir, For indigestion and foul stomach take Lemon hhxir. For all sick and nervous headachestake Lemon lilixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon blixir, Dr. Mozlev's Lemon lilixir will not mil you in any of the above named dis eases, all ot which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. Mozlev, Atlanta, Oa., 50c and 1.00 per bottle, at drug, gists. LEMON HOT DROP. Cures nil Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and all throat and lung disease. Ele gant, reliable. 25 cents at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ca. janl7eod k s Hi.i.n isi ri: . ii' riK ifst si' - i'l'KNISHKIi. EMBALVIIVG St'EO! ALTY. Satisfaction ;u--i nntcct. roiupt Attention tPven ti Niil'it. Ciill. Iliiv or GvI!wS',, ;1--Js.i rr-jjj I These (ingors nrejioin in' tothe fact tlmt 7." nt res ofhind ust outside t lie corioriih' limits of Aslieville. w'th a nia;'- nifii cut view of the city ami the Kieurh l'roail river, an now be jmrehased at liures so low that no one on pecting to buy a home in Ashevil'o, -an al'ford to let th'-oppor tunity foi buying iass. In a few months the street ears will be running within live minutes' wn'k of a' y portion of this laud. Will be sold as a whole or in lots to suit, and on iiisv terns, .vluress. lor lull part icuiars. r. u. jsox lOo, Asheville, X. .1892- NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRI3E FOK THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD, The Best and Cheapest Family Journal in the U. S. ONE DOLLAR J YEAR With the niiiMt tin iWt news trniW'' imr hnerv, ,'i'iit wi li curn n.iimlri)t in every mc- tlin 'i tt'v lliili:nhK uluirf, l'u- . li. t tr it t iu1i tilt lul- t-Ht iiitt ibiM'Hir and mot fntt't tnininu ihmv tro-n i-vc'v ri y :ni I v- 'it itrv ill the w-'Hd. llu rtp tt.itit.n tor tt i ;iim iiU'i'-uli iirt- Whifli it N.ih il uivii tliirnij; the ninny caii ul i. .r(s,i ritus rarccr will In.' tnniit'a mil niKIM; THIi VICAR 1891. SPECIAL FEATURES FOR THE YEA. riL'inal iirticYn on I'rartirul 1'ur nin--: nn1 0:nl -ntiL'. rrKre-j iti Sc i-nc, Woman's Work. Serial and sli iri .-'timet Uy thr ti. st Authors. Uitcrnturc un I Art, A it ami iltntior, tH'v tor .'trrMtis. ami iiilnriii.ition hi nil suhirrts I hr stamp t I'nri; v ami 1 ruin in lilraH, intr, aii'l Newt wnl Ul- ttr.ctiv m:uitainei Sfjnl all !nl)t.ritti tin 10 ' ' Jatncs Gordon IScnnclt, Ji:X VOUK WIvI.KLV IIKUAI.n, New York City. DUN0T FAIL TO SUBSCHIBt NOW FOB THt ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR N. V. Wl-.I.KI.V III KAI II. HTn'c anl r,-snl n,'- N'o Ntrrrt. Te.cphonr N(i. ! S.irlh Main ARE YOU AT HOME AT HOME?, A XMAS TALK ON FUHNUUKt. Wc re nvfiviiiK inu-01 thr tuniU.imrst Chrntmni )in an.l Chrlstiii.ts K'""'- I' kin.l ..l"com..liMici.t on ..urn K l.c.i room comi- with in .ny w-lco.m- nn.l il '"" suite ifm.mcT (ivin i 'i, it I a I with many regret. Wc can mk .1 a ,u.te that w.lUuit you to -.wrfection. Vou clear a. da to .. .... Ciin.tma. ,.or. hive li L-oo l'Ical lurtiiturc ami chase can sivCK'n atrr NOTICE TO TAX.IVtVIillS, iwrhmw y.u have not timtc m-iictcu all mat j at nomi tn..n .c.,." - ynu have eia in pnnt hut tliu" !"'c tens : ipiuinni u . it own il.irv and vou will lw lost in won-, that whatever you select, vou will have. I der when you nee it How it can l.e Mild at ' after the turkey ha been digested, nml such a fiuure will lie a riddle to you Come when the Chri-tman of 1S'.1 i no'.lnnu litit law requires, and settled. I now put you on ; ttionk' and echo what wc ur about It and j a pleasant memory. ou' pure Base -l.loc notice that the taxes uiimt conic I am H.ri Turret to take ad vantau'C of the onpor. with you when t'hristma- comes aijain it lioinB to call on you and shall expect you to ; tunitv which vour visit will utlurd in to will see vou through the Christnius fcslivi- sett. c at once. Now please be rendy when I show-you our stock. tics of a life-time, come, und don't try to pav your tuxes in ex- j I cuses and discussions of the hard times, li . vr.r,,vx.rnT T have not time to listen. Mr the city is badly JJ xji 31 JJU V 1.11 in need of what you owe it. I N A KI'.YSOl.tlS, i de.-tn.ltf City Tax Collector. ! 45 PattOU AVC.s The city tax bnaks for t su h.ive been in my hands for s.'tne time Very few of the ' tax-payers have ,-unie to mv otnc, as the "The foremost of our periodicals." COMKAUDIlfQ XVEEY GREAT CENTRE OF THOUGHT AND ACTION IN THE VOkLD. A mmple copy with will tie tent lor cants. GOT. W1LLIAU K. RL'S:iKl.U Tt Fhi-v IsthAmost Instnietlva, tli6 mnst timely, th. lsrrest and th liaiuisonicjit of tli ro' lyvs, I !('' l' I Tin- thrte ijri"it u"" ctiitnnK vciir wil in- i" tr.fiv (1--t u-l ; h i i I I'oittir .1 -ti'.i , i it-t-y: leu i tni cam iw i;i!'t i :i ! .' a .i ttt' rut" tlii st w ni.T- ; Mirtl .4 .Ml .'f ! It it' tit M.-Clll' : t K Dill1 i LTCl' Asheville, N. C. We aaranteo every thing we Hell. If you are dissatisfied with your purchase Money cheerfully refunded. E. B. BARNU3I & CO. We Ivive been advertising for more than a week all our $ 25.00, $23.00, $22.50, $20.00 and $18.00 Suits and Overcoats for Fourteen-Ninety, 1 1 1'niu r a i'i PI Thrtil.iy :i iU s -i.k' tuinrs. T: ere i n " fur whv whirt-i-y out- may i yet . he ripest i' ination .tb nit th-- ?ri-at s limhU-ins of the tune wi hin no mm rvv a ' cninpuH or tor ho mn!l a s-ini sh rt tii-! dies ol :rr at wubji i-tn hv tu r.' than a hu iirtd of the men it ml .voimu t the world; bee" use there m 'iilv one A'liertenn Kri(i(benl for whirh -II the ureal lea 1 'S ot oji'iiii'ti and ot 'thought write; and thai i I he Forum 'I he Iteeember nmnhrr. for exivnp'e. eiui tnitut: hcLra.b ' i" u b I. nitiMi T'ie I'm t. 8lot Voltititee:!. by !.. uleiiMilt Al len K Koote. l-'nt,' tier of th-. Soeittv I' l.oyal Volunteers; the l'ii,in ot the Keaio. r.i '. ie Vietory in M.iui husttts, bv I'nv Win li Kusnrli; Freneh l-e.-linn Towards" Ocruiatiy Another t'ontltet about Aln.tee-1-orraini' tn evitable, by C-miIlr I'elktati. Member' f the Fremh ChatnbeT ot Irputiea; Should thr S! vrr Law of I Miij btr Kt )ieale(l ? by Jueolt II. SchitT. one of the most aueertul and iuilneu tin) bun kern in New York; Is Modern IMen tion a failure? b Fred trie llaniHon. ttie Kretit EnKbah HHNityist; I'lirt-KUbttrd lumi'i'. lit ton SelflestruC' ive by Alduee Walki r. i hairman ol the Western Trufhe Ahj-o .a Hon; Women's I' The Volttuie and tc Value of Their Work, by A "ice H. "bine: A Uav with Lord Tennyson, bv Sir Ed .via Ar nold And tWe other nrtiele. 'I here are now in prore-s rHicus-do-is ot Our Pension System: Prison Manatferm nt; The Training of I'reaehcrs; T e Loasiroiu Lutterv: The Vet Steu in the raritl Ayita tion; Are Modern Uduuutiotml Meth ids a Failure ? 5 Oct s. a copy. $5 a year, THB FOKUM, Union Squure, New Yoik. if An.l all our I10..-0, ir,00 $14.00, Vl.t.riO Suits and Overcoats for f 10.90. As we lro(li:;tf'dour store has been a busy place during this sale. It's a Well Known Fact That m do Just as we Advertise, and. commpneing today, our stock suffers a slashing redu "tion While you're out hat hunting remember you inny have anv $4.00,3.7-"). 3.50 hat for 2.75, and atiy 3.2.j,3.0a, 2.75 hat for 2.25, and 2 50. 2 25, 2 00 hat fo $1.50. Now at these prices be around and bla'ne yourself if you don't get in while the assortment lasts. If you haven t a Mackintosh or an Umbrella get one while the prices are just right down to the zero mark and the weather ? ? ? E. B. BARNUM & CO., American Clothiers, Hatters and Gents' Furnishers, 8 Court Square, Asheville, N. C. WHY IS THE 17. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE centPeWn The best shoe i the .yorlo for the monev? It Is ii iiinleRs (.Ihm-, uitli h.ita.-k.-tnr wax thread to ti urc the feet; mmlit of the best Hue eulf, KtylUh and ensv, and (w.'uie v mnki nion1 sluvs nr Mis ivntr ttitm atiy uihrr mn'iufntt?r, Iteuaia baud tifweil sh.ii . eiwiin from tfl.itu to $."i.. CA 0 4.riiu. nr llniMl-wni'il, thp flnist calf 3 kIhh ever otTiTr.l r-r piiial.H KrtiUCO Imported m)i.n whieli ro,t from $.n"t ll' IT A UO iliini1-"' i il etf f-hne. ttiw ea1f ipHi stvliti, I'oniiortid'le und iltn nbte. Uit btint hIkh' ever uttered tit thifl -ife ; same tenuis w cu t.-ni ni.Tle i.ieHrottinc front $i' lo $'.). CCO AM roliee Mi net Fnnm rn. Hall-road nn 5 and J.eitert arriersall wear them; due calf, eeaiiile-is, biiiooth i as nle. heavy three sulci, xten- diut i nip'. i!i' puir will wenrnyi'.ir. tffiO lli no iM'ttiTt-luwewroffwd rrt vPSm (his prlee; one trifil will couviuc-tt IhuSd w (m wntit ali'e fureomfort and Mfrvlcc, CO X " --(H Woii.inaiiiiin's boo Psaa tire very htritut nml dunU'lo. 'lhow who have iiiwix th.-m n trial will wear noother make. QAve mid M.?" wli'H.I slioos are DUTD witrn hv tlu iM.ys everywhere; Uieysull ou tlieTr merit a, ns the inereasltiK wile show, I 4 Sacs llnitU-nfrteil shoe, best LdUICS lMDtrnla. vervtll(ili;iMiuali,rniictl liuportetlaborspusUnKfnmi l.'totM ii). l.nriiPH' l.T5hn 'or Jlltwes srii the hest line UoiikoIo. Stylish ami durtkhla, ('unriun. See t)1" I" I'oiiMnr name and prieo ore buuuped ou the bottom of each shoo, nr TAKE NO MBSTITrTE.I TnsHkon heal advertised dealers stmplylag yrm. V. i.. lOl (iLAS, lirocktuu, iUasf. tiuidby FOK SALE BY V MVERfi. FOR Tnic.CiTiZKN- has purchased the exclusive riyhL to sell. the superb views of Asheville, sin gle copies of which have been bringing $5, and now offers them at a greatly reduced rate on thick or thin paper to subscribers. Anyone pay ing $3 in advance for six months' subscription to The daily Citizen will receive FREE a copy of this engrav ing ol Asheville. , Down to a fine point that's where the making of corsets has been brought to. Kabo for the "bones" it can't break or kink. i Loops of corset lace in stead of metal eyelets they can't rust or cut the laces. . The Ball Corset for ease and comfort; the Kabo Cor set for unyielding strength. Each is the best of it's kind If you don't think so, after wearing for two or three weeks, return it to us and get your money back. F. P. Miuinausfta. MiclWbiskjrHM'.ta cured at linuio with out palih Bookafjr tirul.niwnt sVBEE.

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