Citizen ADVERTISE. Put words are things.pml a small drop of ink, falling; like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perh.ips mil lions, think Byron. ADVERTISE. Many a man has attributed hia success in life to peculiar talenti and business capacity, when the fact is he sailed to prosperity on the wings of an advertisement. VOLUME VII. NO. 221 ASHEVILLE N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 21, 1802. PRICE 5 CENTS. Asheville Daily r k YOL'SEE AXYTIIIXC ItEI.OW THAT VOt It'.IAT PLEASE i xc lvoe it ix orn xext order. Swiss Cheese, Roquefort Cheese, Neufchatel Cheese, Fromugc de ISrie, Sap Sago, Smoked Halibut, Smoked Salmon, Smoked Rio .iters, Holland Herring, Russian Caviar, Anchovies in Oil, Anchovv Paste Mushrooms Canned, Roston Raked Reanvt, Roston Brown Rread, Saratoga Chips, Mushroom Catsup, Walnut Catsup, Tomato Catsup. KROGER. kHAL ESTATE. WaI.TKR It. rtWVN, V. W. Wrst. GWYN & WEST J (Successors to Walter B.Gwyn) ESTARLISHED 1881 REFER 10 BANK OF ASHSVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commissioners ofrierds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFTCK Southeast Court Square, CORTLAND BROS., Heal Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY Pl'HXIC. Loans se.urely placed at N per cent. Offices 24 Ki lift Pstton Avenue Secoud floor fcbDdlv JOHN CHILD, I Formerly of Lymuu & Child), Ofllce No. i Legal Klock RIAL EST AT K AND LOAN UHOKER, TRICTI.Y A KKOKI5KAUB III.'SINUSS. Loans secure placed at H per cent. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, Next V M C A huild'g. novl dHm P O Box fin. . ROBERT BROUN, CIVIL ENGINEKR. SURVEYOR AND ME CHANICIAN. Constructions in wood and menl con ducted. Thirty years' cxiwrienee in practi cal surveying. Instruction in mechanical branches given. Close measurements tt .c cialty. Residence, McDowell Avenue. dec8-d3iua A CARD TO MY PATRONS AND FRIENDS. I have leased the whole store where I am now occupying only a window, and in a few dnys I will h'.ve it fixed up in firut class style, so os to accommodate my customers with a reading room, free tn all, and will have more conveniences. Thanking you for past favors, 1 am. Respectfully, L. RLOMRERG, I'KOl'KIISTOR bP MODEL MR STORE, 17 Pattern Avenue. DIRT. Wc know ilirt in valuable in Anhevillr hut ttuTc in 8fimc here that needs removing. Wc have both of the great dirt removers, SOAPINE AND IEARLINE. Prices by the caw, $XHR atid $3 75. 100 boxes in n case, or Be a box. OCTAGON SOAP, loo ink os in n box; price $4; Be enhe nr 50 cents dozen. This xonp will wash the fineHt fabrics without 'tiiury. WHITE HOUSE SOAP. .'Ilo Ixix or 30t in 5 box loti, 5c cake or Vic doen. A. D. COOPER, NORTH COURT SQUARE. " BON MARCHE." Jl'ST RECEIVED. NEW SPRING GINGHAMS, NEW WHITE GOODS, NEW EMBROIDERIES, NEW SPRING GOODS. JUST RECEIVED. " BON MARCHE." CD i co 3 o k O. P X w . ' W ?' 0 0 0 n o b M O -c a. M 1 15 CO 5o ft 0 H J W w a as c5 a A BRILLIANT RING. We are showing some of the daintiest nov elties ever displayed In jewelry It would be easier to tell you what we haven't got than what we If you haven't .ccn our ele gant trifle, in gold and in .liver, there is a r treat awaiting you, nnd, whether you have purchases in mind or not, you should not mips them. It is difficult to resist going into uctiiils we are strongly tempted to describe some of the exquisite products of the season's nrt, some of which show that the caprice, of fashion are apt to he wonderfully charming, but you'll get a much better idea If you come and look for yourself. B. II. COSBY, JEWELER, PATTON AVENUE. PRIZE. Twelve Dollar Pres ent Free. Now here i. achance for you to acta hand some pair of bisque sleigh ornaments free. Everybody can join ia this contest, especially the school children. It is a splendid mental exercise for you. Now we wltl tell you what it is. We give you our name aad the name of our store, thus: Thad W. Thrash-Co., Crys al Palace; and to the individual composlac the largest number of English words from these two na.nes. bringing them ta a. before Feb. 10, 1892. (at which date con tsst close.) will receive the above present free. Observe the following rules. In order that you make no mistakes ia getting the words correct : 1. No foreign language allowed. Plain BngH.h. 2. No proper names allowed. 8. Use no other letters than those in the two name.. 4. Use no letter twice hs the aw word unless it appears la the aame. twice. 5. Do not abbreviate. Spell all words h full. 6. No plurals allowed whea singular, are used. 7. Brine the word, to us on neat paper. with vourname attached, rt. You must purchase some article when you come with the words. Three judges will b. appointed to see that all is conducted lairly and honestly. The priics can be seen in our show window. All tine goods at cost during this contest. Respectfully, THAD W. THRASH CO., CRYSTAL PALACE. 41 PATTONAVE China, Glass, Lamps, Btc. A DELIGIITFIX BREAKFAST DISH. Have you tried (t? If not do not fail to do so. You can always find everything kept in a first-class store at our place. We keep nothing that is not just what it ought to be in the matter of quality. That i. why when you come to us you come to the right plnce for groceries. Rcstectfutly POWELL & SNIDER H. REDWOOD & CO. DRV GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS. CARPETS TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT From marked prices on Clothing. 7& 9 PATTONAVE A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HCUS For rent to a responsible party. House in a good location; bath, hot and cold water. A .0 a ooaraina nousc lor rent. We have the best facilities of any firm In the state for insuring your dwelling houses, rour furniture, .torse and stock. If vou aet burned out vou know that yon can come to n. and be .are of getting yoar money. some choice bargains in city ano auouroan properties can be nua by caning ax our 01- ncc. I itnner lana. a specialty. JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATIi AND INSURANCE Rooms 4 and 10, McAfee block, 33 Pattoa Avenue, Asneviuc, n. i.. STILL IN THE RING R. B. NOLAND & SON, GROOElRS No. i N. Main Street, Wish to announce the fact that they 'are sole agents for the Spartanburg steam baked bread, the only first clam bread to be found In the city, aad no table is complete without it. We get it fresh by express every day. Don't forget that we are wholrsal. and tall dealers tn potatoes, apple., onions, and all kind, of country produce. Everything kept that Is usually fouad la a first class grocery store. HE JOHN WILSON CASE DR. J. L. CARROLL REPLIED TO CAPT. PATTON. The nisrlne Protcata Attains)! Two faiatementa Hade b capl. Pattou In His Recent Cuuimuulcatlo.. to Ibc Ralelicn "Mtatc Chronicle." Editor The Citizen: I beg space enough to respectlully protest against two things in Capt. T. W. button's ar ticle in the State Chronicle of the 17th, concerning the execution ol'John Wilson. The first thing to which I take excep tion is the imputation of indiiicrcncc cast upon the Asheville ministry in regard to this aian's fate. I know that man; ot these were interested in the prisoner and sought bis spiritual good, lie mentions only the Episcopal and Methodist pas tors as baring visited him. 1 also went to see him, and talked with him, and prayed for him. but the Captain coin plains that we did only this and then left bim "in etlect saying now let him be hanged." What more could we do in his behalf? Wc found him iu the toils of the law and we bad to leave him there. And he complains of five ministers for refusing ta sivn bis petition for commu tation of sentence. 1 suppose they did so because they felt that the ollicers ol the law charged with the painful duty ot passing sentence upon the prisoner arc thoughtful, conscientious men, and un derstood the case much better than they d. 1 signed the petition because of my belief in the prisoner's mental weakness. The ministers who did not sign it may not have been so impressed. And 1 did it, too. being then as 1 am bow iu lull ac cord with the intelligent and worthy Presbyterian pastor in his belief in capi tal punishment. 1 be other thing to which 1 take ex ception is the relerence to the Baptist uiiuister who tell in wttn tne sad proces sion on the way to the place of the exe cution. It is in the following words: 'Ob the way a Baptist clergymun met him. "Ah! Wilson, have you been bap tized?" Vcs, by an Episcopal clergy man. "Stop, atop, that will never do ! Sheriff, take him out. 1 will break the ice in this river and immerse run." Oh! poor feeble body, who can tell the ago uies you endured for the residue of that freezing ride ? Now while having no information bout this incident except what is here furnished, 1 venture to assert that this is not a fair statement of the case. I dc not believe that any regular Baptist minister would bavespokcu and acted in bis way. No sensible Uuptist preucher holds any such views as to the necessity of baptism. No one of them would have assumed the authority thus to stop the sheriff in the perlormauce of his duty and order the baptism of the prisoner. I am very sure that no Baptist minister, wortdy of the name. would have baptized him, under the most lavorablc circumstances, unless with bis entire consent and upon bis special request. Our preachers do not Iways baptize people when they insist upon it. Like ohn the Baptist they re- uire that men bring lortb fruits meet tor repentance And, then, one would infer from this statement that this poor prisoner was not only tne victim ot a baptism by force, from which the sheriff and his at tendants were either unwilling or unable to deliver him, but that he was sent on hia way in his wet clothing, to endure untold agonies in his "poor, feeble body for the residue of that freezing ride.' What a brute that "Baptist clergymun' was! And what a knave, or fool that sheriff was, thus to allow the heartless preacher to maltreat "this helpless pris oner! Why did not Captain fatton hare him prosecuted for malfeasance in office i Mornl-r- "Tall oaks from little acorns grow. L.arge stream, trom little lountain. now. . L. Carroll. Chapel Hill, N. C, Jan. 19, 18U2. BINGHAM WATER WORKS, What the School on the Height Has to Rely On. Editor The Citizen: To many per sons residing in the neighborhood of Asheville the question of a supply of wa ter is quite serious one, and the em ployment of a gentleman of colored per suasion to furnish a certain number of pails of water daily at the rate of fifty cents a week seems to be quite an estab lished institution around here. A visit by the writer to the Bingham schools has been made quite interesting by an examination of the system of water works in use there, which seems to be better adapted to the end contemplated than is usually found. The spring from which water is obtained being at the foot of the bill the use ol a wind mill was, of course, out of the question, and steam pump was objectionable. Under these circumstances a ram was tried, but it wouldn t ram worth a cent, and was incontinently "fired." Then a hot air pumping engine was tried, and it proved so tatisfnetorory it was exchanged for one of greater capacity The water is forced through about 2.000 feet of oipe to an elevation about 100 feet or more, where is station ed a small cistern holding a couple thousand gallons, and when this is filled the stream is diverted by an ingenious arrangement through another pipe to an enormous tank elevated some twenty or thirty feet above the ground, from which a sufficient bend ot water may obtained to render any fear in case of a fire at the schools needless, rrom an en gineering standpoint the system of water works at the scliool seems to De a that could be desired. E. F. C, Asheville, Jan. 16, 1892. The Strike Is Seined. Knoxvii.i.e, Tenn., Jan. 21. The tele graphers' trouble on the East Tennessee road has been settled. The railroad of ficials entered into a written agreement that no members of the order should be discriminated against on account of their membership. Fire at a Fountain Inn. Grkknvili.e, S. C, January 21 The tore and contents belonging to J. A Cannon at Fountain Inn S. C, were to- tally destroyed by fire. The loss it $19, 000. Insurance $6,000. It IB not know how the fire originated. WOULD MOT FIGHT. M. Conatana Said Hia challenger Had Waited Too Long. Paris, Jan. 21. M. Lour, the Bou langist member of the chamber of depu ties, who was struck by M. Constans, m inister of the interior, during the stormy scene iu the chamber on Tuesday, sent seconds last night with a challenge to fight a duel. He also took it upon him self to choose the weapons (pistols) and other details of the proposed duel. When the seconds culled at M. Con stans' house, they were politely informed that Constans would not sec them. A messenger added that Constans had in structed lam to inlorm them that he would not tight. He bad been kept waiting too long, and did not intend to lie all his lite at the disposal of M. Lour. When the seconds informed M. Lour of the result of the errand the latter imme diately wrote to M. Constans, repeating the insulting language he used in the chamber ol deputies. ANO fHER UPROAR. Brazil Haa Another Taste or Gen uine Revolution. Rio Jankiko, Jan. 21. Yeaterday altcr noon 1UU prisoners, coulincd for various offences in the fort at Santa Cruz, situated on the east side of the en trauce to the harbor at Kio laneiro and two miles south of the city, mutinied, and overpowered aad disarmed the guard and soldiers stationed at the place, kmboiucnea uy tueir success, the prisoners, urmeu wun weapons taken from their guards, captured Fort Pico and Lage. They then demanded the restoration of De Fonscca to power. They held possession oi the forts until to day, when government troops stormed and captured forts I'ico and Lage and the llect bombarded Fort Santa Cruz. The rebels soon surrendered. Their leader suicided, and the remainder are again prisoners and quiet is restored. LEFT VALPARAISO. This Looks Very Much LlUe Peace. Washington, Jan. 21. Secretary Tra- y received a cable message from Com- nander Evans today saying that the Vorktown, with refugees on bourd, ould sail from Valparaiso tonight for Callao. This is regarded at the navy department as au indication that affairs are quiet in Chili at present. While the commander was given lull discretion, it taken lor granted that he would not leave Valparaiso if there was any ne cessity tor his presence there, except in pursuance of orders direct from tne navy cpai'tiuciit. MILLS HAS RESIGNED. u a Letter ta crisp He I'.xp.aius How He stands. Washington, Jan. 21. Representa tive Roger y. Mills, of Texas, has writ ten a letter to Speaker Crisp resigning his position as chairman of the commit tee on interstate and foreign commerce. Mills, in rcsigniug, says he is simply fol lowing oui uic line oi acciou muicaicu in his former letter to Speaker Crisp, in which he declined to take second place ou the committee on ways and means. He is willing, he says, to serve in the ranks, but does nut want the chairman hip. PLEADS POVERTY. James G. Bli.ine, Jr., too Poor to Pay Large Alimony. Peadwood, S. !.)., Jan. 21. In the case ol Mary nevins iiiaine vs. lames u. Blaine, jr., an order has been made ky udge Thomas, fixing temporary alimony at $600 and the attorney's fees at $400, The former sum granted by the court last month as temporary alimony and tttornev s tees $800 lor alimonv nnd $300 for fees. This has lieen cut down, the defendant pleading poverty. Ul'AY WINS. The Jury In His Libel Suit Gives Him a Verdict. Reaver, Pa., Jan. 21. Senator Quay has won his first criminal libel suit. The urv in the case of the Commonwealth against John A. Mellon and William H. Porter, ptoprietors of the Heaver Star, who charged that Quav received money from ltardslev in his campaign, returned a verdict tor the prosecution. A LONDON FOS. Electric and Gas LlichlH In I'ae all Over the City. London, Jan. 21. The city is wrapped . . ... c . in a dense, almost impenetraoie, iog equal to that which prevailed Christmas time, and which caused so much loss of life and incalculable money damage Tratiic is greatly impeded and so dark is it that the use ol electric una gas ugnts is resorted to throughout the city, houses, shops and factories. A HEAVY FAILl'KK. The Harvest stove Company or South Plttaburs:, AmhIkus. Chattanooga, Tenn. Jan. 21. The Harvest Stove company, of South Pittsburg, filed an assignment with I. K, Polk, formerly bookkeeKr here for Jere Baxter, now ot South Pittsburg, as assignee, i ne na unities amount $122,000. Assets not given. to NOT THIS YEAR. The Editorial Association Wl Not Come to Ashevllls. Loiisvii.i.E, Ky., Jan. 21. Special The Nationul editorial association will ho'id its next meeting in California. Asheville got next highest number ot votes. E. P. McKissick. Senator Call Will be Sealed. Washington, Jan. 21. The senute committee on privileges and elections had under consideration this morning the contested Florida election case of Call vs. Davidson and decided by ununi mous rote to recommend that Senator Call retain his seat. The coldest Weather for Years. TrscALoosA, Ala., Jan. 21. The cold est weather for yeara is now being experi enced in Tuscaloosa. This is by far the coldest spell for years, and it is the more severe at it comes so toon after the flood of a few days ago. NEW RULES OF THE HOUSE THEV WILL BE PRESENTED THIS AFTERNOON. The Coiuprlae the Rules of the Soth Congress With Three Changes-The Republican Mi nority Wants Reed's Rules. Washington, Jan. 21. There was a meeting of the full house committee on rules this morning at the rooms of Speaker Crisp, in the ;Mctropolitan he tel. A majority of the mcmlicrs had drafted a code of rules, and this was submitted to the minority. The rules will probably be reported to the bouse during the afternoon. They are substantially the rules of the 50th congress, with three changes. One change ia a return to the rule in vogue prior to the forty-ninth congress under which legislation on appropria tion bills was permitted when in the interest of retrenchment in expenditure. Another change limits the time lor a call of the states for the introduction ol bills on "suspension Mondays" to one hour, the object being to check filibus tering by consuming suspension day in the introduction of bills. The third change gives to the report from the committee on rules fixing the time for the consideration, and voting on uny measure, the parliamentary statutes now accorded to a motion to suspend the rules, viz; That only a motion to adjourn can . be made, each question is put on a motion to suspend the rules and puss the bill. The purpose of this amendment is to check dilatory motions. A short report will accompany the pre sentation of the rules to the house. A minority report will be made by re publican meinlicrs urging the adoption of the rules ot the lust congress. WHERE WILL IT MEET ? The Next National Democratic Convention. Washington, Jan. 21, The national democratic committee met at noon to select the time and place for holding the democratic national convention. The address of welcome was delivered by District Commissioner Ross. On mo tion ot Senator Vilas, the committee went into secret session to settle all ques tions of proxies and contests. A RAILROAD K I' .MO It. The Norfolk and Wealem Have Leased a Good Feeder. Philadelphia, Pa. January 21 It is reported on good authority that the Norfolk nnd Western railroad had leased the Lynchburg and Durham, and that the latter will soon he operated by the Norfolk and Western, the terms ol the lease could not be learned, but it was stated that the deal was practically concluded. CARDINAL MANNING. Hia Funeral Occurred iu London Today. London, Jan. 21. The funeral services over the remains of Cardinal Manning were held in llrompton oratory today. Admission to the oratory was by ticket only, for it would have been utterly im possible lor the structure to contain the hundredth part of the vast crowd desi rous of paying the last token of respect to the dead man. Revenue Hattlc iu Alubuina. Anniston, Ala., Jan. 21. L'nited States deputy marshals Colquitt, Ilriggs and Draper have returned from a sue cessful raid in Cleburne county. A large still and other apparatus were destroyed in the Heantield settlement, l our men Lowry, Lteas nnd two llcanlickls, were surprised at work, but made their es cape, returning, however, with reinforce ments, when ubout thirty shots were exchanged between them and the rev enue men. Ho one was killed. 1 Ins makes over sixty stills destroyed in Clcl btirue county in the past two years. AFFAIRS OF CONSEOVEXCE. HOME. The heaviest snow storm of the season begnu at Richlord, Vt., Monday night. 1 wo teet tell. Great Britain and Germany have joined in an n)x-al to Chili not to go to war with the United Males. The anti-lotterv faction of the rcpulili can party in Louisiana nominated a lull state ticket, with A. 11. Leonard lor gov ernor. The Chattanooga Tradesman has been making a canvass of the south and finds that 2, 1 30,94-5 southern children were at school on January 1, 1892, as against 1,391,78 on the corresponding date of 1890. FOREIGN, The Hungarian finance minister has announced that specie payments arc about to be resumed in that country. The Pope is suffering from an attack of the grip, but his physician sayt there is uo immediate cause tor his anxiety There were 3,206 deaths in London last week, being double the average pre vailing from October to the middle ot December ol last year. M. Bredermann, director of the chemi cal laboratory in the university of Berlin killed his betrothed, Margarethe Mever and then ended bis own life. Rudynrd Kipling, the story writer, was married in London to Miss Rales tier, sister of the young American nov etist, Walcott Balestier, lately deceased On December 30 a force ot 2,000 Da homeyans made an attack upon K:U. nou, on tue west coast ot Africa, wluc is defended by a French gnrrison. After a gallant defense of three hours the French troops made a tortic and the at tacking party fled, leaving 250 ot their dead on the field. The French loss was three killed and ten wounded. Monsignor Folchl, who is held respon sible tor the financial losses sustaino recently by the Vatican, has informed the pontifical authorities that unless the course ol action pursued against him which he claims is a persecution, is dis continued, he will make public the causes of the losses, and thereby compromise several high persons connected with the Vatican court. Remember you always get nice, fresh bread, caket, etc., at the New French Bakery, 51 College street. HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT GRANT'S PHARMACY, NO. 24 SOU 1 H MAIN ST.. ASHEVILLE,' N. C. J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. NOTICE. Bv virtue of a deed of trust eiec-ntrrf in . on the 17tb day of November, 1890. by Mat- ..yum umi mttrsnan iyneu to secure the payment ot a certuin note therein mentioned unii by reason of a failure of said parties to comply wilh the terms of said deed of trust i win en ui puone auction at the court house door in AKheville. to the hivhi..- l. ol der I r CHh on Wednesday, 2tth day of I"eli- iuuiy. 1., si o cioea m., a lot ol land In lluncombf county, N. C, in the southern part ol the city of Asheville on Wallick, front ing on said Btu-et S3 ieet und runs 70 lect on an alley leading from Wallick street and ad joinu the property of Kevcll & Wagner, and also ia-iu ol cook; relerence l)cin hereby iu kIc lor a fuller description of suid land to said deed of trust which is registered in the orlice ol tlie register of deeds of Buncombe ountv iu book 2.1. page 634 of mortgages J. M. CAiMPBBLL, Trustee. Furuianed House For Rent. Ten room house, furnished, for rent All modern convenience. Possession at once. He.t street in Asheville. Price Suo if month. Apply to J. M. CAMPBBLL. Keal Estate Dealer. N Vs (A CO M 9 H SM 3 00 IS 01 525 s g o 3 g w 55 " " G