ASHEVILLE2DAILY CITIZEN: SATURDAY EVENING, JANUARY 23, 1892. HOTEL BELMONT. (Formerly Sulphur Springs Hotel.) FINEST WINTER HEALTH RESORT IN THE SOUTH. LOCATION- On a mountain plateau. In a natural grove ot eo acre; 3,onu feet anove sea level. HOTEL BUILDING- A new three story fire proof brick building. with steam heat and open fires, electric ele vator aod bells, gas liKht. toilet una batn rooms, oarber shop, etc. MINERAL WATER- The sulphur spring water possesses marked medicinal properties, and through its prompt direretic and laxative action is especially beneficial in catarrhal dyspeptic, kidney and liver anccuons. i ne iron water is parr.Ru larly indicated in antemie conditions. SOURCES OF AMUSEMENT Boating. huntinK. fishing, tennis court. croquet grounds, billiard and pool rooms- tor ootn ladies ana gentlemen, rcaamg ana cara rooms, atincing, a nne urencstra, etc. TAKB OUR ELECTRIC CAR AT DEPOT, JOHN 8. MARSHALL,, nov5d3m Director. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MASSAGE AND ELECTRIC TREATMENT. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Barnett Nervous Prostration, Paralysis, Rheuma. tism, Neuralgia, Obesity, Insomnia, Etc , Sue, cessfulljr treated. Patients attended at their own homes or at 40 Flint street. octlOdtf CHAS. A. CARRATT, Organist and Choirmaster Trinity Church and CONDUCTOR OF THE GARRATT ORCHESTRA Receives pupils for the Organ, Pianofor e, Viollu and Voice Culture For terms, etc.. apply at 10 Hailcy Street. Jos, W. Sum micks. Wm. H. Lewis SUMMERS & LEWIS, Attorneys at Law, Office No. 4 North Court (square, tip Stairs,, N. C. oct!3dlm B. F.ARRINGTON.M, D D. D. S. OI'FICB ROOMS Over Cosby's Jewelry Store, Patton Avenue (EfrFillinK teeth a specialty; also treating disi-ased gums, snd all diseases permining o the dental structure. a7uu J. P. GARRATT, Piano Forte Tuner. TERMS REASONABLE. PERFECT SATISFACTION. Leave orders at C. Falk's, Asbeville. nov23d3ra TllllUlS A JONKS. CHAS. A. WBIIB. JONES & WEBB. (Successors to Davidson, Martin & Jones.) ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Room No. 7 Legal Building, Ashcvillc, N. C. jan2-dlm R. H. REEVES, D. D. S., DENTAL OFFICE In Connally Building, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. Residence, 35 Spruce street. J. W. FOREMAN, . D.3. DENTAL ROOMS, V. M. C. A. Building, 26 Patton Avenue. Refers by Permission to: W H. H. Thackston, M. D , I). I). S . Farm ville, Va.i J. Hall Moore. M. D., D Il.S . Rich mond. Va . W. K. Norris, I), i). S., Chur lottesville. Va.; W. H. Gingrich, l. I). S , nud Dr J. K. Woodlcv, Norfolk, Va. nov1iiii:iin F. RAMSAY, D. U.S. Dental Office i Over the National Bank of Ashevllle, Bar nard Building. Residence, 69 Charlotte st. fcb!i6dlT A. TBNNBNT. Architect and Contractor. Plans, specifications and estimates fur alshed. All work In my line contracted for, and no charges for drawings on contracts awarded me. References when desired. Office: No. 12 Heniirv Block, North Court Square, AsheTllle. N. C". febl9dly Dra. McGilvra & Straw. PRACTICE LIMITED TO DISKASBS OP THE EYE, EAR, THROAT AND NOSE. Testing for Glasses Scientifically Done. OFFICE NO. 20 PATTON AVE., UP STAIRS. octJld4kw3m 34-Year)' Experieu.ce.34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNBR COURT PLACB AND MARKET 8TRBET. E. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Also grading of all kinds done. All orders promptly filled and work guaranteed. Can be found at all times at Powell & Snlder's tore. P. O. Box 6S6. angled INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General 1 Insurance 1 Agent. Rear No. 20 South Main street. Bstablisbed 1866. Ashevllle. N. C. auS dlT A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. ROOM" 1. McAFBB BUILDING. Legal Work a Specialty. Walter S. Cushman, (Formerly of the Massachusetts Bar,) . ATTORMEV-AT'LAW, COIiWSHONRB OP DBBDt, AND NOTARY PUBLIC No. SO Patton Ave., McAfee block, room 4 ASHBVILLB, N. C. iriciiLTiH: niL riorim inn convmsmo. apr33dtf JAMES FRANK, t - DBALIR IN FAMILY 6R0CERIES AND PROVISIONS ASeat for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. North Mala AahtvUk, N. C. fcblOdly FOR PATRONS OF THE PLAY WHAT 18 tiOINU ON IN THE THEATER WORLD, The MliiHtrelH Hooked for Next Monday NlKht Will Not Come "The I.tttle Nuicicet" Next Sat urday NlKht Ntttlte tiOHHip. Saturday niflit, Jan. 30' Little Nug Kct." Sweeney, Alvido, Gorman & UoeUc's minstrels were Ixiukcd for u performance at the Grand next Monday ninlit, but it is learned todav that they will not come. They hare cancelled all North Carolina dates, it is said. . "The Little Nugget" comes to the Grand on Saturday night, Jan. 30. The company was here Inst season, and while they played to poor business, gave as good u show as anv comedy company ever gave here. Herbert Cawthorn, one of the funniest of comedians, is with them and those who go are sure of two hours of hearty laughter. In the Wl.mj. "A Daughter of Dixie" will be the next Southern play produced. The old circus clown, Dan Kite, owns 30,000 acres ol land in Tennessee. Mrs. Jas. lirown I'otter and Kyile Itellew are starring in South Africa. Lizzie livans' company has been dis banded, and the cause was bad business, Jarbcau has been getting fine notices Irom the papers in eastern North Caro lina. Oscar Wilde has just finished a comedy in four acts, which will be brought out in Paris. "Monbars" Mantcll is to pay his wife $100 a week, according to their terms ol separation. George S. Knight, one of the best Ger man dialect comedians America has ever known, died in Philadelphia on the 14th inst. There is a wonderful child artist with Dockstader's minstrels, "La I'etitc Freddy," who sings in six different lan guages. Will anv of Ashevillc's playgoers go down to Knoxville to see the licrnhardt? She will be seen there in "La Tosca" on Tuesday night. Manager Spencer, of the Grand has be gun advertising for good attractions in the New York dramatic papers, lie especially desires good opera trouHs. Scanlan, it is thought bv those who have seen him, cannot live much longer. Last Sunday's New York Recorder had a supplement containing Scanlau's most famous songs. Thcsame paper also had the words and music of the last song Scnnlau wrote. The New York Dramatic Mirror says that the press agentof the Robert Down ingcompany, is probably the only female press agent in America. Her work com pares favorably with that of her col leagues in the business, and it is possible that her success will lead other women to adopt the same line of work. "Madame Janausehek" "says the Dra matic Mirror, "reached Atlanta, Ga , Kridav, missing her date on account ol detention by a flood. When the partr arrived their baggage was seized to sat isly the claim of the managers in Kufaula and Americus for canceled dates, caused by the actress' ill-health. Bonds were given ana me oaggage released. Mad ame lannuschek has been advised to rest by physicians, but at last accounts she was continuing her tour through the south. Too CarelenH with the EiiKllHh l.aniiuiiiie. A clothing dealer in Boston, advertised all-wool pantaloons for $2, advising the public to make haste and secure the great bargain, saving: "They will not last long." 1'robablv thev would not Neither will your health last long if you don't take care of it. Keep Dr. Pierces t leasant Pellets in your house. They are indispensable to every family, as thev positively cure billiousness, with its endless tram ol distressing ailments sick headache, irritability, constipation dizziness and indigestion; a marvellous specific tor liver and kidney tioumcs, and a pure vegetable compound. They ore sugar coated, the smallest pills made and the best, because they do al( they promise. All druggists sell them, and the proprietors guarantee them, and re fund the price it they fail. Falae Economy. Is practiced by many people, who buy inferior articles ol food because cheaper than standard goods. Surely infants are entitled to the best food obtainable. It is a (act that the Gail Borden "Lagle" Brand Condensed Milk is the best infant food. Your grocer and druggist keep it. Blood diseases are terrible on account of their loathsome nature, and the fact that thev wreck the constitution so completely unless the proper antidote is applied, is. 11. U. (Botanic Blood Balm) is composed of the true antidote for blood poison. Its use never tails to give satisfaction. "SUCCESS IS ASSURED J BY SOWING THE f Best Seeds. A The flint that we aell more J CLOVER, GRASS, 2 ""'I FIMa-D NKKIH than any hnu f i- i. jir r, r, mini nny imurw- a hi tin Stiiil.ii'rii Nr. i it en, most con- m vini-hiir ui-iii. fnf mir 1.1. la SL.u.,1. W i ami rmiomtlik' jukea. Our r nARDFN SFFDR I j are unmirrimwd In quality, purltv. and K'Tiiilniillnk' iK.wi'in. Wo )l;.Vr:K ft rosl'I'AlP anywhere all hmhIb at F oillHWHiin iMlck.'t rates, and give 2.1 els. tL wort h ex t ra puoket Heiil. tor wicli 11 ,00 r wurin orueni. we aim nuve special fc, low rates on Heeds in bulk, OUR IWSTRfTCTTVE CATALOGFE, ft J.iviuh lull iiiiuiiuniHin unii uirtHTllOllH V orcultlvatltiK all Farm and Harden ft Crops, mailed free. Head for It, Address T.W.WOOD &. SONS SMdiiMti, RICHMOND, VA. ft Mattresses Renovated. Old ones made as Rood as new. Ticks wash ed or new ones furnished. New mattresses made to order. Will exchange work for old mattresses. All work guaranteed. Rates reasonable. Orders punctually attended to. MKS. 8 8TKVBNSON. nov2rdtf 33 DepotStreet. NOW OPENED. New restaurant run oa European plan. Newly furnished house, with the best the market affords for the table. Special rates to regular and table boarders. MRS. HALYBURTON, 33H North Mala St. CHURCH NOTICES. I Pastors will confer a favor by handing In these notices not later than 10 a. m. on Sat urday. CtTtlOLIC CBDBCH. Catholic church, corner Haywood and Flint streets, fas. B. White, rector Divine service at 11 a. m , baptisms at 4:30 p. m.; service daily at 7:30 a. m. ' BAPTIST CHURCH. First Baptist church Services at 7:30 p. m. Sunduy school at 9:30 a.m. Rev. J. Q. Adams will preach French Broad Baptist church, Rev. J. Q. Adams, pastor Services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a m. Academy Hill Mission Sunday school at 3:30 p m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. West End Baptist Mission Rer. W. P. Southern. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Saturday night. Fern Hill Baptist church, Blltmore Rev. D. B. Nelson, pastor. Sahbath school at 9:.1, preaching at 11 o'clock a. m., and prayer meeting at 3 o'clock p. m. II. B. CHl'KCH, SOUTH. Central Methodist Episcopal Church South Kev. C. W. Byrd pastor Divine service at 11a m.,and7 30 p. m. Sunday Bchoolat 9.30 a. m. Riverside M. B. church. South Rer J. C.Troy, pastor Divine service 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 3 p.m. A welcome to all. North Ashevllle M B. church, Se.uth Rev. R D. Sherrill, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. bv pastor. Sunday school at the Methodist Chapel on College street, beginning promptly at 4 p. m. Claude Miller, superintendent. Bethel church, South Ashevllle, Rer. B. L Stanley, pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:3 p.m. Sunday school at 3 p m., W. L. Walker superintendent. Prayer meeting every Thursday night at 7:30. Rev. J. H Weaver. D D.. will preach at 7:30 p. m. All cordially Invited to attend these services. FRBSBYTBRIAN CHURCH. First church, Rev. W. S. P.Bryan, pas torDivine worship tomorrow at 11 a. m Y. M. C. A. meeting at 7:30 p. m. Young people's meeting at 6:45. Sabbath School at 9:30. Southside Presbyterian Chapel, Rev. t,. H Baldwin, pastor Divine worship at 11 a m and 7:30 it. m. Snhbnth school at 3:30 p. m. Lecture Friday night tit 7:45 o'clock. Bach service preceded by a song service of 15 min utes. Bethany church, Hendry block, (third floor!, North Court square, Rev. I. S. Mor row, pastor Divine worship at 11 a.m. and H:0t p m. Subbuth school ut3 p. in. Prayer meeting Wednesday at H p m. Cnlvnry Presbyterian church, col., Catho. lie 1 ill Subtmth school 1 1 a. m.; preaching 3 p m. nud 7:30 p m. Kev. C. B. liuscii burv. pastor. KI'ISCOHAL, CIM'RCII. Trinity church, Kev. McNcely Dullose, rec tor Third Sunday after Epiphany. Holy communion, 8 a. m.; Morning prayer and ante communion. 11a. ni ; Sunday u-hnol and Bible class 4 p. m.; evening prayer and strmon, 7:30. Trinity Chapel, corner Vallev anil Beau mont streets, Kev. 1 1. S. Mci'iillcy, rector Sunday school, 3 n. m.; tnorni-g service, 11 a. tn ; evening service, 4 p. m. St. Paul's Chuiel, Kev. J. II. Poslcll, minis ter in cliarg- Services on second Suticlnv in each moot It at 11 n. m. St Clement's Ser vices on third Sunday iu each mouth at 1 1 n in. St. It Clll'KCII. First Methodist Kpiserpnl church, corner Haywood slrec and Patton avenue. Kev A. H. Gamble, pastor. Sundnv school 9:30 a. m. preaching 11 a. m. mid 7:30 p. m. College Street M. 15 church Kev. M. M. Jones, pastor Preaching each Sabbath ut 1 1 a. m., nnd 7 p. m.psunduy school at 3 p. m. All arc cordially invitetl. UNITARIAN CIIUKCIt. Ill Milliard hall, 37 South Main street, ..ev. C. T Sempers, paslnr Sunilny school at 10 a. in; service and sermon at 1 1 a. m. ewaoeaaaaa MOTHERS'! i FRIEND i : Makes Child Birth Easy. : Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, J Endorsed by the Lending Physicians. J Hioktn"Mathim'manrl t'RKK. J I BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. J ATLANTA, GA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. MM-s4a ooooooooooo 0 GOOD NEWS 0 q FOR THE MILLIONS OF CONSUMERS OF ft o Tutt's Pills. I Olt. rIvps lr. Tutt plwisure to an nimurt that 1m 1 nmv putting up a 9 OTINY LIVER PILLo Owtlirh Is ofexci i'dinitlv small sz, y,.t retaining nil tin- virtues ut t,u largrr A ones. Tin y urn K".n unt.'cd purely W g vegelilble. I'.olli k. .s f tlleso pill's afa "arc Mill issued. The e:iet site of W Q T1TTS Tt-VY MVKH PILLS A ''is hIiiimii iii lliu bonier of this "in!." 1,000 Genuine Tyler Curtain Desks $21 and .24 Not Spot Cash. Wo. 404TI Antique OnkStnnc.nruTv.erlekB 41't.ein. Ions by lift. Oln. hlBh. Mli'tMind lMis Pmof, .Ino llottom under driiworn; piileiii; llrnwr lined Cnrtnlii; Polished Oiik; WrllliiR Table; rt'I'tini bier luelti oiip 1pIi neeuring all dniwertit 8 lie;iv carihonrd Kilintilliixeii; (Juptxmm Inetut; rmielei KtniHtied Hiick; Kxtennitm Ann SIUIch; Welch SOO Ibi. Price. P. O. II. ut Fuclory. Wtf-t A.-1 Also 1.000 Antique Ash Desks. Wo. 4UOH. Kaine ah atxive.exepiil iiiikIi f FoW Ati(iiue ABh, gir-jU as oak. Weight Ot IU. Price P O.K. at Factory, C1 Net. Mit;.io fniin our Indianapolis factory direct. Made and ,U' tkMf bj the TYLER DESK CO., St. Louis, Mo. tftOpMeOtUloffuooMlrink Couniem, Denkn, eto .iftooloti tuleit rer printeiL lloukulree; tKmtaRe 15 cenU. FOR MEN ONLY! mvor LOST or FAILIHO HA If HOOD, HGeneral and NERVOUS DEBILITY iWa.kaaa.Af Bt.a.a WI.J 1.1'lllLe-r P j Ala -J Kobu(. Nubl lANHIHin rail Haa Ut aT.l.wssT. SlmglheBWKAK.IiNDKVKMrPKDIiKllArlflAPiRTS f BOUT ItM-litfl rtlllmt USK TKKiTMIIHIT Batlta !!, Utn tMtlfy fm 6U ttlilra ud Vorrlffa CoaitriM. Writ U-n DmHpUif Hwth, tipUnifloa anil prof BtlM (MftlMtjrm. A4tmiCRIIMEDICALCO.,8UFFALO.N. V. M. A. TILLER, PRACTICAL, WATCHMAKER and JEWELER, 4 Court Square. H, THE BEST KNOWN RFMFDY. "H.ti.(J.M fllrti. Il.t,..,rl.n.i. .ml flleutln ItoSUajs, without Fain. I'ravnnts Strleturo. Ootitains no acrid or poisonous snbatnncns, and Is guaranteed absolutely harmless, prescribed by physicians. Heat 8r rlnsrefree with each hottlo. Prior. !i GH 0 Hold by dniRglsts. Bewnre ot nnt stltntes. AemeOhcm,Oo.I.t.i.,y.O.I, FOR 8ALB BY KAY80B It SMITH, ASHEVILLE, N. C WANT COLUMN. WANTED. WANTED Domesticated young ladj wiihes engagement at once. Scara trctta; fond of children; references . Address janld2t "llOPB," Cltixen Otface. WANTED To purchase a good estab lished business that will bear full inTes tigation. Address box Ashcvillc. N. C. jlH-dlw. "TtTANTED A young English lady wishes TT position as governess or companion. Good references. A., Citizen Office, janiedlw WANTED S. M. Parish, jr., wishes a limited number f music pupils lor I'iaiio or organ. For further particulars ad dreHsS M Parish, jr., Western aotel.City. WANTED Mrs. Rohie at 'Sabine Farm" (Judge FeonerN house) would like a few families, or a party of friends, as guests. The house is heated by steam as well as open fires; hot and cold wuter; two bath rooms; connecting rooms or single. Jersey cnam from the farm, and a pair of horses with driver if desired. Boston and New York ref erences, the highest. janHdtf FOR KENT. ITIOR RENT Four unfurnished houses! U Four furnished houses! An ly to s. S. WATSKN, Agent. dcc21-dlm IIOR RENT Three desirable rooms suita- ble for light housekeeping. Applv to REV. J. C TKOY. jan22dtf No. 0 Park Place. ITIOK RENT-Two very desirable front J rooms; suitable for ollice or bed rooms. Apply two doors northeast ot postofhee, up si airs. jHtiliJiIlM F OR RENT. Suburban residence, neur elect ri. tramway, completely furnished. Mcnm neater nnd modern conveniences Fine pair of horses with vehicles, and two Jersey cows. Address P. U BOX 531!. HOUSE FOR RENT. The beautiful house on Patton avenue, known as tbeO M. Roberts place, is for rent. JESSE R STARNES, nov25dtf 27 North Mam street. NATURE'S SANITORIUM. Furnished cottagea and rooms for rent at Tr von N. C, with or without board. Chargesmod erate. Apply to GEO A. MASSON, jan7dlm Tryon, N. C. npO RENT That desirable residence, No. 121 Haywood stceet, formerly occupied by Mr. Alex Porter; gas, water and all con veniences. On car line. Applv to F. RUTLBDGE, decl5dtf Barnard Building. HOARDING. BOARD In the country, with home com forts Terms modera c. Dailv mail. MRS. N. T. WILCOX, janHdlm Inanda, N. C. yiNTER BOARD. Rooms warm andcomlortnh'.. Everything Iresh und newly painted, and tu"nished. Imnie diately on street car line Terms reasonable. MRS. . a-. SMATHEKS, iiinl2dtf 31 8 Patton Ave. MISCELLANEOUS. i to loan and situation wanted. JdJJ Adduss luuJldai Citizen Olliee. ITIOK SALE A good No. 7, New Patron . cook stove. Apply Summers Ut Lewis, iSo. 4 North Court Square. jlH t. 1-loK SALE Second hand carpets for sale. . lntpiire ol J B. JOHNSON. j.inlUddl w At Bluir & McDowell's. UNCOMBE CABBAGE As well asothcr JLj Gurden and Field Seeds eminently adapted to Southern soil and Southern cli mate, sent pre-puid anywhere, at reasonable prices. Scad tor catalogue and trv some ol them. J. W, VANlUVt-,R, dec23-dtf Weaverville. N. C. ANNOUNCEMENT We opened our La dies' Hair Dressing i'arlor Monday, November 16, 1891, ut No. 15 Patton ave nue, over Battery Park bank. We will be pre oared to do ull kinds of ladies' hair dress ing, singe, shampoo, cutting and curling bungs. Evening toilets arranged in the lut est Parisian styles. 17-d3m M ME. CI1EV1GNV. NOTICE The drives on Biltmore estate will be closed to the public alter this date. Fersons wishing to see the house site must drive along the Long Shoals road to the brick farm house, formerly known as the Alexander house, thence to the Esplanade. No horses or carriages will be permitted to enter the enclosure. Horses must be hitched outside the fence and entrance be made through the turnstile. This January 18, 1892. CHARLES McNAMEE. janl'Jd5t LADIES, ATTENTION Woman, lovely woman, one bottle of my celebrnttd l untt will permanently enlarge your form 4 inches in 30 days, and make you asHcautilul us Cleopatra, or money rounded. Price $2.00. Womun's only trur friend, for it ever fails. Tonti, glorious Tonti, will make the leanest person fat, and remove those hor rid wrinkles. Scad for sealed circular. MKS. UK. MILLER, 918 P St., N. W. Washington. D. C. jan2-dandwly XOTICE Public notice is hereby given that application will be made to the clerk ol the superior court of Buncombe county, North Carolina, at his otfiee in Asbe ville on Monday, the 15 th day of February, 1892, at 12 o'clock m. by the Buncombe Brick and Tile company for leave to amend its charter so as to increase the capital stock of said company Irom its present capital stock of ten thousand dollars to titty thousand dollars. This Jan. 14, 1892. THE BUNCOMBE BRICK iScTILKCO. janl6d;t()t J. H. LEE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The un dersigned huviug qualified as adminis. trator of Daniel Morgan, deceased, hereby notifies all persons having cluuns against said estate to, within twelve months from this date, present the same tor pa v in en t or this notice will be pleaded iu barot recovery Any person indebted to said decea ed will please settle at once. Any bunnies relating to said estate can be trunsucted either through my attorney, W, R. Wtiitsun, or myself. This Jan. i0. lH'.tl!. Respectfully, JaniiOdGw J. N. MORGAN TOTICE. By virtue of an execution in my hands for collection, issued by the clerk of the Superior Court, in favor of Hooker, LittleAeld & Co., against B. A. Wilkie, A. C. Wa keand K.G. Walke (stay) 1 will Hell at the court house door in Ashsville on the first day of February 1892, the fol lowing described real estate, to satisfy said execution: A piece or parcel of land, lying on the waters of Beaver Dnm, Buncombe county, adjoining the lands of i. V. Bnird Lyman Bros., and S. M Ray and known as the M.J. Fagg place, containing acres more or less Also a town lot adjoining Mrs. K. G. Walke's residence on Chestnut street In the city ol Ashcvillc, This January 1, 18W2. D. L. REYNOLDS. Jndsat4t Sheriff. NOTICE. By virtue of an execution in my hands for collection, issued by the clerk ot Superior court. In favor of W. It. Loekett & Co. and others and against A. B. Fortune and T. K. Brown. I will sell at the court house door in the city of Ashcvillc ou Monday thejfiratday of February, 1 8'J2, the following described real estate to satisfy said execution: A piece or parcel ot Innd lying on the waters of tne swunnunoa ana Known as me fortune Mill place. The property of A. B. Fortune, containing acres, more or lei-t. Also one tawn lot on College street, in the city of Ashcville a part of the lot which A. B. For tune now occupies. Ttie property of A. B. Fortune. Also a tract of land on Flat Creek ot Swannnnoa, adjoining the lands of James Mc Narr and Chris Pickens in Hlnck Moun tain township, containing 100 acres, more or less, the property of T. K.. Brown and upon which the family now reside. This January 1, 1812. 1. L. KUIEMULI'S, ,n2dsat4t Sheriff. NOTICE By virtue of an execution, in my hands for collection, issued by the Clerk of Suiteriorcourt. in favor ot A. M. ttuducr and airaiust A. M. Penland. I will sell at the court bouse door, tn the city ol Ashevllle on the hrstaav ot February, 1892, (Monday.) the following described real es tate, to satisfy said execution: A pieee or onrcel of land lying on Turkey Creek in the county of Buncombe, State ot North Caro lina. A portion of the said A. M Penland farm and lying on the South side of said farm and adtoiniuir. the lands of Eugene Moss and others. Beginning at the corner of tae fence at tne ena ni tne lane, near tne said Moss' house, and runs with the said A. M. Pen- land, s fence to his gate then running a straight line to the top of the hill, where the road crosses to the said Penland's house, thence a westerly course with the top of the nnge to reman as one io nis otner corner, then east with the said Moss' line to the be ginning, suppesed to be twenty-five acres, more or less, initjan. l, i8U2. D. L. REYNOLDS. Jn3dsat4t Sheriff of Buncombe county, RICKMunD & DANVILLE R. R. CO. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule in effect Nov. 15, 1891. B ASTBOU NO " Knoxville " Morristown, Lv7afnt Rock," ' Hot Springs, Lv. A she ville, " Round Knob, " Marion, " Morganton, ' Hickory, " Newton. ' Statesville, Ar. Salisbury, Greensboro, " Danville, No. 10. I No. 12. 12 25pm I 815am 16pm( 935am 5 00pm 4 22pra 2 40am 355am 4 34nm 518am 601am 6 21am 7 07am kim mm 10 20am 1210pm 1215pm 12 39pm 4 25pm 6 3Cf pm 6 14pm 7 01pra 8 07pm 8 28pm 9 17pm 10 12pm 12.52am 2 35am Ar.R ichmond Lv. Greensboro Ar. Durham, " Raleigh, " GoldBboro, Lv. Danville. 5 30 m 740am 1 0 30am 12 32pm 1 25 pm 305pm 12 3'ipm" 305pm 945pm 1125pm 300am 5 20am 100am 007am 7 20am 12 yOpm 255am 5 40am 11 50am 1 2upm 3 47pm 6 30pm Ar. Lynchburg, " w aanington, " Baltimore, M Philadelphia, New York. WESTBOUND. " Lv. New York, ' Philadelphia, Baltimore, " Washington, " Lynchburg, Ar.Dativille. No. 9 No. 11. 1215am I 4 30pm 350am ft57pm 45um 93opm Tl lOnm M 2pni 5 45pm 5 2.rutn 820pml 81Unm Lv. Richmond, Danville, Ar. Greensboro, Lv Gtddsboro, LvRaleigh, " Durham, Ar. Greensboro, Lv Gnenboro, ' Salisbury, ' Stntesviite, Newton, " Hickory, " Morganton, " Marion, ' Round Knob, Ar. Aslieville, " Hot Springs, " Paint Kock, " Morristown, " Knoxville, AS1IVM.LB SPAKTAN- Bl!KOjA!LHOAU Lv. Asheville, HcnderAonville, Flut Rock, ', Saluda, " Tron. Ar. Spartanbnrg, 3 00pm 8 40pm I03()pm :i 45pm 3 2oam 8 3oum IO 12a in 7 45 pm IIOillI 5 u7ara t -i-opin 7 44pm 10 15pm I 9 40um 10 i'),m 1020am 12 5rium I 12 4rpin 1 ftum i 2 4Uum I 3 02am 3 47um 3 ;4um 1 09pm 1 57 pm 2 37pm 3 Hi pin 402pm 51 7am I 4 43om fi 55am 5 59pm 8 nilurn 7 44pm 9 loam I 8 on 1 1 in 1005am 900ptu 113oaral lo:.opm No. 14. No. 16." 11 3onm 12 20pm 1 2 3spm 1 o.'tpm 1 51 pm 3 14pm 2 3opm 3.15pm 3 45pm 4u7p'ii 3 3tim 5 4a pm No 15. Lv. Spartanburg, Tryon, " Saludu, " Flat Rock. " Henders'nv'le, Ar. sheville, VUHI'HY HHANCH. No. 05, (Duily exeept Sunday. No. Lv. Asheville, Ar. Waynesville, " Bryson City, " Tomotla, "Murphy, Lv. Murphy, Ar. Tomotla. Ar. Bryson City, " Waynesville, " Asheville, 7 4()o in 9 4oain 12 37 pm 5 50ptn 6 lopm I i ' l o I 5 oonm 25 a in loatn 29 pin 22pm SLKKI'INr, CAH SKKVICK. Nos. 9 and 10 t'ulltuun Sleepers between Raleigh, Greensboro nnd Knoxville. Nos 11 and 12 Pullman Sleepers between Knoxville and New Vork, via Asheville, Salisbury nnd Washington. Nos. 15 and 16, Pullman Sleeper beeween Charleston, Cincinnati, via Columbia, Spar tanburg, Paint Rock, Knoxville and jellico. W. A. TURK, As. Gen. 1. A., R. R. BRIDGERS, Charlotte, N. C. Supt., .Asheville, N. C. JAS. L. TAYLOR, W.H. GREEN, Gen. Puss. ArI. Gen. Mnnnger, Atlanta, Ga. Atluuta. Ga. Trappers and Sportsmen WANTED. 100 good otter skins. Will also buy bear, mink, wildcat and fox skins. We can furnish steel trups to those who want them. Skins of small animals must be "cased," that is, not cut open, as it lessens their value. Ski:t them entire nose, feet and all. Dry in the shade; use no suit or alum. Always remove the bone from the tail. Cull on, or address JENKS : JENKS, octOdtf 28 Patton Ave.. Ashevtlle, N. C. $500 Reward. WE will nay the above reward foranvense of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Heud uchc. Indigestion. Constipation or Cos- tiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills. when the di rections are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction, Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 pills. 25 cents. Beware ot counterfeits and imitations, The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WEST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by T. C. Smith &Co., Asheville. N. C. THE MAITLANU SCHOOL,, ENGLISH AND FRENCH. HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. MRS. BURGWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL. The school will re-open September 24th. Hours for infant class from nine to twelve. An afternoon class for French conversa tion will be formed lor ladies under the direc tion of Melle. Barrand de la Faverie, di plomec de I'academie de Paris. Ii. COFFIN, AUCTIONEER. REALESTATEAGENTANDLOAN BROKER 32 Patton Ave., (2nd story) Room 8. T sell furniture, real cstute, or anything at auction. If not in office when you call, write name and residence on slate, and I will visit vou, Refer to J B. Steele, manager Battery Park hotel or any hank in Ashevilte. J. As WHITE, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES, 65 NORTH MAIN STREET. A General line of Fancy and Staple Gro- ceried. Canned Goods a Specialty. novl7d3m BOARDING. GUDGER HOUSE. 211 HAYWOOD STREET, an. Ci. MII.UKK, Proprietor. Locution unequnted in the city. Scenery fine table the best. Polite and attentive servants. x Kates on application. Will accommodate table boarders. octlSdtf. Health is Wealth! Dr B. C. Wrrt'b Nrrvr and Brain Trkat hunt, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Diixiness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use of alcohol or tobneco, Wakefulness, Mental Depression, softening ot the brain resulting In insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power In either sex, In voluntary Losses and Spermatorrhnra, c.tused by over-exertion of the brain, self nbuse or over-indulgence. Each box con tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guaruntee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guar antee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure,, Guarantees issued only by T. C. Smith t Co., Druggists, Sale Agents, Public Sou a re. Asheville, N. C. JAffllVL 0 I- V! K pruarantefjil Cure for Piles of wlintawi kind or degree Externnl, Internnl, BHnO or Bleeding, Itchiug, Chronio, Reprint or Hereditary. $100 a box; 6 boxes, $5.00. Sent by mall, prepaid, on reooipt of prioo. We guarantee to ear. any oase of Piloe Guaranteed and Bold only by T. C. Smith ft Co.,. wholesale and rctal 4rnggista, Public Square, AsheTllle. No. 13. I 7 20pm 1 35pm 8 2ipm 248pm IMiopm 3 23 pin 9 2ptn I 3 45pm 9 3t-pm I 3 54pm 102opm j 4 42pm 64. 1 JMJr & U CURL .cWF.K A. ITfEVVe.' - . '"r liir.' a. iii r Vv W U A v4'.. fTtftftf SHARP :'PR0R ' JMO&ERH" EQYIPliEHlP Miiiii GO i BWI9 MAIIIU'I. ITCS. II. T. COLLINS, Capital, $55,000. Surplus, $30,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City "Depository, Organized may, 1888. (JKXKHAL UAXKIXd liUMNE.SS TIIANSACTICU. t. Interest Paid 011 Dcposita DIRECTORS: I.HWIS M AIH'r'1 H. T. COLLINS, M.J. FAHIi, I. e. ki;i;d S. II. Bank own from 9 i. m till THE "BONANZA," iiMRir nun iinnnn nn i hiiu Nos. 41 anil 43 S. WHl)l,i;SA!.h HUrARTMRNT, OUNTS' mii rAKLUn A.NL) KUA1I1.NG KO(JM. JlJ 3t l . CIGARS. TOUACCO ANI HOTTl.U C.OOHS, SAM l'LU, IIILL1 KU AN1I TOOL ROOM. BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, Ko. 43. PoMtoflicc Itox Q. THE WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IS NOW OPERATING IN ITS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT THE NICKEL SAVINGS STAMP SYSTEM." Stamps may be purcliasod from the Bank or any of its agents. When you have a dollar's worth, these will be re ceived on deposit at the bank. Below is a list of our agents' who now sell these stamps. As others are appointed you will be not5 fled through this paper. T. J. HEED, Biltmore. T. E.WILSON; Biltmore. J. II. WOODCOCK, City. L1NDAU, HOUGH &J30.Citj. It. J. GASTON, Hominy, in. C. For particulars apply at Bank, where information will be cheerfully furnished. CARBON PAPER AMI- - 1UBBON FOR ALL MACHINES. ALL COLORS. W. D. Gash & Co., 3' PATTON AVE. 1 5MVILLE nri r-O CO CO Vicc-Pre. L. r mcloud. Cashier. in Saving:'' Deparluient. J. n. RAY, CHAHLUS MCNAMEE, J. B. RASKIN, M.J. BBAKDEN. KliBI), p. m. On Saturday, till 6 p. m. Liyuun uUi, Main St.,"Ashe ville., V it 1 NO. Hi. : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT. Telephone Call, No. 1. A: V. t I : If

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