Citizen ADVERTISE,, Put words are things.and a small drop of ink, falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which m.'ikcs thousands, perhaps mil lions, think. Byron. ADVERTISE. Many a man has attribntedhit saccess in life to peculiar .talents and business capacity, when the fact is he sailed to prosperity on the wings of an advertisement. VOLUME VII.-NO. 220 ASHEVILLE N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 27, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. Asheville Uailv MILLION fam- Hies use the Pillsbury Flour. Wherever the very highest grade of Flour is desired you will find it in use. It is made of the cream of hard spring Minne sota wheat, and Min nesota wheat is the finest in the world. The output of Pills bury Washburn mills is 10,500 barrels per day or about 100 car loads. KROGER, AGENT FOR ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Walt be U, Qwin, w, w. yvmiT. GWYM & WEST, (Successors to Walter B.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHFVILLE. REAL ESTATE, Loans Bevurely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commissioners of lleeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE-BoutbeaM Court Square. CORTLAND BROS,, Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agent. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loan, securely placed at H per cent. Offices M At M Patton Avenue Second ;oor. ft hurt It JOHN CHILD, (Formerly of Lyman ft Child), Office No. I Legal Block REAL, ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, TKICTLY A RKOKBRAGB BUSINESS. Loans secure placed at 8 per cent. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS, Patton Avenue. Next V M C A build'g. novl d3m P 0 BoiSSV ROBERT BROUN, CIVIL BNGINBBR. 8URVEY0R ANDMB CH ANIC1 AN. Constructions in wood and metal con ducted. Thirty years' experience in practl cal surveying. Instruction in mechanical branches given. Close measurements a spe cialty. Residence, McDowell Avenue. dcctt-d3m A CARD T3 MY PATRONS AND FRIENDS, 1 hare leased the whole store where I am now occupying only a window, and in a few days I will h ive it Axed up In first class style, so as to accommodate my customers with a reading room, free to all, and will have more conveniences. Thanking you for past favors, I am, Respectfully, L. BLOMBERG mOPRIBTOR OP DEL CIGAR STORE 17 Patton Avenue. DIRT. We know dirt it valuable in A.hryille hut there is some here that needs removing. We have both of the great dirt removers. SOAPINE AND PEARLINE. r rices hy the case, t3.Rfi and $3.7S, 100 boies in a case, or Sc a box. OCTAGON SOAP. 100 cakes in a box; price $4; 6c cake or 60 cents down. This soap will wash the finest fabric without ntirj. WHITE HOUSE SOAP. 310 box or 300 inS box luti, 5c cake or 50c dozen. A. D. COOPER, NORTH COURT SQUARE. " BON MARCHE." JUST RKCEIVEO. NEW SPRING GINGHAMS. NEW WHITE GOODS, NEW EMBROIDERIES, NEW SPAING GOODS. JUST RECEIVED. " BON MARCHE." ) W CO D O X w w H & w 0 3 3 O 0 I W CO 0 o a as m 5 a A BRILLIANT RING. We are showing some of the daintiest nov cities ever displayed In jewelry. It wonld be easier to tell yon what we haven't jot than what we have. If you haven't seen onr ele gant trifles In gold and In silver, there Is a treat awaiting yon, and, whether von have purchases in mind or not, you should not miss them. It is difficult to resist going Into (etails we are strongly tempted to describe tome of theexqnisite products of the season's ;rt, some of which show that the caprices of fa hi n are apt to be wonderfully charming. but you'll (ret a much better Idea If yon come anil look for yourself. B. II. COSBY, JEWELER, PATTON AVENUE. TO KNOW YOU WE WANT TO KNOW That we keep in connection with our china. glassware, lamps, &c, a full line of cutlery, tin, wooden and wlllowware, indurated wood, l'lbreware, &c. It is our Intention this spring to open out extensively in this line, and will keep every little hnusehoald article from an egg whip to a Leanard re frigerator. We will keep a full line of the enameled blue agate granite and steel wure. Plrase remember us when yon make pur chases in this line Prices will be the lowest, THAD W. THRASH & CO. CRYSTAL PALACE. 41 PATTON AVE China, Glass, Lamps, Etc. II you have triel our Ten you know a delicious beverage it makes; if you haven't there is a treat in store for you. A second ratc'arlicle in tea is worse than none at nil. What Is true of Tea Is true of Coffee also. Good Coffee takes high rank among the lux; lines of life, and bad Coffee well, the 'ess that is said or that the b tier. If you want a cup of Coffee that is matchless In taste try our Mocha and Java. Respectfully, POWELL & SNIDER H, REDWOOD & GO. DRV GOODS, FANCY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS. CARPETS. TMhn PER CENT DISCOUNT From marked prices on Clothing. 7& 9 PATTON AVE. A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSE For irnt to responsible party. Houe Is In a good location; hath, hot and cold water. Alio a boarding houK for irnt. We have the beat facilities of any firm in the state for inflating your dwelling houses, your furniture, atorse and stock. If you get burned out you know that you can come to ua ajtd be aure of getting your money. Some choice bargains In city and auhurhan properties can be. hud by calling at our of fice. Timber landa a apccialty. JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Rooms 4 and 10, McAfee block, 32 Pattoa Avenue, Asheville, N. C. STILL IN THE RING. R. B. NOLAND & SON, GROCERS, No. i N. Main street, Wish to announce the ! fact that they 'are sole agents for the Spartanburg steam baked bread, the only first class bread to be found in the city, and no table Is complete without It, We get it fresh by express every day. Don't forget that we are wholesale and re tail dealers ia potatoes, apples, onions, and all kinds of country produce. Bvrrytbing kept that Is usually fouad ia a first class WE WANT grocery store. THE MINISTER CENSURED. CHILI SAYS HER REPRESEN TATIVE MISLED HER. Senor Pedro Moutt, Chilian Min ister at Washington, Telegraph ed Hla Government Frlda That Thing; Were Coins Forward All Right. Santiago de Chili, via. Galvkston, Jan, 27. The correspondent of the asso ciated press hits had interviews with several members of the Chilian cabinet. Ia his conversations with these gentle men he was told that Senor Pedro Montt, the Chilian minister at Washing ton, misled bis government as to the status of affairs in regard to the difficulty between the United States and Chili. From statements made by the minis ter referred to it appearsthat the Chilian minister at Washington sent a cable des patch to his government Friday last in which he stated that the settlement of the matter was proceeding in a satisfac tory manner. JLonuon, Jan. 27. The correspondent of the Times at Santiago de Chili today telegraphs that the text of Chili's reply to the ultimatum of the United States hasn't yet been disclosed, that it will not be made public until Saturday. MjThe correspondent further says that Chili, relying upon advices received from Minister Montt as late as Friday, that pacific utterances were given him con stantly by Mr. limine, the American secretary of state, considered that a set tlement had been practically arranged, especially on Chili, through President Montt, had given a counter assurance of friendly leeling and ot a desire to satisly all reasonable demands. President Montt, the correspondent adils, is now seriously compromised. Fortunately fur the tranquillity of Chili, the entire nation places confidence in the patriotism and prudence ot I'resident Montt. Everything in Chili remains quiet so lar. COLLECTING THE TAX. The Bachelor Are Paylnic up I.Ike I.ltlle Men. According to appointment, the com mittee appointed by the Spinisters' club for collection began their campaign on yesterday afternoon, and met with suc h decided success that they have no doubt of liquidating the Flower Missiou debt within a few days. The Citizkn hopes tc give its readers a full statement of the bachelors' fund, when the committee have completed their rounds. Une young lady was heard to say, on the committee's retiring from a bache lor's place of business, "Isn't he gentle manly? It was really a pleasure tube there." Another remarked tout "all 01 the real nic e bachelors paid their hues without any hesitancy." A witness ol one bachelor's experience with the com mittee said be bad never heurd so bril liant a sully of wit, and such ready repartee as was interchanged between the committee and the bachelor." The committee promised to report one buch- elorusa bencbciarv ot the Mower Mis sion, in appreciation of his generosity, despite the condition of his purse, A spin ster was beard to remark ulter calling upon one who pleaded bnancialinability thut "it was a good thiug Asheville was a resort, lor bow else could the girls (after marriage) support these numerous creatures who were not able to take care of themselves, except by keeping boarders or teaching school." Dark overtook the committee before their work was half complete, so muuy bachelors are yet to be seen. But as the territory is so luige and the number ol culls so great, the committee determined to subdiv ide into smaller bodies say otic or two in each division and thusuccom plish the work more rapidly. The un wary bachelors will thus be accosted by less formidable forces than on yesterday and will be taken unawares in many in stances. In order to obviate any difficulty that might arise by a division of the original committee, each bachelor is given a receipt, on payment of his tax thus warding off a second appeal, Ow ine to consideration ot the "hard times' so prevalent, it was decided to usk for only $5 each this ycur, no matter wnat sum the bachelor s age might warrant, It is rumored tbut a reception is soon to be given to the bachelors who so kindly co-operute with the Spinsters' club in their benevolent scheme and the receipts held by bachelors will be required as tickets of admission. Let the good work go on ! A DARING TH1KK. Home Person Mteala the Tele phone llox at the Depot. For some time past there has been in the waiting room at the passenger depot of the Richmond and Danville railroad a nickel-in-the-slot telephone, for the use of persons who desired to communicate with people up town. The 'phone is frequently used, and many pieces find their way into the cash box attached to it. Up to yester day the money in the box had not been taken out for some time, and about $5 had accumulated. Some time yesterday afternoon a dar in thief, who evidently thought the matter ought to be looked after, entered the waiting room while no one was present, and lifted the box from its moorings. He left immediately, and at Inst accounts had not given any ultima- tion ol his identity or whereabouts, or an intention of returning the $5. A. H. KAI NHERS' DEATH. A Man Known In Asheville Dies In New York. The body ot Arthur Morrell Saunders, who died a few days ago in New York city, was brought to Asheville this af ternoon. The remains will be buried at i2 o'clock tomorrow, from the undcr- dertaking rooms of Blair & McDowell Mr. Saunders was an Englishman and spent several seasons here. During the month ol April, 1890, while living on Chestnut street, his wile died and was interred in Riverside cemetery. On this occount, the husband's body was sent here for burial. Mr. Saunders will be remembered by many people in Asheville Among his possessions was planta tion In India. THE BORDER TROl Hl.Ii. Catarlno Garza, the Mexican Rev- Inllonlst. Catarino Gona is a native of Mexico, but was reared at Brownsville, Tex., where he received a fair education. He attended the university of Mexico, and upon his;graduution entered the army. An act'of insubordination caused him to fly toJtheTexus'side of the Kio Grande. At 1'ulo I'intoihe married the daughter of a wealthy Mexican Spaniard and started the paper in which he began his assault upon the Mexican government. At Kio Grande city he shot 11 man named Sebree, and it is said, killed two customs inspectors. He himself was se riously wounded in the affray. After his recovery be went to Laredo, Tex., and soon became involved in a quarrel over Generul Martinez, who wus afterward assassinated. Garza next appeared at Duval, Tex., where he started another paper assailing the Mexican government. He turned up next at the head of his present expedition. Garza is not over thirty-five years of age and is n man of splendid physique, six feet thrte in height, and of Hue military carriage. A reward of $300,000 has been offered tor his head. WORK IN CONGRESS TODAY A HFAY V BLOW AT THK OI.F.O MAHUAHINK TRAUK. A Hweeplug call for Information Concerning Chill, llie lla'liua eefta Regime and the I'rebeut Form ol iwoveriimeiit. Wasiiinuton, Jan. 27 In the house, Mr. Hutch, of Missouri, introduced u bill providing that all oleomargarine tiausported into any state or territory or remaining thcreiu lor use, consump tion, sale or storage, shall, upon arrival 111 biieh stute or territory, be subject to the laws thereof enacted in exercise of its police powers in the same manner as hough such oleomargarine hud been produced 111 such stale or territory, and shall not be exempt therelrom by reason ol being introduced in original packages or otherwise. Kelcrrcd to comiuiilce on agriculture. Mi. Martin, ot Indiana, offered a res olution culling on the president to trans mit to the bouse ull correspondence had y mm, by the secretary ol stale, by the secretary ol war, by the jeerctary ol the navy, by tne United States minister to Chili, and by all other public officials of the United Mules, including officers ol the United Stales navy, with each other and with any public officials ot Chili, upon matters concerning the republic ol Chili, during the Lialinacedn regime, and since the ovcrthow ol that regime, as to all mutters ol public affairs ot both the United htates unci Chill growing out ot or connected with the existence, begin ning and overthrow ol the Balmaceda regime and the establishment and contin uance ol the present government ol Chill. Referred to the committee 011 lorcign al ia ir a. UISOUEV8 THIi POPU. A French Ecclralastlc Disregards Orders From the Vatican. Paris, Jon. 27. Monignor Richard, cardinal, archbishop ot Puns, who a few days ago received a letter from the pope in which he was requested to in struct the French clergy to cease all op position to the republic and to lollow to the utmost the pope's policy ol con- lhation. has written to Ins holiness de claring that he is unable to communi cate to the rrench uisnops tue request contained in the pope's letters. Cardinal Kicbard gives as his renson for not obeying the mandate ol the pope that he does not consider it op- oortune to do so. This reply ot larmnni Kicnnro nas made a bad impression at the Vatican, where it is believed the action of the cardinal is due to the influence ot the royalists. LOOKING FOR A II Hi HALL. The Democratic Convention Must Have Lots of Room. Chicago, Jan. 27. An attempt is being made to obtain the old exposition build, ing for the national democratic conven tion, as the auditorium will accommo date only 8.000 people. The World s fair oeoole control the building and ex pected to tear it down next month, but may let tne democrats nave it. Chicngouns will have to pay from $60 000 to $75,000 tor the expenses of the convention, and as their only return will be in tickets to the convention ball, it will be to their interest to have the largest hall they can get. Ruined by Speculation. Lvnchih'RO, Va., Jan 27. William H. Wrenn, a prominent young citizen and recently a member of the wholesale gro eery firm of Robinson, Tate & Co., has disappeared. He is said to have negoti ated fraudulent paper amounting to $10, 000, and it is thought that this will be increased by future discoveries. Wrenn is supposed to have been ruined by reul estate speculations. Delamater's Creditors., Pa. Jan. 26 According to the first official report of Hospins & McClintock, assignees of the Messrs, Delumater, the general creditors of the insolvent bankers will not get more than eight or ten cents on the dollar. 1 I A WONDERFUL SCHEME. ELECTRIC ROAD BETWEEN ST. I-Ol'ia AND CHICAGO. One Hundred Miles an Hour Blralictit as a 8trlnic Telephone Connections Between all Trains The Farmer will Also be In it, St. Loris, Jan. 25. A company has just been incorporated in Springfield, 111., lor the purpose of building an electric road from here to Chicago. Among those interested are Gov. Francis, Congress man S. W. Cobb, lolin YY. Harrison, I. G. W. Steadmau, Web M. Samuel, E. S. Kowee, William H. Thompson, president of the bank of commerce; Dr. Wellington Adams, the inventor of the first success ful electric motor, and John P. Kaiser. They represent several million dollars. The company proposes to build a double-track road, as straight as an arrow, without a curve in it. On this road it is proposed to run electric cars, which will travel at the rate of 100 miles an hour, making the distance in two and one-hull hours, instead of eight as new. The power stations will be at Clinton, 111., where the company will operate its own coal mine for fuel, using electric drills and mining machinery. In time, the entire line is expected to become a boulevard, the tarmer's houses slandingon city lots, while behind them will stretch the wheat fields. The houses will lie lighted and heated by electricity and the reapers, mowers aud threshers will be driven by chained lightning. An electric block system will be operat ed and the truck will be automatically illuminated a mile ahead and a .mile behind each car. Trams which are on the same section will have telephone connection and coniinnnicalion may be had whether the trams are moving or standing still. Dr. Adams says neurly the entire right of way has been secured, and that within a lew weeks the contracts will be let. The company will endeavor to have the line in operation in time tor the World's Fair. New York World. THE BAKER TRIAL. Only Three Jurors Have Been Obtained Mo l ar. Aiiincdo.n, Ya., Jan. 27. The case ol Dr. J.A.I'. Baker, who was convicted of wife murder here last August, came up for re-triul yesterday morning. From a venire of twenty men only three jury men were selected. Sixteen men will be chosen, any lourof whom can be discard ed by the defense. Owing to the impracticability ofselect ingajury trom tbis count;, the court has given orders to have a venire sum moned from Botetourt county, adjoin ing Koauoke. This will delay proceed ings until Friduy. There is a possibility that the case will be continued until tut next term of court. The usual interest is manliest, the court room being packed with spectators. The piisoner is in good spirits and evidently believes that he will finally be nquiltcd. BASSE BALI.. A IIan for Working up iiiltrenl In tbe Mouth. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 17. At a meeting of base bull euthusiastics last night Al. Marshall, manager of wist year's team, was instru ted to visit other cities in the south tor the purpose ol working of in terest. The Atlanta club is put upon a footing that insures Atlanta being in it. Marshall will go to Nashville, Chat tanooga and kuoxville first, and other cities alterwards. Hays She In Florence's Child. San Fkancisco, Jan. 27. Miss Flor- nce Hall, claiming to be an illegitimate daughter of the dead actor, Florence, will begin suit here in a lew days tor a share of the actor's estate. Minister Reed Has the irip. Paris, Jan. 27. Whiteluw Keid, United States minister, has been confined to bis residence the past week by a slight attack ol the lnuuenza. They Are mill There. Montkvidko, an. 27. The squadron of American war ships which have been lying on this port tor some time is still here. AFFAIRS UF COSEJUENCE. IIOMK. The Danville. Va. ice factory vi burned, causing a loss of $75,000. A fire at Columbus, Ohio, yesterday, did damage amounting to $500,000 Insurance, $300,000. Mr. E. R. Wallace, one of the most prominent men of Union, S. C, and also president 01 tne merchants ana planters iNationui Da ua 01 union, is aeaa. The Chester, S. C. Gingham mills were entirely destroyed by fire early Tuesday morning. SOH.OUO worth ot yarn was burned. The whole was insured for $151,000, about two thirds its value. FOREIGN. Rev. Mr. Spurgeon, who is suffering with an attack ot gout in the head and hand, is progressing toward recovery. Several women belonging to the Sal vation Army were knocked down by mob Sunday at Hastbourne, Une., and severely injured. Hume Webster, the noted English horse-breeder, killed himself Friday last in a woods near Croydon, his country residence in England, because he was in financial trouble. The Russian commission of public works proposes spending 3,000,000 rou bles in the employment of 100,000 men and 45,000 horses in clearing 30,000 acres of forest lands in the fanuue dis tricts of the country. The Pnrnelite section of the Irish parliamentary party is willing to make peace, so its acknowledged leader, John E. Redmond, stated 111 a speech at bn nis, Ireland, if the overtures of the M Carthyite wing were honorable. Graves & Thrash at the expiration of ten days will ship their stock ot good to the country. Y'ou can buy anything at cost tor the next ten nays. Give them a call and you will see they mean what they say Children's overcoats and suits nt price at Whitlcck Clothing House. half HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED AT GRANT'S PHARMACY, NO. 24 SOU I M MM ST.. ASHEVILLE, N. C. J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. NOTICE. By virtue of a deed oftruit iimilrd l . on the 17 th day of November, 1890. by Mai ne i.nin emu rauronHii t-jucn to iecure the pnymcnt of a certain note therein mentioned, and by reason of a failarc of said parties to comply with the terms of said deed ol trust I win sen at public auction at the court house door in Asheville. to the huhm i.i dt-r I r cash on Wednesday, 2th Uay of Feb- i un j, otr, hi i. u viuck m., a lot ot land in Buncombe county, N. C in the southern part ol the city ol Asheville on Wallkk, front ing ou said street 33 lert and runs 75 tcet on au alley leading from Wallick street and ad. joing the property ol Kevell & Wagner, and also lana ol Cook; relerencc being hereby m .de for a luller description of said land to suid died of trust which is registered in the ortice ol the register of deeds of Buncombe county iu book U3, page 654 of mortzaKea I hJ i - . x , II ii t-1 , Furnished Home For Rent. Tan room house, furnished, far mi in modern conveniences. Possession at once. ucsi sirccr in Asnevuic. irtcc S00 month. Apply to per J. M. CAMPBBLL. Real Kstate Dealer. CHINA, GLASS. CUTLERY, LAMPS, SILVER Clearing sale till March 1st. I Intend to give up ons store room, and goods will be sold out as fast as possible, regardless of prices. J. II. LAW, 57.59. 6i South Main street.

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