ASHEVILLE3DAILY:CITIZEN: WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17, 1892. Bouts Eheumatism. Mr. Charles Lawrence, of Ashland, Neb., says that Swift's Specific cured him of severe Rheumatism, of which he had Suffered for over Six Months, with vain efforts to get relief. IIo recom mends it to all sufferers from Rheums, ttsm. Cores by forcing out the impurities of the Blood, and building up the general health. It is entirely vege table. Book on the Blood and Skin, mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. CHASA. GARRAT T," Organist and Choirmaster Trinity Church, AND CONDUCTOR OF THE GARRATT ORCHESTRA Receive poplin for the Organ, Pianoforte, Violin and voice Culture For terms, etc., apply at 10 Bailey Street. J. G. Queen. D. D. S. OFFICB ROOMS NO. 29 SOUTH MAIN STREET, UP STAIRS, OVER MB VRS' SHOB STORB Rooms newly fitted op -nd everything first class. I ask the patronage of my friends. All work guaranteed in every par ticnlar. jan23dtf J. F. GARRATT, Piano Forte Tuner. TERMS REASONABLE. PERFECT SATISFACTION Leave orders at C. Falk's, Asheville. nov23d3m THOMAS A JONBi. C1IAS. A. WBBB. JONES & WEBB. (Successors to Davidson, Martin & Jones.) ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Room No. 7 Legal Building. Asheville, N. C jan2-dlm R. H. REEVES, D. D. 8., DENTAL OFFICE in Connally Bonding, over Redwood's Store, Fatton Avenae. - Residence, 35 Spruce street. P. RAMSAY, D. U.S. Dental Office i Over the National Bank of Ashevllle, Bar nard Building. Residence, 69 Charlotte st. feb26dlv A. TBNNBNT, Architect and Contractor. Plans, specifications and estimates fnr aished. All work in my line contracted for, and no charms for drawings on contract. awarded me. LfOmimi whfffi desired. Office: No. 12 Hendry Block, North Court Square, Ashevllle, N. C. rebiuaiy 34Years Expcrience-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDBR. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNBR COURT PLACE AND MARKET 8TRBET. E. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER, Also srradlnc of all kinds done. All order. promptly filled and work guaranteed. Can b fonad at all times at Powell & Snider'. store. P. O. Box BS6. auglBdtl TnSUrIyOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General 1 Insurance t Agent Rear No. 20 8outh Main street. Established 1866. Ashevllle. N. C auB dlv A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. ROOM 1. MCAFEE BUILDING. Legal 'Work a Specialty. Walter S. Cushman (Formerly of the Massachusetts Bar,) W, COMMISSIONS! OF DEEDS, AND NOTARY PUBLIC No. 80 Patton Ave., McAfee block, room 4, ASHBVILLB, N. C. iriClALTUI: RIAL FEOPKtl AND CO.WKIAflClSfl. aprasdtf BOARDING. GUDQER HOUSE. 211 HAYWOOD STREET, H. O. HILLEit, Proprietor. Location unequaled in the city. 8ceoerj fine table the best. Polite and attentive servants. Rate on application r Will accommodate table boarders. -octlSdtf. J. A. WHITE, DEALER IN FINE GROCERIES 65 NORTH MAIN STREET. A General line of Fancy and 8taple cciied. Canned Goods a Specialty. aovlTdSm Gro- JAHBS FRANK, nikLti ri- FAMILY GROCERIES AKD PROVISIONS Aaent for Reims Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Aahevme, N. C, E. COFFIN, AUCTIONEER. RBAL BSTATB AGENT AND LOAN BROKER 82 Pattoa At., (2nd story) Room 8, I sell furniture, real estate, or anything at auction. If not in offlce when you call, write name ri mlrirnrv on slate, and I will Visit VOU. Refer to J B. Steele, manager Battery Park hotel or any bank in Ashevllle. TRAPPERS I SPORTSMEN I We have boaght over BOO fur during the last month, and oald cash for them. We bay all kinds of raw skins. Call on, or ad dress. JENK8AJBNK3, octedtf 82 Pattoa Ave Ashevllle, N. C Drs. McUlUra Straw rBACTIC UM1TB0 TO DUSASM of THE EYE, EAR, THROAT AND NOSJ, TMtln f01as Scientifically Bon. OFFICE NO. 20 MltM AVE., UP STAIRS, etaidkwSai BLIND SCULPTOR'S WORK ROW ME FINISHED A STATUE OP WASHINGTON IRVING. Is a Wonderful work, one ritlrd larger Tban Life, and Renrenenla the Great Author Silting; in an F.aay Atlllnde. From Frank Leslie's Weekly. There is a blind sculptor residing in Tarrytown who has just completed a wonderful statue of Washington Irving It is one-third larger than life and rep- events Irving as sitting in an easy at titude in an arm chair, with one leg crossed over tht other. In the left hand is held a pair of eyeglasses. The right arm rests naturally upon the arm of the chair. 'I have worked on this model night nd dav for the past eighteen months." snid John Merchant Mundnv, the blind sculptor, laying bis hand caressingly upon the plnster model. "I say night, because night is tne same as a ay to me." When I come here in the evening the only light I have is that from within. I bare liyed so long with my work that know its every feature, and any im perfect ions in it come out mare strongly before my mind s eve in tne darkness than they would during the day, when there is a dim glimmering before my eyes that distract mr attention. Vou ask me how I work. Bv meas urements and with rude tools. The bust was first modeled, then the chair upon inch the fifure sits. The height at which the head was to be elevated from the floor had next to be determined. This, you must understand, is accora- olished by the exact knowledge of the proportions of the human form whea laced in a sitting posture, and is the basis of all other calculations. I will now give you an example of how 1 modeled a single piece of the stat- It will serve as an example. Place yourself in a sitting posture, throwing one leg over tne otner so as to nnng tne tolds in your tr.usrrs into an easy, nat ural position. Vou will observe that I pass my hands over the tolds so made. now have my idea. Witb it I go direct to the statue and pass my hands over the fwlds I have made in the clay. If there is anything wrong in my model am enabled by this means to detect it at once. No matter how slight the differ ence may be, it will not escape me, nor will the slightest roughness in tne sur face of the plaster. Of course this work can be done by me as easily in the dark ness as in the light. It mny be interesting to know how 1 made the pleated shirt front, which Mr. Irving so much affected. 1 procured one similar to the one 1 wished to produce and spread it upon a pillow. Then passed ray hands carefully over the pleats. I then had strips of lead made, which were very pliable and which were to represent pleats in the shirt front of my model. Laying these upon therougn clay, I spread a thick layer of new clay over them, which was afterward scraped off by tools and modeled into shape. It has been a labor ot love with me, continued the blind sculptor, as his head drooped and tears bedimmed his eyes Knowing as 1 did that it must end my career as an artist, I have given it mv undivided attention by night and day. It has been ever present with me during my waking hours and has haunted my dreams at night. Now that it is finished mv life's work is finished also," The question of a siti for the statue has not yet been decided. The claims of New York to Irving as a representative citizen nre urged by many who would like to see mm honored in that city. The people of Tarrytown are also desirous of securing this notable work of art tor their town, to be placed either at ''Sun nyside," the homestead of Irving, or some public situation in the village. THE MAN WHO TRAMPS. Weary Raggles (who had evaded the porter) Would you be kind enough, sir, to give me a keg or two of nails, some tin dippers and an ux-handle or two?" Busv Merchant "What!" "Excuse me, but I thought I'd ask for something out of the common. I've been beggin' dimes all dav, an' narv man would give roe one an' seemed to think 1 didn't need it." Boston News. Housekeeper "Why don't you go to work and earn money ?" Dirty Tramp They d be apt to pay me in bank bills, mum, and Ira ateard of bacteria." New York Recorder. "I tell ye, Soak sty, der's nottin' like a reputation lor truth. If I had it I wouldn t be cold an hungry dis minute; see?" What's de matter?" I went to the station' house an' dev wouldn't b'lieve me we'en I said I wus a vag." Washington Star. Tramp "Please give me to-ntthing to eat. I ve not had a warm mouthful in a week." Mr. Manhattan "My good man, I'll give you a ticket and you can get a plate of nice hot soup." "Hot soup!" he howled. "Haven't you got anything else? This makes the tilth plate ot hot soup I ve had in the last hour. It is not healthy to put so much soup into aa emptv stomach." Texas Siftings. Merchant "Why don't you work and earn your livine?" Tramp lain t wuth it. You ought to see the living I git." Detroit Free Press. Tramp pushing his way through a crowd of tourists who are endeavoring to register at hotel; tramp gets there first. Clerk (to tramp) "Breakfast?" Tramp "No." "Dinner?" "No." "Supper?" "No. "Lodging?" "No." "What in the world do you want?" "I just want to arrive, that's all." Truth. A Household Remedy row ALL Dl AAniunCLflll 5 DISEASES "mm. Botanic Blood Bab Is rn SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT II lUreS RHEUM. ECZEMA, Srf f In,. .1 msllanint SKIN ERUPTION, He 0 lld.i tains sfflcsclous In toning up tht A Syttsn. in, rMtONnl in cominuiiun, i whs Impair Iron am csus. Hi ? alsiMt suptrulunl healing propsrllM 4 Justify us In urtntMln cur, n directions r fellow. 8ENT FREE bT" BLOOD BALM CO., AUinta, 6s. AUCTION : SALE OF FURS, MOUNTED FUR RUGS, ETC., AT NO. 37 PATTON AVENUE, Thursday, Feb. 18, 10 to 13 a. m. The large tock of fur muffs, ladle' and men's fur caps, fur rugs with and without heads, stuffed birds, animals and till. gators, also allig (tor hand sat taels, three deer ruga with heading, on? tiger rag with head, one leopard rug with head, and all kinds of goods In tht line belonging to M, RUick, the well known furrier and taxidermist. This Is the first auction sale of this sort of goods ever held in Asheville, and is apt to be the lsvt ever held here. A good chance to buy cheap, because Mr. Ellick is goinr to make a change in Mhiness. Comfortable seats will be provided :or la dies, and it will be to their interest to come, and those who do not wish to buy will tee many odd and interesting articles. It will be quiet and orderly. $33, OUu City bonds are sold, so hard times are over, therefore don't be fearful about spending a little money. A' 12 o'clock I will put up a ring with 7 diamonds. K. COFFIN, Auctioneer. ARLINGTON HOTEL ARLINGTON ANNEX, AUGUSTA, GA., Have together 450 feet facing due south and 670 feet fronting Broad and Jackson streets. Electric bells, elevator, baths, etc fcbil-2m. FOR SALE. Mr. Low's house, on Sunset Drive; fine view and healthy air; seven rooms: cemented cellar, furnace, table and ser vants' house. AH well built anl in excellent condition. Price $3,000. Call on prem ises or on CORTLAND BROS., 28 and 28 Fatton Ave. jaH2ttdeodlm OTICB By virtue of an execution in my nana, tor collection in tavor ol w. 13 .uckrtt & Co against T. K. Brown and A. B. Fortune 1 will sell at the courthouse door in the city ot Ashe llle on Monday, tne 1 3th dav of Murch, 1892, the following described real estate, tne property ol l . K.. Brown to wit: A piece or parcel of land known a. the Alfred Burnett lund in Black Mountain township, containing 100 acres more or less Altto a piece of lund known a. the Alex, and Elscy Burnett place Co itaining 100 acres more orjless. Also a piece ol land in the Mack cove containing ir0 acre, to satisfy the aiorcsaia execution. I'e2w.dlt u. L. REYNOLDS, Sheriff. fTINUSTKB'S SALB-By virtue of a deed in JL. llUBl HCUIUU lt IDG uuucrsig dcu, on the 20tb day of August. 188B. by James M Tugman. to secure the payment of a certain note named in said deed, and by reason of the failure of said James M.Tugman to meet the payment therein tn ntioned. I will sell at public auction at the court house door in Ashevllle on Saturday the Othday of March, 1892, the lot of land mtnttone1 in said deed ot trust, lying on the soutn side ot Hill St., in the city of Ashevilie, lor a full description of which reference is made to said deed of trust, as recorded in the oriice of the Register ol deeds ot liuacomU: county, in Book la page 114. K. R. HILL, Ieb3dt Trustee. NOTICE. By virtue of an execution in my hands for collection, issued by the clerk oi superior court. In favor of W. B. Lockctt & Co. and others and against A. B, Fortune and T. K. Brown 1 will sell ut the court house door in the city of Attheville on Monday the 13th day of Mar. n, 1892, tne loiiowing described real es:ate to satisfy said execution: A piece or parcel ol lind lying on the watt rs of tne swannanoa ana Known as tne Fortune Mill place. The property of A. B. Fortuue, containing acres, more or lees. Also one town lot on College street, in the city of Atiheyill. a part of the lot which A. B. Fc tune now occupies. The property of A. B. Fortune. D. L. REYNOLDS, feb3dwedU Sheriff. TKUSTBB'8 SALE OF LAND By virtue ol the power of sale, vested in mc as trustee, contained in a deed in trust executed by J. G. gucen and wite. dated July 15. 1HU0, and registered on pages 61 et. sea. of Book 22 of mortguges and deeds in trust la the Reeister's oitice of Buncombe count v. N. C. default having been made in the payment of tne interest on tne aeDt t tie re by secured (such default making said debt immediately due and payable) 1 shall at 12 o'clock noon. on Saturday, March 5, 1892, expose for sale, at oub:ic outcrv. to the highest bidder, tor cash, at the door of the court house in the city of Ashevllle, N. C, the piece or par cel of land being a lot in said city ol Ashe- ville. situate on the south-westerly margin of Hill street, with the improvements on said lot, fully described in the deed in trust aloresaid. ibis January 26, iH92. A.J. LYMAN, Jan27d4twcd Trustee, "VTOTIC B. By virtue of a deed of trust ex. J.1 ecuted to mc on the 13th day of Sep tember, 1H90, by A, a. ware and wite, Es- tner J. ware, to secure tne payment ot cer tain notes therein mentioned, and by reason ol the failure of said parties to comply with the terms of said deed of trust, I will sell at public auction at the court house door in Ashevllle to the highest bidder for cash on Widnc-day the 24th day of February, 1892, at 12 o'clock m, a lot of ai.ii n Buncombe county, Nortt Caiouna, in the northern part of tuc city of Ashevilie, at the corner of i.ibertv and Broad streets, fronting 92 feet on Liberty street, and 100 feet on Broad street, lying on the West side of Liberty and on the south side ot Broad street, reference being hereby made for a fuller description of said land to the said deed of trust, which is registered in the office of the register of deed- ol Buncombe county, In book 21, at page 696 of mortgage records W. B. GWYN, jan20-wcd 5t ' Trustee. NOTICE. By virtue of aa execution, in soy hands for collection, issued by the Clerk of Superior court, in favor ot A M. Gudger and against A. M. Pcnland, I will sell at the court house door, in the city of Asheville on the 14th dav of March, 1892, (Monday.) the following described real es tate, to satisfy said execution: A piece sr parcel of land lying on Turkey Creek In the county of Buncombe, State ol North Caro lina. A portion of the said A. M Penland farm and lying on the South side of said farm and adioining the lands of Eugene Moss and others. Beginning at the corner of tse fence at the end of the lane, near the said Moss' house, and run with the said A. M. Pen land, s fence to his gate then running a straight line to th top of the hill, where the road crosses to the said Penland'. house, thence a westerly course with the top of the ridge to Penland'. line to his other corner, then east with the said Moss' line to the be ginning, supposed to be twenty-five acres, u.ore or less. This Jan. 1, 1892. D L. REYNOLDS, f b3dwed4t Sheriff of Buncombe county. NOTICE By virtue of a power of sale contained In a deed in trust executed by B. T. Rhlnebardt and Lillie L. Khtnehamt, his wife, and L. F. Rhlnehardt to me, dated the 16th day of December, 1891, and re corded in the office of the Register of Heeds of Buncombe county, 8tate of North Caro lina, in Book ol Mortgages No. 28, on puge 366, et scq., said deed in trust having been given to secure the payment of a note to W. B Williamson & Co. therein described, and upon wnich default has been made, I will 11 at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in the city of Asheville, county of Buncombe, ptutc of North Carolina, on Saturday, the 5th day March 1892. at 12 o'clock m. the property described and conveyed In the said deed intrust, being a certain lot of land lu the city of Ashevllle, county of Buncombe, state of North Carolina and more particuluriy de scribed as follows: Situated in the western part of tue city of Ashevllle being the lot con veyed to B. T. & L. P. Rhlnehardt by deed from Robert R. Hill, dated June 9th 1891 and registered in the office of the register ol deeds, of Buncombe county, In book page ocgtnnimz on a etaae in tnenortn marvin of an alley (Henry Blse's corner) and runs N, 77" ; w. 42 feet to a locust post thence N. 30 E. 94 feet to a locust post, thence S. 66 30' B. 27.8 feet to a etuke corner of Henry Else's lot, thence with the line of Henry Blse's lot N. 33 B. 86 feet to the be ginning being part of the lot bought by the said Rsbt R. Hill from O. L. & F. R. Harkney and being more fully described In said deed In trust, reference to which 1. hereby made. Tblsthe 3d day of Feb. 1892. fcbSWcdet TUOS. A. JONES, Trustee, WANT COLUMN. WANTED. 0FJ FPICE OF B. B. BARNUM & CO., Fine Jlotliiers. Washington. Feb. 15. 1892. To Messrs. B. B. Barn urn & Co., Asnetille, N. C Gentlemen: We have decided to close out our business in Ashevitle. You will im mediately advertise the stock and fixtures lor sale. Make the reduction equal cost ot goods. Close out every thiug without re serve. Respt. B. B. BARNUM & CO. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. Suburban residence, near elect rk tramway, completely furnished, bieam heater and modern conveniences. Fine pair of horses with vehicles, and two Jersey cows. Address ' P. O BOX 532. HOUSE FOR RENT. The beautiful house on Fatton avenue, known as theG. M. Koucrts place, is lor rent. JbSStS K. o I AKlNiSS, nov25dtf 27 North Main street. FOR RENT Four rooms, nicely furnished, in a new house. Suitable lor a small lainily. For further particulars call at Lind sey tic Brown's Studio, South Court Place. leuioaaf TO RENT That desirable residence, No. 121 Haywood street, formerly occupied by Mr. Alex Foner; gas, water and all con veniences. On car line. Apply to F. KU i L.KDGE. dec!5dtf Barnard Building. Th, KENT One splendid new 7 room house near the Square. $20.00 per tuouih; three large room on Church street, 7.60 per month; 3 large rooms on Church street at $6. uo ucr uiunih. Auuly to I. li. Johnson, at Blair & McDowell's. leDLOQU FOR RENT A comfortable, nine room house, with water in the kitchen, and twenty-live acres ot hne land, one hall in goud orchard grusa. ovorlooking .the Ireuch Broad river, adjoining ii.ngbam School tract. Price $20. uu per month. For lull particulars, udrcss J. A. MURDOCH, leuiautt Emma, N.C, BOARDING. fflWO sunny rooms with ood board, at X 103 MEKK1MON AVENUE. febSdtf BOARDING Those desiring good board with northern cooking can had sunny rooms, with hot and cold water, at very reasonable rates fur the spring months by addressing Z, Citizen omcc. febltidlw BOARDING A tew delightlul rooms, with baths, steam heater, and open tires, can be seemed, with board, by addressing F. O. dux odfi, Asncviue. icuxuuu I BOARDING Desirahi board can be had JuJ at Mrs Watson's, 48 Spruce street. Kooms comiortable and cheerlul. Reference, Mr. Pelbttiu, 24 Fatton avenue. janaout. BOARDING Nice front rooms, bright and sunny, central location; at MRS. BOWIE'S, No. 9 Flint street, 2nd door from Haywood. febl6d3t XITANTBD Two boarders m front room, I f with morning sun, near car line, north ern cooking; a few minutes' walk f om the square number oi boaruers umitca to six. Address C, Box 274; or inquire at Citizen Otface. W INTER BOARD. Kooms warm and comiort.i1;!.. Everything iresn and newly painted, and lu"nisned. imme diately on street car line Terms reaaonuble, MKS. J. ... SMA 1 M1SKS, jun!2dtf 318 Fatton Ave. MISCELLASEUVS. YITATSON'S Patent Fire Grate, the best TV in tne world, lor sale by lcbldly BALLARD & RICH. MRi. AND MRS H. U. BARNETT. Swed ish and Massage Treatment, with tilec. trieity. r- ace Massage a specialty. Iebl6dtf T710R SALE New fireproof safe at cost, U JI- NKS Sc JENKS, No 31! Patton Avetiue, Ashevllle, N. C. febedtf TO THE PUBLIC Mr. J. A. File, a prac tical workman, has oj)ened up a shoe re pair shop at the Buncombe Sbue Factory. Iebl3dlw WSPAPER OUTFIT FOR SALE. I have for sale a complete outfit lor 7. M or u column paper, including a splendid Pot- ter Power Press. I have no use for it and need the money and will sell at a bargain. W. I. BOVLIN, jan23dtf Monroe, N C BUNCOMBE CABBAGE As well another Garden and Field Seed? eminently adapted to Southern soil and Southern cli mate, sent pre-paid anywhere, at reasonable prices. Send tor catulogue and try some of tnem. J. w. vanihvi'.k, dcc23-rttf Wcavcrville. N. C ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The un dersigned having qualified as adminis trator of Daniel Morgan, diccased, hereby notifies all persons having claims aguinst said estate to, within twelve months from this date, pteseut the same for payment or this notice will be pleaded in bar of r. covery. Any person indebted to said deceased will please settle at once. Any business relating to said estate can be transacted either through my attorney, W. K. VYhitson, or mysell. This Jan. iU, 1892. Respectfully, Jan20d6w . N. MORGAN. A JOINT STOCK COMPANY is being tormed to purchase and manufacture, in the state of North Carolina, the Hawks & People's Patent Churn, as per patent No. 458,693, patented September 1, 1891. Per sons wishing to subscribe to the stock, which is twenty-fire dollars per share, can call at the office of Cummings & Mott, No. 4 North Court Place, or the undersigned, who will be pleased to exh.bit model and give infortration coucerning the same. This February 15, 1892. JNO. L. WARD, ROBT. I.BANSE, febl6d2w European Hotel. AT PUBLIC S ALE By virtue of the pow er of sale, vested in me, contained in a certain bond for tide, executed by Myra Austin Terrel, dated May 10, 1890, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured, I shall, at 12 o'clock M, on the 5th day of March. 1H92, exposi tor sale, at public outcry to the highest bid der for cash, at the court house door in the city of Asheville, N. C, the puree! of land, being a town lo with two-room dwelling on same, situate on the south side of Moun tain street, being No. 100, In snid Ashe ville, fully described in said instrument, to which for a description of same ref erence is now hereby made. This February 4, 1892. For further particulars apply to or address A J Lyman, at his office in Legal Block, Ashevi ille . N. C. CHARLES W. WHARTON. feb4dtds NOTICE By virtue of a decree of the su periorcourt of Buncombe county, in the matter of R. W. Davidson and others ex parte, for the sale of lands, and the distribu tion of the oroceeds. I will nrocecd to sell at public out cry on Monday, the 7th day of Marcn, A. v., 1&U2, ai mc resiacncc oi mc late J. C. Davidson, all the lands owned by said Davidson at the time of his death, con sisting of two separate tracts. First tract known as the home place, adjoining the lands of Jno M. Davidson and others, containing lho acres, more or less, also one other tract adloining the lands of Jason Ashworth and others, containing 60 acres more or less Terms, twenty per cent, cash, balancein three equal Installments in six, twelve and eighteen months. J. Met). WHITSON, Ftb. 2-d30d. Commissioner. $500 Reward. WB will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache. Indigestion. Constipation or Cos- tiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the di rections are strictly complied with. They arc purely Vegetable, and never fail to ffive satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 pills. 26 cents. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. The genuine manufactured only by THE JOHN C. WBST COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Sold by T. C, mith Hi Co.. Asheville. N. C. THE MAITLANO SCHOOL, ENGLISH AND.PRBNCH. HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. MRS. BUROWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL The school will re-onen September 24th. Hour for infant class from nine to twelve. An afternoon class for French conversa tion will be formed for ladles under the direc tion of Melle. Barrand de la Faverie, di plomee de racademlc de Pari. I. H. TUCKER, J. D. MURPHY. TUCKER & MURPHY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Practice In the Stat and Federal Court, Office: Ro.m. No. 2 and SJonnson building, corner Court Square and South Main 8t. fcbiedoaccawtf RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. WESTEfcN NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION. Condensed schedule la effect Feb. 7. 1892 BASTBOUND. No. 12. Lv Knoxvillc, 81 Sam 935am Morrtstowo. Lv. Paint Kock, 11 Hot Springs, Lv. Ashe ville. 12 25pm 1239pm 3 06pm 14pm 404pm 642pm 6S0pm 712pm 802pm 900pm 11 28am " Round Knob, " Marion, ' Morgan ton, Hickory, Newton, " Statesville. Ar. Salisbury, " (ireensboro, uanviiie, 1 10am Ar. Richmond, 715am Lv. Greensboro 1200am Ar. Durham, 420am " Raleigh, 7 20am " Goldsboro, 12 28pm Lv. Danville, 140am 4 16am 1026am Ar. Lynchburg, Washington, " Baltimore, " Philadelphia, ' New York, 1203pm 2 20pm 4 50pm WESTBOUND. No. 11. Lv. New York, 430pm 667pm 930pm " rnuaoeipnia, " Baltimore, Washington, Lynchburg. 1120pm 6 26am 810am 3 20am 8 30am 1012am 136pm 305am 6 07am 940am Ar. Danville. Lv. Richmond, " Danville, Ar. flrnhrirri Lv. Gsldsboro, LvRaleigh, " Durham, Ar. Greens b oro, Lv Greensboro, 10 20am 1216pm 109pm 1 67pm 2 37pm 319pm 402pm 445 pm 6 69pm 7 44pm 800pm Salisbury, ' Statesville, ' Newton, " Hickory, Morganton, " Marion, 44 bnnnrl ItTnnh Ar. Asheville, Hot Springs, " Faint Kock, Mnrrialnwn 900pm 1030pm " Knoxville, ASI1V1LLB SPAKTAN- BUKO KAILKOAD No. 14. Lv. Ashevllle, 816am 916am 9 26am 946am 1017am 11 25am Henderson ville, Flat Rock, Saluda, Tnon. Ar. Spartanburg. No. 13. Lv. Spartanburg, 2150pm 366pm 430pm 462pm 6 01pm 663pm iryon, " Saluda, " Flat Rock, " Henders'nv'le, Ar. Ashevllle, llUBPHY BRANCH.' No. 65. No. 64. I Daily except Sunday.) Lv. Ashevllle, Ar. Waynesvllle, 7 20am 903am 11 67pm 440pm 603pm ttryson City, " Tomotla, "Murphy Lv. Murphy, 415am Ar. Tomotla, I 4 3oam Ar. Bryson City, " Waynesville, " Ashevllle, B 30am 12 69pm Z4Npm Nos. 64 and 65 connect at Ashevllle with Nas. 11 and 12 to and from Salisbury and the Bast. SLBBPINO CAB SBHV1CE. Nob. 11 and 12 Pullman Sleepers between Knoxville and New Vork, via Asheville, balisbury and wanmngton. W. A. TURK, As. Gen. P. A., R. R. BRIDGBKS, Charlotte, N. C. Supt., Ashevllle, N. C. JAS. L. TAYLOR, W.H. GREEN, Gen. Pass. Agt Gen. Manager, Atlanta, Ga Atlanta. Ga. It covers the ground the Ball waist-if you won't have a corset. There's the corset shape, without the restraint, and it carries the weight of the skirts on the shoulders. The whole thing can go in the wash. If you're not satisfied with it, after wearing it two or three weeks, return it, and get. your money. P. P. mimnautcb. NOW OPENED. New restaurant run on European plan. Newly furnished house, with the best the market affords for the table. Special rates to regular and table boarders. MRS HALYBURTON, Jan26dlm 23 Vi North Main Sc. Mattresses Renovated. Old ones made as good as new. Ticks wash ed or new ones furnished. New mattresses made to order. Will exchange work for old mattresses. All work guaranteed. Rates reasonable. Orders punctually attended to. MRS. 8 STEVENSON, nov25dtf 33 DepotStreet.) GRAND OPERA HOUSE THURSDAY, JANUARY 18. FOURTH ANNUAL TOUR OF Crafldall, Clark & Hake's Magnificent Minstrels. The climax of modern minstrel effort, Composed only of artists of recognised abil ity. The belt costume, the beat vocalists, the best dancers. Preeminently the most uccsssful amusement entertainment in the world. The dawn of modern miracle. Un urpassed in the annals of the minstrel stage. The conquering climax putting to insignifi cance all previous efforts. Indisputably the grandest and most gigantic organisation ever perfected In an entirely new, original and novel street parade. The whole form ing a most complete, compact and merito rious minstrel organisation in every partic ular. Seats on sale at Rayaor & Smith' Tues day at 10 a. ra y A guaranteed Cure 'or Piles of what'?. kind or degree Extornal, Internal, Blir.r1 or Blooding, I tolling, Chronio, Recent rr Hereditary. $100 a box; 6 boxes, $G.0C Sent bj mail, prepaid, on reoeipt of price. We gnarautee to cur any case of Pilot Guaranteed and sold only by T. C. Smith ft Co., wholesale aad retal druggists, Fublic Sonars, Asheville, rl 'SF if flip a MODERN E BW1S haoddz. Pre. H. t. colliks, Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $35,000 WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And Organized GENERAL BANKING Interest Paid on Deposits DIRECTORS 1 LEWIS MADDU? H. T. COLLINS, , FAGG. . REED S. H. Bank open from 9 a. m., till 4 GO "& THE WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IS NOW OPERATING IN ITS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT THE NICKEL SAVINGS STAMP SYSTEM." Stamps may be purchased from the Bank or any of its agents. When you have a dollar's worth, these will be re ceived on deposit at the bank. Below is a list of our agents who now sell these stamps. As others are appointed you will be notified through this paper. T. J. REED, Biltmore. T. E. WILSON, Biltmore. J. II. W00DC0CK,r.City. LINDAU, HOUGH &1C0., City. It. J. GASTON, Hominy, in. u. For particulars apply at Bank, where information will be cheerfully furnished. THE "BONANZA," ll!E AND Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. WHOLES ALU DEPARTMENT, OENTS' Jf LI PARLOR AND RBADINO ROOM. X J ttA. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLB OOOD8, SAM- ltff A Q PLB, BILLI ARD AND POOL ROOM. i-1 J fcQ BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : III : BASEMENT. Werespectfullysolidt a share of your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, Ho. 43 Postofflce CARBON PAPER AND RIBBONS FOR ALL MACHINES. ALL COLORS. W.D. Gush & Co., 3ijPATTON AVE. HARP ;qyipm Vice - Pre. i r mclodb. Cashier. City Depository. Slay, 1888. BUSINESS TRANSACTED. in Savings Department. J. B. RAY, CHARLES McNAMEB, J. B. RANKIN, M. J. BEARD EN. REED, p. m. On Saturday, till 6 p, m. LIQUOR CO., Telephone Call, N. 73 Box Q. EfTP