ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: SATRDAT EVENING, FEBRUARY 20, 1892. I ECZEM35 MRS. Mr. IIlRAM Thweatt, of Olcan, Pike Co.. Ala., says that Swift' Rccifio cured him of a painful case of Eczema, of which he had SUFFERED FOR 35 YEARS. He took seven bottles. Cures by driving out the germs and poison. It is entirely vegetable. Send for Book on the Skin and Bluud. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. MASSAGE & ELECTRIC TREATMENT MR. AND MRS. H. D. BARNETT. Ncrs-oos Prostration, Paralysis, Rheum tism. Neuralgia, Obesity, Insomnia, etc , suc cessfully treated. Patients attended at their own homes or at 40 Flint st. feistf CHAS. A. GARRATT, Organist and Choirmaster Trinity Church and CONDUCTOR OF THE GARRATT ORCHESTRA Receives ouoils for the Organ, Piunoror e, Violin anil Voice Culture For terms, etc. apply at H4 llailev Street. J. G. Queen. D. D. S. OFP1CB ROOMS NO. 29 SOUTH MAIN STREET, I'P STAIRS, OVER ME VR8 SHOB STORK Rooms ncwlv fitted op und everything first class. I ask the patronage of my Irieuds All work guaranteed In every par ticutur. jan.ouu J. P. GARRATT, Piano Forte Tuner. TERMS REASONABLE. PERFECT SATISFACTION Leave orders at C. Fulk's, Ashevillc. nov23d3ra THOU AS A JONKS. JONES & CHAS. A. WK1IB. WEBB. (Successors to Davidson, Martin & Jones.) ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Koom No. 7 Lal Building, Ashevillc, N. C jun2-dltu R. II. REEVES, D. D. S., DKNTAL OFFICE 'iu Connally cuuaing, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. Residence, 36 Spruce street. P. RAMSAY, D. U.S. Dental Oilice i Over the Nutlonal Bank of Asheville, Bai aard Building. Residence, 8 Charlotte st. telJUdlv A. TENNBNT. Architect and Contractor. pl.m n4itiffitions and estimates fur nished. All work in my line contracted for, and no charues lor drawings on contracts awarded me. References when desired. nfficr: No. 12 Hen.lrv Block. North Court Square, Asheville. :J. C fcblUdly 34-Yeats' Experience-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND IH'ILDliR Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACE AND MARKET STREET. Ii. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Also grading of all kinds done. All orders promptly filled and work guaranteed. Can tic found at all times at Powell & Snider's tore P. O. Box 506. auglDdtf INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, Oeneral 1 Insurance 1 Agent, Rear No. 20 South Main street. Established 1866. Asheville. N. C. au5 dlv A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. ROOM 1. McAFliB BUILDING. Legal Work a Specialty. Walter S. Cushman (Formerly of the Massachusetts Bar,! ATTOKNEV'AT.LAW, COM1IIS8IONKK OF DBBIIS, AND NOTAHV PUBLIC No. 30 Patton Ave., McAfee block, room ASHEVILLB, N. C. SHCIALT1RS: BSAL PROPtBII AMI C0 VBYAJIC1MJ. apr23dtf- BOARDING. GUDGER HOUSE, 211 HAYWOOD STREET, M. u. HILLKK, Proretor. Location uoequaled in the city. Scenery fine table the beat. Polite and attentive servants. Rate on application. Will accommodate table boarders. octlOdtf. . E. COFFIN, AUCTIONEER. RBAL ESTATE AGBNT and LOAN BROKER 82 Patton Ave., (2nd story) Room. I sell furniture, real estate, or anything at auction. If not in office when you call, write name ri residence on slate, and I will visit vou. Refer to J B. Steele, manager Battery Park hotel or any bank in Asheville. THE MAITLAND SCHOOL at ENGLISH AND FRBNCH. HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS; No. 40 French Broad Avenue. MRS. BURQWYN MAITLAND, PRINCIPAL The achool will re-open September 24th. Hours for Infant class from nine to twelve. An attemoon rlaaa for French conversa tion will be formed for ladles under the direc tion of Melle Barrand de la Paverle, dl. plotnce de P academic de Paris. Dr. .VcQlUra & straw, faience liuitid to dibbasbs or THE EYE, EAR, THROAT AND NOSE. - Testing tor Glasses Scientifically Bone. OFFICE NO. 20 PATTON AVL, UP STAIRS. ocmd&wSm GOSSIP OF THE THEATER ITKH8 FOR PLAVCOFRS KM- PECULLV. The Gon Will be the Only Attrac tion at the Grand Next Week Pcraonala About Prareaalonala. Guy Bro.' minstrels come to the Grand next Tuesday night. With thi excep tion the house will he dark all the week. The Guys have been here twice, and while their jokes are chestnuts, seme features of the show are good. The Charlottesville, Va., News says of them: Guv Brothers' minstrels, A clever company of burnt cork artists, held the boards at the Levy opera nouse iut evening-. There were tne six Drotners, Her. Burke. Randall and many otner leadiag lights of minstrelsy. Willis Guys' make-up at the mis-fit in a funny sketch was amusingly absurd, and the sketches throuehont were hiehly entertaining. A knock-about song and dance by Her, Burke and Randall, and the afterpiece, teJlft Housekeeping, were re- every evidence 01 popular favor." The Brooklyn Times of a recent date says: The very bad business which has pre vailed in a majority af one-night stands this season is bringing managers to their senses. In many ol the towns in ques tion theutricals had until quite recently been profitable, and this very quality served to bring about the present disas trous condition of affairs. As soon as a town gained a reputation as a 'good stand,' every company in the adjacent territory wanted to pla." an engagement there. The local manager succumbed, booked about four times too many com panies, and as a result all but the very strongest uluved to empty benches. Av erage one-night stands cannot play more thun two companies a week at the out' side with any degree of arotit, yet this season manv have received visits Irom five and six a week on an average. To overcome that evil the Dramatic Mirror has advecutcd the organization of a managers' associutioa. This association is to be made up of the smaller theatre managers, who will combine to keep out unworthy attractions ultogether and to reduce the number ol bookings to a rea sellable igure. Already a number ol managers have expressed their entire approval of the scheme, and it seeuis likely that before another winter comes around the association will De an estaa I,,1,ed'act- Between Acts. John W. Smathersis now ehiel usher at the brand. McKee Rankin is dramatizing Opie P. Keid's "A Kentucky Colonel." David liclasc i is writing an emotional piece for Mrs. Leslie Carter. Umma Abbott's remains have been finally interred at Gloucester, Mass. There are ,000,000 stitches in one costume worn by the great Tyfeo in the "Fearl of Fekin." Sidney Kosenleld has written a camic opera ridiculing the rain makers, it is called "The Rain-Maker of Syria." Rev. T. DeWilt Talmnge has sent a check for $100 to the promoters of the Actors rund fair in New York city. The 250th performance of "Blue Jeans" at the Fourteenth street theatre, New York, was celebrated last Thursdav. Maggie Cline's new song is "My First Appearance and What the Audience Threw at Me." Of course it was a hit. Mrs. Francis Hodgson Burnett is taid to have lost $13,000 in the London pro duction of "The Showman's Daughter " A nailery god expressed the plain truth on Thursday night when he remarked of the Crnndnll minstrels: Uat stun s all tommy rot. See ? " Attalie Claire, the oper' singer, cele brated her birthday last Wednesday. She received $1,000 worthot jewels tram Columbia College boys alone. De Wolf Hopper's success in "Wang" has been unqualified in the West. His receipts at tbe Chicago opera house av craned $11,000 per week, and he will plav a return engagement in March. Udward A. Oldham, the Mirror's Washington correspondent, writes that paper as follows: "When 1 first exper ienced the pleasure of seeing and hearing Sol Smith Russell, it was in a little school house down in Wilmingtoa, N. C, pre sided over by Frank M. Alfriend, a per sonal friend of Mr. Russell, and who afterward came to this city and became well Snown as a litterateur and journal ist. When 1 realize that it has been nearly twenty years since the now fa ous actor, as a personal favor to his old friend, caniein to amuse a lot of school lads with a 'Casablanca and other like selections, 1 am reminded of the force fulness of Col Pat Douan's remark, 'how tewpus does iugit." "Gentle aa the Summer Breeze." "I'd rather take a thrashing any time than a dose of pills," groaned a patient to whom the doctor has prescribed physic. "I'd as lief be sick with what ails me now. as to be sick with the pills." "1 don t think you ve taken any ol the pills I prescribe, or you wouldn't dread the prescription so," laughed the doctor. "1 never use the old, inside twisters you have in mind. 1 U4e Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They always make me think of a part of an old hymn ' : mud and lovely, Gentle as the summer breeze.' The best thing of the kind ever inven ted. No danger of their making you sick. You'll hardly know you've taken them. I wouldn't use any other in my practice." "MOTHERS'; FRIEND" I To Young : Mothers 5 Hakes Child Birth Easy. Shortens Labor, Lessens Pain, Endorsed by the Leading Physicians, Jtanh to "Mnthert" maMmt FREE. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. $ 500 Reward. WB will pay th above reward for any can of Liver Complaint, Dyapepaia, sick Head, che. Indication. ConatiDatlon or Cos tiveness we cannot cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, when the dl rrctlona are strictly comolied with They are purely Vegetable, and never fall to give satialaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing SO pifia. 38 cents. Beware nf counterfeits and Imitations. The aennlne manufactured only by TH B JOH S C. W B8T COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILL. Bold by T. C IrniU Co.. AahevUU, N. C. CHURCH NOTICES. I Pastors will confer a favor bv handing in these notices not later than 10 a. m. on Sat urday. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Catholic church, corner Haywood and Flint streets, las B. White, rector Ilivme aervice at 11 a. m , baptisms at 4:30 p. m.; service daily at 7:3i a. m. BAPTIVT CHURCH. First Baptist church CornT College and Suruce streets, Rev. J. L White, pastor Services at 11a. in. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. French Broad Baptist church. Rev. J. Q. Adams, pastor Services at 11a. m. and 7:30 p. m Sunday school at tt:du a m. Academy Hill Mission Sunday school at 3:30 p m Prayer meeting every Thursday night. West End Baptist Mission Rev. W. P. Southern. Sunday school at 3:30 p. m. Prayer meeting every Saturday night. Fern Hill Baptist church, Biltmore Rev. D. B Nelson, pastor Salihath school at 9:.1, presetting at 11 o'clock a. m., and prayer meeting at 3 o'clock m. M. B. CHURCH, SOUTH. Central Methodist Episcopal Church South Rev. C. W. Byrd pastor Divine service at 11a m.,and7 30 p. m. Sunday a. ra. Riverside M. B. church. 8outh--Rcv J. C. Tr.y, pastor Divine aervice 11 a. m. and 7:45 p. m Sunday school at 3 p. ra. A welcome to all. North Asheville M R. church. South Rev. R D. Sherrill, pastor. Services at 11 a. . and 7:30 p. m. bv pastor. Sunday school at the Me'hodist Chapel on College street, beginning promptly at 4 p. . Claude Miller, suienntenaent. Bethel church. South Asheville, Rev R. I.. Stamey, pastor S'-'rvices at 1 1 a m. and 7::i p. m Sunday school at 3 p in., W. I, Walker superintendent, fruyer meeting every Thursday night at 7::io. All cor dially invited to attend these services. Rev. J. H Weaver, D. D. will preach at 7:30 p. m PKKSBYTKK1AN CHURCH. First church. Rev. W. S. P.Urvan, pas tor Divine worship tomorrow at 1 1 a. m. ann 7:30 p. m. young people's meeting at 6:45. Sabbath School at 9:30. Soutkside Presbvterian Chanel. Rev. L. H Baldwin, pas-or Divine worship at 11 a m and 7:30 p. m. Sablinth school at 3 p. m. Young people's meeting each Sabbath night at 7 o'clock. Lecttirs on Friday night at 7:48. Bach service preceded or a song ser vice of 15 minutes. "Come tk?u with ua and we will do thee good " Bethany church, Hendry block, (third floor), North Court square. Rev . S. Mor row, pastor Divine worship at 1 1 a. m. and 8:00 p m. Sabbath school nt3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 8 p m. Calvorv Prcjbvterian church, col . Citho- lic i in Sabbath school 11 a. m.; preaching 3 p. m. and 7:30 p. m. Rev. C. B. Dusen- uorv, paBior. kimscopai. ciiuhch. Trinity church. Rev. McNeely DuBose, rec tor Sexacesimu Holv communion. 8 m ; morning prayer, litnnv and ante-com munion 11 a. m : baptisms. Sunday rchonl and Bible class 4 p. m.;e.ening prayer and sermon, 7:30. Trinity Chapel, corner Valley and Beau mont streets. Rev. H. S. McDuffey, rector Sunday school, 3 p. m.; morning service, 11 a. m ; evening service, 4 p. m. St Paul's Chapel, Rev. I. H. Postell, minis ter in charge 'Services on second Sunday in each month at 11 a. m. St Clement's Ser vices on third Sunday in each month at 11 a m. II. K. church. First Methodist Episcopal church, corner Huvwood street and ratton avenue. Kev A. N Onmble, pustor. Sunday school 9:30 a. ra. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Cnllccc Street M. B. church Rev. M. M Jones, pastor PreachinH each Sabbath at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m.; Sunday school at a p. m. All are cordially invited. UNITARIAN CHURCH. In Milliard hall, 37 South Main street e ev. C. T. Sempers, pastor Preaching at 11 a. ra by Rev. B. D. Towle, of All Souli church, Chattanooga, Tenn. False Economy. Is practiced by many people, who buy inferior articles of food because cheaper than standard goods, Surely infants are entitled to the best food obtainable It is a fact that the (.ail Borden "bagle Brand Condensed Milk is the best inlant food. Your grocer and druggist keep it j Reasons why ? YOU SHOULD ORDER YOUR SEEDS f FROM T.W.WOOD & SONS RICHMOND. VA. GARDEN SEEDS. , At 1 .000 mllofl distance we mam It Junt as fiuiy for you to omniti uie dm n"u I miMit Improved vnrietlrff and lut- ( nvellles an ue OF.LIVMR 1 VOSTt'AIEf nnywhere all (.ttrden i Kei'ii!. itt nm-kft mid oiiiit'O rates, and givo ZScw. worth extra pkt. n;fdn for wu'h I .00 worth ordered. We also Have Byt'lul how niU'8 on rmis in iiuik. Our GRASS, CLOVER, tA vifiri KtH-1 tniilo In tlie tanrot In tho Southern HtuU'h-numt convincing proof or our intu-tfruuu omiuiuuinu- eoiiubie pricea. NO RISK I N S : N !M (J M ON K V through the iiiiiiis, iiini wo guar ii men mo aim' arrival of nil on Ins illled hy Full Information find cultural directions k or all Kiirmand tiardi-n Troptt HKivcnln 'our Nrw titnlotfiir, which is tin moat m rjtructi.'i'fviTlaHiied. Mullfilrre St'inlforit. T.W.WOOD & SONS Seedsmen, RICHMOND, Va. oooooooooo am a. WlJ . il . T IJt t 1H4 nuuiew, xrux in tn w wUk THE SECRET 9 Q of recruiting health la discovered Q o TUTTS o Tinv Liver Pills0 OIn liver affections, sick headache, dya-A un.1. Ila.,ilu,,a. hnnrthnrn. hlliou. O colic, ernptlona of 'lie skin, and all troubles of the bowels, their curative Q effects are marvelous. They area co r- Orrctive as welt as a gentle catliartlo, aa Very aninll and easy to take. Price, W woo, t.ince. ov mtmi. i am rww, s. OOOOOOOOOO Health is Wealth! Dr. B. C. WaTpt Nkrvb and; Br a in Treat mb nt, a guaranteed ipecihc for Hysteria, Diiilneu, Convulsion, Pits, Nervous Neu- I U l ft, tx. a ltniiniui! il uhb a susvsnvauai caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental Ifeprewsion, softening 01 the brain resulting in insanity and leading to miserr, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Powtr in either sex, In voluntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea, caused by over-cxertteti of the brain, self- abuse or over-inauigence. nacn dox con tains one month's treatment. $1.00 a box, or six boxes for $5.00, sent by mail, prepaid, on receipt of price. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied with $5.00, we will send the purchaser our written guar antee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by T. C. Smith & Co., Druggists, Sale Agents. Public Square. Asheville. N. C. WEAK wd UNDEVELOPED Oondltlflnlof the human form succexptfully treated to develop, strencrtheu, en lame all weak, stunted, undeveloped, feeble omans and purta of the body much have lost or never attained a proper and natural slie, due to ill health, abuno, excesses, or unknown causes. There is one method and rniy one uereaaed fl iniy one by wnicn mis may do aooonipiiimca, increased flow of blood to anv cart. Droduoed br simple apparatus acttiig automatically, creates new tlHue, tone and vigor by the same natural laws aa uie incrwwe ut ana ana strong 1 n 01 muscie. wm- pe prejudiced oeoause little Quacks pn means to do tha um. INVKl be prejudiced oeoause little Quacks pmpoe bv silly INVKNTlliATItt There no crap fcark of oar oft'ere. here's na tru Wit nf Air oAnn. Our oar n t u will come when tne public knows clearly science from fraud. Wrlteusorliistrnotlons,fuUdescrip. tton.pnxifs, ref erenoes, eto. All sent you in Plata sealed lettcrwithoutoostof anyklna. EBIS KEDIOAL CO., EUFFiXO, ST. 7. inled letter without cost of GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23. BRAND NEW SHOW; BEST EVER HERE, BARRING NOTHING. GUY BROTHERS' MINSTRELS. CHALLENGE ORCHESTRA 12 FINE DANCERS Her. Burhe and Randall, In their TRICK COTTAGE See the elegant Stick Drill. You never sec a better Show. We can prove It. Seats in Parquet and Dress Circle on aale at Raysor ei Smith's Monday at 10 a.m. Scats in Balcony on sale at the ticket office Tuesday at 10 a. m. Prices $1.00, 75,60 and 35 cents. Street cars will be at the door at the close of the performance 0 I UI1C66 S. Main St. WILL. JOHNSTON. 1ra7persTspo1tsFenT We have bought over (UK) furs during the last month, and paid cash lor them. We buy all kinds of raw skins. Call on, or ad dress, JfiNKS Kt JENKS, octlidtf 32 Patton Ave.. Asheville, N. C- NOW OPENED. New restaurant run on European plan. Newly furnished house, with the best the market affords for the table. Special rates to rcKular and table boardera. MRS. HALYBURTON, jan25dlm 23Vfe North Main Sc. Mattreases Renovated. Old ones made as Kood as new. Ticks wash' ed or new ones furnished. New mattresses made to order. Will exchange work for old mattresses. All work guaranteed. Rates reasonable. Orders punctually attended to. MRS. 8 STEVENSON, nov25dtf 33 DepotStreet. J. H. TUCKER, J. D. MURPHY TUCKER & MURPHY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Practice in the State and Federal Courts Iftice: Rooms No. 2 and 3J'ihnson building, comer Court Square ana soutn muiu et. tcuiuaonccawtt JAMES FRANK, -DEALER IN- FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Reems Creek Woolen Mills. iorth Main Asheville, N C. ARLINGTON HOTEL AND ARLINGTON ANNEX, AUGUSTA, GA., Have toirether 450 feet facinu due south and 670 feet fronting uroail ana jacssnn streets. Electric bells, elevator, uatns, etc leoi win FOR SALE. Mr. Low's house, on Sunset llrive; fine view and heal'hy air; seven rooms; cemented cellar, furnace, stable and ser vants' house. All well built an'l in excellent condition. Price $3.0110. Call on prem ises or on CORTLAND BROS., 26 and l'ntton Ave. juii2deodlm NOTICE By virtue of a nowrr of sale contained in a deed of trust executed on the 23rd day of June, I xil i. bv the Cos mopolitnn Clul to the Western Carolina Bunk, as trustee, to s.eure the payment of the indebtedness thrrein mentioned, which said died of trust is registered in the olfice of the Register ol Deeds lor Buncombe county, in Book 22 ol Mortgages, on page 311 i, und by reason of default having been made on the imrt of the said Cosmopolitan Club 'n complying vith the terms in suiil instrument, the undersigned will, on Mo day the 2Uth day of February, A. U., at la M ut the court house door, in tne city oi Asnevuie, N. C, sell at public auction, for cash, the franchise of the said club, anil all personal property belonging to said club, consisting of household, k'tchen and club furniture, one billiard and one pool table, and nil fixtures and appurtenances, und also all the other personal property of the snid club more tully described and set forth in said above referred to deed of trust. This Jan 25, A. D, 1892. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. an30dtds sut -TAKE THE- CHICAGO i ALTON R. R. GOING West and Northwest. Bmigrunts going to any of the Western States or Territories will save time and money going via Chicago and Alton route. It is the quickest route to Kansas City, Den ver Pueblo, and all points In Idaho, Wash ington, Oregon, Utah and California. Finest and Bent Equipped Road in the East. Only line running Solid Veatibuled trains between St. Louis and Kanaas City. Reclining Chair cars and Tourist Sleepers free of extra charge. I will meet parties at any railroad station with through tickets and baggage eheiks. For full information, tnapa and descriptive pamphleta of the Weat, write to or call on B. A. NEWLAND, Traveling Paaaeuger Agent, 33 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C J. CHARLTON, 'General Paaaenger Agent, Chicago, III. Hr THE BEST KNOWN REMEDY." Cures tiorhirh(it uiul CH tilcot i n 1 to A Days, without Pain. I'rovi'ius Btricture. Ciintuins nn acrid or poisonous tmhstitnccs, and is iruarnntoca nnsolutcly harmless, prpflerllied hy physicians. Kist Sy ringe free with each hottlo. Price Vi Sold by drngglsts. Bcwarw iI Sub. stlttiti's. Acmf0hpm.0o.L':i.,N.O.I,a 0 FOR SALE BV SHIM, MHEVILLS. N. C ijUi Ml .L i- K pnarantend Ore 'or Piles of wliatcve7 kind or degroo Extcrnnl, Internal, Bli: A or Bleeding, Itching, Chronic, Recent c Hereditary. $1 00 a box; 6 boxes, $5.00. SeBt by mail, propaid, on receipt of prion. We guar uii toe to euro any case of Vile guaranteed and sold only by T. C. Smith ft Co., I wholesale and retal J mMklltf. InUM XbKIIU m-. 1 . CURL WANT COLUMN. WANTED. 1TTANTED To rent a neat 4-room cot- TV tage, reasonable distunce from square something nice, oat not gnt-cugea aiiurcss K. c. r., citixen urate. WOOD WANTBD A quantity of hickory wood by the cord. Apply at my home on Merrimon avenue. OEO. W. PACK. fenisdlw OFFICE OP Ii. B. BARNUM & CO., Fine Clothiers, Washington, Feb. 15, 1892. To Messrs. E B. Bnrnum & Co., Ashevillc, N. C. Gentlemen: We have decided to close out our business in Asheville. You will im mediately a iveruse the stock and fixtures for sale. Make the reduction equal cost ol goods. Close out everything without re serve. Reapt. B. B. BARNUM & CO. FOR RENT. TTIf XJ ern conveniences; on car line. For term apply to NO. 0 CHARLOTTE ST. Ieui7a.'w" rjlOR RENT Store room No. 9 North J Court Square, now occupied as a millin ry, will be for rent March 1. Apply to fcblttdat W. M. COCKE JR. FOR RENT. Suburban residence, near elcctrn tramway, completelv furnishei!. Steam heater and modern conveniences. Fine pair of horses with vehicles, and two Jersey cuws. Address P. O BOX B32. HOUSE FOR RENT. The beautiful house on Patton avenue, known as theG- M. Roberts place, is lor rent. J KfitiU It. i AKftlH, nov25dtf 27 North Main Mrect. FOR RENT Four rooms, nicely furnished, in u new house. Suitable for a small family. For lurther particulars call ut l.ind sey Hi Brown's Studio, South Court Place. icuiouut' TThJR RUN T Furnished home, 17 rooms, 2 stable, large grounds, with shade. 1'os session given at once. Also one store room on Patton avenue. juunniw, Real Estate Agent, No. 1, Legal lilocn. feblUd3tw3w 'rD RENT Thut diBirublc residence. No. 121 lis ay wood street, formerly occupied by Mr. Alex porter; gas, wuter and all con veniences. On car line. Apply to r. Ku ruuun, dccl5-dtf Barnard Building. TO RENT one splendid new 7 room house near the Square, $20.00 pet month; three large rooms on Church street, $7.60 per month; 3 large rooms ou Church street at SO. OO uer m Mllll. Apply to J. B. Johnson, at Blair & McUowcII'b. icuiouu JlOR RENT A comfortable, nine room 1 hUB,. with water in the kitchen, and . v.riv,. nrrmiif tine land. one llull iU UOOtl orchard grass, overlooking ,the t-rcncii Broud river, adjoining B ngliam scnooi tract. Price $25. ou uer month. For lull particulars, address J. A. MURUOCH, BOARDING. rllWO aiinnv rooms with ood board, at I 103 MEKKIMON AVENUE. lebSdtf BOARDING Those dcBiring good board with northern cooking can find sunuy rooms, with hot and cold water, at very reasonable rates for the spring mouths by addressing Z, Citiien otnee. icuiouiw- BOARUING A lew delightful rooms, with baths, steam heater, and open nrcs, can be seemed, with board, by addressing P. O. Box 632, Ashevillc. icuiouu 1 JOARfllNG Ilesiruhle hoard can be had J ut Mrs Watson's, S Spruce street. kooms comfortable and chcertul. Kelcrei Mr. Pelham, 2 Pulton avenue. ian26dt. WANTED Two hoarders in front room, u.itl, momitiu sun. near car line, north. . ,.nit in,.- n 1,-w minutes . D ii. e u square .Number ol boardera limited to six. Address C, Ollicc. Box 27-1; or inquire at Citizen taSTlNTUR BOAK'I. Rooms warm and comlort.i;'-.. Everything rr,.ut, i,,,,l newlv I in ill Led . uiid lu"ntslic(l. Imiuc diatelv on street car line Terms leasonuble. MRS. . . SMATHERS, i un 1 2d tf 3 let Patton Ave. MISCELLANEOUS. "tlTATSON'S Patent I'itc Grute, the best in the world 'or sine by icb4dly UALLAKD & RICH. rpo LOAN $t!00 on improved city real es X late to K. U. f.ARKETT, lSU3f 32 Patton Ave. NOTICE We have oa hand about 300 gulloi'8 of lirst class bliickbcrry wine thai we are ottering cheap. .Yuuress C. P. WU1TSON .V CO., flSd2w Ashevillc, N. C. non SALE New tire-proof sale at cost. Jl Jli.NK.i & JUNKS, No 32 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. febOdtf XTEWSPAPER Ol'TFIT PUR SALE. 1 jl have for sale a complete ouilit tor 7, or u column jiaper, including a spienuiu i oi ter l ower i um. . w w.. need the money and will sell at a bargain. W. J. ItOVLIN, Jan23dtf Monroe, N.C. J3 Garden and Pield Seeds eminently uaupted to houtticm Bull und Southern cli mate, sent prc-puid anywhere, at rcustmable . I T i pntcs. scud tor catalogue mm try ""' them. J. W. VAMIlVbK. dec23-dtf Vteavervillc. N. C. JjlOK SALE Due Burnes Foot Lathe (lor wood), cost S30, one Harnes conililned circular und scroll saw, with drilling attach ment, cost 50, also one lot ol cutter heuds . iiim il kw. cost StO. Price for the lot Iftio casn. ah tne ouovc arc iu hiumi oruer. Por furthur information npply to E. I). HElNli.Mrtll, .inuiiua r. v., feludtf Uunconibe Co., N. C. LEALED PROPUBALS will ue reccneu m O the olhce of the City Engineer until 1-' m. Friday, February liti, tttl4, lor building a dry, stone, box culvert on Depot street. Ulunk forms of proposals and specifications cun be obluined at this ollicc upon applica tion therefor together with all necessary ir formation. U. M. LEE, ieblHdlOd City Engineer. 4 DMINISTRATOR'S NtlTlCE The un- J. dersigncd having quuliric.i as adminis trator of Daniel Morgan, deceased, hereby notihes all persons having claims against aniil estate to. within twelve aiuuths Irom this date, present the same lor payment or this notice will be pleaded iu bnrot recovery. Any person indebted to said deceased w ill rttr ui onee. Itiv business relating t .iiil estate can be transacted either through my attorney, W. R. Whitsou, inyscll. Thisjuu. i, 18S2. Respcctlully, Jana)d6w J. N. MORGAN. A JOINT STOi'K COMPANY is being ...rma tn nurchnae and manufacture, ill the state of North Carolina, the Hawks Hi p.,le'a Patent trnura. as per patent no. xr,M .him. batentcd Sentcmber 1, 1891. Per- iini wishini: to subscribe tu the stock which is twenty-live dollars per share, can call at the office of Cummtngs 6t Mott, No. 4 Nortn Court Place, or the undersigned, kn win Iu. oleaaeii to exhibit model und uive informatiuu couccrning the same. This t-ebruar, X5, i; fcblSdZw European Hotel 4 T PUBLIC SALE By vlrtueof the po r nf ante, vested in me. contained in a certain bond for title, executed by Myra Austin Terrcl, dated May 10, 1890, delauit having been made in the payment ol the debt thereby secured, I shall, at 12 o'clock M, on the 6th day oi marcu, imii, cxpus. for sale, at public outcry to the highest bol der for cash, at the court house door In the city of Asheville, N. C the parcel ot land, on same, situate on the south side of Moun tain street, uctng no. iuu, in n.-v-ville, fully described in snid instrument, to which for a deacription of same ref. rence is now Hereby maue. iu "u .mj 4 1892. For further particulars appiy 10 or address A. J Lyman, at hia jlhce in Legal block, Ashcviil lie. N. c. ... CHARLES W. VHAKIUn. fcbdtds NOTICE By virtue or a oecree oi tnesu rjerior court of Buncombe county, in the .r f ... rt : ., .. .... a..A n,Hrfl matter oi . . w.,bum ". ...... . - - - parte, for the aale of lands, and the diatribu. I:..- nr th nrmwdi. I will oroceed to sell at oublic out cry on Monday, the 7th day of March, A. O., 1892, at the resilience oi tne late J. C. Davidso i, all the lands owned by said Davidson at the time of hia death, con aiatingof two separate tracts. First tract known as the humc place, adjoining the lands of J no M. Davidson and others, containing 180 acres, more or less, also one other tract adioiulng the lands of Jason Ashworth and .h.r. ,nii.iii.e no acres more or lesa t. .-m . ,n ,ntvivr balanceln three equal installments in six, twelve and eighteen Months. J. McD. WH1TSON. Feb. 2-d30d Commissioner. f-a, if 1,, MODERN 'TEQ ewis UADDUX, Pres. h. t. Collins, Capital, $50,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And Organized GKNEIUL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Interest Paid on Deposits DIRECTORS lewis MAnnv? H. T. COLLINS, M.I. FAGG, ). B. REED S. H. Bank open from 9 a. ra., till 4 p. ENOXVILLEe; i i' ! E !!' 7 i-Str-vjS 'ZSilllMIIIIIIIIMliiliagMyi THE WESTERN CAROLINA BANK IS NOW OPERATING IN ITS SAVINGS DEPARTMENT THE NICKEL SAYINGS STAMP SYSTEM." Stamps may be purchased from the Bank or any of its agents. Avhen you have a dollar's worth, these will 'le re ceived on deposit at the bank. Below is a list of our agents who now sell these stumps As others are appointed you will be notified through this paper. T. J. REED, Biltmore. T. E. WILSON, Biltmore. J. II. W00DC0CK,lCity. LINDAU, HOUGH &:C0., City. II. J. GASTON, iiomlny , JN . C. For particulars apply at Bank, where information will be cheerfully furnished. THE"BONANZA," wHE AND Nos. 41 and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. WHOLESALES DEPARTMENT, GBNT8' f At PARLOR AND READING ROOM. 11 V dbl.. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLB GOODS, 8AM- A Q PLB, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. jLl Jt 4tO( BEER : VAULTS : AND ; BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT. We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. PtMtofllcc CARBONIPAPER AND RIBBONS FOR ALL MACHINES. ALL COLORS. W. D. Gash & Co., 3JTATTON AVE. SltVlLLE irvL iMiaktitrOi' irWil SHARPS pROR Vtee - Prea. t. p mclodd, Cashier. Surplus, $35,000. City Depository. May, 1888. In Savings Department. J. B. RAY. CHARLES McNAMBE, J. B. RANKIN, M. J. BEAKDKN. REED, m. On Saturday, till b p. m. OO LIQUOR CO., Telephone Call, No. 7a. Box Q. .

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