ADVERTISE. Many a man hat attributed hit success in life to peculiar talents and business capacity, whea tbe fact is be sailed to prosperity on tbe wings of an advertisement. ADVERTISE. But words nre things.pnd a small drop of ink, (ailing like dew upon a thought, produces that which mukvii thousands, perhaps mil lions, think. Byron. ASHEVILLE N. C, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 2G, 1892. PHICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME VII. NO. 2(50 Asheville Daily Citizen ! JEALOUSY. GREEN EYES.) GOMPETITION DOWNED. IF YOU HAVE NOT TRIED OUR jAVAANIbft Do so nl once Mini not Hie Both are found in business as well as in love. When a business man finds out that a competitor is jealous of his success the suc cessful expects a display of fire works which naturally and to the irritation of the envious il luminates the horizon and causes that success and the reasons thereof obvious to all. People who conduct a legitimate busi ness and perform the same in a legitimate manner usually suc ceed. A. D. COOPER, STAPLE AND FINE GROCERIES, NORTH COURT SQUARE. (liffiMvnce li'tw''n it nnil tln kind von imvn lnvn buying. Wo uiiikt' 11 ii'riiiiUiont. cus- BON MARCHE." Sixty five English printed cham ber sets in three pretty colors, 10 pieces to the set. Only $1.90 set. 100 dozen heavy hotel goblets at 20c set. We expect to keep this goblet in stock hereafter for this low price and not offer you a few dozen at a bargain, and when you come lor them meet you with the word "all out." Thev will be here when you come for them, if the factorycanmake them as fast as we can sell them. See our bat gain counter. ' THAD. W. THRASH & CO., CHINA, HOUSE FURNISHINGS, ETC. 41 PATTON AVENUE. CHEERED THE EMPERIOR. WII.I.UH IS NOT A COWARD ANYWAY. NERVY PEBHV. 37 SOUTH MAIN STREET. tomci- of cvi-ry pcison to whom wr sell the first pound. KROGER. GRAND SALE OF LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR. - REAL ESTATE. Drawers at 29. 3, 9 and BDets. Chemii at 33. 43. S3 and 63cts. Gown, at 59, 69, 79. 89. 99cts, $1.17, St. 27. Skirts at M, 5H, (58, 78, UHcts, $1.18, $1.38. These goods are full .lie, nicely trimmed, irnoil material and well made. Also a full line of Hamburg. Nainsoo and Swiss Kmbrnldcrics and Torchon Lace, White f.oo.s, andGinnhams; all new spring uoooi. Waltbk B. Gwyn. w. w. Whrt. GWYN & WEST, " BON MARCHE. (Successors to Walter B.Gwyn) FSTABLISIIED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHRVILLE. REAL ESTATE Herurclv Placed at 8 Per Cent. Motarv Publii. Commissioners of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFKICB-WiotHesst conrl Hqnare. You may be under the Impression that it makes but little difference where you buy your GKOCBKI1JS. NutlilaR could befarther from the truth. In groceries as in every thing else can be found the good, the indif ferent and the bad. Not U go into further details we simply tell tou this: From us you wilt get the best and nothing but the best, and you wilt get it at prices that the I closest purchaser will endorse. POWELL& SNIDER C2 CCS CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans sc. nrel.v placed at 8 per cent. Offices 24 & 26 Patton Avenue Second febodlv JOHN CHILD 3 E-XJ mm CO Cs3 0 0 0 0 b 73 w D O X w 4 0 w I M LOTS OF- Berlin's Unemployed Workmen Hake a BiK Demonstration Hut Are Repulsed By the Police tttrlke In New OrleaiiH. Bkklin, Feb. 25. A body oftwo thou sand unemployed workmen held a meet ing; today with the object of deciding upon some course of action that would improve their condition. Upon the con clusion of the meeting a procession was formed and marched down the Under de Lindern singing the"Marseilaise." When the procession reached the castle of the .miwrnr il wnl met hv a bo,i ! t- diers. The officer in coinrnund ordered the procession to make way for the sol diers, but the workmen refused to do so. The police then charged the crowd and a tree fight ensued. Alter a short struggle the workmen were dispersed and the leaders were arrested. Bkrijn, Feb. 2(i. At an early hour this morning menacing crowds of work men began to assemble in Under Her Linden. A strong police force kept the crowd moving. Br noon the crowds were so great the police felt it to be dan gerous to allow t sens to remain in the streets especially as the thieats of loot ing the shops had been made. They therelore charged the crowds, but met with determined resistance and repeated charges were necessary before they were dispersed. The crowd in Kaiser Wil hclm Strasse especially was determined to hold their ground. The, first charge of the police had ' ni effect whatever nnd the police were compelled to withdraw, some having been quite severely hurt by the sticks and stones ol the mob. The "police then drew swords and charged, slashing right and left. The mob still held its ground and re turned blow for blow, but finally began slowly to give way, contesting every inch of ground. The police enraged at the resistence, rallied, made another charge, and after a-hnrd scuttle the crowd broke and ran in every direction, 3:30 !. m. Many things have been said for and against limperor William, hut he has never been accused of cow ardice. Though he is no doubt greatly disturbed bv the events of yesterday and today, he does not show any anxiety in the face as to what the final outcome will Ik. There was great excitement in the vicinity of the castle at 3:30 o'clock this attcrnoon, when his majesty, at tended by one aid and preceuled by two mounted policemen, emerged on horse hack from the castle court yard, and rode slowly through the streets, not withstanding that thev were packed by excited masses of people. He was loudlv and enthusiastically cheered by the masses through which he proceeded. He rode along under tier Linden to Thergartcn ancl everywhere was the recipient ol a most Hearty come from the excited people. Some of the emueror s most legislative measures may be bitteriy opposed by the people, but their action this iilternooon showed that personally he is a great favorite. His appearance on the streets during a time like the present is apt to have a good effect in the direction oi coolinir the aimer of the excited work men. New Orleans, Feb. 2(.-The strike ol Longshore men is on, an.l 2,000 men are out of work. Their demand is an hour's pay for fractional parts of an hour. The shin a rent a have decided to stand by the emulovine stevedores, giving them the time needed to secure new hands lor un loading the vessels. A number of new laborers have been obtaiued and it is oronosed to nut them to work. The trouble with the Longshoremen is antici pated and the mayor has been asked fur protection. He Will Be Hard to Hold His Ks cape Already Planned. Lyons, N. Y. Feb. 25.-01iver Curtis Perry, who robbed the American express train near Utica on Septeui' .-'j. If 91, and attempted to rob it again on Sun day morning last, was arraigned on. two different counts here today and was held to await the action of the grand TIIEBAKERMURDERTRIAL MRS. UII.MER 8TIL.I. ON THE HTABiD. The case Against Baker Crows No Better Very Fast Mr. Gilmer Has Apparently Forgiven His wile Her Transgressions. Bristol, Feb. 23. The Baker trial at jury on three distinst charges firing at Abingdon excites more and more inter- a locomotive on the New York Central e8t every day. The evident reluctance railway, taking forcible possession of a of the principal witness to talk, on ac count of her infatuation for the prisoner, locomotive.and making sft with it, and assaulting people at the railway station here by intimidating them with a loaded revolver all aggregating in punishments, if convicted, fortv-seven years. This is exclusive ef the penalties for the two grave c or -.-. .'.njr to rob the itvpi became absolutely indisputable when the letters exchanged by them since his in carceration w read in court, i ue ue- fense know not how to treat her, as a friend or an enemy. Mrs. Gilmer took the stand. Among eight hours, vet he has already planned oti,er things she saisl: "Baker was j .?i : .1 I... 1 " ...... an escape ami unto i n evening uiuugui waitin on me at the time of bis wife's it was working ttselt out rapidly to- - u:. :.:,.. Th, uji scisr... , . " Tie Tfas been in orison only about forty- wards a verv satisfactory issue. It is a striking instance of the marve lous energy and daring which is concen trated in the slender, thin-faced youth that he seems to have tackled the problem of escape from the very moment intimacy he set toot within tne prison, ann mat his plan, had it not been nipped in the bud late this afternoon by the watch fulness of Detective Bruce, n man of Terry's character, by no means a hopeless one. It was found out that he had passed to his father, on one of his visits, a plan ot a key to unlock the jail doors. THE PATTICKSON l.tMDS. Three of the Owners are Now I.tvlnic In Aslieviliv. The Citizen on veslerdav noted the sale ot the Powell's Valley lands, in Ten nessee. consisting of 1.S00 acres, the price nnid bciiiL' $270,000. One of the owners is Houston Patterson, of Ashe ville. who is a brother inlaw of John M Campbell, the reul estate agent. Mr. Patterson owns one-third, bis brother, Robert Patterson, of Cumberland Gap another third, while the remaining thud tcrest is held by Houston Patterson is guardian of Misses Maggie and Alice Mcliwen. two voting ladies now pupil! at the Asheville Female college. Forty icres in the centre of the tract, the finest land in the estate, are reserved by the heirs. He H Convicted In Snort Order at 4reeiiHloro. The rial of Bigamist Wylde, who was ar rested at Kinston, N. C, a few months neo for marrvinir Miss Liziie Monroe I this city, when he nail aireaoy a wne Hnglund. It was expected that it would be ha.d ti establish the marriage IviiL'land. This d.flicultv was re moved by the brothir-iu-law of Wylde, who came to this country in tunc lor the trial. The evidence was conclusive as to his guilt, und there was little surprise when the jury, alter having been out about an hour, gave a verdict ot guilty. o (Formerly of Lyman & Child). nniri No. i Legal Block REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, tpii'TI.V A BROKERAGE BUSINESS. I Loans secure placed at 8 per cent. "WILLS BR0S.7 ARCHITECTS, 28 Patton Avenue. Neit Y M C A bulld'g. P O Box 66. novl d3tn w PQ Handsome :-i Styles NOW ARRIVING. CLOTHING, DKY GOODS, FANCY GOODS. HATS, SHOES, CARPETS, &C. NO INSURANCE. e A Co Operative F.olabllHhnienl Burned Down In New Jeraev Elizabeth, N. ., Feb. a6. The plant of the Union oil cloth company, at Eliza' I bethport was destroyed by fire at o'clock this morning. The flames had their origin in the boiler room and con sumed the entire works, which consisted of frame buildings occupving a block on Third avenue. Loss on the buildings and machinery $30.000 and on materia raw and mnnnfactured. $10,000. The company was a co-operative oiganizi tion composed of a dozen Philadelphi merchants aid members of the Knight of Labor who were locked out by thei employers in that city six years ago Table cloths were made mere, i nci was no insurance. ROBERT BROUN, CIVIL BNGINBBR. 8URVKYOR AND MB- I CH ANICIAN. Constructions In wood and metal con ducted. Thirty years' experience in prncti- i ...rvrvlnu Instruction in raecnanicai brunches civen. Close measurements a spe cialty. Residence, McDowell Avenue. dec8-d3in For your Supply of CHEWING AND SM3KIN6 ARTICLES GO TO THB MODEL CIGAR STORE, 17 Patton Avenues The only Exclusive Cigar Store in the City. FOR NORTH CBROI.INA. We A BRILLIANT RING We are showing some ot the daintiest nor cities ever displayed In Jewelry. It would be raster to tell you what we haven't got than what we have. If you haven't seen oar ele gant trifles in gold and In silver, there Is a treat awaiting you, and, whether yon have urchases in mind or not, you should not mifs them. It Is difficult to resist going into details we are strongly tempted to describe some of theeiqulslte products of the season's art, some of which show that the caprices of fashion are apt to be wonderfully charming, but you'll get a much better idea if you come and lank for yourself. D. II. COSBY, JEWELER, PATTON AVENUE. , I A HANDSOMELY FURNISHED HOUSE For rent to a responsible party. Hou.e is I in a good location; bath, hot and cold water. Also a boarding bouse lor rent. We have the best facilities of any firm in the state for insuring your dwelling houses, yonr furniture, storse and stock. If yon wet burned out yoa know that tou can come to ua and be sure of getting your I money. ass.. I some choice Dargslas In city and suburban properties can be had by calling at our of fice. Timber lands a specialty. JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, Rooms 9 and 10. McAfee block. 3a Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. Hit Have a Monument Conleatea F.lecllou Cane Washington, Feb. 26. In the house today Mr. 0'Ferrall, of Virginia, fro the committee ou library, reported bills for the erection of monuments to Genera Morgan (at Winchestei, Va.) and Niv STILL IN THE RING. R.B. NOLAND & SON, GROOEiRS, No. ax N. Main Street, HItiAMIHT W VI. I1C. criminal intimacy existing between us was begun hye years ago last August. I stated yesterday, today ana wouia tate it forever, Dr. baker said alter tne that all barriers should oe burned away. Dr. linker wanted me to get a divorce. Mrs. linker died in September, lSH'J. Hydrocyanic acid was given by him to me as bite as twelve months after her death. The poison was put in Mr. (jil- mi-r's medicine bv Dr. Baker. I visited the prisoner within week of his wife's death. HKIESIll.r I did not visit her much on account of the rumors that were afloat concern ing us, although 1 felt friendly towards her. Yes, I would have visited Dr. Ba l,pr if I had known that he had killed his wilt1. 1 made false statements to Baker when I told him in mv letters that I was co operating with hiin to kill my husband. Gilmer once accused me 01 lnntieiuy out I swore on bended knees that 1 had Deen true to him. I regarded mv course as a sin ana once Baker said that God would so re- irdit. I felt greatly relieved at tne former trial when confession had been made and a great burden was lifted Irom mv mind. I was arrested in May. 1 remained father's house at Pulaski. My te- cnnriluition with mv husband was effec ted about three weeks alter my trial. I am living with him now. The divorce proceedings have been dismissed. O, HUHll! 1-rom the Goldsboro Argus. court We make the prediction now mat ine ONE BOTTLE OF Buncombe Sarsaparilla Will convince the most skeptical of its real value. By its use you can save your self from the suffering caused by the eruptions jand ulcerous gores through which the system strives to rid itself of corruptions. It purifies the blood, giv ing it renewed vitality and force. Being an alterative it changes the ac tion of the system, imparting fresh strength and vigorous'health. The concentrated power and curative virtues of Buncombe Sarapanlla render it the most reliable blood purifier that can be used, while it is entirely sale tor pa tients ol all ages. For sale only at GRANT'SIPHARMACY. The general tendencyj'of Buncombe Sarsaparilla is laxative, but in a num ber of cases it is not enough so hence we have had many demands for a good vegetable pill. BUNCOMBE LIVER PILLS are mild, yet efficient; do not cause pain or gripe, and act upon the liver and bowels. They are especially valuable as alter dinner pills, and readily cure constipa tion and costiveness, nausea, distress iu the stomach, etc. They are purely vegetable and we be lieve they are the best familv pill yet pre pared and offer them with perfect confi dence, believing that whenever used it will be with the happiest results. Try them and judge for yourself. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY, Gkkknsiioko, Feb. 24.- ootn was crowded today to hear the presidential campaign of the present "SYRUP OF TAR AND WILD CHER RY" as manufactured at Grant's Phar macy is the best cough medicine you can use lor yourself or your children it is a positive cure and we guarantee it to con tain no opiates in any form, it is entirely harmless. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Years ago people regarded cold cream and camphor ice as the ultimatums for chapped hands and all similarkin trou bles, many persons find that the applica tion ol either of them aggravates their trouble. To such "CAMPHO-GLYCER-INE COMPOUND" is aboon it is a pos itive cure for chapped bands, chafing, sunburn, etc., and an elegant face dress ing alter shaving it contains no mineral or noxious ingredient, is elegantly per- iumea, win nor. sou tne most delicate fabric, is entirely harmless and safe to use on the most delicate skin and con tains nothing greasy or sticky. For sale only at ... 1 1 I U. ..- nnr vrar win De marneu oy mc - r.mtitiir influences, and be the most fles titrate and Eenerauv aemoruiniug umi this generation has witnessed. We pre- ,11,-t fun her. that there will be a much larger vote drawn Irom the two 01a parties than ever belore. Take Notice I'rom the Hendersonville Times. Mr W. N. I'icker. the blacksmith, re quests us to say to the person who bor rowed his posthole digger about hve years ago, if he is still living, that he would be glad to Dorrowt n. nwiuic himself. He will take good care of it and return it when lie gets tnrougn ith it YVIu, certainly t From the Hendersonville Times. We hope the editor of The Citizen . . .. ... . .. .1 to be that the silver question is lctt just will "brighten" up on tne History ui about where it was before the caucus P ' "lc "' was held, the silver men evidently being THKsIM'lvH Vi:STIOT. GRANT'S PHARMACY. VaVa tooth wash and powder are su perior in quality, they cleanse and beau tify the teeth, strengthen the gums and impart fragrance to the breath. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Physicians orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part ol the the city. GRANT'S PHARMACY. The Democratic Caiictm comes To No UeciHlon Washington, Feb. 26. A democratic caucus was held last night on the silver question. The result of thecaucus seems in the niaioritybut the minority being unwilling to be bound by the caucus uc- t inn. This leaves the matter with the rules rnmmktee to decide whether or not the special order shall be brought 111. AFFAIRS OF COSSEQUESCE. A THANK OFFKKINtJ. Nr. Rockefeller is Thankful Million Dollars Worth. Ciiicaco, Feb. 2(5. The university ol Chicago had another gift of $1 .0110,000 added to its endowment today. A letter was received by the trustees from John n i.....i.-i.f'..ll,.r tiulfrimr tlmt sum in five per cent, gold' bonds to be handed over Senator Hill, and offers United States to the trustees with accrued interest to Senator Carlisle, of Kentucky, as the March 1. The letter concludes as fol- successor of Mr. Cleveland and tne reprc lows: "Intake this gift as a special Uenative of tantl relorm, HOME Secretary of the Treasury Foster has sailed lor burope Members of the American Colonization ni fiHiiiiipton tne Biruuuu negro emigrants in New iorit to scnu them to Liberia. Although instructed for Hill, the New York delegation, n.tiuencea uj mnir. it is thought, delei n iw oi-ntiment of the country for Cleveland. Henry Wattcrson, in the Louisville Courier Journal, pronounces against thanks offering to Almighty God for re- uewed health. THE THIRD PAKTV, J. M. CAMPBELL, Delegate) Will Meet at Omaha Next Fourth of July. St. Lol ls, Feb. 26. The joint com mittee in whose charge the matter was E. F. Murphv, president of the Inter state Artificial Rain company, ol tjooa- land, Kan., bus started tbe process for making rain at Huron, tai. ";. have contracted with Liaders & Bor ders, of Tulare, for over 40.000 acres of grain, they having the rain company under contract. I.vnrh's two children were placed by the industrial conference burned to death in a fire at McKeesport, iust ended here, met vesterdav nnd after I'y., Mondav night, almost within ' .... 1 ' 1. . . . rt.: ,u uh. his rtrave an all day s session sciccieu uinauo, rcacn 01 110 hiu.i, " Nebraska, as the place of holding the efforts to rescue his little ones, almost convention ol the newiv most pensneo. mr. wni.u . DEALER IN REAL ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION -AI'D IMPROVEMENT COMPANY. FOR RENT. One seven room house, modern improve ments, close at street car line $0 per month. Pour nice rooms, fiist floor, lust at car line $12 per month. Bight-room furnisned boose, short distance of court house; modern Improvements; first class house and first class tenant wanted; none others need apply. Price 35. 00. i-our-room Douse, just at street car line. Price $10.00 per month. None but respon sible tenants wanted. J. M. CAMPBELL. Real BstaU Dealer. wish to announce the fact that they are sole agents for the Spartanburg steam baked bread, tbe only Ant class bread to be (unnd In tbe city, and so table is complete without it. We get It fresh by express every day. Don't forget that we arc wholesals and re tall dealers in potatoes, apples, onions, and all kinds of country produce, HTrrythlng kept that is usually fbuad is a flrstlas grocery store. thanicl Greene (at Guilford C. 11., N. C.) The committee of the whole made an effort to secure consideration of bills on the private calendar, but the house pre- terred to resume discussion 01 tne vriiig Stewart contested election case, and it was addressed bv C. . Stone, of Penn sylvania, in support of the claims of the sitting member. Cleveland's Maine Cheered. Huntington, A'. Va., Feb, 23. Gov. Fleming, Congressman Capehardt and other prominent democrats from all nnrts of the state attended a meeting here todav to form a league of clubs tor the fourth congressional district. A res olution declaring allegiance to Senator Hill was almost unanimously detcated, while Cleveland's name was greeted with rousing cheers. N. Y. World. The President Out of Washington Washington, Feb. 26. The president left Washington at 10:57 o'clock this morning in a special ear ol the Atlantic Coast line lor Virginia Beach, Va.. where he expects to enjoy a week's respite from the cares ol official life. He was accom panied by Mrs. Harrison, histwo grand children, Mrs. Demmick, Private Sccre tary Hallord and two servants, The Trial of "Saiu'l of Posen." San Francisco, Feb. 26. The jury in the case of Curtis, the actor, being una ble to aree, were discharged. The jury stood ten for cocviclion and two for acquittal. nominating convention ,.! r.i nn the hose carnage in rc- .... 1 n 1: ,n Uialinr. sponding to tne amrm, uiiuiuK w .... .. ror that tne are was iu ui umu FOREIGN. Tin. virnnn enrresuondent of the LOU' don Times savs that negotiations for the establishment 01 reciprocity are about tobeconimenced between Aus tria and the United States. The Row Street Police Court in Lon W. lovce. Mr. Peacock is recently Irom don is engaged in ncanug iw uw i ' -. .... . . 1 t . 1 ..J fk.l,..H Httnr IJ-....1. ft v uM.ri ni wni nrtTflniar ai mi aim iviui iiuiiu. mi buiu., in St. Mary's Hpiscopal church. He has who is charged with attempting to DlacK fine talent and is a brilliant performer on mail Lord Hothficld, Lord Chesterfield, piano or organ. His specialty is in Lord Kusseu, uora urmatnwanc mi training chorus classes in which line he ether English noblemen by writing them has had marked success. A nne new letters purporting to un ............ organ will be placed in the church tor them by a woman, Sunday service. Miss Flora W hitloc: will be the 1' uiling soprano at both services. born third Dartv. ulv th was last night selected ns the date, and that ac tion was reaffirmed. A tormal call was i sued. Services at First M. K. Church. Prof. T.J. P. Peacock will have charge establishment of the music in the First Methodist Epis copal church on Sunday at the re-open ing services to be conducted by Bishop I Hill Congratulated. Washington, Feb. 26. Senator Hill has returned to Washington from New York and was in his seat in the senate. He received the congratulations of many of the senators upon the result ot the Al bany convention. The Mew French .Cabinet. Paris, Feb. 28. M. Bourgeious has nbondoned his attempt to form a cabi net and President Carnot fits now sum moned M. Lonbet to undertake thetask. Dr. Pelbum. the Patton avenue drug gist, destroys by fire all old seed and sells Seed. . CHINA, GLASS, CUTLERY, LAMPS, SILVER "Your Money or Your I.lfe!" Such a demand, at the mouth of "six-shooter," sets a man thinking pretty lively! With a little more thinking, tlierr would he less suffering. Think of the terrible results of neg- Ipctert consumotion! which might easily be averted by the timely use of Nature's great specific, Dr. Pierce's ColUcn Medi cul Discovery. Consumption, whicn is L,ung-scroiuia is a constitutional disease, and requires just such a thorough and effectual con stitutional remedy, i iu muej ue fore the lung tissues are wasted, it it punraneecd a radical cure. Equally cer tain in all scrofulous affections and blood disorders. Large bottles, one dol lar, of any druggist. Armour Packins Company'! fresh meats aue the best. Finlay & Nelson, Clearing sale till March 1st. I intend to give up one store room, and goodi will be sold out as fast as possible, regardless of nrlces. J. II. LAW, 57S9 x SoBthMaln Street,