Asheville Daily Citizen VOLUME VII. NO 274 ASHEVILLE N. C, MONDAY EVENING, MARCH 14, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. WHITMAN'S : CANDY BY EXPRESS EVERY Tuesday : and : Friday. KROGER, 41 College Street. CIGARS, BY THE UOX T WHOLESALE PRICES. rr ii 13 LARGEST STOCK ANI THR FINEST VARIETY 1 N WESTEIili nORIII CAROLINA. Munuel Garcia's, Figaro's, Juan F. PortuondoV Frank Teller's, Asheville Cigar Co's. KROGER. nUTTKR, Kl(iu Creamery and New York Hairy, KROGKK. REAL ESTATE. Wsi.T.'n. B. Owyn, W V. Wkm 6WYN & WEST 'Successor, to Walter B.Kwvn) FSTABLISIIED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHFVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed Ml 8 Per Cent. Notary I'uhlk Commissioners oflced FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK Southeast court Monare. CORTLAND BROS,. R eal Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. I nam securely placed at K per cent Uttiees '24. 28 Patton Avenue Second ;floor, fehHdlv JOHN CHILD, (Formerly of Lyman Ik Child), Office No. i Legal Block REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, TKICTLY A KKOKKKACB lU'SINBSS. Loans secure placed at 8 per cent. WILLS BROS. ARCHITECTS, . 3H Patton Avenue. Next Y M C A build'g. P O llox !!. novl d3m "JENKS JsTjENks, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. We have some very desirable timber prop erties for .ale at a low figure. We can show you full description at' our office. One fine Asbestos mine for .ale. We can .how you ome peel men. from the mine and can take you to the property if you desire. Furnished and unfurnished houses to rent. JENKS & JENKS, NO. 32 PATTON AVE., ASHEVILLE, For your Supply of CHEWING AND SM0KIN5 ARTICLES 00 TO THB MODEL CIGAR SPORE 17 Patlon Avenue. The only Exclusive Ciga Store in the City. AVE PAY FOR THIS SPACE TO INFORM YOU THAT NO GROCERY HOUSE In Western North Carolina sells goodsat lower prices than we make. We do not offer to sell any goods Below Cost And then live on the losses, but give you uniformly low prices on every article. A. D. COOPER, TAPLI5 AND FINE GROCERIES, NORTH COURT SQUARE. BON MARGHE." 37 SOUTH MAIN STREET. GRAND SALE OF LADIES MUSLIN UNDERWEAR, Ura wen nt liO. 3D, 4 And filK'ti. Chem'se nt ;i3. 43, f3 nnl O.'k'tn. Gowns at Bit, 6), , H'., 9ct $1.17, $1.27. Skirts ai 48, , OS, 7H, OHcts, $1.1, $1.38. These poods are full alie, nicety tnmratd, uond material and well made. Also a full line of Hamburg, Nainsook and Swiss m broideries find Torchon f.aee. White ('.mi s, anil Gingham); nil new Spring Goods. ii BON MARGHE," ll,O00-Acres-ll,000 I 9 si:iiccrr.ii:i. 11,000 acres in one body. Hard wood Timber. Never cut over. 1'iicqiialled lu W. N. C. Easy of acce. Title Guaranteed. For sale, apply to I). C. Waddell, AsbevlUe, N. C. A BRILLIANT RING. We are showing some of the daintiest nov rltie. ever dispUyd in Jewelry It would be asicr to tell yon what we haven't got than what we have. If you haven't Ken our ele gant trifles in gold and in .liver, there i. a treat awaiting you, and, whether yon have in mind or not, you should not mis. them. It i. difficult to resist going Into detuils we are strongly tempted to describe some of the exquisite product, of the season'. art, some of which .how that the caprice, of fushi n are apt to he wonderfully charming, but you'll Ket a much better idea if you come and look for yourself. It. II. COSBY, JEWELER, PATTON A YEN UK IMPORTED GERMAN ENAMELED Steelware Royal Blue Outside, White Inside Just what the housekeeper! of Asheville have been looking for. We have it in nearly every kitchen article used. This ware is far superior to any agate or granite ware made in this country; is more durable and freer from chemical Impurities, and at prices even less than any other similar ware. Take a look at it in our window, and give us a trial order. We keeo everything in the housefur nishing line, aside from our large stock of china, glass, lamps, etc., and solicit your es teemed patronage. TI1AD W.THKASH " CO. 41 PATTON AVENUE. CHINA. GUSSW '.RE, HOUSt FURNISHINGS, &C YOUNGSHOPPERS If you buy your Groceries where you have to keep your eyes wide open you will be cniiRht napping some time however watch ful you may be. Buy where a child can pur- hase with as much safety as its mother. The place to buy is where the best of every thing is kept, where the worst of anything is unknown and where inflat d prices are not likely to be asked. We keep that kind fa place. POWELL& SNIDER H. REDWOOD & GO. -LOTS OF- STYLISH SPRING GOODS Already received and several lots of the most desirable already gone. Naturally the handsomest go first, and any one in search of them late in the season has n "monkey and parrot" time of it. Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, Car pets, &c. 7 AND 9 PATTON AVENUE. GENUINE AUSTRALIAN LENSES, I'am'devoting all of my 'time to study of the eyes and to the peculiarformation of the lenses. I warrant all spectacles I furnish to give entire satisfaction in all case., and can suit any one on first examination of thceye. E. M'EXLER, 17 NORTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. NO. STILL IN THE RING; R. B. NOLANU&SON, GROCERS, No. ai N. Main Street, Wish to announce the fact that they are aole .genu for the Spartanburg .team baked bread, the only Ant class bread to be found in the city, and no table Is complete without It. We get It fresh by express every day. Don't forg'-t that we are wholesal. and re tail dealer In potatoes, apples, onion., and all kinds of country produce. Everything kept that I. u.u.lly found la a first cla.a grocery .tore. A TAMMANY MAN'S OPINION IT IS THAT HII.L. CAN CARRY NKW YORK. Per Contra, Cleveland Cannot I Knch State MuhI Know Who Ita Best Nan la What Editor Me- dure Thinks). Atlanta March 14. Thos. F. Gilroy.l commissioner of public works, of the city of New York, and one of Tammany's "big four" was asked today as to his upinion concerning the statement of Col. A. K. McClure that. Hill cannot carry New York if nominated. "I have just seen it in the Associated Press dispatches and my comment is that Col. McClure is a poor judge of New York politics. He lives in a city which has been steadily increasing its republi can majority. The state, of whose poli tics he apparently knows so much, has been constantly increasing in democratic strength. The democratic nominee, who ever it mav be, with the possible excep tion of Cleveland, will carry New York. While we could, of course, support him if nominated, 1 don't think Cleveland could possibly overcome the grentdissat islaction in party ranks against him, and 1 am sure the partv cannot afford to take the risk his nomination would en tail. "Hill can carry New York and so can others. The mugwump kicking in New York is nothing more than the same protests that we have had to fight hall a dozen times. Unanimously signed pe titions Ibrtlie May "kicker'sconvention" are nothing more than competition mug wump lists abundantly augmented by republican signatures. Two thirds of the New York Cooper institute audience were republicans as are the lists now be ing signed throughout the state uguinst the action olthi rcgularconvetilion." "All this is made to appear very exten sive to the country at large, but the democrats of New York understand it. We have had to contend against audi shrewd manipulations of the republicans too many times to be seriously disturbed about it now. 1 should say that the partv ought to at least listen to the voice ol doubtful states in the matter. The party must carry New York to win. Its organizations in that should be credited with some judgment in the matter of car rying the state. So with Connecticut, New Jersey and Indiana. These are states that must be carried, and they ought to know best which manisstrong est for them. "As fur as Tammany is concerned it is for democratic success alone, above any one, as democrats should be." The McClure interview referred to above is, iu part, as follows: "No man of average intelligence, who dispassionately views the political situa tion in the north, can hope for a single northern state voting for Hill, if nomi nated at Chicago, and the largest ma jority against him in uny state would be in New York. "This fact will be very clearly present ed and understood at Chicago, and the nomination ot Hill will not be seriously thought of when the convention meets. The only possible achievement of the Hill movement is the deleat of Cleveland; but it is by no means certain that the positive choice of two thirds of the peo ple, who will elect a democratic presi dent it one shall be elected this year, can be overruled by a reckless machine raid of pot-politicians on the presidency." HII.L, EN ROUTE He Speaks at Roanoke on Ills Way Soutb. Koanokk, Va., March H. The train bearing Senator Hill and partv enroute to the south was met 25 miles distant from Koauoke by a delegation from that city who boarded the train early this morning to greet the distinguished New Yorker and invite him to address their citizens during his ten minutes stop at the station. When the city was reached several thousand people had assembled and a hand played airs ol welcome. Senator Hill's ten minute speech was devoted largely to the presentation of democratic principles ana u review ol the good work of the democratic party in the state of New York, He was warmly cheered at frequent intervals. Senatoi.Ilill does not make his south ern trip in a private car, as he prefers to travel, as he expresses it, like any other ordinary democrat," and tenders of pri vate cars by railroad companies have all been courteously declined. The people of Bristol, Knoxvillc, Chattanooga and Birmingham are prepared to give their northern visitor an ovation as his tram passes through. A Military Fire. Chaklkston, March 14. About 10 o'clock this morning the Soutb Carolina military academy in this citv caught fire from a detective flue nnd the roof and rooms of the main building were budly burned. Loss probably fully covered bv insurance. No Board of Health Probably. Villa Laredo, Mex., March 14. Typhoid fevcrepidemic is making terrible ravages among the people of this place, there having been 230 deaths within the past ten days. There is no decrease in the alarming death rate. Plot lo Assassinate the Sultan. London, March 14. A Constantino ple despatch to the Exchange telegraph company says great excitement is caused there by what the police claim to De the discovery of a plot to assassinate the Sultan. 1 wo men nave Been arrested. Nol III It. Haltimoke, March 14. In regard to the story from Atlanta that the Balti more and Ohio railroad company hat got control of the Richmond Terminal, the best information here is that there's nothing in it. "The sun Do Move." Richmond, March 11. Rev. John Jns- oer, ol the "Sun do Tiove" fame, is going to marry the third time. He is eighty years old and the prospective bride but grandchildren. Senator Morrill III. Washington, March 14. Senator Morrill is dangerously ill of pneumonia. He is in his eighty second year. INCLUDING Jl'DCE WOODS I The Notorious Indiana Blocks-of Five Republican. Washington, MarchU. The commit tee on judiciary today resolved to report to the scnat. .yii. of the judicial nomina tions, including the nomination of Judge Woods, of Indiana, with the recommen dation that ther be confirmed. SHERIFF REYNOLDS FIST. Some of the Peddlers Have Been I' ln B II without Authority. Sheriff Reynolds has discovered a slick scheme which is nothing short of forgery. Everybody in Asheville knows that in the city are dozens of Italian peddlers, who go from house to house selling "Cheap John" articles. The headquar ters of the peddlers, among whom are several women, are in Asheville, and some of them travel through the county, seeking whom they mav take in. To do this peddling requires a license from the sheriff. Some of these peddlers, or others for them, hit upon the plan ol forging Sheriff Reynolds' name to a li cense receipt. If any question was raised they would present the receipt, and as the everybody in the county is not supposed to know the sheriff's chi rographv, the peddler would be allowed to go his wav. On Saturday two of the peddlers were arrested near Biltmore. Their receipts were found to be forged, and the men were brought to the city. Wheu plied with questions as to the forgery they professed to be utterly ignorant of the English language, and nothing could be gotten from them. The men left their packs with the sheriff and are supposed to have skipped. The lorgeries are very crude, and the sheriff wants everybody to lookout for these peddlers' licenses that have not his own tine Spencerian hand, EXPELLED AN EDITOR. litiijamiii Johnson convicted of Polillcul Heresy. Richmond, Iud., March 11. Ucnja min Johnson, editor of the Item, one of the most influential republican daily newspapers in Indiana, was yesterday convicted of political heresy by the re publican editorial association ot Indi ana, of which he is secretary. The association has requested him to resign, which be refuses to do. The spe cific charges preferred aeainst Mr. John son were that be is an enemy of the pro tective tariff policy of the party, and that he is an ardent supporter of tariff reform. He did not deny the charges, but claimed that as the republican editor of a republican paper he was privileged to arraign the present tariff policy of his party if he thought proper. New York Sun. 330,000 OUT OF WORK. Result ortne Ureal Miners' strike In Wales. London, March 14. Flintshire, in Wales, appears to be the only place where the order of the miners' federation to quit work has not been obeyed by the members of the association. The latest estimates of the number of miners who ae now idle place the figure at 350,000. Owing to the closing down of other in dustries because of the strike, fully 200, 000 men iu other employments have been thrown ou of work. Rusk Has a Little Chance Now. Washinoton, March 14. In the sen ate today the house bill to amend the act to provide for the performance of the duties ot the president in case of the re moval by death, resignation or inability both of the president and vice-president was reported nnd placed on the calen dar. It provides for the succession of the secretary ot agriculture after the secre tary of the interior. A Mammoth Brewery Deal. Chicago, March 13. Within forty- eight hours there will be incorporated, under the laws of Illinois, with a capi talization of $20,000,000, a concern un der the title of the Chicago Brewing and nlting association, which will pool, under one general head, the interest of twenty-eight of Chicago's biggest brew eries. Democratic Reapportionment. DksMoinks, la., March 14. The demo cratic members of the house and senate have agreed upan a caucus bill for the congressional reapportionment of the state. The biUdmdestneatate into two districts, six of which in 1890 went democratic, and five republican majority. Weill Weill Ionia, Mich., March 11. Ex-Congress man George W. Webber, of this city it sixty-seven years old and has been tot fet ing around on a cane for ten years. He has $600,000, however, to leave his first and only son, who was born yesterday. New York World. The Undoubted choice f the People. Fiom the Yakkin Valley News. Grover Cleveland it certainly the choice ol the masses of the people of the United States for President and vet the combination is against him, and he may not get the nomination. We give von nothing but the very finest of the Armour Packing Company's meats always fresh and tweet. Our cars are in transit for Asheville daily. Finlay & Nelson. Armour Packing Company's fresh meats are the best. Finlay & Nelton. t ?l L A SILVER SERVICE FUND IT WILL BE RAISED BY "THE CITIZEN." A Subscription Started for the Purpose of Purchasing a Silver service for the Cruiser "Ral eigh" An Appeal to Patriotic Tar Heels, The Citizen proposes to raise a fund from the people of Nortb Carolina for the purpose of purchasing a silver ser vice to be presented to the new cruiser Raleigh," of the United States nary, which is ts be launched at the Norfolk navy yard on Thursday. March 31. The service will be of solid silver, and one that will reflect credit on the patri otic people of the state who contribute to the fund. Subscriptions rt;-e solicited from people in all parts ol North Carolina. Every town and city from which subscriptions are received will be entitled to the selec tion of one committeeman. This .om mittee will have charge of the presenta tion exercises, the date of which will be announced in due time. Dr. Samuel Westray Battle is the committeeman for Asheville. The following subscriptions are an nounced : Tuk Citizen $5.00 Col. J. G. Martin $5.00 The Citizen desires to raise a hand some fund for this purpose, and believes the subscriptions will not be slow in coming in, in response to this call. Subscriptions can be left at the busi ness office of The Citizen, No. 6 North Court Place, or sent by mail addressed to "Cruiser Fund." Citizen office. Ashe- ville, N. 0. FRANCIS RANDALL DEAD. An Estimable Man Passes Away Earlv Sunday Moruinic. Francis Randall died at the residence of W. C. Carmichael, South Main street, early Sunday morning, in the eighty second year of his age. The deceased was a native of Manlius, N. Y., where be studied law, and wasad mitted to the bar. Later he removed to Milwaukee, Wis. He first came to Ashe ville about twenty-three years ago. While a native of New York and resi dent of New Jersey, Mr. Randall hus beet long and favorably known in this community, where his gentle deport ment and eminent Christian character had gained for him a host of friends, and universal esteem. The remains were taken to his former home on this afternoon's train, accom panied by his brother, Maj. Nicholas Randall. The burial service will be held at Oneida, N. Y., and the interment will be at Manlius. WRECK ON THE YADKIN. Salisbury Herald, Friday: The first wreck for the Yadkin railroad occured this morning at Hampton creek, about ;igni runes iron uere. 1 tie train was running about thirty milet an hour, and just as it was crossing the trestle over the creek a Janney coupler broke and falling on the track, threw two loaded cart from the track and derailed the front trucks on the baggage car. The two loaded cars were mashed into flin ders. The front end of the baggage car was damaged, mere were seventeen passengers on board, including master ot trains J. n. Walsh and wile, ofGreens- boro, Hon. S. . Pemberton, of Albe marle, Capt. ludd and wife, ot New Lon don, and others all escaping unhurt. It it made public that C. D. Up church, clerk of Wake superior court. who defaulted, left with J. C. Harris, his brotbcr-in-lu w, a statement showing that be had embezzled funds amounting to about $18,000, this being mainly money belonging to orphans. This statement was used in the trial of the suits against Unchurch. Though Up church embezzled county funds no effort hat been made to bring him back to North Carolina. Why ? Miss Sallie Cullom, of Weldon, nar rowly escaped a horrible death at the residence of her uncle, Mr. J. R. Cullom. She was standing with her back to the nre wnen ner dress took hre. Herl screams brought her uncle, who succeed ed in saving ner me. Her clothing was entirely burned off, even her corset strings were burned. Her injuries are not serious. Mr Cullom had both his hands badly burned. He will be disa bled for time time. There are three avowed candidates far the democratic nomination for at torney general, these being Ed. Cham bjUS Smith, R. B. Peebles, and C. L. Pet tigrew. For governor it appears there are three aspirants: Holt, Sanderlin, and Julian S. Carr, as it is now stated that a. B. Alexander will not be a candidate. It leaks out that the negro represen tative Chatam has put hit Washington negro friends in office instead of recom mending his North Carolina constitu ents. A well known colored politician was heard to tay that he would vote for left uavis before he would ever cast an other vote for Cheatham. It is said that the farmers's alliance plan to curtail the production of tobacco by requiring members not to raise more than a "barn" for each horse employed is not practicable.Butit would appear to be as mucn so at the reduction ot cotton, which it agreed on. Governor Holt has commuted to life impnsonmeat the death sentence of Weightman Thompson, the white man who, at the recent term of (ohnston su perior court was convicted of murdering four members of the Pearsall family in Wayne. The Goldsboro Argus says that Mr. C. W. Smith, of Wayne, has a gander which ran the gauntlet of Sherman's army and it believed by the best author ity to be 90 years old. The high wind Thursday partially wrecked a Baptist church at Albemarle, Stanley county. me HakertviileNewtit a new ane and a good one. Bishop Lyman has entirely recovered hit health. ONE BOTTLE! OF Buncombe Sarsaparilla Will convince the Jmost skeptical of its real value. Bv its use vou can lavrmnr. self from the suffering caused by the eruptions uand ulcerous tores through which the system stnvet to rid itself of corruptions. It jpunties the blood, giv ing i. renewed vitality and force. Being an alterative it changes the ac tion ot the system, imparting fresh strength and vigorous4health. The concentrated power and curative virtues of Buncombe Saraparilla render it the most reliable blood purifier that can be used, while it is entirely safe for pa tients of all ages. For sale only at GRANT'SZPHARMACY.; The general tendencv! of Sarsaparilla is laxative, but in a num- Der 01 cases it is not enough so hence we have bad many demands for a good vegetable pill. BUNCOMBE LIVER PILLS are mild, yet efficient; do not cause nain or criiie. and act upon the liver and bowels. They are especially valuable s ntr dinner pills, and readily cure constipa tion and costiveuess, nautea, distress in the stomach, etc. They are purely vecet able and wt h. heve they are the best family pill yet pre pared and offer them with perfect confi dence, believing that whenever used it win De with the happiest results. Try them and mdire tor yourself. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. "SYRUP OF TAR AND WILD CHER. RY" as manufactured at Grant's Phar macy it the best cough medicine you can use tor yourself or your children it is a positive cure and we guarantee it to con tain no opiates in any lorm, it is entirely harmless. For sale onlv at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Years ago people reearded cold cream and camphor ice as the ultimatums for chapped hands and all similar skin trou- oies, many persons find that the aoolica- tion of either of them aggravates their irouuie. losuch-UAMfHO-GLYCER-INE COMPOUND" is a boon-it is a pos itive cure for chapped hands, chafing, sunburn, etc., and an elegant face dress ing alter shaving it contains no mineral or noxious ingredient, is elegantly per fumed, will not soil the most delicate fabric, is entirely harmless and safe to use on the most delicate skin and con tains nothing creasy or sticky. For aale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. VaVa tooth wash and powder are tu- penor in quality, they cleanse and beau tily the teeth, strengthen the gums and impart fragrance to the breath. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Physicians orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the the city. GRANT'S PHARMACY. J. M. CAMPBELL, DEALER IN REAL, ESTATE AND AGENT FOR THE ASHEVILLE LOAN, CONSTRUCTION AJtD IMPROVEMENT COMPANY FOR RENT. ne seven room house, modern improve- .1 car nne io month. per Furnished house lust on car line: all mod. ern improvements, one block of court house 1 rooms. Price, $150. Kight-room furni.ned house, short distance of court house; modern improvement.; first class house and first class tenant, wanted' uuuc urncr. urcu apply, rnce dO.OO. Four-room house, ju.t at street car line. Price $10.00 per month. None hnt .ible tenants wanted. J. M. CAMPBELL. Real Batatc Dealer. OUR SPRING STOCK Nearly all the old stock closed out and the new goods com ing in. I have the best and newest lines I have ever had in China, Glass, Cut lery and Silverware. J. H. UW 57 and 59 South Main Street. 1 -AiiJi J-- vf -Uii&u J