ASHEVILLE DAILY OITIZFN: FRIDAY EVENING. APRIL 29, 1802. There is " 0 P E Fof every one v.'ha lus blood trouble, no matter in what shae or how long standing, provided none of the vital organs have been so far impaired as to render a cure impossible. S. S. S. goes to the root of the disease, and removes the cause, by expelling the poison from the body, and at the same time is a tonic to the whole system. However bad your case may be, there is hope FoRJoUT "For yon I was tumbled wl h tho meet mallg rent typo of clir nlc blond Iniubli-. After trying various other rcmo .1, without gittlog any benefit, i inrf.1nut . u H. M. A few bottles enred me irminently. I nlio consider 8. 8. 8. tho best t,nlc I ever nw. While taking It my weign. m ereasfdandmy hclt'i Improved In every way. I bave tecommended 8. 8. s. to several friends, unit In every cow t.. were ntlsfled with tho renin. 8. A. Wbioitt. Mldw-y, P. TtwtlssnnWood, skin nnn1 enntsdon. hlood poi son mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO . Atlanta, Oa PROFESSIONAL CARDS. "W D. GASH, NOTARY: PUBLIC, 16 N. COURT SQUARE. TELEPHONE NO. 162. Writing Deeds and Detds of Trust a Specialty apr7dtf $13,000,000 ASSETS. $2,500,000 SURPLUS. To nrotcct your Insurance. Accident tltkets sold. T. W. POSTBLL, Agent for TRAVBLBRS, of Hanford, Conn. no. u Nona tunn rmw. aprl-td'.f R. H. REEVES, D. D. 8., DENTAL OFFICE In Connally nunoing, over Redwood's Store, Tatton Avenue. Residence, 35 Spruce street. J- P. RAMSAY, I). D.8. Dental Over the National Bank of Asheville, Bar nard Building. Residence, o tnuriouc ai, feb26dlv J A. TENNENT, Architect and Contractor. Plans, specifications and estimates fur nished. All work in my line c and no chargea for drawings on contracts awarded me. RrferenceSTvhen desired.. Office: No. 12 Hendrv Block, North Court Square. Asheville. N. C. febl9dly J. At 8UNDGREN, NO. 8 BUT TRICK ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. Instrument Mnker. Cutler and Grinder. Can do any kindof grinding. Rajorshoned and sharpened. Scissors ground. Knife blades put In. General repairing done on abort notice. Telephone 129. Orders re ceived by J. B. Dickereon & Co.. or at works. fcb26d3m 34-Years' Experlence-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACE AND MARKET STREET. E. H. BRITT, STONE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Also grading of all kinds done. All orders promptly filled and work guaranteed. Can b found at all times at Powell & Snidcr's tore. P. O. Boa 836. uglOdtf insureItoWproperty with E. J. ASTON, General i Insurance t Agent. Rear No. 20 South Main street. Established 186S. Asheville. N. C. aus dlv A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. ROOM 1. MCAFEE BUILDING. Legal Work a Specialty. Walter S. Cushman, (Formerly of the Massachusetts Bar,) ATTORNEV-AT-LAW, COMMISSIONS OV DBBDS, AND NOTARY PUBLIC No. 80 Patton Ave.. McAfee block, room 4 ASHBVILLB, N. C. KPICIILTIII: RIAL PB0PI&TI AJiD C0SVETASCISO. apr23dtf DR, F. M. PERRY, VETERINARIAN Treats all diseases and injuries of do mesticated animals. Also examines horses for foundness with view of purchase. ROOM 3 HENDRY BLOCK I ASHEVILLE, aprSd3.n N.C. TAM OFPBRINO at ninvi of furniture, t nrivate sale a few ieces of furniture, two sewing machines and other things nearly new, at less than half their cost. These articles have been used h plnnnlv neoole. E. COFFIN, Auction and Commission House. No. 37 Patton Avenue. Auction sale Tuesdays and Fridays, 10 a m, Kelly & Strachan, PLUMBERS, STEAM &6AS FITTERS ALSO CONTRACTORS FOR WATER AND SEWERAGE. NO. 28 PATTON AVBNUB. (In Basement) We beg to call the attention of the public to the fact that we have recently made ex tensive additions to our stock and are now kttt .nulnned to execute work than ever. Regarding the quality of our work, we take pleasure in referring to any of our patrons. who will assure you that we are me om practical Plumbers, Gaa Fitters and Sam tary Engineers In the business. P. O. BOX 372, Telephone 16U. marchSdly JAMES FRANK, -DBAIB m- FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for Keems Creek Woolen Mills. North Main Asbevtlla, N. C ehlOtllv ADAMANT, Of itself 7. Ill not crack, swell or shrink. DAVIS & GRIGGS PRACTICAL Builders, Contractor and Superintendent. ALL ESTIMATES FURNISHED FREE P. O. Box OUQ. Office Willow St., No. D, Telephones: office 1 18; Residence 52. apr27Mn3n jl Office THE KING AND THE QUEEN THE QUESTION IS WHICH WAS CRAZY 7 A nail Held at a Lunatic Asylum How a VonuK JournaliHt Was Uadlv Fooled and Also Played The Fool. Wot loisiiicoa ball was given at a lunatio hospital. Many friends of the inuiatc3 were present, and also friends of the governor. Among them was a well known young journalist. He had the most difficult time imaginable to pick out the sane from the insane. Fi nally he saw a young woman close to him. He brushed by her by mistake, and begged to be excused. She readily forgave him, and then asked if he were not the king of the Cannibal islands. The journalist readily replied that he was, nud asked if the young lady were not the queen. Then followed the fun niest conversation. Ho began telling her of his dominions and of the pres ents he would purchase for her. Ho would give a golden throne studded with diamonds, all her dresses should come from Worth's and she should have tho best French chefs for cooks. Then he described his new palace. The description wag ornato in the extreme. This couplo talked in this way for at least an hour. Then they separated, the young lady being claimed for waltz. "Sad case that," quoth the journalist to one of the board, as the young lady went waltzing with her escort. "Sad? What is sad about her?" "Oh, haven't you mot her? Well, she thinks she is tho queen of the Cannibal islands and that I am her king." "Some one has been guying you," said tho heartless governor. "She is no moro crazy than you are." This was the sad caso. A friend of the young lady had informed her that the young journalist was as crazy as a loon. They said, however, that he was hanuless, and all that should be done was to humor him into the belief that he was the king of the Cannibal islands. The king and queen were not on speak ing terms for the rost of the evening. London Tit-Bits. A Definition. The difficulty of defining certain very simple words is known to no one better than to the makers of dictionaries. The word "life" has bothered definers a great deal; and one lexicographer was unable to do any better, in making his diction ary, than adopt a schoolboy's definition of the word. "What is life?" asked tho schoolmaster. "Being alive," answered the hoy; and the lexicographer put it in his dictionary as his formal definition of the word "tho state of being alive." Tho most elaborate scientific defini tion of the word does not define it bet ter, because men of science do not really know what lifo is. In a certain text book of science, used in a great college, the definition of tho word was the fol lowing: "Life is that property residing in an organism by means of which it is en abled to appropriate materials from other organisms, and assimilate them to its own structure." There was in tho class which was go ing over this subject a youth to whom an understanding of this formidable definition was utterly impossible. He was called upon, one day, by the pro fessor, to tell what life is. The student struggled hard to recall tho definition, which he had laboriously committed to memory. But it had now utterly gono from him. Ho was not the youth, however, to sit down without making any answer at all; so he boldly said: Life, professor, is all a fleeting show." He said it so sincerely, and the answer seemed to reflect bo faithfully his feel ings at tho time, that the professor smiled and said: "I don't know but that is as good a definition of it as any." Youth's Com panion. A Solemn Joker. An Indianapolis society man played a mean trick during tho sleighing season, and the young lady hasn't spoken to him since. They had been old friends for a long time, and it was natural that they should carelessly drive away from the madding crowd on Meridian street and explore the country roads. After they had gotten out about three miles awav from anywhere, the gentleman startled his companion by suddenly looking her m the eye and remarking: 'Miss Nellie, we have been friends for a long timo, and I know you have perfect confidence in me. But here we are, far away from everybody, where no one could hear you if you should cry out" The frightened young woman was on the vorgo of springing from the sleigh, but she was even more astounded than frightened, and before she could gather her wits he continued: "Now, Miss Nellie, I want to beg of you the privilege of one sweet smokel May 1 light a cigar?" And he never even smiled. Indianapolis Journal. As Gobblers Do. Tho pulpit manners of clergymon are so exempt from frank public criticism that many a minister continues all his life in faults of delivery that he might have corrected had he been plainly told of them. In one such caso a little girl was instrumental in curing a famous Amer ican preacher of an atllictingly pompous air. His habit was to pause at the end of each division of his discourse, look im pressively upon the pews, take a breath so very long that it seemed to increase his size, and then go on with an air of the utmost importance. One Sunday this good man paused after his "tenthly" for an unusually long time. Little Jane, who had been trying to keep awake, moved as though greatly relieved. But the clergyman had not finished. He was about getting ready for another "head" whon little Jane audibly whis pered, "Oh, mamma, he's going to blow himself up again! 'Youth's Companion. Serenity. It takes a great deal to disturb the even tenor of certain well ordered and serene minds, in illustration of which tho following incident is given: An old lady living in a- certain New England village was going down a flight of back stairs when she fell and went rolling to the very bottom of tho stairs. Where Bhe burst open the door and came rolling out into the kitchen. Her Bervant girl, Jane, screamed in Affright, and various members of tho family came running into the kitchen breathless with alarm. Before any of them ppuld speak tv. .;!e oiti muy unea nerseir to a Mu ting position on tho floor and, holding one i!: ; ;tT up warningly and sniffing at tl:o nir, wiid calmly: "Jane, them biscuits in the oven nro burning and I know it!" Wide Awake. War In the Future. Commandant of Fortress (A. D. 1002) Is the horizon clear? Sentinel (at the telescope) Yes; but onr friends on the planet Mars have sig naled us that a fleet of balloons has just started in this direction from a point about ninety-eight miles to the north east. "How long has it taken the message to reach vst "At Mars' present distance from the earth, sir, it requires about seven min utes for the light to travel from there to our planet. "Then those balloons have been on the way fourteen minutes already. They ought to be in sight. (Shouting through the electro multisonons speaking tube.) What ho! Within there! All hands! Turn the 40,000,000 candle power electric burning glass toward the northeast! Bring out the aluminium aerial rams and have the flying torpedoes in readi ness on the elevated platform! Lively now! Is it all doner A Thousand Voices (through the elec tro multisonous tube) It is, sir! "Then turn the balloon proof hood np over the fortifications. Is that done?" "It is!" "Then everything is ready. Let the enemy come on." (Yawns.) Chicago Tribune. flow Waterloo Was Lost. The enemy had been minding on onr left of course it was Bonaparte's left, but we were pleased to call it ours for two hours, and it was getting tiresome The little corporal had just finished breakfast and was picking his teeth in tho reading room of the hotel when he noticed tho condition of affairs. "Send some artillery over there," he thundered without a moment's hesita tion. Fifteen nunutns later an officer with mud in his hair dashed frantically into the presence of the great captain. "Sire, he exclaimed, "the artillery is stuck in the mud. The emperor bowed politely. "And, sire, it cannot bo dislodged un less the teamsters are allowed to swear at their horses." His majesty looked interested. -"Sire, are they permitted to so swear?" Bonaparte shook his head. "No, I think not," he quietly observed. "Guess they'd better not. It would ex cite unfavorable comment. I'd rather be right than to keep my job, don't yon know. Death before dishonor, so to speak." And so Waterloo was lost. Detroit Tribune. Loved Ills Neighbor. Occasionally public speakers will focus their attentions on one individual in the audience on whom, for illustration's sake, their remarks seem to be wholly and specially addressed. It is safe to say that the good man who figured as speaker to a western audience in the present instance was very much sur prised at the literal application of his text. "You must remember," he said at the conclusion of his sermon, "that the Good Book commands you to love your neighbor as yourself." At that moment a big lout jumped up in a back seat, and twirling his hat in his hand shouted: "I do, mister; I love her a heap better than myself, but she's gone an built nine foot fence betwixt our lots, an she says she'll set the dogs on me if I cliinl up or look over The singing of the doxology drowned further remarks. Detroit Free Fress. Not Much Better, If one makes a slip of the tongue, through embarrassment or haste, it is generally best to let it go rather than call attention to what might otherwise havo been almost unnoticed. A young clergyman, newly settled over a large parish, had occasional fit9 of embarrassment when standing before his congregation. One Sundoy, after reading a notice of a woman's missionary meeting to be held in the chapel a few days later, he en deavored to add a special appeal of his own for a largo attendance. After stating that it was to be a meet ing of great interest and importance, he said, "We, tho women of this congrega tion" With a flushed countenance he stopped and retraced his steps. "We, who are the women of this con gregation," he began. This was no better, and he beat a blushing retreat by saying, "Let us sing the 401st hymn." Youth s Companion. Plenty of Flowers. The Rev. Dr. Cuyler was seventy years old a few days ago, and received gratifying tokens of regard from many friends. The drawing room and study were fragrant with roses and flowers and were a bower of beauty. It oc curred to some one to bring a faithful servant who had been knitted by inter est, association and affection with the life of the household through years of tender and trusting service up to the drawing room to see the evidences of the loving remembrance in which the good man was held. She examined the gifts with great interest, and expressed her delight in these glowing words to Mrs. Cuyler, "I tell you, ma'am, tho doctor couldn't have had more flowers sent to him if he was dead!" Brooklyn Eagle. A Keallst. Kraheck 1 say, old chappie, got a postofflce order, oh? Grapp Achl here my mother semis me 200 marks and 1,000 kisses. 1 shun hi have been a thousand times better pleased if it had beon the other way about. Lustige Blatter. The Advantage of Method. Mistress 1 never saw such a fearful looking kitchen. How do you manage to accumulate so many dirty dishes? Cook Sure, mum, the young li'ililics j was just after showing mo as how they roasts a potato at their cooking schools. Harper's Bazar. Apropos the Solitaire. Jennie Is there any test by which one can ascertain the genuineness of a dia mond without consulting a joweler? Minnie Cousin Bob says you can find out by soaking it, but I never thought to ask him in what. Indianapolis Journal. Froof Conclusive, BrlggsDo you think that Robinson loves her? Griggs He wont shopping with her. Cloak Review. Hires Do you f Root Drink w Beer? BOLD AND ENJOYED EVERYWHERE. oooooooooo ft The amnllesr. Pill In tho World! W Why do you suffer " from Dyspepsia suid Slok-Hradacha, rendering life miserable, when tlia wr remedy la at your band f I TUTTS 2 oTiny Liver Pills O 0 will speedily remove all this trouble, enable you to eat and direst yonr food. food, O proven, neaoaene and Impart an 0 enjoyment or life to which you have g been a stranger. Dose small. Price. W 85 cents. OHloe, SO Park Place, N. V. OOOOOOOOOO ADAMANT Is as much superior to mortar as mortar is to mud. Mattresses Renovated. Old ones made as good as new. Ticks wash ed or new ones furnished. New mnttresses made to order. Will exchange work for old mattresses. All work guaranteed. Rates reasonable. Orders punctually attended to. MRS. S STEVENSON. nov2Sdtf 33 DepotStreet. NOTICE! Owing to my Inability to dispose of my lease and furniture, at No. 24 Grove street, I have concluded to continue my boarding house, and am prepared to receive boarders at moderate prices. House is in thorough order, nnd situutcd in one of the most de lightful locations in the city. C. J. McCAPE, aprl-ldtf 2-1 Grove t. ANNOUNCEMENT! At the solicitation of many friends, I have concluded to withdraw my application for the office of tax collector, anil to announce myself as a candidate for the office of sherift of Buncombe county, subject to the approval of our next democratic county convention, and respectfully request my friends to aid me in obtaining this position. Respectfully, JOHN A. BUOOKSIIIKE. April 27, 1S92. lmdftw A CARD! For the next thirty days wc make the offer to such persons as wish to build real nice cottages on Mrrimon avenue and streets adiacent thereto, in the Immediate neighbor hood of Col Chns, W Woolsey, of a few verv desirable lota located in different points at half price. These lots are either on or very near the Lookout mountain electric car line, and are without question the finest lots in the auherban section of the citv. being cov ered with large, fine oaks and affording beautiful views of the surrounding mono tains. Wc will be pleased to take you on the car and show tnesc lots. NATT ATKINSON & SONS. apr28dtf NOTICE ! All persons who have not paid their city taxes fori fS'.)l will take notice that if pay ment is not made by May 2, their property will be adver used ior same. Don t come after the property is adver tised and say you have had no notice. Kespectlully, N. A. REYNOLDS, City Tax Collector, WEAK and UNDEVELOPED DondltlGMOftlie human form fluooesKrully treated to develop, strenirthen, enlarge all weak, stunted. undeveloped, teeoieorKfirnana puris or ine duu natural size, due to II) hoalih, abuso, excesses, or Ytiiitn rittve iiisl nr nuvur ullhiuhu r ariyuvr am lin Known causes. Miiere ie one nieitioa aim nniv on. bv wtitcn tui 8 ttuiy brt account inncu. fnareaaed flow of blood to any Dart, produced by ftlraploapparntiis act ins automatically, creates now tissue, tone and vinor by the an mo natural laws as thelncreasoof size and atrenjiiliof muscle. Jon't be prejudiced because little quark b propone by silly means to do the same. IN VKSTIGATK. Tbere'sno trap bark ofoti roller. Our pay will come when the putillo knows eloarly ncleneo from fraui. Write us for instructions, full descrip tion, proofs. references, etc. AH sent you m plain sealed letterwlthontcostof any kind. . EEIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, K. 7. WHY IS THE L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cPeVn tuc rcqt KUnF IM THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY! hi., ummiitcs sl,nn u ,ih no t.-i.-ks nr wnx thrparl to hurt llicdi'ti iniulu of tli lii-st lino Cillf, stylish anil eiisv, anil beftmse sftiv of this arndr.tlinnanit other viaiiufiirturer, Iteiiuulshaad-sewi-d shoos rusting from fil.ilto$.i."0. CE 00 IJeiiiilne llnniUaewrd, llic flncit calf iiPTa shoe ever oltvri'it tor ' rinl t'rtsuub liiipurl"! slini-s lili-lii-"st. rmin i.iinou.w. ft m ik .i.i...miI IV ili Simp, linn enlf. SlK. ,'l:i!il .-III. I lllinihlP. Till. IM-Ht ! hnr ovft olli-n it nl, Ilin : Uiimi' irr.itlo as ous ...... ...i.lncl,....o.,.wtli,,' f,-..itl fi.lMlln Al.JHI. tEQ 30 l'el.t-0 Mtoe. Kamiers, Itaitmvt k'Ml PJlm lin-1 I.t-tli-rt'ari li-l-HUll wi-.-irini-ui; uiu-cuii, ai'Smlt-iis, wniH'ili tmlVt, liosivy tlireu sulus, extua al..n n.lifn 1 lu tin Ir w i 1 1 ivn.-lr fl VOlir. ma Aii fl.n nlf nr. lnttir hIuio over offorsd at Spats this irlciu ono trial will cimvlucu Uiosa who wnnt a shoe for comfort nnd service. CO 'Hi and ti.0( Woiliinmniin's shoes 9tCis nro vi-rv strong nnd duniblu. Those who ImvA ulv.m tlirm ft trial will wear tin other make. )AVa 9.H nnd l..1 school shoes are UOJ3 worn hy the hnysevfrywh.-re; Un.-ysU on their morlts, tin tho im-muring snh's show. I nrllac f.'MIO lliiml-Ki-ivi-d shoo, best laaQIISo lioncola. very stylish: eiiualsirrenco Ladles' 4.30, eJ.00 nnd f 1.75 shoe for Missed are the best fine Uougolu, Styllsliand durable. 'aollon. See th V.'. L. DoiiKnui' name and price are stamped oa tho bottom 01 eaen suoe. ravTAKB no uriisTiTHTK.jn insist On HH-al aavpniwil urniin BiimnyiuK ynn. W. A" DOLOILAS, Brockton, flloss, tSoldbr FOR SALE BY WE YER & MYERS. "-V7 I 1 WANT COLUMN. WASTED. "T7"ANTED To rent lot of about one tY l acre for a pasture near corner French Broad and Haywood street. apr27d3t T. W. Shnrplcss. WANTED Pupils to learn German. Speaking, reading and writing tauKht quickly and thorougniy. lerms ;s.-ccnis per hour. Artdress DR. HARRYUS, apr23dlw Asncviue, . WANTED A small, well furniOiid room, within five or eight minutes walk of Public Square. Kent not to excerd $(! per month. Address at once, MAC. apr28d3t P O Box 24-4. FOR RENT. R BNT A seven oom dwelling. No. Ij 68 Charlotte street. Uufurnished Applv at above number. npr28dtf TO SENT A large boarding house, nicely furni.hed. Also nice house neatly fur nished on car line 9 rooms. Apply to NATT ATKINSON & SONS. march 30dtf RENT Lame room in Johnston ' building, southwest of public square, re cently occupied bv Asheville Light Infantry. Applv to THOS. 1). JOHNSTON, apr19dlm S and 6 Johnston Building. TTIOR RENT. Suburban residence, near ! electric tramway, completely lurnisneo. tnm hntr nnd modern conveniences. Fine oair of horses with vehicles, and two jersey cows. Apply to J CORTLAND 3R0S. Tor HUNT One larire hall with two ante A! rooms attached, Intcly occupied by the Kn ehts of Honor and Koval Arcanum, oas In ail rooms. Also two other laree rooms Apply to rKANK O llUhMLl., mrzatl llf nunn rociu ,nw.. HOARDING. OOARDING Sunny rooms. with good 1J bi board, in desirable location. Reasona ble rates to permanent boarders. nprudtf 1UO 1"SOARI)BRS WANTED Pleasant rooms, Jj new hout-e, near street car line, corner oIleKe anil Fine streets, No. u. A at the Patton resilience, 95 Charlotte street, from the 1st of May. Its desirable location nnd the many attractions ol the place are well known. Address H ........ utulTU tl. TBVVUVT apr2GdSt ViTINTER BOAK'l. Rooms warm and conilort tV... Everything rv-.h ,.n.l oaintcd. nnd fu-nishcd. Imme- diatelv on street ear line Terms reasonable J. oainiti... Junl2dtf 318 Patton Ave. - t C.llTllk'Ut: FOR SALE. sai.k Yellow nine kindling wood JJ at Kcnilworlli. Twenty nvc cenia ocr .... ii-mnvd finieklv. Anulv to 1 ' w i' itunu'Nivi; march22dtf Manatci SALE A lot of framing lumber at rf A no a lot ol straits lor pinci Hnnn nnlet. tnmntO trClllS. CU ,h.n enh. Alllllv Ut tllC P. A. DcmcnS Woodworking Company. aprUdtl J A. WAGNER. -riAu mi i Tr.e furniture ol nil Kinds, H al il In inv residence, in the parlor, .-r ninma mmn trruum iiim biiwih, ....... r moitf.fR in irooil condition. Per- furniture of any kind should call and examine thii. I. H. I'.lllil nprl 9 F, IOR SALE A handsome, well bred, sor rel, sndule Kcifling, io- nia.i or wuinuu, 0 years, 15.1 nanus. lie is sounu. very kind, easy Kiute.l, a fair jumper nnd has been driven in narness i "-' ,",., MKSS- 1'UL.l.Iii o. Corner ClK-stuut and charlotte streets. aprl'Jdtf TTtOR SALE One Dnrn-8 hoot i.nine iior li $:tr.: one linrncs combined circular and scroll saw, with drilling attach ment, cost foil, also one lot of cutter heads for combined saw, cost $10. Price for the lot $65 cash. All the above are in first-class order, ror mrinur iniunii'inoii nin'.j E. D. rlElNHAlA., inuuuu ( . v., fc!8dtf Uuucombe Co., N. C. FOR SALE A fine house, desiraniy lo cated; all modern conveniences. Furni ture and household Roods also for sale. Will be sold cheap. Por sale or rent A new ten room house; all modern conveniences, elec tric bells, etc., and finished in hard wood; a bargain. For rent House ol seven room., $5 per month. For sale or rent Two houses of 8 rooms each; moderate rent. L.UK1LAHU i iio., aprOdtf 20 Patton Avenue. MISCELLANEOUS. "f"yOU ARB BUILDING don't fail to put In Watson's Fire Grnte. For sale by BALLARD & RICH. Br Land plaster for grass, vegcta- is lilea and corn of march2fldtf ADAMANT sales now rcacn l i ,uuu ton monthly, being more than 20 times as large as all chenp imitators combined W. N. C. Office over Dickersou's store. L. 1 K t All v A X , asncvuic, ... fsv. XTOTICBTO CONTRACTORS me time X r ..aiin urrtitiMoit. for Montford avenue school building has been extended one week. By order ot chairman. H. r. BftlO'l'i" . I apr28dlw Secretary. lOUND-In the angle across the lot be! nvpnue and Havwood street a pair of gold eyeglasses chain and pin. Uwuer can gci buio u., - CITIZEN OFFICE. apr27dtf LOST On Tuesdav auernoon a ntj leather purse with silver edge, contain ing a small sum of money and cards bearing . r . a (liniila rr u n ffl v 1 1 1 the owners niinic. n pou.... be given if returned to Mrs. Charles L. Pack, cor. Bridge and ctustnut .strcc-s. apr27d3t Mna iiAm.uai. - -... I i u;.m Si-rria eminently adapted to Southern soil and Southern cli T " :.i anuu.hi-.. t reusouuble prites". Send lor catalogue and try Jt of tnem. :' i in dec23-tltf naminii, ... NOTICE Having withdrawn from the firm of Wolfe t Leprtux, I otlcr my services to the public. Having had 15 .years experience in all branches ol cement work, I am now prepnred to take contracts for side walks, curbing, siunie noors urn, u,, LOUIS l.l-.PRIil X. Risidencc B45 Charlotte St. apr28dlm ADAMANT Will cive you a v-urm house. caves 10 per cent, in fuel. TOR RENT. Two furnished rooms, within three min utes' w alk ol Public square. " l'l". 2 PENLAND STREET. apr7dlm SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. I riviit : and class instruction given dally at the McKce Institute, 101 liailcy street. Ml'll'.Mltf NOTICE TO TEACHERS. l)n Saturday, April 80, 1HU2, I will esani ine ttuilicants lor portions as teachers m the public schools ot 1 city 1 he examina lions will be held at the Orange street school and will liegia at 9 o'clock sharp. P.P. CLAXTUN, Superintendent. THE HIAITLAND SCHOOL, ENGLISH AND FRENCH. HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. VI MS. IIURGWYN MAITLAND. PRINCIPAL ! he school will re-open September 2th. 1 1 nun for infant class from nine to twelve. ... n.,...nnn ! for French conversa tion will be formed for ladles under the direc .;., , M.lle. Barrand de la Favune, di- olomee de 1' academic de Paris. FOR RENT, SALE OR EXCHANGE I AllDEN PARK HOTEL AND FURNITURE. Fivk Acres ok More op Land. This hotel has a flrat-class reputation, and was full of guests daring the whole of lust summer. Apply to CORTLAND BROS., opr27dlw 80 Patton Ave. COME ONE ! J. JD. BREVARD'S Cash FOR BARG-AIN8 ! Having gone to market late in the season, and buying altogether on a bargain market for cash, I am now prepared to give great bargains in all lines of wearing apparel, such as Dress Goods from the finest fabrics to the most staple; also trim mitiRS to match. All kinds of notions in cash. Cheap for cash is my motto. J. D. BREVARD. THE OAKS HOTEL, A-SHEILLE, 1ST. O. ONE OF THE BEST FAMILY HOTELS THE SOUTH. STREET CARS PASS DOOR EVERY TEN MINUTES. II. J. 03T3EI3 iWELL, Proprietor LUMBER! LUMBER I LUMBER! THE FRENCH BROAD LUMBER COMPANY TO REDUCE THEIR LUMBER OF ALL KINDS AND GRADES Will sell in any quantity and to any person at (jreatly reduced prices. niii sun" Shcctinj; I'oplar, Oak or Chestnut.. We ill also cut. on order dimension 2-jTIT WILL PAY CONTRACTORS AND WOODY & KIMBERLY, Practical Machinists and Steam Fitters. SANITARY PUMBING BY SKILLED WORKMEN. A GOOD STOCK OF SUPPLIES ALWAYS ON HAND. SATISFACTORY WORK GUARANTEED A THREE HORSE POWER ENGINE FOR SALE CHEAP. SHOPS 21, 23 WILLOW ST. TELEPHONE NO. 155 lewis Maddux, Pres. B. T. collins, Capital $50,000. Surplus. $35,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository. Organized Slay, 1888. DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Interest Paid on Deposits In Savings Department. DIRECTORS' lewis MAnnv; H. T. COLLINS, M.J. FAGG, I. E. REED S. H. Bank open from 9 a. m, , till 4 THE w o si M h s Nos. 41 and 43 S. Alain St., AsheYllle. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, GENTS' J( yll PARLOR AND READING ROOM. i.1 J dbX CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLE GOODS, 8AM. "VTTb A Ol PLE, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. JlM J, tto" BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT, We respectfully solicit share of your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manajjer. Main Entrance, No. 43. (.Telephone Call, Wo. t. Poatofflcc ;Box Q. ' COME ALL ! Store endless variety at rock bottom prices for Respectfully, FIVE MINUTES WALK FROM COURT SQUARE. SERVICE AND TABLE FIRST-CLASS. A. B. SITES, MANAGER. 0. D. FORBES, CLERK. SURPLUS STOCK OF $0.50 per 1,000 feet and upward. $7.00 per 1,000 feet and upward. stock of any length or thickness. BUILDERS TO CET OUR PRICES-Tj-S Vice-Pres. L. p if cloud, Cashier. J. B. It At , CHAKL.BS MCNAMUr B. RANKIN, BEARDBN. REED, p. m. On Saturday, till p. m. BONANZA," LIQUOR CO,

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