ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 10, 1892. THE BEST ' Swift's Specific is the best spring medi cine, because it assists nature to throw off the impurities of the blood by its prompt action on the skin, and at the same time tones up the entire organism. This is iust contrary to the effect of the various potash, meicury, sar i;apnrilla mixtures, which bottle up the impu rities in the system, thus producing much sickness and suffering. Therefore, for a I THE SCHEMES OF M. QUAD HOW TO )l tKKIU.K'S OF SMA1.I. CAPITAL. Hiiiklclserrits and .Hatrlmniiy, Fruit' i.vv.v ad Culm Are Al Wiiiilnu to reoll lTP the Casli to spring you ciimnt dobctier than to take a few bottles of S. S. S. "As a physician, I have prescribed and used S. S. S. in my practice as a spring tonic, and for blood troubles, and have been very successful. I never ved a remedy which gave such general satisfaction to myself and my patients." 1.. B. RlTCllY, M. D. ' Mackey.Ind. Treatise- on blood and skin dlsc-iscs mailed free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Oa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. " V. M (1VSH, NOTARY: PUBLIC, 16 N. COURT SnUAKli. rtil.Hl'HONi; NO. 102 Writing Deeds ami Ic ds ofTrus'.a Specialty npr7(ltf $i37ooWd r assets. $2,500,000 SURPLUS. To protect your insurant- . Accident tickets n'( T. W. I'OSI til. I.. Airent'f r TKA VKLIiRS, of llnriford, Conn No. li' North Court Place, aprlikf R. II, KSJEVKS, O. I. ., In C.mnally miliums, over Kei'.vtuod's Store, Pntton Avenue., 33 Spruce street. F. RAMSAY, D. D.S. Pental Office Over the National Hank of Alievlllr. liar ard Building. Residence, CO Charlotte at. tcl26dlY J A. TBNNCNT. Architect and Contractor. flana, specification and estimate fur .dstted. All work :n my line contract.! for And no churitei for drttwiuK" u contracts awanUd me. References when desired. Oilier: No. 12 Hendry Hlock, North Court Aware. Asheville. N. C. kbltfdly SUNDCttEN, NO. 8 HUT TKICK ST., ASllliVII.Lli, N. C. A. 0 Instrument Maker. Cutler and Grinder. Can do any kind' of grinding Roinri honed and shariicnrd. Scissors ground. Kn e lilad.-s out ill. General repairing done on short notice. Telephone lB ccivcil by J. U bickcraon & works. Ord Co., or at fcul!d:im SYears' Kxpericuce-34 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND I1U1LPER. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. CORNER COURT PLACB AND MARKET STREET. " E. II. BRITTi STONE CONTRACTOR & BUILDER. Also grading of all kinds done. All orders promptly filled and work guaranteed. Can be found at all times at Powell ci Snider's store. P. O. Box 086. auglOdtl A. J. HOLCOMB, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE, ALL WORK DONE FIRST-CLASS. l'or reference apply real estate dca'cr. to Mr. J In Iloslic, may7dlni INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General s Insurance : Agent Rear No. 20 South Main street. Established 1805. , dlv AshcTille. N. C ' A. II. COBB, STENOG5tAPn?.iii. HOOM t. MCAFEE P'.H l.l'l v '" Walier"sT Cuhm;, ( Pormcrly of the Miissaeliusclts, , ATTOUNKV-AT-l.AW, COUMISS1.INRK OF DISKPS. AND NoT.lKV PUBLIC No. 3 I Putum Ave , McAfee l!ock, rooui t ASltliVILLU, N C. iraCMLTlEH: KE VI, IWKflTT AMI f 0NVKVA.n(l. getoutof order Copyriglit. liSH, Iiyl'liarlc. II. l,evis. This is to give notice to the man with a scheme promising big profits that I ahull be "at home" for the next three months, and can be seen at any hour of tho day or night. If the scheme promises extra fine ho may even cull on Sunday, though of course I shouldn't want to actually close a deal with him nn that day. I am not par tieular as to tho nut it re of the scheme, nor the amount of capital required, and if elected on the hoard of directors 1 shall be ierfcct!y sal islied. In connection with this I desire to submit the following list of schemes in which I am at present inter csted, and to puint out the fact that each and every one of them will make every in vestor a wealthy man inside of a brief twelve months. ScilKMK No. 1. This st heine originated ill the bruin of a young man who li t me in on the ground floor for a quarter. The said quarter uftenvaid let him ill on the second Hour of a Howery lodging house. It is lo contract for the entire huckleberry crop of America this summer lit seven ccuta a quart iiml raise the price tot went y. ICstimated crop, IW,iirj,(Mll quarts; net profits, A clean, tidy business, with nn tar or grease to soil your hands, and quick ret in ns nn capital invested. No polities or religion in it, mid the public must have huckleberries, no matter what the price. Capital stock limited to$."iO,(X)0, and all shares nonassessable, Apply at once. All shareholders entitled to huckle berries at contract price. Si.llKMl-: No. 2. The man who submitted this sehemo to me was a horn financier, lie had just pawned a six dollar overcoat for two dollars. It is to buy ai,(KH) acres of New Jersey marsh lands anil cultivate celerv. The title of the organization is to he "The ti rent New Jersey Celery ( l owers' Association, Unlimited." Our capital will lie limited, but the growth of celery will not. I hail scarcely lent him half a dol lar to get to Newark on when he made me president of the organization, ion can see lor yourself what there is in it. Twi n ty thousand acres at two dollars per acre isflO.UOU. Kneh acre will raise sixty dol lars' worth of celery, making the season's crop turn in .Say it takes the fJOD.OOU to pay for seed and labor anil sun dries, and there is a cool million to divide up among us. Don't let this scheme get away from you. Huckleberries may get sunburned and the price come dow n, but celery takes no risks. Certificates of slum s will be out next week, and you never saw liner printing in colors. St'llLMK No. :i.-Thisseht aewas brought to ma iu a carpet bag. It was the only thing in the bag. The originator wanted (10,000 for it at first, but dropped by slow degrees to seventy-live cents, at which figure I closed with him with a great deal of enthusiasm. It is to form nn organ ization to he knowu mm "The limit Amer ican Matrimonial mid Trust liuaraiitee Company." A person, either male or fe male, desiring to enter into the blissful bonds of wedlock, calls at the ofliee and leaves names and particulars and pavsn fee of !3 to S!00 to be guaranteed. No sparking, no jealousy, no loss of valuable time. Marriages brought about within one hour if so desired. Parties afterward supplied with money for bridal tour and set up in housekeeping on the installment plan. IJispositions positively guaranteed No fear of marrying a drunkard or a bleached bloinl. Molhcis-in law kept at a safo distance. Kvery marriage warranted for ten years if rules and regulations are lived up to. There are in the United States at this moment 478,'JtO marriageable young men anil 017, ;MU marriageable girls. Make the average fee liity dollars and you see what there is in it. A dividend of at least -a per cent, can be declared every year. Kvcp your eye on this scheme until you can (in load mining and railroad stocks ami come in out of the wet. I'.very couple will nat urally buy more or less huckleberries and celery. At the present time I hold nil the offices nn.l am the board of diiectors lie sides, hut am perfectly willing to divide up. Certificates of shares will be put at live dollars each, so that all can invest. Holders of fifty dollars' worth of stork have the first chance for matrimony. l)i vorce-s procured for grass widows for twenty -ftvo dollars extra. Scheme No. 4. This appeared it little jumpy to me at first, hut after a thorou investigation I lent the originator ninety live cents and accepted the scheme as se curitv. Uu thought it out one night in Chicago and then rounded it up while riding fust on the bumpers. I en thousand acres of swamp lauds can bo bought in Florida for one dollar an acre. Each acre will furnish pasture ground for 12,000 frogs. At one year old each frog will sell right there on the ground for il nickel- that is, bis hind legs will, while the rest of tho body can be fed to 10,000 (lucks and geese being raised for market at the same time. No machinery about this scheme to Requires no ico in sum- wasre. Airs. liuv.M r, and must lie stopp;T.P' be continued. "If I were running this bouse it seems to me I'd know wliethei i'.iv rook was burning gas all night 01 not." "The conk uses a lamp, Mr. llowser." "Then who wasted that gas?" "You did!" "W-wliat!" "Oa four different occasions last month von left the burner ill the bathroom goini all night, and it's a wonder the sixt y cent covered it." ".Mrs. llowser, do you know what you are saying!" "I do. I say you left the gas burning That's your reckless way. If you were run ning this house, Mr. Iiowser, people would call it a lunatic asylum inside of four weeks." Mr. llowser got tip to assume his favor ite pose and squelch her, but she stopped him Willi a wave or her liauil and continued: "Do yon know how much money I have had per week for the last three months for in v own personal user "Mrs. llowser, are you addressing mef" he deuiauded. "Certainly. There is no one else present to address. 1 have been figuring it up, and it isn't two dollars per week. You were talking about extravagance, you know. I low much do your cigars cost you per week, Mr. Dowser?" He stared at herns if he doubted whether lie was in his right senses. "At least three dollars a week," she went on. "You In long to two clubs, and your expenses t hen; are at least five dollars per week. Yuii manage to t hrow away at least two dollars more during the week mak ing ten in all." "Mrs. llowser, do you expect me to sub mit to this sort of talk?" he shouted as he snraug up. "He calm, Mr. Dowser," she replied, "we are talking about family extrava gance, you know. Our gas bill jumped up sixty cents, and wo are trying to find the leak. Now, then, you belong to threoor four secret societies. What are your dues and exnenses in each?" He tried to speak, but thowords gurgled in his throat, and he turned red clear back to his rear collar button. "And another thing, Sir. Dowser," she went on in a voice which he seemed to hear as in a dream, "you are constantly bringing home things of no earthly ae T. E. DAVIS, PKACHCAL nulUler, - Contract r ana Superintendent. ALU ESTIMATES FURNISHED PR UK. I'. O. Ho 580. Office Willow St , N '. Telephones: ofliee HP; Rcsidcr.ce 53. k opr271in3m ""drTfTm. perry, VETERINARIAN Treats nil diseases and injuries of do nicsticnttd i n!mnl9. Also examines horses for soundness with view of purchase. ROOM 3 HENDRY BLOCK, ASHliVIIXK, npr9c!3.n N. C. ADAMANT, Of itself v. i.i not crack, swell or shrink. Kelly & Strachan, PLUMBERS, STEAM & GAS FITTERS ALSO CONTRACTORS FOR WATER AND SEWERAGE. NO. 28 PATTOS AVENUE. (In Easement) We bee to call the attention of the mthllc tn the fact that we have recently made ex tensive additions to our stock and nr.-now letter enuipped to execute work tha i ever. ReenrdiriK the quality of our wo. k we take oleasureln refcrrins to any ol our patrons, who will assure you tlint we are I he only nVactical Plumbers, Gas fitters and Sanf. tarr Engineers in the husi cs tary inH F- 0, BL,x U7a, Tclcph .m-1 0o. mnrch.tdly , mer and no cold storage In tho winter, Capital stock only fc!5,000 and dividends of 10 tier cent, a month guaranteed. Bound to go with it jump. Cannot be consoli dated with any gas company or sold to nn Knglisb syndicate. Title not yet selected but will probably he "Tho Great Southern Frosnnd fowl Haising Association." Trus tees holding funds for orphnns are asked to look into this thing for richness. Sciikmi-: No. 5. I bought this scheme on the spur of the moment. The originator of it was nearsighted, and I saw an oppor tunity to get rid of a "plugged" hall dol lar. It is to seize Cuba sonio dark night and sell her to the United States. Tho capi tal reouired is only half a million dollars, and Uncle Sam would jump at nn offer of $20,000,000. Clear profit in a week or so, tl0.500.00fl. Wanted A first class Seizer, who is not afraid of work, and who has had soma experience in that line, btendy work and fair wages. Apply at the office of "The Great American bcizer Company, New York. Cnn't be no mistako about the profits in this scheme. Cuba is right over there waiting lo be seized, and the United States Is right over here waiting to buy. Title absolutely perfect and the sale Is for cash on the nail. Might be some lit tle risk in frogs, but this thing is spiked down and can't get away. Other parties having schemes will plcnso drop me a line or call in person. I have mado it a rule to buy everything of the kind offered for the last thirty years where tho price was any ways reasonable. Pat ent riehtsalso bought and sold. I also lend money to persons making flying; machines nnd perpetual motion experiments. Cash paid for Kwly motor stock. Financial encouragement ex , ended to any ono seek liiK the elixir of lite, etc. Come earlj and avoid the rush. M-vm "DO YOU KNOW WHO 1 AM? count to anyone, hut which cost money. Wo have an old lire escape down cellar which cost eight dollars. ou have biouuht home twenty dollars' worth of drugs which I have had to throw out. Some one made you believe your liver was out of order, nnd you paid six dollars for a mil which you never wore lifteen mm utes." Mrs. Bowser," he finally found voice to shout, as she made a pause, "do you know who lain? Ilavo you tho remotest idea who you are talking to?'' You are Mr. Iiowser, ot course, sue calmly replied. "I'lcaso don't speak so loud, as 1 have a headache. I saw liy tlio paper tho other day that you gave twenty live dollars to help buy a testimo nial for somebody. You were also put lown ns giving ten dollars to some benevolent fund. You had four good suits of clothing in the house when you got the fifth one. I counted live hats mid four nairs of shoes in your closet yesterday. Only two weeks ago you paid sixdollars for Turkish pipe which some- one recom mended, and yesterday you sent home six bottles of stomach bitters which will one day have to be thrown into the garbage barrel." Mrs. Bowser, I I" lie calm, Mr. llowser! We are talking on the SIIDJCCD ot iaiuuy extravagance. Here is my outfit of gloves. I got them down on purpose to show you. Tliero nre three pairs, hut not one ot liiem tit to wear on the street. Here are my nanoKer- chiefs. Do you think you could sell the whole lot for n dollar? I have been want ing some perfumery and toilet water, but could not afford them. I was going down to the sale of twenty cent tooth brushes the other day, but we had to have clothespins, nnd 1 knew if I asked you you'd want to know what became of the three dozen we bought just after tho close of tho war. I know I'm an extravagant nnd wasteful wife, but I do want to ask you if you can't possibly spare me twenty-eight cents to go dowu to the special sale of hosiery tomor row? If you can't spare It an just now give mo fourteen cents and I'll buy one stocking and lay it away until we can af ford to get another." Mr. Bowser had been turning rcu ana white, like moonbeams playing over a ripe pumpkin ou the edge of acoru field. He bad tried to interrupt, but his throat swelled up and choked back tho words. His cars worked and Ins eyes roueu, nnu in his utter helplessness be sat down with a groan. I was figuring up mis nueruoon, saiu Mrs. llowser, as she reached for a sheet of paper, "and I make your personal ex penses at lease tweniy-iive uonara ween. This is entirely outside of clothing, but is money as good as thrown away, it is a sad thing, Mr. Bowser a very sad thing to have a wasteful and extravagant wifel That's nil this evening, but wo will have another talk soon. There are several other things I want to speak about!" For an hour after she went up stairs to bed Mr. Bowser sat thinking. Had tho other Mrs. 15owser, who used to submit to everything without talking bock been laid awny in her grave, nnd was this his second wife? Hud it nil come about while he was in a sort of trance? The worm had turned on him once before, but be flattered him self that it was a sort of an accident. This was the second time, nnd he had to admit that ho hail come out second best, lie finally rose up with a long drawn sigh, turned out tho gas and said to himself, as he crept up stairs: I can't believe it can t possuny nenevc III She's some other woman or 1 in not Mr. Bowser! hardly make his way through tne tangle. When the trees are not convenient fence rails, hoards, limbs and brush aro used. The ob ject Is to check and hold the enemy under lire. See what a hell trap we have set in front of our 500 men! There nre stakes driven into the earth at an angle and then sharp cned. They are bound together with tele graph wire, nnd two strong men cannot pull one out of place, t or clunking" we have used the branches of wild plum trees and the blackberry bushes from along the fence. You could not drive wild horses over such nn abatis. A stampeding herd of buffalo would break it down, but there would be a winrow of dead and wounded piled up before it. The hell trap has been ready lor two hours when the prey appears. Our line has been strung out to the left until there are weak spots. This looks like one of them to tho enemy who is searching. The lay of tho ground hides the abatis from his view and he can see only that part of the breast work running over the hill. e have uo artillery here. Weeaii see the men plainly as they form for n charge. The intervals between the bodies as they swing into posi tion proves that there are four regiments. They leave the cover of tho woods as stead ily as if ou parade, and it is a handsome sight to see tueru advance. Tho ordir runs along our line to nom our fire until they lire checked by the hell trap. They know that our battle line is here, but they cannot see a man of us. They are within easy musket range when the order is given to charge, and they advance with yells unu uurraus, Had we been in double line without pro tection that living wedge would have driven its wny through us to the rear of the armv. Not a shot was fired until they had recoiled from the abatis. It broke their formation at ouce and they wero a mob after that. Some flung dowu their muskets and sought to pull up the stakes; others fired standing there exposed; some there were who broke back to the rear, but these were ftv in number. We called H war then, and next day our skeleton regiment was complimented in general orders for having saved the left wing. As one remembers it now he half fears to bo charged with murder. They were brave men. but they had no show, The jaws of the hell trap held officer and private fast while the muskets under the head logs flamed and cracKleu and sent death Into the confused and helpless crowd They ought to have had the order to fall back at onr lirst volley, Out it was not given. Again and again and again uie reu names leaped almost Into their laces, ami hv ami bv. when the lifting smoke dis closed them scattering bac we rose up and cheered. They believed it was for the victorv we had won. but it was not so. It was a tribute to their bravery and endur a lice a shout of rejoicing that the jaws of tho hell trap had opened to spare some of them a little longer. And when thesmoke had entirely cleared and we looked down over that abatis the sight was something to make the oldest veteran shudder. The dead and wounded ten dead to one wounded were lying In heaps, three or four upon each other. There were rivulets of blood running over tho short, green grass; there were stains and spatters of blood over stake and limb and bush blood and horrible wounds and dead faces until we who had created the spectacle turned away in horror. M. Quad. WANT COLUMN, COME ONE! GOME ALL! WASTED. S"xllAK(-tI. WANTlit J ciml wanted at City Market 'J.'O ln:sh- Is Ch:,r- 11..U-.0 al once. mayOdlw J A. TliNNliNT ITTANTIJll YV sent the Illack Diamond WANTED Hv a 'f several ycart.' experience a t " r the rnsviiiK session lo icacn in sen".,: r ii-ivim- i.nui .v. References given. Adsln-ss irclllia, enrc Miss msncy. 101 . Alain siici-t. ajsiicmmc. A party fit A.-h'-viPc to rcprc- oai uoin- Adrtros. nivim; ref r- lie lll.ACK DIAMOND COM. I'D mavOillw Knoxvidc, Trim. ijlllR BUST ! Apply to niuylldll FOR RUNT. 3 rooms on Church slrtc-t. I. II JOHNSON, N I'atloll avc "ITIOR RRNT A seven r m ilwellmg. No JU GO Charlotte street, tnfureishe.l at above numher. api- Anp! USiHI TO PENT A large boarding house, nuily furnished. Also nice huuee neatly li'.r- msm-d on car line u rooms. pin.v ti' NAT 1 AIM a: m march lOdtf 171 iR RENT Mr. Sharpies' house, comer ' French Broad nnd Haywood street, fur live months from June 1, CompMilv fur nished, linen, silver, etc.. fresh Jers y co-.s horse and wagon. Apply to apruidatawii jun.-x iiin.w. "imiRN SI I ED house. No. 2 Vance street, 1' lor rent Finished in hardwood; wa ter and sewerage, lluth rooms Apply to I.. A. r AKI .Ml I 11.1, Real Estate Ilrukcr, apr.iodlf 20 I'atton Avc lifMA'W.W. vylNTER BOAR". Knnmswarmandconilui-t livery thing fresh and new ly painted, and lir nished. Immc- uiatelv on street car line icrms h-iij.uh.uhc MRS. J. S.YIATHKKS, !un!2dtf SUM I'atton Ave. FOR SALh. IX R SALE St fine bed ro JD and fixtures, pictures, carpels, etc., fm nitu-e very cheno. Burunin lor young n an .warning furnbhed room. Address S. K. I. . mnyOl w cine Citizen Ofliee! T.1;R SALE Yellow pii c JL1 i k'lidlim; wo at Kinilnorlh. Twenty live cents per load if moved quickly. Appiv to V C HKOWNINL. marchl'.'dtf Maiiuer. R SA LI' 12 cost. lot of frnmiiig lumher at Also a lot of straps lor pi Uct fencing, henn poles, tomato trellis, etc., lor less limn est. Atuilv at the P. A Dcmcns Woodworking Company. ......Vi-u apr'Jdtf J A. AC.M-.R "ITIOR SALE The furniture of all kinds, now used in mv res deuce, in the parlor, licdioonis, iliuiegroom and kitchen A num- l.r nl nuttlreKStS in UOO.1 Condition. PeC Ba ,,-i- a furniture of llliv kind should cull nod examine tiii-. 1). 11. Ill'l'L. uprl'.l 17V) R SAM' One Barnes Foot l.nthc ('or l wncitll. eot S35; one Barnes combined nn,l lrnll t!v. with dl'lllilllf ilttUCh mcnt. cost ro, also one lot oi cuiiei for combined saw, cost $10. Price for the lot $B5 cash All the above nre in lirst-class order, l'or fiirthur iut'irm lion npply to E. D. II KlNli.MANN, inauoa r. , fclHdlf Buncombe Co., N C THE ARIZONA Progress of KICKER. 'tiper in the the l.ivolii'Kt limit West. A 1'I.HASAXT CAM,. Three weeks ago Maior Callahan returned from a trip to Oregon, and meeting us on the street pre sented us with the. lower half of a human ear as a relic for our cabinet. It, was for merly owned by an Oregon man named Washburne. He quarreled with the ma- MISCF-UAKliOUS. rpo loan $: 00(1. Appiv to ROlll-. U. GARRETT, TP Vol" ARB Hi ll DING don't fail to put I in Watson's l i e Urate, l-or s ,c oy BALLARD cc RICH FOR BARGAINS ! Having gone to market late in the season, nnd luivM-g nltogctl.i r on a bargain market lor cash, I .-uu now prepared lo give great lurgnins in all lines ot wearing tppnrtl, such ns Dress Goods from tin- lines1, fabiics to I he most staple; also trim miiigs to match. All kinds ol tuitions in endless v.iimv ;u rocs outturn imm cash, Clicip for cash is my motto. Respect lullv, J. D. BREVARD. THE OAKS HOTEL, ASISTUII-Jl.E, 1ST. O. FIVE MINUTES WALK ONE CF THE BEST FAMILY HOTELS THE SOUTH. IN STREET CARS PASS DOOR EVERY TEN MINUTES. : . .. I : 1 I - ... FROM COURT SQUARE. SERVICE AND TABLE FIRST-CLASS. A. B. SITES, MANAGER. :S!10. D. FORBES, CLEKK. H. .T. GREE-WELL, Proprietor LUMBER ! LUMBER ! LUMBER ! THE FRENCH BROSD LUMBER COMPANY TO REDUCs THCIR SURPLUS STOCK OF LUMBER OF ALL KINDS AND GRADES Will sell in any ipianti'y uiul to any person at greatly reduced prices. Ilil! Stuff !..riO per 1 ,000 feet and upward. Sheeting Poplar roukor Chestnut $7.00 per 1,000 feet und upward. We will also cut on order dimension stock of any lcnKth or thickness. fif lT WILL PAY COSTRACTuRS AND BUILDERS TO GET Oo'R rRICESM Land plaster for grass vegeta bles and c rn ol BEARDI-.N, KANKIN (u marchSGdtf B. Y. reach 17.1100 tons o times as l HAMANT sales now J m.tnthlv. beini? more than large ns all chenp imitntors combined 1, TREADWAY, Ashcville, N. C. Agent W. N. C. Olhce over DlcKcrson s store BUNCOMBE CABBAGE As well isother Onrdcn and Field Seeds eminently adapted to Southern soil and Southern ch--.,.... u, .r..,r)ifl mivwhcre. nt reasonable priics. Scud lor catnlosuc and trv some of them. I W. VA.NDIVKK, decli.'l-dtf Wcovcrville. N. C. -VTOTICE- i linn of Wolfe Havinir withdrawn from the Wolfe & Lcprcux, I oiler my services lo the public. Having had lfl years experience in all branches ol cement work. 1 am now prepared to take contracts for side walks, curbing, stuble floors and driveways. LIMMS I.EI'RHI X. Risidencc i!15 Charlotte St. nprUHdlm 1 ABSOLUTION NOTICli- l ) ted by Mr. T. E Davis to sav pri:sf.nti:p it to him with umi ithum.i- MUNTS. Wc arc rcqm-s- Ihat the ...,.,,.r.l,nn-pnil fitrmril between him- ,,,! I. I'. Crieirs lias been dissolved, and ',i.,. i,,.' ..-ill nut l- responsible lor anv con tracts in ihc name of ihc lirm. lie h is the building of the L. B. Alexander and H. C. Chambers residences, but has nothing to do with ih- Soutlisiac rrcsnyicnun chuicii. may7d3t TRV THU COSMOPOLITAN BARBER SHOP, Btt B. Main St., Ashevllle, N. C. ti... limit in the City. Hot, Cold and Shower T Path! , Floirtl BstablLdinentin the South. E. F. HOYT, PROPRIETOR. pr30dl MR. AND They llnva MRS. BOWSER. Little. Talk on family Kx truviitfiiiirv. "Mrs. Bowser," !oe;nii Mr. IJowser tht ot her event nil, as lie laid aside lus paper, "I notice Mint our (!s W" fll" llvst month is sixty cents higher tliaii for the month previous, and that with an hour more day liirht every day." "Yes, I also noticed it," she ipiletly re plied. "It is "not extruA'jiKiiuc. but .reckloss THE HELL TRAPS OF WAIt. Tho Terriblci Arabs That Wrought Death and lrt ruction. Wo havu n line of breastworks stroll'' enough to stand artillery, and wo have crowned it with "hend lops. uy turn, is meant a log so placed that a soldier ran flro under it while it protects his hend. Where there nro head Ioks men kneel and Areata dead rest, and four bullets out of five strike a human tnritct. A regiment thus sheltered will check nnd drive back three times Its strength. It was done time and again on both Bides during tho war. But bloodthirsty wnr was not satisfied with tho almost perfect Immunity offered by earthwork and breastwork nnd head log. It sought for still further advantage, and found it in that hell trap, the abatis. If there is a forest iu front the trees are cut down, tois to the enemy, and the limbs nre sharpened and interlaced until a fox could jor in a staneconcli and the major sliced him. Day before yesterday Mr. Wash burne walked into TlIK Kl('Ki:i! ofliee, and the fust tiling ho saw was his missing ear in a bottle of alcohol along with a gila grasshopper four inches long. His errand was lo reclaim his property. Soine. men would have rushed in and began n I ping and shouting, but we found Mr. Wash biirno a perfect, gentleman. lie had traveled several hundred miles to secure that, relic, and offered us ten dollars for it. We removed it from the jar, washed It in a rMd-tttucs cold water and presented it, to linn with onr compliments. Ho profuse ill his thanks, and we must say that wo have not hail a more pleasant call in a year. If any one ever slices his other ear we hope to get. hold of the relic for the pleasure it will givo us to restore it after it lias been well pickled. iKTTixn IlKTTlil!.-Wc desire to ex tend our good wishes to tlio editor of our esteemed .ontemporary, who has been seriouslv ill for the past two weeks and Is now rapidly mending, lie hale ns like rattlesnakes, and if we were to die. he'd tnakn n hnnliro of his only shirt to celebrate tho joyful event, but there is no ill feeling on our part. Wo are rather sorry for him. Ho ought to have been a blacksmith instead of an editor, and he ntiuht to have made use of a war club In stead of a pistol in his little affairs. We want, him lo live on. When he is up anil around ho generally shoots at us once a day nnd we have missed him of late more than we ran tell. We sincerely hope and trust that, within another week he will be able to resume his pistol practice, lie can't hit. anybody or anything, but It does him lots of good to smell powder. Mkans BlTsmiss. His honor the mayor (whoisotirsclf) takes this method of in forming that individual known as "Grizzly Charley" t hat, he must make a change of programme or look out for consequences. The man claims to lie a Montium terror out on n vacation for his health, nnd It is his nightly practice to walk up and down Apache avenue firing his guns and whoop ing great big war whoops. Ho has an nounced thnt ho is aching to be tackled, and his aching will bo satisfied this very evening if bo appears in his customary role. His honor will walk up to him nnd wreck him nt ono fell wrench, and Ids guns will be sold for the benefit of the poor fund. As editor of Till-: KlcKiai wo rather like "Grizzly Charley's" freo nnd easy wny of amusing himself, but as mayor of this town, ejected by the largest majority ever given a mayor in Arizona, wo have a duty to Derform. There Is nu ordinance against promiscuous shooting, and it will be en forced as long as wo can pull a trigger. We shall be out this evening looking for the grizzly. If he appears we'll bet dollars to cents that ho lias to be curried to uls board ing house on a door. M. ytlAD, -vm-ir K itv v rluc of an execution in mv f tnr .illicit nil. is-u d bv the clerk of the superior court in favor of Hooker, l.ittlcUclil Co , nKninst i. n us e, Wnlkc-mid K. G. Walke (stay), I will sell at the court house door in A shi-ville. on Monday the (ith day of June, 1HP2, th following lie- criheil real est itc iu smiwi.v .a.... A pic- e or parcel ot Innn lying on wic wiiici of B.av.r l am, Hnuenini c county, s.i.ioiu- ing the lauds i f I v. Haini, i.m iu wu., and S M. Ray, nnd known as the M..I. l-'ngg p'.acc containing acres, imire Also a town lot adjoining Mrs. K (. Hike's residence, on Chestnut street, in the city ol Aslievliic. imsipri, J- , ,'. II. 1,. tvl.l I,,'.,, WOODY cSs KIMBERLY, Practical Machinists and feteam fritters. SANITARY I'U8IBIN BY SKILLED WORKMEN. A GOOD STOCK OF SUPPLIES ALWAYS ON HAND. SAllSrACIUltl wuitn uimnAKittu A TIIREK HORKK POWKK KMilNi: FOR SALE CHEAP, SHOPS 21, 23 WILLOW ST. TELEPHONE NO. 155 lewis uaddux, Pres. II. T. COLLINS, Vice Pre i.. p MCLoon. Cashier. Micrill. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $35,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County Ami fity Itepository. Organized May, i83S. DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRF PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES OKNERAI. HANKINd ISI SINIONS TIUNMTKI'. Iistcrret Paid 011 Deposits In Naviujrsi Department. I.IIW1S MAIIW H. T. COLLINS. M.J. PACG, I. li. KUKII Auction Sale ol" Land! I vvi'.l sell 1,11 May 21st nil undivided one- truth interest in that line property, Irniitinv: :i(iofietou Hattou avenue, between uni fy nnd drover stmts, and 25 on Bio ley street I'atton avenue front Is subdivided i. 11 l,iius hits 100 feet deep. This property has a 1 room . SHOO a vear rent 1 his is the fin; st btisiact s nropert'v in Ashevi'le. und the only property iilleicd for sale between it and Court Squnrc It is the new post ouice, ami uip.,i il,,- linist hotel and nark in the wor d. Ynu cannot buv a loot of hind between this nnil Court Square lor less tlw.n from $.10(1 to $-100 per front foot Ilclerrcd payments from one to eight years. II. PI .. I i... mnyStds A CARD! Por the next thirty dnvs wc make the offer to such persons ns wish to build reul nice cottuitis on M-rrimon avenue and streets adiaccnt thereto, in the immediate neighbor hood of (.ol Urns. W Woolsev. ol a few vervdei able loll located in ildlcrcnt points, at half price. These lots nre ei heron or very i .,nir..t mountain eltclric enr line, au'd are without question the finest lots in the a iberbnn siction of the city, bcint: cov rr,i iih lame, line oaks and nfloniinK v. .it.. i ..!,.,.. ni the surrouiiditiK mouu tains. We will he pi. nscd to take yon on the ear mid snow tnese lois. NATT ATKINSON & SONS apr28dtf DIRECTORf ' s. h. it um. i. n. rai CH AKLRS McNAMHf J. E. KANKIN, VI. J. IllfAKDBN. Bank oiK-n from 9 o. in., till p. in. On Saturday, till P, One on the Teacher, T,,i.l,or Your nnswer to the problem about two men building a fence calls lor six days too much. Bright Hoy-Six of the days was Sun days, an they don't count. yowi ewa. RATH AND MICK Do not cnaw thromih Adamant It Is bent sanitary plaster. the VOn KENT. i... rurnUhril rooms, within three rain utci' walk of Public Square, Apply at 2-t PENLANU S1M1U1 aprTdtm ADAMANT Is asmuc'.isupciiortonuirtiira-. mortar is to mud. SHORTHAND AND TVPtWKITING, Private and clnss instruction given daily nt the McKcc Institute, 101 Bailey street nprlOdtf I 'imp h THE BONANZA, SO LIQUOR II t Nos. 41 anti 4$ S. Main St.,Asheville. WHOLK8ALHnr.PARTMBNT, GENTS' "MY) Al PARLOR AND KBAULNU ROOM Xl J a ttX. CIGARS, TOnACCO AND BOTTLB GOODS, SAM T AOI PLU, BILUARU AND POOL, ROOM. IN J, 1 BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT, Wc respectfully lollcit a ihare of your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager, AD AAT Main Kutraiiee. No. 4o5. Telephone Call, N. it. r, (is directed POHtodlrC 'BOX Q. VKRV CHEAP. I offer for three day, below -coat, a lot In a very desirable location. 37 pa t ton n v e . Will not clcnvc off wlnji CTcn l.i tnac oftcakiiKC