ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 10, 1892. I WITH THE RAILROAD FOLK GOSSIP GOING ROUND OF GEN F.RAL INTEREST. Ashevllle Never Had an Manx Trains as are Promised From and After Next Sunday Capt. McBee and the Vauderblltn Re duced Rates. Sunday will be a red letter day for Asheville and the traveling public, :is on that day the double daily paswiif;cr train service is to be resumed on nil lines running into the city. The Citizen is today enabled to pre the schedules of the new trains, the infor mation being taken from a letter received by Manager H. P. McKisskk, of t he Bat tery Park, from Col. V. A. Turk, assist ant general passenger agent of the Rich mond and Danville railroad. On the main line there will be a night train, leaving Salisbury on arrival of No. 9, from the north, at 1:30 a. ni., and ar riving at Asheville at 8 a, in. This train will have Pullman sleeper from Kalcigh to Asheville. Returning this train, No. 10, will leave Asheville at U a. m., arriv ing at Salisbury at p. m. The Raleigh sleeper which will reach Asheville on No. 0, will return on No 11', leaving Ashe ville at 2:25 p. m., and arriving at Kal cigh at 3a. m. Trains Nos. 11 and 12 will continue to carry New York and Knoxville sleeping cars. No. 11 will reach Ashcvillcex.ietly as on present schedule, leaving at (!:;!0 p. m making connection for Knoxville at Paint Rock. No. 12, northbound, leaves Asheville at 2:25 p.m., arriving at Salisbury at 8:05 p. m. A passenger train is also to be put on between Charlotte and Statcsville, con necting at the latter point with day trains over the Western road. Trains from Charleston will leave about 7 a. m., arriving at Columbia about 1 1 a. m. The train from Savan nah, over the Southbound road, with through sleepers between Jacksonville and Asheville, will arrive in Columbia at 11a.m. A train will also leave Au gusta at 8:15 a. in , with parlor car from Augusta to Asheville, via Colum bia, connecting train arriving in Ashe ville at 6:25 p. m. This train connects at Spartanburg with Atlanta and Char lotte Air line trains Nos. 11 and 12. A train will also leave Spartanburg after arrival of the northbound limited, reaching Asheville at 10:15 p. m. This train carries a parlor car between the two points. Returning the train leaves Asheville at 8:15 a. m., arriving at Spar tanburg at 11:25 a. m., connecting with southbouth vestibule limited. The train for Charleston and Savan n ih, carrying sleeper from Asheville to Jacksonville, and palace car to Augusta, leaves Asheville at 11:15 a. m., connect ing trains arriving at Charleston 10 p. ni., Savannah 11 p. m., Jacksonville next morning, and Augusta 0:15 p. m. In addition to the present schedules on the Murphy branch there will be a train trom Waynesville to Asheville, leaving the former place 6:40 a. m., and arriving at Asheville 8:10a.m. Returning, leaves Asheville 6:35 p. m.; arrives at Waynes ville 8:05 p. m. There will also be a train from Ashe ville to Hot Springs, leaving Asheville at 9 a. m., and arriving at Hot Springs 10:30 a. m. Returning, leaves Hot Springs 5:45 p. m., arriving at Asheville 6:15 p. m. In concluding bis letter Col. Turk says: "I am satisfied these are the very best schedules ever offered to the people of Western North Carolina. livery train on the Asheville and Spartanburg road is provided with Pullman parlor cars, and every through train on the main line with Pullman palace sleeping cars." "Bnucb" McBee Still ClImbiUK. The Atlanta Constitution in i lengthy article prints the fact that Capt. V. U Mcllec, for a long time superintendent of the Western North Carolina railroad, with headquarters at Asheville, has re signed the superintendcy of the Central railroad ot Georgia, to accept a similar position on the Vanderbilt system. It is reported, the Constitution savs, that about June 1, be will go to the Lake Shore or West Shore road as general superintendent. Referr'ng to Capt. Mcllec's work on the Central, the Constitution says: "When he went to Savannah he inaug urated the weekly payment of the Cen tral's wbarf hands, who had previously been paid off monthly. He broke the strike there last September, and no complaints have been heard from his en gineers or any other set of employes. He is liked by his men and is popular with the public. Capt. McBec's friends regret the prospect of his leaving the south, but appreciate the compliment in the offer from one ot greatest systems in the world." In the opinion of Capt. McBce as expressed in that paragraph every man who knows that gentleman will concur heartily. No man ever made more ftiends among his employes, and outside the ranks too, than he did while on the Western North Carolina railroad. Reduced Rates. City Ticket Agent Murphy has re ccived instructions to sell reduced rate tickets as follows : To the grand lodge I. 0. 0. F., at Wil mington. N. C. On sale May 9-11, cood until May 17. Rate to Goldsboro and return, $13. To the general assembly of the South ern Presbyterian church, Hot Springs, Ark. On sale May 16-17, good until June 15. Kate via Atlanta, $26. To the annual convention King's Daughter's, Wilmington, N. C. On sale May 16-18, good until May 23. Rate to P.oldsboro and return, $13. To the 20th May celebration, Char lotte. On sale May 17-20, good until May 22. Kate, civilians, $4.30 via Spar tanburg, $4.85 via Salisbury; military in uniform in bodies of twenty-five or more, on one solid ticket, $3.40 via Spartanburg, $3.85 via Salisbury. Mr. Kroger to Wed. Wm. Kroger, the popular College street grocer, left this afternoon for Cin cinnati, his old home. On the 16th inst. Mr. Kroger will be married in the cathe dral at Covington, Ky., to Miss Anna Specker, of that city. After the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Kroger will go to Old Point Comfort for a week's stay, return ing from there to Asheville, their future home. The intended bride has many friends in Ashville, where she has spent several summer. The Citizen tenders congratulations in advance to theyoung couple. At Weavervllle College. Rev. I. H. Page will preach the bacca laureate sermon at Wcaverville college on next Sunday, the 15th, and the clos ing exercises of the school occur on Mon day afternoon, Tuesday and Wednesday following, Female College. Literary entertainment by the Land of the Sky society,' Friday, May 13, 8 p. m. After entertainment the missionary so ciety will serve ice cream, strawberries and cake in the dining; room from 10 until 12. Admission to the entertain-! ment 25 cent. AROUND TOWN. Washington, May 10. Forecast till S p. m., Wednesday Shoiveis; southerly winds. .1. W. Thaekston, of Raleigh, is here to day. Mai. Chas. M. Stedman has returned from New York. C. P. Buffuin, ol Pillsboro, is at the Swannanoa today. A. II. Croucll, of Hickory, is in the city todav on business. Mrs. Ocoree Henderson and children are visiting ill Knoxville. At Grant's pharmacy at 2 p. in. tudav the thermometer registered (H J. G. Hall, president of the IVdinont wagon works, Hickory, it at the Swan nanoa. Kev. A. C. Dixon, of Brooklyn, N. Y., preaches at the First Baptist church this evening. The gong on the citv clock sounded 28 seconds fast todav at 12 in., according to standard time. Tonight's nice: ing ol the Lyceum will he addressed by Prof. P. P. Claxton on the subject of "Public education in the United States." Col. A. B. Andrews came up from Hot Springs in hisprivalcearyesterday alter noon, remaining here until this morning, when he left for K a high. Mai. I. M. Blair, the auctioneer, today sold for J. II. Osborne, trustee, a bouse and lot on Central avenue lor $ii'). I . S. Morrison was the purchaser. The Mexican Chick medicine company gives its farewell performance at the Grand opera house this evening. The admission is only 10 and lotcnts. The riders who arc to go to Charlotte to take part in the tournament are prac ticing regularly and arc getting in good shape. Their grounds arc on the dummy line. J. V . Camihell, the real estate agent, has just issued a neat 28-pagc pamphlet, "Asheville Nature's Sanitarium," adver tising this city as a health resort and a place for investments. In Recorder Miller's court this morn ing 1). M, Stevens was charged with dis order! v conduct. He -vas fined $5 and costs, and appealed to the criminal court. rour drunks paid $o each. The Asheville Glee club meets for prac tice at the residence of Prof. Peacock, 21 Orange street, Thursday evening next at 9 o'clock. All memlers arc requested to be present promptly on time. Rev. George Leonard Chancy, who is well known in Asheville, was elected a vice-president ol the Southern Unitarian conference, the annual session of which was held in Charleston, S. C, last week. Pitzpatriek Bros., of this citv, were to day given the contract, by Col. A. B. Andrews, for repainting the hotel at Hot Springs, and all of the buildings con nected with the hotel. This will he be gun soon, and completed within thirty days. The Land of the Sky literary society of the Asneville remale cohegc give an en tertainment in the college on Friday evening. At the close of the exercises the missionary society will serve ice cream, strawberries, etc. The admission fee to the entertainment will be 25 cents. Superintendent P. P. Claxton, of the city schools, tells The Citizen that at the closing of the term on Friday next, the only exercises of a special character will le singing and recitations by the pupils in each grace. The parents of pupils arc cordially invited to visit the schools on that day. The board of aldermen held a special meeting yesterday tor the purpose ot ac cepting the compromises offered by resi dents ol South Main street affected by the widening ol that street from the car shed to Atkin street. The jury on the widening was to have gone oyer the street todav, but on account of this being a legal holiday the jury met and adjourned to tomorrow morning. The jurv is composed of A. II. Baird, D. S. Watson, 12. W. Burkhohler, W. S. Cush nian, C. L. Lindscy and N. A Penland. THE "SHENANDOAH." A I'lioloicranhot the VrtiHd Taken In September, 1863. Capt. F. N. Waddcll today showed The Citizen what he thinks is the only photograph in existence of the Confed erate warship "Shenandoah." The ves sel was commanded by (amcs Iredell Waddcll, n brother of Capt. F. N. Wad dell and Alderman D. C. Waddcll, of this city. The vessel carried eight broadside guns and two fore and aft guns, with a crew of 135 men and five officers. The lieutenants were Whittle, of Mississippi; Lee, of Virginia; Grimble, of South Car olina, and Scales, of Mississippi. Commander Waddcll knew nothing of the close of the war until September, 1865, in which month he surrendered at Liverpool to Admiral Hope, of thcBrit ish navy. The photograph was made by Ferranti, in Liverpool, and Capt. Waddcll is hav ing it enlarged. IN THE REALTY WORLD. What la Transpiring In the Way of Dirt Transactions. The following deeds have been filed h Register Mackey's office: Richmond Pearson and wife to trustees First Missionary Bap tist church, lot on Buxton street, 97x133 feet $1,000 P. A. McLlroy to M. L. (Jucen house and lot on Hill street, 55x246 feet 4,000 A. J. Lyman, trustee, to P. A. McHlroy, house and lot on Hill street, 55x246 feet 3,800 T. W. Patton and wife to Her bert White, lot on Charlotte street, 100x288 feet 2,000 Asheville Investment company to Jenkins and Owens, lot on Hilliard street, SOxl 25 feet 200 F. A. Sumner and wife to W. E. Burnett, 47 acres on Hender- sonville road 4,000 The Isaac. Prom the Franklin Timet. What better plattorm could a candi date for governor desire than one which demanded better country roars ? Gentle as the Bummer Breese." "I'd rather take a thrashing any time than a dose of pills," groaned a patient to whom the detctor has prescribed phy sic. "I'd as lief be sick with what ails me now, as to be sick with tbe pills." "I don't think you've taken any of tbe pills 1 prescribe, or yon wouldnt dread the ptescription so." laughed the doctor, "I never use the old, inside twisters you nave in tmud. 1 use ur. fierce Pleas ant Pellets. They always make me think ot a part ol an old hymn ' mild and lovely, Gentle as the summer breeze.' The belt thing of the kind ever invented. No danger of their making yon tick. You'll hardly know you've taken them. 1 wouldn't use any other in my practice." GEN. VANCE'M SPEECH. T. C. Westall corrects Hie Report ot tbe General's Remarks. Editor The Citizen: The report in your paper of last Saturday evening of Gen. R. II. Vance's short speech at the prohibition meeting iu the court house, puts that popular gentleman in a false light before the public. But Tub Citizen was not at fault in reporting that "he called on all well wishers of this great reform to ally themselves as workers and voters in the cause." Now. your report would need no cor rection, as I understood Gen. Vance, if I e bad not privately told me, before he left the court room, that he was uot a pro hibitionist outside of the democratic party. That meeting was held by pro liiliitioi.ists as a party, separate and distii. el from i. y and all other political parties, and a prohibitionist of that stripe can no more be that and a demo crat too than he can be a democrat and republican at the same time. He can not "call on all well wishers of the great iclorm to ally themselves as workers and voters in the cause" without calling them from one or the other of the old parties. "Ye cannot serve God and mammon." The reason I call for the correction is, that I have been appointed chairman of the executive committee of Buncombe county for the prohibition party, and desire that there shall be no false im pressions to cither strengthen or weaken the cause. 1 delayed calling for the cor rection hoping Gen. Vance would make it himself. Respectfully, T. C. Wcitall. A complaint. linniiK Tin; Citizen: Will The Citi zen allow me space in its columns to ask the school committee to explain why they advcitiscd the bids the way they did, or how they let the job? As one ol the bidders and a contractor it is unjust the way it stands and n slur 011 inv character. Gentlemen of the committee 1 would rather you would say as one of your number said that day, "no one voting against the subscription should have any ol the work il it is car ried," which I did. Will m v v 111 c friends conic to the front and corrrcct three iu number? lohnG. Lindscy, Of J. G. & C. L. Lindscy. And He Will Do NutlllUK. From the tialtimorc Sun. President Harrison has been officially notified by a civil service commissioner ol the highest personal characUr lor intel ligence, courage and impartiality, of his own party and his own appointment, ol twenty odd persons 111 this city alone who were guilty ot offences against the the law that warranted anil called tor their immediate dismissal and I'lesideut Harrison has done nothing. Col. I.. J. Allred Write: I am in my seventy-third year, and for titty years 1 have been a great sufferer from indigestion, constipation and bill io usness. I have tiud all the remedies advertised for these diseases and got no permanent relief. About one year ago the disease assuming a more severe anil dangerous form, 1 became very weak and lost flesh rapidly, 1 commenced using lr. 11. Mozlcy's Lemon Elixir. I gained twelve pounds in three months. My strength and health, my npictitc and my digestion were perfectly restored, and now 1 feel as young and vigorous 11s I ever did in my lilc. L.J. A'lrcd, Door-keeper Ga. State Senate. State Capitol, Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 5, 1891 . A Mothers Report. Mrs. N. A. Mcliiitire writes from Spring Place, Ga.: For many years I have been a great sufferer Ironi indiges tion, sick headache and nervous pros tration. I tried many remedies, lint got no permanent relief until I used Hr. Mozlcy's Lemon Llixir. I am now in better health than for many years. My daughter has been subject to chills and fever from her infancy. My daughter has been subject to chills and fever from her infancy. 1 could gel nothing to relieve her; tlie Iaii'oii Fbxir has re stored her to ierfcct health. Sold by Druggists, ut 50c. and $1 per bottle. Prepared by Dr. Mozley, At lanta, Ga. A I.ovc Hong 111 M I Lit. "My modest, matchless tnadclim ! .Mark my melodious midnight moans; Much may my melting music mean My modulated monotones." This vounn man stayed out loo late. serenading his lady love. He caught a cold which developed into catarrh, but he cured it with Dr. Sage s Catarrh Rem edy, a sovereign Sccilic forchronic cases, "Cold in the Head, Catarrhal Head' ache. It corrects the tainted breath, stops the offensive discharges, heals the irritated throat and nose, leaving the head clear, and smell and taste unim paired. It costs but 50 cents, and the proprietors offer in good faith $500 for a case they cannot cure. To AdvertlHera. T insure change of advertisements on regular contract, copy must be handtd in bv 10 o'clock a. m. ) liVfiCF.fs:, lndiwtion. nnd Homaeh disorders, uso miowvs mux B1TTKH8. 411 dealers keep il. J1 per bottle. Omuilnr hf.d trade-mark -mi crusted red UeJ on wrapper. BUBINEtMt NOTICE. Glassware Sale, Etc. Ee sure to attend the great sale. There will be real bargains in the next ten days at Laws', 59 S. Main street. See large nd. Whitman's candy always fresh nt Kroger 's. Horse shoeing scientifically done by K. Burnett, North East Court square. It is to your interest to read the ad vertisement of Frank O'Donnell. 100,000 dollars deposited pro. tecls vour accidental tiiHurauce wneu issued dv w. h. Clarke. Index to New Advertisements. Wantrd F. P. B. Hon Runt S. H. Reed. BoNNYCRHST IKN T. A. Morris. Nbw Attbictions Mimnaugh. Buncomiik Livbr Pills Grant. Plain Enough Toad W. Thrash. Rathre Unusual F. B. Mitchell. Fits fob 10 cxnts Virginia Cheroots. ANTED To rent a small store suitable lor book and stationer; at on. Address ma;10d3t care CItli'rn Office. "IIT ANTED To rent a small cottage of five TV to seven rooms, nice situation. Address maylodat care Citiscn Office, TTIOR RBNT Mv cottace and nremlses on JJ Bailey street, known as the Burkholder cottage, aiso my store, No. 86 North Main airtei, witn 0 living rooms above it. Apply to 8. H, REEL). maylOdlar BONNYCREST IIMl Bight miles south of Asheville, Yt mile from Skyland Springs Station. Rates 93 per day, $12 per week; $10 per month. TROS. A. MORRIS, Prop'r, maylOdtf Skylaad, N. C. WE ARE SHOWING FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER tJJBSBB W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FUHNITUUE, 16 Patton Avenue, blair k Mcdowell, UNDERTAKERS AND FURNITURE DEALERS. No. 45 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C, KING'S WINDSOR ASBESTOS CEMENT FOR PLASTERING In its mixed form is supcrhir to nil other plaster, because, being mixed by machinery, the only tiling left to the judgment i)f the man at the mortar bed is the rij;ht quantity of wa ter. It in;ikc walls and esilinus m ire clastic than any other mutcriul known for p'n'cr inp;. The Asbestos used renders the material a Rreat protection against fire, and de ideas sound. The extreme density of the Cement renders it vtrniiu and (jcrm proof. It will not chip or pit. It is free trom acid. It dries out from three to live weeks quicker than lime or hair mortar. So ac'ion tukes place after setting, which Is a matter of two or three hours only. Frost or water will not injure the work after it is once set. Experience has shown that ceirngs well soaked from any ea isc will dry out as strung as ever Pa ling ceilings arc unknown, nnd the plastering will last as ton ! as the building itself. It can be finished in any way of which ordinary plastering i capable Walls nnd ceilings made from this material are second to none; and, considering the advantage named, the execs of cost ubove lime and hair is a small matter. The best and most convenient art'ele known for small jobs and patching. C. 12. MOODY, Sole Agent lor Asheville and Vicinity. Warehouse n nr freight depot;; telephone 73; office 30 Patton Avenue; telephone 40. GLASSWARE SALE! 5 OR 10 OR 15 CENTS EACH. In order to close out nliout J(0 pieces o l;iss tn hie ware, worth from 1.0 to 90 cts. each, and make room for an entire new line of fi'lassware. 1 offer them all at figures named above till may 15th if floods hold out: also ;i lot of crockery at same prices, and 100 sets fine plated tcaspooiisat HScts set, worth !?1.2.", just to make the sale interesting. 1 would call special attention to my line of Table Cutlery and Spoons and Forks of only best makes, Rogers & Uus.S"ll. I can and will undersell the market in either lar-e or small lots. Will sell nt very low prices (.'owe and see for yourself. SPECIAL, 3 O 2SJ" X-j "Y" , Flue Carlsbad China, Richly .Decorated Dinner Sets, offered at Sao, to close them out, -worth about double. Terms i Only Cash. J. H. LAW, 57 and 59 8. Main Street, INSURANCE. WB represent, as Agents, companies thn' transact the following branches of ir surance : Fire, Lite, Accident, Marine, Steam Bo. er, Employer's Liability, Elevator, Security Bonds, Plate Glass, Tornado and Automat ic Sprinklers. Thus lieing able to furnish you with any kind ot Insurance you desire Pl'LLlAM & KUTI.EDOB, Oeneral Insurance Agents, No. 3 Barnard Building, Up Stairs. REMOVAL. This u to notify my friends and patrons that I hu e removed my jewelry and repair ing store from No. 4 North Court Place to corner of Woodfin street and Central are nue where I will be pleased to serve them In my capacity. M. A. TILLER. THE MAITLAND SCHOOL,, ENGLISH AND FRENCH. HOME AND DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. MRS. BVRGWVNMAITLAND.PRINCIPAL The school will re-open September 24th. Hours for Infant class from nine to twelve. An atteraoon class for French conversa Hon will be formed for ladles under the direc tion of Melle. Barrand de la Fsv.rie, dl plomct dc I'acadcmie de Pari. V A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK. CHINA & JAPAN M ACTINGS, LINOLEUM AND ill ClOiH, CFPtiS, FUGS, ETC, v hich we arc offering ATV KliY 1MW PRICES. GIVE US A CALL. CARPETS, &C, AslieviHe, JX. L. Asheville, N. C. UNDERTAKER : AND : EMBALMER. BVBKV KBUIIIS1TB OP THIS BUSINESS FUHNiaUHl). EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Satisfaction Guaranteed. - Prompt Attention Given to Call, Day or Night. Office and residence No. '27 North Mala Street. Telephone No. SI. I AM OFFERING at private sale a few pieces of furniture, two sewing machines and other things nearly new; at less than half their cost. These articles havebecnused by cleanly people. K. COFFIN, Auction and Commission House, No. 87 Patton Avenue. Auction taleTuesdays and Fridays, 10 a m. ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY. DAILY CAPACITY 35 TONS. I'URIC - INSTILLED - WATER - ICE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Best Anthracite and Jcllico Coal and Cuke. ASHEVILLE MILLING COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS Roller Kins:, Klcctrlc Light, ham I'lonr, Corn nival. Cora Chops. vnoi.a:vii,i'; inj.u.itRs in corn and oats. Telephone Not. 36 and 40. No. 30 Patton Avenue CAROLINA U INK NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 twm -. O- Krcp in Btnc'i "Muiril V. i iiiiii," "Cinimlian Chili," and old llalit r U ic Whiskies. I lit- ln-.t Wii:c, Iliamllcs, Hit r, Ale anils' tout r..r family tlw. All Roods dilinrnl fiw. Ale nil. I I'orler un drauKlil. iJiuroiuc No I!) Ninth M.-iin and TVfc CoJIi-ue xtro Is. I cU'iilionc No. 15. I'. S : On an 1 after May ylh I will scad slaUtmnt of amiinlts by mail to parties in. dcbtctl to me if not sctlW'il by that time. lii'S;cetf'.il1y, Frank O'Donnell PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD ; OTHERS FOLLOW. Why buy a oor pump whou buv a good one? Mont (loop woll pumps are work by hand, especially weather. When you buy a pump you net water without going into lor a prize lighter. Having been appointed sole agent for Buncombe county, North Carolina, by F. K. Myers Hros., of Ashland, Ohio, for their celebrated Force and Lift I'limps, I am able to furnish you with a pump for either hand or 'windmill which will not make you sweat in hot weather, but which will be "a thing of beauty and a joy forever," ami which, in spite of its beauty, "will get there ' (with thewatcr). I shall be glad to furnish anyone with one of these beautiful pumps on the following conditions: 1st. I will place in wells any depth up to 200 feeu a pump complete which will pump the water out. 2nd. 1 ask no pay until thepumpdoes the work provided I put it in the well. iJrd. No charge for putting: a pump in well beyond payment of my expenses. 4th. Pump to be paid for on comple tion of job. If party owning the well is noli satisfied that the pump will pump water and the pump does not do the work I charge nothingforpumporiimo. Things to Remember: That I abso lutely guarantee the punip; that theso pumps have Myers Bros. Patent v lass Valve seat; that I ask no pay if the pump does not work; this is the cheapest good pump in the United States. "Every man ought to have a pump in his well thereby avoiding cruel la bor to his wife or help, dead cats and dirt from hands on well rope or chain, and other abominations too numerous to ment ion. E. D. 1IEINEMANN, Inanda V. 0., Buncombe Co., N. C. NEW ATTRACTIONS nre daily added to our stock and as the season ad vances the prices become beautifully less. CUT RATES S LINES THIS WEEK. EuorinouB Bargains ou Past Black Regular Made Host for Ladies, Misses and Children. ALSO NEW PARASOLS, UMBRELLAS, DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, CHIP PON LACES AND RUCIIINOS. $20,000 WORTH OF NEW MILLINERY JUST IN. Our new Blazer Suits are now on sale. For new things always go to HEADQUARTERS. No time to write or talk when the Juggernaut of traffic rolls so ponderously. F. P. MIMNAUGH, No. ii Patton Ave. Carolina nellc. Choice Clni. ASH LiDIl STORES! AND 71-2 COILFGE STS, you ran hard to in hot want to training I I IjjUKTULQ, Aslievllle, N. C. ? i taikMaia