J t f I A- Citizen. ASHEVILLE N. C, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 11, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME VIII.-NO IV TO Ashevilre Daily CALIFORNIA CANNED FRUITS LOWER THAN EVER BEFORE. SPECIAL PRICES BY THE CASE. KROGER. ELECTRIC STARCH Tiiis . torch deserves the at tention of every family. It is put up i:i fivn.'.v colored pa-k- iics ;iiiil hitrlily perfumed; it is hold to you on its own merits Warranted tho best starch on the market or money l'cl'undod It requires no cookie;;. Hemember the n riimj and ha ve no other. We keep it for sale by the case or package. A. D. COOPER, NORTH COURT SCJCAKB. PLAIN ENOUGH On the slate. It mnv not be perfectly clear nt first, but read anm and it to plain enough. Vrtvvn l,iiYBK thun ever and uoous noove onmm-tltton. I-i-t us convince ruu if you non t Know it ri ready, ny icmur you oi uur imipnin to- thin week, on nuuccoratcu anu transparent China, Art Pottery, Vases, etc, WE WILL ALLOW 10 PER CENT. OFF OF OUR ALREADY LOW PRICES. (Mir Inst nc.k'i bargain counter will be con- limicd thi. with new bargains on it. Our bnrg in gob'ets at 60 cents per dozen lathe I luKiHt viuiie ever ottered; we nave nueen barrel f ihem. We have many other such bnrgTin. We want you to look at our Win CMoui.t.ttn. Gem. and Artie lee Cream h'r.ezcrs Kefrigerntora. Coolers, etc., before buying elsewhere. We have the largest stock in the city Mid prices right. rr Chitm, Glnss and Ilnn.c Good!., CRYSTAL PALACE, 41 PATTON AVE. REV. A. C. DIXON'S SK W ION PUIUCHDI) IN THlv FIRST BAI'TIHT CHl Htll. A siioiii i-.N!;aui-:mi-:nt. 'ante Diamonds Just as ;o;I as the Real ones. REAL ESTATE. Valtjk B. Qwyn, w, w. West. GWYN & WEST, iSucerssors to Walter D.Cwyn) FSTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHFVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notnry Public. Commissioners of DeetK FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE Soatheaat ppurt Square. CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, Aud investnieut Ajrcnts. NOTARY PUBLIC. floor. I, onus M-.urcly placed nt H per cent Otliees -.M 2n Pultun Avenue feon-l fcli'ldl? JOHNMK (formerly of Lyman & ChitB) orace No . i I-eifal Block REAL ESTATE AND LOAN BROKER, TK1CT1.Y A RROKURAGB BUS1NISSS. Loam secure placed ot 8 per cent. BON MARCHE I.AlllIiS CALL AMUNSI'LCT I II'; HASH- SDMI! ST U K ()!' Spring Reefers and Capes, SPRING REEFERS AND CAPES, SPRING REEFERS AND CAPES SPECIALTIES. l-IJt'liSTRlAN TIGHTS, M UN'S I'liOTIUI-l. MCYCI.B HOSli; SOKIVI-N'S I'ATIiNT MiAWl-US BON MARCHE SODA WATER! are now serviiisf our de licious ICE CREAM SO! A. If you have never tried it come without delay. If you have the announcement sufficient Also sda water of all the different flavors mineral waters, ft'ing'T ale Shaved ice in abundance j)laie. Villi 1 Q RM1Q 1IILLU UltUUi) ARCHITECTS NO. 3 PATTON AVE. Don't forgot the RAYSOR & SMITH DRUGGISTS, NO. 30 PATTON AVENUE JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. We have lome very desirable timber prop. erties for .ale at a low figure. We enn iliow you full description at our office. One fine Alberto, mine for .alt. We can show you omejspeclmens front the mine and can take you to the property if you desire. Furnished and unfurnished houses to rent. JENKS & JENKS, NO. 32 PATTON AVE.. ASHEVILLE. MODEL CIGAR STORE. I have added to my stock a fine assortment of SPORTING GOODS, and a nl e Hue of STATIONERY. All of the latest Novels, MngiutiiH and l'ei lodicalsof every description, monthly and weekly. 17 PATTON AVENUE. L. Blomberg, Prop GENUINE AUSTRALIAN LENSES MS I am devoting all of my time to study of the ryes and to the peculiar formation of the lenses. I warrant all spectacles I furnish to give entire satisfaction In all cases, and can suit nny one on first cxnmiaatlon of thecyes E. WEXLER, NO. 17 NORTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA ROE HERRING. Wo are now offering to our trade a hiirli made ol rsew e Herring, a choice quality hich is difliniit to obtain is the supply is limited. POWELL & SNIDER H. REDWOOD & CO. Choice styles in High Grade Clothing Mid Funi'shiiig Goods for men and boys. Choice styles in Dress Goods and Silks of all grades. Choice styles in High Grade Hats, i ntis and Shoes. Choice styles in Kid Gloves, Parasols,' Corsets, Handker chiefs Laces, Embroideries, and general Sinallwares. One Price System. 7 aud 9 Palfon Ave. An Immense Audience Attends Tlie First Service tu the Main Bundling Last Fveuintf The Lecture Tills Evening. When Rev. A. C. Dixon, of lirooklyn, N. Y., entered the pulpit oftlie l-irst Hap tist church last evening he looked out upon one of the largest audiences ever assembled in Ashcvillc Mr. Dixon's sermon was the fu st ser vice held in the auditorium of the new church. The pews had not been put in, jet chairs made very comfortable substi tutes. The pulpit was decorated with potted plants and wild flowers, while over the interesting scene light was shed by the large combination cluindcl liers. Mr. Dixon was introduced by Rev. J. L. White. "He is 110 ttraugcr," Mr. White said, "for wherever I go in Ashe ville I find evidence of his good work while pastor ol the church here." Mr. Dixon read as a scriptuie lesson Luke 14: 15 2, the parable ot the feast, taking as his text the latter part of the 17th verse: "Come, for nil things are now ready." "Since I was here, ten years ago, "Mr. Dixon said, "Many changes have been made.- There arc changes in tlie peo pie, in the streets, in the churches, in the cemeteries Itt.it there has Iwcn no change in the blessed gospel. It Is jus', the same, anil 1 love it better than ever. "isus broke up many funerals, but he never broke up a least. He invites us to the feast. He is a good caterer. The manna fiom heaven is sweet. Pence has been declared through Christ, and all we have to do is accept the invitation. What the unconverted man needs is to know that peace is made lor him if he ill accept it. II we reluse to accept this i .vilntion, it is our lault, anil not God "Von ought to use every particle of in fluence you have. lint u we depend en tirely on influence the devil will get us, because his influence is greater than that of a christian. We need something more than influence. Christ was not a man ol influence Nor was Paul .1 man of influ ence. When 1 hear of a man of influence in the church, 1 want to go back to the returns and investigate. There is a slit 'lerenee between influence ami power Tlicic arc many men of influence in t',i church, because of their inoncv, position etc., but there are not so in.inv men o power. Our salvation depends upon Christ but our power depends upon the Hole Spirit. "We have I he feast il we will just ceo! il. Wc are servants sent out to invite those already invited. It is the mission of the church to take the genera invitation to the world and make i special to our brothers and neighbors. Continue to tell of Christ until the pc pic hear aud believe. "It is almost impossible to reluse to accept the invitation without tellin be. 1 here is n he in each ol tlie excuses offered to the master of the least. One thing bothers me, and that is the polite uess of these lellows who oiler excuses for not ucccpliug the invitation. How my heart aches when these polite fellow maketlvir excuses! ml 1 expect some arc ri'dit here tonight who have mad their excuses lo me. The must awful fact to me is that C.od will accept with indignation these lying excuses. Yet II lovintily reluscs to accept anv reason for not accepting the invitation. "We must go alter men who will rec nize the need of salvation and come to it. The Lord can love, no matter how ugly or unlovely the object of His love. "Arc you leasting now.' Have you Ood 111 your heart? 1 oiler you the good old gospel of Jesus Christ. Take il and keep it always." Mr. Dixon is n fluent speaker, of line pulpit presence, and very favorably im pressed the vast audience. At the close of the service many of the members of the church here under his ministrations pressed around the pulp;t to shal.c his hand. The singing was led by a splendid choir. This evening Mr. Dixon icetuies in the chi r. h on ths and moths of inlidil- ity. One humlred seats have been re served at $1 each. Tickets are on sale at J. N. Morgan's book store. Tickets for general admission are on sale at Grant's and Kaysor & Smith's drug stores. The lecture begins at SiIlO, and it is expected that every scat will tic filled. Nl-:Vlli;lN WON'T IM.V. KILLED BY GAS ! X PLOSION I DID II 15 TRY lOKTV lJIilll' IHINJiltS IltV PKOiiAiii.Y i-i-.uis:i::it "(TO COMMIT SUICIDE? Jeweler These paste diamonds just as beautiful ns the real ones they only last .1 short time. Young Man Well, this engagement only going to last a short time. look but KAii.Kont mi.i;tin; Another one ForNaturdav Morn- I'lli al 11 O'clock. The railroad coinmitUe appoiuten at Saturday's mass meeting held a meet- in the rooms of the Commercial club this morning. Gen. R. B. Vance presided, and those of the committee present were, 0. S. Pow ell, Natt Atkinson, T. C. Stames, M. 15 Carter, R. M. Purman, C. D. Ulnnton, J. D. Prevard, T. II. Long. On motion of R. M. Purman, J. P, Kerr was chosen permanent secretary of the committee. G. S. Powell stated that he had writ ten to gentlemen in Unstol and Ivliz abethton, Tenn., and Iiurnsville, N. C, isking their co-operation in making the meeting nt hlizabcthton on une 8th thoroughly representative. Capt. Atkin son had also written a number of gen tlemen with whom he was acquainted, isking the favorable consideration of the (picstion. ( u motion ol 1.11. Long the eliair added lo the general committee the names of C. V. Woolsey. maor ol Kaniotli; Chas. McNamcc, mayor ol Victori 1; W 15. llreesc. mayor of Kenil- worth. and S II Hall, mayor ol West Ashcvillc. 0.1 motion ol Natt Atkinson, every member of the committee was author ized to '.'-rile lo any one they might think interested in thise railroads and lay all replies before the lommitlcc when meetings are held. On motion the chair was uuihorircd to appoint as one of the committee to attend the meeting at plizahethton, any one who will promise lo attend. Geo. S. Powell was chosen vice ehair- mnn to act in the absence of Gen. R. II Vance. On motion the mcelintr adiotirncd to meet on Saturday at 1 1 o'clock, in lb' rooms of the Commercial club. At this meeting it is expected that much infor mal ion ol importance will be ready Jor submission to the committee. It is expressly urged that every mem her of the general committee and the sub committees ol the various townships be present at the meeting at 1 1 o clock. I'o-.irteen Bodlet) Have Been l ak 011 Out The cause of the lixiilos iou will Probably Ncer He Known, Rosi.vx, Washington, May 11. Yes terday afternoon a terrible gas explos ion occurred in the slope of mine No. 2 of the Northern Pacific coal company. The exact nature of the explosion, or the cir cumstances that led to it wid probably never be know u. The Roslvn mine is one of the largest in the state, supplying the western divis ion of the Northern Pacific and Union Pnciiie roads with coal, and has a capac ity of 2,lHI0 tons per day. At midnight fourteen bodies bad Ixcn recovered bom the mine and -all were identifnd. The work of recovery was very slow on account of n large body ol Kas'. It ii now almost certain that every man in the mine was killed and that the dead will reach 4-.S. AH OBSTRUCTIONISTS? JliHUY HIMI'HUN I! F.KKOK. Tlie Tbird Farlv Appears In a New Wute. Washington, May 11. In the houst today Mr. Sayers, of Texas, presented conference report on urgent deficiency appropriation bill. Sayers explained that the bill as agreed to appropriated about $250,000 more thmi it carried when it passed the house. Mr. Dinglcy, of Maine said it was true, but that the $250,000 was made up principally of two items, which, had thev been broiiLdit to the attention ol the house would have been incorporated in the bill when it was originally under consideration. The conference report was atrreed to. RclUhoovcr of Pcnuvslvatiia demanded the regular order. Mr. vVatson of Geor gia appealed to him to withdraw that demand in the interest ol fairness. There seemed to be some misunderstanding be twecn the two sides ol the house that recognition should alternate, but the third party, said Mr. Watson, received no recognition. Although none of Us members nad made objection to requests for unanimous consent, he wanted to et an opportunity to call up the resolu tion requesting the wnvs ami means committee to report the suD-trcasury bill. Mr. Ikltzhoovcr said he had called for the regular order without reference to any one or any measure. He thought that the house should goon with us reg ul.'ir business. Mr. Watson gave notice that hercaltcr alliance members would object lo all re quests for unanimous consent and he enuihasized this notice by obiecting to Uolman s request that the can 01 me committees be dispensed with. Under the call several bills were re ported. The house then went into committee oftlie whole on the sundry civil appro priation bill. TMOl'SANB KKtis OF I'OWDKH The train which leaves the Ashtvillc depot at :i:(l5 was rounding the bend yesterday when a man rushed to the platform and jumped off. His rash act created great excitement among the other passengers they all thought it was a case of suicide Ladies fainted, men rushed to the platloim expecting to see his mangled form upon the track, but the fact was he had forgotten to put his bottle of "Himeombe Pills" in his satchel and would not start on his jour ney without them. Hetookgrcatchanccs, but he might have taken greater. GRANT'S PHARMACY. In purchasing medicines don't try ex periments the first and only consider- ition should be aenuincss. lluneomoe Sarsauarill.t has stood the test of several years aud today it is in greater demand than ever. Over live hundred bottles Id this spring, a triumphant proof of popular approval. For sale at GRANT'S PHARMACY. BUNCOMBE LIVER PILLS arc mild, yet efficient; do not cause pain or gripe, and act upon the liver and bowels. they are especially valuauie as alter dinner pills, and readily cure constipa tion and costiveness, nausea, distress in the stomach, etc. Thev are purely vegetable and we be lieve they are the best family pill yet pre pared a lid offer them with crfcct confi dence, believing that whenever used it will lie with the happiest results. lry them and ludge lor yourscll. l-oi sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Coiim Hsmai. I.lvniiiHtoiiv Nays the South Will be Democratic Washington, May S. Congres'inan Livingstone, of Georgia, who was for nurly a prominent figure in the southern alliance movement, but who has adhered to his allegiance to the democrat ie party declares that the third party claims ol carrying any southern seat are absurd "Mr. Simpson, 1 see, said he today ' has stated that the convention at Bir mingham oftlie presidents of the south ern alliance organizations declared 111 favor of supi orting the third party ticket. Mr. Simpson is saillv in error He evidently hasn't read the platform adopted. ' It expressly savs the alliance shall keep out ot politics. The south will be solidly democratic Tbeie need be no doubt about that. Any one who makes any other ca'eulations w ill find liimseli badly fooled. There is no doubt that there is a stiong third party organiza tion in the sonih, especially in Georgia, but it will not be able to carry any state. .. . V orld. ni:;koi.h starving. "SYKUP OF TAR AND WILD CHER RY" as manufactured at Grant's Phar macy is the best cough medicine you can use for yourscll or your children it is a positive cure and we guarantee it to con tain no opiates iu any form, it is entirely harmlees. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Years ago eople regarded cold cream and camphor ice as the ultimatums for chapped hands and all similar skin trou bles, many persons find that the applica tion ot either of them aggravates their trouble. To such "CAMPHO-GLYCER-1NE COMPOUND" is a boon it is a pos itive cure for chapped hands, dialing, sunburn, etc., and an elegant face dress ing alter shaving it contains no mineral or noxious ingredient, is elegantly per fumed, will not soil the most delicate fabric, is entirely harmless and safe to use on the most delicate skin and con tains nothing greasv or sticky. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Physicians orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part ot the the city. GRANT'S PHARMACY, Hurled From Cars by a Collision But Did Not Explode. Wilmington, Del., May 11. A freight train composed of ten cars, some of which were loaded with 10,000 kegs ol powder, collided in Greenville, last evening. The powder train was thrown from the track and the engine and cars rolled down an embankment. The cars were completely wrecked and every keg of powder was broken open, but there was no explosion. The lailuic of the powder to explode is regarded us almost miraculous. Had it exploded, loss of life and great destruc tion of property would undoubtedly have resulted. Tlie damage amounts to bout $8,000. TI1K CONFFUKRATF. FI.AU. 80 , STILL IN THE RING. R. B. NOLAND & SON, GROCERS, No. ai N. Maiu Street, Wish tu announce the .fact that they are sole r gents for thi-Snrtanluii steam baked bread, the only first class bread to be found in the city, and no table is complete without it. We get it fresh by express every day. Don't forget that we arc wholesale and re tail dealers la potatoes, apples, onions, and all kinds of country produce. Everything kept that Is usually found in a first class grocery store. LET. US HAVE YOUR ATTENTION JUST ONE MOMENT. We ore cloning out BUllT'S SHOES nt 0 per cent, cli count. 11UKH IS A SlMANDIll CHANCE l'OK YOU A I'INK I.INR 111' Trunks and Satchels JUST MvOIilV ir). Call aud See l or Yourself. HATS, UMBRELLAS, HIDING LEGGINGS. BTC. THE SHOE STORK. WEAVER & MYERS, tlie Asbevlllcs Will Conte-ht Wltli tlie Wake Forests. 15. II. Fulenwidcrleft this morning for Chnilotte, where he goes to make ar rangements for the accommodation of the Ashcvillc football team which will go to Charlotte to play the Wake Forest am. The Asm-vines nave been expect ing to play the Ncwhems, but that team now objects to plaving for the purse of $2o0, ns that would interfere with their standing as amateurs. This fact was communicated 111 a tele gram yesterday from H. D. Latta, of the Charlotte liotli ftiay committee. An affirmative reply was' soon sent to Mr. nttn. and the Ashcvillc boys will go to Charlotte loaded to kick Wake Forest. FOR A NEW CHURCH. an I'nttou Avenue. Ashivlllc, N. C Oklahoma Territory Docs Not Hull the Klack Man. Wichita, Kan.. May 11. A fearful state ol destitution and starvation ex ists among the negro colonists scattered through the "Black lack country around lCintifisher, 0. T. It is said shere are fiOO or GOO families with star- itioii starimr them in the face. The ncurocs blame the men who organized the colonies 111 the sotilli, anil cnargc them with misappropriating the funds, which, it was thoucht, would tide the immigrants over till they could raise cron. An urticul anneal nas uccn maue 10 Governor Seay throughE. P. McCobc, colored, ex-auditor ot this state, DID NOT INSTRUCT. Action of Quarterly conference ol Central 91. F. cliurcb, (south. At it meeting of the quarterly confer ence of Central M. 1!. church, south, held yesterday, the question of the erection of 11 new church edifice was discussed at considerable length. The board of stew ards df Central church is unanimous in thinking that the building should be con structcd, mid steps will be taken at once to ascertain the sentiment of the conLircL'ation on this matter. The lollowii.g were appointed delegates to the district conlcrcnce at Old Fort, in idy: W. II. Pcnland, II. A. Gudger, Fitch Tnvlor and T. C. Smith; alter nates, H. E. Atkins. , 1-. lomlinson, b. Stikeleatlur and W. K. Whitson. laced Under Hie United States Flan In a West Virginia Town. CliARi.i-sroN, W. Va., Mavll. At the confederate memorial services today a battle-scarred conlcdcratc flag was run up underneath the United States flag hich spanned the main street near the court house, home citizens, including union veteran soldiers, said that it should come down. The confederate veterans said that it should remain and warned those who wished the flag removed not to touch il but to let it alone. The council of cooler heads of both bands prevailed and the Hag was allowed to remain till late in the afternoon, when it was removed. The exercises were held in the cemetery. THIi OI.COTT PLAN. New Hampshire Democrats. Concohii, N. II., Mav 1 1. The demo cratic state convention to choose dele gates to the Chicago convention was called to order at 1 1 o'clock today by the Hon. John P. Hnrtlclt, of Manches ter, chairman of the state committee. The officers and committees selected at the meeting of the state committee last night were elected officers of tho? conven tion by acclamation. Connecticut Delegates Will 1 Free lo Cliicaico. Ni:v Havi-n, Ct, May 11. The demo cratic convention assembled here yester day did not instruct its delegates, but adopted the following: "Wc applaud the integrity, statesman- shin and lottv patriotism of the adminis tration of Grover Cleveland. We thank the true democratic representatives of this stale in the present congress for their devotion to the principles ot sound finance and tan 1 iilorm, and wc pledge them onr honest support." Broke Into a Ueoritiu Bank Charlotte. N.C , Mavll. At Toccoa Gn.. burclars broke into the Toccoa bank. They killed James Cnrter, watch man. crushing in his bead with n crow bar. They lailed to rob the bank. Sev eral parlies arc under, arrest on suspi cion. Robbed of NotlilUK Ki:ipiNi;, Cnl., May 11. The Kcddin; and Weavcrville stage was robbed last nieht bv two masked men about one mile from Redding. The robbers got aw av witk the express box, but it con tained no treasure. RATHER UNUSUAL IS TIIU VARIETY DISPLAYED IN MY STOCK. It' it embraces sonic things vou don't want, it certainly embraces everything vou do in that line. It includes a large liue of NECKWEAR, All f-f them dainty in design and many of them absurdly low in price. When it conns to Shirts, Collars. Cull's, Underwear and Hose, wc are in it. MEN'S HATS AND MEN'S SHOES IN GR13AT VARIETY. F. E. MITCHELL, MEN'S OUTFITTER, 28 Patton Ave. Ashcvillc, N. C. 1TI It Does Not !eet Willi Favor lu Kentucky. Lofisviixu, Ky., May 11. The bond holders here of the Louisville Southern railway reluse to accept the plan ol re organization of the Richmond Terminal as proposed under the Olcott committee, and not 6ne bond has yet been turned in as reuiiestcd. They sav they will hold the East Tennessee, Virginia and Geor gia to its guarantee of 5 per cent. on the Louisville Southern. S. M Felton, vice president of the Eeast Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, when here last week said the Louisville Southern would be scaled from 5 to 4 per cent, and extra stock issued to make good the difference. Baptists at Nashville Next. Atlanta, May 11. Yesterday was the last day ol the Southern Baptist conven tion. There was a lively discussion over the subject of women preachers. At the afternoon session standing boards were announced. A resolution against the oncniiiLT of the World's Fair on Sunday was adopted. The next convention will meet nt Nashville May 12, 189-1. THE BEST- -ANU- -PRKTTHS9T LOW PRICED TABLEWARE ON THE Ul tRKET. J. If. LAW. A Cholera Epidemic at Cabul. London, May 11. A despatch from Cabul, capital of Afghanistan, slates that there is a cholera epidemic in that j citv. The Ameer lias withdrawn from his palace and is residing in a camp that j has been established outside the walls. 1 57 and S9 SOttth Halt Street. isislsWiW6rtl'iiiEssW"W-T