eville Daily Citizen AN ADVERTISING MEDIUM. A foreign adverti-cr writes "The Ciiii'n" thus: " I'nclosed please lind cheek for advertisement, lour pa per must haven vcvv wiile chcuia liim as the nppHeutionsnre very nu merous in answer to it." JUST TRY AN EXPERIMENT. If you want anything, or have anything to dispose of just try a "Citizeu" Wuntlet. They are po uhr heea use they are elective, and everybody reads them. You should make a note of this. VOLUME VIII. NO 28 ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 2, 1892. PI HOB 5 CENTS, Ash PILLSBDRY'S X X X X FLOUR. Makers und flour dealci-H everywhere acknowledge the abovo to be the highest grade of flour made. COSTS NO MORE THAN FLOUR, KROGER, AGENT F05 ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. ALT .IB B. GWTM, W. W. WK8T, GVYN & WEST (Successors to Walter B.Cwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHFV1LLE. REAL ESTATE, Loans Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Natnry Publk. CommlMioner"! ufIX-edi FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK Southeast Court Square. CORTLAND BROS,, Heal Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PVBLIC. Loans securely plaeed At R per cent. Offices 24 & 26 Patton Avenue. Second floor. feh9dlT FOR SALE! A .LARGE NEW TEN-ROOM HOUSE on Moxtpokii Avi:m i:. With nil modern Improvement, fully fur nislieil Pine locution, extended view und nmple grounds. Apply to JOHN CHILD, Real Estate and Loan Broker, Lkisal Hi.ock. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS NO. 3J PATTON AVE. 1 O- R. A. IN" D 1 MAY SWEEPING SALES. NO UND OF BARGAINS THIS MONTH. SEE THE LINE OF CHAMBER SETS AT $2.15, $3.10, $3.75, $4.50. THE $4.50 SET HAS ELEVEN PIECES WITH THE SLOP JAR. Dinner Sets in New Styles at $8.85, $11.75, $15.00, $20.00. AND, WIIILK TUliV LAST, 32 PIECES FINE ART POTTERY AT $1.35, WORTH FROM $2.25 TO $5.00. IN SPITE OF THE HEAVY DRAIN UPON THEM TUB 5, io AND IS CENT TAUXCS ARE KEPT VVl l.. Mure cliiun now and lea glass. Don't believe in bargain, till you ec these tables. Don't buy china, glass, cutlery, silverware, etc., in a hurry. We carry the largest and best assortment. You can judge of quality and price. J. EL LAW, NOS. 57 AND 59 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C. GROCERIES! 'Common sense teaches that to buy judici ously means MONEY SAVED And in this connection points directly to our store, where every tlol lar counts for 100 CENTS Wm R i worth of benefit to you m merit, quality, quan tity .mil value, and the result of each transac E tion witti us will uo n,s good ns gold. S A. I). 1 Nor Hi Court Square. 80 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. BON MARCHE will for ilic next two weeks sacrifice Its entire new stock of Ircsh, stylish Divss (ioods, Fancy Goods, LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHINGS AT 20 PER CT. OFF RIU'.ULAK l'RICIi I'nlt CASH. TIichc pr'ccM hold for vvcrvtliiiiK in stork. Many Kootls less than cost, BON MARCHE ,7 South Main Street. FITZPATRICK BROS., Contractors and I tviilirrt in Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. :t0 NollTll M.IN STIIllliT, AsllliVM.I.Ii, N. C. JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. We have sonic very desirable timber prop erties for sale at a low figure. We enn show you full description nt our otlicc. One fine Asbestos mine for sale. We can show you some specimens from the mine and can take you to the property if you desire. Furnished ami unfurnished house to rent. JENKS & JENKS, NO. 32 PATTON AVE., ASHEVILLE. Troy Steam Laundry! DOMESTIC FINISH AND FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. No. 46 South Main Street. SUMMER GOODS ! Ice Cream Freezers. Refrigerators. Ice Chests, Water Coolers, Fly Fans, Fly Traps, Dish Covers, ) Flower Pots, 5 Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, Mason's Fruit Jars,) Ohio Stone Ware, ) Jelly Tumblers, h ancy Baskets, Wood Fiber Ware, Knives, Forks, Spoons, China & Glassware, House Goods, etc. ALL THESF GOODS CHEAP AT Thrash's Crystal Palace CELERY SAUCE. "his siiuco contnins all the curative properties of fresh grown celery plant. It is a relish that will, add piqUttTH'y to chops, steaks, veal, fish, mutton, etc.. Jind is the best preptimtion ivi'r known for chicken sidad. For siilo bv POWELL & SNIDER 8 y a FN a ti o 0 0 0 0 A 0 0 H ni o Q O O Q m X S3 S3 8 u a u a 03 K U u 0 b i. 50 0) o -o o c o 0 s 3 5 0 fct a r-t O 0 . LET US HAVE YOUR ATTENTION JUST ONE MOMENT. We are dosing out BUKT'S SHOES nt 20 per cent, discount. HURB IS A SPLBN11IU CllANCl! 1'UK YOU A KIN11 LINK Ol' Trunks and Satchels JUST KBCEIVBU. Call and Sec For Yourself. HAT8, UMBRELLAS, RIDING LEGGINGS. ETC. THE SHOE STORE) WEAYER & MYERS, 30 I'flttou Avenue. A she v ilk, K. C o o o SILVER BILL SENATORS THKV CONFKR AS IF THERE WERE A "HEN ON." Tbe Democrat (Mill Far In the For the Premium for Abneiitee Idin Star Kmite Service Money Increased. Washington, June 2. In tlic house this morning Mr. Hatch reported the agricultural apportionment bill. Ordered printed and recommitted. About one dozen leaves of absence were grunted, principally to republicans; the cause assigned being "important business." Mr. Goodnight, of Ky., from the com mittee on judiciary, reported a resolu tion calling for information as to the status of business before the court of claims. Adopted. The house then went into a committee of the whole. Mr. Iluchanan in the chair, on the postoftice appropriation. Mr. Livingston, ol Georgia, mo veil to increase by $200,0(10 the appropriation for stnr route service. Agreed to,101 to 25. There was an unusually small attend ance in the senate when today's morning business began. Although the exodus to Minneapolis was exclusively Irom the republican side of the chamber, the dem ocratic side made the smallest showing in point of number, there being only six senators present on that side. The silver bill senators were almost all at their posts. Teller. Walcott and Stew art being bunched together and holding conferences with each other and with Morgan. Morrill subsequently joined the group and had an animated conversation with its members. Sher man was in his sent and so was Allison, on whose motion t lie senate agreed to adjourn from toduy till Mon day. The next notice was given by Vest of his intention to address the senate Mon day next on the wool tariff bill, and by Morgan of his intention to speak on the Ircc coinage ot silver bill Tuesday. TAKE YOUR CHOICE. Blaine Will and 'Will Not Run for the Presidency. Washington, May 31 The impres sion grows daily stronger in Washington that Mr. Blaine does not intend to ac cept the nomination for the presidency, even il it is otltred to nun; but that will not be offered hun. lor the reason that lie will iwrcmiitorilv make known his intention, at least before the ques tinn comes to n vote New York World Washington, Mav 31. Senator Ouny will leave Washington tomorrow for Minneapolis, and he expects to carry with him the direct assurance from lames 0. Blaine that he will accept the presidential nomination if it is offered to him. Mr. (Juay and 'he men who arc interested with him in the Blaine move ment feel satisfied now that their can didate will write no letter ofdcclinntion, but to make assurance doubly sure Sena tor (Junv will have a last talk with Mr. Blaine tomorrow morning. This visit is miite unnecessary, for there is no possi ble doubt that within the last three days, since he returned from New York Mr. Blaine has not only told several of his friends that he would accept, but he has icvealed to them the fact that he desires to be considered ns n candidate N. Y. Sun. THE BURNING MINE 1.1111c Hone For the Miners Yet Uudertcrouud. rKAri!, Junj 2. Further particulars concerning the burning silver mine show that the fire began in the main shaft. Speaking tubes connect the surface with the various galleries. When the fire was discovered no response could be obtained from the tubes, but later voices came from the gallery next to the burning level. The dense smoke which killed four men using the water hose they falling to nn enormous depth among the flames and smoke soon prevented fur ther attempts to rescue the imprisoned miners. The smoke must have bv this time pen etrntcd all the irallerics and it is feared none of the entonicd men will escape, am the carpenters in ''erzibram arc at work preparing cottins lor the aencl. The hrc began at almost tne lowest level. The mines belong to the state and have been worked since the year 330. Thev arc the deeiest in the world, and vicld fifteen tons of pure silver an nually. STREET RIILWAV REPORTS. New System lu Force on the Ashe. vllle Company's Lines. A new system of employes' reports has been begun on the Asheville street rail way. Printed envelopes are furnished the conductors, in which the fares col lected arc put, a separate envelope for each trip. On one side of the packet the conductor is required to enter the num ber ol lares and tne passes neia ny pas sengers, with tbe number of each pats Passes nrc rune uo on tne register ust as straight fares arc. At the close of the day's business the number of passes is deducted from the amount reported. On the back of the envelope is space for re ports of delays or accidents, wlucn must be signed by the conductor and ap proved by the motorman. 1IOSF. COMPANY MEliTING, DeleKntes Chosen and Racluic Team Selected. II. C. Fagg and Jesse M. Patton were last evening, nt a meeting of hose com nany No. 1, unanimously elected dele gates to the state firemen's convention which meets in Aslievnie uiy ij-io. The folio wine members were appointed on the team to contest in the races on that occasion: I. R. Patton, O. M. Coston P. F. Howell, K. lv. McDowell, ). W Spears, C. A. Smith, J. C. Swink, W. S, Knv. lv. it. Lewis, l. W. linird, w. a Slnpe, J. D. Henderson. . B. Hollings worth. las. A. Bnird, C. F. Ray, U. H Spain, Tom Brown, A. Strom, J. N. Rog ers, W. A. Peterson, J. K. Ilnird and J Stephens. The Mauritius Hurricane. London, June 2. Acting Governor Jernningham's letter to the lord mayor of London, appealing for help for the suf fers in Mauritius, savs over 20.000 nen pie are homeless and that 3,000 houses id run bunu arc m ruiua. A SOFT ANSWER It Taruelli Avruv Wrath, mid Krluliteuelli a Fussy llc-11. Tho Hen (to supposed goose Got out of here or I'll pick an eyo out of you. The Pelican What were you pleased to observe, madam?- -XiSl TRAIN ROBBERS' BIG HAUL THKV T AKi; 1-IFTV THOUSAND DOLLARS. A Hanta Fe Train Held I'p In tbe Indlau Territory The PnHseu Kera Not Molested rite Gatiit Not Known. Wichita, Kas., June 2. The south bound Santa Fe passenger train which leaves Wichita at 5:4-5 p. m. was held up at 9:45 last night by masked robbers at the stock yards near the station of Red Rork in the Cherokee strip. The train was flagged and the engineer and fire man were taken prisoners. The rob bers then entered the express car, broke open the safe mid secured the contents, the amount obtained said to be $50,000. The passengers were not molested. Deputy United States Marshal Mads den, at Guthrie, will organize a posse to start in pursuit of the gang, the num ber of which is unknown. The money obtained is thought here to have been int.-nded for the Indian payments. THF. FIGHTING PARSON. The ProlilbltloulHls of .nassacliu HCIls Have One. WoRCKSTliK, Mass., June 2. The an nual convention of the Massachusetts prohibition party for the nomination of state officers and delegates to the na tional convention met this lorenoon. Chairman Wm. II. Pnrlcydgc, of the state central committee, called the con vention to order at 11 a. in. At this hour there was a fair representation of tlic third party present asdclegatesiipon the floor. P. I'. Glass, ol Dostoii w.ischoscii tem porary chairman, and alter a brief speech in which he eulogized several prospective presidential candidates, var ious standing committees were appoint ed. The committee on permanent organ ization reported for chairman Rev. Louis A. Hanks. D. I)., ot lioston and a num ber of vice-presidents. George R. Cook, of Cambridge was made permanent sec retary. The reverent chairman was given three rousine cheers as the "fight ing parson" and proceeded to deliver a vigorous address. l-Ol'R WUN I.YNCIIICn. A Murderer aud His I'ttclcN, Who, He Said, Advised the KIIIIiik. Ciiicac.o, June 1. Charles Stewart, who murdered Jailer Holmes at I'crry ville, Ark., two weeks ago, when await ing trial for assaulting a tcu-vcar old girl, and csenped from jail, was captured and lynched today within a mile of his home. Ileforc being hanged Stewart confessed that his three uncles, the Mc Arthurs, had advised the killing of the jailer. Sheriff Oliver at once arrested the Mc- Arthurs, and it is reported that they were taken Irom the sheritt while cross ing the country to Little Rock and hanged. They were white men. N, Y. World. STILL DEMOCRATIC. A Third Party Scheme Nipped in the Bud, Kashvii.m-:, June 2. Resolutions and proceedings of the alliance convention ot leaders have been given to the public by their press committee. An effort was made by J. H. McDowell, president o the order to commit the conference to the third party scheme, but it fuiled. The majority refused to sever relations with the democratic party. 1 his meeting was preliminary to state convention of the alliance, June i) one of the objects of which will be to de feat the democratic nomination for gov ernor of Chief Justice Peter Turney. Favor Fusion. Kansas Citv, Mo., June 2. A joint meeting of the democratic and people'! parties of Kansas was held here today The meeting decided that it would be well for the democratic and people's par ties to form a coalition against the re publicans in the coming elections. A res olution was adopted giving the sense of the meeting ns in favor of fusion. The resolution is kept secret for some reason unknown until next haturdav. That HI it Corn Squeexe. Chicago, June 2. Coster & Martin whose failure produced such a sensation on the board of trade, have made voluntary assignment in the county court. Morris Movie, their bookeeper, was made assignee. No schedule of as sets or liabilities Una been tiled. The amount of the failure is regarded ns be ing anywhere from $250,000 to $500, 000. CO.WESSEU TELE0RAVU. The Kansas cyclone sufferers appeal to the country for aid. The Florida democratic convention is reported still in session. The prohibitionists of Wisconsin nom inated a state ticket yesterday. George W. Fendleton was yesterday nominated for congress in Senator Mills' old district. - 1 HARRISON BOOMERS FIRST UI.AINK DIF.N NECONII AT IHNNKAPOLIS Some Remarks on Quaj's aud J'orakcr's Bad Taste That Won'. Count for Much Wllh Republi cans Vet Awlille. Minneapolis, June 2. The early open ing of the Harrison headquarters is a surprise to the Hlaine men, who exacted to be first when they came in with the natioifal committee tomorrow. In short, the president's friends have stolen a inarch on the Blaine boomers, and their sudden urrivul means fight from start to finish. General Michner and John C. New will be in command, liriu-e Carrand General Dudley can't come. The chief speaker of the party this after noon was Shicl, of Indianapolis. Said he: "It is certainly in very bad taste for Juay, who forced Delamater upon the republicans of Pennsylvania lor gover nor and was defeated, for I'lutt, who forced Pnssett upon New York and was defeated, and for Koraker, whose disas trous campaign in Ohio is well remem bered by the republican party; it is cer tainly in very bad taste for these men to dictate at this time to their party who the presidential nominee shall be; their judgments are not backed bv their records." This in answer to the query: "What do you think ol Harrison's opposition ?" Continuing, he said : "The Itlaine sen timent in this country is by no means as strong as the people have been led to btlieve. It can be more properly called an anti-Harrison sentiment. We from Indiana arc here to light long and hard and to wi'i the fight, too," was suf. jii rih:ri;? A Voiiiik Woman Found Head In Iter Hath Tub. Nkw York, June 2. A peculiar case :is icported in lirooklyn yesterday. t was that of. Miss Lillian Norfulk,oncof the handsomest, most talented and wealthy young women on Long Island. Her maid cntcscil the bath-room ad- oining her mistress' bed room, and was liornlied at the sight present- to her gaze. In the bath tub which was filled with water, was the uric body ol the young woman. Her air, of which in life she was so proud, had been wound three times about her throat and then fastened there. One hand, the one which had turned the fau cet and started the water, held the metal the grip of death. The body lav partly on one side aud was submerged in the water. At a late hour last night evidence had been secured which throws a doubt on the belicl that Miss Noi folk committed uicide, and there is a strong possibility that she was murdered, or that her death was the result of an accident. CHF.AP GAS. Secrets of the Business llrouulit to Light In Court. Ci.iiVKi.AMi, June 1. Not quite two ears ago the city council passed an or- inance reducing the price of gas from $1 uer thousand feet to GO cents. The gas company engaged all the legal talent ol the city and bittcrlv contested the validity of thc ordidancc. The testimony divulged was interesting, and showed that the irofits of the company had been sim ply enormous, one man alone becoming several times a millionaire out of his in- cstnient. Large amounts ot money had been extended which the officers of the company refused to account for, but Inch was used lor political purposes. Today a compromise was reached by which the city scores a signal victory. Gas is to be reduced to ho cents per thousand. The company will pay all the costs of the suit, and will also pay into the eitv treasury 6' j per cent, of the gross receipts lor the privilege ol the auchisc. N. . hun. A HAYWOOD HOY. H.I. Ferguson to he Iuslructed lu Naval Architecture. The Washington correspondent of the New York Sun writes his paper as fol- ows: "Today two naval cadets, members ol the four year class, were selected tor in struction in naval architecture, with a view, should they come up to the re nuircments of the service, to their selec tion ns assistant naval constructors. They arc Cadets lohn D. Iteurct of Ohio and Homer L. 1-erguson of North Caro lina. The former has been attached to the engineer division of his class. Both young men will go to the Norfolk navy yard lor instruction in naval eoniistruc tion. Later they will be sent abroad." Mr. Fergnson is a Western North Car olina bov.a son of Garland S. Ferguson, ex-solicitor of the twcllth judicial dis trict. His home is Wayncsville. WUT CORN AND COTTON. The Worst Storm lu Houston County, Texas, Since 1879. Dallas, Tcx., June 2. News received here from west, north and central Texas indicates great damage to small grain and cotton by the heavy rains and winds. The average damage is estimated at from 10 to lo per cent. Crockett, Tcx., June 2. the worst storm in Houston county since 1S79 oc- urrcd yesterday, llie damage will amount to $500,000. The opera house walls cracked. Ol the crops, corn sui fcrs the most. Ql'AY KT AL. TO TUKBAR, To be Prosecuted lor Alleitert Illegal Vhc or State Funds. llAKRism'KG, Pa., May 31. Senator Rutan, of Pittsburg, was here today, and told a reporter of the Patriot that he had come to Harrisburg for a conference with the attorney-general, and that lie proposes to institute legal proceedings against Senator Quay, ex-State Treas urer Boycr and Treasurer Morrison for alleged violations of law and illegal use ol slate luntls. N. Y. World. Rhode Island for Blaine. Providence. R. I., May 31. Inter views with the Rhode Island delegates to theMinnenpolisconventionshow that the delegation will be practically a unit in support of Mr. Blaine in preference to the president. DID IIK TRY TO COMMIT SUICIDE? The train which leaves the Asheville depot at :i:05 was rounding the bend yesterday when a man rushed to the platform und jumped oil', flis rash act, created great excitement among the other passengers they all thought it was a case of suicide. Ladies fainted, men rushed to the platform expecting to see his mangled form upon the track, but the fact was he had forgotten to put his bottle of "Buncombe Pills" in his satchel and would not start on his jour ney without them. He tookgreat chances, but he might have taken greater. GRANT'S PHARMACY. In purchasing medicines don't try ex perimentsthe first and only consider ation should be genuiness. Buncombe Sarsaparilla has stood the test of several years and today it is in greater demand than ever. Over live hundred bottles sold this spring, a triumphant proof of popular approval. For sale at GRANT'S PHARMACY. BUNCOM11U LlVUR PILLS are mild, yet efficient; do not cause pain or gripe, and act upon the liver and bowels. They are especially valuable as afttr dinner pills, and readily cure constipa tion and costiveness, nausea, distress in the stomach, etc. They arc purely vegetable and we be lieve they are the best family pill yet pre pared and offer them with perfect confi dence, believing that whenever used it will be with the happiest results. Try them and judge for yourself. I'm sale oul v at GRANT'S PHARMACY. "SYRUP OF TAR AND WILD CHER RY" as manufactured at Grant's Phar macy is the best cough medicine you can use lor yourscll or your children it is a positive cure and we guarantee it to con tain no opiates in any form, it is entirely harmless. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Years ago people regarded cblu cream and camphor ice as the ultimatums for chapped hands and all similar skin trou bles, many persons find that the applica tion ot cither of them aggravates their trouble. To such "CAMPHO-GLYCLK-INIi COMPOUND" is aboon-itis a oos itivecure for chapped hands, chafing, sunburn, etc., and an elegant face dress ing after shaving it contains no mineral or noxious ingredient, is elegantly per fumed, will not soil the most delicate labric, is entirely harmless and safe to use on the most delicate skin and con tains nothing greasy or sticky. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Physicians orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part ol the the city. GRANT'S PHARMACY. A PAIR AND THREE OF A KIND IS A HARD HAND TO BEAT, BI T OUR LINE OP SILK UMBRELLAS FOR $1.19 CANNOT POSSIBLY BE BEATEN. COMB AND SBK Tlllia. F. E. MITCHELL, Men's Shoes, Men's Hats, Men's Furnishings. 18 Patton Ave. ABhevllIe, N. C. GENUINE AUSTRALIAN LENSES. I am devoting all of my time to study of the eyes and to the peculiar formation of the lenses I warrant all spectacles I fumiih to give entire satisfaction in all cmcs, and can suit any one on first examination of thceyca E. WEXLER, NO. 17 NORTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. HAMMOCKS, HAMMOCKS. LARGE ASSORTMENT JUST RECEIVED. ALU THE FANCY COLORS. PRICES FROM 75 CENTS TO S6. ALSO THE PEERLESS STRETCHER AND HAMMOCK ROPES. , A Large Assortment of LAWN TENNIS GOODS. , Spalding's Baseball Goods. The largest lo ever shown In the city. Cull and exom inc stock and set prices. MODEL CIGAR STORE, 17 PATTON AVENUE. L. Blomberg, Prop'r.

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