Ashevi Citizen. lie aily of Utf ecss IV APVI-.K I ISlNI'i YtlllR IIHSINKSS IN T II K CITIZIiN'S Al. COLUMNS. MAV Uli KL'NTliD THROUf.ll TUB MliDUM ol' A CITIZliN WANTLIiT. ASHEVILLE, N. C, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 15), 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME VIII. NO. ?37. PILLSBURY'S X X X X GROCERIES! 'Common nons teaclicH that to buy judici ously means k MONEY SAVED, iimrous, MisN FLOUR. IUikcrs ;inl Hour dealers jvery wliero acknowledge the Above to lit; the liigliCHt grade of Hour made. COSTS NO MORE THAN FLOOR, KROGER, AGENT FOR ASHEVILLE, REAL ESTATE. WA.LT.t B. Gwyn, W. W. WRT, And in this connection points directly to our store, where every uoi lar counts for ; 100 CENTS R ; worth of benefit to ,vou in merit, duality, quaii- I titv and value, and the E esult of each transac tion with us will be as good as gold. s A. I). C North Court Square. 10 LARGE PIECES IN EACH SET, ONLY -$2.75, WORTH $3.50. The BijjjfeHt Value Ever Olfcred in a Pretty CHAMBER SET. This is wliut wc arc ofltrinj; you today, 4 0 nets just in Irom Ivnuland of our own importation. A DIG BARGAIN. Mason's 1'iiiU Jurs, Jclliry Tumnlcrs. UilVip:. rntors, Freezers, Coolers, etc. WE ARE STILL IN THE LEAD, PRICES ARE RIGHT. THAD W. THRUSH I CO., Crystal Palace, China, Class, llorsn Conns, inc. THE INDIGNATION MEETIM IT WII.I. HI: UKI.OTiIIHa-'YI INC. of The Balooii Will X1 lie Located onl-atton Avenue, Hut! lie Mei't luifwill be Held Just tlio Same The Ministers Have PoiiirttiliiK to Hay. Though the immediate occasion of the indignation meeting tliis evening no longer exists, the public interest de mands that the meeting lie held, that of fieials may learn that citizens have rights they are bound to rcsect, and to em phasixe the opinion that from henceforth, if these menaces to the morality and Rood order of Ashevilie must he I'm .1. 7', thev shall not lie allowed to injure the business of the principal streets cit", but lie put out o, sight as I possible from the eves of all but patrons. 1 lie meeting will lie held at the court house this evening at S o'clock, as pre viously announced, and some of the best speakers of the city will be on the pro gram. Ladies as well as gentlemen should express by their presence their in teresl in this qmstion prosperity ol the city. Changed III Mi ml A. (i. Ualybin ton, who was given license for the establishing of the saloon on l'uttou avenue, has decided that will not carry out the idea. lie was spoken to by members of the Masonic tralernity, ol which order he is a mem ber, and learning the sentiment of his 9WYN & WEST, (Successors to Walter B.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHKVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loaus Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Tubllt. Commissioners of Pccds. FIRE INSURANCE. OKFICK SoatUeast Court Hquare. 80 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. BON MARCHE will for the next two weeks sacrifice Us entire new slock oflresli, stylish Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, LADIES' AND CENT'S FURNISHINGS AT 20 PER CT. OFF KUO.lU.AK PRICK FOR CASH. These prices hold for everything in slock. Many goods less Ihun cost. BON MARCHE 37 South Main Street. CELERY SAUCE. This sauce contains all the the ir as their so vital to the 111:1, mon i s Ni.w ji vn(;i:h. Col. Joint it. Steele (o Take Chance oil llic 1 irnt of Jtil.v. On the first of July Col. John It. Sleek will take charge of the Hotel Itclmont, Sulphur Springs, ns manager. Col. Steele has lately resigned the po sitioil of manager ol liattery l'ark hotel, THIS I'KOMIH TROUBLE A I.V.M'HIMi I.S OKI.UIISII I TICltUITUIVV. i .... Y. Another Threatened and Hie Ne uroc-H Determined to Retaliate C.uthrie l u'.l of Ariuetl Men, and n Race War Seems Cri iiKii:, O. T., June 13. There was great excitement in this city last night, occasioned by two criminal assaults by negroes upon white women. A negro ul named llolley assaulted Mrs. Charles Moore, wife of a freighter who wasaway nil home at the time. lie was arrested, ud a mob sir rounded the ail, Ihreutcn- ig to lynch him. The negroes of the nvn claimed that Holley was innocent, li hough he bad confessed his guilt to the sheriff, and a race -var seemed immi nent. There was much angry talk, 'Judge" I'eikins, a negro lawyer, being the spokesman for the colored class. During the excitement he said: "Let the ions a. 1 'i i'i.''i ' . He is a 1 hi. I.!-:. e .i.'Wm curative properties of fresh grown celery plant. It is a relish Hint will add piini.iin-y CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, dud Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. Loans securely plnccd at 8 per cent. l 2 Pntton Avenue Sreond Ifloor. feblldlv FOR SALE! A LARGE NEW TEN-ROOM HOUSE ON MONTKOHII AvKNUK, With nil modern improvem-nts. fully fur nished fine Icicntion. cstcoilcil view unit ample grounds. Apply to JOHN CHILD, Heiil listute unit Loan Broker, l.KI'.AI. Block. WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS NO. 3a PATTON AVE. FITZPATRIGK BROS. Contractors and Dealers in Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 3D Noktii Main Sikian, Asiikvii.i.k, N. (.. Tlil.HCHONIi NO. 13. to chops, stalks, veal, tish. inuttoii, etc.. and is the best preparation ever known for chicken salad. For sale by POWELL & SNIDER JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. We have some very desirable timber prop rrtics for sale at a low figure. We can uhow you full dene rip lion tit our oltiee. One fine Asbestos mine for wale, Wc can show you some specimens from the mine and can take you to the property if yon desire. Furnished and unfurnished houses to rent. JENKS & JENKS, NO. 32 PATTON AVE., ASHEVILLE. Troy Steam Laundry! DOMESTIC FINISH AND FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. No. 46 South Main Street. J. 11. LAW, NOS. 57 AND 59 SOUTH MAIN STREET, ASHEVILLE, N. C M PORTER AND DEALER IN China, Glass, Cutlery and Silverware. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO TUOSU WISHING FINE GOODS at well as the LOWER - GRADES. GREAT VAR1BTYOP French, English and Gorman DINNER WAR! From 68.50 to 6100. FINE FRENCH CHINA TEA SETS, $4 to S18. LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY OF DECORATED TOILET WARE, FROM $2.75 TO $30. SPECIAL OFFER VIENNA CHINA DINfJER SETS, $18 65, GOOD VALUE AT $25. STER LING SILVER AND PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, O o O Q LU 0G 8 M 0 w m' ti 0 0 0 0 a S u Q Si 0 S 0 0 p 0 0 1 Pi a c3 05 T. 0) o r O o 0 u 7, I 0 b i. 4 fellow nii'mbiTS, told llieinthal lie would abandon llic itk-.i of nut Li 11 u in t lie saloon. Kev K. ti. I'carNOii'H Views. Key. K. (5 I'cnrsoii in the course of liis sernion at the l ust rrcsijytciian ciimcii ycatcrdnv said tlic placine; of a saloon on I'atton avenue was a liurniiiKsliiinicand disgrace to tlic name of Aslievillc. lie said lie could nol lie present at the indig nation meeting linn evening 111 person, but lie would lie there in spirit, and hoped that ihe people would speak their niiiKls and take such action as would make the commissioners hany their heads in shame when they walked the streets. "I'"orliod's sake," he said, lor humanity's sake, for the sake ol tne HO01! women of Aslievillc, do not allow the tralhc to spread Ilia remarks were forcible and to llic point, and showed the intense interest Mr. iVaison tilt in the matter. Rev. J. w. !... At the close of his sermon at Riverside M. Ii. church, south, yesterday Kev. J. VY. alluded to the saloon question. Lcirallv, lie said, the eoinuiissiomTS had ns much riuhltu license ,1 saloon on Pat' ton avenue, as in any other ;:ul of the city, ltut the whole t.him, he declared was wronj, and the people were wakiiv. no on '. lie subiect. lie laid the lilaine on the people themselves, who, h inane in stances, would talk aainat the saloon business, and yet when election lime came on they would allow tiUMiselvcs to be led bv the nose by their parly and vote for the men who allowed the wdiis key traliic to iro on. The people and press, he said, were becoming aroused, and he believed great good would conic out ol the present agi tation. lie urged all ol his hearers to attend the indignation niceting. Mr. ttherrlll'H l'laiii Wortln. In his sermon at North Aslievillc M V.. church, south, yesterday, h'ev. K. I). Shcn ill said : "II the nelarious plans lor the ''alton avenue saloon are carried out, it will be ail insult to the noblest womanhood ol the city; it will be an insult to M'vcrnl of Ihe principal churches of the city: it will in this city. He is a hotel man o recog al'ility. as llic thousands wiio vis ited the 1'aik during the several years ol his managerial duties well know. Hr. Kail von Kiiek,theiroiirielt;rol the lUlinoiit.w idgive the hotel into theentire chargeol Col. Steele and will conic to the eity where he will establish an olliee in partnership with Dr. C. P. Ambler, for the practice of his profession. That Col. Steele will make a continued success of the Itclmont is not doubted Tint imVxnalUiii it 1 he court house. IllCl'tlllff is ('nnic out. to night TO TOHACCO MliS. Mr, Irawlord AIH iImciisscn llic I.eal Toliuccn Kill. Washington, June 10. (In Thiiisd Mr. Culberson, of Texas called up the house bid, imposing restrictions 011 the sale of leaf tob,, ecu by the laruier. Tins measure was introduced by Kepresenta tivc Ci aw ford, of Ashevilie, and in the debate wli'eh lollow'd, Mr. Ci.'iwfunl suoke effcctivilv to the bill. He said tlt-it in his unit ol the country the charcc had been made that Ibis mens. lire was in the interests ol me looncco manufacturers, but he had never ye been able to lind any one who could ex plain how the incisure will operate 111 the interest of Ihe nianiifactuier ol and icaiust the interest ol the grower ol the leaf, lie sun! that thcMckinlcv lull had pealed the taN on the sale ot lent trr baceo bv the farmer, and it had also re pealed the law requiring them to keep books, but on second thought it seemed to be the idea that tins was granting I much to llus class ol people Mr. Crnvvtnrd suokco! the great indus try ol tobacco raising. It was a legiti mate enterprise and an honorable occu pation; thousands of people in the l iiited States w ho arc identified with the iiitcrestsof the country have as much right to make tobacco as other people have to make corn. Was it right to subiect all these people to the hardship ol being loreed to answer to the courts of the country whether or not they have sold lobaceo whenever it suits the dis cretion of these internal revenue agents to fence them to answer 111 order that they more cll'eetiyely ascertain whether some manufacturers are violating the law? It was an excuse for oppressing the people, Whv. said Mr. Craw lord, 'down 111 my country I pressed them on this ipies- 11011, and some ol tnctn denied mat mere is such a law. I uc ol my opponents de nied it on the stump, and still another DID HE TRY f!A flABJIliUm OTTTflTTVTJ 0 1U 0UlUlUi.r be a total disregard lor the wishes of prominent republican editor said in bis whiles harm that man and the town will be in ashes before morning." The sictind outrage was that made upon the wile of James Crctikcn, engineer of the e'ecti ic plant, by an unknown ne gro who escaped. A posse, headed by Cenkeii, were on his trail and captured did lynched him. A mob ofnciitocs surrounded the lad mil sent couriers to I.anston City, a in! gro colony, ten miles distant, with the report that the whites were aliout to lynch an innocent negro and many ne groes Hocked here determined to protect the object ol llic while nieii s vengeance. Many ol the negroes were nrincei anu hundreds ol whites arc carrying Winches ters and revolvers. At 1 o'clock this inoiningpolieeoflieers Lester and Kitchen with one or two citizens ordered a lot of negroes station ed on the corner next to the jail, to move on. Several offered resistance, but the officers used the clubs effectually. Sev eral negroes excited bv the recent raie lisiirbanees, lumped on the boxes ami made speeches lo excite theeiowds. Two or t hive shots were lired, and n negro veiled, "llaug the editor ol the News, There was a disposition to act upon the suggestion, but While, the editor, delied them to do it. Sheriff llixon and his deputies quelled the disturbance and the excited people were dispersed. The editor ul the .News walked dow.i Oklahoma avenue between two ollieers at 2 o'clock this morning seemingly secure. A company to patrol the citv organized and is under the leadership of good men. Groups ol negroes stand 011 every corner and manifest an intention to take the citv if necessary. Reeves Bros.' place on Second is the rendezvous of the commit tee and the place is crowded with fathers and husbands, republicans and demo crats alike, who take the sland that nc gro reign is at an end in Oklahoma The citv is alive with armed nieii ready to fight to the death if needs lie. lv. P. McCalic, the negro ex-auditor of Kansas, is held responsible for the crime being coiinuiUid and violence 13 leared lie cannot be found. Whistles arc blow nig, shouts and veils resound irom every (luarter ol the citv. This city of liUJUO people is a pandemonium 01 noise ami 110 one can sleep. Thcyellof a mob is momentarily expected and nothiag on earth seems able to save the brutal rav isher's life. Capt. Cooper, one of Payne's original Oklahoma boomers, reached here at 11 o'clock with seventeen men. They arc letcrmined that nothing short ol hang ing will satisfy them. At 'J o'clock this morning a large number ol men paraded the streets. The negroes a re congregated 011 all the corners and it is feared trem ble will occur at the jail. Another mob is assembled at the jail, but the sheriff and police arc vigilant. The town f;ves on reconl tonight as ujuiust 1 lie gmn-thol' Ihcsiiloon interest. The train which leaves the Ashevilie depot at :i:(i. was rounding the bend yesterday when a man rushed to the platform and jumped olf. His rash act created great excitement among; the other passengers they all thought it was a case of suicide. Ladies fainted, men rushed to the platform expecting to see his mangled form upon the track, but the fact was he had forgotten to put his bottle of "liuucombe Pills" in his satchel ami would not start on his jour ney without them, Iletookgreatchuoces, but he might have taken greater. GRANT'S PHARMACY. In purchasing medicines don't try ex periments the Hist and only consider ition should be genuinc!.s. liuucombe Sarsaparilla lias stood the testof several years and today it is in greater demand than ever. Over live hundred bottles sold this spring, a triumphant proof of popular approval. I'or sale at the best and purest society of the citv it will bean ugly blot on the manhood of the city; it will be a stigma on the very name ot Ashevilie. I hen, 111 view of these facts, it deserves the united in digiialion and the concerted action of all w ho care for tli l respectability of our city." Mr. Ilyrcl Scc I.ico.ihIhU-iicv. Rev. C. W. llvrd, ot Central Methodist church, at the night service yesterday took for his text that portion of the par able ol the marriage feast w here tae ser vants were commanded to go into the hichwavs and hedges and compel Ihcin lo come in. Mr. livrd in the course of Ins remarks referred to the practical way in w hich Christ selected Ins texts, and among other things said that a theme might have been suggested 011 Saturday by picking up a daily paper, in on? column of which might have been louiul a severe criticism on the establishment ol a sa 0011 on Pntton avenue, while 111 nn other column was to be seen an adver tiscment of the Bonanza bar 111 llaiuing colors, the point being that this showed glaring inconsistency It is your duty to eome to the meeting; tonight. MOW lU NUIJllli;! naner. 'that is a bad law. Hut he sale it was a democratic nw Hint nan nceii carried over bv the republican congress ol IN'.M) and "should be repealed. Wc ivc not had any democratic legislation lor quite a long w hile, and tne coiiuuy is w.'iiitiiic sonic." i The opposition to this measure scenicii to be principally conlincd to congress men who represent oilier lonaceo pio- dueing regions, which are apparently iealous ol the tobacco producing fields o, the southern states. It is to be regretted that several of these members arc on the icuiocratic side ol the house, who ought to be in sympathy with Mr. Crawloru s measure. Charlotte Observer. GRANT'S PHARMACY. IJf.NCOMUi; LIVER PILLS are mild. yet efficient; do not cause pain or gripe, ina act upon tne liver and bowels. They are especially valuable as after dinner pills, and readily cure constipa tion nml costiveucss, nausea, distress id the stomach, etc. 1 hcv are purely vegetable and we be lieve they ure the best family pill yet pre pared and offer them with perfect confi dence, believing that whenever used it will be with the happiest results. Try them and judge for yourself. Fot sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. SYKUP OF TAR AND WILD CHER RY" us manufactured at Grant's Phar macy is the best cough medicine you can use tor yourself or your children it is a positive cure and we guarantee it to con tain no opiates in any form, it is entirely harmless. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Years ago people regarded cold cream md camphor ice as the ultimatums tor chapped hands and all similar skin trou bles, maiiv persons had that the applica tion ot cither of them aggravates their trouble. To such "CAMPlIO-GLYCliR- 1NE COMPOUND" is a boon it is a pos itive cure tor chapped hands, chating, sunburn, etc., and an elegant face dress ing after shaving it contains no mineral or noxious ingredient, is elegantly per fumed, will not soil the most delicate fabric, is entirely harmless and sate to use on the most delicate skin and con tains nothing greasy or sticky. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Physicians orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part ol the the citv. GRANT'S PHARMACY. LET US HAVE YOUR ATTENTION JUST ONE MOMENT. Wc arc clotting out HURT'S SHOES at 20 ner cent, discount. III-:R15 IS A SPI.BNUIU CHANCE FOK YOU -A 1'INII LINK Ol'- Trunks and Satchels JUST KliOlilVUD. Call ami Sec For YoiirncIl'. HATS, I'MUREI.I.AS, HIDING LBUG1NOS, BTC. THE SHOE STORE, WEAVER & MYERS, a'.l l'uttou Avenue. Ashevilie, N. C Come out on record. tonight anil ml .1 01:1 sci I!S.U'NCTIO:S IlIfiSOLVls II. ALL OF BEST MAKES. PAPIER MACHE GOODS. JL J. A tit X J. A t,'' TTTtTTtt TlilH COiuity Ilo UH Full Hilly tin llic Matter. Letters arc being received daily Irom leading gentlemen in South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia, by the railroad coniuutte, showing the great interest these people arc taking in the meeting here on the -M mst. J.x-Licut. Gov. Mauldin, 11. C lleattie, receiver of the C. K. & V ludge Cothrau and the mayor of Greenville, S. C, will be here. besides others Irom that particular lo' cality, while other towns and cities of South Carolina will certainly send del egates. The an nit may be expected Irom Georgia, Tennessee and Virginia. Let Buncombe and the counties of Western Larolina no tltcir lull duty on tins oc cassion, and it is certain niuchgood will come of this matter. National V11I011. C. C. King, of Chicago, who has been here for sonic time, seeking rest and health, is working to establish a council of the National Union in Ashcyillc. The names of a number ol charter members have been secured, and n meeting is to he held in a short time to take the initia tory steps in the organi.ation of the council. Mr. King is stopping with F. McCrary, on Haywood stmt. He'a a Kallwav Man. Minneapolis, June 13. Chaunccy L)t- pew denies that he is to succeed lllaiu as secretary of state. Col. Marliii I.oschlliHCascARatiiMt I lie W A. and M H. Itouil The suit for an injunction restraining the West Ashevilie and Sulphur Springs railway from laying its track on Depot street and I'atton avenue, brought by the Ashevilie street railway company, was heard at Bryson City Saturday before udgc W. A. Hoke. The judge's decision was rendered to day, the injunction being relused. An appeal was taken, r . i. nouiiicy. esq., represented the Ashevilie street railway compnnv, while Maj. Chas. M. Stedman represented the West Aslievillc company. THK KHTAININCWAI.I.S. MII.l.IO.NS FOK I-KMSIOSSS. Tlicv increase All Ilie Time Mousse and Senile. Washini.ton, June 13 The first indi cation in the senate of the democratic movement towards Chicago was the granting of a leave of absence to Senator Yoorkccs until the Utilh hist. The pension appropriation bill with amendments was reported back from the committee on appropriations and placed on the calendar. The pension appropriation lull reportid to the senate from the committee on appropriations carries a total of $1 M, V;i7,:iril), which is an increase of $11, '.n'J.l.'M over the house bill and $3J7,'Jl0 less than the cstini lies. The bill ns re ported exceeds that of last year by sii.."ijj.rirj. Ihe bill introduced by I'lellcr on tlic 1,'tith of May to increase the currency and provide for its circulation, to reduce rates of interest and to establish 11 bureau of loans, w as taken from the table and P feller addressed the senate 111 advocacy of it. In the house today, on motion ol Mr. Peal, of Arkansas, a bill was passed pro viding that Indian children shall be de clared to be citizens when they have reached the age of 21 years and shall thereafter receive no support from the government, provided that nicy nave had ten rears ol industrial training, me lloor was accorded to the committee on the District of Columbia. PAIR OF BURT & PACKARD'S CELEBRATED "KORUECT SHAPE" SHOES FOR MEN. 1 will sell the above shoes for the low price of Former price They consist of Calf, Kangaroo and Cordovan in various styles. All seasonable and fresh stock. A CHANCE IN A LIFE TIME. COM): KEI'ORK THEY ARE ALL, GONE. F. E. MITCHELL, Men's Outfitter, 2S Paltnil Ave. Ashevilie, N. C. GENUINE AUSTRALIAN LENSES. KII.I.i:i IN CHVKCII. The Joint Hoard luHpectM TUem All Tills .Homing:. This morning the joint board made a tour of the city inspecting the retaining walls put up on the streets where pa iug is be done. The exact nuturc of the report to be made to the ioint bonrd is not known but it is certain that some of the walls will be ordered taken down and rebuilt and among them will be thcne on Pat ton avenue, opposite the poauTVicc. limn I-arly. There was a mistake in the notice read from '.he Presbyterian pulpit Sunday morning. The lawn party to be held at 11. F. Grant s. 71 l.ilieily street, lor tne benefit ot the Southside avenue mission, will lake place Tuesday afternoon, the 1-kh. from 0 lo S o'clock, instead oi Thursday. l ire In Collon Nlit'tlH. London, June lo. Cotton out of the Spanish steamer Guide, at Liverpool, caught lire at noon today, and the flames spread to sheds on the quay which were Idled with valuable produce. In a short time three of the sheds were destroyed. Fatal llisiiHter Iiy I.ittlitnluK In Hpal.i Sunday. Maiikid, 1 line 13. Terrific thunder storm prevailed in various parts of Spain yesterday and heavy loss of life and in jury by lightning is reported. At Melius, province of Oreiizs, the parish church was struck while the worshippers were attending mass. Ten were killed and twcntv-eiglit seiionsly injured. At Muc- cciilcs, province of Yalladolict, a church was struck and five killed and ten were seriously injured. Land Male, Nanlahala, N. C, Z For this occasior the Richmond and Danville railroad will sell reduced rate round trio tickets from Columbia, S. C; Anderson, S. C; Murphy, Salisbury, Paint Rock, N. C, and all intermediate points, at rate of one and one-third fares for the round trip. Tickets on sale June L'Othund 21st, limited lutic aotn, lH'J-'. The "uaxette." Messrs. li. M. Spencer and I.' F. An thony, who huvc been J conducting the Morning Gazette since May 10, have given up control of the paper. Col. J. M. Ray will continue publication of the paper until pending arrangements are I consummated. I am devoting all of my time to study of the eyes and to the peculiar formation of the lenses 1 warrant all spectacles I furnish to give entire satisfaction in all cases, andean suit any one on first examination of thecyes E. Y1' XI.ER, NO. 17 NORTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N.C. CMR HEAD HOTEL Altitude, 4, (()0 feet; average temperature duritiK the hot months, 60. Scenery the grandest cast of the Rockies. WILL III! OI'BN FOR THU SBASON OF't2 On the First of June. Comfort of guests carefully consulted. Terms moderate. Daily mulls with livery. The climate is beyond comparison, quickly rciicTinK the system of malaria. A specific (if such be possible) for Asthma, Hay Fever, llroneiiitis and incipient lung troubles. The mineral waters arc justly celebrated for correcting disordered functions, impror. Iiik digestion, and.toning up the system gener ally. Kasily reached from Hendersonville, N. C. Distance by hack 26 mile. Time 6 hoars. Over a delightful road, through a charming and picturesque country. F. A. MILBS, U. D., . autvaedlm Proprietor.

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