Asheville Daily Citizen of xUeecs AI'VI.N USING YlllIK IHJSlNe'SS IN rilH CITIZIiNS All. COLUMNS. MAY LB KliNTliO TIIUOUGII TUB Ml-DH'M ol' ACITIZliN WANTL1ST. ASHEVILLE, N. C., TIIUUSDAY EVENING, JUNE 23, 189'2. PHICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME VIII. NO 46 PILLSBURY'S; GROCERIES ! X X X X 'Common sense toadies ! that to buy judici ously means MONEY SAVED, n lAnd in this connection II points directly to our t store, where every 001 FLOUR. Makers and Hour dealers everywhere acknowledge the above to be the highest grade of flour made. COSTS NO MORE THAN R S FLOUR. KROGER, A6ENT FOR ASHEVILLE. REAL ESTATE. ViLTJR B. OWTH, W. W. VVBST GWYN & WEST, (Successors to Walter B.Gwyn) FSTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHRVILLE. REAL ESTATE Loam Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary Public. Commissioners of beeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICK-Houtheal Court Square. Inr counts for 100 CENTS worth of benefit to you in merit, quality, quan tity and value, and the result of each transac tion with us will be as good as gold. 1. 1). PI North Court Square. VERY INTERESTING. NO DOUBT SOME PEOPLE WILL SAY WE ARE CRAZY liviTylmily will lic cutm in ten slcti 'I lie lilllc girls uml boys as will. Wnlih ru tin' hi "ad" ami the elegant things nctu nlly tti Ik-given aw uy free 'I bis is n fact. TJIKAMI & CO., House , lite. China, Cliisa, Go ds. l,anii WHEN THEY SEE OUR BIG "AD" IN THIS PAPER FRIDAY Till Oil u lALall ill PATTflN AVF.NI1E. 80 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. BON MARCHE u ill for tlic next two weeks sacritiec Its cutirc new stock of lreh, stylish Dress Goods, Fancy (Joods, LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHINGS AT 20 PER CT. OFF RBC.ULAR PRICE I'UR CASH. These prices hold for evervthiug in stoek. Muny goods lea. than cost. SARATOGA CHIPS a. re' made of the choicest se lected potatoes, 11 nd are offer ed to the Dublic as the best article of its kind ever in troduced. EVAPORATED HORSERADISH This most popular relish has met with general ap It will retain its for. years in any Wo have just proval. strength climate!. re gQJ" jyj AJQ HE 0've( il u'osu BU1,1'V aov articles. 37 South Main Street. t WAS NOMINATED ON THE FIRST BALLOT. NEW YORK CONSENTS MAKE IT UNANIMOUS TO ADJOURNMENT TAKEN TII.1. THIS AFTERNOON. ci.f.vlland hit's liu.i 11. "1 Hoiks toll ('HUMAN io'a STKVUNSiiN l(i-':i MoKMSON - Cari.isi.i; 1 1 Cam I'liiii.i - I'attison 1 WlllTNliY 1 Krssiii.i 1 Wasington, June 23. Special.. The night session 01 the ilcniocratic conven tion was culled to ordcratu: 1-k Thccom- niiitce on platform was not then ready to report, but at Vv.'2l Chas. 11. Jones, of Missouri, chairman of the resolutions committee, presented the report. Mr l'attison, ol Colorado, announced that a minority report would be presented before the previous iiicstion would be put on the adoption of the platform. Cheers. J Then ex-Secretary Vilas com menced to read the resolutions, but when he reached the phrase "l'rom Madi son to Cleveland there was a uic shout of one voice near the platform. It was lost, however, in a flash, for it seemed as though with one impulse, the cutirc tweutv thousand people leaped upon their chairs f.nd let loose yells and quiver. POWELL & SNIDER CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. I.oam securely placed at 8 per cent, offices 24 & 36 Patton Avenue Second Ifloor. fch'.ldlT FITZPATRICK BROS., Contractors and healers in Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 30 Niiktii Main Stkkkt, Asiii:yii.i.i:, N. C. TIJLHI'HONB NO. 142. FOR SALE! A .LARGE NEW TEN-ROOM HOUSE ON MONTFORIlAVRNUK, With- all modem improvements, fully fur ntshed Pine location, extended view and ample grounds. Apply to JOHN CHILD, Real Estate and Loan Broker, Lkoai. Block. WILLS BROS., ARCH ITECTS WO. 33 PATTON AVE. JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. We hayc some very desirable timber prop erties for sale at a low figure. We can show you full description at our olliec. One fine Asbestos mine for sale. Wc can show you some specimens from the mine and can take you to the property If you desire. Furnished and unfurnished bouses'to rent. JENKS & JENKS, NO. 32 PATTON AVE., ASHEVILLE. o o a o o 5 a ui Troy Steam Laundry ! DOMESTIC FINISH AND FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. No. 46 South Main Street. is Q u eg 0 0 (9 -0 c a a U a a Q 0 8 0 0 n 0 0 $ H J2 4-1 0) r3 O 03 a a. O o o c a a K 0 H H o screams that made the win wain A man in the rear of the delegates hoisted a picture of 1). 1!. Hill. A (piii l' hostile hand ripped it from its standard and tore it up while hisses lor and against the net swept in a wave all around the hall. Then came in the arena the crimson banner ol Iowa. A sturdv Ituies man bore it aloft and waved it constantly while the mass of sweltering people made a din and storm of sound The tempest ebbed and fl iwed for Hi minutes when Don Iiiekinson, of Mich igan, earned the Michigan banner to be carried into view in order that business miht be resumed. lhroiiL'li all tins the lamuiauv men sat calm and silent, mithciTiissiuc CIcvC' laud nor cheering Hill. Its disapproval was neui perieciiv in control, cmuicuuiui; the administration even from those who opposed Tammany. ReadliiK Hie Platform, Order having been secured the reading ol the platlorm was concluded. It was loudly cheered, particularly in its dentin cintion of the force bill. Applause also greeted the homestead 1 tanks and that portion of the silver plank denouncing the Sherman act. The reference to fed eral officers in the national conventions elicited a terrific yell. The onlv features of the platlorm which seemed to call forth n divided sentiment were tlr tariff and silver planks which were apparently not radical to satislv the del cgatcs with pronounced views The following is the financial plank as adopted: "We hold to the use of both gold and silver as the standard money of the country and to the coin age of both gold and siher without discriminating against cither metal or charge for mintage, but the doll.'r unit of coinage of both metals must be of coual intrinsic and exchangeable value, or be adjusted through the in tcrnational ngreemcnt, or bv such safe guards of legislation as shall guarantee the maintenance of the naritv of the two metals and the etiiial power of every dollar at nil times in the markets and in the navmcnt of debts; and we demand that all paper currency shall be kept nt par with and redeemable m such coin. Wc insist upon such policy is especially necessary for the protection ol farmers and the laboring classes, the hrst and most delcnscless victims ol un stable money and fluctuating currency "Sections. Wc rccoiunieml'that pro' hibitory ten per cent, tax on state bank issues he repealed lhe minority report deleated, on the silver plank was identical with the the vote ol that state, making it Cleveland T, lloics U, Carlisle 2. Neal, of Ohio, made a few remarks ibout the necessity unity and was con tinuing, "1 thereloie move you, sir, mat the rules be suspended," when the chair man interrupted him with an announce ment that he was out of order. Mr. NVnl: "1 was going to move that the rules be suspended and Grover Cleveland be made the nominee ol tins convention by acclamation." (Great applause.) Montana cast lour votes lor ueveiano. Daniel, of Virginia, was recognized bv the chair and said in part: "On behall of the delegation from Virginia, which came here divided, but which shall go forth as one, and on behall ol every loyal and true hearted democrat who loves the great party that bears the banner of the people I more you, sir, now, that one voice shall ascend Irom mis conven tion and that every tongue shall utter the word that Grover Cleveland is that leader in this great campaign." (Irc n.cudous applause.) The motion to make 11 unanimous vote on the nomination of Cleveland was car ried with about one half dozen noes which were greeted with hisses. The chair said: "The aves have it and the motion is carried." There were loud erics for Flower and Iluurke Coekra'i, icipusting them to make the nomination unanimous. In response Gov. Flower stood upon the chair and said: "We from New York, move to make it unanimous." Cockrati: "The motion is to make the nomination unanimous ?" The chairman : "Yes." Cockran:" There having been some expressions of dissent in the neighbor hood of this hall to the motion which was put bv the chair, and as no roll was called I deem it my duty to state to this convention that on motion to make the nomination unanimous, the vote of the state of New York, in full submission to this convention, was cast in the affirma tive." This statement from Cockran was re ceived with tremendous yells from both delegates and audience. In the confus ion Don M. Dickinson moved up to the front and shrieked at the chair: 1 move vou that this convention do idiourn till '1 o'clock this afternoon. Mr. 1. II. Shields, chairman ol the Iowa delegation, at :t:.ri this morning was reeoL'iuzei bv the chair aim saiu. ;ur. Chairman, in behalf ol the state of Iowa, I wish it understood that the delegates from that state voted unanimously in miikinn the nominnti jn of Grover Clcvc- hinil unanimous." The announcement was received Willi im-nt enthusiasm. Dickinson s motion was then carried unanimously and convention ailoiirned until J p. in. MR. Cl.KYELWl) Sl'EAKS 111; n kxihiii.s -nil; iki;ss a PTATKMIiNT. "To Win Succ us." He Ilulincs, 'II l.s Only Necessary to MoneM y Advocate Hie ITIiicipl.-H if Democracy." UrzzvHUj Hay, Mass , June 23. At :'M this morning Mr. Cleveland, through Gov. Russell, sent from Gray Gables the following statement to the press : "I should certainly be chargeable with dense insincerity if 1 were not profoundly touched by this new proof of confidence and trust of the great patty to which 1 belong and whose mandates claim my loyal obedience. "I 11111 confident that our fellow coun trvmen arc ready to receive with ap proval the principles of true democracy, and I cannot rid myself ol the belief that to win success it is only necessary to per sistently and honestly advocate these principles. "Differences ol'opiuion and judgment in dcniocratic conventions arc by no means unwholesome-indications, but it is hardly conceivable in view of thejimport ance of our success to the country and to the party that there should be any where among democrats any lack ol arnioiiions and active effort to win in the campaign which opens before us. I ave, therefore no concern, on that sub ject. II will certainly be mv constant endeavor to deserve the support of every democrat. Mr. Cleveland was very tired when the newsol the total ol balloting reached him. Jos. 11. leffersou departed at 4:.'i0 clock from Grav Gables. Mrs. Clevc- 1 nd went to bed at I- o'clock and when the nominee ol the demociatic party sought his chamber it was neaiiv o, the COUNTY ClM MISS ION V.ttH Tliev Appoint Itoart Supervisors for Meveral TowiislHI. board of c iitutv commissioners mri indav lo coii'idir niiblie road mat ters. 11 ordered that supervisors of roads be appointed in thediffcrcnt town ships upon the following terms and eon liiioiw: To receive lour cents a head for warning and ten cents lor work . not to work exceeding fifteen hands ,ii nnptirac. 1 hcsuncrvisoisareauwior ized to exempt upon satisfactory proof of disability anv person from road duty, and in case ol doubt, reler tnc niuuicr iu 1 Ik- in ..-ml of commissioners, nndfilewith each report a list ol persons so exempted When t Incomes neecessarvio navcwK nn4 nnl HOWS I lie Sllliei Ylsuia iiiiisi. .11 ramie tor same by giving an equallcnt in time. The supervisors must rcpon io the board of commissioners nt the next regular meeting after their appointment .1 list nf the tools received by them, and their condition, the number ol hands their township and their names. The lollowing supervisors were ap- nninted: Avcrv's Creek township, l.J Cnrland; Upper llominv, I.alayettc Clark; Leicester, II. II. Jones; handy Milsh, W.J. Lee; l-airview.j. wiujoncs Swannauoa, K. L. l'atton; Kecms Creek k Chambers: Flat Creek, I. uoi .niiilie: Iw. 1. II. Whittemore; Haw Creek. G. II. Hell; Wllmorc, K. t-. twucs. A. T. Sumniev and C. . Alalone weie mui 1 -iii-im! to keen the tax lists for Ashe vlll,- oiiimi mi I ill Inlv lo. charging all tic liniuciits the regular lee for listing. 1 he board adjourned anout noon. it'h iii-.ri:. DID HE TRY TO COMMIT SUICIDE? The train which leaves the Asheville depot at 3:1 Io was rounding the bend yesterday when a mau rushed to the platform and jumped oil'. His rash act created great excitement among the other passengers they all thought it was a ease of suicide. Ladies fainted, men rushed to the platform expecting to see his mangled form upon the track, but the fact was he had forgotten to put his bottle of "Buncombe Fills" in his satchel and would not start on his jour ney without them. He took great chances, but he might have taken greater. GRANT'S PHARMACY. In purchasing medicines don't try ex; periments the first and only consider ation should be geiiuiness. Iluncombe Snrsajmrill.-i has stood the test of several years and today it is in greater demand than ever. Over live hundred bottles sold this Siring, a triuinjihant jiroof of popular approval. For sale at GRANT'S PHARMACY. UUNCOMIUvLFVLK FILLS are mild. yet efficient; do not cause pain or griie, and act ujion the liver and bowels. They are especially valuable as alter dinner pills, and readily cure coiistia tion and costiveucss, nausea, distress in the stomach, etc. They arc purely vegetable and we be lieve they are the best f.imilv pill yet jirc pared and offer them with perfect confi dence, believing that whenever used it will be with the happiest results. iry them and ludgc lor yourself, tot sale onlv at GRANT'S PHARMACY. CAPT. IH'I.Ol'n Ill'UIICO. Pile Services at Ceulral SI Cliurcli, Houlli, Yesterday. All that was moital of the late Capt. C. M. Mcl.oud, lawyer, soldier, islator and politician, now rests in the plat in Kiversidc cemetery. The funeral services over the remains ere held at Central M. U. church, south, yesterday alteration at ; o clock The cortege was headed bv members ol the Knights of Honor.- of which on'er int. Mcl.oud was a member. A long line of carriages containing relative and fricndsol thr dead man follows the hearse. The pallbears were las. II. Mcrrimon, Chas. M. Stedman, II. A. Gudger, Locke Craig. Chas. A. Moore, . W . ones, S. 11. Kced, 11. llaseom Carter, J. n Adams md W. II. M alone, members ol the Ashe ville bar association. At the church the services were imiilc but impressive, conducted by Key. C. W. Ilyrd, of Central church, asistcd by Rev. K. 11. Shcrrill, of North Asheville ihureli. The singing on the occasion was done by a choir composed of Messrs. Geo. K. mil W. 12. Collins, Mrs. . U. Collins an:l Miss Helen Collins. After the church service the procession moved to Riverside, where after a short service the body was interred. NORTH STATU UKI.lCCi ATi:S. "SYKUP OF TAR AND WILD CHER. RY" as manufactured at Grunt's l'har macy is the best cough medicine you can use for yoursell or your children it is a positive cure aud we guarantee it to con tain no opiates in any form, it is entirely harmless. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY'. Years ago people regarded cold cream and camphor ice as the ultimatums for chajijied hands aud alt similar skin trou bles, many persons find that the applica tion ol either of them aggravates their trouble. To such "CAMFH0-GLYC12R-1N12 COMPOUND" is aboon itis a pos itive cure for chapped hands, chafing, sunburn, etc., and an elegant face dress ing ater shaving it contains no mineral or noxious ingredient, is elegantly jkt fumcd, will not soil the most delicate fabric, is entirely harmless and safe to use on the most delicate skin and con tains nothing greasy or sticky. For sale only ut GRANT'S PHARMACY. Physicians orders Jiromjitly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the the city. V ninority plank cxcc)t that it reads bootblack who proudly paraded around through the tree coinage o both gold court place, hapiy m the possession ol a NEW AND FOE TICTURES, Artist Proof Etchings, Photogravures, Artotypes, French ColorPictures. LET US HAVE YOUR ATTENTION JUST ONE MOMENT. We arc closing out BURT'S SHOES at HO per cent, discount. UliKB IS A SPLENUIU CUANCU l'OUJOU A IMNU LINK Ol' Trunks and Satchels JUST KliCBIVliU. Call and Sec For Yourself. HATS, UMURKI.I.AS, RIDING LEGGINGS, ETC. THE SHOE STORE WEAVER & MYERS, I 30 Patlou Avenue. Asheville, N. C 000 o " o " Tlie Watermelon In All IIS t.iory Has Hit the Town The seductive watermelon has hit the town. The first shipment was tnrce car rids of nice I 'I'-orgias, received by J. V. lleslon. Among the small boys espe cially is there great rejoicing, and although the melons lave been here only a few hours, many a long felt want has .-ilrendv been tilled. The honor of the first bite ol the season is believed to belong to a little colored A Teleitram Sent "Collect" to J. ti. Merrlmoii. number of Asheville democrats, de termined to hear the result of the first ballot in the national democratic con vention, hung around the Western Un ion telegraph office until 5 o'clock this morning. WJiilc there they were told by a gentleman who had come in on the afternoon train that Joe Caldwell, chair man of the North Carolina delegation, had telegraphed Frank Osborne that "the North Carolina delegates arc all right, except Mcrrimon, who lias gone over to Taiiiinanv." On hearing this some of the "boys" got una telegram reading as follows, and sent it "collect" to Mcrrimon : "Hill democrats of Asheville fully en dorse your course. Any deals you make with Tammany we arc prepared to rat ify and confirm." Mr. Mcrrimon was in Chicago repre senting one-halt of the vote ol R. M. Furman, n delegate, the other half being represented by Jos. W. Sluder. Mr. Fur man was for Cleveland and says Mcrri mon and Sluder left here Cleveland men. ust what "deal" Mcrrimon could make ith u halt ot a vote cannot now be un derstood. ANOTHUK AKtti;T. PAIR OF BURT & PACKARD'S CELEBRATED "KOKKKCT SHAPE" SHOES FOR MEN. I will sell the above shoes for the low ir!cc of and silver" instwd ot "through the coinage of both gold and silver." Col. ones moved the adoption ol the platform. Neal of Ohio, was recognized md gave notice ot an intention to pre sent a substitute for the tariff section and offered the following as a substitute: This Was Adopted. Wc denounce republican protection as a fraud. The labor of the great majority of the American people is for the benefit f the few. We declare it to be a funda mental principle of the democratic parly that the lederal government has not constitutional power to impose and collect tariff' duties except fur the pur)oscs of revenue only, and we demand that the collection of such taxes shall be limited to the necessities of the govern meiit when honestly and economically administered. Alter speeches by Neal. Watterson Vitus and others, and a scene of great confusion the substitute was ndojitctl bv n vote ol 0u to u-kj, The motion ot l'attison, ot Caliloi nia for a free coinage of silver substitute was defeated. Nominations piece ol melon that he could put his "whole haid" in. lie was an object of almost insane jealousy to his brethren ol the blacking box brigade WHAT DAVID HAYS. KCJt Thanks." "tiallanl I'licht." ular Democracy," Etc. CiucAi-.o, June 'j;i. The following tclc- lM-am was received from Senator D. H Hill this morning: "Wasuini.tun, D. C.,.unc 2.1. To linn. Kdwnni Muriihy, jr., Audit nrimn Hotel. Chicago: "Please express to the New Y'ork dele gation my licartlclt thanks lor tiicir steadv devotion to mv cause and for the callaiit tight tliev tmdc to lircscrvc the iglits and dignity ol tnc regular iicinoc racv ol tnc r.mpirc staie. "Ztavii II. IIi'l. Cal. Keck Comes to Asheville anil is 4rrestcd. Cal. Beck was arrested Tuesday bv Chief McDowell and Patrolmen Crcas- mau and Leonard as he was leaving the Mui ihy train at the depot in this city. Heck had stoled $ Id Irom Marshal Covv- ird, of Webster, and a telegram sent by Coward caused the man's arrest. Cow ard came to Asheville yesterday, remain ing until this morning, when he left for home with Heck in charge. Siieciat lice train leaves R. and D. de pot at l()::iu tomorrow morning lor sale ol lots on Richmond Hill. Call at Citi zen office and get free tickets over street ulwny to the depot. Ituslness Colleicc Pro). M. M. Leininond and wife, lately of Searcy, Ark., hayc arrived m the eity uud are stopping at the Swannauoa l'mf. and Mrs. Leinmond come here to Then Governor Abbett, pf New Jersey, ,,..,, a business college, and the institu nominated Clevelnnd: Hon. I. V. Dm:- tion will soon be in operation. They eomhe nominnttd Roies. and W. L De- Uome with the highest recommendations witt nominated Hill. The balloting re sulting in the nomination of Cleveland at 3:30 this morning. Then Mr. Upsliur.ol Maryland, moved that Cleveland s nomination uc mailt- unanimous. Great confusion prevailed as to their ability mid expect to ojicn college here tor instruction in every branch ol business. 1 here will be a In st class faculty uud the college will be made one ol the best ot the kind in the south MY LINE OF PICTURE FRAMES' CANNOT BE SURPASSED. My line of China, Glasa and Silver is the best in the state, we claim, and prices defy .competition. J. EL LAW, NOS. 57 AND 59 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Special Free Train Leaves the Depot Tomorrow at 10130 for the Sale of Lots on Richmond Hill. Get Your Street Car Tickets at The Citizen Office. Siccial free train leaves R. and D. dc- 111 tc hall, people clamoring lor the re- ,', io.:m tomorrow inoriiinr-for s, suit of the ballot. Throckmorton, of ', ,.., i..:,.i,,,.,,,i 11:11. I'.ill m Ci , I VI, IUIO ...V u.... ...... ...... ... Texas, obtained recognition and changed he vote of that state to three for Cleve lnnd. The chair announced this and that West Virginia, had changed and cast 11 votes for Grover Cleveland. Mr. Morri s jn, of Kentucky, announced a change in ' iulc Cm- zi:n office and get lice tickets over street railway to the dejiot. Kesllmven Land Snle, June 'J'J uud 30. June 24-, (Friday next) sec third page. Former price $(!. They consist of Call, Kangaroo and Cordovan in various styles. All seasonable and fresh stock. A CHANCE IN A LIFE-TIME. COMIi BKI ORi; THEY ARE ALL, GONE. F. E. MITCHELL. Men's Outfitter, (,hovi:h CAN. Man That's What Senator III. W. hoiii Mays He Hnld. T. K. Ransom, esq., of this city, today scat a telegram to Ins father, United States Senator Ransom, in Chicago, ask ing him for his exact words ns to Cleve land s carrying or not carrying worth Ci rolina, reference to which was made in This CmziiN vesterdav. Senator Kiuisom s reply was, 1 saul that Cleveland can carry North Caro lina, but we must have a man that can carry New York." How Much Was tlie t;oat Worth? In Justice Israel's court today two bovs. named respectively Shalt and Lindscy were parties to a suit the cause of which was a goat. Shaft had sold Lindscy a goat for $1.10 and Lindscy, tiring ot the bargain, wanted to give the goat back nnd get his $1 .10. Shaft did not want to do this. The justice ad judged that Lindscy should pay the costs and on his return ot tnc goat Minn should pay him tlie $1.10. Special free train leaves K. and 1. de pot at 10:30 tomorrow morning for sale of lots on Richmond Hill. .Cull at Ci't i- zkn office and get free tickets over street r.alway to the depot. l'atton Ave, Asheville, N. C. GENUINE AUSTRALIAN LENSES. 1 um dcTuthiK all of my time to study of the eyes and to the peculiar formation of the Icnsvs I warrant all spectacles I furnish to give entire sutisfiu-liun in ull cases, out! can suit any une oj first examination of thecyes E. WEXLER, NO. 17 NORTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. OMR HEAD HOTEL. NOW OPEN FOR 1892. Altitude, 4,000 feet; average temjierature during the hot months, lio". The grandest scenery east of the Koeky Mountains. Comfort of guests carefully consulted. Terms moderate. Haily mails with livery. The climate is beyond comparison, quickly relieving the system of malaria. A sneclBc (if such he possible) for Asthma, Hay Fever, uronciims anil inciuieut Iuiik troubles. The mineral waters ore Justly celebrated ' for correcting disordered functions, improv ing digestion, untl.toiilng up the system gener ally. liasily reached from Ilendersonville, N. C, Distance by hack SiU miles. Time 6 hours. Over a delightful road, through a charming and picturesque country. F. A. MILES, M. II., mav20dlm Proprietor.

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