ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZFN: MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, 1892. tSSSSSSSS) Soft's SpscSflQ S S A Tested Remedy For All Diseases ! A reliable cure Tar Contagious Blood Poiscn, Inherited Scro fula oud Skin C&fTcer. , As tonic fnr dd.cats Women , and Children It has no equal. Being purely vegetable, ia hirm lesa in Its cfiecfcj. A troiitlw -m Wood and Rklr Dls ease mulled krkk un appllcutliu. IhmwiUti Bvll It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Gi. Issssssss! 'ROI'USSION.IL CARDS. JOHNSTOliE 4 COLEMAN, ' CIVIL LK6INCERS AND SURVEYORS, KIHlM BS KiiYNOLfiS BL'lLIIINt.. rintitlt Mil,.. HI, AHlievlllc, N. C. 7 s 1 rtttKHNl. 1 tiitcrt asul Contractor. i: . -'.--.-i-lct.tiiins pud estimates fur s'. ,iirVJninv line ecntraetcd for. . , -ti. Un rlruwiuiTS on contrii'.ts '..II .Ksirr.l. " llcr.drv U!.C, l . N. C North Court fchlutlly xp- i CJ1CC-.-J4 i uSTKVTTnK ANII HIM UUiK. lillice nii'l shop, Wolfe Building. IRNKR Oi'UHT I'LACIJANI) MAKK.UT 8TKHKT. Ii. If. Hit ITT, rOHTRAOTOR & BUIIDER IN STONE. I'.iailiiiL' i if iiM l rio'ie. All sues of cu died atom- lu'iiishel. S-'cnd till orders to p-.stoilicc l!ox l is, Aahcvlllr, N .-iny'!.'!f A. IT. COBB, STEN OG UAPH EE. HOOM 10 Fill ST NATIONAL BANK BUIUjlnG. a. K. HKKVKS, 1. I. 8. BKNTAI, Coriili-.llv ri.lMlilK, over Kcdword's Store, Tntton Avenue. Hcsidem-e i Spruef street. J. P. KAMSAV, !i. P.S. Dcutal Office t Over the National Hank of Asheville, Bar rinl Building. Residence, 00 Charlotte st. fcl'UHrilv Ul'l ICIi KOIIMS OVIIltl'OSIIY'SjmVlil.KVSTOt. li, I'ATTON 1VI!NI!. sVftncclnl nttentioti given to tilling teeth null trciifng rliaeaacil Ruins anil nil diseases pertaining to tile iietilnt structure, may 1 ltd If INSURE VOUK PliCPERTY WITH K. J. ASTON, C'vncrnl : luswraiicc Ajjcnt. Hear No. 20 South Main street. !! tnblHicd I on. AHlie-vil'e. N. C u5 d1 r T. E. DAVIS, PRACTICAL Ittiililcr, ContracUir and Supcrlutcndeut. ALL ISSTIMATIiS I'l'RNISIIIU) 1'RBB. 1'. O. Box sua. Olliee Willow St , N . 9 Telephones: office 118; Residence 02. upr'JTlin.'ltn Waller 5. Cuelimuiii, ( Formerly ol the Massachusetts Bur, ATTtmNHY-AT-I.AW, COMMIS'.IKINKK OP IIKKI'S, ANII NOTARY JMIIII.IC No. Ul I'atton Ave., MeAfee block, room ASHHVII.l.B, N. C. SPECIALTIES: SEAL MOPEST! A5D C0.VKT,.CIQ. apr23dtf Morning Noon NSght Oood all the lime. It removes tlie languor of morning, sus tiins the energies of noon, lulls S the weariness of night Hires'K delicious, sparkling:, appetizing. Don't be dfici'lved if a dealer, for tha sake of larger profit, tells you some other kind is "just as good "'tis false. No imitation is as t;ood as the genuine Kirks'. A Household Remedy FOR ALL BLOOD ahdSKIN DISEASES Botanic Blood Bairn It Pit roc SCROFULA, ULCERS, SALT II lUTCa rheum. ECZEMA. er form el malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be sides being efficacious In toning up the trstera and restoring, the constitution, hen Impaired from any cause. He almost sapernattrral healing properties lustily us In guaranteeing cure, II airecucns are loiiowta. SENT FREE "It; itl. f Wonders. BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ca. .-evV.''V,V,'-ev.' THli MAITLANW SCHOOL No,'0 Prcneh Uroad Avenue. BXOLISII AND PRBMCH HOMK ANDDAY SCHOOL 1-UK ulKLa. MRS BVKOWVS MAITLAdn, Prlnciiml, The Srtioot will rc'opea .8iemher 8th Mrs, Mnilland vill be in Aaheville nfter Aaanst loth. Circular, of the ach-iol ran be bad at Kajreor & Smith'., Fottottvenue. .aft PUT HIM TO THE TORTURF. CAITI'RK AMD ESCAPE OF UOVF.RNMENT .ClV' Tin- Uruve Man Who ICxaspt'i ,aicl I lie IitdlaiiHaiicI Chiiic Near I'iotutf the lCxlrtiuc Pciiallv of I.lla IlolcJiitHs. ILiipj right, mi, by L'liurles 1). Lewis.) In the fall of 1SUU, wliile the Iuilian tribes of Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado were professing peace yet making rcuily for the bloody spring campaign which cast so many lives, Black Bird, a son of llomnn Nose, the famous Cheyenne chief, paid a visit to Fort Larncd. IIo was a young man about twenty years of ago, tall, active and brave as a lion. Although he made the excuse of trade, and although he did purchase n few supplies, it was believed by everybody at tho post that he came as a spy. There had been a war council of all the tribes, and it had been agreed to open a war in the spring which should not cense the white man was driven east of tho forks of Uio Kansas river. Ouo of the hunters and scouts attached to the fort at that time was a man named Joe Hall, who had served as a scout under General Sheridan. IIo was thirty-five years old, strong and rugged, nnd it was said of him that he didn't know what fear was. Ho firmly believed that young Black Mlrd came to ascertain and report on the strength of the fort, and he picked a quar rel with him to obtain satisfaction. Black Bird, although alone and realizing that he had no friends there, did not show the white feather. It was a fight with knives, beginning so suddenly that the officers could not interfere, The Indian was wounded and disarmed, nnd in order to humble him still more Hall spat upon him and retained bis knife as a trophy. It was un act criticised nnd lamented by the offl- ers, and a disgrace they knew would have to bo washed out in blood, and Hall him self realized that from that hour every man of tho Cheyenno trlbo would thirst for his life. Two weeks later old Roman Nose sent in tho following message: Lrlve up the man who insulted mv son and I will be siitislkd. If you do not it shall be war between us iiiuL the whites us long its i nave a warrior aide to raise a tomahawk I" The demand was of course refused, nnd to give Hull n better kIiiiw to protect him self he was I ransfcrred to l''ort Lyon, Colora do. The Indians soon learned of theelianj , and Jllitck liirtl wits given the command f ten warriors and ordered not to return to his father until lie brought Hall's sealn, During the greater part of the winter this band hung nlioiit lurt Lyon for nn omior Utility to kill the scout. He knew of tlie!i presence, but . made no change in his pro gramme, lie had a mule almost u.t fleet of foot as nit antelope, nnd always carried a vt incliester nnd two revolvers. Spring came, and with it the opening of savage warfare. The Indians took the field determined to sweep everything bc fore them. In June Joe Hall was sept from Fort Lyon to Fort Wullnce with dis- patehes. The intervening country was literally swarming with iiostiles, but ho was within three miles of Wallace before ho found his position perilous, lionnm Noso und liis band, numbering about 5o0 bncks; made a sudden dash on the overland stage station a niilo from the fort and gobbled up about fifty horses and mules. They expected to get the scalps of the llvo or six employees as well, but the men run to their dugouts and poured in such a hot lire as to drive tho Indians ofr, Roman Nose then ordered nn attack on the fort, which was only a collection of tents nnd shanties and sliinly garrisoned. no was Denton on after n sham tlilit. and while retreating his force came upon Hall trying to make the fort. i ho scout was cut oil, and he turned to make a run for it. His mule would have distance any pony in tho band, but the raco hud scarcely begun when a bullet from the rille of a pursuer struck Hall in the back of tho head. It was n spent ball and didn't draw blood, but it gave him stub a shock that ho tumbled out of h's saddle and was a prisoner when herecov- ert'il consciousness. Tliero wero thirty different warriors who knew Hall bv sight. nnd when it became known who tho pris oner was me rejoicing was something ter- rillc. llo was thoroughly up in the Chey enne dialect, nnd of course caught every tiling salil. W hen Koman Nose was told that Hall was tho prisoner so fortunately picket! up, he rode up to him and said l have lost nine warriors today, but 1 shall no longer grieve, I am more pleased than as it l nutl captured the fort." Half knew that ho must die. nnd he hoped to provoke the chief to kill him off hand. Ho called him a squaw, A coward and a brnggurt. He taunted him with having a coward for n son, nnd he offered to fight ten of his men if they would turn mm loose, come ot the warriors were for killing him ou tho spot, but tho old chief waived them hack nnd said: "We will put him to the torture! lie shall die ten times overl Seven suns shnll come nnd go before death comes to hilt Tho Cheyeunes had their bendnunrter village on the Smoky Hill Fork, about thirty miles nway, and thither tho whole band proceeded. It was nfter tlark when they reached tho town, ami llrll was tied hand and foot and placed In a tenee and four gunrds stationed around it. A small raiding party hnd that day cnpturetl t mnu belonging to the Sev enth cavalry wagon train. The Cheyennes had determined not to spare man, woman or child who fell Into their hands, but after a powwow lasting an hour, the team' ster was brought out nnd Roman Nose snid to him: We have captured Flying Horse (Hall) ana we want all white men to know it. They will not believe us, but they will be llevo you. uome and see him." He was led to the tepee and Hall admit ted his identity and charged him with sonto farewell messages to friends. He also gave him the dispatches ho wns to doliver, or rather asked Roman Noso to do so, and tho chief then said: "That your white brothers may know you have been a captive in our hands we will send them our mark." He thereupon sliced off both of tho poor fellow's cars nnd handed them to him to put in his pocket. The direction of Fort Wallace was pointed out, and be .was given one of the stage horses and started off, reaching the post next forenoon. There did not appear to be one chance in a hun dred for Hall to escape, but the village hod no sooner become quiet than he began to plan. He wns so triced up that it was utterly impossible to free himself. IIo worked at his lashings for an hour or so, and then gave up the attempt. He knew the situation of the village and the country around it, and he finally decided that his opportunity would come next day, when taken out to run the gantlet. No matter what the rest of the programme Is this portion or preface is never omitted. The Indians seem to get more amusement out of it than any other part. When morning came Hall's arms were cast loose nnd he was provided with hearty breakfast. The Indians knew he was game, and they wanted him to keep his full strength and last as long as possi ble. He also hud an object in view and ate all they brought him. It was about o'clock when ho was taken out to run the nantlet. All his lashings were cust off, rone tied around his waist, and ho was ex ercised for fifteen minutes to limber him up. There wore about 400 bucks 'in the lines an they wero presently formed. In most instances the warriors are allowed to strike with clubs, the handles of toma- hawks or their hickory bows, but in this case only switches were used. Hall w& n swift runner, nnd Ids plan was to niaKe mu mr it wuen ne reacneu the west end of the line. To his chagrin he found a dozen mounted warriors placcl to head off any such attempt. He made it, however. Running down the lines at t he top of his speed and receiving a cut from almost every warrior as he passed, he broke out on tho priurio Hnd ran for 1ns life. The pi'rsuiug Indians could have killed him, but the idea was recapture. He got two full miles from camp und dodged them for an hour X'fore this was accomplished. He was then made to pass p ami clown the lines four times, after which he wns returned to tho tepee for an hour's rest. Being stark naked, every blow of the switches hnd raised a welt and ho wns scarred from head to heel. Tho next move on t lie programmo was to bind him to a tree and throw knives and tomahawks at hint. Tho idea was to tor- turo his mind, but some of the weapons slightly wounded him, and those who threw them wero laughed at as bunglers. Tho lolicof one car was split by a toma hawk, anil thu rim of the other carried away by a knife.. Hall won the ndmira- tion of all the warriors by his display of nerve during the trying ordeal. At noon lio was taken back to the tenee and given another hearty meal. It was about 1 'clock when bo was brought out to bo bound toastako to undergo the splinter torture. Tho old men nnd boys bud fur nished a great heap of dry splinters which were to bo stuck into his flesh and lighted. As four stalwart bucks wero conveying uuu irom tue tepeo to tho stake something was happening on the eastern edge of tho camp. The Cheyennes hnd about fiiH) ponies In their herd, with fifty or more captured horses nnd mules. The herders, anxious to witness t he torture, had come into the village, and Hall's mule, which was a vicious animal, took advantage of their absence to raise a rumpus. Tho wholo herd had become excited, when an old buf falo bull, pursued by wolves, dashed into it. With the rush of a cyclone the wholo herd broke for the village, nnd so sudden was tho alarm that everybody was for tho moment upset. Tho Idea was that an at tack was being- back by soldiers. The frightened horses, followed by the bellow ing bull, ran over everything in their way, and Hall and his guard were knocked down like tenpins. The instant ho was freed he rose to bis feet among the horses and ran with t hem, hanging to the tall of a pony and yelling to keep the animals ex cited. Ho was carried along for a milo or more, and then, its tho speed of the herd began to skicken, ho suddenly caught ight of his mule. She was as obedient to Ins whistle ns a dog, and ho wns soon on her back. As he circled around to tho north the herd followed nfter, nnd it was not t-ntil ho had put five miles behind him that t hey slackened tip and finally stopped. A htintlrcu warriors had pursued the herd, but, before they could get a mount Hall had a long start. 11c was riding without saddle or bridle, but that was no trick for a scout. He headed away for Fort Wal lace, and though pursued to within a mile of tho post none of tho Indians got within a mile of inm. After tho red men had been thorough- Wlilppcu unci returned to their reser vat ions Hall and I one day met four Cheyennes who were out hunting. All four recognized him at once, as all wero in the lines when bo run tho gantlet, and two of them had hold of his arms when tho stampede occurred. Wo sat down for a smoke, and, after inquiring about Ro man Nose and Black Bird, Hull observed: "You were having lots of fun with mo that day, and I have always felt sorry that I had to leave you so suddenly." We are at peace now," replied one of the warriors, ns he drew his knife and felt of its keen edge, "and I will tell you some thing. Before you wero burned at the stuke I should have used this very knife to cutout your tongue and cutoff your lips nnd eyelids, and I would have taken muscles from your arms and legs to make bowstrings for the little boys! ' Thanks have a drink!" calmly replied Hall, as he passed over his flask nnd arose to go. Water nt pavilion comes direct from Crystal spring I'uinmy nil". Kcstharcn Land Sah; June 'J'J ami :I0. rTlKtlSTliliS SALE By virtue of a deed in JL trust, rxccuieu to inc uimcrniKneti un the 18th (lav of April, 1891, by Richard Crumnund Nannie Crump his wife, to se cure the payment of certain notes therein mentioned, anu oclault navuiK oeen mnoe in the pnvment of the snnie, 1 will offer tor sale, at public auction, ut the court house door in the eitv nl Asheville. at 2 o'clock. D in . on Saturday, the lifitll dny of June. 1S91!, the house nnd lot mentioned in auid need ot trust. Ivin nnd being in the city ol Aslie ville. on Volley street, ndioining the prop erty of Fuiinic A. 1'ruromond and others, For n more uarttcular description ol wnicn retrrenee is hereby made to said deed of trust as neorded In the Register's olliee of Bun combe county In L'ook 2, page 45a. Terms ol sale casti rms me join aay oi may, 1 8ta. A, K. OLiliUKX. m30mnd4t Trustee. rrtRUSTBH'S SALB- Ity virtue of a powci X of. sale contained in a deed in trust ex eeuted by P. M. MeCanless and S. J. MeCun ess. nis wile, on tnc jnu uuy ui rciiiuary. IKtU, to secure to Kooert Mct-rui-sen tnc payment of n certain note und interest th-reon. default having been made m the in dehtedne.'S as theiein secured, th? under signed, ns trustee, v. ill on 1 hursdny the Bis; davofluly. 181)2. at the court house dooi In the city of Asheville sell for cash to the highest hinder tnc innu nnn premises tics cnbed in said trust deed situated on the east side of Montford avf nue, in the city of Asheville. riioiningthclundsol I.e. Hrown 1 I. Mnekcv and others, and more particu larly llescrioea in sain trusv ueea wim-n is recorded in Hook No. !i4 of Mortgages in the Register's olliee of buncombe couuly, on pnge 8-t, to which reference in hereby made lor a lurtner .lescription oi tnc .nine, u order to satisfy the indebtedness, iutcres nuu nil costs us sicttied by sntil trust deed K U I.AKK IV i i , junc20dinon4t Trustee. NOTICK. KOKTII CAROLINA. I Superior Court, 13UNCOUHU Cot'NTY.) August Term, lH'J'J, f. M. Wkstali. 1 l-s. I .Votec o'.S'lllmol; A. I, (Ji.ovhk mid wiPK.f mnf ll .-irninl I'l.oKii.scu M O1.0VBK. I of Attachment The defendant, A. O. Clover nnd wife, Florence M. Glover, will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was issued ncainst said delendtmts on tnr 17th day of June, 1892, by J. L. Cathey, clerk of tnc superior court 01 tne county oi Bun combe, state of North Carolina, for the re covery of the sum of thirteen hundred and eiKhty -seven dollars and ninety-two cents, and interest thereon tram the Btn day oi February, 1802, due suid plaintiff by con tract, which summons is returnable before the judge of the Superior court for the said county on the third Monday before the first Monday in September, mua. tnc iieicnonnt will also tuke notice that a warrant of at tachment was Issued in said action hy the clerk of said court on the 17th day of June, lKUU, against the property of said delend nnts, which warrant was returnable before the superior court of snid county nnd state at the tittle aud place above named for the return of the summons; and that said de fendants arc required to appear nt eald term of court and answer '.r demur to the com plaint of the plaintiir, or the relief therein (le. munded will be granted. This lfetli dny of June, 1892. J. L CATHKV, CKrk Superior Court. Gl'UGHK fk MARTIN, Plaintiff's Attorneys. juncUOinondaysiit BONNYCREST INN ! Bight miles south of Asheville, Vi mile from Skyland Springs Station. Rates fi per day, ia rer cik; $0 per mouth. TH08. A. MORRIS, Trcp'r, maylOdtf Skyland, N. C. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. Private and class instruction given dally at the MeKee. Institute, 101 Bailey street. prlOdtf ADAMANT, The "Pcrficllon of Wall Plaster." Unas 8()0 per cent, more tensile strength tfuin lime, and 300 per cent, more tnan any utner ma terial known as a wall plaster. 3-PRIZES GIVE AT THRASH'S CRYSTAL PALACE. Here we are again, will) three nice prizes to offer you. Will you let this chance go by uml not uttempttobethe proud possessor of tlu'in. 1 is a little on, caused by the street being torn up and left m such a condition as not tt permit our customers to drive over it, this is the reason we make these grand offers, to brisk trade HERE IT IS, AND THE WAY IT IS DOME: We offer three elegant prizes to the three persons coming the nearest guessing the ext'et number of words and fig ures that will be in the Asheville Daily Citizen's issue of Thursday, July II, 1H92. The r ish Set, worth f 15, to the one coming the nearest to the number ot words. A handsome f o I'ouquet Lamp with silk fringe shade to the second nearest. A pretty l'hotograveuie picture, oak ard silver frame, worth $G, to the third nearest. I he contest is to close two days beiore the issue ot the paper. JNo printers or In order to make a guess you must purchase something from our store. A purchase of a guess, anil one guess for each dollar or fractiou there above. The moth; of guessing will be to write your name and guess on a ticket and drop it in a sealed box not to be opened until after the words are carefully counted in the pa per, and the words will be counted by threw disinterested gentlemen This idea of guessing the words in a newspaper is one of our own, and should attract the attention of the first das people (the class whi'-h we always aim) for the rea son there is no lottery or gambling connected with it whatever, but is simply an innocent guessing contest like you see advertised everywhere with jars of beans, pens, etc., and it is hoped that everybody, specially the ladies, will be come interested in the matter as you might be "tie of the lucky ones. Remember that you are entitled to a. guess for every dollar and fraction's worth of goods you buy. If you don't happen to be thc lucky one you will lose nothing, as no doubt you have the goods to buy any way. For more inhumation, etc , call at the stole while this contest lasts, and to make it more interesting we will allow you 10 per cent, off on all china, and art goods, new goods in cluded. Everybody try their luck now, and let us see who will be the lucky ones. Tho contest closes July 12. China, Glass, WANT COLUMN. WASTED. WANTI5H To rent a No. 2 Typewriter. good Kemiilgton llll-CKR ".I." cure Citizen. WANT!?!) Two nice iinlurnishrd rooms, for light housekeeping, with hath In house, within 8 minutes walk ol public square Kent not to exceed 3"nr jut .year To occupy July 1st. Address A 11. ' yi" i i nun tick 'OA' RENT. 1 R lKNT J ply to ituse on J I'rpft strti'L. Ap A TKNNHNT, or II . V. (irant. IilOR RUNT Two first-iiass offices o ' seenml fl-ior. Aiplv janeU.Hllw lMWivU. K: SMOKIC riVi K KNT l.tirf, JL I'attcti uvemu', i of squriri'. AcldrcHH junel7tr well Itn ninhcil mom on illiiti live ii.tnnUt w alk Citizen (Mike. 1710 K RENT Tlif Mure room, Nn. 1I-, North Cuurt Squmc. Lattlv i.iTtipicd for post office, Apply to C. S COOl'IXR. n.Ay25iltf No. 07 N. Main St IJIOK R15MT The storeroom nnd Ijusc j went. No 8 Court Square. Now atvu plcd by H. V. I'arnmn & Co. Possession fc'Wcn imniediaUly. Apply on premises, junelldtf 17OR KICNT A 15-room house on the eor 1 m-r of North Main FtrccL and Starnes avenue. Large grounds. All modern con veniences. Apply at Ko. 2H Staines avenue or to T. C. Starnes juuedU. TO LET FURNISHED The stone nnd Rhinslcd cottage, corner Montford ave. and Cullowhce street, containing 7 rooms, besides bathroom ml pantries Apply to C. H. Hartshorne, on the premises. ivnc8dlmo TO RENT Rrsidence No. 144. Mil! street. Nice slate roof house, 8 rooms, besides bnth rooms and basement. All modern con veniences. Terms reasonable. Applv to UK. . O. nt'EEN. juuctOdtf No. 0 West Court Square. IjlOK KENT New len-rooin house, very j desirably located Near street car liin. Hot and cold wuter und bnth rooms. Apply to L. A. I'AKINIIOLT, or Mrs. li. V. Greer, I'alton u venue. IflOR KENT FOR THE SUM M EK My " residence in West Asheville, half acre lot with large oaks; good well, stable, etc.. etc Seven rooms in the house and furnished. Good horse, buggv and harness for sale, inaylldtt C.H SOUTH WICK. 7V1K HUNT OK SAI.U Furnished house. ciktht looms, verv ceiCrullv located. Will he sold tit u l-nrKHiu nnd on hnii! time. Apply to . L. A. FAKINIKH.T. Real list utc Miolii r, :ip ailtt No. -'D l'littou ave. HOARDING. 1)ARTI!iS wnntinx p!ca-int rooms und g:od bonril enn be nccoiiituiiduti.-d ut MRS. ALICE REYNOLDS', uinylltf 8 Spruce street. (2 It MM UK BOAR 11- Rooms cool and com O f fortable. liver vthiri; fresh nnd newly painted, and furnixhed. Immediately on street car line. Terms reasonable. MRS. J. L. SM ATI! ISKS, junc7lf HIS I'atton Ave. A Kkw HOAkllliKS cm be provided with J. first-class board, well lurnihcd rooms und good lare. Annlv to MISS N. LA M HORN I?, 53 Colleue street, or E. Collin, 37 I'atton Ave. June Slidtw FOR SALE. TjlOR A eood fn mil.Vliorac. Address J V. O. Box 703. I'utenaser naa pnvne ol trying hurse. juneadlw' VliHY CHBA1' For six days, at private snlc. a luruc lot of urat-class furniture, biusscls curpct, watdrobe, stoves and other goods. 15 COFFIN, jiii.c'JSdlw 37 I'atton Ave. XF YOU ARB IIUILblNG don't fail to put JL ill Watson's Fire urate, ror suie uy BALLARD & RICH. A DAMANT sales now reach 1 7,000 tons Jt. monthly, being more thun 20 times as large ns all chcHp imitators combined L. TKliADWAY, Asheville, N. C. Agcut W. N C. Olliee over tiieKcrson s store. NOTICE At the earnest request of friends 1 announce myself a candidate lor the otlice of Register of Deeds of Buncombe .iiinitv. N. C. subieet to the nomination by the democratic convention, ncing tota'iy unable for manual labor, I feel It a duty to myself and family to apply for the olliee and hope to have the support ol alt voters Respectfully, inny31tf j 8. 8. LYNCH. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Sy virtue of the power of sale vested in the under signed in a certain deed of trust by Dinah Kvle to lohn Boillnu. trustee, to secure the payment of certain dchts therein mentioned, default having been made In the payment of the same, 1 will sell at the front door of the court house In Asheville, to the highest bid der for cash, at l'i o'clock, m on Thursday. July 21st, l&Bli, the lands conveyed In said deed of trust, which deed is recorded in the register of deed's office tit Buncombe county in record of deeds of trust, Book UU, page 120, to which reference Is made for adescrip tioo of the lar ds to be sold , JOHN DOLLING, Juuc20d30daye .. Tnistee. ELEGANT PRESENTS FREE THAD. W. THRASH & CO., Lamps, use IVUNCOMBBCAfWAGU An well jsolhcr Garden nnd Field Seeds eminently adapted to Southern soil and Southern ell mate, sent pre-paid anywhere, nt reasonable prites. Send for catalogue and trv sonic of them. J. W. VANWVKR, dceiiS-dtf Weavervillc, N. C. rpKUSTEE'S SALE !ly virtue oi a deed of A. trust, rxeculed to tue by lsriac Coleman nnd his wile, Clara Co'crnan, on the !lRt dav of April, A i). lMitO to secure payment of n certain nnte mentioned therein, said deed of trut bcint; duly registered in the Register's office ut Huncdmhe county, state of North Carolina, in hook 1'.) of Mortaccs nnd heeds in Trust, on paj.rer7M to 5M, in which deed of trust provision is made that it' default be made in payment of said note and interest ut maturity ot same the prop erty therein ih-furihed may be fold. Ikfault in payment h:ivi hem made I shnll, as trusteo, sell for cash, at the court h use door in ,:-hcvilU on the Oth day of July, A. D. lK(tL to the highest hiddvr, the property devcrihi'd in sni'l deed o i rust, to-wit : HO acre- of land ou the wnkrsof k coin's Cretk, in Itiincombr count 3, a loining the lands of Tho 1 as Weaver and others For more c 111 pk tf description rcferi m:e is hereby made tii said deed of trust, LEICESTER CM WMAN, j inel7d;Uid Trust' c. ANNOUNCEMENT To the vtiivrsol'llun vmnht county: I hevbv announce my s If a candidate for the oili en' Treasurer of Buncombe cotintv, suhject to the action of the democratic nominating convention. The piesent worthv incumbent has held theoflice for several consecutive terms, and has had ample time to pet his head above the waves, financially !, like he. am a disabled confed erate soldier and need the office. I believe the democratic voters of our county are dis posed to divide the honors as well ns the emoluments a in on n us, every thhiK being equal as to qualification ami merit. 1 feel that I am competent to till this important nnd responsible office to the satisfaction of the public, and if elected shall devote my best energies to the faithful and honest dis charge o! its duties. I trust my friends throughout the county will give me their earnest suppoit for the nomination. Very respectfully JNO. II. REYNOLDS. Sandy Mush, June 7, dfewtf NOTICE Uy virtue of a deed in trust, executed and delivered on the hth dav ot June, lMiH, hy Albert G. Glover, to the undersigned, J. G. Merrimon, trustee, for the purpo-c of securing certain debts therein di scribed to the AshevlMe Loan, Construc tion and Improvement company, winch said deed in trust was duly probated ami regis tered in the otbec of Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, N. C , 111 Hook No. 1,'G, ages l-(, el ?cq., to wmcn reicrenee is ncrc v made for a lull description thereof, and hecnusc of I he non-payment of the debts therein secured, us aloresaid. nnd upon de mand made b the en id Asheville Louu, Con struction und Improve -went company, th undersigned trustee vull sell at public sa e, at the court house door in the eitv of Ashe ville, N. C, on the 1st day of August, I.sirj, the land dcsctihid in :iid d cd in ttust, which is as follow s: Ling and being in the u in v ol liuticoinbe, N. C ami in the oil v of Axhcvillc, and beginning at a stake at the intersection ol the northern niaig n ol t u1 lowhec place with the western margin of Cumberland avenue, and runs theiue w ith said margin of eaid avenue north ;.5"2t' west 100 feet to n stuke, corner of lot No 4: theme with the line of lot No. 4. south r. t 3!t' west HH feet to a stake; thence south if 21' east 1)5.1! 1 feet to a stake in the mar gin of Cullowhce place; thence with the mar gin of Cullowhce pi nee north fiti'3 lf' east ltrj ket to tue oeginninc, ncing lot jno. o oi block No. 7 !' the proKrty ol the said Ashe ville Loan. Construction and Improvement company and also bi ing the same premises conveyed bv the snid company to the said Albert O. G)ov r, bv deed bearing date the Hth day of June, 1MU, the deed in trust under which the above land is sold being given to secure the puiehasc mqney for the same. The above sale being made hi pur suance of the power given to the undersign, d m saul cl'ed in trust ami tne terms oi tne same w ill be cash This a 4. tit day of June, A. I). ISOli J. G. MliRKlMON, junel'GdlOt Trustee. ' Sale of Valuable City Property! ON TUESDAY, JUNE 28TH, 1892, On the premises, I will sell at public auc lion' to the highest bidder, my house and lot ou North Main street in the eitv of Asheville, near the corner of Cherry aud Mum streets, on the following terms: Twcntv-tive hundred dollars in cash: the remainder to be paid in six, twelve and eighteen mouths, in equal Installments, se- eurrd bv notes in coual sums, draw inc in terest at K per cent, per annum from date aud mortgage or deed ot trust on the prem ises. Description: house new, well built, natural wood finish, contains 1M rooms, large and air-, in best neighborhood, sur rounded by large healthy native oakr, three n, mutes want to public square, located ou elevated je round, hot air tines, grates, gas and electric bells in every room, bath rooms nn cuch tloor and hut and cold water. Suitable for residence or for first-class board ing house. For further information call on me at my residence on the premises or ad dress me by mail. I'ropcrly ran be seen nt any time. CatB leave the square at 11 o'clock. li W. itUKKIlOLPKR. HOl SliS TO RENT Should be plastered with Adnmnnt thereby saving nil luture repairs to walls. DUMMY LINE SCHEDULE. Leave eitv terminus. 0:08, 10:08, 11:08, 12:08, 1:08, 2:08, 3:08, 4:08, 4:38, 0:08, 6:38, l:OK, (I .'IS, 7:08. Leave mountain terminus. 0:55, 10:B6, tl:BB, 12:n.ri. l;Bfi. 2:!".fl, 8:36, 4:25, 4:50, 5:25, B:PD, 0:25, 6:55, 7:20. Take Charlotte street electric car at pub'le square txuetly on the hour till 4 o'clock, niter that on hour nnd half hour. Ashcvilii: out Craggy Mountain Railway Company V. B. GWYN, President. ADAMANT, i Of itself t lit not crack, swell or shrink. N Furnishing WHIT WAYNESViLLE, W. C. This celebrated resort, the coolest nnd most picturesque spot in Western North Caro lina, is now open for guests. Double daily trains from Asheville to the Spring each dav of the week, including Sunday. Trains leave Asheville for Wavnrsvil'e at 8.30 a. m , and 0:40 p. in. Leave Wayncsville tor Asheville nt G:li;1 u. m.., and il!:(l3 noon. The water is the finest and purest white sulphur, inducing a good appetite, and the tabic is supplied with everything to satisfy it. Kooms nre well furnished, clean and cool. Hie terms of buurd urc moderate and will be given on application. g win ill THE "BONANZA" Nok. 41 and 43 S. WIIHI.I SAt.h hLPARTMRNT, CUNTS' PAKLOK AND KUAUINO ROOM. CIGARS, TOBACCO I'LK, 1HLUAKU BEER ! VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING Wc r spcctfully solicit a share ofronr patronage. P. A. HAMQUARDT, Manager. Mfii iilrce?, N. 45. Telephone full. pt. 7. R01 O u s. ii .' t s -Vy JM'v"vi S I TgS-1 spga ROLLER iilTI k.TRUNK AWAY-3 first prize Is n neat 14 piece type-setters allowed to guess. 5c to a dollar entitl'-s you to Goods, Etc., Etc. - SULPHUR - SPRINGS, -i. ni.;,- i;,tii"ifii,-iTthfi nn li nn II. M. BRIGHT, Proprietor. X Main St., Asheville. XT a 4 1 Jj(f 'itl. AND OOOHS, SAM NO. 43: ANU I'OUI. KOOM. : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT. s)N8"8'S"-s 5 ' 6vi- S'eS bS'e'iiS'SiS) THE MOST CONVENIENT TRUNK EVER DEVISED. 4 The Tray is arranged V to roll back, leaving the 2 bottom of the Trunk easy of access. ? - Nniliinjv to lncak or pet out of order. The J Tray can be lilted out if desired, and to buy ) this style is A guarantee that you will yet the ) strongest Trunk made, 2) If your Dealer cauuot furnish you, notify the ) maniifiictlirr H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., Richmond, Va. -1 GOii

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