eville of Ue eccss MAY Mi UliNTlil) TllKOLV.II T1IU MKLlil'M OI-" A C1TIZLN WANTLKT. i'Y ,uv i;k i isixr. vouk iirsrsKss IN Till! Ci nZliN'S AI. COLUMNS. VOLUME VIII. NO 50 ASHEVILLE, N. C, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 28, 1892. PIUCE 5 CENTS. Ash Daily citizen PILLSBURY'S X X X X FLOUR. Bakers and Hour dealers everywhere acknowledge the above to he the highest grade of flour made. COSTS NO IE T FLOUR. KROGER, AGENT FOR ASHEVILLE, REAL ESTATE. A'AI.T.S B. GWTN, W. W. WRST, GWYN & WEST I Sueceiwora to Walter BGwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK (IF ASHRVILLE. REAL ESTATE. 1. on no Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notary I'ub.U. Cuir.nilsstoncra of Deeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE Houthcast Court Square. CORTLAND BROS., K eal Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. I.onna stcurcly placed at 8 per cent. Orticcs I t 2tl I'atton Avenue Second ;8oor. fiWidlv FOR SALE! A LARGE NEW TEN-ROOM HOUSE UN MONTPOKH AVKNUK, With all modern improvements, fully fur nished Pine lucfttion, extended view nnd ample grounds. Apply to JOHN CHILD, Keal listutc and Loan llroker, LltC.AI. Hi.ock WILLS BROS., ARCHITECTS NO. 3a PATTON AVE. NEW m FME PICTURES, Artist Proof Etchings, Photogravures, Artotypes, MY LINE OF PICTURE FRAMES CANNOT BE SURPASSED. My line of China, Glass and Silver is the best in the state, we claim, and prices defy competition. J. EL LAW, NOS. 57 AND 50 SOUTH MAIN STREET. DO YOU EAT? ASK YOUR NEIGHBORS AB0U1 THE GROCERIKS liMcivod at our house. You can find our groceries and our customers by the score. You have no trouble to get information by which you can save money and got fresh goods at all times. A. D. COOPER NORTH COURT SQUARE, ASHEVILLE, N. C IJ 80 CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. BON MARCHE will for the next two weeks sacrifice its entire new stock of fresh, stylish Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, LADIES' AND GENT'S FURNISHINGS AT 20 PER CT. OFF KliKL'LAK 1'KtCli 1-UR CASH. These prices hold for evervthiUK in stock. Muuy Koods less than cost. BON MARCHE 37 Soul.li Alain Street. FITZPATRICK BROS. Contractors und Icnlers in Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL PAPER. 30 Ndktii Main Stkkkt, Asiiiivn.i.ii. N C THI.UI'HOMi NO. 142. JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Wc liuvi Dome very desirable timber prop crlicB for gale at a low figure. We can show you full description nt our olliec. One fine Anhestos mine for m rile. We can show you sonic specimens from the mine and can take you to the procrty if yon desire. Furnished and unfurnished houses to rent. JENKS & JENKS, NO. 32 PATTON AVE., ASHEVILLE. Troy Steam Laundry! DOMESTIC FINISH AND FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. No. 46 South Main Street. French Color Pictures. REFRIGERATORS! ONLY EIGHT LEFT, AND YB OFi'KK TUliM AT ACTUAL COST, WE NEED THEIH ROOM. 1 Hardwood, N , 14, Willi coxier, iricc$"(i, now $ir. t Hardwood, No. 101, $17, now $12. fli). 1 Hardwood, No. in:l, $15, now $11. 1 Hardwood, No. 102, $13, now $S 115. with cooler, price with cooler, price with cooler, price 1 Hardwood. No. au:l, with cooler, price $15, now $1 1. 1 Softwood. No 202, with ci okr, pike $13, now $3.75 1 Softwood, double doors, pru'c $1 7.50, now $13. 1 Wnlmi, with sideboard, price$lU 25, now $13 So. SURE BARGAINS NOW. We ore still in the leud v-ith our Cream I'mac', ('ivl1 r. rruitjars, Icily Tumblers, etc. Pries riiit. Till) :,::::::::::OUR:::::.:::::::::. SARATOGA CHIPS nit? iniido of tlio choicest (se lected potatoes, nd tiro offer od to the public ns the best article ol its kind ever in troduced. EVAPORATED HORSERADISH. This most popular relish has met with general up proval. It will retain its strength for years in any climate. We have just re ceived a fresh supply of above articles. POWELL & SNIDER y y 0 it X IS 0 c 0 0 A 0 0 o 12 5 T. ci 8 y 5 id U CC & y Q a 4 t 0 H a o o Q UJ 3. o 7. j. T3 c 5 5 c Hi it c 0 o 3 LET US HAVE YOUR ATTENTION JUST ONE MOMENT. Wc arc closing out BURT'S SHOES at 20 per cent, discount. HKKH IS A SI'LBNUIU CHANCE 1'OK YOU A l'INU LISB OF Trunks nnd Satchels JUST BliCBIVED. Call and See For Yourself. HATS, UMBRELLAS, KIDINO LEGGINGS, ETC. THE SHOE STORE, WEAVER & MYERS, 3D Pattou Avenue. AsUcvillc, N. C o o o TttttTTt FORCE DILL IS THE ISSUE FlvtU Ol' ITS ENACTJIIiST WII.I. UNITE; DKMOtlt ATM. Senator Morgan. SpealiM lor !'ri t' Silver IemotrnlH in All S te lle, s, He t;,yn, will ResfiU fed eral Intorlerenee at "Ik- 1'oIIh. Wasiuni; tun, June lf7. Tie discon tented murmuring of tin. silver men, as reported from Colorado, Nevada, Kan sas, Missouri, nnil various other pails of the country, naturally give the mana gers of the two great parties some anxiety. First they were inclineil to believe that thcsil vermeil wotilil swallow the bitter doses administered to them at Minneapolis and Chicago, and annoiinee ments were circulatcdevery where to give the impression that this would be the ease, Hut it appears evu' rt mat me silver extremists, esoeeialK' those ol republican affiliations, are not inclined to be as doeile as the regular party mana gers hoped they would be. The news relating to the t'lieshain movement and other third party mani festations in the west has attracted a prc".t deal ol aHention 'inn ng the poli ticians of both parties here during the last the last three or four days. Thus far it is the republicans who are more particularly worried about these devel opments, because most of tlicm are oc curring iu republican states, a ml Un eaten to make mroails into the republican party onlv. l'oi a (lav or two alter the close ol tlic Chicago convention the dem ocrats here were also a little worried lie cause ol the well known strength ol the silver sentiment anions; the democratic masses of the south anil the southwest. Thanks to the force bill folly ol the re publicans, however, it now seems unite certain that the democrats of of free sil ver proclivities will support the regular democratic ticket almost to a man. 1 hit information has been derived from con versations today and yesterday with several leading free silver democratic congressmen who have an intimate knowledge of the sentiment prevailing in their respective committees, who iit in constant correspondent e with the lead ing politicians in the south. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, for e ainple, is one of the lorei'iost advocates ol lice silver coinage in the country, lie is also one of the most intelligent and best informed democratic leaders in tin south lie has been very prominent all through this session of congress iu ln advocacy ol immediate tree silver legis lation, and no man in congress has con tended more energetically against, the poll ol nominating nun ha the uesi denev men who arc opposed to free sil ver coinage, lbs name has also been frequently mentioned in connection with the presidential or viee-presiduitial nom ination on a silver third party ticket. Utit Senator Morgan declared to the Sun correspondent yesterday with the utmost positiveuess that he would not dream of such a thing as attaching him self to a third partv or allowing the use of his name by a third party in the pres ent crisis. livery body knew his position iu regard to silver, he said, but although the sil ver (iiestion was of very gieal impor tance, it was only one ol the important issues of the present dav, and in his opinion as a democrat and a champion of constitutional liberty it was com pletely overshadowed by the all impor taut issues of the 1'orcc bid, which the republican partv had deliberately and defiantly introduced into the campaign as one of its leading articlcsof faith. So long as that monstrous proposition re mained in exist mice, said Senator Mor gan, every southern democrat and every northern democrat also, whatever his views on silver might be, must act with the regular democratic organization, so as to present a united front against the republican party and secure its defeat next November. He praised the Sun loi ns attitude in regard to this point, and said that its argument (or the support of the democratic ticket was perfectly sound and consistant. Representative l'icrce, of Tennessee, one ol the leading free silver democrats iu the house, expressed similiar opinions in conversation with the Sun correspon dent today. When asked what the sil ver democrats were going to do, he saiil he knew what one ol them was going to to. lie himsell was going to vote lor Cleveland, and he believed that every southern democrat who understood and realized the situation of affairs would do the same. The force bill, lie said, had been made by theiepublicai s the leading issue in this campaign, so far as the democrats were concerned, and for that reason the silver question would have to be postponed. Mr. l'icrce conceded that there was a widespread sentiment among southern democrats in favor ol independent action in regard to silver and he expressed some solicitude as to what might happen if the third party movement in the south were permitted to dcvclopc lurther this summer. All those who lavored the third partv movement, he said, were democrats, and they could be made to realize the dan ger of coercive legislation by the rcpub licau partv in the next congress, he wus convinced thut they would immediately abandon all their attempts at nulepeiul cut political action and remain stead lastly adherent to the democratic party in the pending campaign. 1-or tins rea son Mr. Tierce hoped that there might be au early adjournment ol congress, in order that the southern members might go upon the slump iu their own stales nnd tell the people what their real dan ger and duty were. N. V.bun. THEY AHU AFTER HIM Philadelphia I'rlntera Ueina.id he withdrawal of Reed. l'mi-ADiiLPiiiA, June -'0. llie reso lutions introduced by Frederick W. Long at the meeting of Typographical Union No. 2 on Sunday last, were tabled at special meeting today. They denounce the action ol the committee of Tvpo graphical Union No. G, of New York, in endorsing the candidacy of Whitclaw Reed tor vice-president and called upon the republican party to withdraw hi name. Atlanta Constitution. oue Idea of "Luck." London, June 2". Gladstone's injured eye lias been bandaged and he will main in a dark room for a few days. is reported that the woman who threw the missle at him said she threw it "luck." The occulist savs the injury progressing favorably and the paiii greatly decreased. Certain!., ili.itl I.uck 1 JaA LL Colonel Knox Well, Jackfon, how are you getting along? Jackson Iiah, sah: my wife dun died. Colo.! Knox I'm sorry 'to hear that. It's a heavy loss for you. Jackson It am, indeed, sail. Here 1 am left erloiie, widout 110 one to support me. li'lievc I'll have tvr go ter work myself, sail. Jester. in i ; i:s. Order of MuhImi-hh- Mr. Male 1.x. pound Kepultlican J'ollcy. Washington, lime -S. In the senate .1 resolution offered yesterday by Mr. Hale as to the effectual differences be tween the republican policy of protection and the democratic policy of 'tarilf for revenue only" was taken up and he ad dressed the senate upon it. In the house Mr. Mc.Millin, of Ten nessee, from the committee on rules, re ported n resolution selling npnrl today (after the morning hour) for the consid eration of bills reported by the com mittee on invalid pensions; Wednesday and Thursday for bills reported by the committee on presidential elections, and Friday and Saturday lor bills reported by the committee on labor. This order does not interfere with the appropriation or revenue bills on the conference re ports. The resolution was agreed to, and pursuant to this order I alter a few unimportant commit ice reports) the lloor was accorded to t he committee on invalid pensions. The house appropriation committee today ordered a favorable rcpoit on the joint rcsolm ion t x tending appropriations for the support of the government until ulv lo. 1 his was made necessary by a probable (allure ol any ol the annual ap propriation hills to oteoinc a law uy me beginning ol the fiscal year. 1 he commit tee directed all mi-tubers ol tliecoinnnttee having charge of appropriation bills to isk the house for non-concurrence and a coulerenee on all such bills as soon as tlicy come from the senate. An adverse report was ordered by the committee on II loint resolutions and petitions lor the cliefof Mississippi and Alabama flood sutlers. (.KKttHAJl WON'T HAVE IT, IIIh "Niimv Will Not le I'rtBciil ed."al Omaha. Furcscii I.ick Strings, Ind., june-y3. ludne Walter O, C,rcTinm will not be the standard-bearer of the people s party. lie is at tins salubrious resort in southern Indiana, with his cstimal I ifc, enjoying the luxury of perfect eather. He" conversed freely with the World correspondent todav on the subject ol the third partv domination. "I have not permitted and snail not permit the use of my name at the Omaha convention, said lie. 1 have no right to assume that the honor will be tendered me, but 1 will sav mi v name will not go before the conven tion with my consent." Have vou told any id tlic lenders oi f the people's pari v that vou would ac cut if nominated ?" asked the cones pondent. I have not. Regarding the people's party platform the iudtrc said he believed in the large portion ot it, but not in the sub-ticnsuiy scheme. He refused to give his opinion of the republican and democratic ticket. X. V. World. I.OSM $400,000. HiU Fire Anionic l'uuel Hound IlulWlluitH. Si-attli;, Washington, June L'S. The entire stock nnd building of Schwaba- hcr Pros. & Co., one of the largest mei- cbandise dealers on Pugct Sound, was destroyed by lire last night. Loss on building, SSO.OOO. The linn carried a stock worth $:tl!0,000, of which nothing was saved, llie northern hotel next tloor was damaged several thousand dollars' worth. Other minor damages done to contiguous structures bring the total damages to about $-100,000; in surance somewhat less. He'll Take V Matt Quay's Met. Memphis, lunc 2(i. A. V. Hillings, ol Chicago, who owns all of the street rail way lines in Memphis, has offered to wager $20,000 that Cleveland will be elected, nnd that he will carry New- York, Illinois ami Wisconsin by large pluralities. Mr. Hillings has heard that Senator Ouav made the remark, niter hearing the result ol the Chicago con vention, that he would wager $10,000 that Harrison would be re-elected. He has telegraphed the Pennsylvania ' put up. N. Y. Sun. Whv Old He Hiilvide ? Charleston, S. C, June 27. Dr. A H. Rose, a prominent and wealthy citi icii, committed suicide yesterday morn ing by blowing out his brains. Deceased was president of the Phosphate miners' exchange and ol the Unitarian church corporation here. No cause assigned lor the deed. H ('publican chairman. New York, ime 28. The republican state committee in session at the Pith avenue hotel today reelected Win. Brook- field chairman of the state committed and elected Charles W. Hnckctt of Utica chairman ol the executive committee, place of Gen. Jas. W. Hustcd. VM. DATES WAS LYNCHED At XI iti;il Ol' 3II HIIi:UlMi HIS WIFE. A Terrible Scene at Hie jail Auother Man Threatened. Hut 1'ieun of Oi liers liavetl Him For a Time Nashville, lane as. William Dales, who was arrested oil Saturday on Un charge ol having murdered his wile at their home near Rowcsvillc, Hcdford counlv, nil act at first charged to some unki.own man, was hanged by a mob at Shclbvville. The mob marched down Hepot street to llie jail. Deputy Sheriff Hoover met them and refused admittance. Sheriff Moore pleaded with the crowd for law mil order. They were cool but letcrmincd and llie leaders yell ed "tear it down!" The most energetic began climbing the fence and the gate was thus opened. The crowd demanded the keys. Moore refused to surrender them. Several men siezed him and forced the keys from him. , The tloor was then opened. The crowd began searching the cells and part of the mob forced the cell where Scott Hates, fa i her ol the occuseil, was confined, and thence riiseti to the second lloor. They found Will Hale and dragged him out. A rope was placed around his neck and also around the neck of Seotl Hates, who was taken along. Thecrowd proceeded to the court house yard. Hates protested his innocence, but was cursed into silence. Suddenly a voice was lizard exclaiming let him pray. Hates raised his hands to heaven and made a piteous appeal for mercy and protested that he was innocent. Then Scott Hates was led up ami kissed his son ootl Inc. 1 he rope was thrown over the limb ol a tree anil drawn tight. The body then swung into the air. Hates died' apparently without a struggle. A rent cheer went up as tne worn was ac complished. The crowd then started to hang Scott Hates, who, they claimed, una instigated the crime. A rope was tied around his neck. He cried out, "I'm in nocent, my God, I'm innocent; spare me, spare me." They started to swing Inmup, nut outers interfered. For n while it seemed that the elder Hate must swing, but an uncle of the dead woman begged tor his Hie. utlier citizens pleaded with the crowd and fin ally liate was given oacK into uie nanus ol the officers and returned to jail. W m. Hates body was cut down, an in quest held, and a verdict of death at the hands ol unknown persons. Deputy Sheriff Kobinson started to Mtirlrccsboro with Scott Hates in a wagon. The mob heard of the move ment soon afterwards and went in hot pursuit of him. Scott Bates will be hanged n eaugiit. He is charged with horse-stealing. It is currently reported that one strong motive tor the killing of Mrs. Hates was the fact that the woman was unimportant witness for the prosecution in the case against the senior ualcs. PIXLFO HACK. Member of our I.eication Iu Paris Recalled. Paris, June 28. The United States government has recalled Capl. Iiorup for alleged complicity in furnishing the German government with plans ol French fi rtilieations. This recall has had a good effect here. M. Kibot has written a note lo M. Naqitat saying that all is settled in such a man ner that it is not necessary to ask any question in the chamber ol deputies, A semi-official note appears iu! the newspapers thanking President Harrison for the prompt action bv the United Slates in the matter and praising Minister Coolidge lor his part in the affair. Hl'CCF.EUS Cl.tKKSON. All Illinois Man to OllXet Steven hoii'h Nomination. Washington, June L'S. The republican national committee on reassembling yes. tcrdny elected William J. Campbell, of Illinois, chairman; M. H. DeYoiing, ol California, vice-chairman; Thomas II Carter, of Montana, secretary; Conic bus N. Hliss, of New York, treasurer, and F. L. Swords, ol Iowa, sergeant-at arms, all by n unanimous vote. Chairman Campbell is a lawyer ol Chicago, lie lu:s been twice eleelei state senator and president of the Illinois state senate. Senatorial Ejections. Haton Koi tn:, La., June 2S. A joint Miiocralic caucus la-.t night decided to postpone the election ol I luted States senator to the session ol ISP 1-, but will ballot daily to the close of the present session. The New Orleans state legislature has directed the Louisiana senators and rep resentatives in congress to urge an amendment to the constitution provid ing for the election of United Slates sena tors by direct vote of the people. The (irent Texas I.tiuuclicd. Portsmouth, Ya., Juue2S. The great ship Texas was successfully launched at the Norfolk navy yard this morning. Miss Madge lleaston Williams, ol Texas, broke the holt tic ol wine on the bow as the vessel started. Fined For Cause Saul Kingsmoie, who, with Cora Huffman, was fined $5 yesterday in Re corder Miller's court, for lewd conduct is an cmplovc of the Ashcville street rail way company, running 011 tne tepot line at present. Third Party Convention. Nasiievili.k, Tcnn.. June 28. T lie convention of the third or people's party met here today. About 300 delegates were in attendance and delegates to the Omnha convention were chosen. noii't Want the Job. Niiw Yohk, June 28. Jlrcxel, Morgan & Co, have declined the invitation to undertake the reorganization ol the Richmond Terminal. To ItlHsolve Parliament. London, June 28. The Queen has signed the decree dissolving parhan.cnt. DID HE TRY TO COMMIT SUICIDE? The train which leaves the Ashcville depot at :i:0.- was rounding the liend yesterday when a man rushed to the platform and jumped oil'. His rash act created great excitement among the other passengers they all thought it was a ease of suicide. Ladies fainted, men rushed to the platform expecting to see his mangled form upon the track, but the fact was he had forgotten to put his bottle of "Huncombc l'ills" in his satchel and would not start on his jour ney without them, lie took great chances, but he might have taken greater. GRANT'S PHARMACY. lu purchasing medicines don't try ex perimentsthe first and only consider ation should be genuincss. Huncombe Sarsaparilla has stood the test of several years and totlay it is in greater demand than ever. Over five hundred bottles sold this spring, a triumphant proof of popular a pproval. For sale at GRANT'S PHARMACY. HUNCOMHIi LIVER FILLS are mild. yet efficient; do not cause pain or urine. and act upon the liver and bowels. They are esiiccially valuable as alter dinner pills, and readily cure constipa tion and ct.shvcaess, nausea, d'stress in the stomach, etc. They are purely vecetable and wc be lieve they are the best family pill yet pre pared and offer them with perfect confi dence, believing that whenever used it will be with the happiest results. Try them and judge for yourself. Foi sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. SYKUP OF TAK AND WILD CIIliR- RY" as manufactured at Grant's I'har- macy is the best cough medicine you can use lor yourself or your children it is a positive cure and we guarantee it to con tain no opiates in any form, it is entirely liarmlets. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Years ago people regarded cold cream ind camphor ice as the ultimatums for chapped hands and all similar skin trou bles, many persons find that the applica tion of either of them aggravates their trouble. To such "CAMl'HO-GLYCliR-INli COMPOUND" is a boon it is a pos itive cure for chapped hands, chafing. sunburn, etc., and an elegant face dress ing alter shaving it contains no mineral or noxious ingredient, is elegantly jier- lumcd, will not soil the most delicate fabric, is entirely harmless and safe to use on the most delicate skin and con tains nothing greasy or sticky. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Physicians orders promptly filled nnd delivered free of charge to any part ol the tne city. V ARE YOU WELL SUPPLIED - - - WITH COLLARS, CUFFS, NECKWEAR, ETC.? If ynn nrc not the sooner you rescue yourself from that unfortunate situation the better. MITCHELL, THE MEN'S OUTFITTER, 28 Pattou Avenue, is ill the licBt liositiun to help you out of your ilillieulty nnd will take pleasure in furnisliiiiK you the Intent styles nt the Lowest Prices. GENUINE AUSTRALIAN LENSES. S3 I um devoting ull of my time to study of the eyes anil to the peculiar formation of the lensei I wnrrnnt all spectacles I furnlnh to Kivc cptire satisfaction in all canes, andean suit any one 011 first examination of tbeeyes E. WEXLER, NO. 17 NORTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. NOTICE. The books for siilim riptiun to the capital stuck of the Ashcville und Bristol railroad company are now open for subscription at the oHice of At R. lihUridjte, Secretary, No. 17 Pntton Avenue. WM. COCKE, President. June 1M th, 1K92. dtf 1 DUMMY LINE SCHEDULE, Leave city terminus, 9:08, 10:08, 11:08 12:08, 1:08, '':OH, H:08, 4:08, 4:38, 0:08 S;:i8, 0:08, 6:38, 7:08. Leave mountain terminus, 9:53, 10:5B. 11:55, 13:56,1:6(1. 2:65, SI-.55, 4:25,4:061 5:25, 5:55, 0:26, 0:55, 7:25. Take Charlotte stmt electric car at public square txnctly on the hour till 4 o'clock, alter that on hour and half hour. Ashevlllr und Craggy Mountain Railway Company. W. B. GWYN, Prwldent.

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