t, r -ip-. v--vtj! Asheville V Tenia yj NEWS Toef&y. VOLUME VIII. NO. 00. ASHEVILLE, N. C., MONDAY EVENING, JULY J 8, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. WHITMAN'S TOBACCOS. A VIOLENT RESOLUTION Tv)U SlluKT. A VERY SMALL MAJORITY GLADSTONE WILL, TRAVEL A NARROW PATH. DID HE TRY Till-: ARREST OF l'lMil.KTIIM TO COMMIT SUICIDE? DEMANDED n Daily citizen NEWS CANDY. A FRESH LOT RECEIVED FRIDAY, JULY 15. SHIPMENTS EXPECTED ON TUESDAY AMI FRIDAY. KROGER, 41 COLLEGE STREET. REAL ESTATE. WtLTiK B. OWTN, W. W. WK8T. GVVYN & WEST, (Sneceaao.i to Walter B.Gwyo) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHRVILLE. 1 REAL ESTATE. Loan securely t-iacca at Per Cent. Notary Pnblh.. Commissioners ol Heeds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICE Southeast Court Hqnnrc. CORTLAND BROS., Real Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUBLIC. I uan. e. urely placed at 8 per cent Offices M 2 Pattoa Aroint Second .floor. fcbMIt FOR RENT OR 8AL.K. Htr. W. 8. I'. Bryan's house, furnished. Cumberland avenue For Rent Dtsirnble ollice rooms, McAfee block. Furnished and unfurnished houses. SIONKV TO LOAN. JOHN CHILD, Real Bstatc anil Loan Broker, WILLS BROS., ARCH ITECTS NO. 31 PATTON AVE. REMOVAL SALE ! Having leased store No. 35 Patton September 1st, I wish to save trouble open the new store with all new goods, to accomplish which all this stock MUST BE CLOSED OUT. 1 name no prices to attract attention, on one will be in doubt whether it is A BARGAIN OR NOT. v " It is no menu or old slock, but Expense, Breakage and Time of moving it If you want China, Class, Lamps, tery, Fine Etchings or Silver, cull at Nos. 57 and 59 S. Main St., Asheville, N. C J. H. WE OFFER FULL LINE OF PLUG FACTORY PRICES BY THE BOX. A T Grav-ily & Miller's Uest. (Sniverly & Millcr'H 9 Inch, (irnveily & lMilWt-i r!uf,II;t LUCY II INTO N. NOSEGAY. SHELL KOAD. DANDY JIM, AND MANY OTHER BRANDS. We have the best cheap Tobacco in tho market in 12 and 6 INCH PLUG, From 3 to as cent. A. D. COOPER, NORTH COURT SQUARE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. BON MARCHE NEW LOT OF BELTS, US, LACES EMBROIDERIFS, FANCY GOODS, WOOLS AND SMALL WARES. GREAT REDUCTION IN PARASOLS. IT) in. Embroidered Flounc ing, worth f 1 to f 1.50 per yard at -19 cents to close. DRESS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. BON MARCHE 37 South Main Street. FITZPATRICK BROS, Contractors and Dealer, in Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WALL, PAPER. 30 North Main Stkhkt, Asiluvil.l.li, N C. TliLHI'ltONI! NO. I. JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Wc have some very desirable timber prop- rrtivs for sIc at a low figure. Wc can allow you full description at our office. One fine Am be tot mine for sale. Wc can show you some specimen from the mine and can take you to the property if you desire. Furnished and unfurnished houses to rent. JENKS & JENKS. NO. 32 PATTON AVE., ASHEVILLE. Troy Steam Laundry! DOMESTIC FINISH AND FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. No. 46 South Main Street. avenue, and intending to occupy same Iry and expense by moving tliis stuck 1 nil to but will make such (trices on goods thut is nearly all new stock, but the all I would avoid. Cutlery, Plated Ware or Art Goods in Pol LW. - Thrush's China. FRENCH CHINA, LAMPS, - ETC. Souvenir Novelties. CRYSTAL PALACE 41 PATIOS A VIC GROCERIES ! - - Mint which you ciinnot do without ouLihttobepurchiiH- ible ati the slightest posKibli ulviince over uiecosi o- i,rn- uclion. and we are girded n tiiik itrmeiput incver.vna.ie we make. Whenever we can sec Mir way clour to marking down trices, that is what wi troinptly do. lies pet-1 fully, OWELL & SNIDER V A large discount on Clothing and one or two other items. H. REDWOOD & GO, Clothing, Dry Hoods Fancy Goods, Hats, Shoes, Carpets, Etc. 7 1 9 PATTON AVENUE. iMr-frr'i,$"'rii" A NOVEL IDEA. Umbrellas re-covered while you wait for them, making them nearly as goodas new. Call and learn our low prices THE SHOE STORE, WEAVER & MYERS, 3D Pattuu Avenue. Asheville, N. C Mniianer Frick. Denounced Uy The Clilcaico Trades hikI i.nlior AhhviiiuI? AlU'itcUTrcaHnti ami Conxplrucy. ClllCAi'.o, Inlv IS If the sciilinii'iits expressed liy tne trades mill l.'ilmr ns sembly, at its inciting Similar were car ried nut, the l'iiikcrtons, William anil Knlicrt, together with Manag.'r Frick,! of the Carnegie win ks, would be placed unilcr arrest on the charge of murder, treason, inciting riot and insurrection. is soon as the meeting was called to order "Tommy" Morgan arose and moved lo suspend the rules and re ceive u report Irom tne executive board on the Homestead a Hair. The motion was iiiicklr carried and (Jiiiutoii, of t lie tin and sheet iron work; crs, read a lengthy preamble and reso lutions. They rccued the existence ol the 1'inkerlon agency and its "habit of sending armed assassins into different states and territories to shoot American citizens and workingnicn," and stated that r rick conspired Willi the l inker tons to sclul "armed assassins called watchmen to Homestead, where by Prick's instructions armed hirelings at tacked, killed and maimed citizens anil workingmen." This was adopted : "Resolved, that we demand of the gov! crnor of Illinois that he demand Un arrest of Wm. I'inkertini, ol Chicago, on the charge that he ieilcd riot and insur rection, thai we call upon Ciov. Flower, of New York, to cause the arrest of Rob ert Pinkcrton, of New York city, on a similar charge, and wc call upon the Governor of Pcnnsylvnuinjlliat he cause the arrest of Manager II. C. Frick, ol Homestead, Pennsylvania, on the charge of treason, murder, inciting to riot, in surrection and rebellion anil at this mo ment trying lo deprive t In- American citizens ol their hollies and ol the ngut lo earn their living at their homes and at the mills which their labor built up and created." The radical spirit of the resolutions was received with cheers, which were given again and again. A committee ol live was appointed to draw up charges ot murder against the l iiikcrtous and Frick. Hdmkstbai), Pa., lulv IS. While the military are not expecting a riot they are making serious preparations lor trouble. A large additional amount ol ammunition has been ordered Irom Frankford arsenal. According to the milita officers, be tween fifteen and twenty workmen were smuggled into the mill during the night. IT WAS NOTTRI K. Mr. Cleveland Denounces a 1'alHe hood In IMalu Terms. Boston, July 10. A few days ago W Hack, of Chelsea, wrote Orover Cleveland calling his attention to this statement. quoted from the report in the Iiritish American Citizen, ol a discourse in music hull : "When Cleveland became president he had a wire run from the White House to the Cardinal's palace, and placed a Ri. man Catholic at the head of cverv divis ion of the 15,(100 employees in the d pnrlmcnts. and permitted nuns, without authority, and against the printed in structions hung up in every public build ing in Washington, to go twice each month through them and command every clerk to contribute to the support of the Roman Catholic church, and it he or she relused, have the yellow envelope sent them. Wccan sec how unworthy such a man is ol support. Mr. Clevelands replv, printed in the British-American Citizen this week, reads as follows: Gkav Gaiii.i:s,1 Hi zzakiis' Bay, Mass., Julv 1 1, l,sl)J. j "William Black, esq: Dear Sir: I am almost ashamed to yield to your request to deny a statement so silly and nosurcl on its lace as the one you send mc. However, as this is second application I have received on the same subject, 1 think it best to end the matter, so far as it is possible to do so. by branding the statement in all its details and in its spirit and intention unqualifiedly and absolutely false. "I know Cardinal Gibbons, and know him to be a good citizen and first-rate American, and that his kindness ol heart and toleration arc in contrast with the fierce intolerance and vicious malignity which disgrace some who claim to be Protestants, lkuow a num ber of members of the Catholic church who were employed in the public service during my administration, and 1 sup pose there were mauv so employed. 1 should be ashamed of my Prcsbytcrian- ism if these declarations gave grounds of ollenee. ours very truly. (jroier C'cvc.ihi, NORTH CAROLINA K All. WAV! Assessnirut of New Lines limit (Miicr June, i8n KAi.i;icii,.uiy lif. loilav the railway coiniuisaijn announces its assessment of the new Hues built since lime, 1S91. The mileage and value per mile are as follows: Washington bianchol Wilmington and Weldon road, lit! miles, If 1,000 per mile; avettevilk'.sbortciitol W ilmington and Wciilon road, -In miles, ihs.000 per mile North Carolina Midland, 13 miles. $2- 500 kx mile; Murfrccsboro railway, G miles, ?',lioo per nine; Winston railway '.) miles, $1,500 per mile; Alliemarlc and Kaleigh branch ol W ilimngtou and Weldon road, C miles, $-1,000 per mile Murphy branch ot W estern North Caro lina road, $3,000 icr mile; Cnraleigh branch ot North Carolina road, 3 miles, $8,000 per mile. Total mileage of new roac. .10. 1 otnl value assessed, $((), 000 of the old lines. Forty-eight miles of the Norfolk nnd Western road arc assessed at $0,000 per mile, an increase ol $2,500; nnd the 20 miles of the Albemarle and Pantegoroud at $3,000 per mile, an increase of $1,000. The total increase in the assessed valua tion of all the roads is $1,000,000. BoIIIiik Over. Catania, July IS. Enormous incan descent rocks and immense clouds of steam continue to be thrown out of the craters of M t. F.tnu. Part of the village of Vcnurta is distroyed by lava and an immense amount of damage done to neighboring chestnut woods. Com mit tees ot citizens are being formed to relieve the sufferers. IJo Doali mo, the days ought to have been inude lunger; don't you think? Shu I don't know, lie Why, certainly thuv ought, vou know. How can a fullnh dweaa four times In twenty-four hours nnd have time loft to accomplish anything?- 1 KEV. K. ;. PEAKHON. Larue ConureKHtlun lo Hear Illm VCHi'-rclay. There were over five hundred persons eseut at Central Methodist church Yesterday morning to hear the Rev. R. . Pearson preach. His text was taken from the third verse of the epistle of Juile, "Earnestly was once contend lor the l.nth which lelivered unto the saint?." The subject was divided into three parts, namely: 1st. What was the faith once delivered unto the sainls.' I'ud. Should this faith once delivered lie con tended lor ? Ilrd. How should it be con tended lor? The faith once delivered consisted first utile liible. It is the inspired word ol God, from Genesis to Revelation. Then came the cardinal docilities it taughl, the creation of the world by God, and not bv the various ways suggested by modern scientists; the ,ati.neinent and resurrection of Christ; justification bv faith. The faith should be contended for, fust because God in the text had commanded it. It is the only faith that will save man and therefore should he contended for. It should he contended lor bravely and courageously. Like l-.lijah in contend ing against Ahab, Jezebel and the 150 false prophets, Christians should con tend for the faith once delivered to the saints. During the course of his remarks Mr. Pearson took occasion to sfy that no where in God's Word could the author ity be "found for ordaining women to preach. That ollice had been conferred solely upon man. Neither was there any authority for woman to govern in the church. "My mother is an earnest chris tian woikcr," said Mr. Pearson, "and my wife is an ellicient christian worker in the cause of Christ, but 1 would suf fer my right hand to be cut from mv body before I would lav it upon the head ot either of them and authorize them to preach or rule in the chinch." In speaking of the duty of contending for the faith once delivered to the saints, the speaker said that it was imperative. "Would we give up our God-given right of political and religious liberty in this country without a contest?" said Mr. Pearson. "1 have no part in politics," he continued, "but it makes my blood boil to hear of force hills, and it makes my blood boil to sec the efforts that are being made to rob the world ol the faith once delivered to the saints. The sermon was listened to with pro found attention. It AND KMAJIIMIKM'. Election of Officers nl WIiihWmi Lust Week, Capt. Jas. P. Sawyer has returned to Asheville from Winston, where he went as representative from Asheville encamp ment No. -, 1. . O. F. to the grand ci campmcnt, whichasciiiblcdou the l.'tth Capt. Sawyer is enthusiastic in his praise of the treatment of the Odd Fel lows at Winston. The lollowing officers were elected at the encampment : Geo. II. Glass, Raleigh, grand patriarch; 1. h. Keyuolds, Win ston, grand high priest; Jas. I.. Yopp Wilmington, grand senior warden; P. 11. Pellitier, Newbern, grand junior warden T. W. Blake, Kaleigh. grand treasurer; T. K. Phillips, Favettevllle, grand scribe las. P. Sawver, tslicvillc, grand mar shal; W, 11. Flowers, Favettevillc, grand inside guardian; Kev. X. P. Stallings Coiuvock, grand outside guardian; C. I! r.dwards, Kaleigh, grand representative, P tie next session is lo lie held ill Kal eigh. THIS It lll'Il.H. The SI out lord Avenue Car Line and Hie llrlcU PuvIiik The paving between the rails of the Moutford avenue car line from the switch on Pulton avenue out Haywood street for a distance of fiitccn or-twenly feet, was dime along with the paving on the outside. This work, as well as the cost of paving eighteen inches on cithe side, will he paid for by the Asheville Loan, construction and improvement company, which operates the Montlord avenue hue. Mure than this, President Geo. Powell, recently appeared lielorc the joint board and requested that Hay wood street be paved, at least as lar out Moutford avenue. This company has asked no "thirty days notice. 1 he Asheville st.ect railway compaii has not yet begun the paving betwee its rails. The Pension ollice Scandal. Washington, Julv IS. Chairman Wheeler, of the pension office investiga ting committee, has asked the speaker for u day for the consideration of the re port on Commissioner Kama's adminis tration of the pension bureau. Their re port has lost its privileged character, but the rules committee is favorably dis posed towards the proposition to bring ui a resolution making the report cial order lor Wednesday. spc- Death to the Alliance In Halifax Scotland Neck, N. C, July 10 The withdrawal of twenty-five strong alii nneemeii from the county meeting, when the alliance adopted the St. Louis plat iorm, means death to the order in Hah fax county. Richmond Dispatch. He Will Have Only About 45 Ma jority, And of These Many Are Not to be Depended on For Con tinuous Attendance. London, July IS. Up to 3 o'clock this afternoon the total returns received show the election of ail supporters of the gov ernment to 3t7 opposition. It is offi cially announced that as a result of the visit of Salisbury to the (Juecn at Wind sor castle yesterday, the conservative government will meet in parliament August Among the troubles menacing the new government is the h'lbit Irish members have of irregular attendance. Many of them had business nll'airs in Ireland to look alter hitherto, and only npiieared in the house when thev were summoned there bv the exigency of Irish affairs. Thcspe eial buniness being fiimhed, they van ished again. If this practice isconfinucd under the new government, the absence of sonic forty Irish members will render the government liable to defeat at any mouiint. Parucll kept his men together when the party purse was full bv per sonal payments at regular intervals, en abling them to disregard the claims of private affairs. Till; TAKIF PLANK O. K. (irover Cleveland on tlic t'lilciilio Platloriu. CiiiCAiai, ) uly 18. Ralph I:. Hoyt, of California, now temporarily residing in Chicago, wrote to ex-President Cleve land touching his endorsement of the tariff plank in the Chicago platloim. Hoyt is an old-time republican and now a siiigU-taxer, but will support the dem ocratic ticket on the ground of tariff relorm. In his letter to Cleveland he ex pressed tne hope thnt the candidate tor he presidency would sec his way clear to endorse without iiuahhcalion the ti -protection plank in the Chicago platloi m. Mo answer was expected, out oday Hovt received this autograph let ter from Mr. Cleveland 'Your letter of July is at hand. I i gratified to learn ol your intention to support the principles and candidates fthe Chicago convention. I think no sincere advocate of honest tariff can be issatislied with the position the demo- ratic party has asiismcd on that subject lud I am sure there is no need lo fear it the contest will not be made on the lines laid down which have proved to be acceptable to a inaiontv ot the peo ple." MERRY AT OKAY UA1ILE9. An Early Morning Reception at I lie Cleveland Home, Bi'zzard's Bay, Mass., July 10. Gray ablcs was the scene of a reception at ai. rly hour this morning. A number ol prominent people living in the towns near here on the Cape came up on the arly train, arriving at 8:30, and drove over to pay theirrescctsto.Mr.aiid Airs. Cleveland. In the party were Henry C. Thacher, a prominent wool merchant of Boston, hose liume is at iarmountli; Kev. vv. Mayhcw, the Swedenborcian minis ter ol nrmouth' Maior D, B. Finney, a resident of Barnstable, who has been prominent in Massachusetts politics tor ill a century; Albert Crosby, a wealthy hicagoan, who has a summer home at ist Brewster; 1 nomas Day, a promi nent lawyer of Barnstable, and a score more of prominent people. the UevclaiiUs were hardly through their breakfast when the party arrived ttlc alter II. A warm welcome awaited hem, however, and a pleasant hour wns assed in general conversation. N. V. orld. Tlll'N ENDM AMERICAN TIN! Tc'iuescal Property of California Said to be mi I Iter Failure. San Fkancisc.i. Cal.. Julv 10. The xamincr says ihc Temeseal tin mines in an Jacinto county, Cal., arc an utltr uluic. This declaration is based prin- ipally upon the testimony oi jonii u i nick, a mining engineer of long ex peri. nee in Cornish tin mines and who worked for a considerable time in San icinto mines. lingineer Ouick gives a detailed state meat of the condition of all parts of the mines, and declares that they arc not noducing sufficient tin to keep a mill going, and that thelit'le ore in sight win soon lie exhausted. He lurther declares that no large body of ore, the working ol which will pay, has ever been found in my pail ot the district. INTO A WAMHOl'T. Railway Accident in Hwuth Carolina. Wii.mim'.ton, N. C, July IS. Train No. '27 ran into a washout on the North eastern railroad about live miles south of Florence last night. The train con sisted of engine, mail, baggage and ex press cars, two couches and Pullman sleeping cars. All cars lelt the track except the engine and rear sleciier. J.S. Cinamon, news agent, and Win. Moore, colored cm ploye, were killed. One passenger was painfull;' hurt and one other slightly hurt. 1 wo sleeping ears were somcwnai damaged. Altera delay of two hours, the passscngers were translerrcd. In the Senate. Wasimniiton, July 18. In the senate today a conference was ordered on the fortification bill, and Gorman, Stewart ami Allison were appointed con ferees on the part of the sen ate. Consideration of the defic iency bill was resumed at 1 p. m , and the paces containing the items of the Freuch spoliation claims, which bad been re served Saturday were read anil the amendment as a whole was agreed to To Adlouru July 13. Washington, July 17. The ways and means committee of the house this morn ing adopted a resolution providing for the final adjourmcnt of congress on the 25th, one week from today. The reso lution will soon be called up and In the present temper of the house there is little doubt thnt it will pass. The senate is equally anxious to bring the scssiou to a close. Champagne Mist at Pelham's. The train which leaves the Asheville depot at 3:05 wag rounding the bend ye8teraay wncn a man rushed to the platform and jumped off. His rash act created great excitement among the other passengers they all thought it was a case of suicide. Ladies fainted, men rushed to the platform expecting to sec his mangled form upon the track, but the fact was he had forgotten to put his bottle of "Buncombe Pills" in his satchel and would not start on his jour ney without them. Iletookgreatchanees, out nc might have taken greater. GRANT'S PHARMACY. In purchasing medicines don't try ex: pcrimeiits the first and only consider ation should lie ccnuincss. Buncombe Sarsaparilla has stood the test of several years and today it is in greater demand than ever. Dyer live hundred bottles sold this spring, a triumphant proof of popular approval. For sale at GRANT'S PHARMACY. BUNCOMBE LIVER PILLS are mild. yet efficient; do not cause pain or gripe, and act upon the liver and bowels. 1 hey are especially valuable as alter linner pills, and readily cure constipa tion and costiveuess. nausea, distress in the stomach, etc. They are purely vegetable and we be- icve they arc the best family oill vet pre pared and offer them with nerfect confi dence, believing that whenever used it will ue with the happiest results. Try them and judge for yourself. Foi sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. "SYKUP OF TAR AND WILD CHER. RY" us manufactured at Grant's Phar macy is the best cough medicine you can use lor yourscll or your children it is a positive cure and we guarantee it to con tain no opiates in any form, it is entirely harmless. For sale ouly at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Years ago people regarded cold cream and camphor ice as the ultimatums for chaped hands and all similar skin trou bles, many persons hud that the applica tion ot cither of them aggravates their trouble. To such "CAMPHO-GLYCER- INE COMPOUND" is aboon-itis a pos itive cure for chapped hands, chafing, sunburn, etc., and an elegant face dress ing alter shaving it contains no mineral or noxious ingredient, is elegantly per fumed, will not soil the most delicate fabric, is entirely harmless and safe to use on the most delicate skin and con tains nothing greasy or sticky. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Physicians orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part ol the the city. GRANT'S PHARMACY. OLD HATS (JO BUGGING WHEN MITG1TELL, THE MEN'S OUTFITTER, 28 Pattou Avenue, SCLUSINU OUT HIS LINBOI' STRAW HATS AT ACTUAL .COST. GENUINE AUSTRALIAN LENSES. 1 am devoting all of my time to study of the eyes and lo the peculiar formation of the lenses I warrant all spectacles I furnlih to Klve i-titirc satisfaction In all caacs, andean suit any one on first examination of thceye E. WEXLI2R, NO. 17 NORTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N.C. MILLINERY GOODS CHEAP. Mrs. McCorklc, 27 North Main street, it now Belling her splendid stock of Millinery very low, to eloie out summer stock. AT AND BELOW COST FOR A FEW DAYS. InlvlVl.-lt SPECIAL LOW RATES THIS WEEK. Railroad tickets bought, sold and ex changed. Cheap ticket to all points. All transactions guaranteed by the American Ticket Brokers' Association. Office always open. Kay's time cards free. jutytlilam 21 South MafaSt. -'X'HV TUK- fir k) nil II - w . -. MOLEL STEAM LAUNDRY THE VERY BERT WORK, K B. WIUII, MANAGER. CHURCH STREET, TELEPHONE 70.

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