Asheville Daily Citizen I NEWS-' NEWS odau. VOLUME VIII.-NO. 71. ASHEVILLE, N. C, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 20, 189';. PRICE 5 CENTS. OUK: NEW DANGER IN EUROPE CALLED 15LCKMAILF.RS A Wl'.LC(.w!". TO O'DONNKI DID HE TRY For : Iced Tea Use Our Special Mixture. KROGER, KHAL liiiTATIi. Al.T.tll TI. OWVS, W . Jrt' . JkV flT GWYN & WEST, iSuvwssora u Waller Ll.Owynj 4 SXABIXSIIEW iS8i REFER TO BANK OF ASHFVII.LE. REAL ESTATE. Loutt Securely Placed at 8 Per Cent. Notury l'uhllt. Comml.ssioncui itf 1 'teds. FIRE INSURANCE. OFFICliHoulheaHt Court ttquare. CORTLAND BROS., II cal Estate llrokcrs, -And Investment Agents. NOTARY PUHLIC. Loans mvurely placed nt JS per cent, lilliccs .'t lid l'attmi Avenue. Second thior. fcb'.lill r FOtt II I! NT OK MALI-:. Kcv. W. S. I'. Itryan'ri Iioiih.-, ftii'iiistu-il. Cumberland avi'ituc For Kent lli-siralile ollici' rooms Mi-Ak-e block, l-'urntttlu'd luid iint'uriiitlicii Iioiim-.h, JIOMiV T LOAN. JOHN CHILD, Kcal l!stutc nml Loan Hroker, WILLS BROS,, ARCHITECTS NO. 3 PATTON AV15. REMOVAL SALE ! Having leased tslorc No. D5 l'utton September 1st, I wisli to shvc trouble open Hie new store witli all new goods, to accomplish which all this stock MUST BE CLOSED OUT. I name uo prices to attract nllention, m one wilt be in doubt whether it is . A BARGAIN OR NOT. It is 110 mean or old stock, but Expense, Breakage and Time of moving it If you waul China, Glass, Lamps, tery, I'itic Etchings or Silver, eall at Nos. 57 and 50 S. Main St., Asheville, N. C J. H. COFFEE AND TEAS will Huike a supuvb drink on nice summer mornings u"d evenings, ami lor tno em ue family, from grandpa lo baby. We have a desirably line of EDIBLES, tliinjstoeliev on, a ml things tliateau bo swallowed with out (.'hewing. A, D. COOPER NORTH COURT SQUARE, ASHEVILLE, N. C. BON MARCHE NEW LOT OF mi; IX US, LACES, S, FANCY GOODS, WOOLS AND SMALL WAKES. GREAT REDUCTION IN PARASOLS, 15 in. Knibroidered Hounc iiifr, worth $1 to $1.50 per yard at -ID (ills to dose. miESS GOODS AT GHEATI Y KEDUCED PRICES. BON MARCHE ,;7 South Slain Street. F1TZPATRICK BROS., Cuiitrm-torH itiiU Ikalcis in Mixed Paints and Painters' Supplies, WAIX PA I lilt. ;to Niiuni Main Stkhist, Asuhvillk, N V. TliLl'I'llOM- NO. 13. JENKS & JENKS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Wc liavr some viry (!iirutilc tittihcr prop erties for sale tit a low lis u re. We van Rhow juii futl tleeriplion at our olliec. Due fine Asbestos mine for s.-ile. Wc citn show you mo me sjKxitiunn from trie mine and can take you to the property if yon desire Furnished and tiuluruished houses to rent. JENKS & JfcNKS, NO. 32 PATTON AVE., ASHEVILLE. Troy Steam Laundry! DOMESTIC FINISH AND FINE WORK A SPECIALTY. No. 46 South main Street. avenue, and intending lo occupy same by and expense by moving tins stock i nd lo but will ma'ic such prices on goods that is nearly all new stock, but the all 1 would avoid. Cutlery, l'lutcd Ware or Art Goods in 1'oL LAW. Thrashes China. FRENCH CHINA, ULANSWARK, LAMPS, - ETC. .Souvenir Novelties. CRYSTAL PALACE 41 I'ATTON AVE. QROCERIES ! - rimt: which you cannot do wn iiout ouiiiiLto i)ei)iirclias- ii bio at the slightest possible ulvance over thecostof pm 1 net ion and we are truided ) l ins princinie m every sale we make. Whenever we can see owr way clear to marking down irit.'es, 1hat is what we roinptly do. Itespeclfully, POWELL & SNIDER N.B. We have just placed a Inure discoiuit unClotliing and many other items. H. REDWOOD & GO. Clothing, Ih'y (loods Fancy (loods, Hats, Shoes, Carpets, Etc. 7 1 9 PATTON AVENUE. A NOVEL IDEA, Umbrellas re-covered while yon wait for them, making t hem nearly as n-ood as new. Call and learn our low prices THE SHOE STORE, WEAVER & MYERS, 30 l'uttou Avtuuc. Atihcvlllt, N. C THE CHOLERA'S bWIKT AD VANCE BY RAH The Ureal London Authority ou the DiscaMe situation Arouud Paris Poor Haultalloii in Many Countries. London, July 23. A despatch to tlic Lancet from Paris says that the cholera in the suburbs of that city is stationary and exhibits no tendency lo extension within the fortifications. Officially the disease is styled "epidemic cholcriforuii.'' It develops so slowly that time for prep aration to combat it can be readily taken. It docs not seem to have taken root within the walls of the city. In a leader the Lancet says: "Anew danger has arisen for Euroie. Whereas cholera formerly took a long time to travel from India to Eastern Russia. the railway has superseded the old trade routes over the desert, andbriiigscholcra trom Hokliara and I'ersta by rapid transit to the Caspian Sea. "The danger is greater because the countries travcrsedscrvc by their sanitary state to intensity the infection, whereas by the sea route to the Mediterranean there is always a chance that the disease aboard a vessel will die out. "The amount of cholera in Russia is already serious. Taking only two days Inst week, the official (wc fear incotn plcte) returns report 1,300 deaths, of which number 812 occurred in towns on the Volga. "At the same time there has been no immediate indication ol its rapid exten sion westward, and there is ground to hope that its customnry route across the continent does not present the sanitary conditions favorable to the diffusion of cholera such as existed in 1854, when the disease last reached England by this route." lll'CiiAKKST, July 21. The Roumanian govcrmcnt has ordered a five days'quar antine on the Russian frontier toprcycut the introduction of cholera. As a matter of fact the whole Irontier is closed to traffic from Russia, except atone station, and all the ports arc closed to vessels arriving from Russian ports on the Dan ube. St. IVriiKsmiKi;, July 21. It is offi cially slated that cholera has broken out in the government ot Kuban, on the cast shore of the sea of Azof and the Illack sea. Six deaths have occurred from the disease in that government. Till; l.ONi; 1WARINKR. MldHlilpmite, a Ho'hiiii Tiulil ami the Crew of the Cnnlnlii'x t;ii. San Francisco, July 21. Capt. 1 Vehling has arrived here, the captain pilot and crew of the little steam launch kussilolV, from Alasca. Years ago tne launcu Kussiloll was sunk olT Karl uk, Alaska. Vehling bought the boat for a trilling sum, and early this season, alter providing her with schooner riggiuc, shinned a crew, and prepared for a trailing trip among the uiuians. One day Vehling allowed his men to go ashore nt Kurluk. About noon a heavy wind came up and the vessel broke her cable and drifted out to sea. Vehling atood by the helnin and scudded under hare poles. Next morning the wind changed nnd blew him toward the San Juan Archipelago. The captain saw it was impossible to make Karluk and turned the bow ol the boat toward San rrancisto. At night Capt. Vehling would shorten sail a bit, tic Ins rudder, and go to sleet in the cabin. He cooked his own meals, manned his own boat and was king and captain ol all licjooked upon. 1 he KiiS' silolT proved herself an excellent sailor. liarly this morning Capt. Vehling got in sight of the Heads. He signalled for help, and the schooner Kodiac, which hapiicncd to be coming in, took the Kus- silolT in tow and brought her into the harbor. N. Y. Sun. SENATOR MILL Has tione Home for uood and Will Not Talk. Washington, July 23. Senator Hill has gone home and will not return here during this session of congress. He has given up his rooms nt the Arlington and icit directions lor the torwardmg ol his mail. What Mr. Hill's plans for the coming campaign arc no otic here knows. He has not discussed the subject with any memDcrs ol cither the senate or the house, although several advances have been made to him delicately by promi nent democrats. There is naturally the liveliest curiosity in congressional circles about the matter. FIRE nVtS CAt'UHT. A Quick Trial and a Louie Impris onment Tor This. S.N Antonio, Tex., July 23. The po lice have captured the fire bug who has destroyed to many thousand dollars' worth of properly in this city during the past few mouths. His name is oe Mc Donald, a painter. Helircd a residence in the subcrb Inst night and was caught as he was leaving the premises with stolen goods in his possession. Other stolen nrojcrty was found at his home which had been secured at recent incen diary fires. She 8a8 Her Husband Powders. Li.iZAiiKTii, July 21. An application for an absolute divorce, withalimony for herself and two children, will be made in the court of chancery tomor row by Mrs. George Kreig of this citv against her husband. Mrs. Kreig al leges that she had to leave her husband becuusc of his infatuation for colored women. Mrs. Kreig also alleges that her husband used to apply three kinds of complexion powder to his lace every evening, and that he would 8iciid half an hour belore a looking glass at this work. Ordered to Uo Hack to Canada Hi'i i-ALo, N. V., July 21. Immigra tion inspector lie isarry called upon Robert E. Ruse, Grand Trunk railway passenger agent, today and ordered him to return to ehc country from which he came. Ruse is a Canadian, and De Barry says he is not properly qualified to draw pay for labor in this country, as his wife and family reside in Canada and on the date ol his he had taken no steps to be come a cuizeu. A LIVELY 6CENE IN A WASH. INUTON HOTEL. PronMueut KuliflitH or Labor Are Denounced Ily Alenthert, or the Federation or Labor who Claim to Know. Y Washington, July 23. A very sensa tional scene occurred in the lobby of the Riggs House growing out of the long standing differences lietween the federa tion of labor and the Knights of Labor. The immediate cause of the trouble was the charge made against several of the officers! of the executive board of the Knights of Labor that the latter had tried to sell their inllucncc in favor ol the passane of the World's I'air appro priation for $10,000. J. V. 1 laves, sec retary and treasurer of the Knights ol Labor; John Devlin, of Detroit, and A. W. Wright, of Philadelphia, both mem bers of the executive board of the Knights, were in the lobby of the Riggs talking to General St. Clair, of the board ol con trol of the lair, who is looking alter the appropriation Here. Ilievwerc discussing the attitude ol the Knights of Labor toward the appro priation, it being alleged that the mana gers of the fair arc employing non-union labor at Chicago, when John Kclioe, ol New Vork, one of the executive ollicers of the Federation of Labor entered. Had blood exists between the Knights ol Labor and the Federation, as is well known, nnd when General St. Clair in vited Kchoc to a seat a row was imme diately precipitated. 1 don t want a seat, said Kchoc, llouersidc these men," noiiiliiiL' to the three executive ollicers of the Knights. '1 do not care to associate with them in any way, and 1 am here to tell you that they arc a scoundrelly set. 1 hey are nothing more nor less than blackmailers. They offered to sell their inlliienie in be half of the World's Fair appropriation for $10,000 and I can prove it." Kchoc s tierce accusations aroused the Kniuhts and a personal collision seemed imminent between the representatives ol the labor organizations, when several ooliccmcii stepped up and prevented blows from being struck. TO THE VETEUANM. tol.J. Hi, Itav Asks a I.uruc At lemlauve at the Ke-imlon. Citufcilcvntc Veterans: The lime ncarmg lor our encampment and every thing is most encouraging for a large at tendance. I am exceedingly anxious that wc make the occasion a suceessand to do this we must each and every one agree to make some sacrifice of time and money. Let us not content ourselves with running out a little while during the day and nose as cold and inililVer- cnt spectators, but on the contrary K't us do something lo help m the matter. II not convenient lo make a moiicv eon tribution, give something in the way of supplies lo assist m entertaining those coming Irani a distance, tents, wood and straw will 1k- provided by the com mittee and ourcounlry friends will be ex pected to supply the sinews ol war, in other words the meal, bread and other "camp embellishments" ( hard tack and blue beet not included:) Our purpose is to go into camp Friday, August 12th, immediately following the Iluncombc county centennial celeluation, that oc curring on the loth and lllh. Attend that nnd conic prepared to go into camp three days. Again we want to say, that all ex conl'cderates, of whatever land, country or command, are invited. Jnmrs M. A'av, Vice-president Confederate Veteran's as sociation. HTOLEN-ONE COW. Robert Hunt Sells a Cow and tiels Into Trouble. On Thursday night a cow belonging to Napoleon C dlius was stolen from the owner's premises on Mountain street. Detective J. II. Hampton was given the case, lie learned that the cow had been sold on veslerdav to T. M. l'or- tcr, of lliltniore, by Robert Hunt, col ored, the ainountpaid being $lS.2o. Mr Hamilton set out on the hunt for Hunt, ind about 12 o clock today arrested Inm n the alley m rear ol G. A. Sorrclls bar, on South Mam street. Hunt was locked up and will Have a tearing belore uslice A. i. Mimmev Monday morning at 10 o clock. Please IWH't " Secretary Ciishnian, ol the society lor the prevention of cruelly lo animals, in coming up South Main this morning, saw a bov loaded with a stone bruise on his heel nnd several chickens in his hand The chickens were being carried hem downward. Mr. Cnsliinaii slopped the boy and presented to hi in one ot the so cietv s Tlcasc Don I cards, which re- tiucstcd the bov not to carry the fowls in that manner. 1 he bov took tne earn and kept on his way rcadii.g but he di not change his grip on the chickens. Vuluable property. M.J. Fagg announces in Tun Citizi;n today lhat a number of those valuable lots lying on the cast side of South Main street, and known as the McDowell property, now belonging to the Asheville rark and Hotel conipanv.caiuic bought No one should buy without seeing the proierty, and no one can see it without buying, dipt, hagg will lake pleasur in showing il and naming prices. They Were In a Row. William Wclborn and John Allison colored, were arrested by Detect! Hampton today on a charge of carrying concealed weapons and aidiugiu therow in Kcmlwurth on 1 ucsday tun lit. 1 lu men had n hearing before Justice Sum mey this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Wi born and Allison live in Asheville. cut orr. The extra train running, between Ashe villc and Waynesville, on the Murph branch of the Western North Carolina railroad, leaving Asheville at (i:4.ri p. in and arriving nt 8:10 a. in., has been dis continued. License to Wed. Register Mackcy has issued license wed as follows: Dud Creiismau anil Mary 1'rcslcy, lluucombe; while. IT WILL CAl'NE Titoi'iii.;.. - liOMEHTEAO. 1 lictilM rlir Hays Any l oimal atlc Will he Stopped, lltit the Strllit rs v the 1-rolilMtloii In IJU'Sif. IIi'Mi:sn:.Mi, J'a., July 23. The chief danger ol a collision ofphysicial force in Home slcad is generally expected to fol low (he release of Hugh O'Doiiucll and his return home if thai should laU1 place. In the event of bail being accepted for him by the court his friends here have determined to give him a rousing reeci - lion and the authorities arc equally posi tive no such demonstration should be permitted. If a welcome procession should be attempted the outlook is that a serious encounter will certainly occur. I'rovost Marshall Greene said the sheriff had decided to prevent any public assembly of the kind and clearly stated that the parade would be stopped. The steel workers on the other hand say the proposed prohibition is wholly illegal and they will not submit. NOMINATION OF SHIRAS. Nut Vet Continued y the Senate House Work. Washington, July 2.'!. In the senate today Mr. Morgan introduced a bill to provide for control of the Union and Central l'aeilic railroad companies until their debts to the government, are lully paid up or secured. Referred to a select committee on the l'aeilic railroads. The house bill granting right of way to the I'cnsocola Terminal company through the lauds of the naval reserva tion near l'ensncola was passed. In the house consideration of the sen ate amendments to the general deficiency appropriation bill was resumed. The pending amendment was that relative to the French spoliation claims. It was noil concurred in. The sen itc judiciary committee con sidered the nomination of Shir. is to be associate justice of flic supreme court, but adjoin ncd till Monday without action. Should Mr. Shims succeed in taking his place on the Ih iicIi it will be necessary for him to make a change in his personal appearance il he desires to maintain the style set by the other justices. In the pictures of him in the public prints he is shown as wearing long side whisksrs, n thing that would hardly le tolerated in the United States supreme court. Chic! lustice Fuller is allowed to keep his flow ing mustachios, because there would be so little of him left if they were cut olT, and Justice Lamar clings to his chin beard because should he remove it he would be doing violence to one ol the most sacred traditions of the south. liut these two cases arc exceptions, as Mr. Shiras will undoubtly learn if be bej comes a justice. N. V. Sun. DISTRICT CONFERENCE. All Iuterestluic Addrcsa by C K Adachl, of Japan. oi.b Fiikt, N. C, July 22. The . xcr- isesofthe district conference continue most interesting, the committee on issions made its report this morning. In this important work of the church several addresses were made, but the ad ess of the day on this subject was de- vcred bv C. K. Ad.ichi of Kobe, Japan. ho is stopping lor the summer in Ashe- lie. As he recited the needs of the great ipancsc empire, in the matter of Chris- m enlightenment, there was sceminglv u almost breathless attention and each icnioer oi the large congregation was melted to tears as this young man rc- itcd his conversion from Confucius t'ne religion of our Lord. (Juite a number of visiting brethren roin the North Carolina cuntcrencc are ittendancc. The lay delegates present from Asheville are W. II. 1'enland, T. C. nith, . M. Alexander, W. L. Walker, . Weaver, F. M. Snider, D. W. Urutou and I. II. Cole. These arc the represent it'vcs from our four churches. Key. I. L. Gioomc, of Waynesville sta ion, preached a tine sermon last night, j. c. r. Y. 91. C. A. NOTES. Rev. J. L- While lo Address the (inspcl McctliiK Tomorrow. Hearing the yoke in youth" will be the subject of Rcv.J. L. White's address at the Young Men's Christian Associa ion tomorrow at ." p. in. Prof. C. A. Garratt adds great I v to the song service by his excellent violin music. Strangers n the city arc cordially invited to these men s meetings. Wilmer Ilostic will lead the boys meet ing at t p. m. Hoys eleven to seventeen invited. The event in this department next week will be a reception by the boys to their triends on Thursday evening. Captain Red ford lllamcd. London, July 21. The judgment ofthc Liverpool board of trade in the matter of the wreck of the City of Chicago is that the accident was due to careless navigation, and that the certificate of Capt. Red ford of the city of Chicago should be suspended for nine months. X. V. Sun. Made Craxy by "Nerve Tonic.' M.sseouTAii, 111., July 23. John Car roll, a Munroc county farmer, read nn advertisement sonic time ago of n won- dci lul nerve cure, lie sent east lor the so-called ncryc tonic and used a bottle of it. lie is now insane and will proba bly die. II is generally believed that the ncryc tonic caused the trouble. Hrewerv unrned. Wkshington, July jii. the mam building of the Hcnrich Ilrewcry, on Twentieth street was almost completely destroyed by fire this morning. Loss estimated at from $75,000 to $125,000. And no Bav We All. From the N. Y. World. The next president is lo bca democrat. This is official. Dr. G. II. Mayer, 59 South Main street, is closing out opticnl goods for 30 days. Secure bargains. Removal sale at Law's. A big discount on all goods. Captivaliug-PEACH CREAM SODA. TO COMMIT SUICIDE? The train which leaves the Ashrville lepot at 3:05 was rounding the bend yesterday when a man rushed to the ilatlorm and jumped oil. His rash let created great excitement amoncr the other passengers they all thought it was a case ol suicide. Ladies fainted, men rushed to the platform expecting to sec his mangled form upon the track. nit the fact was he hud forgotten to mit his bottle of "ilimcoinbe Fills" in his satchel and would not sturt on his jour ney without them. Hctookgreatchances, but he might have taken greater. GRANT'S PHARMACY. In purchasing medicines don't try exs perinicnts the first and only cousidcr- iiion should oe genumcss. Uuncombe S.-irsaparilla has stood the test of several years and today it is in greater demand than ever. Over five hundred bottles sold this spring, a triumphant proof of popular approval, t or sale at GRANT'S PHARMACY. UUNC0M11E LIVER FILLS are mHd. yet efficient; do not cause pain or gripe, and act upon the liver and bowels. They are especially valuable as alter dinner pills, und readily cure constipa tion and costiveucss, nausea, distress in the stomach, etc. They are purely vegetable and we lie- licve they are the best family pill yet pre pared and offer them with perfect confi dence, believing that whenever used it will be with the happiest results. Try them and judge for yourself. Foi sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. "SYRUP OF TAR AND WILD CHER RY" as manufactured at Grant's Phar macy is the best cough medicine you can use tor yourscl! or your children it is a ixjsitive cure and we guarantee it to con tain no opiates in any form, it is entirely harmless. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Years ago people regarded cold cream and camphor ice as the ultimatums for chapiied hands and all similar skin trou bles, many persons hud that the applica tion ol either of them aggravates their trouble. To such "CAMFHO-GLYCER-INE COMPOUND" is aboon-itis a pos itive cure for chapped hands, chafing, sunburn, etc., nnd an elegant face dress ing after shaving it contains no mineral or noxious ingredient, is elegantly per- luineo, win hoc sou i ne most delicate fabric, is entirely harmless and safe to use on the most delicate skin and con tains nothing greasy orslickv. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Physicians orders nromntlv filled and delivered free of charge to any part ol the cue cuy. GRANT'S PHARMACY. OLD HATS GO HUGGING WHEN MITCHELL, THE MEN'S OUTFITTER, 28 Patton Avenue, ISCLOStNO OPT HIS LINE OP STRAW HATS AT ACTUAL .COST, GENUINE AUSTRALIAN LENSES. I am de-Toting all of my time to study of the cyc and to the peculiar formation of the Ic-nacs I warrant all spectacles I furnish to Rive entire satisfaction In all case., and can suit any one ou first examination of the eye. E. WEXLER, NO. 17 NORTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. TYPEWRITING! Wc have an exiiei t atrnograpber and are preimri'd to do all kind, ol work in our line at short notice. l.UC.AL WORK A SPECIALTY. Circular letter mid all kinda of Mimeo lirniih work very cheap. Satifaetion guaran teed. W. 1). CASH A CO. 16 Court Place. SPECIAL LOW RATES THIS WEEK. Railroad ticket, bought, Bold and ex changed. Cheap tickets to all points. All transactions guaranteed by tbe American Ticket Broken' Association. Office alway open. Ray's time cards free. julylldSm as South Main St. -xnv xhjk- MOLEL STEAM LAUNDRY THE VERY BEST WORK, E- B. WILLIS, MANAOER. CHURCH STREET, TELEPHONE 70.

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