ASHEVII.LN UAlLY ( 'AKS: SATURDAY KV JULY 28, ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN MR. UOYTKIil'l.lliS TO MK.tiMXHS. Thb Daily Citizhk, Hcmocnuic, is published every afternoon (except Similar) at the l'ol lowing rate strictly cash: One Ybk $(J.iiO Six Month ;i.on Tiibrr Months i.O'i Onb Month no OnbWbbk 10 STUKDAY. JULY aa, LS'i FOR l'KUMDIiNT: C.KOVUK CLKYI5I.Al.l. for vice-i-kksiuknt: ADLAl lv. STICVlvNSON. FOR tlllVKRNOK: ULIAS CARK, of liilj?cvom!i. for liei!ti:nast-c,ovi:rn(iI! : R. A. DOUC.HTON, of AlU'uhany. FOR SHCRIiTAUY OF 8TATF. : OCTAVHS COKI5. of Wiikf. FOR Al'lUTOU: ROKT. M. l'l'RMAX, of liiiiKHinV. FOR TKKASI'KKR : DONALD V. BAIN, of W.ikc. for sitt. prnuc instki'Otion: J. C. SCARU0R01GII, of JuIihsI.ih. FOR ATTORNEY C.liSKHAI.: FRANK I. OSHORNI!. of Mci-kloiiliiiiK FOR I'RIiSlDKNTIAI. KI.I-CT.IHS AT I. ARCH C. U. AYCOCK, of Wnviir. K. D. Gl.UXN.of l-msvtli. FOR H'llC.K OF TWELFTH IITML'IAL MM Kli. "I CJIJO. A. SIUJl'OUIl, of Hiiuomilic. FOR CII.NT.KIiSS NINTH IIISTUKT: VM. T. CRAWFORD, ol Ilaywoo.l. . 1'Ol.ITICM. COMMXl:. Hon. . II. Mkrrimon retticitii Tin; Citizkn to sav, thai while lie fully up pcieciates the kindness of those entle nieii who have tailed upon him lo stand for a scat in the lower house of the state legislature at the ensuing eleeliou, the reasons that compelled him to resign his judgeship, make it impossible for him to neeept this tioiniiialion under any iir tumstanecs. With all its faults the New York Mer uit! has nlwavs liccn a steadfast friend of the south and we have honored it ae iirilinj;ly, but it ean never aaiti he the same esteemed coiiieiupor.'iiv that it was lieforc it spoke as it did in its issue ol Wednesday, of the North Carolina mem ber of the ii'itilieatioii committee as Roie Ivlias. C'harlottec Observer. Seeing that the World called him Cope Israel and that the Herald tnijjit have called him Moses I'opc we think you ought not to withdraw the light of your countenance wholly from the Herald t'.ive it another chance but not at Mr.;is. I'ei haps the managers of the notilica lion met ting a I Madison S.piaiv I'.arden tonight would have done well it they had exercised the pnlilcmss ol inviting ti.ivernor Hill to be present - New York Sun. Asa matter of fact, au invitation was telegraphed Senator Hill, too late, how ever, for him to accept. Hut no invita tion was necessary. No man stood at tilt door of Madison Siiuair tianlcn to kcepSenator Hill out. As a Washington dispatch says: "Hill understood that no invitation was needed, as jt was an occasion where everybody who desired and could u'.,t,iin Mlmission could Ik present. He regretted, however, that he had made o'her arrangements for that eveningandcoiild not attend." Had the situation been reversed, "other ar rangements" would not have kept Ore -ver Cleveland away. HOJli; RAILWAY R ATI M. Some months ago an tlloi t was made to ascertain how Asheville was being treated as a resort in the matter of re duced passenger rates. To the surprise of most people word was returned from the railroad offices that Asheville had been for sonic time the especial charge ol the ruilroads, and that she was being favored above all other resorts. If that was the case then it appears that it is far from the situation now, A gentle man who left Asheville recently writes as follows to a friend in this city from Chicago: "1 have found one thing that operates very much against Asheville as a resort. The railroad rates to Asheville are pro hibitive in comparison with the rates to other places. I can go from here to Den ver and return, two thousand miles, un limited summer ticket, for $11!. oil. lean go from here to New York and ol course to all of the eastern resorts for very lit tle more and return for $l.'t. 1 ean go to Toronto, Canada, and return for $10. In fact 1 can go from here to any of the lake resorts and return for one-fourth of one reuulnr fare. Hut from here to Asheville and return I have to pay I?.'!" and yet Asheville is only about l.r.uo miles distant. 1 can go to Cincinnati -a wludc night s rule and return lor .( This is information obtained from the railroad ticket sellers in Chicago and is reliable. It does not come through rail road men anxious to make out a ease for themselves, but is just such informa tion us is given to the traveler who seeking a summer resort. If he has heard of Asheville and wants lo come here he is told that he can go to I leaver, nearly twice as (ar, and return for less than hall what he would have to pay to conic here. Under the circumstances he is not likely to choose the more expensive journey un less he has already been here am! knows that Denver is not really a rival of Ashe yille. The moral of all this is not abuse of the existing railway system; it will goon as it has begun regardless of everything but competition. When we gel that the problem will be in a lair way of solution tl;C his ol It 'Works IlolU ways. From the Baltimore Sun. The Homestead affair is deplorable but it is bringing the public mind to reason out useful truths. The workmen there try to make Mr. Carnegie share his profits with them. They use a degree of compulsion. When the protectionist olr- - iects to this the answer is: "If the whole comminity is to be compelled by tariff laws to surrender the benefits of foreign competition and low prices in or der that you may pay American work men high wnfies, why should not you as an employer be under compulsion from Tour workmen in case you do not pay the high wages?" There is no answer. If the tariff lord compels the community to suffer for the workmen's alleged ben-.- fit. he should himself sympathize with 1 '. the workmen.. Compulsion is wrsng. of coarse, eitner way. am me protection ist begins by being a compulsionist. ; , ' . ' The contract for putting in n complete sewerage system for JCnoxville, Ton., Us just beta let for $ 189,371, . LnrroK Tin; Citukx: rerun t me t1 state through your columns, fur the infer- matiou ol Mr.Tihnati R. dailies, that my communication in Tm; Citikn ol 1 1 th ol J uly containing criticism, wai u.n.; ad vice and solicit udefot the prohibition pc. pie county," was written In behalf of the great and g'oi iot:s ca.rc of tempcrame. In it, 1 endeavoured, in inv poor way, to show that some ot lln prohibition an thods were hiiidciing. in stead of helping the cause. I confess to the "criticism, warning," and cv:-n "ad vice." but as for the "solicitude" I 'haw the line at that wo.d. My solicitude is mil v lor t lit- hnipcrancc caus.; I li.iv. mule whatever for the prohibition party If Mr. t'.aines will read tuv article c.n-fi-.llv, he will see that in his teply he has not replied. 1'or exainpl.', I'e says: "In this lie meaning mc rebukes an cat nest friend of temperance who had published in Tin; Citizen a pointed letter of warn ing to the neisous, including the may. r of the eitv," etc. Now 1 asl Mr. t'.aines ii' it was not the language used bv the "earnest fi ieud" ol temperance, and not Ins act. that I criticisi.l ? 1 cited this instance in illustration ol the abusive method. Mr ('nines puts it mildly w hen lie calls it. a "pointed" lettei . in which the "earliest friend" consigned the souls of certain citizens of Asiteviilc to hell, and intn m- ed them, in ell'ect. thai the devil woulu surely get them for their nils. I. 1 un derstand in v mother tongue, this is scm rilotis and abusive lan "tiagc. lam sine Mr. t'.aines is too estimable a gentleman to deleiid such language, and, I have no doubt, agrees with me when 1 s.iv that such intemperate remarks injure tin cause of temperance, lie simple pennii ted his zeal to bias his judgment in Irs attempted defence ol thc"earik'st It iend." "lie then arraigned a minister of gospel, etc., lor speaking plainly view on the moral and social statu the li.ptor dealer. The supercritical Mr. llovt will not allow another writer in Tin; Citizen, or a minister in the indig nation meeting to pursue a similar course to that which he is lioldlv follow ing in his communication." If 1 used abusive language in my coii -inunieation. ti c above is unanswerable; if I did not, Mr. dailies' remarks, as .pu.tcd above, are irrelevant. 1 hope yon will pardon me. Mr. dailies, lor calling your attention lo i he t thai this statement is also, to sonic . sum, erroneous. I did not arraign a "miuiv ter of the gospel lor speaking plan ly his views on tile moral and social status ol the liipior dealer." I ciiliti-ed his ic marks as being of an offensive and per sonal natuie. lie did not express him self in a general way about li.pior dea -eis. His remarks were liiuet, i and insulting; and applied to the indi vidual whom he mentioned by name. In point of fact the assailed w as not a li rpior dealer al all. lie hail contempla ted establishing a li.pior business on I'alloii avenue, but had already ah u dimed the design out of dclercnce to tic withes ol many citizens. 1 cited this in stance also in support, of my argiiauut that the cause of temperance is hinder d by intemperate and abusive langu i;-.'. 1 1 any one doubt this, let him ask nm the numerous friends of the assail . d i . in their estimation, the cause id te nner nice was advanced by this personal al ack. At the time he was assail..!, .v!. was no more a li.pior dealer than was Ins assailant, and he should hae. been commended lor his act, not insnl'.id. Mr. Gaines says 1 am mistaken in call ing the tiuligiiulionj :i meeting, a p.. ri al meeting held in the intcrc.-'. ol tin- prohibition party, lie says no proi i- bitionisl had anything to do with the meeting, "Tin-. Citizen king responsible for the assembly." Now I ask Mr. dailies, did not Tm- Citizen, when announcing tne tact that the intention ol opening t he p. pior saloon it been abandoned, also declare that the cause for holding an indignation meeting no longer existed, and then and there dropped the matter ? In order lo establish your cause, you have suppress ed some of the facts. An indignation meeting was called bv I he Citizen. !s,, you have slated it accurately, but vou quite forget to mention that, belore the lime had arrived lor holding the meeting Tin; Citizen announced its ibandonincnt ol the design, as the cause had been removed. 1 again assert that their was no "in dignation" uncling. There was nothing to be indignant about, and the only In dignant persons at the meeting, which was Inl.l only by, and in the interest ol the prohibition party, were the prohibi tionists themselves, who were in a wrathlul frame of mind, apparently, be cause there was nothing to be indignant i bout. "Mr. Ilovt mentions a kindly worded request to Tin; Citizen, bv resolution of the indignation meeting, that its proprie tors would take lupior advertisements from the columns of their paper." Kii.dly worded," forsooth! What n sly touch of humor! I can well laucv how Mr. dailies' left eve ticctiotisly closed and opened, nnd how his right twinkled as he penned that phrase. Contemporaneous liistonarstell us that when Claude Huval relieved ladies and entlemeii of their superfluous watches, purses and jewelry, hiseotirlliness of man ner and grace were so inimitable that the gentlemen grew pale with envy; and his ' kindly worded ropiest" so irresistible, that the ladies fell incontinently in love with him. 'Tis true, that, on t he part of the prohibitionists, there was lacking the pistol lea lure which invariably accom panied and punctuated the gallant Claude's "kindly worded rctiucst," but, apart from Ibis, the difference is too trilling to merit mention. "There was no effort in this to destroy the business ol Tm; Citizen." Will, there! I can'l go on; laughter compels me to cut this short. I will close by saying that, while 1 ad vocate the cause of tcniicranec in speech as vail as drinking and eating I am d. cidedly opposed to the methods of the prohibitionists, wlio arc destructives who, for a sentiment, would legislate ou of existence millions of dollars invested in "legalized industries," (that phrase seems to offend Mr. Gaines) throw thousands of laborers out of employ ment, nnd yet offer nothing by way of compensation to the stillerers. I He per son who calls this honesty, must he suffering from an attack of moral strabismus. Jithn K. lloyt. re cut political sensation is the an incut by the republican organ at Rakish which has favored placing in (he acid a stale li.ket, tl at il has ih i .geii i s i icw. Il n wsays that there should he a fusion ...i the st .1.- lickil with I In th'r! part v. !' concludes: ' ll is vil lain ihoc w i'! be two slate tiii.e's ill the lichi That there will bo three i. not piobable. I'h. ae i.i :h. d .ubl tin third p.ntv will have the votes ca.t lor its Mate ticket counted. The question ol fusion will he divided b- t .e icoiibliean state . xccutive eiiuiuiiu. at i s rpee ially called meeting here n Thnrsday. It in 'ii ks a t-e-.v era m icon lean p .1:1 1, s in N ii Hi Carolina." Davidson e.u rcspondeiiee C!inl ttc Obseivir: A lonpei m.uchaiil I M: J no. Caldwell I has gone I o" mien- u- la rul ing." The lii ii-st wheal, cum cotton .'.ibbages 1 Im ve ycl sei u aic on he si.biirbaii lai ni ol Mr. C'ai.l m II -nil old p Vce of laud of s me I) icies. lately fought bv Mr. C. :d Sloan icre. but ci.chvl.'d bv clover an. I peas, lie has made this year llllo ol .client double enough to pay the cost of the laud in a single crop. laicn Smith, a white Serv nil girl about 111 Years old. was louml .had ill i strip of woods a half mile west Winston. A post-mortem examii..'ti ion iciealcd a bullcl-woiind in the bieast the bullet h aving penetrated tnelivir indent i he large vein below the heart. All the circumstances point to niu-der. Tile next meeting of the cony cation i. f Tail) .ro' will be held at Jack son. thi; i,4ti;t im. An Au:urapli l'rtlii-oiit Now t!"t.-Uugi- in Wasliliitoii. Wa it-.i e r. Atlanta l.'niltilulin.l. Mrs. Abuer Ta lor, the wife of the mil lionaire Chicago congressman, has ini tialed a starllingly unique lad, perhaps llie most startling and unique ever ir anguraledbya Washington society l.iuy It has been customary lor a long nine in Washington lor ladies to secure the autographs of senators, representa tives and high public dignitaries in an album. Mis. Taylors ambition has iiitgrown t hc.-dbum stage. 1 here is now p issing tnrougn me nonseoi represenia- tivcs.u col Mis. I avtor s iin.icrgarnicuts, which is tcch.u.'ally known to the female sex as a sun '. A neat nine noie iroui Mrs. Tavh.r is appended, addressed to the representatives of the people ill geu l e.iuestmg each oneol llieni to write his autograph upon the garnicnt. She explains in tne note mat it is nei pin p isc to einhi older the names in silk with the oriiii autograph a view lo possessing w lien mentation is completed, all si. n t of the present congress. I he passage of this linen affair Iroui disk to desk tluoiigh the house has erea ted no end ol amusement among the con gic-suien and many of the more modest oi ihc people's representatives are .in x i-our-lv iuqiiiiiiig where of the ladies is going to stop. When the garment reaches the senate, that august POWDER Absolutely Pure. A t'Tcatn of t;it"tor lutklnc ,owder. High est tit all i i U-ii viiiinir ntrcnjUh. Latest U. ltvrnimr it lfnml Krport. KMVAI. n A K I NO POWDER CO., ion Wnll Street. N. Y A MISTAKE Will Be Me UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITY ! 3JA Thirty-four of the .Choicest IJuihlintf C J . Lots in City, County or Shil CJ FOR SALE REASONABLY; t.v 1 li si coming here to en- iov (!:tlii v cck unless they ImI.ii Mil vm ill Mini llf I tomfio'H I Special lliii'mun Sale, which Being tt pint of the McDowell pmei ly, fronting n will begin Monday, the 11th, and continue every day dur ing thoMeek. Mr. Rustic has I decided to make it the sale mil DHilONOGRAPHS AT- WSIOLESAI.K i on a m:vv DAY.". A M. FIELD LEAOING JEWELER, 18 South main .., Ashvvill'-. G. II. MAYER, CONSULTING OPTICIAN. 59 South Main Sti pr h. experience a s.inek . hich ii w hi take some time for it r. ImhIv !pii.i t. . i ei A i.encr.i! hope is express! .1 anion-; the statesmen on the hill that Mrs. Tailor's new lad will not strike the fanev of the list of the lail seeking Washington l.cihs. I.l.MON hl.lXIK. .V I'lciiHiuit I.eiuon Tunic. i:,r- lion, constipation ami Sick ami Nervous , Nervousness ami I'o Malaiia, For I Headache. For ShcphsMics Heart 1 li-cases. l-'iir Fever, Chill.. Heliility and Kidney lii-eascs, take Lemon lilixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon lilixir. ir. Mozlcy's Lemon lilixir is prepared from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tunics, and will rot fail yon in any of the above named iliseasis. oOc. and $1 bottles at druggists, I'repared only by Pr. U. Mozlcy, Atlanta, C.a. A Hanker WrltcHi From experience in my family, I'r. II. Mozlcy's Lemon lilixir has lew, if any e.pials, and no superiors in nuilieine, lor the regulation of the liver, stomach anil bowels. W. 11., I'res. Nat '1 Hank. McMiiiuvillc, Term. Cord. 1'or nervous and sick headaches, indi gestion, biliousness and constipation I of which 1 have Ikcii a great sullcrcr) have never found a medicine that would rive such pleasant, prompt and perma nent relief as lr. II. Mo.lev's Lemon lilixir. J. 1'. tfAw rru., Crilliii, C.a., Publisher Daily Call C 0 : i M G OUT MY BUSINESS, uir last i h ituT lo t yoursiKlil accurutrly lilted Willi Inftscs witlunit charge fi r the examination. ONLY 30 DAYS LONl2U. l'era, TieM Glnsiun Mtnl oilier Optical In- rttmiiuuts nt h sulistnntinl reduction . L. COWAN & CO., JEWELERS, - Al.l. K NIISOC WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Wc Make a Specialty of l"inc Watch Repairing;. Mr. W. W. tto'.'ninitli is our wntehiiinker. nnd W nlv His i.l. ascd to sec his cu-ilotitcrs. A Last Chance. I'r.mi the Kiclimond Mispiitcli. A stinging charge in Mr. Cleveland's speech U Mutt the managers of a party which did not hesitate to steal the pres idency would not hesitate tw use the force bill in carrying out their nefarious schemes lor perpetuating the power ol the renulilican party. Yes, wc may resl assured that if in our spinenesB wc allow the republicans to make a law of the force bill the presidency will never again fall into the hands ol the democratic tiartv. The power of the federal govern ment will be ruthlessly employed in de stroying nny tinil every party that may try to dislodge the corrupt republican gang. Let the republicans once more get their hands into the national treas ury, and those hands will never cease to be lull o: the people s money. Have you tried Peach Cream Soda ? A'est, fresh air, no dust, no heat ! Dummy line! Cool shades nmt sweet! ASKhViLLE'S EUSISESS COLLEGE, l'rof. M. M. Lemmond, formerly Fresi hut of The Searcy College ec business School, of Searcy, Ark., and for three vears a teacher, in the Missouri State Normal school will establisa a thor oughly complied institution in this city for ladies nun gentlemen slvlcil 1 lie SOliTllLKN HI SINliSS CULLliGlv lie has secured the f!rd story of the Na lioual Hank building on the corner of Court place and I'atlon Avenue which will be remodeled nnd iiirnisiic.l so as to male it equal lo nny Ilnsincss College rooms in the south, being macniliccutlv located, having line ventilation and light, will have elegant modem furniture including Hank, Wholesale, Commission and freight olliees anil Commercial bx change, lie will have thoroughly com peleiit and experienced teachers. 1 tic lull Ilnsincss course will include Theory llook-kecping, llusiness training, Hunk nig, niiiesaiing, commission mereial Law. llusiness Forms, l'enman ship, Commercia Arthcmetic, Practical mulish. Letter writing.bpcllincnml prac tical use of words, Literary nociclv work Lietiiieson Political economy and Civil lioveriiiuent. Averngc tunc lor coin oletinir the course about five months The Shorthand course includes. Short hand, Tvpewriting, Praetietil linglish Letter writing and selling Average Icrni fur coinplclinit the course about four months. Mrs. C. IJ. McKcc, for merly the principal teacher in the llryant & Strattou's shorthand department in llnltimore will have charge ol the short hand and typewriting. Lectures in Com mereial law will be delivered by Judge J H. Merrimon. in Political science by l'rof. P. P. Claxton, of Johns Hopkins school of Political science, in Civil -ov- ernnient, by the Hon. Melvin E. Carter. Scliolarsluo. in tne business course, un limited ns to time. $50: for Shorthand limited to six months, $40; for Type writinc. $30: or for Shorthand and Tpyewriting together, $00; Scholarships will be paid for when received. The school will lie onened on August 15th A deduction of $10 will be made upon all scholarships in the Business or Shorthand and Tvncwntinc courses soia on or De- fore Sept, 1st, 18U2. Prof. Lemmond invites a careful investigation of his course and a comparison .with other schools of the United States. Anyone wishinir further information can see him at No. 90 Haywood street from 8 to 0 a. m., or 7 to a. p. m. , juiua i m THE FAMOUS CONNELLY SPRINGS. DIRr.CTI.Y on line .if fV. N C. (llvl-lMI l)f R. : Ir. K. K., mid only ISO ynrds from station. Four ilnily pmsi-nter triuna. This favorite resort m now open, i-unine umieclled in the south, anil preluded over by a well-known ehef. 1 nil water nun nrcn niEn.yrnuuinr.iiF. hundreds ut the me.lieal prolcion, nnd hn lien tironnunccd bv a competent London nnthorltv to lie fully superior to any ol the mot celebrated mineral water of liuropc nnn America, it i ninppe.. iu .mm quantities all otcr llie united Mates, anil also Uirece (.. i,oniu.n, oi.H.nt.u. t.n. troniy diuretic nn.l tonic, lii.r. stnlile. harlicr shot). Inundry, Imll- rooin, bowlinR ally, ponl nn.l billiard tnldcs. onnvnuea scenery, pi.n.nn unven. i-u-i band all the season. Write for prospectus and rutes lo CDNNBl.i.v sr'Kiisiis i.w., JulylftdSm Connelly SprinRs, N. C of 11h .voiir, ninl will otter pvprUiinV lwii below "nuul SI! ssill" prices. Kesulur "cob crushers' ami stone break trs'' will bo Ins motto for the week. Kvorythins in (lents Furnishing Hoods will f'o at first cost to make room for his larue b v uoods nnd no tion trade. Thousands ol vrmls of oiettv Dress (Sooils will have to move lotliouine of "(Juiek Sales mid Small Profits. '' Odds and ends will be ui ven a way and everybody made haiipv. Thousands of slrnnuers visilmu- onr city will return home to talk ot Bostie's low i trices, pretty troodsand polite attention. Fathers will tell it to their children, wives to their hus bands and lovers will talk about in t he wee sma Hours of the liKtrninsr. and just so loii",' as the great lala Week of tin; ''Ouecii wty ol tin West" is leniembered. just so long will Iiostie, his goods and bis prices be the one in spiring theme that will stim ulate oi hers to try ami inn tate (not. excel I) tho leader of low prices and the defier ol competition. Trices would be given, but they are the talk of the town, for there is not a dav or an hour hut h's clerks are asked thequestion, How is il , and why is it that vou can sell goods so low? Only those who would not listen to reason and havt only stayed avay becausi thev have been humbugged by ol hers are the ones who are not profited by JJostic's low prices (Jo and see lor yourselves, (let in the float and don t stand on t ho bank and see others made happy while you are getting left on all occasions, and you will ever thank us for telling you NrNOT TO FORGET THE PLACE.-taU J. T. BOSTIC, 30 Patton Avenue. Main si n et, the Boulevard of Asheville. - a HALF HUNDRED- INWtlVI'IS KNOWN AS Till; BUCHANAN TKACT, A I I INC. SUITII M 'N .NO llt'NCOMIlti IlKIVIi. AI'PI.Y AT tl-l"CI! IN W Ii Tli.i.N CKtH-lV ll.WK. T. capt. m:. j. :fa.gk3t, ManaKcr ol the AHlievlUc rnrX mm llutcl coin puny PAINTS, OILS AN D STAINS, WINDOW SHADES, FOli SALI: 11Y NICOLL & HUN No. 10 COURT SQUAI No ALL WOltK GUARANTEED. 9 West Court riacc, ASIlIiVII.l.i:, n. c. SIDEWALK PLANK, AND STRINGERS, FRAMING, SHEETING, &C. 1'W hAI.lC AT- THIC FRENCH BROAD I.URiU'SSCR .". RICHMOND & DANVILLE R. R. CO. I'. V. llrlil!K..I'i:H nnil Kki'Iikn I'iisikk, Krccivcrn. WESTERN K011TH CAROLINA DIVISION. Comk-ns- .1 sclii'tlntc in idVct Mny 15, l.s'.)l. JKSSK R. ST A RISES, UNDERTAKER : AND : EMBALMER. BVKKY HBOtUSlTB OV THU 11HMNUSS rUKMSHBO EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. HallHfactlou Uuaratttccd. EASTBOUND Lv Knosvillc, Mnrrmtown, v ; I.T. faint Kook, Hot Sprint;, I.T. Asheville, Koiiiiu Ktifih Marion. MorganUm, Hickory, Newton, Stntcsvillc, Ar. Salisbury, " urcensnoro. UanviHe, Ar. Richmond, Ly. Grctrnaboru Ar. Durham, RaleiKh, Goldsboro, Lr. Danville, Ar. Lynchburu. w anington. NO 10 NO. 12 h 1 t :i.pam 1 2 a5pm rj;v.)pm 'A 4-fipm 4 LMipm (M)'.ipm n.ptrpm fi 17 pm 70pm N05pm lO' I 2 ."mm rhVMSSHiVAL t .!.' .''. H. KAUFMAN N, ARCHITECT . AN5 SU?E:UriTnNOr NT, ol'I'ICt! AM. ItlfSIIHiN. II : :',s n:iii. ..n sr., asiihyii.i.i:. . (Id1 .am 111 L'4-...n 1 1 li'.lani 1 'J till. in I I r.Tpm l' 41 0..ii 1 Ilaltimorf, 1 Philadelphia, 1 New York, IWESTBOUNDJ w. New York, 1 Philadelphia, 1 Baltimore, NO. 9 'rompt Attention Given to Call. Hay or Nltfit. Olhce and retidence No 87 North Main Street. Telephone No. 61. 11I1J well known and popular ARDEN PARK HOTEL (iicne.l on Ihc lith innt. with a Crand null. NotwithtnnilinB llie iniiemcntj ui im u.n.hrf fhrre wnfl In attendance a lnruc crowd of the most distlnsninhe.J citizens of the community. , The noted pianist, Trof. Dcnck, furnished the music for the occasion. Arden Park I nine mili from Asheville, and one-hnlf mile from Arden illation on th: S. nnd A. rnilroa.l. The proprietor nnd his lady will spare no pains iu looking after the comforts of their uuesls. Good livery, bowlinu n'lcy and lawn tennis I'olile and attentive servants. Tnl.le unsurpassed. Hoar J per nny. per wcc,iu sp. rates iiivcn families. julyl7dlm J. II. I.OI.I.IS, I"ro;rr. HOUSES TO RENT Should Iw pla.tered with Adnmant tbcrcl.y saving ull future repairs 10 wans. M i WW iM SA jo iA Asheville lirmich of the I.urtden & rates Southern Music House, Snvannnh On , sole dealers here in the oerrless Steinwnv. Mnth- ushek, Maon & llnmlin nnd Sterling I'innos, and the Mason & Hamlin nnd Sterling Orleans in nil the latest styles in onk, wnlnilt, etc , which aic mnile n.lth.r lo buy nor sell only, hut for a llfe-litne of cood service as musi. al instruments, nnd arc sold on sach low nnd ensv terms that none need no without Rood instrument. A few iccinl bargains are offered for a short time only. Cnll nnd examine our instruments before l.uying else where ns they i-peiik for themselves. No. 43 ration Avenue II It. CR'.MICII, Manager. Washington, I.vnehburg, Ar.tianvillc. Lv. Richmond, lianville. Ar. Greensboro, Lv. Galdshoro, Lt Raleigh, llurnam. Ar. Greensboro, l.v Greensboro, Salisbury, " Stntcsvillc, Newton, Hickory, Morganton, Marion. Round Knob, Ar. Asheville, Hot Springs, " Paint Rock. Morristown. " Knnivllle, A. &S- RAILROAD l.v. Asheville, 1 Hcudersonville, " I'lHl Rock. " Snltlda, Tr-on. Ar. Spartanburg. 7nm li.'l 7 am II 1 on 111 5.'lnm H lllp.i. IKilitim K ailpm III 11pm 4i(ipm 7 7 llinm 1 'i 01 am HOl.nm .'lutiom l2 3i)pm 1 4t)nm ll)2.,'.am I2i:pm l"-'npm 4S0.m NO. II 4-:iO.m R57pm 3.ipin 1 ri'tlpm ft LT.nm rt 10am A. II. COB 1 5, Law Work a ripcdaUv. ROOM 10FIKST NATIONAL BANK RUI1 DING. A. TBXNIiNT. Architect anil Contructor. Plans, siiecifica lions and estimates fur dished. All work In my line contracted 1..1, and no charges for drawings tin con. .nit Awarded inc. References when desired. Offict: No. la Hendrv lilock, North omit Square. Asheville. N. C. feblH.llv GAINES & FKKNUII, CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS, If yot wnnt your dwelling oV furniture te. paii-rd call and sec us. UNllliRTAKINli A SPECIALTY, (fii .S'.mli Main .S'lrcrt, AslH vllk, K. C. julylUllf .1 tfllnm 8 3ilnm lUllnm t 70llnm HCOmn 100.1pm 111 1 1. mm 1025nm 10'JOsm t 30am 12.. Spin a.'l.iim HV.ipm tl .'i:iam 4. lit lam 4- fi4am fi !anm li luaui loaiiam l(i4.'laiu 1 57 pm 237pm 3t!i.m 4H'.'pm Itr.Mpm 7 ''7 pm H 10pm OOtipm Kl.'l.ipni NO. 10 NO J4 Nir.nm itoiinm ni-tam laiuin'n tlj.lam lilnpm I141nm latlllpm 10 ICam ltlKpm 1 125am liiopm 34 Years Kxj-. 1 icncc-34 MILTON IIARI1IKG CflNTKACTfllt AMI ilt'll.HWi Oftitx and r-hop, Wolfe'iu. CORNHR CUUHT PLACH AKH MAKKliT 8TKUHT. RATH AND MICE Ho not gnaw through Adamant. It is best sanitary plaster. Lt. Spartanburg. 1 ryon, " Saluda, " Plat Roek, " Hendcrs'nv'le, Ar. Asheville, MURPHY BRANCH NO 13 .1 1 Opm 4 27im r. lllpm rt'J3ptn fi 3i:pm fi '-'." pm 1V. AH.cii'n. Ar. Waynesville, " nryson tujr, Tomotls, Murphy, . Murohy, Ar. Toniolla. Andrews, Ar. llryson City, " Wavnesville, ' Asheville. Nos. tl and 15 connect at Asheville with Ns. 11 and 12 to and from Salisbury ond the vat. NO.l5 7 1"pm H 1 Upm MA2pm tt 1 3pm II 22pm 1016pm NO 19. NO 65 ii 4hpm 'H.'Klain 8t!3Hlll 1013am 1 H7pm r5(lpra ii 13pm NO 20 NO. 64 I :i35am Snnnm 43(tam 7 ntiam liLTiam 1213pm K 1 (lam 2 02pm SLEEPING CAB SERVICE. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE. COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY 18. FOR lo DAYS OJSTLiY. 100 Mcu'e Suits, worth $7.!0, at $1.43. 100 Men't Buits, worth 19.50, now at $3.05. 100 Men's. Suits, worth 12.r.O, now $7.85. 200 Youths' Suit, from 12 to 17 years, worth $5. now going at $2.40. 125 Youths' Suits, from 12 to 17 yean, worth $7.50, now going nt $3.05. . 125 Child Suits, from 0 to 14 years, worth M ,60, now 73 ceuts. 15 Child Suits, S to 13 years, worth $2, now $1.15. 05 Children's Suits, S to 13 years, worth $3.25, now $1 .1)5. 85 Child's Knee Pants at 25 cents. 1,900 Men's Working Pant In all colors and sizes, nt 85 cents, worth $1 50. 100 pain Men' odd Casslmcre Pants, worth from $3.50 to $3, now nt $1 tin, 100 doten Men's Balbrlggnn f hirts, worth 50 cents, now selling at 25 cents. THIS GREAT SALE WILL POSITIVELY LAST TEN DAYS ONLY. Theso croods havmcr recently hctn bouirht bv our New The books for .uicriition to the capital York and Baltimore buyers at Great Bankrupt Salen, at the Ashcvine and Bristol railroad . , i. 11 1 1 ' 1 I tO 8U0W tne pUDHC Uiai WUU IU HO IllllllUUg, UOine ailU COIl- company nrt now open tor suhicrlnllod at vince yourself by examining our ureat Bargain Uounters, which are at the Nos. 1 1 and 12 Pullman Sleepers between knoxville and New York, via Asheville. Salisbury and Washington. Nos o and 12 rullmnn Sleeper between Asnrviuc ana Ku'cign. W. A. TURK. 8. II. HARDWICK, Itrn. Pass. Ari Asst. Gen. Pass. A., Washinnton. I C. Atlanta. On, W.H. GRBliN, Gen. Manager, Washington . lv. MCllliK. K. K. IIKI1H.UKH, Gen'l Supt.. Sutierlntendent, Asheville. N. C. Columbia. 8. C. SOI.. HAAS, Traffic Manager, Washington. NOTICE. BALTIMORE CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS HOUSE, TSo. - IO - PXTTOIV - VEIVTJE. the umce of A. R. EMkridgc, Secretary, No. 17 Patton Avenue. WM. COCKB. Presldeot. June 24th, 1S3. " dtf K. H. 11HITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE, Cradinic of all kinds done. V i.( crushed stone fiirnlsttcd. Send all .r-l rs to postotlice llox ItH, Ashcvl'le, N. i' . auclOdtl ll. II. HKKKH, I. U. - . UENTAI. Connally Building, over Kc.lw.... - t. n, Patton Aveu.jc. Residence, 35 nice street. J( P. RAMSAY, D. D.8.. 5s- Dental Ufllcc 1 Over the National Rank of Asheville, Bar nard Building. Residence, 69 Charlotte st. leuanmv 1)11. li. F. AMI ISO TON, Officb Rooms ovkbCosuv'sJuw-ki-iivStoiib, PATTON aVBNUB. rvt-Sperlal attention given to filllnir teeth and Ireating diseased gums and nil diseases to I pertaining t. muyl3dtf . the dental structure. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General t Insurance t Agent. Rear No. 30 South Main street. Ustabllshed 1805. Asheville, N. C. auS dlv T. E. DAVIS, PRACTICAL Iluildcr, Contractor and Superintendent. AM. USTIMATUS I'URNISHBI) HRBB. P. O. B01 898. omce Willow 8t . No. w Telephones: office 1 18; Residence 62. apr27lln8m ADAMANT, The "Pertectloa of Wad Plaater." that 1 800 percent, mora tensile strength than lime,, and 800 per cent, more than any other ma terial known as a wall plaster.

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