Asheville Daily Citizen, NEWS Tocftvy. ASHEVILLE, N. C, THURSDAY EVENING, JULY 28, 1892. PRICE 5 CENTS. VOLUME VIII. NO. 75. NEWS . For Iced Tea Use Our COFFEE AND TEAS will make a supurb drink on nice summer mornings nd evenings, aim tor tne enure family, from grandpa to baby. We have a desirablo line of EDIBLES, things to chew on, and things that can be swallowed with out chewing. A. D. COOPER, NORTH COURT SQUARE, ASHEVILLE, N. C, Special Mixture. KROGER. REAL ESTATE. Wii.-t.ik B. Gwtn. W. W. Wm evmi & west, (Sncctaaura to Walter B.Gwyn) ESTABLISHED 1881 REFER TO BANK OF ASHRVILLE. REAL ESTATE. Loan Securely Placed at Per Cent. OUR: BON MARCHE NEW LOT OF BELTS, FANS, LACES EMBROIDERIES, FANCY GOODS, THE TORTURE OF IAMS COL. HtREATOR I.IAUI.E INDICTMENT. - Thrush's China. FRENCH CHINA, GLASSWARE, LAMPS, - ETC. "Souvenir Novelties. CRYSTAL PALACE 41 P ATT ON AVE. S3!)I3AOjN StlSJtlX The Cruel Colonel Will Have op portunity to Prove tbe Regular ity of His Act A Bishop's Crltl- ClSHIH. riTTSlit'Kn, I'n., July 20, Private ami. of Company K, Tenth regiment, came to Pittsburg this morning nnil se- ured the names of the attorneys who had volunteered in a letter to a news paper to ask the courts to punish Gen. George Snowdcn and Col. Streator for the barbarous treatment lams received by their orders, lie was furnished with the names and had a long consultation with the attorneys. They arc not known to the public yet, but it is understood that C. C. Dickey is one of them. Mr. Dickey is one of the leaders of the the Allegheny bar, und for ten years past has been the partner of George ahiras, r., who was today conlirmcd ly the United Stales senate as a justice ol the United States supreme court. 1 nave not looked into the law as yet," said Mr. Dickey this afternoon, and cannot give you an opinion. Ilul mere words without notion never justity a battery. The officers were brutal and punishment excessive. When we SILVER LEAF LARD If you have tried it you know what it is; if you hav WOOLS AND SMALL WARES, en't, and will take the trou It I 1 1 A ft 1 pdcit Dcniifvnnii iv DiDicme Die to test, we arc kuihiwu untHi ntuuunun in rnnnoui.0. 1 you will use no other. Ymj 45 in. Embroidered Flounc ing, worth f 1 to 1.50 Ier yard at 49 cents tojclose. DRESS GOODS AT GREATI V REDUCED PRICES. can rest assured it is abso lutely Dure loaf lard. We have never sold any that gave better watisfaction. BON MAR.CHE POWELL & SNIDER 37 South Main Street. FITZPATRICK BROS., Contractors and Dealers In TO MiWBKKN WON. the commence an action it will be one ol trespass, and Col. Streator is liable also to an indictment for assault and battery. However much control these mag nates have over their underlings, they are still subject to the laws of Pcnn- lylvama. Attorney Frank I'. lams, who is a dis tant relative ol the disgraced private, said : 'We propose to give Col. Streator ample opportunity in court to prove the regularity of bis actions. We shnll hold a conference tomorro w and decide upon the line of action we shall pursue. The military acts ot this state have never been tested in court before to my knowl edge and this will be n precedent, rrom the actions ot the olhccrs concerned one would think the Carnegie Steel company and Mr. Prick arc the state and the workingmen the enemv. llishop lliomns McGovcrii.lne head ot tbe Harrisburg diocese ot the Korann Catholic church, has written a protest on lama's punishment to the Daily Pat- riot as follows: 'The torture of W. lv. lams, private ol Company K, Tenth regiment, is a dis grace to our civilization, and if allowed to pass withouta thorough investigation its consequences must have a demoraliz ing effect upon the esprit dc corps of our military organization, lortuie in par ticular cases rarely, and on gen cral principles never, promotes good discipline or the ends ot justice 'Col. Streatcr might find a place for the exercise ol Ins talents among the Icro Clous ship captains on the high seas or might point out precedents in thccarccrs ol Attilla. the scourge ol liod and Mian the dcspoilcr, but there. is no place lor bun among the host of christian chiv alry. "A cruel man never makes a brave sol dier. and if the national cuard is tinwil ling to restore the tortures of the iniiui- sition let them drive Col. Streator out of their ranks. Tbe Next I'lace ot Meeting of tue Editors officers Elected. CiiAKLUTtii, N. C, July 20. Speciul. -B.K.I lilliard, editor of the ScoUand Neck Democrat and the most eloquent newspaper man in the stale, was unani mously elected president of the North Carolina l'rcss Association this morning. Other offices were filled as follows: First vice president, Jerome Dowd, Mecklen burg limes; second, Jl. A. L.ainnm, Washington Gazette: third, F. M. Wil- uiins, Newton Enterprise; secretary, J. Shcrrill, Concord limes; executive nniiiittce.S. A. Ashe, Kulcigh News and Observer; II. A. London, Chatham Kee- rd; Joseph Daniels, North t.nrolin- wu) li. Ji. Harper, rtcwPcrn journal; had. K. Manning, Henderson tioui caf; orator, W. F. Marshall, Gastonia izette; poet, Jerome Howd, Mecklen burg Times; historian, J. 1'. Caldwell, harlotte Observer, w. v. lomiinson was elected one ol tne delegates to me itional editorial' convention at Chica go next year, and will try to bring that body to Asheville the following year. Norman C. McLoud of Asheville, was nominated for third vice president, but withdrew. Asheville and Newbcrn were the only places that tried for next year's session, but Newbern won because of the with drawal in last year's contest. 1 he edi tors want to come to Asheville the year following. TUKY AKI-: FILIBUSTERING DID HE TRY TO COMMIT SUICIDE? Notary Pubuc. Commoner. CJd.. fl g FIRE INSURANCE. OPPICE-Boutheast Court Square. WAIX PAPER. nnDTI Alin DDllv 30 NORTH MAIN STKBBT, ASHRV1I.L.B, N. C. uUnlLHHU DnUoi, ,,,0., Ileal Estate Brokers, And Investment Agents. TK1V1?6 Ti?iviT. NOTARY PUBLIC. JH.I14. OC JJiIl.,, surety p.accdat 8 per cent. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. i It U8 Pattnn Avenue. Second Ifloor. felldlv We naTC lonle very desirable timber prop- FOR RKNT OR 8 ALII. ertlca for sate at a low figure. We can thow you full dwcrlptlon at our office. One fine Kev. V. S. 1. Bryan's house, furnished. Asbcatoa mine for sale. We can show yon Cumberland avenue. some specimens from tbe mine and can take I'or Rent Desirable office room. McAfee you to the property If you desire. Furnished block. I'urnished and unfurnished bouses. an(i unfurnished houses to rent. "oH,rr jeNKS & jEnKS, Kcal Estate and Loan Broker, NO. 32 PATTON AVE., ASHEVILLE. WILLS BROS., Troy Steam Laundry! A 1") On TTT? rTC DOMESTIC FINISH AND FINE WORK AKL.llll A SPECIALTY. NO. 33 PATTON AVE. No. 46 South main Street. WOMAN AT THK ! AIR. N. B. We have just placed a large discount 011 Clothing and many other items. ONE PRICE SYSTEM. II, REDWOOD & CO, Clothing, Dry Goods Fancy Goods, Hats, Shoes, Carpets, Etc. 7 S 9 PATTON AVENUE. Meeting to be Held There Hatur- day Afternoon. Mrs. Charles Price and Mrs. Robert Cottcn, lady managers for North Caro Una at the World's fair, arc at the Bat lery I'ark hotel. These ladies arc getting up an cxhibi of the work of the women of the state for exhibition at Chicago, and arc, with the assistance of other women over the state, making an effort to raise funds sufficient tortheerectionof a North Caro lina building at Chicago so as to secure for the people the full benefits ol the Co lumhmn exposition. The cause these ladies represent is lau dablc and patriotic and should npic;i to every true hearted North Carolinian and they should meet with encourage ment in Asheville. The people of Asheville interested in North Carolina's exhibition at Chicago arc invited to assemble in the rooms ol the Young Men's Christian Association on Saturday nltcrnoon nt 5:JO o clock The Indies are specially urged to lie present. Mrs. Cottcn and Mrs. Trice will explain titlry at this meeting wiiat the ladies of North Carolina have done and what they propose to do in connec tion with the state s exhibit at tne great exhibition. EMBliZZI.KMl-NT. REMOVAL SALE ! Having leused store No. 35 Tattoo avenue, and intending to occupy same by September 1st, I wish to save trouble and expense by moving this stock and to I open the new store with all new goods, to accomplish which all this stock MUST BE CLOSED OUT. I name no prices to attract attention, but will make such prices on goods -that ti one will be in doubt whether it is A BARGAIN OR NOT. It is no mean or old stock, but is ucarty all new stock, but the Expense, Breakage and Time of moving it all I would avoid. If you want China, Glass, Lamps, Cutlery, l'lalcd Ware or Art Goods in Pot tery, Pine Etchings or Silver, call at Nos. 57 and 50 S. Main St., Asheville, N. C. J. EE. LAW! A NOVEL IDEA. Umbrellas re-covered while you wait for them, making them nearly as good nsniew all and learn our low prices THE SHOE STORE WEAYER & MYERS, 39 Patton ATenue. Asheville, N. C o o o shocked Tin:;i.itii THE WOKI.U S I AIU UII.I. I HTII.L, in. Indignant Comments of London IapcrH on the lams Case. London. Inly 20. The news of the punishment of Private lams, of the Pcnn svlvnnia mi htui. has been received here with an outburst of indignation. The Evening Globe says that an Ivn- plisb colonel, iruiltv of a similar act of cruelty, would be court-martialed and dismissed from the service. The most remarkable part of the proceeding, says the Globe, is that the commanding gen eral approved inc net, wnne jiuunc opinion appears to be unruffled. It is in ciedible that Americans, the special hampions of freedom, should tolerate such awful tort inc. The Pall Mall Gazette savs: "We are so squeamish that we cannot bear the dca ol Hogging souuers. uiicricuna nst have acouiied their ideas ol mili tary discipline from the ml Indians." The St. nines Gazette, tory organ, savs that lams deserved shooting, not torture. "The fact is that the Ameri cans do not cherish a scrupulous tender ness lor human lite. It is a snort step from the thumbscrew to the rack." The Star wants to know whether such cruelty is approved at Washington. CAN HAVK THEIR MONEY. No vote Reached and i'url or the Time the Vote Reveals uo fJuoriim -What Was Done In the WeuaU-. Washington, luly 28. In the house today Mr. McMillcn, of Tcnnesscc.callcd up the joint resolution that congress ad journ Satuidiiy at 2 o'clock. Mr. Hatch and Mr. Outhwaite, the latter leader of the filibusters, oposed it. Outh waite said that the sundry civil bill had not passed, and intimated that it might not pass, in any event time was needed for both bouses to act on it and be sug gested Monday next as the date of ad journment. The house refused, 65 to 110, to agree to adjournment atl2o'clockon Monday next. The original McMillcn resolution, pro viding for the final adjournment ol conv L'rcss at 2 n. m. Saturday, was then adopted, 121 to 51. The Scakcr stated that the pending motion was that made by Mr. Bingham to table the motion to reconsider the vote by which the house receded from its disagreement to the senate World's fair amendment. immediately the filibusters came to the front, led by Outwaite, who moved an adjournment, supplementing this The train which leaves the Asheville depot at 3:05 was rounding the bend yesterday when a man rushed to the platform and jumped off. His rash act created great excitement among the other passengers they all thought it was a case of suicide. Ladies fainted, men rushed to the platform expecting to sec his mangled form upon the track, but the fact was he had forgotten to put his bottle of "Buncombe Pills" in his satchel and would not start on his jour ney without them. He took great chances, but he might have taken greater. GRANT'S PHARMACY. In purchasing medicines don't try ex: pcriments the first and only consider ation should be genuiness. Buncombe Sarsaparilla has stood the test of several years and today it is in greater demand than ever. Over five hundred bottles sold this spring, a triumphant proof of popular approval. For sale at GRANT'S PHARMACY. BUNCOMBE LIVER PILLS are mild, yet efficient; do not cause pain or gripe, and act upon the liver and bowels. They are especially valuable as after dinner pills, and readily cure constipa tion and costiveuess, nausea, distress in the stomach, etc. .They are purely vegetable and we be lieve they are the best family pill yet pre pared and offer them with perfect confi- mo- tion with one to adiourn to Saturday. - - , r . . , . puicu nuu uuer bUCllt Willi UCIlCCb wuu- Mr. Cummings, of New York, acted as d ence evim? that wheuever U8ed it , '" "" v" 1 will be with the happiest results, till Monday. OnCummings motion the Trv them and jucTge for yourself. Foi vote stood : yeas, 1 ; nays, 164; two less ga,e only at tnnn a rjuorum; ami me uuusc was m a standstill, having refused to order at call. The reoublicans have about decided to I allow the filibusteringand anti-filibuster-1 incrwinirsof the democratic party to I fight out the World's Pair fight between I them. . I On motion for n call of the house they I vnipil with neither nnrtv and a call Was I ordered bv the small and close vote ol I .'it tn 2!V Two hundred and eleven responded to their names and the vote recurred on I Cumminps' motion to adiourn till Mon- ay. i he house was again leit w"-"i i and camphor ice as the ultimatums tor nuorum. but 122 members voting, and I chaDned hands and all similar skin trou- gaiu was the call ordered. I bles, many persons find that the applica- In the senate today the sundry rcsolu-1 tjn ni either of them nB-p-rnvntea their tions lor tne appointment; oi sciccl -"-1 trouble. To such "CAMJUU-GLYCliK- mittees to set durine the recess were re ported. Two of them (as to the Home stead and Idaho labor troubles, and as to the settlers on the forest reservations rnlifnrnial went over till tomorrow wilhout action, and one (as to the geological survey) was agreed to. CuriivBle'H Men Must Take Their OcpoHlts-l'rlck (jiitnliiK. PiTTsm no, July 28. The Carnegie Steel eomnany has notified its former workmen that, as they arc no longer i,i the employment of the company, the in terest on the money deposited by them w ston and tlie nnueinai win uc paiu uiioii aimhcatioii at the office. These denosits arc said to aggregate$180,000, . it.,.4 -7nil ...nn irn iinw nt It IS SLULCU lllill. tr ll ii" " work in the mills and that all depart ments are running. II. C. Puck passed a very coiulortauie night. His sleep was unbroken, and lit is ai)uarcnlly in an improved condition this morning with pulse and respiration ncirmnl. ludge Magec has reluscd to release Sylvester Critiehew. the alleged sharp shooter who fought in the ranks of the strikers July sixth. tlHKU II V I.UiHTMMi. HYATT'S REMARKABLE FIND. This Story 1'roin Connecticut is Good Kiioujcb to be Tiue. Nokwai.k, Conn., July 20. Ex-United States Treasurer James W. Hyatt, who summering at Koten Point, lost $500 in greenbacks while on his way home Irom a stroll last night. He discovered is loss just before retiring, and although was midnight and dark as pitch ne ;htcd a lantern and sallied forth on a hunt for the missing treasure. Inch by inch he went over the ground, but without avail, and was about to abandon the search when he heard a wa gon approaching. The occupant, at tracted by the light, stopped anoinquir- ed the way to South NortolK, ena as Mr. Hyatt stepped up to the wagon to .1.. A-..: 1 :C t.a nA tiia Twenty-ouc Tanks of oil on l'lre I.fHtt Heavy. PiTTSiirms. July 28. During the prev alence ol a thunder storm which swept over the southwestern oil fired yesterday afternoon, the lightning struck tank No 17 of the Southwest Pennsylvania Pipe line comnanv. six miles from Washing tnn. The tank contained 27.000 bar rels of oil and when it burst the burning fluid spread to 20 tanks in the vicinity mid soon all were a lire. The conflagration was still raging nt 10 o'clock. The heat is so intense that trains cannot approach within an L'hth of a mile of the scene and imisscii L'ers on the Washington uiancii oi iuc anhanc c road were una me. to reac llieir destination last night. 1 lie loss will be very heavy. Two Street Car Men Arrested ou That Charge. L. D. Kingsmore and Chas. L. Wlii ta ker, employes of the Asheville street rail way company, were arrested late yester day afternoon by Deputy Sheriff H. C. ones. The grand jury of the criminal court on yesterday returned true bills against Kingsmore and Whitaker for embezzle ment of funds of the street railway com pany, the offence with which they are charged being known among rail way men as knocking down " lares, l he men nave employed as counsel Gudgcr & Martin and I. M. Oudgcr. ir. ludge Carter tixcd the amount ot ootid at $200 each. At 3 o'clock this had not been furnished. Kingsmore is from Haywood county while Whitaker is from Buncombe. Both are young men. . HOPE FOR ALICE MITCHELL. Iro- Even the Mate's Experts uouuee Her insane, Mkmpuis, July 20. Alice Micthcll will never be tried lor the murder of Freda Ward unless Judge DuBosc practically tells the jury in his charge to pay no heed to the medical testimor.v already submitted. It will be impossible for any other verdict to be arrived at, since the only expert summoned by the state has cniiihaticnllv pronounced the girl insane, as Ulu nis orotner, wuu ivouiiiu lur life defence. New York bun. Geo. K. Iirstare Kills Himself. New York, July 28. At 10:15 o'clot this morning G. K. Sistare, member of the firm of Sistare Bros., bankers, 18 Broad street, committed suicide in his room at the Mnnhattanclubby shooting himself in the temple. Sistare was GO I years old. J AI'ANEHE OKUIiRKD OUT. They are Accused ot gnreaainit Hmall l'ox in an Idaho Town Uon-s City, Idaho, July 28. The police avc ordered an Japanese rcsiuems iu I vp town at once. At Nampa Hie Chinese were ordered to leave and the mill mi on the first tram today. A num ber of Japanese escaped from the small pox camp at Nampa and came to Boies hut tbev were soon sent out of town VTiioh ear is c t that the small-pox win spread to this city. All Editor Hauired lu EfliKV Nasiivillk, Tcnn., July 28. The mob that lynched John II. Wynne in Dickson county yesterday for the murder of his wile and fiftccn-year-old stepdaughter today held an indignation meeting and hanged in effigy the editor of the Ameri can, who had denounced them iu his pa per for the lynching. A I.otiifluit for the Earth. Yankton, Dak., July 28. Chairman Miller, of the democratic state central committee, is authority for the state ment that all efforts to effect a fusion with the people s party on the state ticket arc unavailing. The people's nartv leaders want a majority ol the GRANT'S PHARMACY. "SYRUP OF TAR AND WILD CHER- RY" as manufactured at Grant's Phar macy is the best cough medicine you can use tor yourself or your children it is a positive cure and we guarantee it to con tain no opiates in any form, it is entirely I harmless, t or sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Years ago people regarded cold cream INE COMPOUND" is aboon-itis a pos itive cure for chapped hands, chafing, sunburn, etc., and an elegant face dress ing after shaving it contains no mineral or noxious ingredient, is elegantly per fumed, will not soil the most delicate fabric, is entirely harmless and safe to nse on the most delicate skin and con tains nothing greasy or sticky. For sale only at GRANT'S PHARMACY. Physicians orders promptly filled and delivered free of charge to any part of the tbe city. GRANT'S PHARMACY. giyc tbe desired information he laid his I hand on the tront wheel. Ills hand came in contact with a bunch of paper, and I holding up the lantern he beheld his miss-1 inir roll of ereenbacks. Investigation I disclosed that the roll had been caught in a little crack in the tire, and was thus I arricd right into the owner s hand. I N. Y. World. PROTECTION FOR CARNEGIE. Rumor That the Millionaire Has Received special protection. Loniion, July28.-It is rumored that Andrew Carnegie has applied for and re ceived special police protection. The re port caiinot be conlirmcd, and it is not traceable to any authentic source. The officials at Scotland Yard declare that they have no knowledge ot any sue n move on Mr. Carnegie's part. If 1ip1i:is made such nn application u must lie in another iiuartcr. The chtel constable of Perthshire has been intcr- vIpvl-,.,! n thp snbiret at Perth, and ne, too, states that there is no truth in the rumor so fur as he knows, and he would be the official most likely to be applied to, next to those at Scotland Yard. THEV liOT 80O. dmf .j OLD HATS GO BEGGING WHEN MITCHELL, THE MEN'S OUTFITTER, a8 Palton Avenue, IS CLOSING OUT HIS LINE OP STRAW HATS AT ACTUAL, COST. GENUINE AUSTRALIAN LENSES. Switzerland Pavs for False Im prisonment., Icl., July 2G.-A Wil mington lawyer has received a draft for $800 from Berne, Switzerland, which was the amount ot the indemnity paid by the Canton of Berne for the false im prisonment for five days of five Ameri cans who had been arrested as pick nr,irrt The men were George U. Mul- ford, ot New VorK, ynaries a. I gjve entire satisfaction In all earn, and can Baltimore, unu ii. . Batter, and Charles Griffith of this kcity, I am devoting all of my time to stndy of the eye. and to the peculiar formation of the lentct I warrant all spectacles I furnlih to officers. giade Destitute by Fire. Bay City, Mich., July 28. The fire rc lie! committee finds that the extent of suffering among the victimsof Monday's fire is so great that outside assistance will have to be asked for 200 families who lost everything. The New comptroller. Washington. July 28, The President nominated A. Barton Hepburn of New York to be comptroller of the currency, vice Laccv resigned. Hepburn is at pres ent nulional bunk examiner in New York city. ult any one on first examination of the eyes E. WEXL.ER, NO. 17 NORTH MAIN ST., ASHEVILLE, N. C. TYPEWRITING! We have an expert atcnoerapher and are prepared to do all kind of work In onrlinc at abort notice. LEGAL WORK A SPECIALTY. Circular lettcn and all kind, nt uIm.. vention and that they truckled to them I graph work very cheap 8airaeHon,.,M. by leading a movement against the I ' "l6 Court Place. .1 -.,-v. nt a fponinrinn pnnnntino i i cky. THIS WEEK. SUCn rcsoiuuou wnn iuuumulvu. . nnti.Cleveland men were largely in the majority in the convention, yet the dem- The costs of the suit brought were also paid by Berne. N. . bun. No Truckling. Ralkioh.N. C, July 28.-Chairman Simmons, ot the state democratic com mittee, denies the published statement that the third party men in eltect cap tured the third district democratic con- ocrats succeeded in nominating Grady for congress and a Cleveland elector. The Kind We Wnl. New Yohk, July 28. The appeal made by the merchants of tbe south to turn the stream of immigrants down there is having its effect in England and Scot land, a large numDer oi immigrants ar riving on the steamer Gallia. The Gal lia started today for South Carolina and other southern state. Railroad tickets bought, .old and ex changed. Cheap tickets to all points. All transactions guaranteed by tbe American Ticket Brokers' Association. Office always open. Ray's time cards free. C. F RAY Jnlylldam 28 Souta Main tit. TBY THE MOLEL STEAM LAUNDRY THE VERT BEST WORK. K. B. WILLIS, MANAGER. CHURCH STREET, TELEPHONE 70.