ASHE V1LLE DAILY CITIZEN: SATURDAY EVENING JULY 30, 18$ 12. ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN The Daii-v Citizkn, Democratic. Is published every afternoon (except Sunday) at the fol lowing rates strictly cash: OKI 'RR... $0.00 Six Months 3.O0 Thkkk Months 1.50 Onb Month So OnkWrek 15 SATURDAY, JULY 30, 1892. On September 1, Col. Al. Fnirlirotlicr, of Durham and Raleigh, will Infill the publication or the Tobacco Plant, a twenty page journal. Col. Al. Fair brothcr and Mr. A. Ilatclictt are to be the editors, and if the thing is a success Col. Fairbrothcr will not tell a lie. lie will be houcst and say he did it with his little Ilatclictt. It is not too early for every democrat to resolve that whatever else political he may neglect this yc;.r. he will neverthe less attend the primaries, doing hi part toward securing the nomination of clean, able men. It is too often the case that, alter the nominations arc made, demo crats who did not attend the primaries complain of the work done there. If they wish this year to raise the standard of nominations let l item begin early to work for that desirable end. Attend the primaries! It surms a failing inseparable from third party attachment to be wild in statements concerning political oppo nents. Thus tht Progressive Farmer accuses Grovcr Cleveland of favoring the force bill, and now third party itc Watson ol Georgia charges that "drun ken members reel through the aisles of the house of representatives, ami drunken members speak upon grave measures." The probabilities arc that Watson's as sertion is born of the diseased imagina tion that goes with desertion from the ranks of democracy into the chaotic camp of the third party. A liHAU. Congress has voted these bonuses to families of recently deceased members: M. II. Ford, salarv and mileage, $10, or.o. John K, Gamble, salarv and mileage, $8,S7t. L. C. Houk, salary and mileage, 216. John W. Kendall, salary and mileage, $5,158. W. II. F. Lee, salarv and mileage, $G, OXS. U. T. Slackhousc, salary and mileage, F. B. Spiuola, salary and mileage, $9, G1U. Now some ot these members never even went to Washington or did one stroke of work for the money here given their families, and none of them served the full term for which they are paid Moreover the gilt is contrary to the statutes, being simply making free with money that did not belong to the men who voted it away. This grab is not democratic economy an united claim, Uuiicombc will not lx slow or niggardlv. All the states have hud space ulloted them on which they have the privilege f erecting a building for their own pri vate and Sjiecinl uses. With but few ex- ptions they are availing themselves ol this privilege. Virginia, our sister; Ten nessee, our daughter; Kentucky, our grand-daughter, arc to have buildings, id shall North Carolina, the mother ol colonies, where first the English settled in America, be conspicuous by her absence? We hope not. In an international exhibition the rul ings are necessarily rigid, and there n Vtrv many things in our stale, of special alue which cannot be "classsificd" and consequently cannot lie admitted in the general exhibition. Among these things are our climate, our scenery, our water power, llcucc wc must make a siieciul xhibit of them, or else of necessity they ill remain unappreciated ami unutil ized. These things can be properly shown only in a state building by spec means. 1 his tact should apical to shcvillc, lor certainly the prosperity ol Ashevillc, next to its enterprising citi zens, rests iii n its climate and scenery There is no proohsying to what degree f prosperity these factors may lead if properly used. I he limitless grandeur of our scenery and the never ceasing benefits of our climate make the future bright with possibilities. In this case, slate pride, which would fain see North Carolina take her rightful lace immg her sister states, and business in terests, ever alert to advantageous op portunity, go hand in hand and wc liojie Ashevillc will co-operate with the other places in the state by contributing to the fund for a slate meeting. Age brings wisdom, and a country on the eve of celebrating its centennial will have the wisdom to see its own advan- ige. Col. II. Clay King's lawyers appealed to the United States circuit court to hold that because the jury that convicted him had been temporarily out of the state, though in charge of the sheriff, it had "lost its official character and hud ceased to be a jury;" that therefore King was convicted by iersons who were no jurors. The point in law may have been what is called a "fine" one, but in com iiuin sense it was of no importance, for the reason that it did not influence the jury in passing on King's guilt. The point was overruled, it is a gratification to learn, and the law fails to defeat jus. tice. King is almost certain to hang. From the point of view of his ability and his services to the state it is a pity that he should die, but viewed as a man of dis reputable life and ns a deliberate mur derer, Tennessee will be benefitted by his taking off. Human life has been held too cheap in that state. NORTH CAROLINA AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. All the civilized world has become in tcrcslcd in the Columbian exposition to be held in Chicago in lS'JX and almost every nation expects to participate in the display, with a view to sharing the benefits of that event. Millions of do lars have been and are being cxieii(1cd to mukc it the greatest exposition of all time, and to open wide the gates ol opportunity to the car of progress. A American celebration, made under the auspi'.-cs of the United States govern mcnt for the benefit ol the people of those states, it is the finest opportunity ever offered the states to show to the world their progress ns a people, and the do vclopment of their material sources. That any state should be Blow to avail itself of this opportunity seems incredible, and that North Carolina should be ubsent, where she should by all rights be prominent, is not to be thought of. No state lias a more honor able record, nowhere has nature been more lavish of her gifts, and the won- dcrs of mountain and of sea, the products of soil and of mine, all demand rccogni ' tion of their value. No state has more loyal citizens, and every true hearted North Carolinian would rejoice to see her placed in honor among her sister states in this exposition. It is to be regretted that the legislature did not make available provision for the accom plishiuent (or this end. However, it gratifying to know that the committees now at work for the board of agricul ture, are making good progress in the work of collecting material for a full display of the resources of the state, Next in importance to this exhibit, is the necessity for a state building on the ex position grounds, and the women of the state ever willing to rectify man's neg lect of duty are making a combined effort to raise the necessary funds for this pur pose. Raleigh, Wilmington, Charlotte, Winston-Salem, Durham, Henderson Newborn and very many other places in the state have become interested and are helping in the work ot redeeming the state from the position iu which she was placed by the loss of the legislative ap propriation.. Now Asheville is to be per v. mittcd to co-operate in the worj and ' patriotism and prosperity making thus CHURCH NOTICES. MAKICH HPHNDTIIHinU, How a Divided KcHnoiiMlbllity Workii for KxtravHitaiicc, ?roiii the Charleston News anil Courier. It is just a little interesting to note one feature ol the situation, the World's fair appropriation! in passing. The $5,- 000,000 asked lor will be contributed, if the appropriation is granted, prnctic- illy by forty of the states, If the amount were divided among them equally each would pay about $11T,000. H it were ivided according to population, South Carolino, for example, would pay about $st),000, and the other states in propor tion. South Carolina, however, has re fused to appropriate even $121,000, as proposed, lor the purpose of sending nn xlulnt oi its own to the lair, and several other states have likewise declined to Appropriate a cent. This illustrates very the diller- ence between taxing the people directly ;ind taxing them indirectly; between a istaturescxiieiumig the people s money ind congress sipiniidciing it. The cause ol governmental cxtraxagance is vastly promoted by the divided responsibility ol the congressmen, and their distance from their constituents. There would be no world's fairs, nor fat pension lists cither, in this country if they hail to be supported hy separate state appropri ations. It is congress that makes spend thritls of us all. I Pastors wilt confer n f:ivor liv h.-indlni! In these notices uut Inter than 10 a. in. on Saturday.! CATHOI.'C ciiukch. Culholic church, comer llavwoofl uiul Flint streets, Ins n. White, rector Kivlne service fit 11a. nr. tmplisnis ut 4:30 p. in.; service naiiy at i :ao a. m. 1IAPTIST Cltl'KCII. First I'uptixt church Corner College nml Spruce streets, Kcv. J. I.. White, pastor Services at 11 n. in. ami 7:.'10 p. in. Sumlaj school at 0:110 a. ni. French llroml Mai-tist church, Kcv. J. Ailains, pastor Service at 1 1 a. in. anil 7:W p. in Sunday school lit n:;to a in. Academy Hill Mission Sunday school nl 3:.'lo p m Prayer inntliiK evtry Thtirsiln.v night. Wist F.ud n.-iptist Missi..- ev. vV. p. Southern. Sunday scIi-miI at 3:.!o p. in. Pru.ver uiccliu: every Saiurdiiy niijit. Fern Hill llaptist church, lUltinttrc Rev. p. II. Nelson, pastor SMihath school nl '.:., pre;n'huiK nt 1 1 o'clock a. nl , and prnycr meeting at 3 o'clock p. in. U. K. CUl'KCIl, SOl'Tll. Central Methodist ltpiscopal Church South Kcv. C. W Pvrd pastor llivine service at 11 a. in., unilT 30 p. in. Sunday school at U.30 a. in. Riverside M. li. church. South Rev J. C. Troy, pastor liivine service II a. ni. and H p. ni Sunday school at 3 p. ni. A welcome to all. North Asheville M H. el lurch. South -Rev. R I). Shcrrill, pastor. Services nt 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Sunday school nt the Mi" hodist Chapel on College street, liCKtuuiim promptly at 4 p. nl. Claude Miller, suiicrinlcmlenl. Itcthel church. South Asheville. Key V. I.. Stnmi'v, pastor I'rcachim; at 1 1 a. in. and s:.'to p. in. Sunday school at -I p. ni., W. I.. Walker superintendent, lipworth Leacni- devotional tnccliiic; every Sunduv at 7:4f, I., h. Alexander president. I'ravcr meeting every Wednesday night. All eordiully in vi id. l-KHSIIYTliKIAS Cllt'KCII. First church Divine worship tomorrow at 11 a. in. and s p. m. Young people's meeting nt7:ir. smm.-itn school at -.:3i Soiuhside Prcsliy terinn Church, Kcv. I.. II, Baldwin, paslor liivine worship at 11 a ni and N:3o p. m. Sahliath school nt 3:30 p. in Men's prayer meeting eviry Stilibitli morn inn at ID o'clock. The young people's so cietv of Christian endeavor cverv Salihnlh evening at 7:'13. Weekly lecture Wednesday night fit n:30. lletlianv church, liuidrv liloek. (third lloor l. North Court square. Key. I.S.Mor row, pastor liivine worship nt 1 1 n. in. ami H:tli p m. Sahliath school ut3 p. in Prayer meeting Wednesday at H p tu. Calvary Presliyteriiiu church, col., Cnlho. lie I; ill Salilifith school 11a. ni.; preaching 3 p.m. anil 7:30 p m. Key. C, II. Iluseli bury, pastor. KrlSCOI'Al. Cllt'KCII. Trinity church, corner Church mid Willow streets, K'ev, McNeely Maltose, rivtor Sev enth Sunday after Trinity MorniiiL. prayer and fierinon, 1 1 a. in.: evening prayer, &.30 p. m. St. l'nul's Chapel. Rev. J. II. Postell, minis ter in charge--Services on 'Jil and -l-th Suudav iiit-neh month ut 11 a. in. St. Andrew's Ser vices on 1 st and 3d Sunday in each month at 4 30 p. in. llrnverdain Chapel, Rev. W. F Rice, minis ter in charge liivine services tomorrow at 1 1 a. in. u. K. I'lll'KCII. First Methodist l'.ptseopal church, corner llavwoml street and l'ntton avenue. Rev A. 11. f.mnlilc. pastor. Sunday school 0:30 a. m. Preueliing 11 a. m. mid 7:30 p. m. College Street M. li. church Rev. M. M . lones, paslot Preaching each Saldiath ut 1 1 n. ni., and 7 p. m.; Sunday school at 3 p. ni. All lire cormally invlletl. ciikistian cut lien. Christina church, comer of Spruce and Woodtin streets Mr. Chas. W. Cooper, of Remington, Inuiann, will preach ut 1 1 a. and h:30 p.m. Sunday school at 10a, in All arc cordially invited. WITH JARYIS AND CARR. W. T. Crawford Will lie ut Marlon Auk, 9. rom t lie Mnrion Free Lance. I exicct to be with Gov. Jarvis ami Gov. Carr nt Rutlicrfordton anil Marion on the Oth and 10th of August if noth ing prevents. I hope vou will have n big crowd for them, for no man in North Carolina is better able than Gov. larvis to give the people the true issue. With best wishes I am yours. II'. r.-CravfvrJ. and ivous and Third I'arlv an a llllud. From the Marion l-'rce l.auee. Col. T. li. Long was in town last week on his way to Kuthcrfordton, where he and a few other republicans organized the third party and denounced with vigor the "two old parties." He held a consultation here with his republican brethren, wc learn, and advised them to encourage the third party all they could. I here is no republican in the state who is doing more good for republicanism in North Carolina than Lol. Long and il Harrison anil Ins lorce bill arc endorsed by the nation, the Col. deserves well of his republican brethren. And Frlck Talked Ilankruplcy! From the Baltimore Sun. The Hnginccring and Mining Journal, with every opportunity for acquiring information, declares that the ertirc cost of producing a ton of rails at Carnegie's mill does not exceed SM. I his includes every item of expense, remote and direct, plant, investment, everything. The rut put of the six mills being a million and a half tons at $.'10 a ton, the annual profits of this combine is uot less than til tee a millions a vear. I.I.JION I.I.IXIK, A IMc-iihuiiI l.ciiiou Tonlc I-'or llilioiisncss, constipation Malaria. 1-or Indigestion, Sick and Nc Headache. I-'or Sleeplessness, Nervousness Heart Discuses. Tor Fever, Chills, Debility and Kiduev Diseases, take Lemon Klixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough or ganic regulation, take Lemon Lhxir, Dr. Mozley's Lemon Klixir is preparer from the fresh juice of Lemons, combined with other vegetable liver tonics, and will not fail vou in any of the above named diseases. JjOe. and .fl bottles druggists. Prepared only by Dr. II. Mozlcy Atlanta, Ga. A Hanker WrltcHi From experience in mv family, Dr. II Mozley's Lemon Klixir has few, if any equals, and no superiors in medicine, lo the regulation of the liver, stomach and bowels. W. II. Maonkss, Pres. Nafl Hank. MeMinnville, Tciiu A Card. For nervous and sick headache, indi gestion, biliousness and constipation (o which 1 nave lieen a great sullcrerl have never found a medicine that wouli give such pleasant, prompt and iieriua iient relief as Dr. II. Mozley's Lemur Klixir. J. P. Sawtixi., Grillin, Ga Publisher Daily Call. Half Price! All boy's suits short pants at V.. II. liarniim cc Co., 8 Court square. The Pfamoxraph 1'arlor is tlic most plcnsuiit phiLC m town to spend nil eiti- i POWDER Absolutely Pure A frriim of tartar I.HKIrc .mwiliT- H'k(i est oif.ll in i.tvi-nii.K Rtrinnth l.iitcst I' owrun'v-t (:oni Hi-port KOYAL 1P.K1NO I'I'WIil'R CO . 1Uii Wall Strict. N. Y CHRONOGRAPHS WHOLKSALIC COST PRICE I OR A I-'ICW DAY'. ARTHUR M. FIELD LEADING JEWELER, 18 South Ilia I li St., AsliCYillc. UNPRECEDENTED OPPORTUNITY ! y Thirty-foui of the Choicest Duilding . OTP Lots in City, County or State O FOR SALE REASONABLY; BOSTIC 1 1 Mug a iiut of 1 liti McDowdl property, fronting on South Main street, the Boulevard of Asheville. HALF HUNDRED ALSO A LOTS 30 Pat ton Ave., IN WHAT 18 KNOWN AS THU llUCHANAN TK ACT, ALONO SOUTH MAIN SI RKlif AND BDNCOMUB DK1VE. AI'l'LY AT Ol'I'ICB IN WliSTIiKN CMtOLINA HANK, TO CAPT. M:. J. FAGG, Rlnniigrr of tlic Asheville Park nml Hotel Company. 117 coiitiniw Lis low j)rice LiTiiii mwi nulf UO il.iys longer. J In has HARRIS' SPRINGS, S. C., CONTAINS 1-3 MORE LITH1A THAN THE BUFFALO LITHIA WATER. lust ivrrivotl mmv ot those! Has No Superior in the United States G. II., CONSULTING OPTICIAN. 59 South Main St. CLOSING OUT MY BUSINESS. Your last chance tu k t .v.ur siM accurately filled with pauses without eharyc for the examination. ONLY so DAYS I.ONER. tK.'ra, l-'idil Olnsm-a oml otlu-r Optica! in struments nl a sulst!tnti(il rccltK'tion. pivtfy live rent ('nlnos, .-nid his rim I wide it rent lUonched Domes tie is the best in the rity ;il the jrire. Ho not forget the phiro. KOR 'UHIN; l) Hpepsiii, ConHtipntion, Liver complaints, Nausea, Dropn.v, (lout. Diseases of the Kidneys and Madder, Ila'inaturia and Cataraenial Derangements, Dis eases of the IMood. Guaranteed to cure Cancer. On Draught and For Sale by the Gallon at PELHAM'S PHARMACY, ASIIEMLLK. ( For particulars write to 1. T. IIAKK1S, Proprietor uf the Harris' I.itliia Springs.) HOTEL AT SPRINGS IS OPEN FOR GUESTS. J. T. BOSTiC, 30 Palloii Avenue- ER, P. L. COWAN & CO., JEWELERS, ALL KIM'S UF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. Wc Make a Specialty of Fine Watcli Ucpairliifc. Mr. W, V. (lolilmnilll 18 our wutiliiii.ikir, nml i' nl wujs pliuKcd to fscc Iuk iiisioiiicis. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. No. 9 West Court Place, asiii; VILLI!, N. c. Wbat Slie canuot Hide. From the Yonkers Stateaman. As auotlicr piool'of woman's inability to keep a secret we notice that while a man covers his suspenders a woman wears hers openly. Albermarlc News: Two Mormon divines appeared at the house of Jim Hudson, a tew miles below here, and said the Lord had sent them there to spend the night with him. Jim said he knew better, for lie had seen the Lord last, and the Lord eave him orders not to let them stay. They moved on. The encampment of the state uu.ird at Wrightsville ended Thursday. It was a successful one, despite the almost un precedented hot weather. The third and fourth regiments, seventeen companies, go into camp August. With them will be an unattached company from Fay ettcvillr. M. D. Lane, Devercaui, Ga writes "One summer several years ago, while railroading in Mississippi, I became budly affected with malarial blood poison that impaired my health for more than two years. Several offensive ulcers appeared on my legs, and nothing seemed to give permanent relief nntil I took six bottles of il. U. b , which cured me en tirely." To AdYcrldcra. T' insure change of advertisements runtiing on regular contract, copy must be banned in by 10 o'clock a. m. Parents Listen! Boy's suits oue-hatf price at li. If. Barnura & Co.', a Court square. . Vocal quartette at the Phonograph Parlor. Take your" bvst eirl" to the Phum graph Parlor this cvitiiiif;. ASHEYILLE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. Prof. M. M. Lctiiiiiond, formerly Presi dent of The Scnrcy College & Business School, of Searcy, Ark., and for three years a teacher, in the Missouri State Normal school will establish a thor oughly equipped institution in this city for ladies and gentlemen styled The SOUTIIKKN BUSINUSS COLLIiOU. He has secured the Ilrd storv of the Na tional Hank building on the corner of Court place and Patton Avenue which will lie remodeled and furnished so ns to make it etuul to any Business College rooms in the south, being magnificently located, having fine ventilation and liirht, will have elegant modern furniture including Bank, Wholesale, Commission ind freight otticcs auu Commercial hx- change. He wtll have thoroughly com petent and experienced teachers. The full Business course will include Theory Book-keeping, Business Training, Bank ing, Wholesaling, Commission etc., Com mercial Law, Business Forms, Penman ship, Commercia Arthcmetic, Practical English, Letter writing.Siiellingand prac tical use of words, Literary Society work, Lectures on Political economy and Civil Government. Avtrrnge time for com pleting the course about five months. The Shorthand course includes, Short hand, Typewriting, Practical Ivnglisli, Letter writing und spelling Average term for completing the course about lour months. Mrs. L. L. Mckcc, for merly the principal teacher iu the Bryant & Stratton's shorthand department in llultimore will nave charge ot the bliort band and typewriting. Lectures in Com mercial law will be delivered by- Judge J. H. Mcrrimon, in Political science by Prof. P. P. Claxton, of Johns Hopkins school of Political science, in Civil Gov ernment, by the Hon. Melvin H. Carter. scholarship, in the business course, un limited as to time, $50; for Shorthand limited to six months, $40; for Type writing, $30; or for Shorthand and Tpyewriting together, $00; Scholarships will be paid for when received. The school will be opened on August 15tli. A deduction of $10 will be made upon all scholarships in the Busincssor Shorthand and Typewriting courses sold on or be fore Sept, 1st, 1802. Prof. Lemmond invites a careful investigation of his course and a comparison with other schools of the United States. Anyone wishing further information can see him at No. 99 Haywood atreetj from 8 to 9 a. in., or 7 to'8. p. m. julOd! m The remedy that cures all headaches and neuralgia iso promptly and safely, can In; found at llaysor & Smith's dmsr store, on ration ave nue, by the single bottle, dozen or gross at innnufn" turers' prices. Try it and you will be charmed with its. happy ef fect. 25 and 50cts. a bottle Distributing Agents RAYSOR& SMITH jul;27d0m MOUSES TO RENT Shoulil he plasterrd with Adamant thereby saving all iniurc repairs to wans. WALL PAP PAINTS, OILS AND STAINS, WINDOW SHADES, FOR SALE BY : WICOLL & HUNT, ji;ssic u. t't AiiNUH, UNDERTAKER : AND : EMBALMER. V Kl fJIUSlTII ill' Till I'tJUNIKIllill UI'.SINLSS No, 10 COURT SQUARE. WEEKLY CITIZEN IS 0NLYSI.00 PER YEAR. EMBALMING A SPECIALTY. Satisfaction Ciuarnuttred. STRICTLY IN ADVANCE! I'miupt Altcntluu Given NlKlit. 111 Call. Hay or I ( MliiT ami rcnlfUncc Nn !!7 Street. Tclcphimr No. 51. N'irlh Mn'D nPKCUi, ummi-:k PIANOS, ORGANS. lenoiia expecting to purchase In a few months cun us well do so now and iny later on, wittt no unvnnce in noitom ciiHn prices. KciiH-mlt-r that wc sell only the best and nlow you the prlvilrfft of a thorough trial In vour homc liefore purchasinii and sell on exactly the same terms here as In New York citT or elsewhere and all frclnhts paid. Re member also that wc are the sole dealers here In the matchless btctnwar, Mathustek, Mason t Hamlin and Sterling pianos, and the Mason Nt Hamlin and Btcrllna oruans In all styles, which are I'ully warranted Ashe villc brunch ol the l.llDDHN c I1ATBS SOUTH BRN MUSIC HOUSK, No. 43 l'at- ton Avenue. II II. CKUUCH, Manager. SCIIOOIA AND COLLEGES. St. Mary's School, RALEIGH N. C. The Advent Term -uf tlic 51st All uual Session will lx-j;in Scplcin bcr atd Pur C;itnli(juc, mlilrcss ItEV. li. SMEDES, A. M., N. C. RAI.HI01I julj l koiIMm K ATM AND MICK lo not gnaw tlirouuh Adnmant. It Is the best samtarv plustcr. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE. COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY 18. FOUR IO XXA-TTS ONLY. 100 Men's Suits, worth $7.UO, at $4.43. 100 Men's Suits, worth $9.50, now ut $3.05. 100 Men's Suits, worth $13.00, now $7.H5. 200 Youths' Suits, from 12 to 17 years, wurlh $5, now going nt $.40. 120 Youths' Suits, from 12 to 17 years, worth $7.B0, now going ut $3.05. 123 Child Suits, from S to 14 years, worth 81.60, now 73 cents. 186 Child Suits, 5 to 13 year, worth $2, now $1.16. 05 Children's Suits, S to 13 years, worth $3.26, now $1.06. 86 Child's Knee Pants at 25 cents. 1,600 Men's Working Pants In all colors and sites, nt 86 cents, worth $1 60. 100 pairs Men's odd Casslmcre Pants, worth from $3.60 to $5, now at $1 00, 100 dozen Men' Ilalbrlggnn thirta, worth SO cents, now selling at 25 cents. THIS CRFAT 8ALE WILL POWIVELY LAST TEN DAYS ONLY. TIicho poods having recently been bought by our Now 101k and Jialtimore buyers at Urent bankrupt hales, una to show the nublic that, this is no liumlniir, come nna con vince yourself by examining our Great Bargain Counters, which are at tne BALTIMORE CLOTHING AND DRY GOODS HOUSE, SALEM FEMALE ACADEMY. SALEM, N. C. The Oldest Female College in the Sooth. The 91st Annual 8eslon besins Bcntrm- berlst. 1R92. Keuistcr for last vear 827. Speclnl features: THB HHVBI.OPMBNT of IIKALTH, CHARACTER and INTBLLBCT. Bulldincs thoroughly remodelled. Kullv equipped Preparatory, Collegiate and Post Graduate Departments, besides nrst-class schools In Mimic, Ait, Lamuiiaohs, Blocin TION, LUMMKSCIAL AND INIIUITKIAI. STI'DIBS, JOHN M. CL,BWBL,L, july9d2w Principal. UNIVERSITY OF TENNE88EE ACADIMIC DItARTMENT, whs UUrn, Owl, Mmlunlnil. Buetrlml ana Mining KntrlneeruiKUll AtrrtoaMiutl owuses. LAW DEPARTMENT. ' TEACHERS' DEPARTMENT. nun mtwm ; nse isuomtjories snd shops 1 am pwRTmnsnlum. Kxiterwra Tfrr mixlf ml, write lOt SUWIUH-nWTlI. y HAtV. W. 1A1 uawunoimitit ('Bab. W. dabn KY,Jr.Pmi, nnvATIklt, IKSS, f Albemarle - female - Institate, CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA. I. mce corns of Bunerlnr Teachers. Iient advantanea la Literary, Musical, and Art Departments. Attractive rurroumllnus. Healthful and accessible location. Lowest terms, uracr cataloaue. W. P. DICKINSOM, lulylSrodiat Prindual. 1 i::iTY CGLLEC! UURHAM, NORTH UAHgUHA. Rcw hniMlnirs. All modern ImjirowfiMmU, Kltietrk llnliu. Lsbnrtorlcs,libnriea,mu' srnm. llMllhfnl cllmaU. lir (rounds, nasrlor faenllr ( speelsllru In aseh ftosfu-timat. Uorvtt departments of instructioa. lT.n. mm. 1 umm. low. nr mmmwwm John J rowan, rrsai ADAMANT ivo. - 10 . patton - A.VI3IVlJl3s. ,n.,"t?mo,to,o,u, , HOTELS, HOARDING HOUSES. DIKFCTIVY nn line of W. N C. divMfti of K. & k. R. K.. nnd only 1T.O Tunis from station. Four daily nnsnencer truins. This favorite rrHort in new r.wn. C'nlsinv tiitifly unen-cllcd in the Hint., and pri-nidcd over by a well-know a vhtt. Thia water ban ltii biKhly endornpd liv hundreds of the medical pruk-sMon. and has liecn pronounced by a competent Loudun nuthorlty to be fully rnuuljf not itiperior to any of the moat ctkbrmtcd mineral wnlcrn oi Europe and America. It untuned in larjec quantities all over ibe United Statin, and alno dtncl to London, linnlainl. Water strongly diuretic and tonic. Livery siamc, naruer snop, iniinnry, nan room, liowlinR ally, pool and hillinrd tables Unrivnlled scenery. Splendid drives. 1-u'l band all the season. Write for prut K.clus and rates to CONN BL IVY SPRIN08 CO., jutyl8d2m ' Connelly RprinKs, N. C rHli well known and popular ARDEN PARK HOTEL Opened on the 6th Inst, with a Urand Hull. Notwithstanding; the Inclemency or the weather there was In attendance n laruc crowd of the most distinguished citisens of tne community. The noted pianist. Prof. Denes, furnished the music for the occasion. Ardcn Park Is nine miles frrui Ashtrlllr. and one-half mile from Ardeu station on the 8. and A. railroad. - The proprietor and bis lady will spare no pains in looking after the comforts of their Kaesta. Good IWcry, bowling alley and lawn tennis Polite and attentive servants. Table unsurpassed. Hoard per day, 3; per week, $10 Ppeclul rates aiven families. JuljUdlm J. II. LOLLIS, Prop'r. COME AT ONCE HOTEL ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER, N. C. Good rooms and beds; the best of milk and batter; borne raised vegetables; excellent water; good board; the beat place lo sleep In the world. Oh! yon ought to cnoy our SSO feet ol porches with splendid shade and al ways a fresh breete. Rates 0 nnd $7 per week Children and servants half price. K. B, & J. N. VANCli, JulySHeUia BQNHYCREST I Bight miles south of Aabcvlllc, tt mile from Skyland springs Statloa. Rate $2 per day; (13 per week; 0 per moath. , f TH08. A. MOFRIH, Prop'r, aylOdtf ' Skylaad, N. C.

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