ASHEV1LLE DAILY CITIZEN: SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 30, 1892. i I X 1 n ' I 'I - i i 1 l" m i CURES .SCROFULA rlrs. E. J. Unwell, Medford, Mass., says her nether hu been cured of Scrofula by tho u:o r four bottles of KKSSI after baring had much other tnnt- ment, and bcli;;: reduced to quite a low condition of health, an it wn3 thought sho could not lire. CJSaRSI crecl my llttlo boy of horedl which ap. lyiiVfrai tal7 scrofula feared all over his face. Fo: a year I had n up all boj'i of his I was recovery, when final' y induced to use JURflA4 A TowIki tiles cured liim. and no fctiwVjV' tvnintuiim of tho diseaso remain. Miw. T. L. Mathpiw, Matlierville, Jliw. Oirlxiokon BlooJ OO'I Skin I)ia,e,ir mailed free. Swift Srucivii; Co..Atiiiti, r. MONDAY NIGHT, Al'ti. I, MISS BELLE KEARNEY, NATION W. OKftANlXliK 1)1' THIS W. (.'. T. U . Wll.l. IIULIVUK AN ADURKS8 I'Nl'I'K Tllli AUSl'ICl SOF T1IU Kill's Daughters. ANI Tllli Young; Woman's CliriHtiau Temperance Vnlon. Proceeds lu lie devoted to local work. Tickets 0,r mjiIc ut Kaysor & Smith's drug store, Tuttoii avenue. Reserved scuts, BO cents; thrr Rents Ufi certs. O BOO OOP OOO TUTT'S IHII I llfaW Ralls O amy hivyi riaid tlmulnto tho torpid liver, strengthen iTcYl 3 Blve Stho dlgcutlva organ, rrgulat the a 0 ImhvoIh, and are iiiirqualM u a ant I- u blllonniiiGdicIno. Iniimlarhtldlatrlutft jytv tliolv virtues are wldolv recognlied m a 9 they poM? peculiar properties lnj tho stem from that poison ; A Pi "saflo Onlce, 30 Park Pluce, W. Y. USE TUTT'S HAIR DYE;" O a nerfoct Imitation of nature) ImpoM- fl ' Ible to detect it. Price, S1 per. bos. v O9OO0O9OO I'ROFESSIONA L CARDS. M. KAUFMANN, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, OI'KIL'll AND HKSlllKNCi:: js rissiti.ANHST., ASiiuyii.u;, n c, A. H. COBB, STIC NOG ttA PH E R. I:w Work a .Hjjcciislty. ROOM 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. f A. Ti:.NXI!NT. Architect and Contractor. Tinny, siK-clnc.-iiious nil esliniatcs fur- ii!ioJ. All wutU in my line euntrneted for, .ni'l nn ilnrrL"' f;r '.(''.'iwinys on eimtrueta 'tuai.u.l inc. K. t 'lriHT w hen ilelred. ( No. 12 Kentliy l'lueV. North Court Sqnnie, Asni vilie, N. C. MUSdly j.j-Ycars' lCxpcrience-34 MILTON HARDING (.'ONTBACTOR AND 11UILIUJR. Ollicc and aliup, Wolfe Building. COUNI'.M COUKT I'LACE AND MARKET STRKUT. (1AINES & FRENCH, CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS, If yon wtiut your dwelling or furniture re- IKtireu can auu see us. VNIIUKTAKING A Sl'HCIALTV. 00 South Main Strict, Ashcville, .V. t , julylidlf INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH K. J. ASTON, 4ji-ucral : Insurance i Agcut. Rim No. ,utb Mnin street. l',lal.lisluil 1H(5. Ashevlllc, N. C niir. ul v 1J. K. RKITT, CONTRACTOR &, BUILDER IN STONE. k OrnilitiK 'f ll kinds done. AH siscs of Acrulicil stmic furnished. Send all orders to Inline llox I I S. Aslievl'le, N. C. ic I !itr H. II. UlCHVltH, U. D. S., UliMTAI. fejK nnllv riutloinje, over RedwuiMi's StorC) f'Atton ATenue. eai'lemc, 35 rucc street. RA.M,A, 1). D.S. ixutni Office i urertlie National Hunk of Asherilte, Bar i.'i.l linildiiiR. Kesideuce, 6U Charlotte at. Irli'JIUI 1 T 11. F. All JUNO TUN, LM'ficu ruoms (ivKkCi)Siiv'sJiiwiimY Stoic K, PATTON WBNUE. f-frSiH-clal alteutlnn Riven to filline teeth and trcutinK diseased gums and nil diseases ucrtaininK to the dental structure. muyl.'liltr -TAKE THE CHICAGO X ALTON R. R. West aul Northwest. UiniRrnnts Kning to anrof the Wcstrrn States or Territories will sare time and money Kolnir via Chlctgo nnd Alton route. It Is the quickest route to Kansas City, Den ver l'uclilo, and nil points In Idaho, Wash Innton. Orciton, L't-th and California. Finest and Best Equipped Road in the Went. (inly line running; Solid Veatihuled Wins between 8t. l.ouis and Kansas Citv. KcclinlnK Chnlr cars and Tourist Sleepers iree oi exira cnurirc. 1 I will meet part lis at any rti Irnnrt station IwHh throuuh liikcls ii-n! Imucnire checks. I'or fu'l Informal Inn mnns ual descriptive isuiritiv sa i iM. mill m i vt!l VII It. A. NliWLANti, TruellnH Passenoer Ancnt, 3M Pntton Avenue, Ashevlllc, N. J C'HAKl.TON. O.eiierul Passenger ircnt, Chlcaao. , ADAMANT, The "Pcrfeellon of Wall Plaster." It tins 800 i per cent, more tensile strength than lime, 1 and a 00 per cent, rnore than aay other ma- tcnoi anowa aa I whii pioatcr. BILL NYE'S PARCHED WELL III-'. HAH A HARD TISli; TO Ul VI! IT KNOVIill TO IIM1NK. lie Sas It Ih the Onljr Urj Place In I In- male A em Tlinl lie OrMcrllH-H nn n I.tttlc Hncltc or Itvtliiulc CiirbuncU' A Patriotic Mayor. lir-K Smiiai.s. Iliiiuoinlic Co., N. C j lt'op right, 1802, by Eagur V. Nye.) From Uolightly, S. C, comes a little poetic opal or rliytUiulo carbuncle, en titled "A Mornfnl Song." It would indicate tluit there is growing tip in the Caroliims, as it were, a postbelluin sort of reiuinisci'iico in song, and here in the thought ganglia and turpentine centers of tho new south, whero erst while its diagnosis hns almost had tho Geld to itself, now there is coining for ward a free, joyous trill of defiant glad ness which marks the age and tells of its former environments in an uutrtirn niclcd way that I must say I like. PICKED ON BY AH AUTIST. This is tho rondeau as it comes to me, dated Golightly, S. C, June 3, of the present year, and signed Polk Ransom: A MOHNFUL 80X0. Last summer when flowers and fruit wero red At the end of that summer my uncle wiut dead Alas! wo laid hliu on a mo)' h"d To sleep forever. But tho wave rif sorrow still mica liiuh lie loft 5 children on this world to 11 vo And in tho sorow of life to dy And meet him. The American song writer has hereto fore been too grnphio perhaps, lie should merely touch a note here nnd there, leaving the reador to till in or im provise the connecting interlude. The poet should say to his reader: "Let ns wander on toward the beautiful west. We will meet at a certain point nnd you can go your own way through the meadows, and there at the end of tho stanza we will join each other and com pare woodticks. Poetry, hko music, should inspire those who aro capable of receiving m spiration, but it should not be too grapliio, like the report of the United States coast survey. Now we havo here a eong which is brought to an abrupt conclusion, leaving tho reader to easily supply tho last words himself and com plete tho stanza as follows: lie left flvo (5) children on this world to live And in I lie sorow of lito to dy And meet him. Oh, yes, Wo'll meet him, We'll meet hi m When the sun goes down. Mr. Ransom could write a good cam paign song if ho would turn his attention to it. Campaign songs are more cheery than tuo moan we givo above. Hero, where we regard clay as victuals, it is not pleasant to think of Polk's undo turning to kindred clay and becoming edible at his time of life. Let Polk turn in and writo a campaign song. Let it be reversible song that can be used by either party. Any man who can paint such a word picture of his uncle s death could build a campaign song that would easily be heard alwvo the noiso of tho workmen engaged in nailing tho campaign lie. But let us pass on to speak of moro agreeable subjects. Those who are in torested in tho subject of wells will be glad to know that workmen on this well known structure of mino struck water on the evening of the 8th inst., and were compelled to get out with great haste to avoid being drowned. Two feet and tun inches of water were reported by my well superintendent, who tapped me for another assessment and went home to obtain much needed rest. I thought that two feet would hardly be sufficient for our family, several members of which use water exclusively as a tonic, so I got another man to put in a final blast. This blast was ill advised, as it cracked open the bottom of tho well and let out the two feet and ten inches of water which had been put in there on the night of tho 7th iust. It is low enough to salt a gold mino, but the man who will carry water from the "branch" all night to salt the well of ft kind hearted northern invalid who is willing to let bygones bo bygones and ready to let the dead past do its own undertaking is not going to encourage cobwebs on the months of yonr cannon tho way I feel like doing. I did not murmur when I found that in charging two dollars per foot the well digger meant two dollars per foot down and two dollars up, or two dollars for digging and two dollars for stowing, Also I paid for hands, materials, dam' ages, medicine, etc. I never said any thing unless it was that I did not hold myself responsible as late as this for the damage that General Sherman did in the heat of passion, while I was too young to be held responsible, and that ft little deal over a well, I thought, was poor place to work in the entire expenses of war. Even when 1 found that the well at the depth of 100 feet had tapered so fast that it was merely ft little feverish point in the thirsty bowels of the earth I did not murmur. Even when I found that I had 11,000 yards of earth piled up at the mouth of the well on top of my strawberry bed I did not speak bitterly or refer with acrimony to the wooden cannon which were so placed as to keep McClellan foiling back to the Arlington hotel in Washington every evening for weeks. I did not rake up old person auties even when 1 went aownonceto see the well and the hands at the wind lass went to Ashevillo to spend a gala week, leaving me to enjoy the glorious scenery known as the Land of the Sky. But I say that we should not expect to wreak the vengeance of a century upon or collect the consequential damages of four years of hard fought and calamitous war from ft peaceable man who has been already "picked on" by the so called artists of the United States till he does not dare to unveil himself in public till after twilight. ,,.' I do not come before the trablio ftsklna for 300 Pmkcrton men to protect mo at the cost of their lives. My grounds are free to those who wish to come and gambol on them, and no armed force will be invoked to keep tho peace on my plantation. I only ask that no one will refer to this well until I am more calm. In the meantime I havo a large, beauti ful, geared windmill for sale. I bought the windmill feeling certain that here, whore the rain only pauses to spit on its hands and get a better hold, water would be plenty even if we had to catch It in the well in the shape of ram, but my well is now the only dry place in North Carolina. To my other duties I have to add now that of sprinkling the well. That is not all. After three or four months watch ing the growth of a well you get at tached to it. You cannot bear to see it suffer and toss iilxmt and hear it cry for water. A typhoid well with nothing in it but a shortage and a dead kitten of the polo variety is ono of tho saddest sights I ever listened to. Beforo I dug tho well a man came to me claiming to bo a water witch. He claimed to havo tho gift of discovering the location of a vein of water by means of a hazel wand or crotch. For two dollars ho would havo shown mo whero the water could be easily reached, but I lacked faith. Coining from New York, I was checked up pretty high, and I claimed to know as much of metro politan life as Dr. Parkhurst, also a rood many other things; so I pooh poohed the water witch and went my ay. I lacked faith. Fuith is necessary in tho affairs of this life as woll ns those of a future state. Faith has done much to advance the causo of progress nnd human advanco' ment and progression. Progress and advancement must naturally go hand in hand. Faith has done much to advanco progress and to givo progression to ml vancemcnt (sic). Faith in n physician has dono much to advance tho causo of medicine, for in stance. A neighlxjr of mine here, through faith in his doctor, made tho discovery that it was tho capsule and not tho con tents which enrod him. Ouo day the doctor had tho capsules with him but none of the filling, and so he adminis tered the capsule, It did tho patient so much good that now ho often uses the capsule by itself with gratifying results. Last spring a man in Buncombe county was taken sick with a sort of misery in his side and a rising in his head. The doctor was sent fur and decided to take tho temperature of the invalid; so he wiped his thermometer on tho kneo of his trousers and put it under tho tongno of the sick man. It remained there ten minutes. Those who have given them selves up to tho gastronomic delights of a fifteen cent thermometer that has been through a long hospital practice will agree that it gives ono the gay look of a man who has just swallowed a soft shell ostrich egg or a wet umbrella. After the doctor had gouo tho wife said: Agamemnon, what was that there thing ho givo you when ho first come in?1 That, says Agamemnon, "was elec tricity, and I never got relief so quick since I was born. Faith in a physician also brought about tho uso of tnrpentino internally. Tho doctor erred in his order and wrote for it to be used internally instead of exter nally. Faith of this kind has been the father of many important discoveries, I knew a doctor very well who was also digging a well, even as I have been this summer, until it got to running in his mind, Night or day he could think of nothing else. When at leisure he was all tho time looking down the road watching for a messenger who was ex- TIIE WATl'.ll WITCH. pectcd to tell him that the vein had been struck and the old well was squirting a column of water eighty feet high. All the money ho earned by his practieo ho put into blasting powder and fuse. Now and theu ho set a leg or trepanned the head of his head well digger, but most generally he had to pay cash for all the work ho had dono. Finally ho got to prescribing in a wandering sort of way, and seemed to ramble mentally wlnlo practicing. The well sort of warped his inind, till one day he tried to remove a stone bruiso by administering a small dynamite car tridge. Faith in the physician induced the lad to take the dynamite, and the stone bruise was removed. It and the lad were buried in the same grave. They were planted by means of a com planter in hills four feet apart. P. 8. The following proclamation comes from a friend in Louisiana, and shows that Datriotism and love of conn- try both have a strong uoiuon tne mayor of Wavcland, or else that he has some lots for sale there at a merely nominal figure. Everybody, visitors especially, aro or is, as the caso may be, requested of pro viding theirsclf or itself with surtablo rubbish and fireworks, as well as also to Vrlng their or its dinner, as our people sre anxious of celebrating this Fourth of July as grander than over before: To tho Citizens aud Visitors ot tho Town of Wavcland: As our people are nnxlous of celebrating this Fourth of July ns iirnndcr than over beforo, yon are requested to display flairs from your wharfs and premises, anil not nhseut yourself from the Rniud reitntta under tho penalty of depriving yourself and family of the grand panorama of uiugiilllcent racing yachts. lUoe will start from hood of Nicholson avo. at 1? o'clock. Have ready on yonr bench piles of rubbish to tart bonfires. Provide) yourself with suitable fireworks, and he ready for thu general dlsplny to be started at 8 o'clock, at a sIkuuI i;ivcn by the mayor at head of Nicholson avo. by the ascension of a Imlloon, which will discharge fireworks In the air as It ascends. ' Do this then to amuse our peoplo and for many years to receive thanks and praise. Ulven under my hand aud seul this 2Wh day ot Juno, A. D. WO. A. A. I'lman, Mayor. This proclamation reminds me of a textbook which I once studied, entitled "Portuiruese Without a Master." Here is an anecdote which I found in the book, and translated one day wniie herding stock near Dirty Woman's Ranch, Wy., ono of tho most romantic spots west cf Skowhegan: A physician eighty years of sue had ininyed of a health unalterable. Their frleutlsillil 111 m of It compliments every day. "Mr. lloetor," they said to him, "yuu are admirable man. What you make theu fur to bear as well?" "I will tell you It, gentlemen," ho was anBwerod them, "aud I exhort you in samo timo ut to fol low my example. I live of the product of my orderiog without take auy remedy who I com mand to my Blcks." I sunt this work to a friend of mino who was just appointed as minister to Portugal. Ho wrote thanking me, and laying that ho would commit this nnec- ioto in Portuguese to memory, as they wero going to give him n large boiled dinner on his arrival. It was two weeks beforo I heard from Portugal, and then I mnmved to make out by a Lisbon paper that ho was dead. B. N, VellowHlone Park KxcurHlon for Kuljrhttt Templar. Special arrangements have heen made by the Union l acilic railway for the ben efit of the Knights Templar who attend the conclave nt Denver in August, who desire to visit Yellowstone National Park. Parties who desire to make the trip should purchase, before leaving, round trip tickets to the hu mcr point. Kate lor the same is one fare or $-17.50 for the round trip. Kiuinil trip tickets can be mirclinscd at Denver or Heaver Canon I'jr the tour tliroiiuh the Pork for parties ol trom six to nine persons 10 00, for parties of fifteen or more persons dd.UU each, ilicsc rates include the regular rate throueli the Park, taking all points of interest, such as Lower, Middle niul Upper ticyscr llnsui, Yellow stone Palls, Grand Canon, Morris Gey ser, Basin nnd Mammoth Hot Springs, r or full particulars rail on or address Jas. P. Aijlar, General Agent Union Pa cific Knilwny, St. Louis. A number of selections hv Gilmurc's lliuul nt the 1'hottogruph Parlor. NOTIC1I. NORTH CAROLINA, Superior Court, Hi noimmi; Coi ntv, I August Term, 1HU2. M. B. Wihtk ct at Smice vs. o' NANNII! J. Al.l-XANItRR ft ill.) SuiltlimtlS. i tie follow in tr ucicnunnts in the noovc entitled action to wit; A. T. Love, Lcror M. Shields and wile. Motlie . Shields. N. T C. Love, Frank Love, Robrrt Love, W. M. Baxter, Alfred Baxter, Lewis Bnxtcr, John Baxter, Grorjsc llixter, H. I. Ilailey, A. 1L Robinson and wife, Delia Robtnion, W, H Burnett, Wiley Burnett, Charles Kirk'nml, Arthur II. Day and wife, DiliaDav. will take notice that nu action entitled as above Ims been commenced in the suptrinr court of Buncombe county to perfect the title to a certain tract of land situated In said county, wnicn wan contracted to ne conveyed to White by J. M. Alexander, dtl'endants' nn- eestor, and the said. defendants wilt further take notice that they arc required to appear at the next term of the fuipcriorcourt ot said county, to be held nt Asbcvillc on the third mod day he to re the first Monday in Septem ber. 18112, and answer or demur to the com plaint in sairl action or the plmutitM will ap ply to the court for the relief demanded In said coinpluiiit. Thin the 24-th June. 181)2. J. L. CATIIfiY. Clerk Superior Court. Oudrcrimd Martin, plaintiff s attorney. Juiic2fiSatr.L Valuable Laud in Swain Co. For Sale. IW virtue of nuthoritv investrd in me bv the last will and testament nf Willinm lohn- ston. dee'd, 1 will sell at auction to the high est bidder at the court bouse door IN BRYSON CITY, N. C, on Tuesday, the 23d day of AtiKtist, 1Kp2, nil the interest of said Willinm lohnston (bung an undivided one-half thereoi Iccsone- tweltth ol the mineral interests), in the fol lowing described three tracts of valuable laud, situate in the county of Swain, to-wit: Pi'Rt tract, beiiiR state emnt No. 401), lyinir on Luftv river, near its head waters, beginning at a strike and IWdsnm tree, (0) six poles south from Porter's lnp on the Smoky mountain, ami run nine per culls of said grant, various courses for comple ment, containing irom 7,000 to io.uuu acres, more or less. Second tract, bcinc state iirnnt No. 40H. date of December 26,1857,5,000 acres on 1 the east side of Forney's Creek, beuinnint: ; at a white hickory aud intake on the cast bank of Forney's creek and running the vn rious courses named in said grant, contain in 5,000 acres, more or less. Third tract, being stutc grant No. 145 dated March 13th, 1H55. hcuinninis at i beach on the west bank of Tneknscegce river, at the mouth of the first la rue branch or creek below iicnlnniin Hyde's old place, nnd running accorumg to tnc various calls named in suid yruut, containing 2,;i00ncres, more or l"s. All of the aforesaid three tracts of hind having been originally granted bv the state of North Carolina to R. V. Welch and J. B. Ainson. Terms of the sale, one-fourth cali. remain i der to be paid in en mil installments one and two years iron, oate, with imcrestlromuntc at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, payable scmi-annunlly; or if purchaser prefers he can pay nu cash, instead oi tiling note tordc ferred puymcnts. lilOS 11. J'JHNSn on, jy22fri4t Bxccutor. I'VI'VI'VI'V WHY THE AMERICAN RAMBLER Is the BEST WHEEL OK THE MARKET tlilnypnr. WSkBT-M B IflrT tllO collllillllUion ot KPlll 1 1 X I the celebrated U. a 1. UaLVlAUsJL. Pneumatic. Tiro and SpriiiR Frame makes riillnK on It n luxury. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Said for Illustrated Catalogue. CORMULLY 1EFFERY M'F'O CO., Washington, D. C. NOTICE. The books for subscription to the cupltal stock of the Ashevlllc and Urlstul railroad company arc nuw open fur subscription at the office of Jt. R. Kskrldjte, Secretary, No. 17 Prttton Avenue. WM. COCKU, l'rcsldciit. June S-Uh, 1H93. dtf the: maitlanu school,, No. 40 French Pro ad Avenue. ENGLISH ANI l'RBNCIl IlOMIi ANTIU VY SCHOOL 10K GIKLS. AA'S BUKGWVS MA1TI.AM), l'rlc;i. The School will re open September 20th, Mrs. Mnltlnnd will be in Ashcvllle after Aunust 10th. Circulars of the school can be had at Kaysor & Smith's, l'atton avenue JARIKS FRANK, nsAi.aa is FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS Agent for keema Creek Woolen Mills, North Main st , Ashcvllle, N. C REMOVAL. I have nmvd from 37 Tatton avenue to 14 North Court Square. Ladles will find this a quiet place, and goons encap. E. COFFIN, Auction and Commission House. Auction sales Tuesdays and Saturdays at io a. tn. thi: TRAVELERS' INSURANCE COMPAN writes Insurnncc that lnsttrs. Policies world wide, non-rorfeltnble and eonlnins the most liberal oniions for ils nolicv holders. The Lite ncpurtnicnr is writing ni inc rate ui Sl.noo.tiOO per month Accldrnt tickrts for sale by the day. TI108. W. POSTItLL. Ant, JO N. Court Place, July 1, 180a. Ashcvllle, N. ADAMANT, i Of itself n Id not crack, I well or shrink. WANT COLUMN. WANTED. OK1CK K.1LNHK WANTUO Apply to JL J- U. LUlSi july2dtf P. O. Box 703. WANTPKOI'LHTO KNOW Dr. C J. OH Tcron, spccialiiit on eye, ear, throat and now di Branca can he fouud over Hay nor & Smith's driiK Htore, No. 31 l'atton avenue. Fitting of k lasses alno n npeeialty work. lours u a. m. to l p. m. j p. m. to u p. m. July Id II' FOR KENT. S" TOKIi FOR RENT Good staad, low rent. Annlv at julySdtf. WIlirLOCK'iS. TIOR RUNT Two pair nice furnished rooais. suitable fur lieht house keeuillK. at SO Ilailey street. G. L. M'llONAM). julyi!7dlw TO RliNT Houc on ftnilcy utreet. on cer line; nine roumn; "oth cistern and ctt water. Apply at mkk c. wai.kivk'm, jul?20dlw No. HH Bailey Btrcet. FOR RBNT The large, fine atorc room and bacment, No. 14 North Court Place. Apply to C. S. Cooper, No, 67 Norlh Mnin Btrcet. JitlT27d 1m TTIOR RKNT Suite of rooms In Suite of Mc for b lUIUftrd JJ Hlnck, suitable for bed runm and nllire Apply at Dr. C. I. Uilllard's oltiie n hulld- JlyliHlm 1)STl'KK FOR KIJNT 75 acres nenr the city, splendid tirar. plenty of water nnd rhiuic. Ample for 40 or fo head of cattle. I 'rice $2 per month rcr hcud. Apply to J. 1 KHKH, jiilv23dtf Citizen offics. FOR RliNT OR SAUK New 7 room house on Arlington I'lHce. Modern conven iences; good neighborhood; on street car line; ten minutes walk from court house. Apply to L. II. AUiXANlUlK, junc20dtf at Western Carolina Itnnk. FTIO RliNT Residence No. 14 Hill street 1, Nice slate roof hotipc, H rooms, bciiiles bath roomt and basement. All modern con veniences. Terms reasonable. Apply to IIR.J.O. UUUBN, jnnelOdtf No. 0 West Court Square. IjlOR RliNT New tcn-room house, very dcKirnblv located. Nenr street car line. lot uud eold water and both rooms. Apply O 1,. A. ! AKINIIUI.T, or Mrs. 15. W. Greer. l'atton avenue. JIOR HUNT FOR THIS SUMMER My residence in West Ashcvitlc. half acre lot tttl Inruc oaks; pood well, stable, etc., etc ven rooms in the house and furnished ood horse, buggy and harness for snle. mayllcltf C. H SOUTH WICK. 1 BTIfRNHIi Am In town; any parties winning to buy my property situated on the llcndcrsonvilie road can do so for a very low consideration. Inquire of A. T Summey or of the subscriber. Jllly2Vr.2f J. N. HALli. WARDING. AROR shndv vard. nice rooms In new A hnu-c. witn Hoard, nt rcasonamc ra'cs, o. ft corner College and Pine street. julyK7dtf )ART1KK wantiuc plcasnnt rooms and A. K,,oa ooorn can oc accommodated at A1KH.AL.ICU KbyNUUIS', inaylllf 48 Spruce street, VKSONS drslrinir board in a well ap X pointed house cun apply nt MIW lit I W Y I'.KM. j17d1 m 1 1 Starncs Ave, DUMM BR HOARD Rooms cool and com O fortablc. Bvtrvlhlng fresh and newly painted, nnd turmsned. immediately on rcet car line, terms rcnsonaniv-. MVS. J. L. KMATHHRS, Junc7tf 318 Pattou Ave. fjlll HU CHATliAU Piivnte boarding house, No 211 Hwood street. Fine city and ountniu vl"w; perfect sanitation; hot and old water: comfortable, airy rooms: well provided table; attentive service; reasonable rates. Two hundred yards Irom Monttord nr line. MKS, M. II. imvi, J uly 1 Gd 1 m Proprietress, lwiVATii HOARDING A few simile and L large double rooms, with first class board nt moderate prices. Vegetables and ilk from my own farm. v.. . m cv n i-ii, 24 Grove St. olf Patton live. ulyl2dtf FOR SALE. ALDAHLH Texas land to exchange for V An juiya: Ashcvillc property, unqiiire oi js 1 av if a TllVT Tl' YOU AKH HUILDING don't fail to put X in WatBon's l'irc Grate. I'or sale Dy TjVJR SALE One first-class Penficld Ilrick X' Machine. Hns ; aaiiy capacity, Julyldltn T7IOR SALB In any quantity nbove one 1 auart, a pure article ot macuDtrry or Strawlu-rry wine, Address V. . 1 . It nil oil,.. JulylSdlm Rcsthavca I'. O., N. C AHAMANT sales now reach 1 7.000 tons monthly, being more than 20 times as large ns all chenp imitators combined L. TRliAI'WAlf, Asucvilic, rt. tnsiii '. N. C. Otlice uvcr Dickcrson's store. 7nril ACRES of Innd for snle In one ..lilt? bodv. rxceot HOO acres cover ing Mt. Mitchell, the highest penk enst of the Kocktcs. iscnrrsi point, i ninci. irum rt.iic Ille and 'i miles from Htncic Mountain de pot Address box fil.t Ashevillc, N. C. Illiynu im IllR SA LF The Mclkc house, western J part nf the city: one of finest res iiences il Ashcvllle, containing lis rooms, .i- acre. u lo, line oak grove und beautiful lawns in shrub iciv: innunincinl view tnnt esn not he obstructed. For further infiirmitlon address WP. SOIITHHRN. r.srcutor, -'i icsi uaywuoii m. jilly27dlf MISCF.KKANFOVS. iUNCOMBB CAiiriAGll As well .sothcr i Onrilcn and Field Seeds emiiicntlv adapted to Southern soil and Southern cli mate, sent pre-pniii anywhere, at reasonable prices. Send for catalogue and try sume of mem. j. rtlv.' ' . ',, ucciiJ-dtr cavervuic, n. v.. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals will be received nt this ollicc until August 1st, IHDli.forrcpaiiing.repitch ing the brick pavement lnid by'1 Young, and for pitching the brick pavement now be ing laid by Wchb, Oats, ISskridgc He Co. l. li. inanton, mayor. II, M. LUIS, City Engineer. JulyUldtniigl NOT1C E A t the earnest request of frleads 1 announce myself a candidate lor the ollicc of Register of Deeds of Buncombe county, N. C, aublcct to the nomination by the democratic convention, ncina wmoj unable for manual labor, I feel it a duty to mytclf nnd family to apply for the office and hopt to have the support of all voters ncspcctiuiiy, maySltf 8. 8. LYNCH. NOTICB TO CONTRACTORS scaled proposals will be received at this office until 8 o'clock, p. m , on Monday, August 1st, 18!)2, lor lurmsning anil setting auoui 1 0,000 fect of 4 inch curb stone, and mov ing about 6.000 yard, or eartn. Flank forms of proposals enn be obtained at the city engineer's office, where plans and pro- hies Ol tne atrccts to oc curneu nn uv iwn, C. li. iiLANTUN, Mayor, n. M. LEU, Cltjr Eng. JulyOtlllAugl ANNOUNCEMENT I beg to say to the voters of Buncombe count v tnart am a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds for this irrand old county, subject to the inclement and wishes of the Democratic con vention, wnicn meets in itsncyinc ocpicmncr 3rd next, ir i Pro cicctcu, tuc uuties ini-sm- iirni imon me shall te despatched with uni form ooiirtesY and nromut business regular- itv. wiillst desirous oi tne nomination, ana which I trust will be the convention's pleas ure, whether vou select me or not. I will be found voting for Cleveland, and against the Infamous force bill. Very reso'y. julv27dtf R. P. DKUMMOND. ANNOUNCEMENT To the rofeniofIiin. mm tie countnl hereby announce mv silt a candidate for the otlice of Treasurer of Buncombe county, suiiject to tne action ol the democratic nominating convention. Tne present worthy incumbent baa held the office ror several consecutive terms, ana na. nau ninle time to set his head above the waves. ftiiitnclntlv 1. like he. am a disabled confed erate soldier and need the office. 1 believe the democratic voters ol our county are His posed to divide the honors aa well aa the emoluments among us, everything being equal as to qualification and merit. I feel that I am competent to fill this important and responsible office to the satisfaction ol the public, and If elected shall devote my U-st enereics to the faithful and honest dis charge ol Ils duties. I trust my friends throughout the county will give me their earnest auppoit for the nomination. Very resoectfullv JNO. H. . Bandy Mash, June 7, lSUil. dfewtf WHITE - SULPHUR - SPRINGS, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. This eclcbrntcd resort, the coolest and most picturesque spot In Western North Caro , is now open for cucsls. Double daily trains from Ashcvllle to the Snrinu each day of the week, including Sunday. Trains leave Ashevillc for Waynesville at H.3'J a. m , and 6:45 m. Leave Waynesville r Ashcvllle at 6:25 n. m... and 12:03 noon. 1 he water is the finest and nurcst white sulnhur. Iniluelnir a izuad aouctite. and the table is supplied with everything to satisfy it. fooms are wen lurnisnia. clean and cool. The terms of board are modcrutc and will unc-1d2ai DRINK THE KMYILLE BEER The Best and Purest on Earth. Only the finest Baviirian ih and Malt ust'd in its manufacture. A Trial is Earnestly Solicited. J. B. PITTMAN, LEWIS MAlintiz, Pres. n. t. colliks, Capital, $50,000. Surplus. $35,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. Stale, County And City Depository. Ortefuiixed May, 1888. DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PRCOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES UENEIUb BANKING IutcrcMt Paid on LEWIS MAIIIlt'T, H. T. COLLINS, M.J. FACC, ). li. RUliU S. U: "Bank oicn from 9 a. m., till 4 GLENN SPRINGS y .iiMJfcri.firrjiHUi.i ii i " i!i t infill u 1 iuu .1 1 1 hi 1 i iiHHiti itu ini t l'iti x--::,. ! urrTnjs.siTiHiPP m m ii ik ii nr 1 1 nil 1 inn 1 1 f r in f After visiting various wnlcilng plscrs 1 ciimc to (llcnn Springs almost In despair, suf rlnc intensely with Chronic llyspepsia, in fact some physiciuus pronounced my ense gasliitis. Whatever it mav have been 1 nin now nlmost entirely relieved, and that relief has been brought on by the nse of Ciena Springs Water. I think it equal if not superior to any mineral water on the continent. Monroe, N. C. K'K Raysor & Smith and PAUL SIMPSON, Suipper, THE BONANZA," ie m Nos. 41 and 43 S. WHOLHSALB DEPARTMENT, 0ENT3 PARLOR AND READING ROOM. BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING 1 We respectfully solicit a share of yonr patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43- Poatofnce Box Q. X v IB &J1 be given on application. H. M. BRIGHT. Proprietor. SOLE AGENT. Vlcc-Pret. I., r HCLODD, Cashier. BUSINEHH TKAN8A('TE1). DeposltH In Savlues DIRECTORS Dcparltuent. J. B. RATI tn AKJ.l.n MCNAM Uf J B. KA VI. J. nil ANKIN. UtAKUliN. KB ED, p. m. On Saturday, till 0 p. m." MINERAL WATER. S.ILli ill' u. u. iii-.aiii. Pelham s Pharmacy. - - Glenn Springs S. C. Linuon go., Main St., Ashcvllle. "V""! A 1 il W. dfcXs CIOARS. TOBACCO AND BOTTLE GOODS, 8AM- "TO' A Ol PL.B, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. JLJI J lf" ! DtPAKIMtNl ! IN : BAStMtRI. Telpttone.cH, N. . ROLLER TRAY THE MOST CONVENIENT TRUNK EVER DEVISED. V The Tray 13 arranged to roll back, leaving the) TRUNK bottom oi tuc iruuu ) ra-;vnf access. V Notliinu to break or ect out of order. The J. LTrav can bo lilted out if desired, and to buy ) tl.iu Df.-lM is n friiiirntitfH, Iliar vou will ITUt tne -V uii. oijiv - j a - strongest Trunk made. If your Dealer caunot furnish you, notify tho manufacturers, H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., Richmond, Va. e(3rtkv.

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