ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 30. 1802. AFTER THE CONTRACTORS THK JOINT BOARD WAKTN MORE PAV1NU. Hrlvk aud stnue Favliiic Contruo tout Notified to Appear He fore the Board The Aldermen KiitUt After tlie People's L., II. & P. Co. Mayor Wanton, AUleruicn McDowell, Starnes and liaiul and Advisors Hunt, Scott, licarden, Cumminns, Williams and Green were in the council room yes terday afternoon when time for calling the joint board to order arrived. As it requires four aldermen to constitute a quorum, the chief of police was dis patched after a fourth alderman. He soon found Mr. duller, and business proceeded. I'avluic Material. The form of contract between the city aud Webb, Gates, Iiskriiljje & Co., for the furnishing, on the track of the Ashc villc street railway company on l'atton avenue, of enough material to do the work of paving between the rails from court place to Haywood street, was read. Thee on tract provides that the contract ors will furnish the material at these rates: Kohbins pavers, $-l-.r( a thousand; broken stone, $1.80 a cubic vard; pitch, Jl.'-'O for 100 pounds. On motion of Mr. Starnes the mayor was author ized to sign the contract. This is being done so that thestreet railway company can have no loophole of escape when its thirty days' notice expires. The com pany has not uotilied the city that it is ready to take the material at cost anil do the paving. It seems to be the sen timent of the board that the company shall pay cash for the material when it gets it. The New York Trip. Mr. Scott read the report of the com mittee on the statement of which Mayor lllajiton's New York trip bill was an item. The report said that with the ex ception of two items the bills were all right. The lust of these items was the expense of the Richmond trip. Two of the committee, Messrs. licaiden and Scott, thought that expense should be borne by the general fund ol the eitv, the board of aldermen having authorized the trip. The remaining two members, Messrs. Leonard and Gudger, thought the bill was lor the joint board, aud therefore no decision was arrived at on this item, tin the mayor's trip item, the committee said that it had not been able to secure from the mayor an itemized statement of excuses, and recommended that the bill be not paid. Mr. (lodger said that he had licengivcn an itemized statement by the mayor Friday morning, but had been too busy in court to aitend a meeting ol the corn mil tec to consider it. The matter was laid over until next week, and the com mittee continued. (in motion of Mr. Cunimings the Aslic ville street railway company will be no tified to remove from streets already graded, the dirt taken from underneath the company's track. Come 1 1, tieiitlemeii. Mr. Starnes made a vigorous protest against the general dilatoriness with which the street paving is being done, aud moved that the brick and granite paving contactors be uotilied to appear before the: board next Monday and show cause why they should not be required to double or even treble their paving forces. W. T. I'cnniinan, in delending Granite Contractor Smith, said that Mr. Smith was at the quarry working a large number of hands, ami getting out blocks as rapidly as possible. When Mr. Smith received his last payment from the board, Mr. said, la paid olV his laborers and the last one ol them went olV and got drunk. The moral of this, as pointed out by Mr. Cunimings, is. don't ask for any more extra money from the board, aud Mr. I'ennimau promised. Kobert M. Funnan complained to the board that no contracts had yet been let lor paving cast of North Main street, and suggested that a College street con tract been given soon. There was a dis cussion over the matter, but n action was taken. ) A Statement Commit. On motion of Mr. Scott the city clerk was instructed to prepare a statement of receipts and disbursement? of the im provement fund up to the first of the month, and have the statement ready for the board at its meeting Monday. The city engineer was instructed to make his final estimate ol grading ol l'cnot street done by W. 11. Corpening. Mr. Starnes moved that Contractor Corcning be put to work grading North Main street next, but the motion receiv ed no second. Capt. M. J. Fagg protested against the manner of draining Water street through his lot on North Main, he having receiv ed a permit for the erection of a house on that lot. Referred to the street commit tee and city engineer. The following bills were ordered paid : Kelly & Strachan, plumbing, $ Ul.40; J. M. l'atton, drayage, $J; . A. Murdoch, salary, $75; street pay roll, $I'.8,IS7. thk ai.i)i;r.hi;n. The I'eople'H Pole Company to he Hauled I' p. Health Officers Fletcher and Mellraycr asked the board of aldermen, us soon us it hud assembled, to purchase for use of the closet cleaning corps forty patent air-tight tubs, a sample of which was shown to the board, and which con vinced the members that it was a success, Mr. Starnes moved that the bourd ol health be authorized to make the order, but there was no second, and the matter was passed. Scarcity of city funds is the only reason the tubs were not ordered. The P. I... H. & P. Co. to the Bar! K. M. Furmau called the board's at tention to the fiict that no electric light shines at the crossing of Chestnut and Charlotte streets. This brought up com- nlaints from all over the city, and finally Mr. Gudger made a motion that the 1'eople's Light, heat and powcrcompnny be notified to appear before the board next Friday and show cause why the company's bond for faithful performance ol contract si ouiu not oe ucciarcQ lor- Icited, and tne contract given to some other firm. This was unanimously car ried. 1 Chickens Aicaln. H. A. Gudger presented a petition from the hucksters in the market house, ask ing the board to compel all peddlers of live chickens, vegetables, etc., to sell either in the market house.on market ntiare or at a certain place of business. A tmrdinniice of this character with the ad fl'.tinnnl orovision that there shall be no restriction upon the selling ot chickens of one's own raising, was introduced Dy Mr. Uaird, who a week ago voted to put chickens out of the market house. On the adoption of the ordinance on its first reading there was a tie vote, Baird and Starnes voting aye, and McDowell and Gudger no. Mayor filaoton voted aye, and the ordinance was adopted on first reading. Mayor Blanton suggested that it would lie well to suspend the rules and adopt the ordinance on second and final readings. That proposition, however, was killed by McDowell and Gudger who refused to consent to a sus pension. Street MatterH. Gen. T. F Davidson, for proicrty owners on Liberty street, asked for some street grading and other work neces sary to put the street in good condition. Mr. Uaird moved that the request be referred to the joint Btrcet committee, but Mr. Starnes quickly icmimled Mr. Han d that the board ol aldermen could not fix any duties for the joint board's committees. Gen. Davidson was referred to the joint meeting on Monday. The rcKrt ol the jury on Scncy street, widening the narrow part of it to 30 feet, was read and accepted, bench's and damages were adjudged equal by the jury. 1 he street superintendent was in structed to do the work toon. That Barbarous Wire. Thk Citizen called thcattcntion of the board to the barb wire nuisance at the government building, and the chief of police was instructed to treat all alike have it removed. The matter of over valuation of the dummy line for purposes of taxation was referred to the finance committee to report at next meeting. J. A. Nichols, m behalf ol the clerks in the government building, asked that the sprinkler run as tar down l'atton ave nue as the western end of the govern ment building. Granted. timall HunliieNH autt MllH On motion of Mr. Starnes the city engineer was instructed to advertise lor bids, to be opened at t p. in. next Fri day, for the puttiugdowuof cement side walks in such places as heretofore or dered, paving to be paid for in one, two and three years. 1 his paviugison court place, l'atton avenue, and North and South Main streets. K. It. Johnston was granted a permit to erect an addition to the Fugle hotel building. The following bills were ordered paid : as. Ilarrett, feeding prisoners, $17.10; water department, $32.37; sanitary de partment, $51!.t)i; street department, $0S; J. II. lioai'man, work at pumps, $73. W, A. Iioyec was given a four months, note lor $1.".H.0-, for plumbing on the city hall, and the board adjourned. jcuhon coi.i.ic;i: The :'nciilly of the IiiHtllulloii lor Next MeaMou. The following is the faculty of udsou college, lieu lersonville, which opens on October 5: Jesse K. Starnes, president and proles- sor of elocution; V. A. Garland, profes sor of mathematics and mental science; Frank Valentine, A. M prolcssor of Greek and Latin; Miss l.enore llroadus, art teacher; Miss essic Varborough, French, music and vocal culture; Mrs. lames llrookshirc, German and calisthen ics; Miss Kiiscdua Sledge, primary de partment; Miss Maggie F. Starnes, pre paratory department ; J. M. llrookshirc, bursar. Who Made the Contract? Notice was served on Mayor Wanton yesterday that Geo. K. Wood of New York had bet-un suit for the collection of one percent, commission lor the sale of the $310,000 worth of improvement bonds. Wood is the man who attempted to attach the check of the city sent to New York on Inly 1 for the payment of tne lirst interest. Wood claims that he made a contract with the city for the sale of the bonds, but as vet no one knows who Wood made the alleged con tract with. I'eoplf-H' Party Convention. A convention of the people's party will lie held in Asheville Saturday, August 20, for the purpose ol nominating a judge, an elector and candidate for eon gress lor this district and to transact any other business that mayeomc before the convention. County conventions are requested to elect delegates on the Oth of August. V. M.C. A. NoteN. "Taking stock in the spiritual world" will be the subject discussed by a promi nent business man of Asheville at the men's meeting tomorrow at 5 p. in. Men only invited. Boys' meeting at l p. m. leu by Master Kobt. Gash. Subject, "How to enjoy vacation." Hill of Fare, Hotel Alexander SI NI1AV, JI I.V 31 ST, lK'.C. Ill.NNI-K. Oyster Soup Roast Ilccf, Hnj;lish Gravy Ilakcd Chicken, Italian lressinK Chicken and OrcHin I-'illct ol' Hcef Chicken l'ie I'l-arl Rice White Potatoes Marrowfat Squash Steamed HeBns Colt! Slaw Recta, Scolloppcri Tomutocs Corn on Cob Corn Dread Coffee Tea Milk lee Cream "De Dummy." The dummy will stop olT a day or two for some slight repairs. If these can be finished today it will resume schedule tomorrow. The whistle will be heard when she begins to ripi again. Half Trice! Any hat in the house, straw, soft or derby. L II. llaruum & Co., 8 Court Square. Special attractions at the I'honogriiph I'arlor this evening. K. R. Ticket Broker, Member ol American Ticket ilroker AnhucIh tlou. Clarke, (iraud Central Hotel. Index to New Advertisement. y" A NT Kit S. H. w. Pok Kent-K R. Hill. iiry Goons J. T. Uojtic. For Runt J. M. Campbell. Kaii.hoai) Tickets C. I'. Hay, l-'ou Rknt Thou D.lohnston. Tki-stbh's Sauk I B. Rankin. 1-OK Sai.k W. B. Williamson & Co. Knoxvillb Bkke J. It. Pittman, Ai;ent. OK KENT One new 8 room house on Starnes avenue. Amur to july30d3t R. R. HILL. "ITIOR SALE A valuable lot, fronting cn X: oak street, ioommu. ApDiy to W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO. july30dtf FOR RENT Four roomed cottage at 44 French Broad avenue, to partka not having amall children. Apply to july30dtl THOS. II. JOHNSTON. FOR RBNT Large hrlck home, modern Improvement liny wood street; beau tiful location. Apply to J. M. CAMPBELL, july30dlt Agent. WANTED Board or one or two faraiihed rooms, with uae of kitcnen, near buni ncas part of city for gentleman and wife. Terms muat be moderate. Addrcax with terms, 8. H. W., jnly30d3t Box 816. mRUSTEB'8SALB By virtue of the power 1 contained In a deed of trust, executed to me on the 3rd day of May, A. D. 1M0O, on a certain lot of laad situated in the county of Buncombe on the west aide of Beaverdam road by I). L. Reynolds and Reuben Mc Braycr and their wives to secure the pay ment of three thousand dollars and interest, aa will appear more fully by a certain prom issory note, eiecu'r.,1 br'aaidReynolds;and McBrayer to M. W. Coeke and bearing date the 31st day of May, A. D., 1890, 1 will sell at public auction for cash at the court house door in Asheville on Monday, the 6th day of Heptemlxr, 1883, all the land described in the said deed of trust; and for a further de scription of said land reference is hereby made to the said deed of trust which la re corded in Book 20, records of deeds of trust and at pages 655-0-7 of records of deeds of trust for Buncombe county. J.B.RANKIN, juljr80dltw3t Trustee. AROUND TOWN. Washington, July XO, Forecast till N . in. ,Siik.iv I'air; possibly : showers tonight or tomoirow; westerly winds. "A Citizen" must scud his name to Tin-: Citizi-n it he wishes his communica tion published. The board of county coiiiinis. i-mers will meet in regular monthly session t u Monday next. During the mouth of Inly I. II, I'oslici sold $30, 000 worth ol estate, a good ' month's work. The Kev. Robert Strange of Wilming ton, N. C, will preach at Tiinity church tomorrow morning. C. M. Johnson, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. S. II. Fraukiiu, left for llcudcr sonville this morning. Key. Henry A. Westall, wIm has Ken ill for three weeks, is now improving, though still very weak. A line rain fell at Allien yesterday, aud last night Ildtmore hail a good showir. Asheville's turn came today. Kcv. J. C. I'riee, the colored orator, will lecture in the court house next Mon day evening. Admission 'Jo cents. At the Fiat Creek township republican convention yesterday W. II. Denver of Asheville was endorsed lor the senate. Mnj. V. II. Mnloue has moved his law ollicc from Legal block to the llaruum building, north court square, up stairs. The ladies of the F lower Mission will meet Monday afternoon at ." o'clock at Mrs. W. H. l'enlaud's, on Haywood street. The street committee of the board of aldermen should provide u decent crossing on l'atton avenue at the head of Church street. Kememlicr Miss Ilelle Kearney s lecture at the Grand opera house next Monday evening, under the auspice of the King's Daughters and the Y. V. C. T. 1'. A private letter received here stales that Kcv. Dr. V. A. Nelson and wile have left Shelby lor the Island Beach hotel, across the sound from Wiightsvillc. It wnsW'hilc G. Smith and not Dwighl . Smith who was awarded the prize at the lair on Thursday evening as the A. L. I. man most popular with the ladies. F. 1'. Morgan died at the residence ol Mrs. Kyan in this city yesterday, of con sumption. Mr. Morgan was 31- years of age. The interment will be at l-iivcr-side cemetery. The criminal court has been engaged today on the ease against Janus Wolle, for maintaining a nuisance. The case will probably not be concluded before next Tuesday. C. V. Drown, representing the Louis ville Collin company, came in this morn ing from a trip through F.nstcrn North Carolina, lie reports extremely hot weather in that section. Un Thursday night nt 11 o'clock the house on the farm of li. D. Iluekner, at Candler's, occupied by C. T. Ivvins, was entirely destroyed by lire. The cause ol the fire is unknown. Kcv. J. L. White's subject at the morning service nt the First Baptist church tomorrow willhc"The unchange able Christ." At the evening service, "The first resurrection." The diiving wheels of the engine on the dummy line got oil' the track about 7 o'clock yesterday afternoon near the coal shute. The engine was replaced on the track by 10 o'clock last night. I'pworth League devotional meeting tomorrow evening at 7: to in the chaicl of Central church. Subject, "Jesus at laeob's well" John 1: fi-JO. Leader, Fitch Tavlor. All arc cordially invited. The regular monthly meeting of the joint board of aldermen and advisors will be held in the city hall next Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The board ot aldermen will also hold a meeting on that nltcrnoou. Miss Kearney, who lectures in the opera house on Mondav evening, is re puled to lie one ol tne liiicst oinlors in the country. She should have n luil house. Reserved seats ."0 cents at Kay sor oc Smith's. General admission 'J' cents. Key. S. II. Milliard of Greensboro, N C, will preach at KiversidcM. lv. church south, tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock Asheville iieople arc always glad to have Mr. llilliard in their midst, The pastor. Key. J. C. Troy, will occupy his pulpit at the night service. John t'eaootly ol Commons, On., is stopping for a few days at A. A. Sum nicy's on Haywood street. Mr. I'eabody is one of the most prominent lawyers of his state, and is a director ami attorney for the Faglc & Dhenix manufacturing company, the largest cotton mills in the south. (ot Money Now. On Thursday afternoon when the grand jury was discharged there was no money in the treasury of Duncomlic county, and the grand jurymen could not be paid. Yesterday, however, Sheriff Key nobis paid $1,000 to Treasurer Courtney, and as many jurors as pre sented themselves were paid. Xore HiN Coal. Tliis morniiiK a gentleman, unaware of the fact that Postmaster Cannon had imitated the Carnegie stvle of using barb wire, had his coat torn by one of the barbs, as he was entering the postoflicc. It is not stated whether the postmaster has agreed to pay the damage to the coat. Oh, How My Head Aches To those who have ever suffered with a sick or ner- voub headache, or subject to neuralgia, and have never t r'led the great specific, ANTICEPHALAL6INE, We extend an invitat ion to call at our soda counter when suffering, and ask for a dose FREE. This is one of the best remedies of the age' has no bad after effects. 25 and SOvtH. per bottle. Wholesale agents RAYSOR & SMITH we have FOR THE SPRING AND SUMMER OF 1892 A LARGE ASSORTMENT OFK .'liiiiu and Japan Mat ( ins. Linoleum and Oil Cloths, llefrigtM-ators ami hv diesis, Kattan and Kml Fiirnitun', Lawn Chairs and Sottoi's, Uaby Carriages, Carpels, Window and Door Screens, Piazza, Chairs, Etc., Etc W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., 16 Fatton Avcmic.Aslicvillc, N. C. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Main and Eagle Streets, ASHEVILLE, N. C GALA WEEK ANNOUNCEMENT. Finest Clothing for Dress and Business. HOT WEATHER CLOTHING, E. & W. Collars euacl O-uffs, MANHATTAN SJIIUTS, PUNLAP HATS, NECK WEAK, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY. We invito till visitors to our establishment where you will lind us prepared with the linest goods in this state exclusively for men ard boys. THE WHITLOCK blair k Mcdowell, UNDERTAKERS AND CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. No. 45 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. OITOSITK CHVKC1I STKISKT, DAY CALL NO. 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65. KING'S WINDSOR FOR PLASTERING In Its mixed form Is sujicriur to all otht-r plasl'-r, bicuunc, bciiic mixed by machinery, thr only thing eft to the judnincnt of the mail at the mortar bed is the riht quantitr of wa ter. It makes walls nnd crillnKS more i-luHtie tag. The Asuestos used renders the material a great protection against fire, and deadens sound. The extreme density of the Cement renders it vermin and germ proof. It will not chip or pit. It is free Irom acid. It dries out from three to five weeks quicker than lime or hair mortar. No action takes place after setting, which is a matter of two or three hours only. Frost or water will not injure the work that ceilings well Boaked from any cause will arc unknown, and the plastetiug will last us in any way of which ordinary plastering 1 capable Walls and ceilings made from this material arc second to none; and, considering the advantages mimed, the excels of cost above lime and hair is a small matter. The licst and most convenient article kuown for sinull jobs and putchiug. C.E.MOODY, Sole Agent for Asheville aud Vicinity, Warehouse near freight depot; telephone 73; office 30 l'atton Avenue; telephone 40. S. R. KEPLER, FINE GROCERIES. 53 SOUTH MAIN STREET. BILTMORE I0E AND GOAL COMPANY. BILTMORE, N. C :. 8 nottnd tickets, fl per 100 pounds. lo pound tickets, H'i cents per loo pounds, or 12 tickets for $1. Its pound tickets, D6H cents icr loo pounds, or U ticket for fl, 100 pouad tickets, 60 cents per 1 00 pounds. - PRICES IN URGE QUANTITIES MADE KNOWN ON APPLICATION. ICE AshcTilM Office No. M North Mala street, Telephone No. 137. OUUaort Office, Telephone No. 7. M. L. REED, receive D CLOTHING HOUSE. FURNITURE DEALERS. ASBESTOS CEMENT than uny other inaUriu! known foi planter after it Is once set. Uxiwricnce has shown dry out as strong as ever. Falling ceilings ton as the building Itself. It cau be finished ICE Manager. ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY. DAILY CAPACITY 35 TONS. PURE - DISTILLED - WATER - ICE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Best Anthracite and Jellico Coal and Coke. ASHEVILLE - MILLING - COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS Holler King, lilcctrlc Llsrlit. hnm Flour, Corn Blcnl, Corn Chops. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CORN AND CATS. Telephone Nor. 36 and 40. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 - iti Kcep In stock "Mount Vcrnou," "Canadian Wines, Iliundics, Uecr, Ale and Stout for family use. All goods delivered free. Ale audi orter on draught, lin tc ranee No. 11) North No. 15a. P. S.: On and alter May uth I will send debted to me if not settled by that time. PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD ; OTHERS FOLLOW. IF YOU ARK GOING TO IIUILIJ HAYIi SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND FRAMES -MADE BY- JONES & AVHISNANT, Olllvc and Sliopn, Old Depot. SPLENDID OFFER! CRAYON PORTRAITS FREE ! Haying made arrangements with tho lai-fest Portrait Copying establishment in this country whereby we guar antee to buy of them a large number of their portraits and frames at their lowest wholesale cash rate, wearonow prepared to oiler to any of 01 which we exhibit at our purcnases at our store have amounted to $25, a life-sized. Crayon and Ink Portrait copied from any photo you may select free of chareo. These beautiful quality as have been retailed for years at $10 each. We only ask you to pay for tho frame alone at $1.50. You can have either gilt, bronze, antique, or almost any style frame with a first-class glass, all ready to hang on tlie wall. J. D. BREVARD, DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING, No. ii North Main St., Asheville. N. C. OUR IKBER COMMENCES MONDAY. V 1 M As au bummer uooas ui uo at some mce. MIMMAUGH'S IS TilE PLACE TO DO THE BALANCE OF YOUR. SUMMER SHOPPING. Our prices are as dilapidated as the a venae at present. Look to your Interest and visit our store early and often the comi0P week. M 1 M N ii Potion Ave. No. Carolina Belle. Choiec ir. No. 30 Patton Avenue AND 71-2 COLLEGE STS, - i - Club," and Old ltuker Rye Wliihku v The bcr Main and 7V4 College streets. Telephone- statement ol accounts by niuil to partus In Respectfully, YOUR- ASUEVILLE, N. C. our customers, when their caslr store) are the xnmi k unli SALE A U i H ,, Asheville.. N. C.