r t ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZFN: MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 8, 1892. Sssssssss Swiffs Specific A Tested Remedy For All s s s s s s s s s s s s O s s s s s s s s s s s Blood mi Zlm cases A tclinhl;: cure for ContaR-ic-ua lilood Pci&on, Inherited Scrc fulu and Skin Cancer. As a tonic for delicate- Women end Children it has no equal. IJcim; purely visitable, is Iisrm les, id its effects. A trratisp m ninod nnd Rklr Dis eases luuili-U rum on a.(, Ileal li u. Vruytlislt S .1 It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3, Atinta, C. S S 3 S B S For Two. All children enjoy a drink of Hires Root Beer. & iloi's every other mi'iiilT of Hit fundi;. A 1"t cent pnokiiifo make ft gallons of Ihls ili-lk'tiiim clrlitl;, Jion't Ihi ihvtivcd if adt'iiltr, liirthfiuiku uf liirm'r pruiW., u-lls yuu smiio utluT kind In 'jut jihkimmI "'Us false, NuliuiUliuu jjoud 1 lit ut-uuUiy JXiUiu'. ) A Kousehcid Ksraerfy FOR ALL BLOOD ""SKIN Botanic Blood Balm It Tiiroe SCROPUIS, ULCEUS, SALT '. IIC.EbM. FCitfiU, every i lorm ot nialhimtnt SKIN Er.Ul'llON, be- tides being efficacious in toning up the M system and i estr.rlr.g the ccnr.!l!utiori, uh.n Impaired Irrm any cnu?e. Its almost supernatural hiailnt repo.'les lustily us In riuari:'.tceii9 cure, II direcunps arc mioitiI. P OLIl ! IT. C ' llmi. ill ' Vlvndi'm." j BLO'.il; UALM CO.. A'.l.r.ia, Ci. 4 -f-to .-.-.,.'. tv9.i,k SPECIAL RUN Wo. 19. KitEATEsr v.vi.n: os eaiitk. r.vlfr'. Fumnill .tnlliion (Ink Noll Ci.r tiln J.calfc ciiiiile.e, me iclul cli-ciili.rn. No. 4004,3 ft. 6 iu. long, not 310.00 No. 4009, 4 ft, 6 in. " " $2100 No. 4010, 5 ft. long, - " $3.00 Also see nw 150 prifsn catalogue for 1192. Crentcutof nboutdO per mm l from iormor list. BOOKS FREE, poitli;; 100. Sliifpi'it from Bt. Lnuij, Mo or Imltnnitrohs, Irnl, xwK init:rh a M-wnur. Wo rnfer to ovury Bunk In Thirty Statan. TYLER DESK CO., St. Louis. Mo I'KOFKSSIOS'A I. CM A7-S. H. KAUFM ANN. ARCHITECT Af:5 SUPEMINTENDE NT, lil l'ICI-: AMI Hi:sH'!'.N- M l's riiMi..Mi .; '.. .sm: ii.u:, .v t' A. II. CODI3, STKKOG51APHKR. I.jiv Work S;vciiilt. ROOM lOFIhST NATIONAL BA.fiX BUILDING. .ii ; . i.'t i .:ia ; iiiii in ir. , ' 4 i.ii n t A.: M"l'U ! -i c. t'.'i fur .'. . .,. ! i tor. . I -.1 1 .l -ly. " liT t,.;, . lt;i i illUll''t i '. .'i'i!i il inc. U. I'. I I'tli'i s l ft t l) ':(!: Un. II. . -iH . l.. vi' . .V!V'r ii.SiHK4.il CiiNTHAi.'T'il: IMIice nriil I i;i'i:.hi;u. Wullt llultilirfl. couNliu con; r I'l.ACi: ANIl MAKKliT STIJIiliT. (1A1.NKS FKKNCII," CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS. If (! waul yn ir-lwillir. nr furniture re liaii'iil i:iH and .e us. I'N .MiH'I'A K I N(7 SI'I'.CTAi.TV. i'l Smith l:iin Nrn-i l, .alu vilh; .V. C' .jiilyiiilir INSUKE YOUR PHOPERTY WITH IC. J. ASTON,, i;cucrnl : HiMttriuicc t Agent l:i:ir Nu. Suulli Mulu street. OlUllltrtlKll IMI'.r,. Aslu villr. N. C iitifi ill v JC. II. BUITT, CONIHACTGR & EUILDER IH STONE tirutlliiK uf all kinilh tlone. All sites of cruslieil uttiue fiirnislicd. Semi all orders to uostolliee Kox 118, Axlievillc, N. C. MKtlMtf h. il. uicsivtis, i. n. s., iiu r.uii.iiiin, over Knlt'ur- IViltou vcnuv. Ktsiilviu'c, ;ii"i rii-e tnert, I l. K.tMi'AV, Ii. I'. -5. a vt tlie Nnlioii;il Itnnk of Ashcvlllc, llnr. iiriru miuiiiiiK. Heiiiencv, 'i i nnriutte St. fi-li'Jtii! 1 t nn. ;;. iAUiiixaroN, IJFI ILK KlIIIMS l,VKHCllHIV's.K I I.BV STIII'K, PATTOS lVUMIK. riVSmclul attention elvcu to lininu teeth ml trcutinK dincuseil iruuiH nnd all iliseanes periainiiiii to tnc Uenlul structure nmy3iltf ADAMANT,' Uf iUclf -nlil not crack, swell or shrink I 1 V. t -mrn A QUEEli OLD TOWN. SOME OF THE HAPPENINGS THAT ASTONISHED THE NATIVES. Ail luiliun Iiieidtiiit Sliiwliij He 1'ou-iir uf Jugglery How u lliiiileu I! anil of Treusuiu Suckers SiieeeedeU In t'up turlug Iiiiuionso lVenltli. li'iips riirlit, 1, by Charles U. Lewis. Uetwwu tlio tow ns of Mysore mid Coini- butore, India, aud on tlio left bunk of a Bt renin railed tlm llonliollay, nre tlio ruins of tliii c or four larc villnges. The second one west of tlie foothills of th Mysore range of mountains is called Garrow, and nniid (he Kenenil desolation aretho ruins of wliat was onee n h'reat leinple. These illaiies are only three or four out of hun dreds to he found ill the (treat empire. Xowandtlieu their history can be traced hack to some terrilde plague which depop ulated tliem in a month, and again the desolation is due to war between trilics and factions. As n rule no native will approach one of thesu ruins, mid no at tempt, is ever Hindu to rebuild the towns. In istiS, while I was at the village of Iiheetu, about thirty mill's from Uarrow, the government sent a commission of three officials to survey and inspect the village with a view of restoring it by offering to rebuild the temple and give free deeds to all settlers. I was invited by the commis sion to go along, anil this appearing a splendid opportunity for an extended In spection of the historic ruins I gladly ac cepted. Including servants there wire twelve of lis in the party. On arriving at a small village called Mussan, six miles east of the village we meant to survey, we were told of some strange tilings that had lately happened. It was declared that spirits had taken possession of the ruins. Strange lights had been seen flitting alsiut at night, aud a hunter whose ardor had led him among the ruins had beard the sound of stones being moved and hud liecii pelted with rocks. He had a bad bruise on the shoulder to prove the latter state ment. lnle the most, intelligent natives of India are full of superstition, the com mon villagers and farmers are so thor oughly imbued with it that signs and dreams guide most of their daily transac tions. The commission was headed by an Knglisliinim named (irant, of the civil service. The second was a Mr. Artwell, of the same branch, and the third a Mr. Martin, who was a civil engTneer. Willi them, as secretary and clerk, was a young man named Thomsasou. Little attention was paid to the stories of the villagers, 'and next day we. moved over anil camped in a grove on the st ream about half a mile above the head of Hie desolated town. The site was covered wit h shrubs aud grass anil vines, and here and there were groves of young trees. No tigers had been seen in that neighborhood for years, but tliu place looked like a para dise for pant hers, wolves, hvenas and ser pents. The town had extended along the bank of the stream for a mile aud a half. That evening, while we were settling down III our new quarters, a number of stones from some unseen assailants were sudden ly thrown with great force at one of the natives w ho had strayed beyond the limits of the camp, hitting him on the head and rendering hull lnsensihlo for several min utes. The missiles came from a thicket between us and the first ruins of tlie town, aud after we had located the di rection we tired a volley from our gnus and put an end to the disturbance. The native servants were thrown into a stale of great consternation, believing and argu ing that our presence had oil ended tlie spirits keeping guard over the ruins, and but for Mr. (irant's threats the crowd would have bolted and left us. I think can see into this business," he jxplained to us after the servants had been quieted down. ' These ruins have either been taken possession of by a hand of rob bers or there is a party here hunting for treasure. In either ease our presence is undesirable and that, demonstration was to drive us away. We'll try to make it a bad jol for them, whoever they are." Hie explanation was a reasonable one, md when 1 asked the gentleman if a ruin as old as this ever yielded up treasure he replied: lilcss you, yes: It has been my luck to be 'in' on two jobs as old as this. If a tribal war depopulated this town, then more or less treasure was hidden awav because it could not be carried off. If a plague appeared, tlieu those who hurried away thought only of saving their lives and took little or nothing with them. Somewhere in or about that temple we are pretty sure of tlnding a plant wortli licking up." lie was still talking when uiicer lights appeared at intervals among the shrill bery, and strange, wild cries were heard from aiming tlie ruins. The natives fell down and covered their heads w ith clot lis, too frightened to even cry out, but tlie commissioner calmly continued: 1 on have been woiidoring how it came ubout that such treasures were left undis turbed so long. Here is t he explanation at hand. .Such survivors as knew of its ex- rsteiico feared to return. No native of India would give an Kuglishinaii a pointer on treasure. e have gat hered in pletit v of loot since tlie mutiny, but never with tlieir assistance. Thevcall it robbing the dead. If the party there are after treasure they belong to soma clan up among the mountains, 'rney rob each other's ruins, but never their own." llynud by the lights disamicured and silence reigned over the ruins and we turn cd in again. Soon after daylight came one of the natives, who had now recovered ft portion of his natural courage, inspected the shrubbery and found plenty of evidence that It had Iktii occupied by men during the night. Some of the stones thrown at us were found to have been freshly broken from large blocks. "It's a gang of treasure hunters for sure," said the commissioner after this last proof inui Wen suumltteil, "aud It Is twite Deed less to caution you that we must be very careful. No one must enter the shrubliery alone, and wo must bo constantly ready fur au attack. They are doubtless Sbolaga men from the hills, and they will stick ut nothing." "But why not send down to liheeta for a detachment of soldiers to hunt them out!'" I asked. "And so clve away our llnil. In ease there Is one? We are not quite so green as mat. Ibo government must haveits share, ot course, but we want no further divlslou. I think we are strong enough to rout 'cm out, and we will begiu business right away." After breakfast the five of us moved down on the head of the village, leaviug the camp m charge of the natives. As soon as wo got among the ruins we found it tough work to get along. It had been a vtry substantial town. There being plenty of building stone at hand, more or less uf it had been used in every house. It must have taken an earthquake to fling the blocks about iu such confusion. Hero and there a niece of wall was Btaiidlng, but lu most cases everything had fallen in a con tused heap. The difficulty ot climbing over the blocks was added to by the vege tutlou, and wherever the sun beat down on a stone we were suro to find a serpent sunning himself. We were heading for the walls of the temple, but after an hour's work we had not mlvauced over linli Dillo. Mr. Grant called a halt, and we were sitting on the huge blocks of stone lu a glade about fifty feet across when snmu- tning fery queer happened. The foliage was dense c trough to throw the kiuk into a shadow approaching twilight. Our ears were suddenly saluted with groans and moans, as of some person In dtp distress, aud while we were looking about and at each ol her a llgure came out ot the thicket on t he south side and slow ly floated across the glade. It looked like a human figure, though draped and uiullled, and though it passed over tlie ground at about uu ordinary height, the motion was that of floating along instead of walking. It wasn't over twenty feet from us, and when It disap peared into the thicket on the other side the air was heavy with the odor of a j strange perfume. I "It's nothing but a trick toscare us ofi '." j whisis'red (irant, after tlie figure had dis appeared. "If it comes again everjlMsly j open lire on it!" i We waited in nervous silence for live or six minutes, w hen tlie appai il ion appeared again, preceded by the same distressing I noises. It was scarcely clear of the bushes ' when we oiiened lire, each one of us wit h a i revolver. It, floated along as before and it the same pace, and we got in three shots apiece before the smoke obscured it. "We've riddled one of them, nu) how !" i chuckled (irant us we wailed for tlie smoke to clear; but a minute later, when it had floated aw ay, the ligurewas not to he seen. We had Hied point blank at n distaiu e t eighteen or twenty feet, and it w.is absurd suppose that, all fifteen bullets hail missed. "And how do you account for that ?" I ked as I felt my hair trying to climb up. "It's one of their conjuring tricks," an swered the engineer, "and was pretty w 'I worked. I've seen stranger things than that, however. Wo had best get out of this at once!" We were, hardly oil I lie blocks before a rock weighing at least twenty pounds crashed down through tlie t fee tops and ell where we had been sitting. Ten sec onds earlier would have resulted in one death at least. As we made our way along I asked the engineer how such a rock con hi have been heaved into the air to fall wit h such exactness, but be could not explain. Instead of pushing along to the temple wi llow made our way to the right to get out of the ruins, and in a short, time were on the open plain. 'T he temple is our objective point," ex plained Mr. ( irant, "and it's no use push ing through those ruins togct there. We'll go down opposile ami then strike in. Now iisik at that, will you?" About a hundred feet' aw:vy from us and right in our course was a bushy topped tree about thirty feet high. I here was only a light, air stirring, and yet the top of the tree was waving to and fro, as if in a heavy gale. We slowly advanced lint il we stood at the foot of the tree. I hail expect- d to see a native up there, but not hing whatever was in sight. While we stood t here the tree cunt limed it sunt ics, and none of us was sharp enough to solve the mys tery. It's just a trick to scare, us nil," said Mr. (irant, "and we'll see more of 'em lie- ore we are through. How they do these tilings 1 can't pretend tosay, but they arc done for effect and would frighten a nut ive out of his senses. We must push along ami not mind them." Opposite the ruins of the temple we en tered the thicket again, Mr. (irant hailing, and the rest following in Indian file. Wc had not advanced a hundred feet when we heard sobs and moans from both sides of us, aud one would have sworn that a doz en women vrc wandering about indis tress. The sounds appeared unite close t. us, but yet X 'could not detect the prcs- eliceof a hilin vn being. All uf a sudden, as we continued to push ahead, the thicket echoed such screams and shrieks that my knees gave out and I had to clutch a limb to support mi'. I expected to be ridiculed or mv exhibit, but tlio others came to halt with serious fairs, ard the engineer said: "I'm blessed if the sounds don't give me a chill, though I know it's all a blooming trick of tho gang to keep us out. There nust be a lot of the fellows ill there." "And I'm thinking it would be a wise t hing to send down for more help," added Mr. (irant. "(iood Lord! but see that!" A block of stoue which seemed to he four feet long, a foot thick and three feet wide was lying in tlie grass within four feet of us as we stood in a group. This block suddenly stood on end, rose into the air fully six feet, and then fell to the earth with a Jar which made things tremble. 1 tell you simply what, five of us saw or thought wo saw. What sort of jugglery it was I don't pretend to say, but it was jugglery of some sort, of course. Directly after the stone fell four or livo large pieces of rock came crashing about our cat s and no cine hesitated to beat a speedy retreat. 1 m not running from their tricks," said Grant as wo headed for camp, "but I'm satisfied they are a largo party and des perate fellows. They are probably strong enough to wipe us out, anil I'll have up a company of soldiers to beat the cover." A messenger was at once dispatched to liheeta, which is a military jiost, but it, was three days before tho soldiers came up. There were ninety of them, and though wo had heard nothing further from the treasure hunters while waiting wo felt sure they were still among the ruins. Tho troops entered from three dif ferent directions, having orders to shoot down anything they sighted, but t he whole place was beaten lip and only one native found. He "was lying among the ruins of tho lemphi with a broken leg. lie was a Sholaga from tho hills, ami after having been carried to camp and bis injuries at tended to be talked freely. The party had numbered fifty men and had been working for two weeks when we appeared. Tlie leader had been told of tlie existence of a cavern under the ruins of the temple, and they had labored hard in their efforts to secure it. As wo afterward saw for our selves they had moved at least a thousand tonsof debris before opening tlie cavern. Their appliances were ot the rudest sort, and everything had been accomplished by main strength. During the period of their labors live uf tlie party had died of i.nake bites and two had been killed iu moving the blocks. Thecavern was found the day before the soldiers came, and iu opening it this native had been hurt. His friends had dclilicratcly abandoned him, but he boro them no grudge, On tbo contrary, he was highly gratitlcd to know that the treasure had escaped the English. When asked ns to its value his eyes sparkled joyously and he answered: Sahib, there were niillious! Over thirty men had each a heavy load made ready to carry when I fainted away. It would have uindo a hundred Knglishmcii rich for life!" Wo found tlio cavern to bo a room eight feet long, six brood and ten high. It had been swept clean. Tho native said it was uearly full of gold and silver and plate ami jewelry. It so, tlie gross value was a tremendous big sum, and the fellows must have had to make two or three trips of it to carry everything away. 1.,, 151 l-.tf rloeduiR atonln, "r '.'hiMren who wnntbiilld he: tip, ; h'n:Nl lat." H!iAVN S IH'.).-, Hi'.r''KSS, It is pieiisae.i, I t.ti.i , i-t:t Mi.hiii-l, Indl testiou, Jliiioiuiusii luid I ivur i'o.i.ii!tuuts 8PRCIAI. HARIiOSM Now otf'-red on our first class pianos and or gans and on easier terms than ever before, A fine solid wnlnut cased organ, wp top, four sets of reeds and oclnre couplers (or $M; usuut price full. A splendid solid wal nut cased organ with mirror top, tour sets of reeds and octave couplers, for $ri."i; tf ual price $75. An elegant rabinct grand upright piano, splendid ebony case, 7'n octaves wilh fine tone nnd action lor $'-'-'5; usual price fjiw. lite, etc. Ashevillc britieh 1,'IIUMSN .V llTU SOUTHliUN MPStC llOPSIi, No. t:t Put tou Avenue. II li. CKDt'CII, Manngcr. ADAMANT, The "Perfection of Wall Plaster." Ithus SOU per cent, more tensile strength limn lime, and iUM) per rent, more than uny other ma terial knows aa a wall plaster. ADMlNISTKATOR's NOTI'JB Having qualified us administrator ot C. M. M- l.oud. deeeasrd, I liereliy notify nil per sons liuving ilaiins against said decedent to mm' ut them to ine at the Western Curolinn bank or to Nortnun C Mel.otid, my agent on or before July 1!. IK'.Kt; otherwise litis notice will be iileaihil in bar of thiir recov ery. Also tin isc iiuleliteil to sniil ileeedciit will please conic lorwai il and settle. I.. 1'. MT.oril. jtilyi!5titmoii Adiui :islrutur. Valuable Laud in Swain Co. For Sale. Ily virtue of authority invested in me by the lost will uud tcstument of Willium .loliu slun, dec'il, I will sell at uuetion to the high-ct-l bidder at the court house door IN MKYSON CITY, N. C, on Tuesday, the Bad dny of August, 1K!2, a't the interest of said William Johnston (bcinu an undivided onc-hittf thrreot lessonc twclfth of the mineral interests), in the fol lowing descrilied three tracts of valuable laud, situ -te in the county of Swain, to-wit: First tract, being st-'te Krant No. 40U, lyinir on l.ul'ty liver, near its head witters, hegimrng ut n stake i.nd ltalam tree, Id) six poles south from Porter's i.np nn the Smoky mountain, and running .is per calls of said grunt, vaiious courses lor comple ment, coiUiiiieng Irom 7,lootolo ooOncres, more or leys. Second tract, bung state grant No. 40H, dated Deeiinbcr til, 1H",7, fl.ooo acres on the east side of Purncy's Creek, hcKhmini: nt a white hickory and stake on lite cast bank of Porney's creek und running the va rious courses named in said iiAr'i'nt, contain ing 5.O0O acres, more or lei- -S. m Third tract, being state gitlWFt No. lri lated March 13th, 1M55, beginning at a beach on the west bank of Tuekaseege-river. the mouth of the first laree brunch or cu-ek beluw Ilenlamin Hyde's old place, und running according to inc various calls mimed in said grant, containing 2,300 acres, more nr e ss. All ol the riforcsnid three tracts of land havniK been oriidnnllv Krnnted hv the state of North Carolina to K. V. Welch and J. B. Allison. Terms of the sale, one-fourth cu-h, remain der to be paid in equal installm-nts one and two years from dnte, with interest from date nt the rale ol H ier cent. icr milium, payable semi-annually; or if purchaser prefers he can oay nil cash, insteud of tiling note for de ferred payments. TUOS. II. JMHN'STON, iyl.'L'fri-1-t lixecutor. THE FAMOUS CONNELLY SPRINGS. 1 "VRKCTI.Y n line of W. N C. tlivMnn of U K. .V Jy. K. K., ami only 15(1 ynrtltt from station, l'our daily puptu-nucr trains. This favorite resort is nc w cprn. C uisi ni si m ply unexcelled in the mclOi, and presided over fcy a well-known ehcl. Thin water has lie c 11 hiutilv endorsed bv hundreds ol the nuilteal profession, and hita been pronounced hy a competent London authority to he fully eijual, if not superior to any ot the mo8t celebrated mineral waters of liuroive and America. It i shipped in larce quantities all over tlie Suited States, and also direct to London, Lnulnnd. Water strongly diuretic and tonic. Livery stable, barber shop, laundry, ball room, bowling ul t v. uo'd an-l billiard tables. I'nri vailed scenery Sph in I id driven, l'uil band all the season. Write fur prospectus and rates to ONNHLLY SI'RINOS CO., jitty lHd'Jm Connelly Springs N C fjlllli well known and popular ARDEN PARK HOTEL Opened nn the i.th inst. with a (.rand Unit Notw ilhstnnding the iiit leniency uf the weather there was in attnidnnce a large iruwil of the most distinguished citizens of tin- community. The noted pinimt, Prof, Dciick, furnished the music for the occasion Ardeu Park is nine inibs from Asluvillr ami one-hull mile from Ardeu station on the S. ami A. raiSrou I. The proprietor und his lady will spare nn pains iu looking after the comforts of their quests. Good livery, bowling iiMev and lawn tennis Polite and attentive servants. Table unsurpassed. Hoard per day, $2; per week, $10 Special rates given families julylTdlTu J. II. LOLLIS, Prop'r. COME AT ONCE HOTEL ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER, N. C. L ood rooms and beds; the best of milk and butter; home rais d vegetable-; excellent water; good boatd; tlie best place to sleep in the world, oh! you ought to enjoy our ITtO feet cd porches w ith splendid shade and al ways a fresh breeze. Rates $t. ami $7 per week ChUdrui and servants half price. R. Ii. J. N. VANCIi. julyU'Jdlm CLOIINU OV T1II: MAILS. Mails over the various routes from Ashevillc close as follows at tlie Ashe villc pustoilicc : For Kutlurtbrillon, route (5:1)0 a. m. " Ilrcv.ird, route I'f.'M) a. in. ' Murphy branch :'M) a. m. - lurch, "route '.1:0(1 a. m. " South, via Spartanburg. .10:l."i a. m. " Leicester, route 1 U:()0 in. " lUirusville, rente 12:d(l p. ni. " lvast, via Salisbury l:'J5p. m. ' West, via Knoxvillc 5:10 p. in. ror-'-: Vi civil e;ig.-::f.S3g, SC.Ir.H."?. Aire ART. Full Coii;.oc;-ri.d Cairo. l'raet leal Course taTcb graph y. !rMn:i'lion in M lisle ulul Art. Corut't l':i Mil. Locution famous for ltcaitly tun! lle:ill!t. l-'or thoiie mil prepared lor Colle::u Che-ses, there Is a Comrlctc Preparatory Dcrarlmcn!. Uesldent Surgeons. Preparatory Mnllivl lieparlmeilt. No eharue lor iiicdii-ul ii;r.i lion. Low rates. l'or particulars, aiMn' s DAVIS SCHOOL, Winston. N, C. rxirrxxrjxxxxxjxj university of Tennessee! ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, U with blternry, (ivll, Mts'hnntciil. KliK'trli'nl iul LAW DEPARTMENT. TEACHERS' DEPARTMENT. Willi rllmaUi: line InlKimturli'sniMl sliniwienm- li ilel,' irviiiiiiulum. Kxim-iisi-s verv niiMlernle Wrlli- u tor niiuuuii'1'Hii'iit,. (:MA.S.W.HAIlVKV,Jr,rre'l, H KNOXVICLE, TENN. N iriiiruiiixixiixrixi xxi NOTICE. The books for subscription to the capital stuck of the Ashevillc and Bristol railroad company are now uih'ii for subsenpliun at the ollice of A. R. IkridKc, Secretary, No. 17 Paitoii Avenue. VVM. COCK It, President. June LMth, IMOI!. dtf Till; 9IAITL,ANU SCHOOL, No. 40 French Rroad ATinue. LM.L1SH AND PRF.NCH HOMH AND D VV SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. MKS lit IMiWYX MAITI.ASD, Vrimifmt. The School will re open September i!Hh. Mrs. Maitland will he In Ashevillc after August 15th. Cireulnrs of the nchnol can lc had at Raysur Kmlth's, Patton avenue. WHY THE AMERICAN RAMBLER Is tho BKST V5' UF.EL ON TUB M AltKET this year. BECAUSE tho contmiuitlun ot tliucelobrsti'dU.ftJ. Pni'unmtlc Tiro and Bprlns Kramo mskos rldltm on It a luxury. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Soml for Illustrated Catalogue, CORMULLY IEFFERY M'F'O CO., J Wathlngton.D.C. ADAMANT Is as much superior to mortar aa mortar U to muu. WANT COLUMN. WANTED. BKICK KlI.NliK WANT till-Apply to J. 11. LBB. julyUlidtf P. O. Box 703. ANTI'HOI'LKTO KNOW Dr. C.J.Oli- Teros, specialist on eye. ear. throat and noHc diseases can lie fouud over Raysor Hi Smith's dttiK store, No. at I'atton avenue. rittini: of i: I asses also a specialty work. Hours u a. in. to 1 p. m. 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. juiyiuti FOK K12NT. TOKB FbH RUNT Cool stand, lo J rent. Apply at julyHdtf. Will TLOCKW D I-.SlKAM.Ii OFFICES for rent in the if. I'atton avenue. A JlUM CHILD, Ardent, ulv to auKiuti li .1i)R SALK A valuable lot, fronting op Oak street. HHU1K2. Ap dv l W. U. WILLIAMSON K CO July Hod tf FOR RUNT 1i3 College street. Lurjac nicely furnished rot. m, suitahle for liirh housekeeping if desired. Within few nrnute walk oi square. Bugiml w FOR RliNT A seven room house on Chnr lotte stree; water and k s. etc. Fit terms imply either at No. fi'J Charlotte St or Dr. Kamsav's dental ollice. a'iKldlin TTIoR RliNT The larce. tine s'ore room and basemen. No. 14- Nort It Court Flare, Apply to C. S. Coper, No, 07 North Main street, jiilyj7dlm jlOR RICNT Suite of rooms in HiUinrd Flock, suitable lor bed room and otliec Apply ut Dr. C. h Milliard's ollice in build ing. jlyiMilm T.I' R RliNT 'JO room house. No. 53 Col AJ lege street; all modern conveniences; two minutes' walk of court sipjnre. Apply to John child, a unit, augUdtf No. 1 Legal Uloek. 1 STFR!S FOR KKNT 73 acres near the 1 city, splendid gras, plenty ol water anil hfnle. Ample for 4-0 or f0 head of cuttle. Price $2 per month cr head. Aptdy to J. P. KF-RR, Jul vl'.'tdtf Citizen ollice. TJlOR RliNT OH SALIi New 7 room house lj on Arlington Place. Modern conven iences; good neighborhood; on street ear line; ten in inn Us walk from court house Apply to L. II ALF.XANDKR, juncliOdtf at Western Carolina Dank. rno RliNT Residence No 1 4 Hill street X. Nice slate roof house, H rooms, besides bath rooms and basement. All modern eon veuicnees. Terms reasonable Applv to DR. J. 0. (jULliN, juneiodtf No. p West Court Square. IjlOR KKNT FOR TUB SUM M liR M v residence in West Ashevillc, half acre lot with large oaks; good well, stable, etc., ete Seven rooms iu the house and furnished (mkuI horse, buggv und harness for shIc. innvlldtf C. H SOUTH WICK. HOARDING. " AKGU shady yard, nice rooms in new l j nou'e, wiin nonrd, at reasonable rates, No. f corner College and Pine street. iuly27dtf I A ItTI ICS wanting plca"nt rooms and X. g'Xiu hoard can he arcnnimndated at MRS. A1.ICH KKVNOl.IlS', mayl ttf 4S Spruce street. CM'MMKK llOAKll- K'-omseool and com O fortable. liven thing fresh and newly painted, aud firm-lied. Itninidiatcly on street cur hue. Terns reasonable. MKS. J. I.. SM ATM 1IKS, junc7tf ills I'atton Ave rnHlv SALCDA. Nu. Il Slarnes avenue X House new and handsomely furnished. Hot and eold water baths on every lloor. hlectrtc bel's; I-reneh cuisine; pcrlect ntleilu nncc. MISS II. L IIOWYKH, Telephone loti. I'roprictre s. uugCldlm rnil H CM ATKAU Private bonrilinirhousc, X No 1111 II wood street. Pine city und iiiouuiaiil vi'-ws; perfect sanitation; hut and cold water: containable, airy rooms; well provided table; attentive service; reasonable rales. Two hundred vnrds from Montford ear line. MKS. M. Ii. HBTWII.HK, July 1 full in Proprietress l"KTVATli IIOAKI'INll A few si"glc and I lar. e double rooms, wilh lirst-elass board at moderate prici s, Yegetabl'-s and mi.k trout my own liiriu C. I. McCAPIi. -t Grove St. oil' Patlon ave. iulvll'iPf I 0H SALIi. TP YOP AKB Hl'lUiING don't fail to put X in Watson's l ire Crate, l or sale ny IIALLAKU & KICH. TCIOK SAl-l A nice house. Can he bought 1' cheap, for cash, within the next thirty davs by calling on A. I.. VWl.riY, 10;i Paik Avenue, Ashevillc, N. C. augtidlf IjlOK SALE In anv quantity above one ijuart, a pure ariicle ol llluckbtrry or Strawberry wine. Address C. P. WTIITSON Kcsthavcs P. U.. N. C. juljrliMlm ADAMANT sales now reach 1 7.0O0 tons monthly, being more than -'o times us lurec as all clienn imitators combined L. TKliAllWAY, Ashevillc, N. C. Agent W. N. C. Office over Dickcrson s store. rr i ACKBSof Innd for sale in one 1 . 1 J t boi v. execot O0 acres coyer nig Mt Mitchell, the highrst peak east of the Rockies. Nearest point. 17 miles irom Asne ville und 2 miles from Hlnck Mountain de pot Address box S1U Ashevdle, N. C. iulybdlm l;VR SA1.K The Me Ike house, western lj tmrt ol the city; one of finest res ricnecs Ashevillc, containing 1H rooms, acres in lot, line 011k grove and benutittil lawns and si. rubbery mnginhcent view tliat can not be obstructed. For further infornvition address W. P. SOUTHKRN. Hxetiitor, 4L West IlnywoodSt )uly27dtt IjlOR SALKOR FXCHANGli Attractively U built six loom cotinge in viand, N C Lot Ubxirt, well shaded. This cnttage uist comu etid. is liuishid in native pme at oilers to the home seeker a most comforta hie ousc at smalt e)t. Can be bought on instalment or lor eush, i' win exenange 101 property in Ashevillc. Ai plv to T. A. MORRIS, Itonnj Crest Inn, Skylaud, or J-JlIN CHILD. Agent, Ashevillc, N. C, a ugldif USCELLAKOUS. rilAKFN t P onclight red cow, 1 ighorus, 1 nt No. tin Memmoii avenue, owner can get same hy paying costs. augid;u tI rZti 1 I.HND, in one sum on ' good real estate security Ashcvibe. Aug id3t 1 l'NCOMHB CAIiBAC.Ii As well isother J3 Garden and Field Seeds eminently adapted to Southern soil and Southern cli mate, sent pre-puid anywhere, at reasonable prices. Send lor catalARue and try some of them, j . w . vAnuiv kk, decaa-dtf Wcavervillc, N. C ANNOl'NCFM BNT I beg to say to the voters of ltuneombe county that I am u candidate for the ullice of Register of Deed for this urund old county, subject to the iudument and wishes of the Democratic con vi niton, whicn meets in Asncyuie ncptetnocr lira next. It 1 am elected, the duties incum bent uoon me shall te despatched with uni form courtesy and nromnt business regular- itv. Whilst desirous of the nomination, and which 1 trust will be the convention's pleas urc, whether you select me or not, 1 w ill Ik found voting for Cleveland, and against tin infamous force bill, very resp'y, july27dtf R. F. DRUMMOND, a : V ivniWat fouiiv: I hercbv announce my s If a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Huncombe county, subject to the action of the democratic nominating convention. The present worthy incumbent has held the office lor Several consecutive u-rmn, aim nui nau ample time to get mi neao auove tnc waves, Hnnnciallv L like he. am a disabled eonf d eratc soldier and need the otlice. 1 believe fh democratic voters of our county are dis posed to divide the honors as well as the emoluments union m, rviTjinuiB iicmu rnuiil as to Qualification and merit. I feel that I am competent to fill this important and responsible otlice to the satisfaction ot the public, nnd If elected shall devote my best energies to the faithful and honest dis charge ol its duties. 1 trust my friends throughout the county will give me their earnest suppmt for the nomination. Very respectfully J.-NO. H, KbVM)M', Sandy Mush, June 7, IHUi!. d&wtf BONNYCREST INN I lilght miles south of Ashevillc. V4 mile from Skylund Springs Station. Kates $2 per day, $12 liei week; $0 per month T1IOS A. M0KKI8, Prop'r, uiaytOdtf Skyland, N. C. WHITE - SULPHUR - SPRINGS, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. This celebrated resort, the coolest and lina, is now open for kiicmis. Double daily trains from Ashevillc to the Spring each day ot the week, including Sunday Trnins leave Ahevilte for Waynesvillc at 8.3'J a. m , and 6:4-5 i. Leave waynesvillc tor Ashevillc at li:ri a. nt... and 12:0;. noon. The water is the finest uud purest white tiulnhur. inducing a icood appetite, and the table is supplied with everything to satisfy it. Kooms are well nirnism-u, clean anil cool. The terms of board arc moderate and will jiinel'ldl.'n LEWIS MADDUX, Pres. II. T. C ii.liss Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $35,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And Organised DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIFF PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES GENERAL BANKING IiiUrr t PhIcI on lepolts in Savlue DIRECTORS! I. liWIS MAIilii.'' H. T CI1I.I.INS, M. I I'ACll, . If. f Hli 1 1 K. H. , till 4 .HuiiK oiii-n from it a. m. GLENN SPRINGS Alter visit ini; various watering places 1 fering intensely with Clc'onie Pyspepsia, in tact sonic physiciatiH pronounced my case gastritis. Whatever it mnv have been 1 nm now almost entirely rcliev:d. ae.d that relief has been brought on by the use rf Glenn Springs Water. I thiuk it al if not superior to any mineral water on the continent. Monroe, N. C. Raysor & Smith and PAUL SIMPSON, Shipper, IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD have; SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND FRAMES -MADE UV JONES & OUU-c and ShonH, Old Depot. THE "BONANZA," I'JItlE AND LIQUOR CO., Nos. 4X and 43 S. Main St., Ashevillc. WHOI.K.SAi.K lir.PARTMBNT, ORNTS' XTl"l A 1 I'AKl.DK AND KUADINU KUOM. i Jt tlX, CIGARS, TOBACCO AND P.OTT1.B GOODS, SAM- XT"V A 111 I'l.U, BILLIARD AND I'OOU KOOM. KJ .fj BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT. We rrsiiectfully solicit a .hare ot your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. TelephoneXall, N. 7a. T'nstofllc' Vtnti Q. most picturesque snot in Western North Caro be fiiven on application, II. M. BRIGHT, Proprietor. Tlac-Pres. I. t m i onr, C.sfcleil City Depository.... May, 1888. BUHINEH8 TRANSACTED. Department. J. B. RA1 CHAK1.KS McNAMBP . B. RANKIN, Vf. J. BBAK11UN. KliHD. pm. On Saturday, till 0 p. m. MINERAL WATER. came to Glenn Springs nlmost in despair, suf S.W.J HY II. 1). 1I13ATH. Pelham's Pharmacy. - - - Glenn Springs S. C. your- WI1ISNANT, ASHUYILLE, N. C. THE MOST ft V LLC ft CONVENIENT TRUNK JJ EVER DEVISED, TRAY TRUNK The Tray is arranged to roll back, leaving ihe lot torn of tho Trunk easy of access. - Notliinc to break or tret out of order. The Tray can be lillcj out if desired, and to buy m lliis style is a guarantee that you will get tin g ..v. strongest lrunk maue. i) It your Dealer cannot furnish yon, ootlfytlw manufacturers, . A - . 2 L. H. W. ROUNTREE ft BBft, Richmond, Va, 1 ,.g , t'-"t-S 4 A r

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