A1S1IEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 8. 1802. WAS RELEASED DY DEATH WM. M. HIIELTON UI1CS IN MAD ISON JAIL,. Ilia Trial for the Murder ol t;mul Tweed Was (ioiuig Ou at Jlar Hhall Hlrlckeu Uy Heart IMS ease, He Dies in Five Hours. Readers of Tin; Qtizbn will remember that ou Friday morning of List week the trial of Win. M.Sheltuii, fur imiiler,was begun in Madison county court, in ses sion at Marshall. On Saturday afternoon, at the close of the second day of the trial, when omit adjourned until Monday, Sheltoii com plained that he was sulVeriiiK from heart trouble. lie was taken to the jail, placed in bis cell, and a physician scut lor. Shelton, rcalizint; he was a very sick man, requested that his wife be sum moned. His request was granted. When Mrs. Shelton reached his side Shelton (old her the cause of his illness and said he did not want her to think that his death, if death occurred, was caused I'.i fear of the outcome of the trial. Mrs. Shelton and the physician re mained with the sick man, and did cur y tiling possible to relieve him. but lie lap idly fjrew worse, until about 1 1 o'clock, when he died. 1 lie crime lor winch Million was. on tt ial lor his life was coinniitU'd on Sun day, liiue 111, this year, and ncciincd in the road ou Spill Corn creek, Madison county. The murdered man was Gram Tweed, Shelton shooting him ihioinih the neck with a bullet Iroui a pistol. Heath ensued instantly. The cause o! the murder was -in old jjnidc. Shelton escaped, but was captured in (ireeneville, Tcuii. lie was extradited and brought to Marshall, w here liis trial bewail on h'riday, as staled, la the pros ecution Solicitor Jones was assisted by Moody & l.each of Wavuesvillc and Omljicr S: Martin ol Aslicvdlc. Shelton was defended by Gudv"cri: I'i itchard and J. M. (iudj;crt jr., of Ashcville. Shelton was about la years old. IK served in the I'liion army -ind w as a Vuitrd- States pensioner, lie leaves a wife and several children. shot m.i.ow Tin; i;vi-.. Accident to Uev. lr W. A, Nelson at Oi-caii View. The Wilmington Star of Saturday con tains this account ol an accident to Key. l'r. W. A. Nelson, lorinciiy pastor of the First liaptisl church, Ashcville: "Hurin the concert of the Second Kci; iincnt band at i ccan V iew yesterday, the Key. V. A. Nelson, li. i., an eminent "aptist divine, met with an accident which came near beiiiK ' serious one. lie was s'-.-indin at the northeast corner ol the pa -ilioti when he was struck with a bullet iioui an air-yun, which had glanc ed from a target ol the shooting nailery just north of the pavilion. I'pon exami nation it was found that the bullet had entered just below the i iirlit eye. A youni; man standing near picked it out with his knife. Altlrmh the accident was pa i n I ii I and came very near lieinr a serious one, I ir. Nelson did not complain and took the train ior his hoarding house at Wrihtsvillc." Tin: Cmr:s's correspondent at Wrihtsville writes that Ir. Nelson is improving rapidly. Ki:i.i- VOl 11 IlAUIi:l.S M I. I,. Till-IIlowouls oil the IMie Line Cause Trouble. Supci iuteiident Inleives notice that the city water supply is to be cut oil this cvcniny at 7 o'clock. It will be turned on early tomorrow morning. Tlie super intendent says this cutting off is made necessary by the blowing out ol the packing in some of the pipe joints east ol the stand-pipe. The riniii of the lire alarm as a means of iiolilviiii; water con sumers of the cut tins otV w as considered, but abandoned as liable to cause confus ion in the lire department. Mr. Intilc warns all consumers to be on the lookout, at least during the hot term, as one of these blowouts may ren der thecuttin off ol the supply necessary at any lime. livery precaution should be taken against wasting water. ui-'i' rou ;ki:i;nhkoiio. Ileleuates to tlie State Alliance Leave Today. Col. Tims. H. I.on' and W. 1. Weaver left today for Greensboro, to attend the meeting of the state fanners' alliance, which occurs tomorrow. They were joined here by Kcv. John Amnions, wdio will attend the meeting as a delegate from the Madison county alliance. L'ol. Loiiu and Key. Amnions will Ho from Greensboro to Kalecjh, w here they will attend the state people's party convention, on the Hilh. Col. I.onx says Kev. Amnions will y;o before that convention lor the nomination on the state ticket as superintendent of public instruction. coi. tni;vi;s, HIS Appointments Tor eipeeelies I'll lo AukiisI IS. Col. R. S. Chevcs, national proiiibition organi.er, addressed u large assemblage at Weaverville, in the college, on Satur day evening. Last evening he lectured at the First M. F. church, this city. This morning Col. Chevcs went out to Pigeon River, where he spoke today. His appointments up to August 18 are ns follows : August 1), Wavuesvillc; 10, Clyde; 11, Webster; 12, Franklin; 13, Havcsville; 15, Murphy; Hi, liryson City; 17, Candler; 18, West Ashevillc. On the latter date Col. Chevcs will speak in Heaver's hall, and- a barbecue will lie Hiven those who attend the speaking. Tlie urlclt I'avlmt. J. R. Ontcs, of the paving firm of Webb, Dates, Eskridgc & Co., tells Tifii Citizkn that 50,000 brick were shipped from Kobbins, Tcnn., on the :td inst. to be used on Ashcville pa.ving. A bill was also received Friday for 1,500 feet of curbing, from Klbertou, Ga. The con tractors hope to hirve no more trouble nbout Retting mntei iul.as shipments are to be made regularly. Report of Interments. According to the report of Superintend ent W. S. Cornell, of Riverside cem etery, there were 18 interments in that cemetery during the month of July. Of these 9 were white and 9 colored. The causes of each were: Cholera iufantum, 2; consumption, 2; chronic diarrh.va, 1; tvpbold fever, 1; acute gastritis, 1 ; dys entery, 1; inunitiod, 2; tuberculosis, 1; unknown, 1; other causes, 0. . Teaetaera' Association. The first quarterly meeting of thcDun conibe county teachers' association will be held in the Orange street graded school on Saturday morning, August 27, at 10:30 o'clock. There will be inter estinff discussions participated iif by County Superintendent Way, Prof. P. I'. Cloxtoo and others. AROUND TOWN. I Washington, August S I necast nil '. in. Fair; vntinbtc winds. G. G. I.vn.di of Florence, S. l, today. here S. Gallcrt of Thermal City is in Ashi vilie ou business. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Charles ol Mur anton arc at the Swaniianoa. II. It. Woodward of St. Augustine, ITa., is in Ashcville ou a pleasure trip. A. II. Cobb left the city today for a three weeks' trip to the coast of Maine. Miss Dora llarwald of Atlanta, Ga., is visiting relatives at 41i French liroad avenue. Internal revenue collections fcr the Filth North Carolina district Saturday were Sa.OT'J.Ul. The Sunday school of ltethel M . li. ehurcli, south, will picnic at the Sulphur Springs tomorrow. "Miss lileanor Havwood returned from Ashcville yesterday," says the Kal cijjli News and (ibserver. Tomorrow evening the l.yccuui will discuss "The labor (piestiou." Xcno Smith -a-ill be the lending speaker. Miss licllc lVrkius, id Richmond, is the uuest ol Mrs. K. A. Scott and Mrs l'r. S. C. McGilvra, "IS Chestnut strict. John V. Ilcciinans and Miss l.ottie llicriuans, ol Key Wist, 1'la., arc at the Swaimatioa lor a stay ol several days. The Kpworlh League moulhly busi ness meeting will be held lhi- evening at s:l!i) ia the leetuic room ol Central cliiircb. Miss l.illic Whitted and her niece, Miss Sadie Farrow, alter spending a week in the city, returned to llcndcrsonvillc this morning. Miss licllc I. a., iron of Savannah, Ga , a singer of considerable reputation, is visiting Mrs. N. bmanucl, I'Jt French liroad avenue. MY.J Fltu Justice, who has been visit ing hei stcr, Mrs. T. K.l'avis, in Wash ingtoii, ). I. ., tor the past tea mouths, returned to the city on Saturday. A handsome picccof tiling wi.i k is that put down by C. li. Moody in the en trance to the Soudlev building, coiner I'atton avenue and Church slieet. J. T. Ilostie, the I'atton avenue mer chant, has sent '1 in-: Cl n.v.K a very neat Cleveland and Stevenson badge. Pic tures of the candidates adorn the badge. The Kogersville, Tcnn., Review prints this: Will A. Illair. of Ashcville, N. C, lelt for his home Wednesday alter a week's visit on business ' I at this place. Mrs. John Van l.andingliam, Ralph Van l.andiiighain and Miss llat'.ic tin ol Charlotte spent yesterday at the Swauiianoa, on their way to Wavuesvillc. Mrs. l'r. I. R. Spciuht and little daughter of Norfolk, Va., are visiting Mrs. Speight's father-in-law, J. A. Speight, 1'. !., Xn. ;! Charlotte street. In Recorder Miller's court this morn ing four drunks paid So each, one drunl $;i, four colored lighters So each, and a white woman lor disorderly conduct, So. Total lines S is. The material for i'iving between the rails of the Ashcville street railway on I'atton avenue, has bien placed ou the ground. The limit for the work is Au gust It, tomorrow. A number 'of stalks of corn have grown up through the granite paving on market place. It would seem Irom this thai tin. paving is not progressing any more rapidly than it should. Fvcrv one w ho has a relic or any kind of curiosity that will be ol iuleiest is re quested to take it to the Centennial mu seum, No. IS court place, and place it on exhibition during the Centennial. Alex. Webb, the agent of that well known insuraneeeompauv, the Washing ton Life, New York, has opemd his office in room a llariiaid building. Mr. Webb is know n by the people of Ashcville to be thoroughly reliable, and as his company is among the very best, lie ought to re ceive his full share of Asheville's business. Mis advertisement will be found in an other column. IN THi: UI-.AI.TY YVOUI.O. Wliatis TrauspirliiK tlie Way of Iiirl Transactions. The following deeds have been lilid i'l Register Mackey 's olliee: J. M. W'cstall and wile to M. A. Weir, lot on Callow bee Place, KlUxlCl) feet S l.i!UU J. 11. Hostic and others to litis A. Miller, H parcels of land in Ramoth Fl.oiin J. It. liostic and others to Fllcn P. Miller, lot in Kamoth J. T. Itostic and wife to li. T., I. F. and K. G. Rhiuehardt, i acics in West Ashevillc l.iM.ni 00 WOl'I.U I.KAN UN IT. Tliat's Wliy I'otHuiHSter faiuion mid lite Kallliiic Taken iiown. Postmaster Cannon tells Tin; Cituln his reason for ttikiugdown the barb wire and railing nlon the Haywood street approach to the government building was thai the putting up of the wire did not accomplish the desired end keeping people Iroui IcaniiiKon the railing. They could not sit on the railing, but they would lean upon it and the postmaster concluded that it would be better to re move the railing altogether. HL' w'" not, he says, erect anything to take the place of the railing. Ullmore's Hand. Patrick Sarsficld Gilmorc, the head ol the famous Oilmore's band, is in cones nondence with Manager I. P. Sawyer, of the Grand opera house, looking to the appearance here dining the coming sea son of his band. H it comes Ashevillc people will enjov a tr.'at indeed. Tlie Bui I'oudre! It is hoped that the bnl poudre lo be given at the llattery i'ark August 12, will be a grand success. All citizens and visitors ol Ashevillc nrc most cordially invited. Admission $1. Tieketsat Kay sor & Smith's and llattery Park. License lo Wed. Register Mackey has issued license to wed as follows: Samuel Johnson and Klla Avery, of Uuncombe; colored. George Hcnsley of Madison, mid Re becca lHickner of buncombe; white. Fraiicl Wlllard's Mother Dead" CiiiCac.o, August H. Mrs. Mary B. Willnrd, mother of Francis E. Willard, died in Kvanston shortly niter midnight. She was eighty-eight years of age. Picnic parties on u lark, Take Dummy line to Sunset Park. To Advertiser. T' insure change of adyertisemenU running on regular contract, copy mi be handed in by 10 o'clock a. m. Grandest views ir all this land, . Points on Dummy line command. .; CiAl.A I.Y AT eilll-.I.HY. Two Tliuusand I'eoplc Out lu Hear Carr, Jarvls and I ilrmail. Smci.iiY, N. C , Aug. S. Special. At least two thousand people were present at the democratic inci ting today, many ol whom had heretofore been considered members of the third party, ltifore the speaking many of these, including the straight democrats, called upon .Mr. Carr at Ins hotel. It is apparent that the third party is weaken-1 iug in Cleveland count v. The next gov ernor F.lias Carr made an able sieccli, to which close attention was paid and which was Honderlully cflcclivr. Fx Gov. Jarvis is now ilelivei ii:g one ol the strongest speeches ol the cam paign, which is evidently telling. K. M. I'tiniiaii will speak next. . . FuUiiwider. 'MA V HI-:" III.AUl) 1UII.1I. -Sen a lor Hill May Take Hie Nlliinp lor Cleveland. Ni:w II.WliN, August S. In an iulei icv with a reporter Senator Hill who arrived yislerday said: "Fnfortiinalely our party missed Mr. C Iceland. While we arc in liii.'zai d Hay, he was in New York." When asked the piobable chauecs for Cleveland's success this fall, he said : "I chink the chances are in lavor ol a demo cratic victory, but there are a great many considiialions lo be taken into account." W hen asked il lie would take the slump himself, he said: "I have not vet de cided, but shall probably be heaid from later." Hotel Arrivals. i.7e A' ci.-J. M. Xnchary, Thus. A. Gregg, J. M. I.eaeh. N. C; Miss Ruther ford, Tcnn.; W F, Guthrie, Kansas; W. S. W ilson, Ga ; A. 1). Shuping, N. C; W. II. Howe and wile, N. V.; II. J. F.lmoie, N. C; W. S. llarnard, N. C; G.W. Swain, Va ; li. F. Gibbous, II. I,a Plant, Chicago; Geo. II. l'.ates, Alabama; l. M. I.afetlc, Tennessee; W. Knight, Riclmioml; J. F. Aberncthy, Cineiimiili; F. F. Soutli worth, New York; S. F. Johnson, Phila delphia; lion. Juo. C. Ilouk, Knoxville; il. M. Chaoin, Miehigan; Rev. li. M. Monroe and family, Arkansas; T. P. Wil son, Pakota; V. li. Low, Nashville Tcnn.; Mrs. M. M. Anderson, Nashville Tcnn.; Mrs. W. I.ow, Nashville, Tcnn.; Mis. W . T. Anderson, Nashville, Tcnn. American l.ltt-ratiire Lectures I ! v Miss Clau lia Stuart, principal of the Washington 1 eniale Seminary, Washing ton, I . C. T'ne first lecture in Ashevillc will be given at the battery Park hotel Fri day, August l'J, Iroui to Ic.to p. in I ickets loi the course ol eight lectures :.", half the course S:i, two lectures SI To. Tickets may !.' obtained at the olliee of the battery Park hotel, and also bv applying W Miss Stuart,!!! Hav wood street, and to Miss Hatch, Ashc ville library. et Into the I'rocesslon. There is enj.ivnieiit unspeakable for all who visit tlx Phonograph Parlors on North Court Place. There is not a better place in Ashcville in which to spend hail hour and a few nickels. This is the unanimous verdict rendered by the l ar lor's patrons. Join the procession. Mollct. Ml parties who expect to cuter in the tournament or for the races this week are requested to call a', once ou F. It. At kiuson, court place. 77jc Dummy Line, l.'jose cjr'irmi'ig n'cs On Sunset Mountain's lluwcrv sides ' It u Ticket iiroker, Member ol Aiiierlean Tlekel liroker Assoeia lion. Clarke, tiraiul Central Hotel Crystal sn'ig, pny 'iliim liiniHiiiu, iHiiiiiiiv I.im-tu Sunset Mountain. Index lo Mew Advertisements. I'i it n i C i ticn lliliee, l.usT - I C.iioi' street I...S r Henry Kulwnoil. I nn Sai.i: ii. W. 1'ititon. NiiTler: p.-MC M. Morgan. Aki: Yoi Ini Hiai Alt Wcl'tt. l-'tiK Sai.k 117 South Main Stmt. I'l. AC K v i: l.l.'s 111 kii .M I'-t l.l. Ttm i co. IIiU'Mi At loot of Miitnrv Park lull, n JL buneh ol keys, llwntreuu Kit s.-one ly ipiilvnlK at the Cltutii (anec. IlllKSll 1 1 T 1 1ST A cum', lielit I'olnrril nnil rutin li hirc, w it !i u silii-r linnd, nuitle of lane. t-uutitl a in-ciuus stane. au.-d 1 1 llbNUV KIII'W'ilHll. ,t)K SALIi One mokim; tovi .'in it a k-w pieces ut furniture. Apply fur live li. ,1 111 .l AI."S S I t bit, 1 . IJIOK SA A Spani' li l'onv 1m v. D vcars old; m'title. suitable fur riding or ilum;fi r lady's use. 1'riec low. Call at li. W. I'atton s Livery Stit1tv. aiiKd:it I CST I ) J to Hot ars ioin; from (.rivc street ilrl Iklinoiil or in hotvl ur L'rniiniN. t wiatrd khIiI limist pin with prurl set, Kt' waul it u-titrtKil lo l-(iruve trcvt-auHU.'-.t' Notice. I'o tlu" Voters of UunidinliC Countv : 1 lu'irltv amioiMK-c mysclt a caiitliihttc for the ollici' ol Sin-1 itl of Hunt'oailif louuty. stilt ju t to the a tion of the ilcmocratir nonij. nn tin k t on vent ion, ond t articstly reitK-Ht my many irk nils to aid inc in atiuniiK the aoniinatiua. Very respectfully, atiKdtsepia JliSSli M. MORGAN. ItlattrcsHcs Ucnovatcd liseellently, itia to new, nt families' reseiliiueH liv a liuropean in first-elans style '1 i ks ek-atieil or new -huh furnished when required; k,,0,1 referenew tit fuinilien in city with whom I have done work Hatinfaetorily; prices very moderate; orders from the coun try punctually attiutlcd to. Address JAM IvH I'UX, MaltrePs Maker, Aslieville, Room li.'t Hurnard ituildinK, or this olliee. Oh,HowMiHeauAcs To tlioso who linvo over sufl'erpil with ii Hick or ner vous headache, or subject to neuraltria, and have never tried t he great BpecifiV, ANTICEPHALALGINE, We extend nn invitation to call at our soda counter when suffering, and aak for a dose FREE. This is one of the best remedies of the age; has no bad after effects. 25 and 50tH. per bottle. Wholesale agenta KAYSOR& SMITH DOWN THEY GOME BIG DISCOUNT ON China .NI Japan Mattings, REFRIGERATORS AND ICE CHESTS AT W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FURNITURE AND CARPET STORE, 16 I'atton Avciiuc,Aslicvillc, N. C. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Main and Eagle Streets, ASHKVILLE, N. C Wo null lino ready niadiM-lotliinj;' and guiitu' uut lor wear. Our stock is always liiryo hocauso often roplonishcd with latest noveltii's. Loiijroxperionci' in handling fine men's wear, of all kinds, gives us superior advantages over all competitors. We have the tidious dressers Everything class in manufacture ami lit. and low. We carry sizes that We make clothing to order any in the world. We invite for sizes they can't get elsewhere. In hats we carry Dunlap and other leading make's. In shirts we claim Ihe host in the known world, tin; ''Manhattan." Everything that is required in a first class men's and hoys' outfitting establishment can he had of us in t-ame grades as in the most pretentious houses in any state. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. Telephone No. 10N. blair k Mcdowell, UNDERTAKERS AND CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. No. 45 Pattern Avenue, Aslieville, N. C, OPl'OSITK CUDKCH STRBKT, DAY CALL NO. 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65, KING'S WINDSOR ASBESTOS CEMENT FOR PLASTERING In its mixed form is sujteriur to all other plaster, because, being mixed by machinery, the only thiHK eft to the judgment of the man ut the mortar bed is the riht quantity of wa ter. H mnLci walls and ceilings more elastic thnn any other material known fut plaster ing. The Asiestofl used renders the macrial a great protection against fire, and deadens sound. The extreme density of the Ctmcnt reu tiers it vermin and germ proof. It will not chip or pit. It is free lrom acid. It dries out from three to five weeks quicker than lime or huir mortar. No action takes place after setting, which is a matter of two or three hours only. Frost or water will not injure the work that ceilings well soaked from any cause will dry out us strong as ever. Falling ceilings arc unknown, and the plastering will last us loiu as the building itself. It can be finished in any way of which ordinary plastering is capable Wutta and ceilings made from this material ure second to nouc; and, considering the advantages named, the excess of cost above lime and hair is a small mutter. The best and most convenient article known for mull jobs and patching. C. K. MOODY, Sole Agent for Ashevillc and Viojuity. Wim house near freight depot; telephone 73; office 'M I'atton Avenue; telephone 0. S. R. KEPLER, FINE GROCERIES. 53 soutii:main street. GRAIN AND FEED STORE G7 IVortH 3Xiiin Street. We carry the largest, fresheat and mt damaged, muity, rat eaten ttoek aeeumulatci, We keep It motlng, coming and goina. Our sales in Jnly doubled any month since we commenced business. Oar warehouses on North Main and Water streets, together with storage house oa track, gire all dYOO tages la haadllng both la and ent of the city. Enquire for prices before buying. Respectfully, C. S. COOPER Telephone No. 67, tit right stock for the most fas we sell is warranted first Our prices are legitimate cannot he had elsewhere on short notice as perfect us orders from clothing dealers FURNITURE DEALERS. alter it Is once set. lixpcrience has shown atoek of Fred in Western North Carolina. No AshcvUle, N. C. ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY. DAILY CAPACITY 35 TONS. PURE - DISTILLED - WATER - ICE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Bc&t Anthracite and JclHco Coal and Coke. ASHEVILLE - MILLING - COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS Roller King, lilcctrlc Light, Carolina Belle, Choice Vru ham Flour, Corn Meal. Corn Choptt. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN CORN AND OATH. Telephone Nos. 36 and 40. No. 30 Pattou Avcnuv. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 -I o Kccp In stuin "Muunt Vermin," "Canaillan Cluli," and (Mil Hukrr Kjc Wlilnkfrn. 7 hc Wines, llrnndki. Ikrr, Ale nnil Stout for feinlly uw, All Riiuila ililivt rid ti t'v. Ale mid I'ot trr on draught, UntrrnniT No. Ill North Main uml "Vi CoIUkc utm tii. Tilcpliom' No. K.2. r. S.: On aii'l nl'lcr May nth 1 will ncnil ntnU'inent of urvminU by mull to p;irlun In. debted to inc if not settled hy that time. KcsiK'cllully, PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD; OTHERS FOLLOW. THE THIS PLACIJ LACES, HAMBURG EDGINGS AND ALL Dress Trimmings, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Stationery, Toilet Soaps, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Picture Frames, Rugs, Door Mats, Etc. LAKGl- STOCK OF KWllONS, LATEST STYLUS. UYUKYTJIlSt: IS GOING AT YUKY LOW I'KICUS i'OR TIIU NUXT :iti DAYS IN OKDUK TO MA KU ROOM FOR OUR FALL STOCK. REMEMBER THE PUCE NO. 15 S. MAIN STREET. OWENS & JElSTKZIIISrS-r IS RESERVED FOR E.B.BARNUM&CO,'S ANNOUNCEMENT OF OUR iKUiXlii COMMENCES MONDAY. All Summer Goods Mast Go at Some Price. MTMNATJRR'S IS TIIE PLACE TO DO THE BALANCE OF YOU It SUMMER SHOPPING. Our prices nre as dilapidated as the avenue A 4. W 4 J J. a. a ill presents mMrt. w yuur micrcM uuu visit our store early and often tliecomlrg week MIMNAUGH, No. ix Patton Ave. Aslieville. N. C. AND 71-2 COLLEGE STS. I- k:eit TO BUY YOUK- KINDS OF- Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Tinware, Space SALE