ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZFN: TUSEDAY EVENING, AUGUST 0, 1892. Katurc should to assisted to throw otTiniimrlticsoftlie blood. Nothing does it so well, kc promptly, or v. safely as Swift'!. CURES marie poison L SiiOfiile. LIFE HAD NO CHARMS. For tliroe years I was troubled with malt rial poison, which caused my appetite to fail, and 1 W.13 greatly rcaucea in iun, int lost all its charms. I tried mercurial aim potash remedies, but to no effect. o;!t getno relief. I then decided to fyjjSS&i A few bottles of tliis wonderful BlSBfafta-i! medicine mado a complete and permanent cure, and I now enjoy better health thou ev :r. J. A. Kick, Ottawa, Kan. Our ix'olcou Blood uud SkmliUij-v , mailed f rod. Swift Si'ecifiu Co., AUmiU, (!. I'HOrICSM. CAM'S. H. KAUFMANN. AIICKlTfCT ANS . SUPERINTENDENT, oi't'ieii anii ki:si:h-:ni'I-: : I' nii..xisr., Asunvii.i.n. .v c. X "nTcomi,"" " STUN O t; RA I'lIHR. I.sw IVorli si i;!wltiJty. liOOM I0FIISST NATIoN.'.L BAM UUil DiG. .1. TliNNI.-l V. . 1'fsiJ.tti rtJltl Cout);iiir. t'!, i.iHt'u'K I iimi iitpl rsthmitirt fur- n-i.-.l. A;i -.-otk ill n.y line .iel'-fl Inr, t'l t: i !;i;-. f.,r c.l "i v. im; . iu ci'lltr:-ets A I V.I I-- !i. n- . I:, ii iltsir .1. I nl. t i'i-i. ! ill v ll!. ' , :i'irM Court .in r. A . i vi:,.-. ,. i. ivuiy ny ,V-Vv.trrt' livp.! '. VUV'Zi SULTON KARIMXG tilNI 1I.M. roil N!i !'l' iMIii-c mill ftl'ip, Wnl'e lUlililiiifV. CtlUNIiH OlI'KI' I'l.ACi: AMI MAKKI'.T STKliKT. rs a! n ios"&i-;iri'x5iTi CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS. If yoi want yn-T l 'vi-llinj; or furiti Lure re port il enU nn.! s. v us. t'NIiliKTAKINC. , SI'IXl.U.TV. ml Smith Mnin Street, sheville, .V. C. jlllyddtl' INSURE YOUH PROPErUY WITH K. J. ASTON, O'cnt-rHl ) Ziisur.-j-.jv : Ayvtit. I.i :ir 'o. 'JO South M.iin street. .-u.'iUWh.I lr.. Ashe vi'.!e. N. C ann il i v Hi. II. hlUTT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE, (inuliiiK of nil t;tnlx done. Atl sizes of emitted stone furnished. Send atl orders to puatotlicc Box 14-M, AshrviJc, N. C. uus'l9ritf U. IX, 15. X. SM :1NTAI( iiinit'' Riiii iiii':. ov.r Kttl 'r Store, i' A V'.".l c, IVsldtlHT, T'KC sLrtet. r. KAMSAY. tU. l;t. Dental (fyiyL- Offlce Over the National Hank of Asheville, llar nnnl Huihiing. Residence, tin Charlotte nt. fchiMUllT in:, it. i Mini saws, 01 i ici: KtMixis (i i.k Cosiiv'sJi:wj:i.kv Slot; i 1vATT(jN AVIiNl li. ;rfSn.iial atttntioii ivrn to til'iuii U-rth ami tiTutiiK dintasctl nn in unil nil tli'ast;r ptt Uiininn to the ilentiil ti ui turc. miiy Kttltl WOFFORD COLLEGE SPARTANBURG, S. C. JAMES H. CARLISLE, LL. D , PRESIDENT. Two coin si h Kaiiiiif; lo the A. II, I (.gric. For tat;JoL;uc ndtln.H J A. Gamcwfcll tui."dt-orjm St. Mary's School, RALEIGH N. C. The Ailvenl Term t.f the 5lt An nual Kt XSioH will lie;;iii JscpitlU ber aacl, I'or Catalogue, nddress REV. 15. SMKDES, A. M., KAI.1MG1I. N. C. juli'tlcoil.'lm CIVIL E.lGITT2.r.Z. .',;-, Hrirpril' an,-, ?t J FuUContacrc! Practical Course I n Telegraphy. Inst met lun In MuKlcnnd Art. I'nrnut I'.aml. I.cicnllou ruinous fur llcauty n ml lleul!li. tor luoseuot prcpnreil forColleaoClunhes, tliero In a Complete preparatory Department. Resident Burgeons, Preparatory Medical icMirlaituU No eharuc for nic.ll.-ul alien, lion. l.ow rates. Pur partlctilars, uildrcs DAVIS SCHOOL, Winston, N. C. nmmzxmiziiizzmxi UNIVERSITY Or ItNNtbbtt ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT, with Llt'riT, CItII, Mrchmilnil, Kkx-trlcal aud MinltiK Uaiciiitwriiitr and Arloultuiml uuuniui. LAW DEPARTMENT. TEACHERS' DEPARTMENT. MIM ftllniAtf, i flni lahnmtitrii. unil HlintM i ptim iltiUtiryiutiniiluin. KsiMinM-H Try tniKltrat. Write lor aiuuiui mint It AS. W. DA IIS FY, Jr., rmt't, KNOIVILLE. TENH. . . .-. .. in Albemarle -Female"- Institute, CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA- I. nice corn of Superior Trnchcrs. Itrst ndvantnfrca m l.lterarjr. Musical, und Art llcimrtnteiltn. Attractive surroundings. Healthful nnd neecssildc location, l.owcit terina. Order catuluiMic. V. P. WCKINSON, ItilylM.-odlDt - 1'rindial. M OUIIHAM, C.OHTM UAH0LIIM. w'a Kiw liull'llin.-. All iiMMlurn ImproTi-mi-ntfl. m Kleelrt.- Unlit-. l,nlHiil.irlrs, liliriirlrs, mil trim.. 11,'tdilifnl rliiiittln. Lfirnu urnuniU. Fnprrlor fwntiv nf tnlslUts 111 aach tlopsrtnimit. ii.vt'n di-pnrtmi' i' lii.tmrtlun. Oppn St-pt. I. lUpptnifa tow, t'ov n,loiva aialilrrM John KiauKlin uruwwll. from't. A1UZ0NA KICKER. THE EDITOR GIVES THE TOGT .MAS TER FAIR WARNING. A llfiiittiful Souvenir of the Private C.ravevuril, Which In Described In Elo quent laiugunge lij- llic Killli.r ami Muyor. Cnpi rWit. IMG, hy C'haih'8 It. Uwis. IT Mi st I'omi-:. We shall linvo to slicmt the post master of this town, nnd we Khali have to shout him stone deml. We lmve sought to (lislne the Issue ill every possiltlc way, lint it will not he dodxed. Two years ngo, when he was appointed, we stilted t hat ho was ti etotally unlit for the position and ounht to refuse it. It wasn't three months before we had to shoot him in the shoulder ill the interests of our Kiibscnliers. Four months later we felt it our duty to shoot him iiKiiiu to expedite the mail service. Ninety davs since we (,'ot the drop on him again, ami but for his promises of reform weshouhl have created a vacancy in the postal service, Saturday last we received a score of complaints from subscribers re garding the nonarrival of their papers. The package for Lone Tree had not reached that olliee at all. Clinch Valley was six teen papers short. Of eighteen papers sent to Turkey Hend only eight went through. We culled at the postolhce to make our statement and ask for an explanation., but the postmaster refused to see us. He sent out word that he was running that she bang, and if we didn't like his stylo we could move on to the next town. He also added that if we came prancing aruund again lie should open on us through the general delivery window with two six shooters. Saturday evening we called a meeting at Tun olliee, which was attended by twenty-two of our most prominent citizens. We made our statement of the case, and after considerable discussion the following resolution was presented by Judge llaxter anil unanimously adopted: Hmtilveil, That it Is the duty of the editor nf Tim Kli Ki n, us a mnn, a clli.i-iinudiin editor, to shoot the postmaster on si,'ht. We do not wish to rush affairs of this kind. Sunday afternoon we sent a com et the resolution to t he postmaster and asked him to get his ollicinl affairs in shape as soon as possible, and Monday morning we telegraphed Mr. Wanamaker Unit t here would probably be a vacancy to -ill before t lie week was ended. We owe a solemn duty to our subscribers, and we shall not shirk It. When a person sub scribes for Tun KlcKKli we guarantee to Ret it to him regularly every week, even If we have to clean out two or three post offices to do it. Should the postmaster call at this office and make reasonable excuses nnd promise better things for the future we should probably he inclined to leniency, but if he doesn't show up within a day or two there will either be a new editor of this paper or a new postmaster in the shanty on A paehe avenue. AS A SouVHNllt. From and lifter Sept. 1 each subscriber to Tun Kh i;i:i: will re ceive ns a souvenir a beautiful lithograph 8 by l'J in size, of our private graveyard Hy moonlight. The cut, herewith published does not begin to do the lithograph justice. There are ten graves in nil. five on each side of the main walk. Tho whole lot is a beautiful grass plat, with trees, shrubs uud flowers in profusion, and a white picket fence surrounding the lot. The total cost tip to date has been about ?l,0oO, but tour ists who have traveled in every country declare that they have seen nothing to begin with it. We believe there Is an editor somewhere In Idaho who has a private graveyard witli three graves m it. but we have been told that lie killed his victims with o pickax while they were drunk. The lithograph represents a full moon shining down upon our p. g. and bringing out every detail as clearly as if seen under the noonday sun. A sort of halo is thrown upon each grave, and the trailing ai-biitiis anil blossoming violets produce a softness of detail which goes right to the heart of thu beholder. Wo waited our artist to show tho figure of our esteemed contempo rary looking over the fence and kicking himself because he never shot anybody in his life, but there was no room. The fol lowing is the list, as printed ou thu back of the souvenir: No. 1 Had Man Johnson, from Montana, who wanted to kill uu editor on general principles. No. 'J L'nknown pilgrim, who got two shots at us before we could draw, but fired too high. Xo. 11 Not fully identified, but suiuiosed to be Sam White, of Nevada. Drew on us because we accidentally spit on bis boots on a wiudv dav. No. 4 Unknown pilgrim, who threw a rocK into our bedroom window at mid night and then foolishly wailed around to see if wo were going to come out. . it! An n n Ai a a r otm No. 5 Colonel Hill Hastings, from Scott's Valley, who called and demanded a retraction aud began shooting before we could make it. No. 0 Joe Davis, cowboy from Clinch Valley, who took possession of our office for about three minutes. We bad a sure finger nnd Were rather slow that day. No. 7 Unknown pilgrim from Scott's Valley, who rode into town on a mule at midnight and fired a charge of buckshot Into our bedroom. Shot all went into the headboard above us, and while he was waiting for returns bo fell off bis mule and died. No. 8 The Montana Terror, who was probably hired to attempt our assassina tion. Our gun fouled and we hud to do a good deal of dodging and running, but the Terror was not a man to take advantage of circumstances, lie hod wasted eleven shots when he (itiit. No. 0 A genuine, old fashioned bad man from the Bill Williams creek section, who thought the country was being civilized too fast and who objected to a published item to tne effect that this was no town for him to prance around in. He was a two hatHled shooter, and we were grazed lour times before lie went hence. No. 10 A humble and downtrodden pilgrim whom the boys called "Our llir- die." He didn't appear to nave the sand of a irrasshnnner. but one afternoon while we were giving him a fatherly lecture on the sin of loullng around bo drew on us nnd got three shots the start. His idcutit v has not yet been established, but it was ascertained that he came here from Gila City with some rustlers. lie Dlnreuiciubered Mint. They met just at the comer of the hotel One was n tall, ancient looking darky who dragged his legs as ha walked, while the other was short and chunky and stepped along brisk lv. As they met they halted. For sixty seconds they stood and looKea at each other wit hout a word. Then the chunky man held out his hand aud said: "Uncle 'Rastus, I hain't mad at ro't" "Who am yo', aahr" demanded the old man with mneb nitnitr. "Come, come, ijnele''ltiistus-yo' knows who I am. Let's shake hands." No, sail no, sail! I nebber shake hands .id total strangers. If I ebcrsccn yo' befo' I (loan' disreckoleet de occasliuii. Was yo' from de town of l'ikeville, sahr" IiOok a heali, olo num." replied the chunky man, who was evidently nettled over the situation. "1 want yo' to under stand lnt 1 has got jest as much dignity asyo'has! If yu'doan'want to speak to me I doan' want to speak to yo'!" "1IUI Lookout, nigger! lzc powerful bad when I'ze roused up!" Nigger yo'self! If yo' wasn't mv fad der-lnw I'd broke yo'r chin right off!" 10 r fadder-law! 1 dun doan' know m.'. sahl Hole on A lcctle! Seems like I'd dun heard dat bazoo In fo'. Was yo' a pussuii named Tony White!'" 'Of co'se I was." 'An yo' miii'i'icd a gal named Kvangelino Jackson:'" Of co'se I did, an she is yo'r daughter." Does yo' lib in dat cabin jest bevau de brick ya'd cabin wid n palo blue front duali?" Of co'se." 'Waal, niobbe 1 docs disremember yo! Let's see? Vo' dun had n lectio pa'ly at yo'r house fodder night "Yes, sah." "Dun had ice cream an strawberries?" "Yes." "Yo' dun tole yo'r fadder-law to git dar at half past b o'clock, tin when lie iirrovo "l.ooii opt, Mik.i:i:! dar wasn't nil Din left ! F.hen de plates had bill licked oil', an all lie got was a banana peelin nn a glass o' buttermilk! "l!ut yo' see, Misser Jackson, I dun reckoned" "Sah! Was yo' distressin yo'r remark! toward me!" icily demanded the old man as he drew himself up as still' as a tele graph pole. " If co'se I was." "Deli yo' was dun mistaken in the pus son, sail! We nebber met up befo'. Wi doan' know each odder, (bind mawiiin, stranger! If yo' waul lo iuipinr' about dis town yo'd better ax dat gcni'lan across de road. I was werry busy dis maiviiiti an ham t got time to fool with strange nig gers!" The Dummy Line, thnse char mini; ritle- On Sunset Mountain's llowcrv sides ? vim l'rM'!!Pv;, liiiliies'.inn, nn:! .! ii'.'ii disoiders, tisc MKtlWA'S TT'.OS HIT 1 Kits. It den'eni k'i'p il. ! ' t r hrttlo. tinmtne 1'i.s trade-umrk laeleiuvi.'l led litiuii ou uruppui' 0000900000 vThe tmollost PUl la tho Worldly Provided the great Organs 0 of the body nro not Irreparably injur 0 ad, there are fow dltcofvos thut 0 rjug 0 WaW mil! V i m uw rmo will m ohm. lw tl.alit antlnn t, ft l.lvrr, tlteNploon, tho Heart and thoQ v KIlnjK mc broubjltt Into harmonious w 0 art lun, nnd hrultli, viRor of mind and body follow their uhp. Ioso mnall.Cj tvf vnui viutf) f v a niit m. lute, 4.1 v 0OO0O0OO0O ADAMANT, The "Perfection of Willi Plaster." It has Mill per cent, more tensile strength than lime and :I00 ,kt cent, more lliaii any other ma terinl Known as a wall piaster. -TAKE THE- CHICAGO i-ALTON R. R West and Northwest. Kmicnuits koimk to anr of the Witi ni St a tea or l cn Hones will save tunc am) money coin it via L'hleneo and Alton route It i" the quickest route to Kansas City. I H a ver I'uehlo, unit all point in Idaho, Wash mcton, Orcuon, I't ah und California. Finest and Ihst ICiftiipjicti Row! in the West. Only line runnini? rt1irl Vrstibuhd trains between St. Liuia and Kansa-i City. Keclintnu Chair ears and tourist Sleepers tree 01 extra enarLje. I will meet parties at any ratlroad station with through ticket- anr) ImciiMue eliccks. For full Information, maps und descriptive paiaphlets of the Went, write to or eall on B. A. NUWLANO. Traveling; I'asseiiKer Acnt, 3.'i Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. J. CHAKM'ON, General Tassenger A.;cnt, Chicago, VIGOR OF MEN tasity, yuickiy, permanently Kastoroa. M'eitkneH. NervoiineiM lleblltty. nnd nil the train of evlli from ttarly crroraorliitcr nieees, the roriulta of itvorwnrk, Mloktit-tts, worry, etc. Kull Btrongtb, development, and Umo plvcn to overy oryan nnd portion of tho Itorty. Minplo, natural methods, lnimnlintn linprtivuinont wen. Kuiluro ImiroHHiblo. 2,i KH) norenrcs. ltook, tixpltumtiuuft oodpriMifs nifii loit (Mt:ilcd) free. Art it rows KR1E MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. WHY THE AMERICAN Till 1 RAMBLER Is the BEST W11KEL OK THK MAHKKT this year. BECAUSE tho coniiilimtlon or tho celelirateil U. ft J. rnciinmtlo Tiro aud Spring FramonmlresrlilliiKOn II a luxury. TRY IT AND BE CONVINCED. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. GORMULLY A 1EFFERY M'F'O CO., Washington, D. C. NOTICE, The booktt fur subscription to the cupttat stock of the Asheville nnd Itrlstol raiitoud company nre now open for subscription at the olliee of A R. KHkrltlKC. Secretary, No. 17 I'atton Avenue. VM. COCKK, President. June 24th, 1802. dtf nndCpinmnabltU cured ui home wllli otitpuhi.Hotrkot par tii'uliirswnt l'6tl-.t nKnill.M.W(KHiliKY, M.i. Atlanta, liu. OUieu 10iJa Whlteliullau ADAMANT, Of itself -n 111 sot crack, swell or shrink. ifHSKEi Ml AKNHI'NCKMIiNT I licet to sny to the voters of Huik-oiiiIk- cuunt y that I inn a esndidatc for the oliic-.- of Ki gister of Deeds I'or this uratid old ei.uiilv. sullied to the judgment und wislu-s of the Democratic con ation, which meets in Asheville hcntenibcr ird next. Iflnm elected, the duties incum bent upon me shall he despatched with uni form cniirti-sy and prompt business regular ity. Whilst ili sii-oiis of Hie nomination, and which I trust will be the convention's pleas ure, w hether you ,eleet me or not. 1 will be found votnm tor Cleveland, and against the infamous force bill. Verv rcsp'y. Jlllv-7dtl K. 1'. DKL'MMllND. N'OTICU I hands foi Ily virtue of mi execution itnny Itectioti, in lavor ot . It. kill ,v Co., ami netiiiist T K. Ilrown anil A. 11. l-'ott one, 1 will sell lit the eoiitt llnijsc door in the citv t.f Aslieviil- , on Mim- lav. tho dav ol August. 1 s:i, the f l- bv;tm described ival estate: A piece or par- I i-l Iniiil kiiowi: .is the .'.lliv.l Durnettlnnd, lbaek Mountain township, eoi.tiiiuiilg loo iicr. s, more or ie8; cls-i a niece of lllild snown as the Al x ami lils.-y Harnett place. tinning 1 1 ill ner s. more or les.; also a P'cce ol laml in u-e .Meek Love, c.-tltitiuing loll aci-.s, more or :i ss I lie above oeseribeil tn-'-pelly belni; thai ol l.K r.-ow-a. Also tin- tollowniK desei Pud properly belonging to A H. l-'ortltne. to-wil: A puce or parcel land hing on the wnl rs ol the Swann ino.i river, uud known as lie.- P'otluuc mill piece, containing acres; also one town lot on Coll- :e sin el. in the i i' y i.l Astivville. iiiljoinitig the lot w hich A, ll. hoi lum- now oceupiis. Ii I.. KICYN'lliUS, jlll.vl L'tiu t-.l t Shel-llVo' Dlllleotlilie Co. NIIIM'II l.'A .'( U.INA, I .superior Court. IU nciiM UK Col'.'. l v. K. 1 1. . AKKIi I r, .v., K ll JliNKINS I It duly fioot.itiiiL' in lh" above mtitlrd ii ol II 1' Barrett, ihe anwc ititoti the :- llnln v oliitntitt therein, thai ii Ii. Jenkins, the de Miijinit tlicrtin, a noii-rcsidetil of this state and, niter due diligence, be f.oind willi in the same ami (lint said action is lor the recovery Iiom said defendant ol the sum o. one thousand ami thirty four thty-Nvc lUie-hinidrelhs dollars and Koine iiit.'ret. due from I he said defendant to the plaintitl, and that tins court lias jurisdiction ot said action and tint an attachment in Haid action against the prot ertv of said de I". nilftnt I t said sum returnalile at Asheville. in said lliiMcomhc eoiinlv, to this court ou Monday, August lTith, 1 has teen duly issued ou of this court and bv the sherill of said county dnlv Icvud upon ctrtaiu real estate of said defendant, situate at ihe north western comer of Cherry and North Mam streets, in Asheville, in said county. It is ordered that notice be published in the Ash'-villi Citikn, a newspaper published :n buncombe couutv, lor six su evasive weeks, ciinmrucin witli June UNth, I s,tj. reouir iUK the said dcfemlaiil, IC. H. Jenkins, mid be is hereby requiieil, to appear and answer or demur to the complaint -f the plaintiff now on lile in said action, on the loth tiny of A unst, 1 brititf the tliirtl Monday be fore the first Mondey in September, 1 Hi) '2, aud the dav on which will Ikk"1, according to law, the August Term, lNtiJ, of the Superior Court of said buncombe county, at Asheville in said county, when find where is also returnable an attachment issued in said action miatnst the property f said defend ant for the above nieutiom d sum. the nature ol the demand lor which is above set forth, anil the summons in said action shall be deemed served at the expiration of the time in tliis notice irepciihcd and said notice of aUa' hnu iit shall then be dtemed duly Kivcn and said difendant shall then be duly in court in sa'.tl action. TMsJunc -7th, 'W2. J. b. CATIUSY, junc'Jsdbt tuts Cleik Superior Court. Valuable in JSwain Co. l or alc. Uv virtue of authority invested in nie by the last will and testament of William John, slon. di-e'd, I wdi se'l at auction to the high est bidder at the court house door IN UKYSON CITY, N. C, on Tuesday, the li'id dav of August, lS'.ili. n'l the interest of said William Johnston (beinwan undiv d d on-'-half th reoi lesoite twellth.fif ihe mineral intercstsi, in the fol lowiuK described three tract of valuable land, situ t- in the county of Swain, to-wit: l-'irst tract, luitiK st ite urant No. 4-i, Ivinc on bufty river, near its heud waters, lieninntiiK at" a stake Hubam tree, (0) six noles south from I'orter'ti (lap ou the Smoky nitntntain, and riiniiinn as per calls ol saul Kraat, vaitoiis courses tor comple ment, containltif; from 7,fo(i to lO.ouU acres, more or less. Second trnct. beint; stntr rant No. 4-oh, ttate ol 'December Un, 1Ko7, .".non ncres on the east side of Forney's Creek, bctfinninK at a white hickory ami stake on the east bank of Forney's creek ami runii'iiK the vil li nis courses tuinien in said rant, contain ing r.noii acres, more or less. Third tract, bcinif state Kfint Nn. I4"i, dated M arch 1 .1th, 1 h.j.i, iH'utmntf at n beach on tin west bnnk of Tiu kaseeee river, at the mouth of the first larue I ranch or creek below Hetbamm Hyde's ol 1 place, nnd running necordniK to the various calls named in said f:runt, containing Li, ;i()0 acres, more or b ss. Atl ot the aforesaid three tracts "f land liavmu been orininallv uran'cd by the sttite ol North Carolina to K. . w cidi ami J. it All isnn. Terms of the snlc, nnc-fourth cavh, remain der to be paid in coual mstallui.nts one and two years from dale, with iuteiest fronuiate at the rale ot h per cent, ner annum, pavame seiin-annually: or if purchaser prefers he can pay all cash, instead ol tiling note lor u feired payments. TIKIS. D. J')HNST(i, jyJi"ri4t lixecutor. THE FAMOUS CONNELLY SPRINGS. 1 Xllil-CTbY on line of W. N C. divi-ion of J J i. .V t K. K., and only l;"n yards Irom h latum, r our daily pussi uer trains. This favorite resort is new c.pen. Cuisine siniolv unexcelled in the st.uth, and presided over l;v a well-knuwii clul. This water has Ktn liiHl v endorsed bv hundreds of the uudical profession, ami has been pronounced bv a competent i.omion authority to be fully eipial.if not superior to anv td the most ecicltr tied mineral waters oi Furope and America. 1 1 i shipped in larjee molalities all over the I'nitetl States, and also direct to London, Ktiland. Water stroimly diuretic ami tome. I.lverv stable, barber shop, laumlrv, ball room, biiwliiiK ally, ponl and billiard tables, t'nrivalled scenery. Splendid tlrives. Full band all the neusoit. Write for prospectus and rules to ONNFU.Y SI'KINC.S Cl., julyd'Jiu Connelly Springs, N. C T Mil-, well known and popular Opened on the bill hist, with a Orand Hal!. Notwithstanding the im leniency of the weather there was in attendance a hu;e irowd td' the most distiuKuishcd eitieiis of the community. The noted pianist, Prof. Denck, furnished the music for the occasion. Arden Park is nine miles from Asheville nnd one-half mile from Avden station on the S. and A. railroad. The proprietor and his lady will spare no pains in looking alter the comforts of their Kiiests. (lood livery, bowling nllev nnd lawn tennis Polite ami attentive servants. Table unsurpassed. Hoard per day, $2; per week, $10 Special rates given families. julylidlm J. II. LOLL1S, Pror. COME AT ONCE TO HOTEL ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER, N. C. e ood rooms and bids; the best of milk und butter; home rats-d vegetables; excellent water; good bouid; the best plnee to sleep in the -world. Oh ! you oupht to enjoy our 2.'0 feet ot porches with fplendid shade nnd al ways a fresh breexe. K ites $(i and Jf7 per week Childrtn and fcrvants half price. K. H. & J. N. VANCK. july22dlm Now oiler., d on our li'st class pianos und or gatis and on easier terms than-cver before. Afinefobd walnut cased orgau, with top, four K-ts of reeds nnd octave couplers for $ to; usual price $00. A splendid solid wal nut cf.sed organ with mirror top, four sets of r eds and octave couplers, for $50; usual price $75. An elegant cabinet grand upright piano, splendid ebony case, 7'fi octaves with tine tone and action for $225; usual price $2(i0. Etc., etc. Asheville branch lJDDBN & IIVTB SOUTHKKN MUSIC HOPSIJ, No. 43 Pat tun Avenue. 11. K. CROI'CII, Manager. TSMK ntAITUNU SCHOOL, No. 40 French broad Avenue. liNGMSU AND FliKNCH HOMIS AND D Y SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. AA'S. RVtMV'N MAiri.ASlt, i'nuti,i. The School will re open September 2dth. Mrs. Maitlund will be in Ashevilic after August lRUt. Circulars of tte nchool can be bad at Kaysor & Smith's, Patton nveuue. ADAMANT Is as much superior to mortar as uiortar it to muu. WANT COLUMN. WANTI-D. BKICK KII.NKK WA.MTliD Applv to J II. LEIi, julySSdtf P. O. Box 703. "llTANTrmirl.UTl) KNOW Dr. C.J. Oil. V veras, specialist on eye, ear, throat nnd nose diseases can be found over Kaysor a: Smith's drug store, No. Ill l'ntton avenue. Fitting of glasses also a specialty work. Hours 0 a. m. to 1 p m. 3 p. m. to 5 p. m, julyliitl !!: h:ii.T. S TO Kli I'OW KbNT Good stand, low rent. Applv at julysdtf. Will ri.OCK'S. (li'l'ICl-.S for rent in the McAfee building. I'attoti nvcniie. Ap plv to lull M CHILD, Agent, nugldlf ITIOK SALK A valuable lot, fronting tn J Oak street. Iiioxl S'j. Apolv to W. it. WILLIAMSON - CO jiily-TihUf Ililli U F;NT 1 d.'t Cnllrjje street. I.nrpe uieciv furnished rot in. suitable for liuln housel(e'.'piiiK il desired. Within few nrnutes walk oi sipjarc. nuKill a Ijlt ik HUNT A seven room house on Chnr . lotte streei; water ami u i. etc. r terms apply either at No. (it) Charlotte St. or Dr. Kitiiisav'a dental olliee. auKldlm IjloH KliNT The larKc, fine siore room ; and basemen, No. 14 North Court Place, Apply to C, S. Cooper, No. 17 North Main street. juty-7dlm 1Xt)l KI;nT Suite tif rooms in Milliard j block, suitable lor bed room and otlice Apidy ut Lr, C. 1. Ililliard's olliee in build ing. jlyL'dlm 1,1' K RI-NT- 20 oom house, No. fWi Col lege street; all modern conveniences; two minutes' walk of court square. Apply to (OllN CHILD, Agent, uuglldtf ' No. 1 Legal Mock. 1)ISTPKH FOK KKNf-7r acres near the city, spfeiidid gras, plenty id water and hade. Ample for 40 or no head of cattle. Price $2 per month per head. Aptdv to J. P. K KH K, jub 'jdtf Citizen olliee. .OU K'liNT OK SAMS New 7 rot.m house ou Arlington Place. Modern conven iences; good neighborhood; on street ear line; t n minutes wnlk from court house. Apply to L. Ii AMiXANDHK, juue2'.hilf at Western Carolina bank. rilo K IvNT Kesidcnce No. 144 nil! street. X Nice slate roof house, H rooms, besides bath rooms and basement. All modern con veniences. Terms reasonable. Applv to DK. J. (i. oUli'lSN, junelOdtf No, 0 West Court Square. 1 jlOR KFNT FOR THIS SV.MMICR My residence in West Anheville. hall acre lot with large oaks; good well, stable, etc., etc Seven rooms in the house and furnished, (lornl horst', buggy and harness for sale, mavl ldtf C. U S(UTUWICK. HOARDING. shady yard, nice rooms in new J hoii-e, with boanl, at reasonable rates. No. Ti corner College and Pine street. ,iuly27dtf 1.KTIFS wanting pleasant rooms and g.jod board ean be accommodated at MRS. ALICK REYNOLDS', tnayl 1 tl 4S Spruce street. rpMK SH?DA, No. 11 Starnes avenue X Hoioe new and handsomely furnished. not auu eti(i water nnins on every uotr. F.leetric bet's; French euiiue; perfect attend ance MISS Ii. L POWYKR, Telephone 150. Proprietre-s. angvidltn rilllf! C H ATM AU Private bonrdinc house X No 211 II wood street. F'ine city and mountain vi-ws; perfect sanitation; hot anil cold water; comfortable, airy rooms; well provided table; attentive service; reasonable rates. Two hundred yards from Montford car hue. MRS. M. It. DRTWILKR, julylOdlm Proprietress. TINIVATIS HOARDING A few single and X turtle double rooms, with lirst-cluss board at moderate prices. Vegetables and iniiK irom my own larm. C. 1. McCAPK, 24 Grove St. off Patton avc. iulv12dtf FOR HALF. T F Yol ARI5 ItPILDINO don't fail to put X in uatsous Mietirnte. I -or sale oy HALLA RD & RICH ,lOR SALK A Spani h Pony, bay, six years old; gentle, suitable for riding or d'iving tor lady's use. Price low. Call at K, W. Patton s Livery Stable. augHdat TilOR SALF A nice house. Can be bought X cheap, tor cash, within the next thirty days oy calling on A. L. wu.iv y, b)j Pn:k Avenue, Asheville, N. C. atigfidtf IjlOK SALK In any (uantity above one j quart, a pure article of Hlaekbtrry or straw ficrrv wine. Address C. P. WIIITSON. july t 1 in Resthavcn P. U., N. C. ADAMANT sales now reach 1 7,000 tons monthly, being more than 20 times as targe as all cheap imitators combined L. TRKADWAY, Asheville, N. C. Agent w. N. c. uihcc over uickerson s store. r7 AC KKS of land for sale in one " body, except HOO ncres cover ing Mt. Mitchell, the highest peak east ot the Rockies. Nearest point. 17 miles from Ashe vi lie and 2 miles from black Mountain de pot Address box OKI Asheville, N. C. julybd 1 m IjloR SALK The Mclke house, western X? part o( the city; one of finest res dences in Asheville, containing 18 rooms, acres in lot, line oak grove and beautiful lawns and shruohcTV: magntticent view that enn not be obstructed. For lurther information address W. P. SOrTllliKN. lixecutor, 421 West Ilavwood St july27dtt 1jOK SALKOK liXCIIANC.K Attractively " built six room cottiige in Skyland, N C. Lot UOxl ot). well shuded. This cottage just completid, is linislud in native pine ai d oilers to the home seeker a most eomiorla tde ''ouse at small cost. Can be bought on instalment or tor cash, or will exchange lot propertv in Asheville. Apply to T. A. MORRIS, bonny Crest lun, Skyland, or OHN CHILD, Ageut, Asheville, N. C, uugldtf MISCELLANEOUS. riAKHN PP One light red cow, lung horns, X nt No. (12 Meriimon avenue. Owner can get same by paying costs. augtitKU Cl rt1f TO LKND, in one sum on ox fjjyj k good real estate security in Ashevilic. Aug (d:tt "T OST On cars going Irom Grove street XJ to Hotel id iraont or in notel or grounds, twisted gold breast pin with iearl set. Ke wnrd it returned to U4 orove street. augSdat I JPNCOMBU CAlUlAGIi As well isother J M (ardcn and Field fcceds eminently adapted to Southern soil and Southern cli mate, sent pre-paid anywhere, at reasonable prices. Send tor catalogue and try some of them. J. W. VAN 1)1 V r. K, dec23-dtf Weavervillc, N. C. XTtlTICB To voters of I tun combe county X I hereby announce myself candidate for the oltice of Sheriff of buncombe county, sub feet to the action of the democratic nomi nating convention, and earnestly request my many trtemis to am me in securing tne nomination. ery respecttuuy, augNdtsepta JliSSli M, MORGAN A NNOPNCBM KNT To f hv voters of fun JV. com he count v: I hereby announce my sill a candidate for the oltice of Treasurer of buncombe eountv, subject to tne action ol the democratic nominating convention. The piesent worthy incumbent has held the office for several consecutive terms, and has had ample tunc to get his head anovc the waves, linatictaltv I. like he, am a disabled confed erate soldkr and need the olliee. I believe the democratic voters of our county are nis oosed to divide the honors as well as the emoluments among us, everything being equal ns to quaiincatton and merit, i feel that I am competent to fill this important and responsible otlice to the satisfaction of the utiblie, and if elected shall devote mv best energies to the faithful aud honest dis charge ot its duties. 1 trust my friends throughout the county will give roe their earnest support tor the nomination. very respecttuuy JNO. II, KKYNOLDS Sandy Mush, June 7, 1M02. d.Vwtf BQNNYCREST INN! Eight miles south of Ashevilic, 14 mile from Kkylnnd Springs Station. Itatta $2 K-r ilny, $12 per wrik; $41) ier month. THUS. A. MORKIS, Prop'r, nmytUdU Skylund, N. C WHITE - SULPHUR - SPRINGS, WAYNESVILLE. N. C. V ""-inn. This celebrated resort, the coolest nnd most lina, is now open for guests. Double daily the week, including Sunday. 1 nuns leave Asheville for Waynesville at a. m . and 6:45 i. ia'htc naynesviue lor flsnevioe at o:l'0 a. m.., and ia:oa noon. The water is the finest and ourest white sutohiir. inibirinir n potid niiiMtitf. nnd the table its supplied with everything to satisfy il. iooms are wen uirnisneu, clean and cool. The terms of board are moderate and will juuc21d2ni bBWia MAiiui'x, Pres. h. t. Collins, Capital. $50,000. Surplus, $35,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK, State, County And City Depository,, Organized May, 1888. EPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES (jKNKRAL banking business transacted. Intcrcal Paid on Deposits DIRECTORS 5 LEWIS MAllDt'? H. T. COLLINS, M.J. fao;, I. B. RHKI) S. H. ;nank open from 9 a. m., till 4 GLENN SPRINGS After visiting various wnterinii nlni-rs 1 wmmi ';v''v'; i ' Tir.,-.f - "--Tun iiiinnlllllliililllilfit I 'T i I 11 Ml '11"! I't in il tr i,',Ti I't-ring inti-nsi-ly with Ch-niik- Iiyspepsia, in fact some iihysieiuns protioumed my ease gastritis. Whatever it ninv have hecn I am now ulniust entirely relieved, and that relief has lu-en hrought on hy the use of (llenn Springs Wuttr. t think it eiunl if not superior to any mineral water un the eontincnt. -Monroe, N. C. l tK Raysor & Smith and PAUL SIMPSON, Shipper, IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD HAVli SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND FRAMES -NADU 11V- JONES & OHlcc aud Sliopa, Old Depot. THE "BONANZA," WINE Al Nos. 4 and 43 S. WHOLItSALi nUPARTMBNT, GENTS' PAKLOK AND KBAU1NG ROOM. BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING We respectfully aulicit a .hare of your patronage. ' P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Malii Entrance Tin. 43. Postoffice Box o. i 4vy-S'SviN. .v'o THE .jjjatMJttffB- nirtiit-psnur snot in Western North Pnro- trains from Asheville to the Spring each day ol be given on application. Ii. M. BRIGHT. Proprietor. Vice-Prea. L. r mcloud, Caobler In Savings Veparluient. J. B. RAT, CHARLBS McNAMHP J. B. RANKIN, M.J. BKAKUKN. RBBD. p. m. On Saturday, till 0 p, tn MINERAL WATER. AM3m,Ai. enme to Glenn Snringa almost in tlcfltmir. suf- ill 11. I). II HATH. Pelham's Pharmacy. - - - Glenn Springs S. C. VOIR- WIIISNANT, ASHEVIIXH, N. C. LIQUOR CO., Alain St., Asheville NO. 41. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLB GOODS, SAM. XTA A J PLB, BILLIARD ANU POOL ROOM. i J '" : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASEMENT. Telepliouc;Call, No. 711. Vfff a'c-5 W "i S'S-'e'-t'StSvviv8,SvS?i DAE B CD THE MOST CONVENIENT TRUNK EVER DEVISED. The Tray is arranged to roll bank, leaving; Ihe bottom of the Trunk casv of aeecsa. Mnllilnnr tn lirrtnl- nr mt ,nl n( nrillr. The Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to buy this style is a guarantee that you will get the strongest Trunk made. If your Dealer caunot furnish you, notify the manufacturer!, , H. W. ROUNTREE ft BRO., Rlchiwod, Va. A-:':.

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