7 3 ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZFN: WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 17, 1892. ft V N. Mr. J. C Jonos, of Fulton, Ark., says of J tracted a severe coso of blood poison. Leading physicians prescribed medicine after modicino, which I took without any relief. I also triod mercu rial and potash remedies, with unsuo- RHEUMATI cessf ul results, but which brought on an attack of morcuri'l rheumatism that mado my lifo 0:10 of agony. Alter Pilf ering four years I pave up all r medics and commenced using S. S. 8. After taking several bottles, I was entirely cured and ablo to resumo work. is tho greatest modicino fir blood poisoning to-day ou the market." Treatise on Blond nnd Pfcln lMwniox mailed bee. twin' Bi'tcuio Co., Atlanta, (iiu Morning Noon Night Good nil the lime. It removes tho languor of morning, sus- C tains the energies of noon, lulls the weariness of night. 6 'Root Beer delicious, sparkling, appetizing. Tlfiit !' tloerlveil if a tier It, for ttis sake of larger jimltt, lolls yon some other kind is "jt'st; s pood" -'lit I'.tlsp. No imitation is a g'joii as tlie genuine Hihks. A Household Remedy t FOR ALL blogda e;;tj DISEASES Botanis Bleed Bali.i I Tupoe SCROFliU, ULCERS, SALT H VUrC& RHEUM. ECZEMA, everj form of malignant SKIN E RUPTION, be tides being efficacious In toning up (he system and restoring the constitution, Mhen Impaired (rom eny cause. Its almost supernatural healing properties lustily ua In grarantcelng cure, II directions are followed. PEUT CDCC nt.rrrriATFTi ocNI rare 'itl.i.i.l.rum!cr.v' , B1.0CD BALM CO., Ailsirti. Ga. SPECIAL RUN No. 10. GREATEST VAI.l E OH EAIITII. Ts'le-r. Fnmnns Antique Onk Roll Cur tula le.k complete, icu apodal clrclura. No. 4004,3 ft. 0 In. long, not 116.00 No. 4000, 4 ft. 6 In. " " (2100 No. 4010, 5 ft. long, - " 123.00 Also tise new ISO paste catalogues for 1802. Croat out of about 40 per oent from former list. BOOKS FREE, postage lOo. Btiippd from 8t Louti, Ho., or Indianapolis, Ind. 1IA.K COCNTKH A SPECIALTY. We refer to every Bank In Thirty States. TYLER DESK CO., St. Louis, Mo PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. KAUFMANN, ; ARCHITECT AND - SUPERINTENDENT, OFFICII ANI1 BKSIDBNCK : 2N VliSHLANKST., ASHEVll.Ui, K C. A. II. COlili, STENOGRAPHER. Law Work a Specialty. ROOM 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. J. A. THNNBNT, Architect and Contractor. Plnns. specification nnil estimates fur nished. All work in my line contracted for, and 00 charges iur uruwitiK on con I acta nwatdcit inc. Kefcrcnees when (.mired. Oilice: No. 1 S Hendry Dlok, North Court square, Ashcvillc, N, C. fcb!9dly 34-Veurs9 lixperit isce-34 MILTON HARDING CONTK ACTOK AND DUILPBR. Office rml shop, Wolfe Building. COKNIiR COUKT IM.ACB AN1I MARKET STREET. GAINES & FRENCH, CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS. If you want your dwelling or furniture re- piurcu can anu sec us. UNDBRTAKINO A SPECIALTY. ISO South Mnm Street, Asheville, W C JulyCdtf INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, Gcucral i Insurance i Agent Rear No. 30 South Main street. - Batubll.hcd 1800. Asheville, N. C aufi dlv K. H. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. Grading of all kinds done. All sites of Hires 3j 1 crushed atone furnished. Send all orders to postoffice Box MR, Ashcville, N. C. MKlOdtf " r7h. reeves, n. i. s.7 DKNTAI, J Connolly Building, over Redwood's Store, Patton Avenue. Residence, 39 rare street. P. HAM SAY, D. D.S. Dental Ofilce t Over the National Bank of AahcTllle, Bar nard HMIding. Kesiamee, ou Charlotte st, fcb36dlT DR. If. l AIUUNUTON, upi'ic'kKoumsovhkCosiiv'sJkwki.svStork, I'ATTON AVENUE. Mr-Soecial attention given to filling teeth and treating diseased gum. and ull diseases pertaining to me aentai structure, mayiadtf ADAMANT Is s. tnuch aupcrior t mortar a. mortar Is w mau. "POOR OLD MA.' But oho Turned I'p After the V.'ri U All lllght. As our train reached KossvillM w found a great crowd gathered at the depot, and about a hundred boarded the train to go down the line about six miles to the scene of an accident. An accommodation train had been thrown from the rails, and it was reported that about twenty people had been Killed. "My ole woman was ou that thar train and is probably killed," said a man who sat down beside me. "You must hope for the best." "Yaas. but I'm expectin to find her n dead as a doornail. I'm feelin terribly sorry, of course, but I'd like to know about how much damages I kin git in case she's killed?" "The company will probably be glad to settlo with you for three or four thousand 'dollars, and may possibly give five." "I1IXLO, BILL!" "That's n heap o' money, but of course I'm hopin tliey won't hi-v to nay it. S'posin she's all liroko up and cripplctU" Well, you'd probably get one or two thousand dollnrs." "I hope nho hain't, of cotirsp, but I'm It'staskiu so as to bo prepared. I don't know how I could eit uln without her. A broken leu would bu worth nt lenst $."KK), wouldn't it" "I should think so." "I'm hopin she hain't Kot one, of course. but I kinder want to lie posted on dam (,''' How much fur an ru-m!'" "About the same. "Wnal, It's jest aw fill to think of It, and I can't, sit still. If she's de.ul the railroad folks will pay for the funeral, won't they?" That is the rule, I believe." Poor old ma! I hope she's all ritflit, of course, but if she's smashed I shall stick for (5,001), Would the railroad also buy her a tombstone:'" "I think not." "They orter do it. mid I'll seo if 1 can't make 'em. Poor old inn how I tin hope j'ou are all rijjht!" When the, tram stopped nt the scene of the wreck We all not. out and went forward. "We saw several victims lyinx on the urass, and as we stopped to look them over I asked my friend if he could see his wife anywhere. "No, can't seo nobody llko her," he re plied. "She's probably smnshed as flat as a pancake under that car, and they ve got to pay me them $5,000" Hello, Hill!" shouted n voice from the top of thrt Sank twenty feet above us, and we looked np to see n little old woman sitting crosiei(ged and smoking a pipe. Hain't hurt a nute: ' she exclaimed as she waved her hand "hain't even barked one of my shins!" "Is that vonr wife?" I'asked. It was, but he did not reply. His jaw full, the excitement, died out of his look mid he turned on his heel and walked olT. She called nml culled, but he did not si on. lie had lost "them $5,XK)" through herol, Ktinncy in not being killed. His Mistake. He knocked at the kitchen door timidlv and ask eil for something to eat. 'ion can havo it if you'll saw some wood for me," said the lady. "I shall only be too happy," ho respond ed, "but I must ask that you give me some thing to eat first, for I am weak from Imn ger." Sho had her doubts nlxuit n bargain of that kind, but. took him in and set him down before a large slice of leftover steak He attacked it at. once with knife am fork, but after a few minutes laiddown hi; implements of war. "ion will excuse me, I hope," ho said. rising. "What's tho matter," hho Inquired in surprise. "I made a slight mistake," he replied as he wiped the perspiration from Ids brow with his sleeve. "I thought I needed to eat the steak to give me strength to saw the wood, but I find I need to saw the wood to givo mo strengt h to ent the steak, and you will bo kind enough to show me to the woodpile I will" liut she didn t wait for him to conclude his peroration: she swooped down on him. and as lie went out the gato lie breathed a sigh of thankfulness that ho had escaped so easily. Detroit Free Press. a setter t.nine. The following game from Tho American School will be a good vacation amusement for the young folks wdien obliged by stress of weather to remain indoors: (ieb half a dozen wide awake people around the table, and tuen put a letter box In the bauds of some steady head who can be trusted as umpire. He will throw a letter in the ccn- ter of the table, aud the first one in the Circle who can tell a geographical name beginning with tho letter in sight takes the letter, and t he one at the conclusion who can count the greatest number is the winner of the game. Any name of any place under the sun which i of sufficient dignity to possess a postofllce Is legitlmati to use, or that of any lake, river, mountain or sea. Murderous Nations. According to Mullhall, Italy takes the lead of European nations with an average annual crop of murders of 2,470, a ratio per 10,000 deaths of 29.4; Spain follows. with n ratio of 23.8 and 1,200 murders; Austria, ratio of 8.8 and COO murders; France, ratio of 8.0 and 063 murders; Eng land, ratio of 7.1 and S77 murders. In England in the reign of Henry VIII there were 71,400 persons hanged or beheaded; In one year 800 beggars were executed for soliciting alms. In 1820 no less than 40 persons were hanired in Knuland for fore Ing Bank of England notes, some of which were afterward asserted to be stood. CaD. ital punishment was abolished In Italy in ltro, ana murders Increased 42 per cent. Thought lit Had It. A well authenticated story is current to the eitcut that a young chromnuour on Parisian newspaper was asked one morn ing by his then director to take the Lon don papers and prepare a review of English opinion regarding some event of interna tional interest and importance. "But, sir. I do not understand English," replied the writer. A poser, this, for the good direc tor. A little whilo he sat and pondered, then, triumphantly, "Oh, well, just pick ont the mast important passages and get them translated by somebody wlio docs!" -Argonaut. Mean Insects. Little Girl (in tho park) Those butter flies is awful mean. Mamma Why so? Little Girl Quick as I go to chaso 'eiu thoy flies off the walk onto tho grass, 'cause they know 1 nmsn's go there. GcodNewa. k in Advice to Women If you would protect yourself from Painful, i'rofuse, "Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR CAitTKHSviixE. April 2fi, ISM. Thin will rrrtifv tli:it two members of m7 Immediate family, nfler )i;.vin Huttcred for years trom lll'lini-un yrreumr:i j belnnt.'otitcd without '.wiwfltby physician. wero Ri lenRiii coinpi'm:y iMiruu uy uuo uouw of BrnilllPltPn H'rinnlo filcculalor. Its effect iii truly wonderful. J. U . Stiumud. Book to " WOMAN " mulled FREK, hlch eontalLS VUUttUlC Jllioninn WU uu uil iuiuu:w uwiwu. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., ATLANTA, OA. SOB SALS BV J.LL UXUGOMTa. IRAND OPERA HOUSE One Night Only. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 17TH. CorcecKdly find hUpcrlntivily the tncs' s(u jtend otis and all eclipsing event of the siasot. George Wilson MINSTRELS Presenting the preeminent (.etirg; Wilson and n furpnssing enteric of stellar nrtists. Reserved scuts ou sale Monday at -SAWYFR BROTUKUS I'ATTON AVKNt'H. Secure your scats now and avoid the rusn at the doer. rnFu in CIVTL EBCHrE7Jr-. SCIENCE Alii) A2T. f ull commercial tcurre. rrnrtlcnlC'oiirfcliiTcU'Knipby, Intnii lioa In Miislcund Art. t'nrnut 1'iiixl. Location famous for llrauly anil 1 1.-.-il! !i. For Ihouu not prcpurnl for College t'liis-seri, tlicro is a Complete Preparatory Department. ISrsldcnt Kurneons. I'rppnriitory Moillc-il Io-partniriiL Ho hiiruc for mi'ilii'iil n t ; : i -lion. Low ratM. Tor purticiilars, nihlrc i DAVIS SCHOOL, Winstar, N. C. TAKE THE- CHICAGO X ALTON R. R. Hmigrants lining to anvof the West rn States or Territories will save time and money golno-via Chicago nnd Alton route. It is the quickest route to Kansas Cify. Den ver Pueblo, and all points in Idaho, Wash ington, Oregon, IHih and California. rincst and Best htfutpiic-t Ronrf in the West. Onlv line running Solid Vcstihul'-d tr.mis between St. Louis and Knnsn-i City. Reclining Chair ears ana tourist m topers free of extra charge. I will meet parties at any ra lroad station with through tickets and baggage cheeks. or full information, maps and descriptive pamphlets of the West, write to or call on Traveling Passenger Agent, 33 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N, J, CHARLTON. C.cner.tl Passenger gent, Chicago, V;.ilillllV. JTheso tiny Capsules are superior .XT11,.. Zt . rnnll... Cubebsand' Injections. (jHUJjf) TUcy euro iu48 liours tho V,y sauio diseases without any incon venience. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS r and ODium Habits cured ul lii'lne Willi out jain.HMil if jmr- ticnliirssiMll Utl'.K. 11.M.WOOLI.KY.M 1'. Atlanta, Ou. OUitc 1W)4 WhilelmllSU ADAMANT, The "Perfection of Wnll Plnatcr." It has HOD percent, more tensile atrennth tlinn Mine, nnd 300 per cent, more than any other inn terlal known aa a wall plaster. CLOSING OF THE MAILS. Mails over the various routes ironi Asheville close lis follows at the Ashc ville postoffice: For Rutherforilton, route (i;00 n. in. " Brevard, route Ii:.'10 a, in. ' Murphy branch 7:.'I0 a. in. Heech, route :()() a. m. " South, vinS)artanburj,'..lU:15 a. in. " Icicester, route l-':00 in. " Hurnsville, route ia::)0 p. in. " East, via Salisbury l:-'up. ni. " West, vio Knoxville 5:10 p. m. s IHSKE H I NORMAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASHEVILLE, 1ST. O,, Will Open Its First Session Sept. 15, 1892. The Institute is Ineutctl in the must beautiful suburb of Aslievillc, N. C. The spacious buildiiiR now nearly completed for its use, at a cost of $0,(lOO, will br liimishctl with pure sni iiii; water from springs on the premises; will be lighted by cas; heated by hot water, and provided with hot and cold baths. The health and habits of the pupils will be carefully guarded. iJcsides the am ple space Riven for outdoor exercises, a well equipped gymnasium will be fitted up within doors. No cupcnsc has been spared to make the sewerage and sanitary ar rangements perfect. Four Separate Courses of Study Will be Of fered to the Student. 1. TUB NORMAL COI'llSH, for the through training of teachers uiidcrinstruc- tnra frnm f bp luftt Normal Schools. 2. SEMINARY OR COLLEGIA TE COURSE, including ancient and modern lan guages, sciences, music, drawing, &c. 3. COMMERCIAL COURSE, including stenography, typewriting, bookkecp. ini ftrr. 4. DEPARTAfEbt OF DOMESTIC study of the production und manufacture the cutting and lilting ol garments, uiiiiiuery, c. The teachers at the head of this department arc from the famous Pratt School, Brooklyn, N. V., and the others from the best institutions in the country, choseu with relcrence to Christian character, cxcricticc and ability as icucncrs. A thoroughly organized Preparatory Department has been furnished for ull such rn. tint iirriMircfl bv the lliuhcr classes. The school year will be divided into $100 per year, which barely covers the cally Irec, having been provuicn ior uy n DAY PUPILS $12.50 PER TEfiM For further particular! apply to AugU-d&wSw rtuc of a deed in trust. 1 give co by W. I. t'attou to me, the tin- diTtMKmri, an trust', to secure a debt due to S. KrHlrnan & bun. 1 will sell by public miction tor cunli, ut the court house door in the city of Atheville, N. C.,on the lothduyof Septemlx r, A. I) . 1802, thecity lot bcltinglng to said W. 1, pntton, trituatul on Southsidc Hvcnue, near llailcy street, adjoining lands id P. Smith und Jacob Dclvrchin, and more partiftilur! y described in the above men tinned deed in trust registered in Bonk 2M. poc et sc( , in the Register's office o Itiitienitihe county, N, C., to which reference is hereby made for a full f cm-rlption of no id lot. Witness my hand this the loth day of Auuust. IHW. J. I. KMATII HRa, 1 rutee. V. W.J 'NKS At orncy. nuglOd.'tOd Valuable Land lit 8 Aval it Co. For Sale. By virtue of authority invested in me by the Inst w id und t cat (tint nt of Willinm John ston. deed, I will ed at auction to the hiyh ct bidder at the court house door IN BKYSON i'lTV. N. C. on Tuesday, the 2.'ul day of August, lHiiU, al the interest of !nid Willinm Johnston tbeiiiK an tindivid'-d one-hall th rein lersone twelitb of the mineral interests), in the fol Unvinjr described thtec tract of valuable land, situ te in tl.e county of Swain, to-wit: l i st tract, btng st te urnnt No. 4o'J. Ivinsr on Ltifty river, near its head waters, heinii'nK at a stake ud li ilvam tree, (() 1 six poles south from Porter's (lap on the Smoky mountain, and rumiinK ts per calls ot paid urnnt, vatious courses for comple ment, contain ng trom 7,500 to lO.Oou acres, more or lea. Srcnnd tra"t, btinn state grant No. 4-OH, date of Ueeember 18ri7, fi.ooo acres on the east side f Forney's Creek, beginning at a white hickory and stake on the cast bank of Forney's creek and running the va- rt -us courses named in said grunt, contain mg fi.ono acres, more or less. Third tract, being state grant No. 14.1, dated March 13th, 1H5", beginning at a beach on the west bank of Tuckasecgee river, at the mouth of the tirst large branch or creek below hen'nmin Mydi's old place, and running according to the various calls named in said grant, containing 2,30Oacrcs, more or l"ss. All ot the aforesaid three trncts of land having been original! v grunted by the state of North Cnro.iua to K. V. Welch and J. B. Allison. Terms of the sale, one-fourth ca-h, remain der to be paid in equal instnlluvnts one and two years from date, with interest from date at the rate ol H per cent, per unnutn, payable semiannually; or if purchaser prefers he can pay all casli, instead of filing note for de ferred payments. TIIuS. I. JOHNSTON, jy-L!fri4t Uxccutor. THE FAMOUS CONNELLY SPRINGS. DIRECTLY on line of W. N C. divMon of R. At W. R. li.. nnd onlv I'd) yards from station. Four daily passenger trains. This favorite resort is new open. Cuisine simply unexcelled in the si, Ltd, and presided over l.y a well known clut This water has hn highly endorsed bv hundreds ol the mtd'cal prolestion, aud has been pronounced by a competent London authority to be fully equal, if not superior to any id the most celebrated mineral waters of linVoiHr and America. It i shipped in large quantities all omt 'lie United States, and also direct to London, lin gland. W titer strongly diuretic and tonic. Li -.cry stable, barber shop, laundry, ball room, bowling uHy, pool and bilbnrd tables, (Iiittvalled scenery Splendid drives. Full band all the season. Write for prospectus and rales to C')NNKLLY SPRINGS CO.. hilylsd'Jm Connelly Springs, N. C COME AT ONCE TO HOTEL ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER. N. C. ( uod rooniK nnd bed.; the licstof milk ond liuHcr; home rnis'd vegetable.; excellent water; Rood board; the best place to sleep In the world. Oh ! you otiRht to enjoy our 250 feet ul porches with splendid hudc and al ways a fresh breeze. Kutca $11 und $7 per week Children and servants half price. R. It. .t J. N. VANCIi. julvUSdlm Pianos and Organs. Take adv. intagc of our "Special Summer Rates" and g?t a splendid Piano or Organ on the very low and easy term now offered by the Ludden S: Pates Southern Muk House in Athevillc. who are sole dealers here in the Stein way, Mathushek, Mason & Hamlin and Sterling Pianos, and the Mason & Hamlin nnd Sterling Organs in all the latest styles. Call and examine our line stock of instru ments and get our price before buying else where. o. 43 Patton Avenue. It K. CROTCH. Manager. NOTICE, Tin In i'Vs (or subscription to the capital stock of Ihr Asheville and Hrlstol milroad company are now oiien for subscription nt the olFice of A. R. Eskridgc, Secretary, No. 17 Tatton Avenue. VM. COCKE, President. June 2-tlh, 1S92. dtf MOUNT MITCHELL. Parties In Ashcvillc desiring to visit Ml. Mitchell, can be furnished with carringes or horses, nt Illaek Mountain section, alfo guides for the whole trip, at very moderate ratca. Apply to VI. II. SI TTLES. aiiKl ldlw IUack Mountain, N. C. BONNYCREST INN! ElKht miles south of Ashcvillc, Vi mile from Skylund Springs Station. Kntcs $2 per day, $12 per week; $40 per month THUS A. MORKIS, Prop'r, mayiodtf Skyland, N. C. SCIENCE, (a), rickntitic Cooking-The of loods, &c. ( n). hewing hmbracing two terms; cost to pupil $50 per term, or expense of board, the school being practi icw iiocroi incnus ui sunn i". OR $25.00 FOR SCHOOL YEAR. Rev. TUo. Lawreace, ' ASHbVlLLb, N. C. VTOTICE Bv WANT COLUMN WAATED. WANTED II. Znjfeir f,. South Main, buys all kinds second hind goods for cash. augiOdlra "1TANTI5D A foster mother for pups three V r aays ohi Appiv to W. A. POIIGHKRTY. uuglOtiat At Barn urn Re Co. "WfANTKl' buyer for 5,000 shingles. y Great Irirr im. jNt). k w akk, Room 2H Pevn 'di ;iui!ding, Ashev'lle, N. C. aumridtl "17"ANTIU To rent 7 or 8 room house 1 ff having modern conveniences, within 5 I or 10 minutes' walk of Square. Send an swer to 'R," Citen office. BuglSdCIL "XI 7 AN TBI) To trade choice lot rn strctt fv ear line In Kamoth for bin Iter. Also I wid trndc with c n'r-'Clor for Imii-'lng I'n- I cm ire for Otis A. M Her, at J B Rostic's of fice, over Mimtiaugh's torc. nulRti "ANTIMSOIM.KTO KNOW It. C I. OH. veros. specialist on eve. tnr.tliroatand I nose diseases can be found over Ravsor S: I Smith's drug store, No. 31 Patton avnue. Fitting of glasses also a speeinlty work. I Hours 9 a. in. to 1 p in. 3 p. m. to 5 p. m. I juiyiuti FOR RENT. TAIiSIRABI.E OFFICRS for rent in the XJ McAfee building Patton avenue. Ap- plv to augldtf JOH M CHILD, Agent. "TjlOR SALIC A valuable lot, fronting on JJ Oak street. lOOslNS. Apniy to W. 11. WILLIAMSON .V CO julySOdtr TilOKRBNT A nice cottaec, No. CD 11a' AJ K y htrcet; modern improvement!. An- ply to augl ldl w S H. Kl'.l-.ll, Or H. HATTIiKllAM. TjloK KliNT A seven room house on Char JD lotte atree: water and k s, etc. Frt term, apply cither at No 09 Charlotte St. or Dr. Kamsav'a dental office, uugldlm FOR RUNT The large, fine store room nnd bavmcn'. No. 14 North Court Place. Apply to C. S. Cooper, No. 67 North Mum street. juiyz.aira IjlOR RKNT Suite of rooms in Milliard XJ Plock, suitable tor bed room and office Apply nt Ir. C. Hilbat'u s oilice in uuuu- ihk. jlyliOlm ti ok KI5NT 20 room house, No. 53 X? lece atreet; nil modern conveniences; two I minutes' walk of court squnrc. Apply to JOHN CHILD, Agent, uiiKlldtf No. 1 Legal Block. "moK RUNT One room cot'nui. No. 370 1' lluvwond street; immediately on car line. All modern conveniences. Apply at 384 Hnvwood atrcet, 2J dour west. uuK'.liltf ISTUKK FOR K ISNT 75 acres near the 1. city, splendid grass, plenty ol water and riiadc. Ample lor 4u or to nenu 01 cattle. price Tfi ier montn ver ncai. Apniy to J. P. K EH R, julviiodtf Citizen office. Pi OR KKNT OR SALE New 7 room house on Arlington Place. Modern conven iences; good neighborhood; on street car l line; ten minutes walk from court house. I Applv to L. D. ALIiXANDFR, juticUiidtf at Western Carolina Ltank. T lO R KNT Residence No. 144 Hill street. bath rooms and buHement. All modern con veniences. Terms reasonable Applv to LK. J. O. OUEEN, juneiodtf No. a West Court Square. I.lOR RUNT FOR TUB SUMMIiR My J residence in West Asheville, half acre lot with large oaks: good well, stable, etc.. etc Seven rooms in the house and furnished. Ootid horse, buggy and harness for sale, mavlldtf C. H SOUTHWICK. DWKLLINO FOR R1!NT A large house, newly furnished and painted, fourteen bedrooms, modern conveniences, large) gn unds, garden and stable on car line, 31 K I Huvwood street, adjoining Woodcock's I drug store. Apply at house or to aug.Gdtf A. RANKIN, Agent. TiOK K KNT Four story brick building, lormallv occunicd bv the Asheville Shoe Co . blspecin'lly adapted for manufacturing pur poses, convenient to depot and warehouses. I'.ufiuire at our ollitc. Tllli AS11UV1LI.H SHOli Cd. nil12dtf. : HOARDING. I" AR(il shady yard, nice rooms in new JJ hoirc. with board, at reasonable rates. No. 5 corner College and Pine street. .iuly27dtf IlARTIIiS wanting pleasant rooms and JL good board can be accommodated at MRS. ALICE REYNOLDS', maylltf 48 Spruce atreet. am IS I. Ho, SALUDA, No. 11 Sturnes avenue ousc new and handsomely turnishcd. lint nnd cold water hatha ou cverv our. Electric bells; 1'rcnih cuisine; perfect nttend- Once. MISS II. L. UUWYIvK, Telephone 150. l'roprietrc anK3dlm PRIVATE HOARIIINO A few sinRle and lari'C double rooms, with Arst.cla.n board at moderate prices. Vegetables and milk lrom my own (arm. l. I. AlCUAI'B, 24 Grove St. off Patton ave. julyl2dtf FOR SALE. ITORSM.E A well trained goat, sulky 1' and harneaa. Apply at CITIZEN OFFICE. TF YOU ARB IUIILD1NG don't fail to put X In Wataon'a rire urate. For sale oy BALLARD & RICH. TjlOR SAI.F A nice house. Con be bought A! cheap, for cash, within the next thirty days by cnlbng on A. L WiLivY, 105 l'aik Avenue, Ashcvillc, N. C aug5dtf FOR SALE A lot of fine new furniture, enmtiletc eouinment for a firat clasa bearding house. Cost about $700. Will sell singly, in suits or in a lump Applv to St'MMBRS & LEWIS, auglOdlvr Attorney., Dlckerson B'ld. lllR SALE The Melke house, western ' nart ol the citv: one of finest res dences iu Aahevillc, containing 18 rooms, 3 acrer in lot, tine oak grove and beautiful lawns nnd shrublierv. magninccnt view mat can. not be obstructed. I'or further information address W. P. SOUTHERN, Executor, 421 West Haywood St. iuly27dtf 1,10 R SALE OR EXCHANGE Attractively built six room cottage In Skvland, N. C. Lot 00x150, well shaded. This cottage, just completed, is finished in native pine at.d oilers to the home seeker a most comforta ble house at small cost. Can be bought on Instalment or for cash, or will exchange fori property in Asheville. Apply to . A. uiunni.-,. Bonny Crcat Inn, Skylnnd, or JOHN CHILD, Agent, Asnevuie, r. i., nugldtf MISCELLANEOUS. ADAMANT sales now reach 17,000 ton. monthly, being more than 20 times as lnrL'f us nil chenn imitntors combined L. 1 KliAllW AX, Asnevine, w. .... HKCUl W. N. C. Olhc over Dickcrson's .tore. VfOTICE-Thc public is hereby notified thnt I will not he responsible for nny contracts made by Lee F. Gorreii. Tnis Au gust 13, 1KU2. J. IS.. ljORSIll.1,, augiiai w- "VTOTICB To voters of Buncomb county: 1 hereby announce myself candidate for the ollief. of sheriff of Buncombe countv. sub ject to the action of the democratic nomi nating convention, ana eamcaiiy rcquc.i my many friends to aid me in securing the ' ....... v augSdtKpt3 JESSE M. MORGAN. ANNOUNCEMENT I beg to say to the voter, of Buncombe county that I am a candidate for the oilice of Register of Deeds r., .hi (rm.if, old countv. subject to the liiili.mmt and wishes of the Democratic con- ..Mini, wn rn mcri.iii abii.tiiic luiinniuii 3rd next, ll I am elected, the duties incum- hrnt nnon me shall te despatched with uni rnn. ..nttrtesv and Dromot business regular. itv Whilst desirous of the nomination, and which 1 trust will be the convention's pleas ure, whether vou select me or not, I will oe found voting for Cleveland, and against the infamous lorce bill, very resp'y. Julv27dtf K. F. URUMMOND, THE MAITLAND SCHOOL, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. ENOI.ISH AND FRENCH HOMIt ANDDiY SCHOOL. 1UK lilKLS. AfffS. BVKOWYS MAITLAND, Vrittclpal. Thr Rrhnnl will re ooen Seotember 20th. Mrs. Mnitland will be in Asheville after Augu.t 16th. Circulars may be had by ap plying at the school. ADAMANT, Of Itocu bl not crack, swell or shrink. WHITE - SULPHUR - SPRIGS, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. iff.:. ,.iA'T.. ..i- . i :k Thia celebrated resort, the coolest and moat lina, la now open for guesla. Double daily tram, from Aahcville to the Spring each day ot the week, including Sunday. Trnina leave Aohevilte for Waynesville at 8.3'J a. m , and 6:45 p. m. Leave Wayneaville lor Ash.'ville at 6:25 a. m. and 12:03 noon. I he water la the hneat and purest white auiphur, inducing a good appetite, and the table Ih supplied with everything to satisfy it. rooma are wen lurmanta, clean and cool. The terras of board are moderate and will junc21dl!ni IP YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD HAVE SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND FRAMES MADE JONES & WHISNANT, Office and Sliop.s, Old Depot. GLENN SPRINGS 1 m ,im !''!!! Pr&t IJk Aftei visiting various watering places I fering intensely with Chronic Dyspepsia, gastritis. Whatever it mav have been I am now almost entirely relieved, ar.a that relict haa been brought on by the use of Glenn Springs Water. 1 think it equal if not superior to any mineral water on the continent. Monroe, N. c i'UK Raysor & Smith and PAUL SIMPSON, Shipper, lewis iiaiidoi, Pres. H. T. Collins, Vice-Prea. Capital. $50,000. Surplus, $35,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County Aud City Depository, Organized DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES GENERAL UANKING Intcrre) Paid on LEWIS MAIIDU? II. T. COLLINS, M.J. FAGG, . B. REED 8. Hi tBank open from 9 a. m., till 4 p. m. On Saturday, till 6 p, raj THE "BONANZA," WW fll Nos. 41 and 43 S. WHOLE8ALU DEPARTMENT, GENTS' PARLOR AND READING ROOM. BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING We respectfully solicit a .hare of your patronage. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 43. Pontoffice Bo Q. . 2 r. e ft rl ovc?'6'o !S K3rastvvj?i?.!v.Mni - ' ( .'i fTJS manulactuters, ygncWWW vw w vww w w w w w .1.-. - v. i.vM.''-' t. . , cieturcsone anot in Western North Caro be given on application. H. M. BRIGHT, Proprietor. YO IU- BY ASHEVILLK, N. C. MINERAL WATER. came to Glenn Springs almost in despair, suf in fact some physicians pronounced my case .n.ii.c in i. v. nuAin, Pelham's Pharmacy. - - Glenn Springs S. C. L. r uci.odd, Cashier May, i88S. BU8INEB8 TRANSACTED. SSSfiiJ 111 I W l wJiij!iiv,,i hinM i mi II i 111, 'J k Vs--fy i m i 1 11,1111 1 m a i .tfimsj Deposits In SavlnKs DIRECTORS t Department. J. B. RAY, CHARLES MCNAMEP 1. B. RANKIN, V.J. BBARDBN. RBBD. LIQUOR SO., Main St., Asheville. ZC A 1 J . LL. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLE GOODS, SAM- "T f A S?I PLE, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM. J VJ : DEPARTMENT : IN : BASlrIlNT. Telepnone.Call, jr. ROLLER TRAY THE MOST CONVENIENT TRUNX g EVER DEVISED. M'lin Ti-nv Ik flrrnnotMi to roll back, leaving the J bottom o( the Trunk ) TRUNK easy o access. ) T. !.! , i ... -r ..i ti. s loininj; in inc. id oi )ii;i out ui -uiv.i.r. i Tray can be lilted out if desired, and to buy i) this style is a guarantee that you will get tb 9 strongest Trunk made. , .) If your liealer cannot lurnisli you, notuy m w .. ... atAit.ivM... m n nn m.L J la Al n. w. nuun i ntt ot nnu., nitmuuiiu, . 2.

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