"BliflWfBffTiffi i Ms.jMssWHrWTT'TTV'TT liTi ill SunpL 1 " 4 ASHBVILLE DAILY 01TIZFN: THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 18, 1892. miMnwin mti i1 i mm rrmirr-ii'i in- n in i i" 'urn MERCURIAL TtfoJLC. Jones,of Fulton, Ark., snysof BSSjSEJl "About ton years ago I con viviflisvll traded a sevoreco.se of blood poison. Leading physicians proscribed medicine aftor medicine, which I took without any roliof. I ulso trind mercu rial and potash remedies, with unsuc- RHEUMATI! cossful results, but which brought on nn attack of morcuri-l rheumatism that mado my lifo ouo of agony. Alter suf cring four years I gave up all remedies and commenced using S. S. S. After taking sovcral bottles, I was entirely cured and ablo to rcsumo work. is tlio greatest mcdicino for KyTTlV blood poisoning to-day c:i tho market." Treatlao on TUnnil nnd Skin llismscs nintlptl beo. Bwut Bi'Euirio Co., Atlanta, tia. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. Dcerc-a In CIVIL ENGLTEErjUC-. 'hX.-A scrvwrit Avn art. fpZisr Full Commercial ConrM. Practical Course In Telegraphy. Instrtielioa In Music mid Art. Corncfiland. Ijoontlon famous for Jlenuty imil Il'mllli. r'ur those not prepared for College, Clutsos, there Is ii Complete Preparatory Department. Resident Surgeons. Preparatory Medical liepurl iiicnt. No chnrgo for medical alien, tlun. Low rated, tor particulars mMiv.-s DAVIS SCHOOL, Winstor . N. C. WOFFORD COLLEGE SPARTANBURG, S. C. JAMES H. CARLISLE, LI. D., PRESIDENT. Twu emit st h Iculing to tin A. n. Tcurce. Vnr cutnlouc ntldrifa J. A Gamiewell. uiiK.'tdi'ud2ni St. Mary's School, RALEIGH N. C. The Advent Term of the 51st All Mini S' wtloil will begin Hcpl Ill IHT 2l. I ''or Catalogue, address . UKV. H.SAIKDKS, A. M., k a 1. 1 : 1 1 ; i r . N. C. julyl-l-cod.'liii Albemarle - Female --Institute, CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA Iargc corps of Superior Trnrhera. lirst advantages in Literary, Musical, and Art PcniirtmentK. Attractive intrrounrtinRs Healthful aim accessible locatiun. Lowest terms. Order catalogue. v. v. mcKiNsos, iulylH odl3t Princii ilI. TFBDUTY COLLEGE UUURHAM. IH0H1H WAHOLINA. New Itntl.Uii!-'-. AH iiiii'lorn inipreT"tii'iit. Klrriri" IIl'IiI". l..ili'imr.rh'H. Iitirrii-ii. idii. fti-,11,1. 1 1 1 1 Ii f 11 1 rlimnli'. I.'irei. in, nml-i Fnpprir family uf s:,i'i'iiilitH in enrli ilriiiii tt.i.'hl Si-vrll (IcnnrluKiiM'tif ii, .trill tlon. Hi-n. S y. I. Expenses luv. . 1'iir rntnliMKu' nilnrwc, 'John Krar.Ulin Cruwell, lJius't PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. KAUFMANN. ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, 01' PICK AND rksipbnck : L'S I'ESltl.AKllST., ASUEVII.I.i:, X c A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. JUaw Work a Specialty. ROOM 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. K. TBNNKST, Architect and Contractor. Plans, specifications and entimstcs fur .litilird. All work in my line contracted for, and no charges for drawings on contracts awarded mc. Kcferences when clenircd. Office: No. IS Hendrv Mock, Noith Court Square. Asheville. N. C. al19dly 34-Virars' Expci icHce-34 MILTON IIA1IDING CONTRACTOR AND I1UI1.11BR. Oflicc and shop, Wolfe lluildhK- CtlKNHR COURT I'l.ACB AND MARKET -8TRKKT. HAINES & FJtENCH, CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS. If you want your dwelling or furniture re- paircu can aau sec us. UNDKRTAKINO A SHBCIALTY. 6i fJonli A.-in Street, Ashcvilk, .V, juljOdtl INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, Ocucral 1 luauruuce t Agent. Rear No. 20 South Main stmt. established 180S. Ashevillc, N. C. a auS dlT B. H. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE. ' (trading of all klnda done. All aixca of crushed stone furnlihed. Send all orders to poatofficc Box 14-8, AahCTillc, N. C. auRlQdtf R. H. RKBVUS, D. D. S., UKNT.1I. OFriCK Connolly Building, over Redwood'. Store, Patton Avenue. Residence, 33 nice atreet. J- P. RAMSAY, D. D.3. ,-v -v- Dental Office t Oyer the National Bank of AahcTille, Kar aard Building. Residence, 60 Charlotte at. fcbSIBdlT DR. Ii. F. ARIUNUIVN, OHFICKKOOMi OVllRC(lHVJlHVIil.RvSTOJB, I'ATTOS VKNUB. fTSiieclul attention given to lining teeth and treating diaeaaed guina and nil iliaeaaca pertaining to the denial structure. muylSdtf BONNYCREST INN I Hlght mile, south of Aahcvlllc, i tulle from Sayland Spring. Station. Rates $3 per day, $13 per week; $40 per munth , TU08, A. MORRIS, t'rop'r, majlOdU ' Bkyland, N. C. C "INSTANTLY KILLED." Case, to' 1'rove That Literally Til- la No Such Thing. Death never enme -s swiftly as that 10 a soldier uuUws blown to fragments by an exploding shell. At Stone Kiver I saw an infantryman Htrurk between the shoulders by a solid shot. Ho was flung forty feet or more and reduced to a pulp, and yet he was gasping thirty seconds after being truck. At Second Hull Hun the man next to me on the right was shot through tne. center of the forehead. We were kneeling, llehad bisguntohis face and had (1 red the shot and cried out, "My Uoil, I'm hit!" be fore be fell over on his side. While we were forming buttle, line in the street of Fredericksburg a rilled shell exploded in the ranks about twenty feet away. One man was blown to fragments so com pletely wiped oil the face of the earth that not a linger of him was to be found. The shell probably exploded just as it bit him. The mau on his right bad a leg and an arm blown off and was (lung ten feet away, yet bo was living and trying to speak half a minute later. The one on bis li ft was cut in two almve the hips and one of bis arms blown over the beads of the second line just forming. This man's eyes did not close for twenty seconds. At SiMittsylviinia a sergeant on my right was shot through the heart as the lines were advancing. The body was afterward examined by the surgeon, and be said the bullet bad passed through the heart. 1 he man advanced at least four steps after be ing bit, and then clutched at a sapliugnnd said, "Keep right on; I've been hit!" He must have lived fully thirty seconds uftcr receiving the shot. In the cemetery nt Gettysburg three of us were lying down behind a monument which had toppled over, and were using It as a breastwork. The man on the left was struck by somi missile, probably a fragment of shell, which uncovered the whole top of hit head. Ho laid bis gun aside, stood up at full height nml then shrieked out and fell backward. As we turned tohim ho raised his right arm, and his lips moved as if be were trying to give us some message. M. IjUAn. A New Superstition. It is impossible to invent a new religion. A new combination of old doctrines is all that is left to the innovator. It is barely possible, however, to invent a new super stition or a new manifestation of an old one, and Dr. Jacques, of .Montreal, has done it. He is a widower and a graduate of the Victoria School of .Medicine, and has or ganixed a little community of which the members sleep ill their Collins. "I made a bargain with the good Ooil," he says, "the year tho smallpox rased in Montreal. I visited l.'-HKl cases, and in return iod fa vored the mission I have in hand, viz., the adoration of the 'Holy Knee.' " There are but live sisters 111 tho com inline, and the reporter of a local paper was allowed to see them as they puss t he night. The five sisters were found rolled in red material, with awhile headdress falling down over t heir slioulders. These girls have 110 education whatever, yet their medical protector savs they arc very learned ill things pertaining to the celestial sphere. Thev retire at 8;;;o and rise at 4, and although all work fur tho house the greater part of the day is spent in ailora tion and prayer, lly the side of a nicely decorated altar stands a post nbout six feet in height, mid upon the latter hangs an ox chain ten feet long, the use of which was explained as follows by the doctor: "When Montreal is given over to car nivals, to balls and parties this heavy chain is hung around each sister's neck for an hour nt a tune, wlnlo they kneel in nraver for their sisters of tho world, whom destiny has thrown in temptation's way. The doctor drew asido a curtain, and a largo deep colliu, painted black and cov ered with gray cotton, was revealed. The pillow is made of wood, and not a single article of clothing is visible, There are verv plainly furnished cells for tho rest of the little community, and the doctor is 111 a state of childish satisfac tion over bis scheme. Ho declares that wonderful miracles have been ierformed "in fact everything lias been done but bringing the dead to life again The Huttercup t Our Childhood. I whs somewlmt vexed recently by beinjy told by a profound linuint that the word "buttercup" bad nothing to do with but ter, for did we not wheu children place the flower under each other's chin in order to see whether or not wo loved butter? But ho insisted that it was not originally "cup," but 'kop," or something Dutchy, which meant a head or button, and that it waa button and not butter that went first with the cup. Ho would have it that it waa simply "gold button" at any rate. But this makes no difference now. The lovely friend of our childhood will ever be buttercup to us. Thomas Meehan in Phil adelphia Ledger. An Unfortunate Admission. Johnnie had come homo Into and was being questioned as to how he had been a Df inline his time. "So that little boy next door climbed the ladder aud grew scared when he got at the top," queried his father, "and you went to help him down?" "Yes, father," assented Johnnie. "What made you bo long about it?" "Because," responded the reluctaut Johnnie, "it had tak;en nearly half an hour for me to coax him to go up." New York Evening Sun. The Right rice. A passenger stooped to pick up some- tbiiiK from tho floor. ' ho lias lost louis" lie called out. At onco half dozen passengers bcKan fnrubliiiK in nil their pockets until one of them held out, bis hand and said that ho had dropped the. coin. "Does it not bear thedate 1800?" impiim! the finder. "Yes, certainly." "Is not one suits rather worn?" "Just 80." "Here you are then," said the wat?, as he handed to tho other a trousers button. Chrouique. runttiug the Miller. Tho Detroit Free Press tells, through a correspondent, that the saying, "drowning a miller," originated from tho following fact: If the mill stream below tbo mill is dammed or stopped, the water is ponded back and the mill Incomes what the mill ers call "tailed." There is too much water, the mill will not work aud tho miller is said to be "drowned out." Hence, when too much of any one article is put into a mixture it is called "drowning the miller," ITDforttinnte Women, "Poor creatures 1" exclaimed Mrs, Grosgrain, looking at the pictures ol nude savage women; "no clothing uf any kind! I wonder what tho poor things havo to talk about?" Exchange, Oil, That Hoy! Young Iliuikinson (in the parlor) Johnny, wil' Miss Irene be down soon? Johnny Yes. She's most drensed, Nothin to put on now but her suspend' tm. Chicago Tnbuue. A Method or Relief. Tho Dilettante You ought to ace Mis. Thomson's magiiillcviit'lioiiivl It's just full of Corols nnd Millets. The I'arvcnu Teriiblel Why doesn't h try insect powder I Chicago News Record. On Way of Kxpresslna; It. "I am so sorry," said Mrs. Parvenu, bid ding goodhy to ber guests after an at home, "that the rain kept all our best peo ple away, "Kxehangs, A Matter of History. Boerum (doin his best to make a favorable impression, has just finished his best anecdote) Hal 1ml ha! That's pretty good utory, now. Miss Acres Yes, I think so too. And they say pnr Uncle Phil, who was killed at Gettysburg, never tired of hearing it. Life. 0 000 000000 TTTTT'S Tisiv I mr Pilta0 Om I HI J hBDVVI stimulate the torn Id lirer. stroncthrn Othe digestive organs, regulate t,,ej bowels ami are uncqualrd as an nnti-p bilious medicine. Ininalarlul districts 0 their virtue Hre widely recognized as a they poRMM peculiar properties lnp Vrice, 3.1e. Otllee, SO Park I'lnce, N. Y. A MCP TllTT'S Uflf? nYF- a perfecflmltatlon of nature) lmpoM-p ible to dotect It, I'rlco, Ol per box. 9O0OO0O9O0 Valuable Laud In Swain Co. For Snlc. ny virtue of authority invested in mc by the Inst w ill and testament of William John ston, dee'd, I will sell at auction to the )iii:h- CKt bidder at the court house door IN BKYSON CITY. N. C, on Tuesday, the ii.'Ul day of August, 1 H.t2, aI the interest of said William Johnston (hcinrr an undivided one-half tin-trot Icpit one- well th of the minora interests), in the fol lowing described three tract of valuable land, situ te in tne county 01 swntn. to-wit; lJi st tract, btine st'te (jrnnt No. Kin, tvinK on Lulty liver, near iti head waters, beuinnuii! at a stake uul HaUam tree, (I!) six poles south from I'orter's Cap on the Smoky mountain, and running- is per calls of find grant, vaucus courses tor comple ment, containing irom 7,000 to lu.imu acres, more or lens. Stcond trnt, mine stnte grant No. 40H, date 01 Drci miicr yti, N.7.r,oou acres on the east side of Forney's Creek, beginning at a white hickory mid stake on theeant bank t f Forney's creek and running the va ns courses niimi o in unui grant, contain- ng 0.000 acres, more or less. I It 1 rd tract, being state grant No. 14. 1, dated M urch 1 8th, 1 H ,".", beginning at u beach on the west bank of Tuckasecgc? river, the mouth of the tirst large branch or cicik below Men'nmin Hyde 9 old place, and running nccoroing to tne various cans named in said crant. containing ii.1100 acres, more m I ss. All ol the arorcsiinl three tracts of land having In en ir,giu:illv grau'ed by the state 01 North t ar ma to K. V. Welch and J. is, Allison. Icrnis ol the m.tIc. f.nc fourlh ivi'h, remain der to be paid In ctiuiil instnlluints one and two venrs from date, with Interest from u rite at the rate ol s rer cent, per annum, payable sem ttnniinllv: or if purenaser tirclers he can nnv nil cash, instead of tiling note tor de ferred payments. Jy22fri4t lixecutor. INEBRIETY, Ruoture. : I Cancer. AIiLi FORMS OF Obscure, : Difficult : Chronic DR. E. HADLEY GREENE, OF ATLANTA. G.V , Who for more than tw,nty years lias bren well known throughout the southcui stnlcs as a remarknhly aucccaiil'itl CANCKR AND CHRONIC HISHASU SI'K CIALIST, Is now in this city, stopping at the Villa near the postollice, here lie may be con ulted during the next few weeks ronfidrn tially nnd without churfic. Dr. Greene is the general state agint for the Ill'.XTSIXGIiR TKEA T.UEST For the iirlnk Habit. It is much superior to any other for this purpose. It contains no gold, so mat ai though in use for ten years, and hundreds have been treated with it. not a single one has been in the slightest degree injured Phvsicolly or nu-ntaily. No one treated with it has ever failed bcintr cured. No one cured has ever gone buck to drink. It is the saf est, the mildest, the surest, the speediist, the cheapest. Dr. Green also radically cures HERNIA, OR RUPTURE, lly a new and scientific method. No cutting no blood Tlic patient is not detained from business. The pef feet cure requires liulfuur to eight weeks, nnd the pntieut only needs to see the doctor once a week. Call early ns possible, so that should you decide to be enred we may have ample time Aahcville, N C, Aug. 10, lw.vj. nuglldst thu&ant Pianos and Organs. Take advantage of our "Special Summer Rates" and get n splendid l'inno or Organ on the very low and easy terms now olTtrcd bv the I.uddcn .S: llntcs Southern Music House In Ashcville, who arc sole dealers here In the Stelnway, Mathushek, Mason & Hamlin and Sterling Pianos, nnd the Mttson & Hamlin nnd Sterling Orgnns in all the latest style.. Call and examine our line stock of instru ment, aud get our prices before buying else where. No. 43 Patton Avenue. H. E. CROUCH, Manager. COME AT ONCE TO HOTEL ALEXANDER, ALEXANDER, N. C. L ood rooms and beds; the beat of milk end butter; home raised vegetables; excellent water; good board; the best place to sleep In the world. Oh ! you ought to cnioy our 250 feet ot porches with splendid shade and al ways a fresh breexe. Rates $( and $7 per week Children and servants half price. R. II. & J. N. VANCE. July22dlm NOTICE. The hooka for subacrlptlon to the capital stock of the Ashcville and Itrislol rtillrond company arc now open for subscription nt the office of A. R. Eskrldge, (Secretary, No. 17 I'atton Avenue. WM. COCKE, .'resident. June 24-th, 1H03. dtf THK MAITLANU SCHOOL, No. 40 French Broad Avenue. EN0L1SH AND FRENCH HOME ANI DW SCIIOOI. FOR GIRLS. ARN. nVRriWYN MAITI.ANIK l'liniiiml Th. Srtionl mill re open September 2(lth Mr.. Maitlaml will be in Ashcville niter August 15th. Circulars mny be had by ap plying at the school. ADAMANT, The "Perfection of Wnll Piaster." It has S(K) percent, more tensile strength than lime, and 300 per cent, more than any oilier ma teruu uowa as a wan piaster. MENSTRUATION w;'h a womnn of vigorous health passes oif in due time without pain or dis comfort ; but when she approaches this crisis MONTHLY with a Irail constitu tion and feeble health she endangers both her physical and mental powers. BRADFIELD'S -3 FEMALES- REGULATOR if taken a few days before the monthly sickness sets in and continued unlill nature performs her functions, has no omal as a M'l-.UHC lor I'ainl.ul, Pro fuse, Scanty, Suppressed and Irregular rVlEKSYRUATiON Uook to " WOMAN " mailed free. BHADF1ELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ca. Sold hy alt lruujlala. UISCEI L.-WEOUS. ADAMANT sales now reach 1 7.000 tons monthly, beitm '-ore than 30 times as lif-ye ns all ehe-ip imitators combined I. I KliAliWAY. Asnevuie, . u.. Agent V. N C. Office orer Diekerson's store. NDTICK To voters of Ituncombc county: I hcieby announce myi-elf candidate f.r the olltcc ol Slicrirt ol Huncointic county, snb iect to the action of tie democratic nomi nating convention, nml earnestly request my many friends to aid mc in securing the nomination. Vciy respectfully, nuK-sdtsept3 JliSSK M. MORGAN. ADMINISTRATOR'S NO! ICF Having quulilicd as the administrators of F. S. II. Reynolds, deceased, we hereby notlfv all persons having clnim11 ngninst snid deced ent, to present them to us at the otfiec of C. II. Atkrisoil in tliecity ol Aslieville bet'-re tl el'Sth day of July. 1 sti.'t, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. Also those indebted to said decendeat will please conic forward and settle. C. II, ATKINSON, ANNIli M. RBVNOLDS. iuIy3Hdtliurs(it Administrators. ANNOI'NCHMKNT I I ear to ny to ti e voters of Hun.'ombe county that I am n candidate for the ollice of Kegister of Deeds for this trrand old county, subject to the judLinent and wishes of the Democratic con- v niton, which meets in Ashcville September 'rd next. If I am elected, the duties incum bent upon mc t-hall be despatched with uni form curtcHv and prompt husitu-sH regular ly. Whilst desirous of the nomination, and a hicli 1 trust will be the convention's pleas ure, whether vmi Fclcct me or not. I will be tdunil vot:nu for Cleveland, nnd nguinst the infamous force bill. Vcrv'resp'y, julvl'7iltf R. V. DKIJMMOND. TKI STKK'S SA I.K 1)1' IND 4y virtue of the power of sale vested in the under- signed in a certain need ol trust by w. it M tiller to K. I, (iraham. trustee, to sccur the tiavmint ot certain debts therein mcntioncfl. oeiaiut nnymg hecii mane in me paymcni 01 uic mime, i w 11 at inc n,ni . ,,,r ui i..c court house in Ashcville, to the highest bid der (or cash, at 11! o'clock, m.. on Monday Augustl'lM, lHU-'.the lands conveyed in said deed ot trust, which deed is recorded in the register of deed's office ot Ituncombc county N. C, in rceord of deeds of tiust. Hook i!0, page T1S5. to which reference Is mud? for a de scription of the lar ds to be sold This July 1, lH'.l'J. R. J. GRAHAM, j ulv'Jl thurn4t Trustee. NOTICIi Hv virtu given by V. I . 1J e of n deed in trust. attun to tne, the un- I derstgmu, as mist c. to secure n ueot uue io S lira) nun iv Sons. 1 will sell by public miction for cash, at the court house door in the city or Ashcville, N. C.on the lothdayof September, A. D , lN'.y, the city lot belonging io sum ruuon.siiuuwti tm PoiiinMiu-, avenue, near Hailey street, adjoining land- oi lf. Smith and Jacob Dclvechio. and more ffiK rin" V .trTd nTonFA . . ' . " ' ; ' . : . u . . . pngc , ui, mm , in -it " , jtuncumhc eouiitv n. to wn rn rcicrcnce i is hcrebv made for a full descriplinn of said I lot. Witness my hand this the loth day of August, 181)3. J. I. SMATlInRS, 'I rustee. W. W J INKS, Attorney. augind30d NOTICE Default having been made in the vaymenis stipulated in a deed in trust executed Mny Hitli, ixni, by Wil y J. Zneh ary nnd Maria II. Zacharv, his wife, to me, aiuWecurded on page ltl'J et sc(( of Hook 311 of Mortgage Records, in the ollice ol the Register of Deeds of Huneombe conntv N. C , und by virtue of a power of sale therein con tained, I will sell for cash to the hight st bid der, ut the court house door in the city of Ashcville, N. C, on Tuesday, August 33d, lhU3, the land described in said deed in trust to wit: Lying and being in the northern pari of said city of Ashcville and bounded n. follows, beginning at a stake in the easterly margiri of West street urd in the southerly margin of North street and running along snid southerly margin of North street nnrth 7"i H' east 3oO feet to F. C. Estabrook'B northwesterly corner; thence ulong her v csterly line south 51 13' east (13 3-10 feet to a stake; thence still nlong her westerly line south ' 17' cust 73 (Mo feet ton stake in the northerly lin.' of the lotformerly owned bv John C. cott; thence nlomr said northerly line of said Seott lot to its north wester! v corner and in theeasterly margin of West street south 71 fill' west 300 feet; thence nlong said easterly margin of West street north 41 13' cust 17 -10 feet to the beginning. HAROLD DOrlll.BDAV, iuly21thur8.lt Trustee. THE FAMOUS CONNELLY SPRINGS. TAIRECTLY on line of W. N C. divl-ion of XJ R. & y. R. R., and only 150 yards from station. Four daily passenger trains. This favorite resort is new open. Cuisine siiuoly unexcelled in the s(.t.ih, and presided over by well-known elut. This waTer has been highly endorsed bv hundreds of the medical profession, and has been pronounced hy a competent London (itithnrii v to fullv enuiii. if not superior to nv ol the most celebrated mineral waters of liurnpe and America. It i shipped in large quantities all mcr the United States, and also direct to London, Knglaud. Water strongly diuretic nnd tonic. Livery stable, barber shop, laundry, ball room, howling ally, pool nnd billiard tables, Unrivalled scenery Splendid drives, Full band nil the season. Write lor prospectus and rates to CONNBL1.Y SPRINGS CO.. julylhdiini Connelly Springs, N. C ADAMANT Is as much superior to mortar as mortar to mud. NORMAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASHBVILLE, 1ST. O,, Will Open Its First ti... i.,mi;ii,. w l.uviii-il iii i lie tniiat spacious building now nearly completed for its use, at a cost of $150,000, will bf furnished with pure spriiifj- water from springs on the premises; will be lighted by mis; healed bv hot water, ami provided " ... ..... e . . -i Th. ,jn i urn in hi nt ni int'iiiiiua ' : .. . , 1 r pie space given lor outdoor exercises, a wen equipped gyiuim.iuu. ... -k within doors. No cxiiciisc has been spared to make the sewerage and sanitary ar- rangcnienls iicrlcct. Four Separate Courses fired to I. THE NORMAL COURSE, for the L. SEMINARY OR COLLEGIATE iittriifa GniPiiffo niiitic flmniirifr Xr i .'. COMMERCIAL COURSE, including slcnograpuy, t,pev..n...K. ""r 4. 1)EPARTMET OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE, (a), di-itntific Cooking-The study of the production and manufacture of loods, &c. (n). fcewimj-binbraeing the cutting and fitting ol garments, millinery, ret. u . The teachers at the head of this department arc from the famous I'rntt School, Brooklyn, N. Y., and the others from the best institutions in the country, chosen ,.,;n, .i..0.. i i-i,r;iin.i rimmntrr. cxncriciice and tibihtv as teachers. A thoroughly organized Preparatory Department has Ikcii furnished for ull such n..A ..r-fir..(l bv till hiollcr clnSSCS. The school year will be divided into $100 oer vcar. which bnrclv covers the ";.I..J t I... cally tree, Having uccn pruvimu tut ny DAY PUPILS $12.50 PER TERM For further particulars apply to Augl2-d&w5w N WANT COLUMN. WASTED. "ItTANTBIi H. Zuiiil-. H South Mnln, fV buys all kindtt second lund goods fr cash. augi6dlra "II f" A NT 151 A luster mother for pops three I TT days old. Apply to w. a. notiGHBRry. At Darnum & Co. nuglildnt WATHt' t buyer for BS.000 shingles. Great Im-gii'. J NO. I. WAK1, Room !H K'evn Id. ;'vililing, Ashcv'llc, N. C. au-'15dtf lirANrp.n- To trade choice lot on street I T en nr line in Rnmothfor lim ber. Also will trade with corrector for buil ing. Kn- auire br Otis A. M Her. nt J II B sli ' o'-1 tier, over Mimuuugh's itore. anliltf lirANTI'Hf.l'I.HTO KNOW Dr. C J.OIi- V veros, sr-echilist on eye. ear, throat and nwtie diseases can be fouud over Raysor & Smith . orug store, .No. 1 I'utt n avt-nue. I Fitting of glasses ills', a specialty work. I llourn 9 a. ra. to 1 p in. 3 p. m. to 5 p. ni. I lulylrttl FOR RENT. IViSlRABI.B OFFICES for rent in th'' J McAfee building. Patton nvenuc. Ap- ulv to JOHN CHILD, Agent. augldtf "TJIOR SAl.li A valuable lot. fronting on X! Oak street. 100x182. Apoly to W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO juiy30dtf t I7WR RENT A seven room house on Chnr J lotte stree'; water and g s, etc. For terms apply either at No. 09 Charlotte St. orur. Kamsav s actual omcc. uugiuiiu- TOR RENT The large, fine a'ore room 1' and bu.emcn. No. 14- Norlll Court 1'lncc. Apply to C. 8. Cooper, No. 07 North Main street. juiyzaira OR K liNT Suite of room in Milliard niock. suitable lor bed room and office Apply at Dr, C. Ii Milliard's ollice in build ing, jljliulm FOR RUNT 20 lege street; nil i room house. No. 53 Col- ge street; all modern conveniences; two i minutes' walk of court square. Apply to JOHN CHILD, Agent, nnglldtf No. 1 Legal Block. 1710R RENT One 8 room cottage. No. 370 1 J Havwood street; Immediately on car line. All n'Klern conveniences. Apply US Havwood street, 3d door west, nugtldtf 1 STURR FOR RUNT 75 ucrcs near the l city, splendid grass, plenty ol water and hhfiilc. Ample lor -fco or oo neaa ot cutiic. rncc $3 per month per neno. Apniy to J. I'. KURR, julv33dtf Citizen oflicc. TOR RENT OR SALE New 7 room house JLJ on Arlington Flace. Modern conven iences; good neighborhood; on street car I line; ten minute, walk from court house. Apply to L. B. ALEXANDER, juuc3(.idtf nt Western Carolina Ilank. MID K KNT Krsidencc No. 144 1 1 ill street. Nj Mllte roof hoUfJ.. rooma. isidcs JL Nice slate buh noms und bai(ement- An modern con- vcniencea. Terms reasonable Apply to DR. J. G. IJUKBN, junclodtf No, l West Court Square. IjIOH RKNT FOR TUB SUMMliR My XJ residence in West Ashcville, hall acre lot I with lurge oaks; good well, stable, ew etc Scen rooms in tlie house and furnished. (lood horse, buggy and harness for sale, inavlldtl C H SOUTIIWICK. IVWHI-I.ING FOR RI5NT A large h';use, 1 newly furnished and painted, fourteen bedrooms, modern conveniences, large uriuuds. iiurdcn und stable on car line, 318 I Haywood stiect, Hdioining Woodcock's 1 drug store. Apply nt house or to nuglGdtl A. k.msmw, Agent. RHST 1'nur storv brick buildine fV V,)xi?o ,Tet located on Hatton avtnue' ijmS fnshlo ' 1 cd for manufacturing pur- poses, convenient in ncpoi ana waienuuscB. i.;M(lllir- t our othrc . ... Til 15 ASHEVILLIi SHOE CO. augl '.'dlf. WARDING. rpHH SALUDA, No. It Stamen avenue 1 House new and handsomely furnished. Hot and cold water oaths on every uoor like trie bcl's; French cuisine; perfect attend ance. MISSH.lv liUWYI'-K, Telephone 150. I'roprietre.-B ang3dlm T1WIVATB HOARDING A few single and I larce double rooms, with first-class I board at moderate prices. Vegetable! and milk trom my own farm. C. I. McCArB, 24 Grove St. off Patton avc. julyl2df FOR SALE. F IOR SM.E A well trained goat, sulky and harness. App'v at CITIZEN OFFICE. TF YOU ARE Iil'ILDlNO don't fail to put X in Watson's Fire Grate. For sule by BALLARD & RICH. THIOR 8ALF- A nice house. Can be bought X! Che cheap, for cash, within the next thirty days by calling on A, L wii.uy, 105 1'atk Avenue, Ashcville, N. C, aug5dtf TjIOR SALE A lot of fine new lurntture, 12 complete equipment lor first class boarding house. Cost ubout S700. Will sell singly. In auita or in a lump. Applv to SFMMBRS & LEWIS, augliidltr Attorney., Dtckcraon B'ld. F OR SALE The Melke house, western nnrt ol the city: one ot lineat res oences l in A.hevillc, containing IS rooms, 3 ncres in lot, tine oak grove and beautiful lawns and shrubbery magnincent view mat can not be obstructed. For further informitiou wlrirms W. P. SOUTHERN. Executor, 3l West Haywood St. llly27dtf TjOR 8ALEOR EXCHANOB Attractively 1J built six room cottage in Skyiuna, in. i. Lot 90x150, well shaded. This cottage, lust completed, is finished in nntive pine ai d offers to the home seeker a most comforta ble tmise nt small cost. Can be bought on instalment or for cash, or will exchange for property in Ashevtllc. Apply to 1 T. A- MORRIS. Bonny Crest Inn. Skylnnd, or JOHN CHILD, Agent, Ashcville, N. C, augldtf ADAMANT, Of itself v. 1.1 not crack, .well or shrink. Session Sept. 15, 1892. beautiful suburb ol Aalievillc, m, c i lie witn liot ana com uains. -,, ,. i'.. 11.. ln.l win uc core utiv euuiuoi. , : i " .:... .;n i,n r.,i,i I CIGARS, TOBACCO of Study Will be Of- the Student. through training of teachers unilcrinstruc- COURSE, including ancient nnu niouern iuu two terms; cost to pupil $50 per term, or expense of board, the school being prncti- - ... i;iu.-..t IV:,.1b f fomnli. dtirnl Inn. h,jvi... ,.,....d ... OR $25.00 FOR SCHOOL YEAR. HCi, l nus, L,anteiivei AS11EV1LLE, N. C WHITE - SULPHUR - SPRINGS, WAYNESVILLE. N. C. I This cclchrntcd resort, the coolest And most .wmimuMi up, ,. . iui.,. o is i.s n ip.i i i ii'urwF'iiKi Una, is now open for kucsib. Double daily trains trom Ashevnlc to the Spring each day ot the week, including Sunday. Trnin leave Afheville for Waynesville at 8.3'J a. m , and 6:45 p. m. Leave Waynesville tor Ashcville at 6:5 a. m.., and 12:03 noon. The water Is the finest and purest white sulphur, inducing a good appetite, and the table supplied with everything to satisfy it. Koomi are wen lurnmned. cicnn and cool. The terms of board are moderate and will junr31d3ra IF YOU,; ARE GOING TO BUILD -HAVU SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND FRAMES MADE JONES & WHISNANT, OUit c and Miopg, Old Depot. GLENN SPRINGS Aftei visiting various watering Diners I fering intensely with Chronic Dyspepsia, in gastritis. Whatever it mav nave oeen l am now almost entirely reiieveo. ana mat retici has been brought on bv the use of Olefin Springs Wuter. I think it euual if not superior to any mineral water on the continent. Monroe, i. v. j-ca Raysor & Smith and PAUL SIMPSON, Shipper, - lewis iinnoi. Pres. H. T. coluns, Capital,. $50,000. Surplus, $35,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository.' Organized DEPOSIT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES UKNEKAL HANKING Interest Paid 011 Deposits DIRECTORS' LEWIS MAOnf'T H. T. COLLINS, M.J. FAOO, I. B. RBED S. H. tBank open from 9 a. m., till p. m. On Saturday, till 6 p, m.; THE "BONANZA," WE AND Nos. 41 and 43 S. drparTMBNT. OENT8 WIIpXk aSd rbadTno room. 1'LIJ, B1LUAKUAMO CUOLSUUIU. J. JL-J 1 BEER s VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT ! IN ; BASEMENT. P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Main Entrance, No. 45. Postofflce 'B Q- . C Z i J .1 c t i. fffff THE nicturcsoue snot in Western North Caro- be given on application. K. M. BRIGHT, Proprietor. YOUR- BY asheviixe:, n. c. MINERAL WATER. came to Olenn Springs almost In despair, suf fact some physicians pronounced my case a.iun u i u, u. iiunin. Pelham's Pharmacy. . - - Glenn Springs S. C. Vice-Pres. L. p MCLoon, C.shier May, 1888. BUSINESS TRANSACTED. In Ravings Department. J. R. RA 1 . CHARLRS MCNAMBF I. B. RANKIN, VI. J. BEARDKN. RUED, CO Main St., Asho illc. "VTY A 1 .N U. 4:1. AND BOTTLB GOODS, 8AM. "V' f Atii Teiepnone.caii, no. js. nAi h rrrt THE HOST ?, Klill I f I PflMVFMIFIIT TRUNK 9. HVt.l.bll ' -" -mi TRAY tVLH UtVISbU. The Tray Is arranged . ti i i. i 1 ,u- ) TRUNK IO (Oil UK.IV, ICHVIIl UK. gjv Imttom o( the Trunk car,y of access. ) Notlunc to hveak or cct out of order. 1 he av Tray can be lifted out if desired, and to buy ji this style is a guarantee that you will get tin JJ strongest Trunk made. . ) If your Dealer cannot furnish yon, notify the j) manufacturers, S H. W. ROUNTREE k BRO., Rlchmoml, V. LIQUOR