ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZFN: FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 19, 1892. Rut PURELY a vegetable compound, made entirely of roots and herbs gathered from tiie forests ot Georgia, and has been used by millions of people with the best results. It CURES All manner of Wood discas ;s. from the pestiferous little boil ci your nosa to the worst cases of inherited b'.ood taint, such as Scrofula, Rheumatism, Catarrh and SKIN' Trcatiserm Blood and Skin Pi-cases nuilrd bee. Swift SiEUrTi. Co., Atlanta, lia. i A Family Affair Health for the Baby, j Pleasure for the Parents, . New Life for the Old Folks. tires eer THE GREAT ?TEMrEnA?SCE DRINK "is a family nfTiUr arcqiiriilta of tho home. A 2.1 cent liachnpe r.iuliCR 9 gnllons ol It (loliciimi, filrciigUiculug, effervescent leverage Y, yji I Don't ho iWivivl If n flf-nlir, frit Mini ikeof liii i:, r iirntlt, tolls you Bum" ulur l;iml Is " lust ns koou1 false. No itr.Kitilc-ulsusgooi) an tho t'euuliio Illicit'. ron all BLOOD andSKEN DISEASES Botanic Blactl Balm it r.. . scROFuis, ihcehs. salt It Ulca RHEUM. FCZEMA, cver torm ol malignant SKIN ERUPTION, be i I'.dei being efficacious in toning up the ( system and restoring the ccrstitutlcn, hm Impaired from any cause. Its 1 ilmoil suiiernatuial healing properties i Justify ut In g"tranteeing a cure, II , directions aro lol'owcd. Otfll rKC "B.u.1. ,r VtuKlom.'' A BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ca. SPECIAL RUN No. 19. GREATEST VALVE ON EARTH. Tyler. Famous Antique Oiik Roll Cur tula Desk complete, see special circulars. No. 4004, 3 ft. 6 in. long, not 110.00 No. 4009. 4 ft. 6 in. " " 82100 No. 4010, 5 ft. lone, - " 823.00 Also new ISO pngs catalogue for IB92. Crest out of nbout 40 per oent from former list. BOOKS FREE, postage lOo. Shipped from Bt. Louil, Mo,, or Indianipolis, Ind, UA.NK COUNTER A SIM.t lAl.TV. We refer to every Bank In Thirty States.. TYLER DESK CO., St. Louis, Wo I PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. KAUFMANN, ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, O feil'S AND KKSIIIKNCE: i'S rEXDI.AKHST., ASlIKVILI.i:, X. c A. H. COBB, STENOGRAPHER. Law Work a Specialty. ROOM 10 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. A. TKNNENT, Architect and Contractor. iMnia, sprcificfttiotis cwl estimates fur jixhtO. Atl work u my line tuntractcfl for. ninl no chnrKcn for ilrnwin.s on contractu nv.-iinltM nic. K'-tcruicc whim desired. Ofi-iee: No. 12 Hendry Wok, North Court !iimre, Ashcv.ik, N. C. fdilOdly 34-Ycarw1 ICxpcs cucc-$4 MILTON HARDING CONTRACTOR AND 11UILDKR. Office and shop, Wolfe Building. COKNHR COURT PLACE AND MAKKBT STREET. GAINES & FRENCH, CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS If you want your dwelling or furniture rc- puireu can anu see us. UNDERTAKING A SPECIALTY. h'S.Soiltft Afflfil Slriit, Aslievilh; .V. C julyOdtf INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General t Iutturance i Agent Rear No. 20 South Main atreet. established 1805. AsheTllle, N. C auo hit 15. H. BR ITT, CONTRACTOR & BUILDER IN STONE, Grading of all kinds done. All sixes of crushed stone furnished. Send all order to postofBee Box 18, AshcTitlc, N. C. tutiedtf K. H. RUEVE3, D. D. 8., i;ntai. oi fick Comnuiy nuildinq, over Klvvood'n tltore, rnttin Avenue. Kealilcnce, .t nice street. F. RAMSAY, D. .S. Umtal '1& Office over the National Hank of Ashcvllle, Bar- unrd IlnlldinK. Keeidence, B Charlotte st. feliUdlT Ii. F. AltlUXGIVN, Ui'l-K'K Rooms oviikCiisiiv's.uwi'.i.hv8tob, PATTON IVKNIW. fXrSpeclnl attention given to filling teeth and treating diseased gums and all disrates periaintnR to me aentai structure. may 1 3d sutr . ADAMANT I as much superior to mortar as mortar to mod. Root $23lli ALMOST A SUCCESS. tbe FUh Ont Tun Near IV- Valor and M'aa Drowned. The experiments of nn-u of M-ioncc furnish much amusement to the wits, who are not particularly interested in tho slow, minute and sometimes appar ently insiguineant investigations by means of which important physical facts are learned. It is interesting to know that if we cut off tho tails of forty suc cessive generations of mice at their birth not one mouse even in the fortieth generation will be born without a tail. But when the man of science was en gaged in cutting off the baby mice's tail all the world laughed at him. The slow experiments to test the possibility that by degrees an animal may change its habitat a land animal taking to the water, and so onare satirized in an amusing way in a Berlin newspaper. Herr Professor Schaffkopf, tho eml uent biologist, lias met with a serious bereavement in the course of his export ments relative to the changes of habitat made by animals. Some time ago he captured a live herring. Ho took the fish homo and kept it in a largo vat of salt water. Every morning the professor dipped out of this vat half a teuspoonfnl of salt liter and replaced it with an ennui amount of fresh. His purpose was to accustom the fish gradually to live m esh water instead of salt. The herring lived on, and passed hi; tvs in the best of spirits. In tin course of time the water in the tank was nelered completely fresh. Not a grain of salt was left in it, And the herring emained cheerful and in good health. Next he began to deprive the fish, lit .o by little, of the fresh water element in which he lived. In this also ho was successful, and after a time the hewing gamboled around in a perfectly dry mk. The professor congratulated him- lf that another transformation hai' been accomplished. Uu had a laud her ring at last. Tho professor put the fish in a bird ige, and tho intelligent creature ut red plaintive little cries of salisl'ac ion and affection when the professor, in iinsfernng him, stroked him care.- l''v on the buck. Nice little messes of mmI wi re given the fish, but the pro sot noticed the next ilav that sonic. tin ling seemeil to be the matter with Ills pet. He seined to desire something very much. The professor meditated. "Really," he exclaimed presently, live it. 1 hail forgotten to give the poor little fellow anything to drink!" lie brought a dish of water, put it m the cage and left the lisli to drink at bis leisure. xvext morning, when tho pmlrssor camo to look at his fish, a sad siu'li met his gaze, the herring linil fallei head first into the dish of water and hai been drowned 1 Youth's Companion, Negative Prollt. A Cass avenue boarding house lady was smiling all over nt market the other morning. "What pleases you so? asked anotho with a basket on her arm. I,n just $130 ahead," was the cheer ful reply. No, yon don t say?' This with the usual tone of envy any species of hu manity falls into when it hears of a bit f cood luck to any of its kind. "How did it happen?" You know that Cleveland fellow who came to my honso a month ago ani! engaged board for six months nt thirty dollars a month?" "Yes." "Well, he left this morning." "I don't see how you aro $130 ahead just the same." "Ho didn t pay mo for the month and in ahead on tho other live. See.' She was experienced in tho business and understood tho theory of negative profit. Detroit Free Press. ilecognlzcrt. After all, fame doesn't amount to much when one turns to certain quar ters. If tho wind blows east, a cele brated man may como upon some one who knows him and what he has done if it veers a point, his luck turns and he is just plain John Noliody. Henry Irving, the famous actor, whoso face has, through advertisement and U lustration, become familiar to many peo ple, was one day at a seasido resort when ho noticed a littlo girl looking at him fixedly. "Well, my dear," said he, "do yon kuow who 1 ainV "Yes, sir," was tho shy answer. "Well, who am I, then?" "You aro one of Reachain's pills." And, indeed, his face had figured in an ailvortiseuient or the nostrum. Youth's Companion. llo Was Posted. He sat in ono of tlio front liews chnrch with a face like a littlo angel anil wore that sweet, precocious look of knowlouue lioyond Ins years that alwuyi liiakes one think of a nrematnro heaven. Ho never disturlied tho meeting but ouco. mat was wlien ma motner looKeu in his dear littlo pockets for his hand kerchief and ditln t find any. "Willie, slio whispered gently, "yon have no pocket handkerchief." "Then, lnatniua. Raid tho sweet in fant in a shrill, angelic voice, "soino Ixxly must have swiped it." Detroit Free Press. Hard iuvk. Distressed Female Oh, please, sir, givo me something all tho same. Benevolent Gentleman Why "all the same?" D. F. (weeping) Oh. sir, you don't recognize me. I'm the blind mail's wife. B. G. Yes, I remember you, but what's the matter? D. F. Oh, sir, we're in fresh trouble. My poor husband has recovered his sight. Drake's Magazine. Good Reason To. Teasing Friend What makes that now baby at yonr house cry so much, Tommy? Tommy (indignantly) It don't cry so very much and any way, if all your teeth was out, and your hair off, and your legs so weak you couldn't even stand on them, I guess you'd feel like crying yourself! Life. Itolioata to 1'ault. Mrs. Slinison My Clara is an awfully delicate girl; she can't stand anything. Mis. Van Bltuuer Neither can my Maude. Bhe put on a sailor hat the other day and it made her Boasick. Cloak Review. A Paradox, "flow polished Mr. Smithers Is In Ms manner." "Yes it's rather queer about Smith ers, One so polished as he has no right tc be so abominably dull." Life. Virtue Rouardeil. He was taking his fntt meal at his new 'boarding house and here was some evidence that ho didn't like it. "Waiter," lie said, "bring me some hash." Somo what, sir?" asked tho waiter politely. Some hash. Don t you know what hash is?" "No, sir; we don't have it here." "Can't I get it if I want it?" he asked dictatorial!)'. "No, sir. If. yo". want hash you'll have to go somewhere else." "Well, bring me some prunes then," he said, changing the subject. "Haven't any prunes, sir, responded tho waiter. "No prunes?" "No, sir." "Can't I get prune.' I ere, either?" "No, sir; not here." Tho new boarder was becoming ex cited. Tell the landlady to couio here." he commanded, The waiter brought in tin) landlady. "I am informed, madam," ho said, that 1 can get neither hash nor prunes in this house." You havo been correctly informed," she admitted with some trepidation, for he looked like a man who could pay. Am I to understand that those dishes will not bo served here under any cir cumstances?" "That's the invariable file, sir." "Very well, very well," h.i said; "I'll ee you after this niefd and pay you for years board in advance. Detroit Freo Press. Kvell. On the steeple of an old Universal ist church in Bath, Me., there is a wooden figure of an angel. It is not a remark ably fine specimen of art, and has al ways been somewhat laughed about. especially beeauso of its high heeled shoes. The Bath Enterprise recalls tho story that a former pastor of tho North Con gregational church once accosted a de voted Universalist witli the question: Mr. Raymond, did you ever see an angel with high heeled shoes on its feet?" "Why, no," answered Mr. Raymond, I can't say that I ever did, but did yon ever seo ono wit none tnemr xoutn s Companion. Till) Ucaillt. Teacher (illustrating angles) The original inhabitants of New York lived along tho livers and laid out the first streets at right angles to the water fronts. Do von understand that? Pupil Yes'ni. Teacher But tho water fronts were not parallel. They met at a point, form ing an acute angle. Do you understand that? Pupil Yes'ni. Teacher Now what was the result when all these streets .finally met? Pupil New York. Good News. Wanted a Wife. Miss Aiitiiiue Y'ou ought to get mar ried, Mr. Oldchnpp. Mr. Oldchapp (earnest! v) 1 have wished many times lately that I had a wife. Miss Antiiiuo (delighted) Have you, really? Mr. Oldchapp Yes. If I had a wife she'd probably have a sowing machine, and the sewing lnaemno would have an oil can, and I could take it and oil my office chair. It squeaks horribly, New York Weekly. If you feel weal' and all worn out tak BROWN'S IRON BITTERN Pianos and Organs Take adventage of our "Special Summer Rates" and net a splendid Piano or Organ on the very low and easy tcrmi now offered by the Ludden ei Hates Southern Music Houic in Asheville, who arc sole dealers here in the Steinway, Mathushck, Mason it Hnmlin and Sterling I'ianos, and the Mason & Hamlin and Stcrhns Orijtins in all the latest styles. Call and examine our fine stock of instru ments and get our prices before buying else. where. TSo. 4.1 Patton Avenue. 11 Ii. CROl'CH, Manager COME AT ONCE TO HOTEL ALEXANDER ALEXANDER, N. C. Good rooms nnd beds; the best of milk nnd butter; home rnisd vegetables; excellent water; good board; the best place to sleep in tbe world. Oh ! you ought to enioy our U50 feet ot porches with splendid shade and al ways a fresh breeic. Kates $ii and $7 per week Childrcu and servants half price. K. II. & J. N. VANCIi. julyUlhllm NOTICE. The bunks for subscription to the capital stock of the Asheville nnd Bristol railroad company are now open for subscription at the oflice of A. n. I!krldgc, Secretary, No. 17 Potion Avenue. WM. COCKE, President. June 24th, 1892. " JTpirnss !'i CIVIL EHGIirEE7."33, SOEHCE A;i3 ART. Fall Commercial Course. Prnctii'aH'oursc iiiTelognipliy. Instriu tioii In Music and Art. Cornet Hand. J,ocatloil famous for lleiuity nnd llcallh. For those not iirepurcd for Colleso Cla-ses, thcro is it Complete Preparatory Department. Rr-sldpnt Hurgrons. Propiirnlory Medical Department. No cliargo for medical ntteii. tlon. I.orntes. For pnrtleiihirs, mldri'M DAVIS SCHOOL, Wlnstoi'. N. C. BONNYCREST INN I Eight miles south of Asheville, Vi mile from Skyland Springs Station. Rates fi per day, $12 per week; $40 per month THOS. A. MORRIS, Prop'r, maylOdtf Skyland, N. C. I and Onlunl Habits 'cured ul home with oiitimln. hook ol lir tieiiliirssctit l'Kl'.K. 11.M.WIHII.I.EY.M.1I. Atlaiitn, tin. Ollicc llli;aWhllchullhU ADAMANT, The "Perfection of Wall Plaster." Ilhns 800 per cent, more tensile strength than lime, and U00 per cent, more than an v other ma terial knows as a wall plaster. UIHISKE ill LESSENS PAIN INSURES SAFETY to LIFE of KQTKER and CHILD. My wife, after having used Mother's Friend, passod through tha ordeal with little pain, was stronger in one hour than in a week after tho birth of her former child. J. J. McGoldrick, Beans Sta., Teim. Mother's Friend rnblieil pain of its terror anil shortened lalior. 1 luivo the healthiest j child I over saw. Mas. I M. AnERN, Cochran, tla. r'tit liy CTrpri-ss, c linnT'-s nrenaiil. '.n r-. i-i,.! of pru , , i . jj ner LutllC. Il "k " M-'lli'T-." Ii, .il'l Ir.---. BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO.. -.,r l-y all Drui.ts. Al .AN I A, OA. iflSCIil.l. i Vj(,r,S. LOS'I' fun d ie; arswerinir to name of 'rude " Kcw.'-.r:! paid lor his return to this oliu e or to I. Iiai N. iiik-c at Black Mm alain, N C. auRlMdlw ADAMANT sali-s now reach 1 7.0HO tons monthly, l:ci?u rcore than I'll times as ia-ue ns nil chen imitntor- cfmiliincd 1. TilliAllWAV. Ashcvillr, N. C. AK'.t W. N C. Ollicc o ."cr Dit-kcrsoira store. NOTICK To voters of Buncombe county: I ln-reby announce uiys-ell candidate for l he ollicc ol hr.cntl ol llimcomtiv county, sub- ccl to the action ol tnc democratic nomi- natmi; cunvcnlinn, and earnestly request oiv nuinv frieinlM to mil mc in sccunni: Hie nomination. Very respectfully, IlllKKcltsepta JliSSB M.MORGAN. ANNOUNCEMENT I heir to say to the voters of liuiu-onihc eounl y thai I am a cinulitlatc lor tnc i.tlicc ol Kiiitster ot nce-is or this Krnad old county, subject to the tul.-ineiit nn'l wnoies ot the lleinocrntic con- nlion. which meets in AnIk-viIIc Scptcmbtr tril next. II 1 inn elected, the duties inciim- bint upon nic i-hall he ilcspatclictl with uni form c .urtvsy and prompt business rcxuliir- tv. Whilst desirous i-l the nomination, ami i hivh I trust will he tile convention's pleas ure, whether you .elect me or not. I will lie touiol votinir for Cleveland, and UKtiinst the infamous force bill. Very resp'y. julvllidtf K. i- HRLMMONII. XTOTK KHv virtue of a deed in tiust. -i-l given by W. I), i'utton to me, the an I dcrsiuntd, as tiust e. to secure a debt due to 1 l!r- I nan & Jons, 1 will sell by public iKtiou lor rush, nt ilu- court house door in I he lit v tit Asticville.'N. C.on the irthd'iyof Scpteirbrr, A. If . lH!t2, the city tot belonging Bind w. I), rnuon, Mttmud on Mutntme nveuiie, rear Haiky street, fioioiiung lands I I'. Smith attti Jacob LJilveiiiio, and more pAi'lieiilurly described in the above tm-n-tione i deed in tru-t, registered in Pok 2M. prtgc -''l'-', et. ( , in 'he Register's otlice t: Uiineottiiie couiiiy. iv. L xo wnien reicrener i4 hereby mafic fir u full 1escriptifn of said Witness tny hand this the loth day ol August, 1M02. J. L. SMATII rKS, i ru.-ice V. W J Nl-S, Attorney ituKlod3t)d THE FAMOUS CONNELLY SPRINGS. DIRbXTLY tn line of W . N C. divi ir n of R. - li. R. R.. nnd only 150 yards from tntton. Pour daily pusseuuer trams. 1 his favorite ri'stirt is nv. w cpen Cuisine simply unexcelled in the sttih. and presided over t.y a well knuwR elul This water has licen highly endorsed bv hundreds ol the intil'cal prolcssion, and has been pronounced ly a competent i-ontu n nuthority to be lully equal, If net superior to ntiv ot the most ct Icbntcd mineral vvatera of iiuronc and America. It i f-h ppul In Inrge (pmniities all over the United States, and i kImh direct to London. England. Water; strongly diuretic anil tonic. Livery stauie. nnrner snop, inunury, nan- t room, bowling aMy, pfnl and bill. aid tables, ; Unrivalled bcenety. Sphmlid fliivcs. u 1 hnnd all the season. Write for prospectus i and rales to CONNELLY Sl'KIAtiS jui.vlfct.3m Connelly Springs, N. C ValuatJlc K.aiKl i Swain Co. For Hale. By virtue of authority invested in me tiy the 'Inst will und tcstnnirnt of Willinin John ston. dic'il. 1 will sell ut auction t-i the high est bidder at the court house door IN HKYSON CITY, N. C, on Tuesday, the li;id day ot Auiiuxt, IKll'J, all the intercut of said William Johnston (being an undivideil one-half tin rem Ict-sone-twelfth of the mineral interests!, in the fol lowing described three tract" of valuable land, situ ite in the county of Swain, to-wit: l-'irst tract, being st-ito graut No. 401), Ivlng on Lul'ty river, near its head waters, lieginn ng ut a stake ind M ilsnm tree, (Ii) six poles south from Porter's Gap on the Smokv mountain, nnd running ds per en lis of said grunt, vaiious courses for comple ment, containing Iroin 7,5uu to lii.ono acres, more or less. Second tract, being state grant No. 408, date ol December 2il. 1 K.".7, "i.iunl ncres on the east side of I'orney's Creek, beginning at n white hickory and stake on the east hanlt of Forney's creek nnd running the ya ri ius courses nnmed in said grant, contain ing 5.IHH) acres, more or less. Third tract, being state grunt No. 14.", dated March lath, lH.",, beginning at a beach on the west bank of Tnckascegce river, nt the mouth of the first large branch or creek below Hcnianlin Hyde's old place, and running according to the various calls named in said grant, containing 2,300 acres, more or I' ss. All ot the aforesaid three tracts of land having been originallv granted by the state of North Carolina to R. V. Welch and J. B. Allison. Terms of the sale, one fourth cash, remain der to be pnid in eiiuil installm-nts one und two years from date, with interest Inundate at the rate ol 8 per cent, per annum, payable miii -annually, or if purchaser prefers he can pay all cash, instead of tiling note lor de ferred payments. TIIOS II. JOHNSTON, JylWfri-M Ivxecutor. THK 9IAITLANO SCHOOL, So. 40 I'reneh Broad Avenue. liNUI.ISH AND I'RIiNCIl HOMIi ANI l VY SCHOOL l-OK GIRLS. MKK. nt KC.WYX MAITI.AND, Primvml. The School will re open September 2(th. Mrs. Mnitland will be in Asheville niter August 15th. Circulars may he had by ap plying at the school. ADAMANT, Of itself t 1.1 not crack, swell or shrink. NORMAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASHEVILLE, 3ST. O,, Will Open Its First The Institute is located in the most ;.... i,;i,iinir tmw nrtirlv ciiniiiletcd lurnishcd with pure snring wntcr from gas; heated by l"t water, and provided with hoi aim com uams. TI,a lirtlil, fiil huliits nf the niinils will be carel'ullv cuarded. Besides the am pie space given for outdoor exercises, a well cquipicd gymnasium will be fitted up within doors. No cspense has been spared to make the sewerage und sanitary ar- laiijjcmciils pcrlcct. Four Separate Courses fered to . rilli NORMAL COURSE, for the 4.1.H f.nn 4 lift lifMii Mnrmal fChrinla SEMINARY OR COLLEGIATE COI RSE, including ancient ami modern lan guages, sciences, music, drawing, Sic. , , .;. COMMERCIAL COVRSE, including stenography, typewriting, bookkeep- '"'i' nVpji'T,ff.'r hp nintPSTir SCIENCE, (a), tsritntific Cookingr-The study of the production and muii'ulncturc of foods, &e. (n). Sewing-Embracing the cutting and fitting of gni ments, millinery, &c. The teachers nt the head of this department are hom the lamoni I rntt bchool, Brooklyn, N. V., and the othcrB from the best institutions in the country, chosen it i aiii.sM.-a 1 1 i hriDtmn nnrnrirr. ca The school year will tie divided into $100 tier year, which barely covers the cally free, having been provided lor by a DAY PUPILS $12,50 PER TERM For further particulars apply to Augl2-d&w5w A thoroughly organized Preparatory Department has liecn furnished for all such u n.n not nreoncil liv I lie hlL'hfr clhSSCS. WANT COLUMN. HV1ATE0. TirANTKI H. Zuiwir, U South Main, buvs all kinds und h :uid tfoods for nugibdim" WANTUP buyer lor H5.000 rhiiiRles. Great bargain. J NO. 1, WAKIl, Room i'H kcynOd UllildiliK. As'.iev'lle, N. C. auciriiltf WA..rr.' RIi To trade choice lot on street N'lininlh lor lumber. Also . r i-lor for btiib inif. Kn M .U-r. nt J B B isti-'s of will tt-adc wi'l fice, over Miniii:mi;irs -toi-j. auliitf WANTriiOlM.HTO KNOW Ir. C J.OIi veros.iiiiccialist on eye. cur. throat and rinse diseaf cm tie louud over Kaynor S: Smith's ttniK store. No. 31 Putt n avi nur. HittmK of j;laBi9 i1h- a srciilty work. Hour" ) a. m. to 1 p in. 3 p. to. to 5 p. m. lulyldti' FOR RENT. TAHMKAHI.R Ol-l-ICI.S lor 'cnt lor 'cnt in thv XJ McAlce builil p!v to i:. rntton nvenuc. .p JOHN CHII.U, ARrnt. nuC I il ll ! TJIilR SALE A ralunhk' lot, fronting on i X' Oak street, mux 1X2. Apply to W. U. HILI.IAM8UK ti CO. jiily.30dtf TJlOK RliNT A seven room houic on Chnr- JLJ lottc street; water and g s, etc. vet term apply either at No. 69 Chnrlotte St. I or l)r. Kaincav a denial oiuce. a'lgiaitn- jit I K RP.NI-IHV I It rgv. b tut iMMii I' ntid hntcmen No. 14 Norlh Court llae. Apply to C. S. Cooper, No. 67 North Muin 8ircet. juiy;.uim TDR RKNT Suite of roomn in 1 1 illinrd X) Hlock, Ktiitdble tor hed room and oflice Apply at Dr. C. Ii llilliard'tt ollicc in huild- jly'Jiilm T710K RKNT 20 room house, No. 53 Col- k 1 lejie sireet;nii moncrnconvenicuer!; iwo ininuteH' walk of court sipiare. Apply to JOHN e II 1 1.1), Agent. bokI ldtf No. 1 Legal Block. TT'OR RENT one M room eottagi, No. .1 1 Hnwood street: Immediately on car line. All modern conveniences. Apply at 3S Haywood street, 2d door west nue'.ldtf 1 STUK!i FOR RKNT 75 acres near the 1 eitv, splendid gras, plenty ot water and I slintlf. Ample for 40 or f0 head of cuttle. lTice j per mouin per neau. Appiy io J.P.KERR, julv23dtf Citizen office lilOK KlvNTOK SAl-ii New 7 room house lj on Arlintt nutf-n Place. Modern cnven- it nets; good neighborhood; cm street car line; ten minutes wnlk from court house. Apply to L. H ALEXANDER, june2'.idtf ut Western Carolina Bank. nit) UliNT Residence No. 14 Hill street. 1 Nice slate roof house, 8 rooms, besides I bath rooms and basement. All modern eon-1 veniencts. Tcrina reasonable. Apply to DR. J. G. (jUiiBN, junclOdtf No. West Court Sfpiare. I.IOR RUNT lfOR TUB SUMMER My JD resilience in West est Asheville, half acre lot I with lame oaks; gooil well, stable, et., etc Seven rooms in the house anl furnished. tlootl horse, buggy and harnefss tor sale, mavlldtt C.ll SOUTH WICK. DWHLLlNtl FOR KENT A large house, newly furnished nnd painted, fourteen modern conveniences, large gn units, garden and stab'e on ear line, 318 ILivwood street, tidjoimag Woodcock's i drug stor Apply at house or to augloutt A. KftisiviiN, gem. TOR RENT Four st try briik building, 0xl5( Uet, located on Patton avenue, foimutlv occuuied by the Asheville Shoe Co especially adapted for manufacturing pur poses, convenient to depot and warehouses. Enquire at our otiue. THE ASHEVILLE SHOE CO. aug!2dtf. HOARDING. TOLHBKMAR A few more guests can be JJJ accommodated at Blbermar. Address I ur call upon (1. K. t LIVBR augixdl w MIRIi SALUDA, No. 11 Stnrnes avenue 1 House new and handsomely turmshed. Hot und cold water baths on every lloor. hlectrlc bet's; Trench cuisine; perfect attend ance MISSU. L HOWYKR, Telephone 150. Proprietres. nug3dltn IJKIVATIi HOARDING A few single nnd laric double rooms, with first-class I bonrd at moderate prices. Vegetables and milk trout my own furin. c. I. mclac it, 24 Grove St. oft" Patton ave. iulvl2dif FOR SALIi. FOR SM. and ha E A well trained goat, sulky harness. Apply nt CITIZEN Ofl'lClS. TP YOU ARB BUILDING don't fad to put X in Watson's Fire Grate. 1-or sale uy BALLARD & RICH. I710K SAI.12 One medium size safe, never 2 been used, cost $."0, will sell for $35 cash. JUNKS t IBNK8, augl8-lw 32 Patton avenue FOR SALE A nice house. Can be bought cheap, for cash, within the next thirty days by calling on A. L w ilky. lOo palx Avenue, Asneviue, pi. v. aug5dtf FOR SLE coniplete -A lot of fine new lurniture, equipment for a first class) boarding house. Cost about $7011. Will sell singly, in suits or in a lump Apply to eil MMnKP, i.ev, ia, nugliillw Attorneys, Dickcrson B id. nun SALR The Melke house, western Jj part ol the eitv; one of finest res dences in Asheville, containing 18 rooms, 3 acres iu lot, tin,- oak grove and bcautilul lawns and shrubbcrv. magnificent view that can- no. be obstructed. For lurther information adduss W. P. SOUTHERN. lixcriitor, 421 West Haywood St. july27dtl TjVlR SALBOR KXCHANGB Attractively 12 built six room cottage in Skyiana, n. c. Lot 01 in 1 no. well shaded. This cottage, just completed, is finished in native pine ai d offers to the home seeker a most comforta ble knnse nt small cost. Can be bought on instalment or for cash, or will exchange for property in Asheville. Apply to T. A. MORRIS, Bonny Crest Inn. Skylnnd, or JOHN CHILD, Agent, Asheville, N. C, augldtf Session Sept. 15, 1892. beautiful suburb of Asheville, N. C. The for its use. nt a cost ol $00,000, will bf spriiis on the premises; will be lighted by of Study Will be Of- the Student. through training of teachers uiuleiinstruc- iliiliiw mm auiun "o sv at two terms; cost to pupil $50 per term, or expense ol board, the scliooi oeing practi lew liberal Iricnds ot icmale caucaiiou. OR $25.00 FOR SCHOOL YEAR, Rev. Thoa. Lawrence, ASHEVILLE, N. C. WHITE - SULPHUR - SPRINGS, WAYNESVILLE, N. C. J '"' " fit P - .jp-T-f' This eelchrnted resort, the coolest and most lina, is now open for guests. Double daily trains frum Asheville to the Spring each daj ot tne week, including bundav. lmms leave Ahcviiic lor Waynes vine at w.d'j a. m , ana o:o p. m. Leave Waynesville tor Asheville at 6:25 a. m.., and 12:03 noon. 1 he water i the finest and purest white sulphur, inducing a good appetite, and the table if supplied with everything to satisfy it. 'oomi are wen lurnisneo. clean ana cool. The terms of board are moderate and will june21d2m IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD HAVEIYOIJR- SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND FRAMES MADE JONES & WHISNANT, Office HiidjShops, Old Depot. GLENN SPRINGS I Aftei visiting various watering places I fering intensely with Chronic Dyspepsia, in laet some physicians pronounced my case gastritis. Whatever it mav have been I am now almost entirely relieved, and that relief has been brought on by the use of Glenn Springs Water. I think it equal if not superior to any mineral water on the continent. Monroe, r.. c. rux Raysor & Smith and PAUL SIMPSON, Shipper, I i.kwib h.vhdoi, Pres. H. T. Collins. Vice-Prcs. Capital, $50,000. Surplus, $35,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, County And City Depository, Organized DEPOSIT BOXES IN EIRE PROGE VAULTS RENTED AT REASONABLE RATES UKNEKA.L BANKING Interest Paid un Dcpoalts In Saving DIRECTORS LEWIS MAUDU; H. T. COLLINS, M.J. FAGG, I. B. RBBD 8. Hi 'Bank open from 9 a. tn, till THE "BONANZA," WitlE ACID Nos. 41 and 43 S. WHOLESALES DBPARTMBNT, OBNT8' PARLOR AND RBADINO ROOM. BEER s VAULTS : AND '.BOTTLING We respectfully solicit a .hare of yonr P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager. Malu Entrance, No. 45 PostofBee Box Q. :S"S'iS S SS1. a a.---rw. ulctureetuue snot in Western North Caro be given on application. II. M. BRIGHT, Proprietor. BY ASHEVILLE, N. C. MINERAL WATER. came to Olenn Springs almost in despair, suf sai.l. hi n. u. nuAin, Pelham's Pharmacy. - - Glenn Springs S. C. L. r mclood. Cashier May, 1888. BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Department. J. R. RAY, CHAKLtSS MCNAJVUr . RANKIN, . BSAKUKN. RBBD, 4 p. m. On Saturday, till S p, LIQUOR CO Main St., Asheville. A 1 i W. X CIGARS, TOBACCO AND BOTTLB OOOD8, 8AM- Jtff Af PLB, BILLIARD AND POOLROOM. Il Ut iOl : DEPARTMENT s IN : BASEMENT, patronage. Tciepnone;caut n: 7. c int ft.usii CONVENIENT TRUNK EVER DEVISED, g The Trav Is arranged ) to roll back, leaving the S bottom of the Tiuiilt i easy rf access. ) TRUNK Nothing to brcalt or get out of order. The Tray can be litled out if desired, and to buy ) this style is a guarantee that you will get the Jj strongest Trunk made, If your Pealer cannot furnish you, notify the , manufacturers, . ,) H. W. ROUNTREE & BliO., Biohmond, Va. fi ' ': 5 1

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