ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: FRIDAY EVENING, AUGUST 19.1892. TO OPEN NEXT SEPTEMBER THE NORMAL, AND COLLEtil ATE INSTITUTE. AROUND TOWN. The HVorlc Proposed to be Done by the Institution la Victoria, Presided Over by Rev. Thomas Lawrencv, D. I). Asheville bids fair to become as cele brated as an educational center as for its matchless climate and unrivaled scenery. It has one ol the best systems ol grncled schools in the state ; a female college lib erally patronized and doing excellent work; Mr. Vanderbilt's generosity is about to add another imposing building for the purpose of public instruction; and in the beautiful borough of Victoria, just beyond the city, the grand structure which is to be occupied on the 15th ot September by the Asheville Normal aud Collegiate Institute, is approaching completion. The site udou which the institute stands for beauty and hrallhfulncss can not be surpassed. In llic appointments Washington, Aug. VJ.Forcast till S p. m. Saturday; Showers; li'llowctl by lair weather, variable winds. IT WILL BE A GREAT SIGHT THAT IlASl'.tlAI.I. UA9IE NEXT TllCSUAY. of the building and appliances for the comfort and health ot the pupils nothing has been spared to make theni as com plete as possible. The purest of water will be furnished in abundance from springs on the premises, the plant for the supply of wliichcostingalone$S,OliO. The lighting will be by gas, heating with hot water, and hot and cold water baths. The ample site of some filty-live acres will furnish abundant opportunity for outdoor exercise, and a well-filled gymnasium will lie fitted up within doors. The whole plant is the beucheent jrift of a few friends ol liberal Christian edu cation for young women, the most gen erous of" whom reside here. I;our independent courses of study arc offered to the student: 1. A semiuarv course for all who wish to pursue the several branches in language, literature, science, music and art, ordinarily taught in the yery best seminaries. 2. The normal, for the thorough training of teachers under instructors who have been trained mtiic oest normal schools of New York and I'cnnsylvania. This will extend through three years. during the last of which the student will spend one hour each day teaching a class in the model scnooi unuer mc eye ui experienced teacher who will privately criticise the work done in the school room. n. A commercial course, including stenocranhv. typewriting and book- kceoimr. This department will be pre sided over bv a regular graduate from a well known business college, and the tiuoil will have every facility for finish ing herself for counting room or the re porter desu. 4. The department of domestic science, hich there will be two departments: a. scientific cooking, embracing full in struction in all kindsof cooking, plain and fancv studv of the production and man ufacttireof foods. Theeookingclassroom will be entirely apart from the kitchen and has been furnished with all tnc nec essary appliances; h, Sewing embrac ine full instruction in all kindsof sewing, hand and machine, cutting and littmg ol garments, drawing of designs, study of colors and millinery. The teachers at the head of these two sections of the department of domestic science arc grad uates from the famous Trait institute, Brooklyn, N. Y.. and the other instruct ors, fourteen in all, are from the best institutions of the country, chosen with special reference to Christian character, exjierience and ability as teachers, lie sides these a thoroughly organized pre paratory department has been provided for nil audi as are not far enough ad vanced to enter the higher classes, under the care of a teacher ol ripe experience Particular attention will be given to the systematic study of the Bible, but without sectarian bias. The school will he conducted to some extent alter the model of thefamoi.s Mt. llolvokc, Mass seminary, planted by the sainted Mary Lyons, and the pupil will he expected to share in the domestic work of the house hold, as an essential and practical part of their education. The terms are placed at the lowest practical figures, that the great advan tnpes offered may be within the reach o the greatest number, especially those wno urc anxious to become teachers, The whole plant is a magnificent gilt to this part of this State, and marks a new era in its educational history, and it is one that a generous, Christian public should be quick to appreciate and grate fully acknowledge. 1 he charge to tn iiunil of $100 a year lor hoarders w cover, it is estimated, about the first cost of board. Day scholars in all de- n.irtments will pay but SJ.i per year, Dr. Thos. Lawrence, who will have the management ot the scnooi wun ins esti mable wife, is an experienced educator and supported, as he will be, by a nu merous and able corps of teachers, Till Citizen cannot err in predicting for this institution a useful and piospcrous iu- t'lrp. Thc institute is in no way an enlarge ment of the Tease Home Industrn school, but a continuation of the Oak land institute, upon a greatly enlarge. plan. ROBBED WHILE A8I.KKP J. V. Thornton of Raleigh is 'u the city. D. Iv. Allen of Charlotte is here on business. J. M. Moody of Wayuesvillc spent last night in Asheville. Miss Mamie Voglcr of Salcin, N. C, is at the Swannanoa. The Third party convention meet; in this city tomorrow. Keep your eye open for that baseball game next Tuesday. Rev. J. A. Speight has gone toWaynes ville for a short visit. Frauk L. Allen, representing Coi. stable Bros., New York, is here today. At Grant's pharmacy at 2 p. m. today the thermometer registered SO Miss Linnia Kollins has returned home from visiting friends in Morgautmi. (). L. Cranipton and family of Mobile, Ala,, are in Asheville on a pleasure trip. Zcno Moore of Greenville, N. C, is in the city on a pleasure ttip, snipping at the 'Jaks. Register Mackcv and Mrs. MacUcv ft this afternoon to attend Turkey reek camp meeting. Mrs. C. X. Webster of Cleveland, Ohio, is in Asheville, on a visit to her pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. (,. A. Mears. Mrs. L. II. Morris and little daughter, misc, of Richmond, Va., arc stopping lv. It. Davis,' -f'.' Montlord avenue. .Veil I'roinlueut In Aahwtllc Arc Uoiuic to CroMH Hutu Tor the Ben efilofthe Monument to the Con federate Dead. The baseball game for the benefit of the Confederate Soldicis' monument took definite shape this morning and it promises to be the i idlest thing of the season. The following will be on the teams. Kach one has consented to play and all arc enthusiastic about the game: DOWN THEY GOME BIG DISCOUNT ON China Y. H. Penland, . S. Adams, II. A. Ciidger, . I'. Kerr, W. I Randolph (,co. S. I'owcll, A. M. Field, I. lv. Dickcrson, .1 lullus fiarreu Relieved of 44 Last Eveninic. Julius Garren. who lives near Richmond Hill, fell asleep on Water street early last evening. While he was in this condition he was "touched," $11 in cash being rnlten from his Docket. discovered his loss soon after and called Patrolman Nolandto work up the case. Noland did this quickly with the result that about ') o'clock he arrested Pinlr Knrwnnrl. white. On Earwood's penon, distributed in his pockets and shoes, about $28 of the missing money was found. Earwood had a hearing before K onrrW Miller this morning, and in de fault of bond in the sum of $200 was sent up to await the next term of the criminal court. IMPORTANT NOTICE. Mrs. 1. G. McKissick of Lnioii, S. C, nd her father, Gen. li. IS. foster, arc at e Battery Park for a stay nf sonic du- tion. Key. W. D. Kirkland, editor of the Southern Christian Advocate, Columbia, S. C, accompanied by Mrs. Kirkland, is it the hwannanoa. Dr. I. A. Burroughs, who has been con fined to h;s room for several days with sore foot, is able to resumehis practice, Ithnugh using crutches. All persons desiring to attend the iseball game at Hcudcrsonville tomor row can procure exclusion rate tickets by applying to N. A. Reynolds. The Misses Ritta Bo wen of Tuskegec Ala., and Willie Vandivcr of Montgom ery, Ala., two of the reigning belles of Alabama, are at the Swannanoa. The splendid Kindergarten building being erected on East street by Geo. V. l ack, to be given to the Kindergarten ssociatiou, is practically completed. Rev, Chas. W. Bvrd, pastor of Central M. li. church, south, will make a prohi bition address at Denver s hall, West Asheville, on Wednesday evening, August II. The benefit ball at Ketiilworth Inn will take place Monday, August and Mr. McKenzic's complimentary bull to Miss Spofford of Nashville, Tenu., vi occur on Monday next, August 22. Says the Brevni'd Hustler: lohn W. Ncely, of Asheville, has been vis-iting his ome uear here this week, u e are pleased to meet him again as lie is al ways accompanied by t lie little in.ii lcn, checriulncss. M. B. Il.'iiightou, the distinguished president of the Montgomery, Al Commercial and Industrial association, one of the most prosperous institutions in the south, is doing Asheville, and is the guest ol the Swannanoa. The case ot Palls of Sense Manufactiir inc company vs. 1 hos. Jiendncks v;i concluded in the superiorcotirt yesterday afternoon, a verdict lienig rendered in tavor ot the defendant. lodavthe ease ol ulia Iv. Lvinan vs. IL M. Ramscur is being heard. "Dr. p. M. Scruggs," say the Bi vson Citv Times, "reports a delightful w.-ek n ti c city ot Asheville. lie was there to enjoy the Buncombe Centennial and soldier's reunion, and enjoy it he did. He was the welcome and well preserved guest, while in the city, ol the railroad hoys. Charlotte Observer: Augustus Shaw and his sister, Miss Essie, passed through Charlotte yesterday on their way ti Asheville to spend some time. Dr. H 11. Green, who has been at Asheville fo some time, is rapidly recovering his health and will soon be back to Char lotte. In Recorder Miller's court today Wi Hemphill, l.tila Havncs. Lillie Smith Abraham Pawcctt, flattie Ponders and same King, were tried for violations o: section 64-1 and fined $." each ; Mary DoDDins.drunk and disorderly, .?.; Sara Taylor and Missie Avery, disorderly. $3 each; . it. McKac, drunk, $u. a vniqvh ex am rut. . S. Grant, r. li. Cobb. Iv. D. Carter, Chas. I). Blantoii, P. A. Hull, Ilenrv Kidwood. csii.. will manage the business and umpire. 1 he game will be played according to this year's rules with the single exception that the uan is to be pitched to the batter and not thrown Next Tuesday afternoon at ;!:"iii sharp sharp at the race track have been selected is the time and place, and Iv. (.,. Carrier has donated the use of the grounds. Tnc price ol admission will he Jo cents ind every cent taken in liom whatever nice is to be turned over to Mrs. 11 . Gudger, the lady manager of the mon ument nun lor tins district, It may l e necessary to add, lor the benefit of the strangers in the city, that i he cent etiKii who will whack at tnc phere arc not prolcssionals, probably have not handled a bat lor many months, and may forget the direction they must run in order to reach lust. Consequently and therefore, there is a ureal Inn chunk ol tun m store lor an who go out. HOT El. AKKIVAI.H. ,. L. Key nobis, ; P. Stikefeather, J. M. Wcstall, 11. C. Pagg, ,Col. A. 11. Baird, Dr. W. D. Hilliard, ,. C. Martin, iE. P. McKissick, Dr. Browning, W. A. Blair, W. II. Williamson, I'. R. Ransom. W. W. West. iiie Hconle Who Arc in the Mountains Now. (,7c ii Rock : Geo. C. Cramer, Toledo, Ohio; Mrs. William Homer and daugh ter, Mrs. W. 11. Jell'tics, Danville, Va.; C T. Swain, Knoxvillc; Geo. Sudden, Tood countv, Kv.; 1. II. Lake, i.reciisioro N. C; W. V. Rogers, Virginia; Geo. 1 Knight. W. A. ICnloe anil wife, Dillsboro II. M. Bright, Wayuesvillc; Mrs. V. M I'homas, Miss Annie B. Tally, Mont oincrv, Ala ; 11. M. Lance, Cincinnati losenh Whihlcii, Charleston; Palmer Hardin. Spnnclielil, Kv.; v.. M. tuair Richmond: A. G. llalvburton, Brevard Thos. J. Cheek, New York; J. P. Bomlu rant. Aueusta; u. E. ohnson, h. L Y. R. Brown, Central, S. C; K. Webb, wile and son. Savannah: Hugh McCrary Morrlstown; II. G. Ewart and daugh ter, N. C; J. S. Pir.cknrd, Montgomciy E. VY. White, Kni xvilli; Airs. I. li. wo- riartv, Mrs. S. Corzeluis. Montgomery A. Morton, . U. Welch, Athens, Ga Ouklnml lleirhts:-l. A. Pope, W Daniel aud wife, Augusta; Miss Julia Ly nah, W. 11. Taylor, Miss Hattie Taylor, Charleston; Miss Wacherer, Philadelphia W. S. Pope and w ile, B. . Taylor nnd wife. Columbia: Mrs. C. S. Park, lv. I Alexander, Mis. lv. . Gustm, Nivannali D. M. W illiams, R. 11. Grant, E. lv. Hart man, Wilmington; Bishop Howe and daughter, S. C; Silas Mcllee, Scwanec; I H. Aveock, W . 1 . Aycock, !. C. on n Ilridal Trip Edward Gilliam, editor of Kcidsville N. C, Review was married in RculsviU Wednesday evening to Miss Birdie liar ville. Mr. and Mrs. Gilliam arc spcndiu their honeymoon m Asheville, stopping with E. B. Davis, on Montlord avenue Pntil lurther notice the cars of the West Asheville and Sulpha Springs railway will run reuularlv o: Tuesdays ami Thursdays till 10.110 p. m , special car will leave the pavilion at Sulphur Springs lor ration avenue cac, evening al the termination of the danc ing. n Sundays for the concert the cars will run till W.'M p. in. Men's all wool suits, I'arnum ei Co's. at Iv. B Index to New AdvertlHenicitlM, 1-iiK Rknt-J TN. Hell Viicni) P. 1'. Clnxton. WSTKr (i, Thiadllicc. Takkn t'r :u Graves street Monuv to Loan Jones vi Wiljh. jlO l No tion. Money. Cun be hnd on descrip- T.loK RUNT A new twelve-room hou JLj No. 4-2 Ilnilry Ntreet; itmnetliatrlr on treet enr line. 1-or particulars apply withii augluiilw J. N- HULL. -AN1 Japan Mattings, EFRIGERATORS AND ICE CHESTS -AT- H ASHEVILLE ICE AND GOAL COMPANY, DAILY CAPACITY 35 TONS. PURE - DISTILLED - WATER - ICE. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Best Anthracite and Jclllco Coal and Coke. W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FURNITURE AND CARPET STORE, 16 Patton AvemiCjAsiheville, N. C. ASHEVILLE - MILLING - COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS Roller King, Electric Light, Carolina Belle, Choice Urn- ham Flour, Corn Ideal, Corn Chops. WIIOI.i:SALK DEALERS IN CORN AND OATS. Telephone Nofl. 36 and 40. No. 30 Pattou Avenue WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Main and Eagle Streets, ASHEVILLE, N. C We will line ivady made clothing nnd gents' underwear. Our stock is always large because often replenished with a test novelties. Longer experience in handling fine men's wear, of all kinds, gives us superior advantages over all oinpetitors. We have the right stock for the most fas- idious dressers Everything we sell is warranted first el:iss in innnufacture and fit. Our prices are legitimate md low. We carry sizes that cannot he had elsewhere We make clothing to order on short notice as perlect as .1 1 , 17 - ?i. 1 r 1. . 4 1. .Innlnmi any m tue worm. e mvioe oruers mini tiuunun in-muio or sizes they can't get elsewhere. In hats we carry Duulap and oilier leading make s. In shirts we claim the best in the known world le ''Manhattan. Everything that is required 111 1 first class men s and boys outfitting establishment can e had of us in t-ame grades as in the most pretentious muses in any state. THE WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. Telephone No. 10S. GAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 71-2 COLLEGE STS. KC in Mot "Muuut Vernon," "Canmliati Club," and Old Hakei Rye Whiskies, 'l lit h. t Wiocs, Hrniulitu, Hrrr, Ale ami Stout for fatnity use. All sootln fl lirtr"J Ircr. Ale nnd Porter on drnuKht, UnUTnrt No. 1! Nortb Main and 7H CtiilcRe trcrtn. Tckphmic No. ira. I. S : On nnri alter May 0th I will tend tttntctnent of accounts by mail to parties in debted to tnc If not nettled by that time. KenpccUully, ' Frank O'Donnell PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD; OTHERS FOLLOW. THE THE PLACB TO BUY YOUR- LACES, HAMBURG EDGINGS blair k Mcdowell, UNDERTAKERS AND FURNITURE DEALERS. CALL AND SEE OUR STOCK. No. 45 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. OPPOSITE CHURCH 8TRKKT, DAY CALL NO. 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65. AND ALL KINDS OF- TAKRN VV A white and brown spotted cow. Owner can hare same by calling nt No. :u r.ravcs street and pacing tor this advertisement, auKlld2t MONEY TO LOAN We have money to loan on Asheville real eatate. JON US Ac WB11B, Rooms 3 nnd I'owcil & Snider building. auKl'Jdtf WANTHI1 A party with from $1.0u0 to $3,000 to take interest and superin tend business. Light work and good prof its luMtthe thinu for a oerson ran down in health who needs plenty of fresh air. I'or parttcniars address ti, care tnis omce. auKi'Jdtt KING'S WINDSOR ASBESTOS CEMENT FOR PLASTERING In its mixed form is sujicrior to all other plaster, because, lieini? mixed by machinery, the only thing eft to the judgment of the man at ttac mortar bed Is the right quantity of wa ter. It mates walls and ceilings more elastic than any other material known foi plaster ins. The Asueatos used renders the material a great protection against fire, and deadens sound. The extreme density of the Cement renders it vermin and germ proof. It will not chip or pit. It is free from acid. It "tries out from three to five weeks quicker than lime or hair mortar. No action takes place after setting, which la a mutter of two or three hours only. I'rost or water will not injure the work after it is once set. Kxpericncc baa shswn that ceilings well soaked from any cause will dry out as strong as ever. Falling ceilings are unknown, and the plastering will last as long as the building itself. It can be finished in any way of which ordinary plaaterinR is capable Wulls and ceilings made from this material are second to none; and, considering the advantages named, the excess of cost above lime and hair is a smull matter. The best and most convenient article known fur small jobs and patching. C. . MOODY, Sole A (cent for Asbcvllle and Vicinity. Warehouse near freight depot; telephone 73; office 30 Patton Avenue; telephone 40. Democrat Will Vote for candi dates in ine pritnarlea. T. C. Starnet, chairman of the town ship Democratic committee, give notice at follow to all democrat! who partici pate in the township primaries on Sat urday, August 27 : "Each voter in the primary will vote for the man of his choice for each of the county office, a well as for the delega tion to be ent to the county convention. Thi i done that the desire of each pre cinct may be known as far as possible." Col. chores' Appointment. Col. R. S. Cbeve' prohibition peecb in Wert Asheville yesterday afternoon drew a good crowd. Today Col. Cbeve poke at Fairview. His appointment are a follow: Hendcrwnville, Satur day. 20: Cooper'. Monday, 22; Alex dV Tueday, 23; Mar. Hill. Wed netdar.a Morgan H.ll Thurtday, 25; Asheville; colored church, Friday night. 36; Ahrville, court house, Saturday. 27; Marshall, court house, Monday, 29; Hot Spring,JTnsday, 30. Superintendent of Lunatic Asylum That, ladies, is a summer hotel clerk re cently thrown ont of employment. The Ladiea Why was he brought here? Superintendent He got to thinking he was no better than the guests of the hotel. "r The Mountain Park Hotel. The famous hostlery at Hot Springs, is filling up with guests rapidly, about 175 are now comfortably quartered there, some taking hot baths and others are there enjoying themselves. It goes without saying that Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Ross and two sons and Mr. Rogers are doing successfully all they can to make everybody leel at home; a number ot their distinguished guests are in Ashe ville today making arrangements for a grand german to be given tomorrow night at the Mountain Park. Among them are Mesdame McBee, mother and daughter, Mr, and Miss Rutherford, Dr. Bush, of New Orleans, and Mr. Chas. Green, son of General Manager Green ol the Richmond and Danville railroad Excursion from Knoxvillc and Asheville will be run for the german tomorrow n,Rht. Any neckwear we have now in stock at bait price, a. a. uarnura to. X. St. Ticket Broker, Member ot American tick et Broaer associa tlon. Clarke, brand Central Hotel, Oh, How My Head Aches To those who have ever suffered with a sick or ner- voub headache, or subject to neuralgia, and have never tried the great specific, ANTICEPH ALALGINE, We extend an invitation to call at our soda counter when suffering, and ask for a dose FREE. This is one of the best remedies of the age; has no bad after effects, 25 and GOts. per bottle Wholesale agents RAYS0R& SMITH I Dress Trimmings. Dry Goods, Motions, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Tinware, Hardware, Stationery, Toilet Soaps, Window Shades, Curtain Poles, Picture Frames, Rugs, Door Hats, Etc. LARCH STOCK OF KIBltOSS, LATEST STYLUS. ISVEKVTIUSO IS GOING AT VERY LOW 1'KICES I OR THE NEXT :w DAYS IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL STOCK. REMEMBER THE PLACE NO. 15 S. MAIN STREET. ti-OWEJSTS & JEDSTKIlSrS-Sr STAR SHIRT WAISTS r-55 Dozens ARRIVED THIS WEEK, Prices 5c. to $1.25. Fall Styles Clothing Coming Each Day Odds and Ends in Hats, Suits and Pants; 33 1-3 Per Cent. Off. E. B. BARNUM & CO., No. 8 Court Square. OTIS A. MILLER Is now remly to sell beautiful building lots In the quiet suburbs of Ashevlll e RAMOTH AND KESTHAVEN. These prices are lower than anybody else can offer and the terms of I payment are easy. The street can take tou to these Ramoth lota for a fare of fire cent. At the terminus on Lookout Mountain -will be built "CAVALIBR CASTLB," and then the prices of lots will advance greatly. Resthaven la one mile from Btltmore and three miles from Asheeille To interest yon, the first I wenty lots selected can be had at $75 each your own choice. Call at No. ix Patton Avenue, OVER MIJHNAUGH'8 STORE. OUR DSUHE! SALE COMMENCES M All Summer ONDAY. Goods Must Go at Some Price. GRAIN AND FEED STORE 67 TVortli 3Xoin Street. MIMHAUGH'S IS THE PLACE TO DO THE BALANCE OP YOUtt SUMMER SHOPPING. Our prices are as dilapidated as the aveuue at present Look to your interest and . visit our store early and often V the coming week M I M N A UGH. C. S. COOPER. ' - I t . ma ' ' A favltl BT Telephone N. 67, . . - - AsbcTllle, W. C. r0 u rttium v We carry the largest, freshest and beat stock of Fred ia Western North Carotin damaged, musty, rat-eaten stock accumulate. Wc keep It moving, coming and going Our warehouses on North Main and Water streets, together with storage house oa track, give all advantage In handling both in and out of the city. Price and quality guaranteed. Respectfully,

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