ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING, AUGUST 22. 1892. BALL GAME TOMORROW IT WILL, BE A MEMORABLE DAY FOR. SPORT. The We t'us and the You lua are to Cross Bats to Raise Money for Ine Confederate Monument Game called at 3130. Tub Citizen can promise all who at tend the ball game at the race track tomorrow afternoon a pile of pure, un adulterated fun. Members of the We I'ns ami You Uns tcami had a practice game on Montford avenue Saturday afternoon. Three innings were played, game being called on account of darkness. Dan Reynolds filled the box for the We Uns, while Gus Reynolds did the pitching act for the You Uns. I'r. Grant and Mai. West caught for We I'ns and You I ns re spectively. The We Uns went to bat lirst and put two runs to their credit, these beinj; made by Henry Penland and Dr. Grant. Powell, Randolph and Weaver went out. When You Uns came in they batted the ball all over, scoring six. Gus Reynolds made a home run, knocking t he ball almost out of sight. In the second inning, We I'ns made nothing, and You I'ns increased their score by two, West and Kerr being sponsible for the rims. The third and last iuning was as full ol runs as a Montford avenue ear is of pas sengers in Centennial times, livery man on the We Uns team scored two with the exception ot Dan Reynolds, who made one run and one out. Grant and Weaver also went out while trying to get three runs to their credit. This brought the We Uns' score up to 17. In the You Uns' hall eleven runs were made, looting up 19 for that team. Outs were credited to Adams, West and Kerr. The game was not, strictly speaking, a scientific one, but considering the fact that the majority of the plasers have not pluvcd bull in years the game was very well done. By tomorrow the players will have brushed themselves up on the game and a good exhibition, lull of tun, may be expected. It will be worth the price ot admission to see Maj. West at the bat and Henry Penland at lirst base. The clubs will play in uniform, and the colors will be: We Uns, red; You Uns, blue. An effort is being made to have the 1cam colors profusely displayed by those who attend the game. This will lend interest to the event and encourage the contesting teams. The game will be called at 3:30 tomor row afternoon. There will be an immense crowd at the grounds. Ladies are es pecially asked to attend. The proceeds of the gamearc to be donated to the fund for the erection of a monument to the Confederate dead. Admission fee, LTi cents. The arrangements for handling the crowds that attend the game will be well nigh perfect. The Asheville Street rail way company will put a hall-dozen ears on the depot line if necessary, and the West Asheville and Sulphur Springs Railway company will run all of its cars between the depot and the grounds, making the trips as fast as it is possible for the cars to be run. It is important that the people tbegin going out early in the afternoon, so the crowds may be transported without the discomforts usual when everybody wishes to go at one and the same time. Two of Ashevillc's ladies have assured prizes for the two teams. The winning team will receive a magnificent basket of llowtrs, while a cabbage head will be the defeated team's prize. These prizes will be presented to the teams on the grounds at the conclusion of the game. It is suggested that the business houses close and allow everybody to go to see the game. Every admission fee adds so much to the fund for the Confed erate monument. Dr. II. 11. Weaver has bten added to the We Uns team lor tomorrow's game. Keep this game in your mind and go out to see it ! ANOTHER (iAJli:. The Street Contractors to Play the Citv Official. The Asheville street contractors have challenged the Mayor and members e l the Joint Board for a game of baseball, to be plaved at the race track on Friday next at 3 p. m., the proceeds to go to the Confederate monument fund. The challenge has been accepted and the fol lowing players will take part: CON'IRACTORS. ! OFFICIALS. W. 0. Corpening.cp. C. D. Blanton, cp. 1. T. Bostic, :T. C. Starnes, G. M. Webb, J. R. Gates, A. M. Smith, F,d. Gates, A. R. bskridge, Frank Corpening, I. H. McDowell, E. Buird, D. C. Waddell, J. M. Gudger. C. B. Leonard, il A. Cummings, K. H. llntt. Geo. K Scott. J. L. Murray, street mcpector, will dis charge the duties of umpire. AT THE PARK. Complimentary German to he Given This Eveulutr. The souvenir german at Battery I'ark this evening will be given by Manager McKissick to the young ladies of North Carolina now stopping at the Park. Re freshments will be served and the souve nirs will lie of silver. Tomorrow evening a german will be given at the Park by H. H. Corson and Col. Leroy Springs complimentary to Mrs. Hillman of Montgomery and Mrs. Throckmorton of Birmingham. This german will be a private affair. TO CANDIDATES. Get vonr Names Printed on Tick ets at once. All who are going to be candidates be fore the Democratic convention, Sept. 3, should have their tickets printed at onceto be read? for the primaries next Saturday. The voting in Asheville township will be hv ballot, and every Democrat is urged to come out and vote for the best man of his nartv for the several offices. Don't fail f But candidates must have their printed tickets on hand. .. Adlal Ahevllle- -sept, 19. Prnm the Raleieh Chronicle it is learned that the State Democratic com' mittee bat fixed the date on which Gen, kMi v.. Stevenson, candidate for vice- president, will speak in Asheville. Thurs- day, sepiemocr in, uj portant event, and the Democrats of the country round about may fix the date in their minds. Thiawillbe Gen. Stev enson's first appointment in North Car- - olina. ' V Llcensa to Wed. Register Mackey has issued license to wed follows: " W. H. Ford and Josie Schreycr. of Bun- white. Isaac Fosixr and Matilda King, of 1 A . Buncomne; wmic 1 M Haves, aged 61, and Harriet Sides, aged 48, of Buncombe; white. AROUND TOWN. Washington, Aug. 2-. Forecast till S a. mi., TuestlavFair. vanallc wiiuls. Go to the baseball game tomorrow af ternoon. Chas. A. Webb has gone to Tate Springs, Tcnn. Chas. M. Ray ol Charlotte is at the Grand Central". F. R. Whiting of Hickory is here on business today. S. T. Pearson, cashier ol the Hank of Morgantou, is iu Asheville. Mrs. Hodges and Miss Davis of Spar tanburg arc at the Swannanoa. Rev. Chas. W.Byrd went out to Turkey Creek camp uieetiug this morning. Dr. Joshua Lockwood and C. 11 Pauls of Charleston, S. C, arc here today. Jas. C. Levi and J. V. Johnson of Louisville arc in the city on business. Chief Clerk Stewart of the Swannanoa went down to Lincolnton today for a short stay. Internal revenue collections tor t lie Filth North Carolina district Saturday were $2,S71.67. Among the proiuin nl arrivals at the Swannanoa is Senator R. Doner ol Georgetown, S. C. The superior eouit has today been engaged on the case State ex. rel. I. II. Hyatt vs. lv. Ilaird et. al. Dr. J. C. L. Hardy and wile of Savan nah, passed through the city yesterday on their way to Way nesville. The ball at Kcuil worth given by 1. Gazzam Mackenzie iu honor of Miss Nina Spolford occurs this evening. Mrs. P. li. lilaekshcar and Miss Olive Goodyear of Thomasville, Ga , are in the city on a pleasure trip, slopping at the Swannanoa. A picnic party that went upon the dummy Saturday evening would like to know why they got kit, and couse (uently hail to walk home? Rev, A. H. Gamble and wife, with party of seven, have gone by way of Old Fort to l.inville Citv, Linville Falls, and Grandfather mountain. Mrs. Allie Higgs and Miss llortcnse I'orbes, who have been visiting the lann lies of J. II. Tucker audi. D. Murphy left for their homes in Greenville, . C. this alteinoon. The Charlotte Observer says: Messrs. Harry Johnson and J. M. Morehead are at Asheville. Miss Blocker Springs and her cousin, Miss Annie Lutlill, are at Battery Park hotel, Asheville. ll is estimated that 1,000 Asheville iieople attended the Turkey Creek camp meeting There were near j, 000 people on the grounds when the morning sermon was preached. Surely you are going to the race trac tomorrow alternoon to see the great ball game between the We ' I'ns and the You 'Uns teams. Y'ou will aiil a worthy cause and have lots of fun besides. The memorial service to be held bv the Asheville liar association, iu honor ol the late Cant. C. M. McLoud, Reuben Me lirayer, B. S. Gaitber and J. J. Davis, oc curs on Thursday of this week instead ot Tuesday as announced in 1m: Unzi:x on Saturday. This morning as W. D. lloughteling was driving into the city in his buggv, accompanied by his daughter, his horse's front feet went through a hole in the flooring of the bridge across the French Broad, and skinned its legs in an ugly manner. That a county bridge should be allowed to get in this dangerous con dition is certainly good ground not only for actual but punitive damages. im.T.MORK DEMOCRAT!. Everybody Turn Out to Their Meetluit Next Thursday. Geo. W. Davis, Secretary Swannanoa Democratic club, at Billniorc, sends Tin; Citizkn the following : A large number of Uiltiiiorc Democrats met Saturday afternoon at the Newton academy lor the purpose of organizing a club to be called the Swannanoa Demo cratic club. The following ollieers were elected: K. P. Walker. President; . C. Litie, M. L. Kecd and S. A. Davis, ot liiltmorc; Jason Ashworth, of l'airview; Charles Alexander, Swannanoa; T. P. Sutton, Black Mountain; Charles Whit son. Gash's Creek; ArthtirCnse.Skvlaud, Vice-Presidents; (i. W. Davis, Secretary; W. P. Cheesborough, Treasurer. Speeches were made bv Mai. . li. ltreese, K, 1 Walker, Josiah loncs and others. A great deal of enthusiasm was shown. 1 he club will meet again onlhursdav, August '"), at t:30 p. in., at which time the meeting will be addressed by J. D. Murphy, and a full attendance is re- luested, when the regular meetings will be announced. It is proposed to have prominent speakers to address the club at its meetings. HI'CH A SIGHT ! Dear! )ok and Heaps ol Decay lull Vegetable Matter. linrroK The Citizen: I would like to ask if Asheville has a sanitary officer and if not, why not ? If so, then why is it that such a sight as greeted the passers bv on Court Place on Snndav morning is allowed? A large dead dog, which had no doubt been killed Satur day evening, lay within a few yards of the steps to the 1-irst National bank, while between there and the court yard fence lay scattered about not less than four bushels of melon rinds. This at 11 o'clock Sunday forenoon with the sun beaming down on them, causing a stench to rise from tbem enough to sicken the strongest sensibility. With this kind of a scene on the public square of our city, when hun dreds of citizens and visitors must pass along on theirway tochurch, is it proba ble that our boasted citv will long re tain its reputation as a health resort ? T. II. Lindsey. A Monday Excursion, Major Edwards, viee-president and general manager of the Mississippi Val ley railroad, with family, and General Superintendent McBee, of the Richmond and Danville, also with his family, ar rived on their private ears at noon today from Hot Springs. Major lvd ward's family will spend a week at the Battery Park. A number of Mountain Park guests came over with them today and return again to Hot Springs this evening. Recorder's Court. Saturday afternoon's court iu Re corder Miller's room was unusually large for an afternoon session. Julius B. Jordan and J. M. Lindsey were fined $30 each for carrying concealed weapons; E.B. lames, (who had claimed to be G ro ver Cleveland) drunk, $5; J. D. Lindsey, drunk, $3. - i This morning there were six drunks, the total of their fines being $30.50; one assault $5; one disorderly $3, and an other disorderly $2. THE U , E. & I. C. ROAD. VatMlerbilt Interested iu the Com pletion of the Railway. The Johnston City, Teun., prints the following item of interest to Asheville general!) "From a responsible party promineutly connected with the building of the Bris tol, Fliznlicthton and North Carolina railway, we learn that Geo. W. Yaiuler- bdt, who is now building a palatial man sion at Asheville, is greatly interested in the early completion ol the road to that .ity. .Mr. anderliilt has travciscd the section ol the country through which I he road will pass and his being so much pleased with it hasgiven assurance to iis pri'nctors ol his hearty co-operation 111. d ud 111 completing the road. 1 he sur vey has been made and the profile drawn 1 ixl all things arc 111 readiness lor the completion of the road which we are now assured will only be a short time. As soon as it is done we will have a direct line to Asheville 100 miles shoiter than by Moiristown, the way all travel has to go at present." HOT (i"Ri;s, IS. v. The Atnerlcuii Carlsbad anil Ms Vrrv Wonderful Cures Siucinl lorrcsponilincc t" Tim Cuizbn Hot Sruisc.s, N. C, Aug. JU, LS'Jl'.-A kind invitation to your correspondent keeps your correspondent most eozily quartered at this heaulilul and elegant hotel, where, notwithstanding the tact that L'OO guests are most comfortably quartered here, everything moves like clock work, and pleasures, such as Ger mans, tenpins, lawn tennis, etc., assist to the enjoyment no little. But my object today is to ask you to kindly p.ibiisli tne lollowmg letter, just received bv mine host. Dr. W. I-'. Ross, which speaks for itself. It is a duty to sutlering humanity that prompts me to have these facts made known. Au Rcvoir. Ni-.w Yokk. Aug. 1(, 1SDJ. Dr. II'. '. Ross, Miiimtiiin I'ark Hotel, Hot Sprir.i;, S. C. Dear Sir: 1 am happy to say that my wile returned satelv the 11th inst.,a well woman, thanks to the curative proier- ties ol the waters, and thccarclul treat meat received at vouraud Mrs. Ross' hands. She left me Tune -O to go to the Springs, a cripple from rheumatism, gout and in a very nervous condition, unable to walk except a few steps, and those at the cost of excruciating pain; hence you may readily understand my astonishment and pleasure on her re turn to see her run along the railway platform to greet me. I only regret not knowing of the "American Carlsbad two years ago. It would have saved her all that lime ol agony. Rest as sured that anv one 1 know ol sulVcring from rheumatism, gout, and its kindled ailments, will be confidently rcc omnienueil "the Hot Springs and you may at all times refer to me or my wife. My business address is S7 Wall stieet, New York. Please accept my warmest thanks and convey the same to your es timable wile for the kind attention be stowed upon my wife, during her stay and believe me to oc. Yours niostgiatel'ulty, Henry E.l'caice. The it. A. K. Encampment. l'or the occasion of the G. A. K. Na tion, il encampment, Washington, D. the Richmond and Danville railroad will sell tickets to Washington, D. C, and re turn Irom Asheville tor ?1.U. Tickets on sale September l.'l d I'll, inclusive; limited returning October 10, H-ill! stop-overs allowed 111 either direction at stations between Danville and Wasu iugton. Tickets good on Washington and southwestern vestibulcd limited trains. Low round trip tickets can be pur chased during encampment I10111 Wash utoii to various battlcliclds 111 11g1111a vi. 1 Kiehmouil and l,nvuic railroad. New Lamp. I 01 lighting stores and houses, a good lamp is the best, most reliable aniK heap est light. J. 11. La A South Mam street Any neckwear wc have now iu stock at hall price, li. II. Bariiuni & Co. It R Ticket Hrokrr, Member ol American Ticket llraker AHsocIa tion. Clarke, Granil Central Hotel Index to New AdverllMemeiiiM. I.cs'r Citii' n Orlicc. Wastkh Citizen (HVue. I-'ok H KNT W. T Weaver. I-'ok Kkt 1 r, n Culli'Ke Slwt. Vatkii "II." cure A. li Waloliv. C'oai. AMhvvillc- 1, r ami C'oul Compntiy. ilHAsn Oi-KsiN'; Thml. v. Thrush - Co W'antkii 113U Caxtotl HuilJuiAf, Chicago T.IOR RUST A trn room home at 109 Ll llaywund striTt. Amil? to W. T Weaver or Weaver .V Myers. auli-Mit rANTl-.l)---hneretic man of riusmcafl in TV meet merchant. S.ilary and eumuiis sum. ii.toiaxmn lununnK. cniraco. TA NTED To r nt n f vfn or eight room and within nve minutes walk ot aqufirc, rm reply to tnc iuu.n UfflK nugUaMlt TjlOR RUNT 163 College 8treet-I.rKe nicely furnished room tor ItKht honnc keepiiiff if den-red. Only few minutes' walk trom the nquare; near street car line. LOT 11 square On Patton avenue, between the square anrt Woodcock's druu store, this morning, a np snck. ! in tier will please re turn to Til ti CITIZEN OFFICE. augJ2dlt WANTED Man to take the niAnatfement of a permanent branch of an estab lished house SaWry and eipenset paid on a basts commanding a man or ability and integrity. Must invest 91,000 and glre en tire time nml attention to business. ' H, care a. k. w aiesny, L.ouumi!e, Kjr, Oh, How My Head Aches To those who have over suffered with a sick or ner- voua headache, or subject to neuralgia, and have never tried the great specific, ANTICEPH ALALGINE, We extend an invitation to call at our soda counter when suffering, and ask for a dose FREE. This is one of the best remedies of the age; haw no bad after effects. 25 and Spots, per bottle. Wholesale agents RAYSOR& SMITH DOWN THEY GOME BIG DISCOUNT ON China -AMI- Japan Mattings, REFRIGERATORS AND ICE CHESTS -AT- W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO. FURNITURE AND 16 Patton Avenue, WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Main and Eagle Streets, ASHEVILLE, N. C We .sell fine ready mads clothing and gents' underwear. Our stock is always large because often replenished with utest novelties. Longer experience in handling fine men's wear, of all kinds, gives us oinpetitors. We have the tidious dressers Everything ass in manufacture and lit. uid low. We carry sizes that We make clothing to order any in the world. We iuvite orders from clothing dealers for sizes they can't get elsewhere. In hats we carry Dunlap and other leading make s. In shirts we claim the best in the known world, the 'Manhattan.' Everything that is required in i first class men's and boys' be had of us in fame grades louses in any state. THE WHITLOCK Telephone No. ION. blair k Mcdowell, UNDERTAKERS AND CALL AND SEE OUll STOCK. No. 45 Patton Avenue, Asheville, N. C. OPPOSITE CHUKCII STRKUT, DAY CALL NO. 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65, KING'S WINDSOR FOR PLASTERING In IU mixed form is uwrlor to all other plaster, bccnunc, beinj; mixed by machinery, the only thing eft to the judgment of the man at ter. It makes walls and ecillrui more clastic ing. The Asuestos used renders the ma'crial a great protection against fire, and deadens sound. The extreme density of the Cement renders it vermin and germ proof. It will not chip or pit. It is free trom acid, It dries out from three to five weeks quicker than lime or hair mortar. No action takes place after setting, which is a matter of two or three hours only. Frost or water will not injure the work that ceilings well soaked from any cause will arc unknown, and the plastering will last as in any way of which ordinary plastering U capable Walls and ceilings made from this material are second to none; and, considering the advantages named, the excess of cost above lime and hair is a small matter. The best and most convenient article known for small jobs and patching. C. E. MOODY. Sole Affcut for Asheville and Vicinity. Warehouse near freight depot; telephone OTIS A. la now reuiljr to stll beautiful building lot. AND KUSTHAVBN. These price, are lower payment arc easy. The Htrcet cars take jrou to these Ramoth lot, for a fare of Atc cents. At the tcrinlnu, on Lookout Mountain will be built "CAVALIER CASTLH." and then the prices nl lots will advuoce greatly. Resthaven is one mile from Biltmorc and the first I wenly lots selected can be had at $75 each your own choice. Call at No. ii Patton Avenue, OVER MIMNAUGH'S STORE. GRAIN AND 07 IVortli 3Iitin Htreet. We carry the largest, freshest and beat damaged, musty, rat-eaten stock accumulate Wc keep It snoTtng, coming and going Oar warehouses on North Mala and Water streets, together with storage house on track, gire all advantages In handling both gaarantecd. Respectfully, C. S. COOPER. Telephone No. 67, CARPET STORE, Asheville, N. C superior advantages over all right stock for the most fas we sell is warranted first Our prices are legitimate cannot be had elsewhere on short notice as perfect as outfitting establishment can as in the most pretentious CLOTHING HOUSE. FURNITURE DEALERS. ASBESTOS CEMENT the mortar bed is the right quantity of wa than any othtr matcrinl known fut plaster after it is once act. Uxperience has shown dry out as strong as ever. Falling ceilings long as the building itself. It can be 6nlshed 73; office 30 Fatton Avenue; telephone 40. MILLER lathe quiet luburbs of Aihcvllle RAMOTM than anybody die can offer and the term, of three miles from Asheville To interest you, FEED STORE stock of Feed la Western Koith CaroliQ in and out of the city. Price aad quality AahcTllle, N, C. DO YOU WANT TO BUY COAL? If you do here are some Interesting Prices, on GENUINE JELLICO ' and Finest Quality of Genuine JliLLICO Homestic Nut, Domestic Nut, " " Lump " " $4.C5 ear lots $4.50 Best ANTHRACITE, Ivirg, Stove or Chestnut, car lots $8.40 " " " " ' single tons $8.65 Al.l. C0AI. CLEAN AND KKlCli FROM DUST AND DIRT. Quality and Weights Guaranteed. ABOVE LOW PRICKS ARE FOR SPOT CASH ONLY. ASHEVILLE ICE AND COAL COMPANY, Leaders of Low Prices. Telephone Nos. 36. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO. 19 NORTH MAIN AND I - Keep in toc "Muiiiit Vcrnun," "Cnimdlflti Club," nml old Kaker H Whlxkira. Wines, llrandic., Hcrr, Ale and Stout for family use. All K(otl!t delivered Ire l'orter i u drnuKht. En tern me No. 19 North Main and 7V4i College itrerts. No. I.-.M. r. S : On and after May tith I will aend debtetl to me if not settled by thnt time. PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD; OTHERS FOLLOW. THE THE PLACE LACES, HAMBURG EDGINGS AND ALL, Dress Trimmings, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Stationery, Toilet Poles, Picture Frames, I.AKVI- STOCK OF K'IBHOSS, LA TEST STYLUS. LVEMTIIlXt; rs autsc AT YF.KY L(V I'RICES FOR THE NEXT ao DA YS IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL STOCK. REMEMBER THE PUCE NO. 15 S. MAIN STREET. -OWE3STS cSc JENKINS- STAR SHIRT WAISTS 55 Dozens ARRIVED THIS WEEK, Prices SOc. to $1.25. Fall Styles Clothing Odds and Ends in Hats, Suits and Tants; 33 1-3 Per Cent. OH". E. B. BARNUM &CO No. 8 Court Square. OUR mm COMMENCES MONDAY. All Summer Goods MIMHAUGH'S IS THE PLACE TO DO THE BALANCE OF YOUU SUMMER SHOrPlNO. Our prices are as dilapidated as the avenue at presents Look to your interest and visit our store early and often the coming week. M I M NAUGH, No, ii Patton Ave. Asheville. N, C ANTHRACITE Coal. finale Ions single Ions $4.00 per ton delivered. No. 30 Patton Ave. 7 AND 71-2 COLLEGE STS. O - I - 7 he hi ! Ale mid Telephone atatcment of aeeounU by mail to purtiei Keapt-ctfiillv, T TO BUY YOUR.- KINDS OF- Shoes, Hats, Trunks, Valises, Tinware, Soaps, Window Shades, Curtain Rugs, Door Mats, Etc. Coming Each Day Most Go at Some Price. SALE

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