ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN: MONDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 4, 1892. 17 A I I nil i u inai ii a i n l mi VI i iw. 'c 4.23 They all Testify To the EtScac; oT the World-Renowned Swift's ' Tho old ttmo lr.i I remedy from tilt- ueor;,:.i swanina oml fu-l.l.i I irono forih to t'.:o nul;-i astonishlDKttiOBktptli'"' ! confounding- tho tivvlx ut Ihmowko dew1" rA'; f-n t! i I physician's skill. Thrro r. 1:0 Iwo t 'mint which ltdoenotIi :mei:!alt'.y radicate. Polsona outwardly absorb-d or t' result of vllo diseases from wltBtnaUj'lcM In il H potent li-tt slmplo remedy. It la im lir.cqu.ilcil tnnle, bullilsilp tho old nml feeble, cures nil iliscmea orislns from Impure Mood or wcnkciiej vitullty. Send fop a t remise. Examine, tho prouf. lkioks on " Blood and Sklu Diseases" mailed free, Pru'jgtata Sell It. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Drawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. Morning Noon Night i Good nil Hie time. It removes ' the languor of morning, sus- , tains tlio enemies of noon, lulls 1 tlio weariness of night. Root Beer ppctizlng. CATCHING A LION. HOW A WAS BLACK MANED CAUTY CAPTURED IN AFRICA. The Perfect Specimen That an African Huuter Wm Ordered to Take, nod Mow He W Finally Successful After n Long Walt. nires 1 i!clicic;:s,'UHao;, : 11 .n't I ,r,!ve,l if .1 t. r . f..r ill. sake .1 I i ;-r piiiit, li it i y n s.'iiie olhrr kind ii . s i o . l 'iiLiiiUc ,o wiiuuun 'i i ; . o c i:--i.m:ic iiutki. FOFl ALL BLOOD amSK DISEASES Botanic Blood Balan li. r..- SCROFWA. ULCCRS. SALT 1 1, VMtca RHEUM. ECZEMA, (very 1 form of malignant blllfi ERUPTION, be- i sides being eKicuclouo In toning up the ( system and itsicrim the corstltutlon. when Impaired firm cr.v caiice. Its 1 almost superiialurcl healing properties lustily i:r. In rriamtcslng cure, It , directions r.rc f::ew::l. SENT tLDy.''' f ir II ; '1 f : .rr.-n.ATn I V. 'Indira.' -r'a, Ca. -..o.s-tV $16 TO $21 1111 J-.--'. ill TYLER DESK CO., ST.LOUES.MG Our Mammoth C'atalof.-necf Bnk Cocntehs. Dusks, and other Oi-i-tris Fubniture f'. ; IHfbl now ready. N:'v Goods. New Styk in Desks, T:m1-.'s, i'Jsnirs, liook Cases, Ca'i nets, tc, At'., :'ia ft mutchk-ss rin ok nhcnii iii'.'iii t. C;ir goods ore vi " knoivn -'!(. ir.-t ty in every country tl: Rnt'iikH Kin ii 'i ('i,t;il',",'ii's free. I'ostiiRt1 . I'XOFftSMOSAI, C !Vi.J MAJOR i M. BLAIR. Auctioneer - and - Coll c( or reruns h.'ivins rrntn to collect will find none better and I'rompt I will al-io rent 1. ousts when required. LOCK HOX IJ'J auKUOdtf A. II. C01315, STEN OC; RAPII ER t.av Work a .Specially. ROOM 10 FIK5T NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, J. A. THNN.VWT, ARCHITECT : AKD : CONTRACTOR Plans, specif ei lion und c tint a ton fu nished. AH work in my line contriuted for. and no charges (or drawin.t; on contract nwai dod inc. licicrtiitfr when drsiml. Othco, Siuthc;it Curi quure. ARhevil'e, N. t'.blUdly MILTON HARDING CONTKACTOK Otlk-v nud sho C'OKNKR COUKT AND IIU11.HKK. , Wolt'c HuildinK. 1'LACH AND STKltliT. (JA1NKS & FKENCU, CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS. If you want your dwelling or furniture re paired call and see us. I'NDIiRTAKING A Si'HClAI.TY. o'ri South Muin Street, Ashcrille, S. C. julyOiltl' INSURE YOUR PROPERTY WITH E. J. ASTON, General i Insurance i Agent. Rear No. 1!0 South Mnln street. BatabliBhed 180n. auS dlv Ashevlilc, N. C II. II. BRITT, CONTRACTOR & BUH DER IN STONE. Gradlug of all kludM done. All sizes of crushed atone furnished. Send all orders to postolnce Bon 18, Asheville, N. C. auglSdtf R. H. RKKVIiS, D. I. S., ovvick t.'niinally BiiimuiK. over Kcdwood's ('tore Putton Avenue. Reitidcnec, 35 ruee street. F. RAMSAY, D. P.S. Dental OltlCC I Over the National Bank of Aahcville, Bar nard Building. Residence, 69 Charlotte at. fcbVOdlT DR. li F. AllIUKUrON, Officii liOOMS 0VKKC08ll"8jltWUI.KVST0Kll, I'ATTON AVBNUB. fMrSpeclal attention given to filling teeth diseased gums aod nl i the dental structure. and treating diseased gums and nil diseases is to mayl3dtf iwrtainina Copyright, leV.', by Charles B. Lewis. There died la Paris, in the year ISO), u citizen named M. Clergett, who was both an eccentric and a miser. For the lust ten years of his life ho visited the Royal Zo ological gardens almost daily, and he al ways took his stand before the- cage of a certain lion named Majestic. The beast was a very largo and powerful auiinul, and between him and the miser there came about a friendship which was the talk of all visitors. M. Clcrgett was (Jie ouly human being who dured put his hand into the cago and caress the beast, nud lmil it been permitted he would have entered the cage. Ho had only one fault to find with Majestic. The monarch was lint a black maned lion. A great French hunter who hail traveled in Africa had told him of seeing a black maned lion, which wns a far largi'r beast, and he was never quite satisfied with his pet after that. The lion, rfter a captivity of sixteen years, died in April, IN!!). M. t lergrtt died only twenty days later. It. is said that he died of jiiii'f lit the loss of Mnje.i- tic. lie that as it may, he left n will In whicli the sum of J15,000 was donated to the jioo, "to procure from Africa a full grown specimen of the black inaiicd lion, who shall be named nftiT me." It was provided that "on each and every Sabbath day the said lion shall be nil it li d to live pounds of dressed fowl, in addition to his regular diet of fresh meat," and at his death he was to lie honored with a tomb stone setting fnrt li his name and other par ticulars. The bequest was art:cplrd, as the old miser turned out to be very well oil' and hud no reluiives to goto law over his will. An order was nt once dispatched to the great animal dealer nt Hamburg, bet black maned lions are likewhileelctihaiibS few anil far between. The house not had one in live years. The order was placed to be lilleil, however, and one day, weeks luler, while I was in tlio Kuclmaua country and had secured a rhinoceros and two leopardt., a letter was received by mes senger from the coast., which read: Drop nil other work until you huvo captured a full grown, black mailed lion. lie must be u perfect specimen." To read was t i obey. itlmi half nn hour I was sending out couriers to the natives with the p:'oniie of a musket end fifty charges of powder to any one who could furnish the in forma tioii wanted. Tho news reached a vilhigj fifty miles away before I'.nj thiiig came of it. Then an old man Kent me Word to romo und see him, nud when I hud arrived I found that he had just reached home from a vh-it to a village nearly fifty miles to tho west. There he hail lixiu Id a black mailed lion with his own eyes, and had colon very near falling a victim to him as well. Tho beast had just made its appearance in the locality, and was described ns the largest lion any of the natives had ever seen, lie had nn unusually heavy mane, mid it. was almost jet black, while his color was that of a mouse instead of tawny. This latter fact, if it was a fact, proved that the ani mal was not yt-t over HI years oiil, though full grown. The old man offered to guide US to the village, and after a three days' march we reached it, to find a collection of about fifty huts situated on I in: banks of u small river. .Stretching away to the north was a sterile plain, and two miles in rear of the village was a range of moiiti tains. Iletweeii the stream and the moun tains the ground was fertile, anil the vil lagers were living in peace mid plenty. At night their eal tie were secured in a kraal or pen, const tutted of logs and thorn bushes, and up In the date of the appear ance of the black maned lion no wild beast had ever go. into the pen. Tho new arrival had signalized his tires ence by carrying off one of the herders.and only the night before our arrival he had leaped tho barricade, killed n steer about 'J years old and then removed tho body to a mass of rocKs fully a mile from the vil lage. Tho trail was still fresh and could have been followed to the spot where tho lion was sleeping after his meal. The fence was seven or eight feet high. A Hon could leap Into the pen easy enough, but the fact of this fellow leaping out again with his prey was something to excito wonder, There was plenty of blood and hair on the thorns and sharpened sticks, but it ap peared that he had neatly cleared tho fcuco with his heavy mid awkward burden. In deed, a dozen or more of the villagers who had been turned out by the rumpus In tho pen saw tho lion as lie canto out. lie also saw them, and roared defiance and waited for them to come forth and Kivc battle. When he finally went away he had the car cass of the steer by the neck and drew tho body along the ground. A lion does not h ap into a kraal until ho has made the circuit of it two or three times and selected a particular spot. If ho comes again he makes use of tho sumo spot, provided it has not meanwhile been repaired. Knowing this to be n fact, the natives seek his destruction by digging a pit inside t he fenco at a spot where he will alight. This fellow, as was clearly to be seen, had made his bound six feet from tho base of the fence and had alighted at about tho same distance on the other side. It was not to be expected that ho would re turn that night, but we at once began work on a pit. When completed it was ten feet long, six feet wide and twelve feet deep, and we cut and drew up a lot of heavy poles to place ucross it iu case we had to keep him prisoner for two or three days. No attempt was made to conceal the pit, ns the lence was ery tblck at that point, It was a full moon that night, and from my post in one of the huts I caught sight of the lion at about 0 o'clock. Ho did not roar when leaving his lair, but came out of the thicket as silently ns a cat moving on Its prey. He came down to within 200 feet of the kraal, and then stood and listened and sniffed tho air as if Ills suspicions had been aroused. He was a fine target for a rifle, but under the circumstances he was safe from my lire. Tho cattle soon scented him and crowded to 1 he other side of the pen, and the dogs of the village likewise made a great fuss, but Ids lordship was not in the least put out. I could not have seen him better by daylight. By tho use of my glass I had him within a few feet of me, and I saw that he was a grand speci men. Aside from his maue there were black tufts on his legs, with a black plume at the end of his tail, and I was determined to mane mm my prize if it took a year ot waiting and planning. Tho natives said that the lion was not hungry, but had come out for exercise and to spy around. lie was In full view for over nntrtir of an hour, and what started him off was the distant rour of another lion. Ho roared in reply, and it seemed ns If the sound would shake down the roof of tho lint. Half an hour later we hoard the sounds of a terrlllo combat half a mile sway nud the natives jwhlspered: "That Is good! Fighting will make him hungry mid less cautious, and tomorrow night we shall capture him." Next morning some of the men scouted around and found the spot where the fight took place. It was on an open spot be tween thickets, with grass four inches high on the earth. The st ruggle had been a ter rible one. The tod was torn up, the grass covered with spots of blood and tufts of balr, and a trail was found where one of the fighters had dragged himself Into the thllrr. Two or tr mm fnllnwMi It and found a grand old lion lying dead. When he had beeu pulled out we found him to be above the usual size and about 10 years old. He had simply been chewed to strings The bones iu both forelegs and iu one hind leg had been crushed, an car torn off, his throat dreadfully mangled and his hide so torn that he was not worth skin ning. Male lions never meet without a terrific battle, but it seldom occurs that one is killed. The one who gets the worst of it takes to flight, and the victor is satis fied with holding the battlefield. That night, uo mini iu the village went to bed. It was expected that our lion would show up at an early hour and all were prepared to rush for I he kraal as soon us l:-i should lei:) in. A bit of carelessness o'l the purt of I lie herders brought about a" other disappointment, iu driving in the caitl" thi-v hud failed to round up tt vcar- liug calf, mi.l we heard nothing from the estray until the lion had shown himself. Just at. dusk he roared loudly, and us the moon came up we caught sight of him ad vancing upon the kraal. The cult was on ' the other sit!c of the inclosttre keeping very ipiiet, hut- us the lion stopped and roared again the frightened animal began running around the pen to seek for the gale. As he came annuel on our side, run ning blindly and never seeing the lion, the latter cromi:ed and sprang. rf he distance wns about fifty feet, lie divided this into lli:-eo leaps tho first two at fifteen feet each and the third at twenty. I had a fairly good lcok nt his movements and I was astonished at his activity. The pause be tween his bounds was only a breath. As he struck the calf ho seized it, by the neck and wrenched to right and left, killing it on the instant. He did not offer further iolenci", probably being satisfied that his ictiiu was dead, but for five minutes h- stood facing us Willi his paws on l he c.r'- ass and growled defiance. Had a man shown himself outside of a hut tho lion would have charged right at him. After awhile, finding that his defi was not ac cepted, he picked tho calf up and trotted away as a dog would wit h a bone. Twice before ho reached the thicket he paused to loo!; back, but we had no thought.) of mov ing out- of our shelter. As the calf was not ill good condition, the natives believed the lion would return next night, hut ho did not. Orders were issued fur t!i people to keep very (pii. dining tho day, and for the herd to 1 i penned an hour earlier than usual. On tho second night, just at dusk, we heur.l tho old fellow roaring good and strong as ho left his lair, und the head man said to uie: We arc sure, of him this time. Cuu't you tell by his roar that he i.-i liuujryf He will come straight to the kraal." It is doubtful if (ho lion ever roars be- causo of hunger. His roar may rather he considered a challenge to his enemies. It is a signal that he has finished his nap ntid is ready to ui'i-t all coiners, and all l ha smaller animals Dec in confusion when his tones are heard. Tho natives insisted, however, and they were right, except that he did not appear as soon as expected, lie went oil in the oilier direction, roaring at intervals und perhaps looking for a change of diet. H was close on to 1 1 o'clock, and we had not heard his voice for an hour, when I suddenly heard something walk ing with a tread as heavy ns that of an ox. I thought it was an ox until I saw the lion himself. The moon was now up, and he advanced upon the kraal without even looking our way. His bearing exhibited grim determination. He walked straight to the spot where he had leaped iu before, halted for an instant to see if the fence had been strengthened since his other visit and with an angry growl and a switch of his tail he went over. The cat tle bellowed and rushed about, but after a couple of minutes the head mail whispered: ill! certainly fell Into the pill heel tho cattle have become more quiet. l,ct us go at once." At a signal wo all rushed for the gate and opened it. A mistake would mean death to two or three, but tho native had reasoned correctly. Wo were not a mo ment too soon, however, as the fellow was springing up anil catching the banks with his paw s. W e hustled the poles across the excavation, weighted them down, and then everybody Iu the village began to sing and yell and dance. I had promised the people a keg of ruin, ten pounds of powder and five muskets In case of a capture, and the reward was a big thing to them. The cattle were turned out, fires lighted and all spent the night In watching and rejoic ing. Ninety-nine times in a hundred a lion Is no sooner trapped than he loses all his sand and will whine and beg like a puppy. This fellow was tho exception. He roared, growled and menaced, and but for the poles ho would certainly have got out among us and wreaked diro revenge. When morning came we began building a cage and cart. He must be transported 430 miles before we could get water trans portation, and over 1,000 before we could transship him to a vessel. The cage was made with double bars, each as large as a man's arm, and of hard wood. We had it ready by night, but tho lion was by uo means ready to enter it. Our only way was tu noose him, place tho cage over the pit nud draw him up into it by main strength. For two whole days he defied our every effort, seeming to grow fiercer with every failure on our part, but ou the third day we got tho better of him. Wo kept him from food or drink for four days, but ho neither fell away nor abated one jot of his ferocious spirit. I did not start him until tho tenth day of his capture, hoping for a change, but as none came he was finally turned over to a guard of t hirty natives and his journey began. Iu duo time he reached the Hoyal gardens, but savage as ever, and even after ten years of captivity he was the most ferocious brute in the whob collection and feared by everybody. lie was ono of the few lions born with such a savago spirit that taming is an impossibility. CURES RISING .-. BREAST "MOTHER'S FRIEND" ofTt'it'd I'liiid-iH'!. I 1 . 1t)i imd-wiJY fnr many yc:ir;, :t:i! ii t;,--!i r.isu where "Mother's FrienJ" Jm-. in nii-.t d i i,;, acruinplislieil wonders r.i:d iHirvi-d inmli sulTei injr. It. N tlio i test, rttnc'y I'm riir;; n Ihe nreat i.imv, :., ann v.n.iM li t-1 rice it.r i,,:tt alone. .Mi;.-. M, ?!. 1im.i i:. Mis.- ; u.ity. Al: v Ml v ;;i WANT COLUMN. VSATI-IK llfANTHJ' It. Zr.tifl- H Smith Main. If bujs all kinds s unit h and -;ids f cash. uui;idlm t enn tell all exiieetftnt iivt!hrs if tl tifitsn few hiitlh s nl' M:th:r; I r r-l tl pi through tho onlcal uth""' ; : id.) ; MdTering. Mil. M.w 1' amiam. Arus. ille, . birth w : i's f;,j.", It I, t '.h! : . ( WANTHD . buyer t".r r.rV'ro liinlts. r.reat barun. J KM. I, WAKli. koinn lis Kevij-dda HuildiiiK. As'ievle, N. C. qu .'indtf WAN rF! To trade eh nice bit cn street enrlbe in Ifittnnlhtor Im-i her. AIfu will trnde v . - c' r f'ir l'uil' Kn- nmrct'-ir t:- ; Kr, r-i. J It IU tier, over Mi. mi "tore. auKiif l'seil Mnlhcr's I'rien-.l I eiejlth cliilil. V ill lieu rci Mas. ,1. r. Sent by express, chare j-rt .11 :ee--ij-t of price, fl..V) per buttle. BRADFIIZLD REGULATOR CO., Sold by nil druggists. Atlanta, C a, WANTKD COMPETENT RELIABLE OFFICE BOY ,ive rc:Vreiu-e nml iiijc; stale salury ex pee tit anil whitliir or nut cnu work even ing. II nlrai I of't "iiiily. line preferred who i- n us a t (i"iviitir. Adiln ss II CITI7.1.N ill I-'IClv aiilCRLST mi ! I'.ikiht n;i!ei t' .sluviHe V 'idle from Sky bind Hpnis eros, m tcrilist tin eye. ear, throat and n.-ise diseases o-an be IV' und ovir Katsor Smith's uiufr store. No at pntt n hv nue. Fitt'UK of K'at-weH alt u sptci.dt.v wor. Ilutirn 9 a. ui tu 1 p i.i. ;i p. m. t- Ji p. m. (ulvldtf DK-TKAM.l? Ol-l-'ICS McAfee budding, t'a.t. p.v to lull.. (, iiutftdtf lor rmt in th' in a vr nue. Ap III 1-H. AjiCIit. 1.1m R RliNT Handsomely- fur ' is rooms, No.ri'U'olh-ve -ir auji! l-!tf ed ihmkc liU tit JMIM Lllf I If. Afit . Nu 1 l.n:;l 1,1()I RKXT 1. iscment V - (iooit bent, l'om n, tie Suitable lor any hu-im-' ;it uiu-v App'y to W. (i ft nt'-M I w In ?n :ib r e -;!' is. llo-Nsii)n woi.i-i-;. .t I. lidding. 11m W Uli NT One H rr-om ml'Mi. ; lint-wood street; ii v line. All mudi in ci.nvi iiivi;ie- A llnvAood sircrt, -1 do. if v. e I :.u.-.ldtr . $'j p,r. s 1 J pet w c U; $ to per MiK-;S. I'r .ji'r. Sky am!, N. C" . The "IVitee'ton nl P-t cent im-iv t.ei jhmI :i'M per I i iifStf!-.' "irt-fiL th tit. more tlmfi an ' ! has MMi llu'ii 'mi', nth' r n: i Tt i. (L M I I ImZ Dourer:? ti CIVIL EHGEEtlU":,, SCIEHCE AN.i A.'.V, mil Commercial C-curs. I'raet Icnl Course I n Telegraphy. Inst met i. . :i in Musioand Art. Cornet Hand. Location famous for licaiity und Ilealih. For those not prepared for College Classes, there Is u Complete Preparatory Department. liesldent Surgeons. Preparatory Medical lieparluieut. No chargo for medical uitcn lion. Low rates, l-'or particulars, ail-iress DAVIS SCHOOL, Winston, N. C. IlMK KlvNl 1 niie v t'iird lor !i;lit hou-;. keeping iliiiiutcs' walk Irtnu t lii.c stn-i-t- Lin H.lll' i d Oulv li w i:if t rcct car sept 1 il w QRMAL AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG WOMEN, ASHEVILLE, 1ST. C Will Open Its First Section Sept. 15, 1892. Tin kle 1- -lit -tc i: spacious,;'-'.; ,-eiv i lui nisht d v. ii, ; -gns; hcriLii bv ho- . The health und iu.liit.s pie space given lor outilooi i-ni within doors. No expense bus bei o spar ransements perfect. t t the must I mmplricfl lot ati-r Ii tu" - p ! n iii ,; . it ii i- pin . i'l I' ll IM -I el no in' si, bin hoi As'.uvillc, N. C. The s ufc, ot a cost til' $l'itl,(lO0, will be mm ihe i i-i 'iiisis; will be lighted bv ' :ic I i'. hi baths. :-. t . : i --; ! - Liiaidcd. Hesidcs tht am iiud uymnnsiuni will be fitted up il to in.. kc the sewcruge and sanitary ar- Four Separate Courses of Study Will be Of fered to the Student. h i.r;iiuing ot '.cachet a uittlcrinstriK"- .'iitctcnl. anil modern lan- hookkct'p- IvS'M'KU ;(i( K'bN 1 7.' aetts near fit city, sp'rmiiii ijra t, pit nt i ot yvati r an! di.ulc, " A in pH- tor 4'i or ;") head o- cattle. 11 ic.' .VJ : ei pf.ut'tli i i i h' ltd A pt ly to e it oflicir j;;d'f !' Kl-.NT I'K S.M-b-n At 'in'ti n 1Mjh4 'od iictKhl" rlr l- U Il'.i'i 't: It Wi'il- Nc u M' fi: i In court house - i iilv to junel'lH! if I.. It Al. liXAMU K, nt mtrt u Carolina ' rp.i ) NT 1 Keih'e. e- No 14-1- lid! loot houst, S n oins, li.'i.'.e-i ';iih n.on's antl haserrt-u t . All tnoiU-ri cm- v'uier.CiS. Terms rt s. ti.tye. A"llv to jtiuelodtt No. '.) e,t 'J curl .cjuare. IlMK lil-NT Tot; THIS S' MV.I-K lv . residence t" West .' s'ie hall acre lot with birfc'e oaky; tn d well, stable, ei-'.. tic Sevtn rooti.ii in the Imusj and furnished ( hor-if, tiling v and harmm for sale, muvlldtt c n suivrnwick VALUABLE LAND J OR SALE, llv vi' tu ol uuth irity conferred by n cer tain deed ot mortgage exei-uud by ,. V (jueen ad Mary I. 0"een, his yviiV, to the "Ash-ville llorievte.ul and I.onn Assoeia tioti" dated the Wth day of Nuvemla r, A. 1). lSn. and teconb-d in the otfice of the Kcjxis'e- of Ieedi of llunvombi court v North Caro'ma in book ol inortya'-cs and (lee s ot irtift No o" pj."s ri'.i' scipMinu up n ,hieh innrtKat-.-default has been nut tie, we wil' on SMTIiltAV. Si:i' l KM II K, 1 7th. nt the court house door in the city of A"h vllle. ei.untv or Pu- coml e slate (d North Carolina, st 11 at mi'ilie iictiii t the niftiest bi.'d'T mr cas:; th- land and premis-s con veyed by the snt.l inort:ice and il-'HT'hMl i herein HHiV.l'ows: Iteuinninti "ii then- rth- east co mr o! the lot iotivcy:d to Njhvv I. (JueenbyJ K bory mi 1 w iff hy d. e : dnteil hclL'tn "av ot AlllMiSt. i' I rieoroeu in the i Ifiee ol the Rei'i' 'et of 1K-. ds ol Itun- lithe county in bot k No. o, pae r.'ii an. I s with th.-1 a-tern 1 tie of scid lot south .-ntv-ni' e ile.'n cs ast (S V. t one bun- died and tif -two and on -lmil U"',-.) feet :o ii slake; tli'-nce south lory-evcn ucjirees AL'Sl S.47 W on a line ara'lel to Mill steet. sixv-six ((id) f et to th; ester n line of the sai i lot conveyed by J I. Lorn? and wife to Mary yueen; thenc wi'h inid w st ern line north twenty-nine decrees west I N. L'ii ' W.) one huiidee'l and forty three (U31 feet, tight and a half (K'v inches to the southern margin of Hid street; thence with aiil margin of Hi I st-ct nrthtorty evtn itegrte" east N. 7 K I sixty-six Mbi) feet to the beginning; the ahove d scribed lot being a port-on of the said lot eonveved to Mnrv L. (Jueen by J K l.mig and wile hereinbefore described, re( rrtiee to which is hereby madr' JUNKS & WliHIl, At'orneys for the ''Asheville Homestead and I,oau Assoeiat ion" mortgagee. This IMrddny of A if ust, A. 1) , ISP" DANVILLE R. R. CO. V. V. llt'iui-Kopt k and Ri;i im:x Iosti:u Keciivers. WESTERN NOSTil CAROLINA DIVISION. .Vndci.s.d schedule in t licet August 7, ISitJ. .4. ir Yswn i .tt i: :'i.v, Or you tiro (id worn m,;. tc.-ii'y gotd for nutb iug, it i (-e 'tldcbilii v ry Jlh'OMA'-i I If OA" Hil'TtiltS. $' till euro yrt, ci"iitisc yonr iivr, anil aoKjaptiti.iua So far ns we know no remedy equals ANTICEPHALALGINE in curing headache and neuralgia. 25 and 50 .cuts a bottle, nl KAYSOR & SMITH S. EASTBOUND ,v Knoxville, " Morristow n. Lv. Paint Kock, ' Hot Springs, Iv. Asheville, ' Round Knob ' Marion. " Morganton, ' Hickory, " Newton. ' Statesviile, Ar. Salisbury. ' Crenisbori., ' ltanill. Ar. Richmond, l,v. (irteiisboro Ar. Hurnam, " Kidiigh. " Goldshoro, Lv. Danvide, Ar. Lynchburg. ' Washington. " Ualtimore, " Philadelphia, New York, 1 westbound; Lv. New York, Philadelphia, " Baliimore, " Washington, " Lynchburg, Ar. Danville, Lv. "ichniond ' litinville, Ar. t .rtensboro, Lv. I'toldsboro, Lv Kaleigh, ' Iiurhani, Ar C.reeusboro. Lv tlrcentioro, Sabslmrv, StnteffviUc, Newton, Hickory. Morganton, Marion, Round Knob, Asheville, NO-10 l y.aui l'i toutn uooum lOL'4-uin 1 1 im.i in lliOKpiu 1 ,".0,m 1 fiTjim 2 f0ini 400PU1 10 jopni I'J t.'.aai n siiniii "ioaoini I 2 4iill I L':i'in :i i r.inn i i aupin II oopm (I L' I I '5pin .", OOnlil li l.'opni NO. 9 7"0ar.i IKITuui K'lvNT l-'.-ur st'irv hri-k tiiiil(lini4, ix 1 ."0 a it. !m-:i I'. il on Pulton a vi nue, lo-iiiM-lv oi-euoiiil hv llei A:iheviile Shoe . o . i sj-i-e 'illy ailnpti-d t- r iiiuiiUKii-turin; pur- oivdiiei'l l" CilioL uie: .MirciO'listy. li:liplir'; lit one otlic 1 II 1-. AMI l: 11. 1.!-. M:lll. 1.1 I. I fill I". HOAKDIKti. I I V A 'I 15 IH1AKIO M'.-A e iU.t;l)U- r-'oil ! ' lii'iiid at ii.oilerati- t r c s. ll.rk Iii-iii civ oivu t;u a. i;-t- i;rnve Si, . rilli NOKMAL COURSE, fur the thr, tots from the best Norma! Schools. J. SHM1NAKY CA' COI.LVGIATE COVKti:, including Ullages, sciences, uiiimc. 'Irawmj;, itc. ,'(. COMM1SKCIAL CurtiSE, ir.iludi.i stcimiiipliv, typewriting mji. iVC. A. Dlil'Ah'TMl! 7 OF IxiMIiSTIC SC1F..XCE. I a). .Scuntilic Cui'liinp The study ol'thc in-oiluctiun null manufacture uf Inods, -c. (u). Sewinu liminacinK the cuttinj; und littinj; id yunncnts, miliiuci v, iVc. The teachers at the hcml of this licpni timiit arc hum the famous I'rnll School, llrooLlvn, N. V., and t lie others from the Ins! institutions in the country, chosen with reference to Christian character, experience and ability as teachers. A thoroughly organized Preparatory Iu p.n tment has been furnished for all such as arc not prepared bv the higher classes. '1 he school year will lie divided into t'Vo terms; cost to pupil .550 per term, or SUKI per year, which barely covers the expense of board, the school beinu practi c.illv free, haviii); been provided lor by a few lil cial friends of hnnale education. CAY PUPILS $12.50 PER 1EF.M CR $25 DO FOR SCHOOL YEAR. For further particulars apply to .Villi 1 L'-dci; wow IlCY TllOS- l.ilVlffliCC, ASlIliVlLUi, N C. RINK THE KNOXVILLE BEER Ihe Best and Purest on Earth. Only the finest l'ii Viirinn lltisand Mult used in its niiimifacture. w .i gle and ' h lirst-c'ass g tabl 4 and 1 M.-CAl'K, I'tT Pa ' o-i nve rp-iK i H l J I No J 11 H; iio't-ii ata ej.-w cold watt; c ptoy i I . tl :n line. (t:i:-'ti l ' '' Ptivate bof: riling house. ,v:od street, i-ine city and P'riect S'tnit t'.ion; hot and c inn r able, airy rooms; well K; a't i tit -et vite; reasotinhle hnti ired vaids from Moattonl Mi.'S M li DtiTWI I.I' H, Proprietress. Ililii S LIS A : and hatut-rs sulky will trained goat, App'v at CI 1'1CKN (H rici; 1 P Vol' ARK IW'i: IHNC. don't fail to put A in Wats. .irs ! cc (irtiie, i-ors.iieoy le I HALLAIili sV RICH. 1M :'A l1 chcrip AL nice house. Can be bought in, toi cah, withtii lue mxt tinny (lavs hv calling on A. L WILIiY. lO.i P-U Avenue, Asheville. N. C. atig."dtf 11MK Sd,' The ; pnrt ol the city; 1 1 10(1111 fi in M Htptn ,'HMIom s.'tujmi Id Idiitn 4((ipiu t NO. 12 H 15nm I ;t."ain lULTipnt l-'.'pni 1 adpm afipm 4- -tipin ft (Mi pin f 5(pm d 1 1 pm TtHpm f 1 pin lo'jcpm ii '.'OlilD 11 (topm 1 oJatn L (H'nm 1 lOani X O.'-utn It) '.'"inn iun.ipm J -iipm 1-50 pm NO. II 4-3ipm ti f7pm :.npm 1 1 yupin f 'J ft ant t Hiiini : .!Onm saoatn Ui 1 lam Me.kc house, western one of finest res denies in Asheville, containing Is rooms, acre in to', tine aU grove antl bcHiitilul lawns nid s!. rubbery nmgndict tit view that can not be obstructed. For mrther inform'ition address W P. SOFT H liKN, Uxculor, -llil West llavwoud St. iulyUTdtf H A N( '- K Attractively N C. Lot HoxloO. well shailed. Thin eottaiie. jnst completed, is tiuishul in native pine ai d oners to the noun- reeker a most cointorta hie cu-e at smnll co-l. Can be bought on instalment or for cash. r will exchange for property in Asheville. Apply to T. A. MORRIS, H'innv Crest Inn. Skyland, JOHN CHILI), Agent, Asheville, N. C, "augldtf 11MR SALKOR l.X; Ij built six n to in eottge in Skvland, MISCKLLAXEOVS. AHAM ANT sales now reach I 7,(mhi tons motithlv. being ore than 'Ju times as la rc as all chep imitators combitu-tl L TKKAPWAY. Asheville, N. C. Ag W. N C. Oiliee orer Idtki rson's store. A DMlNIST;.'ATMi!'s KMTI';K Having V nuabtied as adiuinis'rator ol t. . M Al Loud, deceast d. I hereby notify (til per- sons having hums against said deccoeut to pese nl their to me nt the Western Carolina bank or to Norman C. Mcl.mH. my agent on or before July iMKt; ntfurw-se this notice will be plead-d in bar of tlairrecov v. A so these ii'debttil to sr iii iltceileitt ill please come forward and settle. L. P M'LOFH, j uly lio-tHin on Ad in i istrator, lICi:-One nunc chance ' he tax pa v rs ol the village ol h' it moth are hcieby uotilied that I will bv at home on M outlay, the 5lh. and at the olnce ol Mrs-rs .Natt At kinson .S: S n on I'ues.ta-. , S. ptend e - oth, N'ir to tin' i ad that those who bai lailcd to list their tates may ib that d :tetht law w ill bceiitoteid 1 money is loo sear, e not t" Iu- g. this notice. I'. I' Unmoth, A uu' -lb ' it ttgllOdi'septd ti u 7 a: 7 ) n m .nam looopni looouni ACCIDENTS! l-ilc and Accident Insurance wiitten hy T. V. I'ostcll for the Travellers1 Insurance Co of Hartford, Conn. Oiliee lioura S to 10 n. m., 3 to ii p. in. 20 NORTH COI RT 1'I.ACli. THE FAMOUS CONNELLY SPRINGS. TVRBCTLV on line of VV. N C. dlvMrn of J K. St U. R. R.. and only loO yards from station. Four dallv nnssen .'cr trains. This favorite resort is iu. open Cuisine simply unexcelled in the sc. Lib, and presided over Ly a well-know ft clut. This water has tit en highly endorsed by hundreds ol the mcd'cul profession, and hits been pronounced ny a competent i.onui'ii authority to he fully equal, if not superior to any of the most celebrated mineral waters ol Buropc and America. It I (sli pped in btri-e Quantities all oer the I'nited States, nud also direct to London. liiigland. Water stronirlv diuretic nml tonic. Livery stable, barber shop, laundry, ball room, bow linn atlv. nool and bill.ard table-, PiiTivnlied scenery. Splendid drives. Full band all the season. Write for prospectus and rates to C'JNNRLLY SPRIM'.S CO., JulylHdSm Connelly Springs, N. C ami Onlnm Habits cared hi home wiilt nntpiiln.llooli oii-nr-tiruliirsseilt l ltU. H.M.WIHddKY.Ml). AUitutttp On, OUicc MlA Uhitelmliau IMHISKtY V Ar. Hot Springs, 1 Paint Rock, 1 Mariistown. ' Knoxville, A..&S. RAILROAD Lv. Asheville, HenderonyiHe, Plat Rock. Saluda, Tr - on. Ar. Spartanburg. lll2(iiiiii 1 .'luain 'J 3'am ;t a 3am 4-OOftni 4 5 lam 5 7 am 0 'A2 am Tritmm lo.'tunm 10 3a iu 1 o L'Ofini 12 tfipm 1 (ppm 1 5 7 j. in 2 37pm 8 llpni 4-OL'pm 4- 45 jtm 6 fiHpm 7 S7pni 8 lopm 2 00pm 3 2opm NO. 16 NO 14 ionoam 0 1 -am 1 1 4 It am U l!Um 1 1 HNpin It H'am 121'Opni 10 17am ia5,rtpm 1 1 H.ram '2 orpit ' veslMl mil eve nted bv Heitrv Hill v the l'1th dry ol March. 1M1, to secure the payment of a certain note therein more particularly de scribed. 1 will, on the iMili day ol Sept t wi lier, A. 1' , 1 at thecoutt house door in the City of Asheville. Buncombe count) . North aro'tna, sell at public sale to the htghtst bithbr. lor cash, a certain lot o lan-l situate in Ardeti, N. C, on which the said deed in ti ut is given and which is n ine par ticularly described in sain tleeu in tt list, which is regi-tercil in ltuok l4, pag;- 310, in the n Mice of the Keuisler of Heeds o Bun. combe county atoresaiil, to vthich reference is hereby made. Witness my Hand tins the iituh ilny ol August, XU2 atig'JOU.'.oo it. r. .tu ..iiiii.iMM. Lv. Spartanburg, i ryon, Saluda, Flat Rock, Henders'nv'te, Ar. Asheville, MURPHY BRANCH. Lv. Asticvide, Ar. W'nynesville, Brysou City, Andrews, Tomotlu, Murphy, -NQ.1BJ 11 U5pm 7 35pm K07pm H2Uum H3Spm 0 3Bpin I.v. Muiiihy, Ar. Tomotlu, Andrews, Ar. Ilryson City, ' Wtiyncsville, " Asheville, NO i. .13 3 Olijim 1'0)I11 45Uptn 6 14pm 5 i!3pm tiiNpin " NO 17 Minom tl 44um 12U'ipm 3i!7pm 3.1 7 pm 4 20im NO 18 tfioomn 6 lOum 0 4(.inin 10 OOlllll la 2!ipm 2 05 pm Nos. 17 ami IS connect nt .sheville with Nob. 11 and 12 to and from Snllsnurv unci the Fast. SLEEPING CAR SERVICE." . Nos. II and 12 rullninn Sleepers between Hot Siirinn and New York, via Asnevnie, Satisliurv nml Wn.lllnvtoil. Nos 9'aml 10 I'ullinnn Sleepers between Asheville nnrt Knicinh. W. A. Tl'KK, 8. II. HAKIlWICK, r.en. i Ai.t Asst. Gen. Pass. Ant U'n.hin ti. 1) C. Atlnntn. On W.H. UKBUN, (Jen. Miuiniier, Wnslilnston V. H. MeliUH, K. K. iiKinniiKt, Gen'l Supt , Superintendent, i-oliiml,i. S. C. Aslievlllr. N. C SOL. HAAS, Trnllic MiinaKer, Washington A Trial is Earnestly Solicited. J, B. PITTMAN. SOLE AGENT. j GLENN SPRSrJCS MINERAL WATER. V'-S ;'" MmmTtJCTvW : vhj;''C- j; 3 '. (;-'.;;.v.rffvi!'!(v Allei visitins various wutviinu plnns I ciitnc tu f.lenn Spnuus almost m despair. Mil lirinK inltiistly with t-h-onie liyspepsia, in tact some plivsiciuns pronounced my ese gastntis. Whatever it mav have been I am now almost entirely that relief has been brought on by Ihe use ol'C.linti SpriiiKS Water. 1 Iliink it eiiial it not superior to any mineral water on the continent. . ... Monroe, N. C. l't)K SM.K HY I! 1). 1 1 HATH . Raysor Sc Smith and Pelham's Pharmacy. PAUL SIMPSON, Shipper, - - Glenn Springs S. C. lhw's ma muii. Pres. t. T. CotUIS. V'i u v h cloud, Cashier an lo-dy sn All r . thcietiet; v r ied by l.( NO. x I.istir Capital, $50,000. SwrplttK, $40,000. WESTERN CAROLINA BANK. State, Couisty And City Depository. Organized 9tay, i38S. OcFOSiT BOXES IN FIRE PROOF VAULTS RENTED AT REASOKADLE RATES liKNKKAL ItANKlNti 1HISINEHS THANSACTKI). "ToTICl-V-My virtue ol' lliepowi 1:1 mi- by a '"'co 10 Oasl liliolo XTOTK' 15 Hv )( ;iven by W. virtue of tt deed in trust, 1). i'ntton to me, the uti- li-rsiiined. im trustee, to secure a debt due to lir.ilti,.iu M Mius, 1 win sen oy iniime fiiictioil for ciihIi. at the court house door in the titv ot Asheville, N. C.on the Ifith day of Sci.'leniller, A. II., lHllli, thecity lot beloilKUlK to said W. I). Patton, sitiultid on Southsiile avenue, near Bailey street, adjoining lands oi !'. Smith ulul Jacob Pelvei-hio, and more pArtictilarlv described in the nbove men tintic-J oceo in irusi, n-Kisiireu in iiuhk -o. pflrc -il-', ct. seq , in 1 lie Kegister'a olhee ot lttinCMilie couutv, N. C, to which relcrenee is hcr.'by marie lor n full rescriplion of snid lot. Witness my hand this the loth ilny ol August, 1H2. J. 1. SMAIUIiKS, 1 1 usiee. W. W. J.lNliS, Attorney. nuKHMltod 1 1; Urol Inil on 1. i:vis MAimi'T tl. T. CIIIXINS. M. I. FAOli, ). 1;. Klilill IScpowlts In JaTls ncpartmenl. OIRKCTOKS' J. R. FAT, CHARLKS MCNAMKP? J. 8. RANKIN, U.J. HllAllUb.1. S. Hi RBBD. ;unnk oien from 9 a. m., till 4, p. m. On Saturday, Mil 6 p, ni.I THE "BONANZA," IE yUi; Nos. 4x and 43 S. Main St., Asheville. WHtll.PSAI.! nr.PARTMBNT, GENTS' XT". A 1 I'ARI.OR AND RBAU1NU ROOM. i J , JL. CIGARS, TOBACCO AND IIOTTI.K GDOHS, SAM PLE, BILLIARD AND POOL ROOM . NO. 4JJ : BASEMENT. OTICli BEER : VAULTS : AND : BOTTLING : DEPARTMENT : IN We respectfully solicit a share of your patronage P. A. MARQUARDT, Manager, Wain Ettirance, No. 45 TcicpKone;tu, no. 7a, PontoflScc IBox O NflKTtl CAUtU.INA. 1 Pan com be County Western Caro'ina LUink, et al., vs. The P. A. Pemcns Wood-Workin-i Co. Hy virtue of the power conferred upon me I.v a decree of fie Superior court fl'gmd by i n honor nugc ii hiiu, i win wen i liuhhc auction for cash t" the highest bidder at 12 o'clock on the rtth day of October, lhii, the lollnwii g property, tt -wit: l lie plant oi lite r. a. itcmens w ooo working conitittny, Inc'uding the real tulate and Irunchisc of said eonttmny, nil machin ery, oiliee fnndture and fixtures nnd every thing appertaining to ana tie cessnry in the otcrutiou (f paid plant. Sale to take place on premise- ol the company. Immediately ntt r celling the nbove I will sell nt the s'Mtic time and place and on siinc terms nil the lumber now on said company's tutnlnr yard and all goods and materials ol every kind now in the warehouses of said company. LOCKlv CRAIG, Receiver of P. A.Dcmeiii Wood-Working Co, cpt2dtdi THE : ..........................44-l-S lowwwwwwww.wwwww.www-w THE HOST 5. CONVENIENT TnUK g EVEfl DEVISED, g K Tlie Tray is arranged 6) to roll back, leaving tho j Itottom of the Trunk i eny of access. J Nolli'ms to liif.ii: or pet out of order. Tlic ) Tray cm be lilled out if desired, and to buy ) this style is a guarantee that you will get the Jj strongest Trunk made. ) If your Dealer cannot furnish you, notify the ) manufacturers,. S H. W. ROUNTREE & BRO., Riohmond, Va. 4