ASHEVILLE DAILY CITIZEN : WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 7, 1802. THE BANK BOYS DO EM UP VEHTEROAV'S GAME OF HASH HALL. The Canary Birds ut Darby In the Box After Sniltn in Batted Oat, Bat They Couldn't Caleb I'p- Darb) ' Home Run. The match game of baseball between the bank clerks aud filestore clerks eamc oft yesterday, and tlio bankers' paper today is worth the difference between twenty-three and sixteen. The usual delay in starting the game had occurred when the umpire called "play ball," and it was the same old wait lor cars to ct back home in, with a few added whiskers. The knowledge that thes.' trilling items were on the program was the cause of the slim gate receipts. The game after the second inning was a good one and material was developed for the Buncombe nine that is to sweep the South next season. The real, live interes t began with the first half; the Canary Ilircls went to bat and by lively play promised their root ers victory. Dorse tt put the side out with the prettiest catch from Cummings' fly vet seen in left field. The Reds closed the innin ; one run be hind their opponents, but thev were on to Smith's delivery and that was glorv enough. The Canaries repeated their wore in the second by mull's at first and short and Gus Smith's strike out. Xeelv made a great lilt to center and ran for a three bagger but when Xeely got to third he wasn't in it. Now the rapping began, and Hashes ot red over t'e plate nine times w ithout a break dizzied the crowd. The yellows were unhappy, aud their adherents turned down their colors; the reds were jubilant and their friends wild; the bases were full and as thev overflowed the um pire got mixed and then, oh, such a kick! Henry Pcnland declared above the din that the fever had again set in and nothing short of another game of Wc Tns and You Tns would ever quiet him. l-'accs were shut up finally and the sec ond half closed 12 to 8 for the bankers. The third was round O's for both teams. The vellow boys put Darby in the box and it made "their grief more sorrowful to think thev hadn't done it before. The features of the fourl li were a t lircc oagger by Darby and an error in fielding it which gave him a clean run, and a tine fly to center by Kankin. Dcnnison put up a schcmeltt on the "other clerks" in the fifth, but it proved a boomerang, as the vellowsadded three to their score aud shut out the bankers without a base. The sixth had bright skies for the Ca naries and thev sang loiullv. The grand stand became quiet and ('.us Reynolds put on an extra yardof old gold bunting. The Reds kicked on the at tachment of the twirling D.i'rbv, but it was no good, and thev buckled down to win anyhow, making the score can's show them two runs ahead when the in ning closed. Everybody had to show their colors now. The tension was snappy and side out on strikes bv the Yellows didn't im prove their chances, while the Reds saw the hole and got through t'i'iir times. The eighth saw the Canary Hirds lug ging off their third goose egg nnd the boys who do the "figgering" ended the first game of the series with a single run. J. S. Grant and Jim Young were the umpires anil they 'received the honors usually given. The line of travel home was a bright red, an unusually bright red, so red that it dimmed the ardor of old "Thump-thc-Track." The score was : IIANKKKn 1 '.' 3 -4- r, il 7 8 1 1.11 o 1 1 o 1-1111 1 1-1 0 1-1 o o 0 t 1 O 0 1 0 1-0 O O 0 - 1 O O 0 - 10010 - l-o o -- o io CANAKV 1I1KH9. 1 0 0- 1 1 0 1 1 O 1 1 1 I 1 0 1 t -- II 0 0 Mel.oud, lb I'enison, c Rankin, p Medlin, Dursctt, I. f. Alexander, e. f. Brook. 3b Merrimon, ss... M alloy, r, f Smith, F., p.... Bairtl. A., c I tarbv, p Baird, J.. 3b.... Sevier lb Redwood, as... Smith. (., r f. dimming!, 1 f. Neely, 8b .0 II .. o ..- 0 0 O O O -110 - o ii o 1 3 4, f. ii 7 Bankers 3 l'J 0 10 2 -V Canary Birds... 4 4 0 13 4-0 bkthi;i. i.i:a;i i: 1 L'3 010 Enjoyable Entertainment I.aHt Evening. The entertainment given bv the Hethel Epworth League last evening was an en joyable occasion. The audience was large, and the songs, recitations and so los, with organ and guitar accompani ments, were well rendered. After these exercises, and an appropriate talk by Fitch Taylor, refreshments were served. The League of thischurchis grow ing in interest and usefulness every day. The officers for the incoming quarter are: W. L. Walker, president; J. H. Hampton, first vice-president; Miss Ora Justus, second vice-president; Miss Ella Morgan, third vice-president; Miss Eva Morgan, treasurer; L. Ii. Alexander, secretary. THE GREAT FIGHT. Aanevltle's Sports Generally l av or Sullivan. There is a great deal of interest among Asheville's sporting fraternity in the Sul-livan-Corbett fight which comes off at New Orleans tonight. Manager Peebles' club will hear the result ot each round in detail at the Western Union office here, as soon as the round is finished. There is some betting on the fight, with Sul livan as the favorite. One wager was made yesterday with odds 2 to 1 in Sul livan's favor. Another bet was even money that Sullivan would best Corbett in fifteen rounds. THE LAST SHIPMENT. Aahevllle Blioe Company Re- moved lo ElUabethton. The last shipment of machinery of the Asheville Shoe company toEIizabethton, Tenn., was made yesterday. John Y. Jordan, president and general manager of tbe company, leaves Asheville tomor row morning for his new field of opera tions, where the company will start up as soon as the machinery can be put in place. Asheville regrets the removal ot this establishment, and the many friends ot the enereetic yonm? manager regret to see him leave Asneviue. WItu a Walking Slick. L. A. Farinbolt and George Cook be came engaged in a wordy altercation this morning in front of JPorter's store on Patton avenue, which ended in Far inholt striking Cook over the head with walking stick. The blow brought blood. Cook's wound, which was light, was dressed in Raysor & Smith's drug store The men had a hearing be fore Recorder Miller this afternoon at 4 o'clock. AROUND TOWN. Washington, Sept. T.T'urcea t till S p. m. ThursiiavcontinucJ cool, fair weather, except shower. C. V. ness. Ilcnkel of Lenoir is here on busi' John A. Webb of Atlanta. Ga., is here today. Louis P. Hassard of Nashvil'e, Tenn., is at the Grand Central. At Grant's pharmacy at 2 p. m. today the thermometer registered 71' . Next Thursday week, September lo, will be Stevenson Day in Asheville. Greenville, S. C, News: C. C. Mcln tyre, now of Asheville, is in the city. The lielmont Orchestra benefit ball oc curs at Assembly hall tomorrow evening The Asheville Normal and Collegiate institute opens its first session ou Thurs day, the loth. Internal revenue collections tur the Filth North Carolina district yesterday were $;i,sos.:to. A drunk and one tight occupied Re corder Miller's attention this morning. The tines were !?S. Misses Addie and Kimiia Little and A. J. Little of Little's Kiver, N. C, arc at the Swannauoa. An important meeting of the National Tnion will be held in Milliard hall this evening at S o'clock. The improvements on the building on Pulton avenue to he occupied bv J. H. Law arc nearly completed. A large crowd of Asheville ieop!c went to llendersouville today to witness the LUmcombe-lIcnderson ball game. The committee on I en. Stevenson's re ception will have an important meeting this afternoon in Hon. II. A. Gudger's ol ficc at li o'clock. The Aborn Opera company has written Managei Sawyer, of the Grand, askine dates for the week of January i, and will probably be booked. Uev. Henry A. Westall, of Jersey Cilv. X. ., who has been ill in this citv at the residence of his father, Maj. T. C. Westall, has returned to h'S home. The Asheville councils of Junior tinier I'nited American Mechanics will place tlags ou each of the four public school buildings in Asheville on October -1, Columbus (lav. U. Cotlin, 14- North Court Square, has some handsome Cleveland badges for sale. They would be especially appro priatv for Iieinocrats to wear wild-.' Gen. Stevenson is in Asheville. Kobt. V. Miller, an old Asheville bo, but now gencial secretary of the Salis bury Young Men's Christian associa tion, came up to Asheville yesterday, and will spend several weeks here. Sam L. Adams ol Durham, w ho repre sents the Washington Life Insurance company, is in Asheville, stopping at the Swanti.'.noa. Mr. Adams comes here to recuperate from an attack of malaria. Street Superintendent Henderson's lorcc began the work of grading the sidewalk on Haywood street near Patton avenue this morning, As soon as this work is completed the putting down of a concrete sidewalk will begin. THE I.Vti:i'JI. Judge llacon'H Addresn on Itus- tsla I.aHt Evening- The Lyceum was called to order at S o'clock to the minute last evening. Hon tine business was transacted, at the con clusion of which Judge John Ii. lineon delivered his address on "Russia. " fudge Ilacon corrected many false impressions in the minds of Americans, showing that the Russian government had always been patriarchal, never feudal. "I obey" ran through every man from the down, as the ruling principle. This, he said, makes Russia such a power in war. In failure as in success, she constantly ex tends her empire audit may conic to pass that she w'll one day cover Uurope and Africa, as Democratic institutions may the Americas. The light in the hall was poor, mak ing it impossible tor tl e Judge to read his paper as he had expected, so leav ing it he made his talk all too short. Maj. W. II. Malone said we had been taught to know the "other fellow" bet ter and made a good talk on that line. I. I). Murphy asked Judge liacon as to the Greek church and the ersecution of the Jews. Paving a compliment to the Jews as to ability, Judge Hacon replied tnat lie could not say what reason lay at the bottom of this persecution, lie thought America's toleration ideas best. Col. L. M. Hatch believed the Chinese would be felt before Russia would take all Asia, and gave his reason for so thinking. All China needs, he said, is a military leader. A number of ladies attended the meet ing. On next Tuesday evening Dr. G. IT. Mayer will address the society on "Cap ital Punishment." JOINT SI'KAKIM;. Locke craljt and Lou. Well to Address tbe People Locke Crnig and Lon. N. Wells, Demo cratic and Republican electors for the Ninth Congressional district, will ad dress the people at the following times and places, speaking to begin at 11 a m.: Hot Springs, Friday, September 16. Marshall, Saturday, September 17. Mars Hill, Tuesday, September I'll. Cane River, Wednesday, September21. Ilurnsvillc, Thursday, September 22. Big Ivy, Friday, September 23. Marion, Saturday, September 2 1. Dvsartsville, Monday, September 21). Rutherford ton, Tuesday, September 27. Old Fort, Thursday, September 2'J. DAVIS AND CAMPBELL,. Senatorial CandldatenNouiliiatecI Today. In the Democratic Senatorial conven tion held in the court house this after noon, J. S. Davis of Haywood county, and John M. Campbell of buncombe county, were nominated by acclama tion to represent the Thirty-third dis trict in the State Senate. Falrvlew Council InNlltaicd. Geo, H. Burnham, deputy national councilor lor North Carolina of the Jr. 0. L. A. M., went to Fairview last night, where he instituted Fairview council No. 11. The council started out with eighteen members. A number of Asheville Jun iors accompanied Mr. Burnham. License to Wed. Register Mackey has issued license to wed as follows: B. P. Addison of Boston, Mass.. and Catherine Haywood of Charleston, S. C; colored. To Advertisers. T(- insure change of advertisements running on regular contract, copy must dc nasara in ov v o cues, a. m. EASY ARITHMETIC. WWW' Teach ".-Now, three yards of Uh what wot; Id " Tea-toy -Taim- S .. A I.ETTEK 1'ltOlI Itl.AINK. He sees Tliree Imsiii h in (lie rns cut Camimlun. Air.i M'.v, Maine, Scot. 7. A letter from lion. James G. lilainc to Chairman Maulcv, ot the Republican Mate com mittee, is made public. It is intended to lie Ulaiue's contribution to the cam paign. Plaint urges Repiiblicaustosteadtastlv press three issues upon the people. Thev arc: the taritl'ipicstioii and he gives un hesitating support to the McKinlev act; the reciprocity question, which he strongly advocates, and the third, oppo sion to the Democratic plank proposing to make State banks of issue. Mkl iU UllocUftl Oil'. Ni-.w Om i:s-, Sept. 7. Th'.' crowd In attendance at the light List night was not large. Neguies were ailruittcd to Dai t of the hall, i d,!s were three to one against Skclley. The colored champion, Dixon, Wiiii in eight rounds. The last i i Ik Radiators is here. Cor bett. the C.'iloi niati, arrived ves'. ciil,,v and was given a warm welcome. If su perb condition and supreme confidence win, Corbet t would have a walkover. President Campbell of the Southern Athletic club and a commune met the Corbett party A huge crowd gathered and cheered Sullivau' opponent. UitnU 1 Ion d. Mii'Hi.l-:siioi;o, Ky. Sept. 7. The Piis! National Bank of tins city was closed yesterday bv Assistant Comptroller Mc knight. There is a shortage of perhaps $1 l.lioti; this will be made good at once. itcat atii'Y ll.mliN. Hau ri oui1. Conn , U Ilicyclicist Xinimerinaii went hoi a mile today in l.ol -l-o. lieatiiig all b that of Nam'v Hanks. a ds and c.wt; THEM .lll.U'. 4x -4 v "Mi"1 mamma s-iys v you 'cause yo i h nv t'a "Ah, go op! 'Tain't to Sammv Giblw dav can't play with lanmpj," so, IVr I give 'cm atom vistodv." 1 lie iiotlom In out. Sl6. The Tyler Desk Co. of St. Louis. Mo., have past issued tluir Mammoth Dck aud Hank Counter catalogue for lS'.l'i, showing neiv goods, new styles with a cut of nearly lii'tv per cent below- all former lists. A Standard oak roll- curtain desk for $1(5, should sati-fv every one that they mean just what theysav. Catalogues lice. Postage 1 2 cents" After today the diir.unv will run hour trips instead of half hour as heretol'nre. the speed will be reduced to 7' . miles an hour, taking 20 minutes to run-'1.- mil 's, and remaining In or 1 "i niinu'.is on t he mountain. Schedule as follows: morning, leave city terminus at P OS, In OS. 1 1 us and 12. OS. Afternoon, 2 0.n,:5.iis. 1- iw, OS and I5.0S. Last ear leave mountain at (5:;!i). K K Ticket llroker, Mtinli-r ol Alilrrlcim Ticket llrok.-r i..i-i lion. Clarke, tirnnd C nlri,l Motel Index to New Ad vi-rti-tonieii ih. PAliuiis E. Coffin. N'dtich N. A. Ki-yn.ilils. Wati;d l.S stnrneii Avemie. T. c. Smith t Co.-lirnKKtkts. I'iiikw onn. i;tc C. K. MikmIv. I-'.m.l Neckwi-aK K. I-;. Miuhtil "GROVER, GROVER, FOUR LEAF CLOVER" HAIX'.BS. Pronounced by Mr L'lrrctnnd to be the most hanrisomt' out. I'uparc to welcome Stcvcnsein bv linvinf nm- For sale bv u. cni'l'IN. Bcpt7:U 11 North Couit Sipmre. NOTICE The Nutionnl I'ntnn will liulil in re'cular mectinii in Hilluinl Iiuiid nn tonu-ht (Sept. 7.1 I mportnnt business. All members should be present. N A. Ki;VNOI.t.s. M't7lt I'rt.sidcnt. WAMItn I ron, the nthoi this month, boardt rs fur th-c double rooms Two of the rooms are couotiunicatiuK. Applv at No. 15 Slurries avenue, hulf Bquiire from North Maia street. cnt7d;it Oh, How My Head Aches To tli oho who have ovpi1 sufferpd with a sick or nor- vou8 headache, or subject to neuralgia, and have never tried the grea t specific, ANTICEPHALALGINE, We extend an invitation to call nt our soda counter when suffering, and ask for a dose FREE. This is one of the beat remedies of the age; has no bad after effects, 25 and 50ts. per bottle. Wholesale agents miiiv. 'f V v.i ' 'i riv? I RAYSOR & SMITH mmii... ...... - UUWN IHtT GUfilE BIG DISCOUNT ON China A Nil JilJKiU Diallings, REFRIGERATORS AfiO ICE CHESTS AT W. B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FURNITURE ANO CARPET STORE, 16 I'itttun Avciiuc,Aslicvillc, N. t,. WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Main and Eagle Streets, ASHEVILLE, N. C We sell line ready mud" clothing Mini gents' underwear. Our stock is always large berause often replenished with In test novelties. Longer experience in handling fine men's wear, of all kinds, gives us superior advantages over all competitors. We have the right stock for the most fas tidious dressers Everything we sell is warranted first class in niiiuufacturi; and fit. Our prices are legitimate and low. We carry sizes that cannot be had elsewhere We make clothing to order on short notice as perfect as any in the world. We invite orders from clothing dealers for sizes they can't get elsewhere. In hats we carry Dunlap and other leading make's. In shirts we claim the best in the known world, the "Manhattan." Everything that is required in a first class men's and boys' outfitting establishment can be had of us in eame grades as in the most, pretentious houses in any state. THE WHITLOC Telephone Xo. 10S. blair k Mcdowell, UNDERTAKERS AUD FURNITURE DEALERS. CALL AND SEE OUll STOCK. No. 45 Patton Avenue, Aslievilie, N. C. OPPOSl It! CHl'Ht JI KTRIii T, DAY CALL NO. 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65. C. HL Moody CVIV SUPIM YOU WITH FI11K WOOD !rnll:;;,SPUT ANY S,Z: KIiA"v Kindlings aud Charcoal. COKE KM OK H ; Mnip, I'ovthind nnti Louisvillo Comont mid I'ln.sti-r, Ai t Hit-in I Stone Tile and Concrete Works. Fancy Brick and Mortar Color. Agent for King's Windsor Asbestos Cement. Dry Mor tar n ml Know ilh Sewer ripe Works. ii A) -axi. fi:i:d tlllnc No. ao Patton Avenue I Yard and Warehouse near lienor, Telephone 10. I Telephone 73. OTIS A. Isuow remlj tu sell beautiful building lots "ESTII VKN. Thene pncea nre lower payment ure easy. The street cars take you to these Raruoth lots for a lure of Hve cents. At the terminus on Lookout Mountain will be built "CAVALIIiR CASTLII," and then the prices .:f lots will advance greatly. Resthuven is one mile from Uiltiuore and three miles from Asheville To interest you, the first I wenty lots selected can be had at $70 each-your own choice. Call at No. ii Patton Avenue, OVER MIMNAICU'S STORE. GRAIN AND FEED STORE 07 TVortli 31ain JSiroel. We e.rr, the largest, freshest and best stock of Peed ta Wester. North Carolina. No damaged, ma.ty, r.t-eaUn stock emulate., We keep it moTlng. coming and going. Our warehouse, on North Main and Water street,, together with .torage house o. track, Kire all advantages la handling both in and out of the dty. Price, and quality guaranteed. I Respectfully, C. S. COOPER. Telephone No 67, X t v. -i CLOTHING HOUSE. MILLER in the quiet auljurba of Atlieviltc RAMOTU than anybody elue can offer and the terms of M DO YOU WANT If you do here are some Interesting Prices, on GENUINE JELLiCO and Finest Quality of ANTHRACITE Coal. Genuine JKIXICO lioimstic I,tiin Nut, car lots $4.50 " " Host A.TIIRACITK.l;cSlStovei.rL'hc5tiiut,carIot$$8.-lO " " " single tons $S.6"i " " AM. COAL CLIiAN AND l-RI-U FKOM DUST AND DIRT. Quality and Weights Guaranteed. ABOVE LOW IRICK? ARK FOR SPOT CASH ONLY. SPKCIAL I'SICKS FOK CAR LOTS ON TRACK. ASHEVILLE ICE AND GOAL COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Telephone Noa. 36. No. 30 Patton Ac. CAROLINA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN ANO 7 AND 71-2 C0I1EBE STS. Keep in hUk "Mount Vernon," "Canadian Club." anil old linker li:e Wh.skics. The l.ei Wines, 111 nndio, lleer, Ale nnd Stout for family ue. All g.u-iN delivered tree. Ale and Porter ou draught, lintersnee No. Ill North Mum ud 7V-j CNI(X- streets. Telephone No. isa. I". Sv: On uml nlur Mjy nth I will nd dcliled to me if no! settled liy lint time. Frank O'Donnell PROPRIETOR CAROLINA 8ALOON. WE LEAD; OTHERS FOLLOW. IF YOU ARK GOIXG TO BUILD -IIAVli SASH, BLINDS, DOORS AND FRAMES -MADU BV JONES & Ollltt iniUISliops, Old Dcput. THE LATEST NEW YORK STYLES IN HEADY .MADE CLOTHING For Men and Boys. FALL OVERCOATS $7.50 TO $ 23. MISN8' fSUI TS $6.75 TO $s. V'o 'imranteo evtr,j thing- that we sell. Money refunded to dissatisfied purfhaners. E. B. 1JAHNUM iVO,, No. 8 Court Square, OUR COMMENCES MONDAY. All Summer Goods Must Go at Some Price. MIMNAUGH'S IS'THE PLACE TO DO THE BALANCE OF YODlt SUMMER SHOPPING. Our prices are as dilapidated as the avenue at present Look to your interest and visit our store early and often the coming week. MIMNAUGH, No. xi Patton Ave. Asheville, N. CL TO BDY COAL? - single toils $.(X) per ton dclivcrrtl. sinlrire-.l ol ac.onfili l,; muil to pitrttes in. Heson-ituiiv VOl'll- WIIISNANT, ASHKV1LLK, N. C. Asheville, N. C. SALE hYllle, N. C.