MM1 urmttmssgssm 1 S A VH1?.VTT .T MAITV niTJrT?V . TUTTDOlv V U7PM vi C!T7T-Tnnri:Tr on iutn THE IMPROVEMENT FUND HOW IT IS AFFECTED DV EX ISTING CONTRACTS. When tUe Board Gets Tlirouuli With Depot, North ami South Main Streets and Pattern Avenue It Will be Some (ii,ooo Short Figures of vorv great interest to all citizens of Agheville interested in tlie im provement work are those sulmiitted re cently to the Joint Board of Aldermen and Advisors by Assistant City Clerk Boiling. The figures show exactly the amount of money expended on the va rious streets, together with the amount yet to be paid on the work. According to this statement there will not he enough by $22,00(1 to complete the work now contracted for. To be exact, the Board will be just $L'2.o(i;! 77 be hind unless another block of the improve ment bonds arc put upon the market. For the construction of two culverts, on North and South Main streets, II. M. Smith was paid $ t,"Sl.:i2. It. 11. Uritt was the retaining wall contractor and erected walls on four streets, located and paid for as follows: Depot street, $1.1 Ki; South Main, $2.312 41; North Main. $06 67; 1'atton avenue, $.s 21; total, $,730.33. On grading Patton avenue west ol East Havwood and Pcpot entire, V. G. Corpeiiiiin hasbecn paid $4-, ('(.") 3D, leav ing unpaid $37. oG. Also, $2oll 'J7 or dered paid, but held to piv two gar nishees. South Main grading has Ixen paid lor, but North Main, Jl.ii'Ki, is yet to be graded and paid. So far A M. Smith, the granite paving contractor, has received $K Stl'J 02 for his work on liepot street, the amount yet to be paid being $27,731.13. His pavtneof Market square amounted to $4 150 DO. and has been paid. Webb, Oates, liskridgc it Co. are the brick paving men, and although movinu slowly iiloiisr, have done $t,lt7 3f worth of work on 1'atton avenue, from the square to Haywood street, and $12,381.92 worth on South Main street. This much has been paid, and there is vet work to the amount of $30.127 37 to be done, l'.itton avenue from Hay wood east to Haywood west and North Main are yet to he paved, and the amounts to be paid are $23.1 03 '.'3 and $25,21 7 37 respectively. Webb ec Oates have contracted for some earth excavation, the price yet to be paid for which is estimated at $1,200. It is estimated that $'J,'J00 will be aboui the cost of the curbing to lie put down on various streets by Corn it Troy. At the time of the report of the assist ant clerk there was id the improvement fund unexpended $102 C07.7M. The to tal amount required to complete the ex isting contracts is $12.'.H 1 .33. making a shortage $22,303.77. Whether the Joint Board will order the sale of more bonds and decide to under take more paving remains to l.e settled at tomorrow's meeting. The statement as to the condition of the sewer fund shows $SO,ol7.72 on hand. The necessary expenditures in cluding contracts is estimated as fol lows: Tumping machinery, $20,000; pipe line, $4-1,000; mosourv and excava tion, $3,000; engine and pump house. $2,000; engineeiing, inspection, etc., $3, 000. This leaves of thescwer fund $11, 017.72 to be expended as the Board tii.r. direct. AT HEADQl'AKTI'.KS. Good Democratic News From va riolic Direction. Gen. E. R. Hampton, manager at Dem ocratic headquarters, returned yesterday afternoon from Ardcn, where he went to organize the Limestone Democratic club. An organization was effected by the election of the following officers: Presi dent, T. C. Hunter; vice-president, Mark Shuford; secretary, T. !.. Hickman; treasurer, J. W. Kkkman. The club starts out well and promises to do effective work. A letter received this morning brings news of the utter rout of Hoggs, ilicThird party candidate for elector, by Locke Craig, Democrat, at Mars Hill on Tues day. The letter says Craig made Hoggs admit publicly that it was doubtful whether hefBoggsl would support the Staie ticket. N. 11. Hill, chairman of the l'olk county committee, writes Gen. Hampton: "There is no Third party here ana prospects are flattering." POSTOFFICE NOTICS. 9II8H Gertrude Potter Goes to Washington City to Wed Miss Gertrude L. Potter, who has held the position of stamp clerk in the Ashe ville postoffiee, left yesterday for Wash ington city, where she will be married next week to Dr. T. H. Winter, of that citv. Samuel Waldrop has been ap pointed to fill the place made viicant by Miss Potter's departure. The appointment of a substitute letter carrier to take the place of N. W. Fain, promoted to the position of regular, re signed by J. W. C. Deake, has not yet been made bv Postmaster Cannon. THE PAVING BLOCKS Those KefuNed by Asheville to be Shipped Norm. W. T. Penniman remarked to Mayor Blanton in the presence of The Citizen today that he had lately been in Wash ington. Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York; that many of the streets of those cities were as badly torn up as the streets of Asheville, and that he was pre paring to ship to those cities tne granite blocks tnat liave rjeen reiuseo on uie ue pot street paving. This will give an idea of thi! quality of granite block Ashe ville is putting down. SAYS GROTER WILtWIN. A Correspondent of the New York "Tlinei" Here l oom, E. G. Dnnnell. Washington correspond cntofthe New York Times, and vice- president of the Washington Gridiron club, is in Asheville, the guest ol bis old friend, Manager McKissick, of the Bat- . . rjnlr Yfr Dnnnrll hns hpen Iti y lain .. - through North Carolina within the past tew weeKS, writing up incnumitui niua . TI- um m t.A.A tin t innnl ntif LIU U. lie una nuunu " look thoroughly and predicts Cleveland's i vf - t..-ii n SUCCtSS in IMOYCmucr. vuitmn win remain in Asheville until tomorrow. West warders Working:. President Broton, of the West Ward - Democratic club, has divided that ward ' into fire districts, and appointed a com mittee for each district, preparatory to " getting down to businesssystematically. ' Toe committeemen are: First district, A. M. Triplett; second, J.M.Green;thitd, Thos. A. Howie; fourth, Geo. S. Bruton; fifth, G. N. Roger. A large flag has been purchaied by this clnb and ia to be unfurled in front of the dab's headquarters. JUl J-? AROUND TOWN. Washington, Sept. 22. Forecast till Sp.m. Friday dealing; easterly winds-: J. It. Lanier of Salisbury is here todav. Recorder Miller had no cases this morning. W. M. Putts of Grcmcvilli', Tci:n., is at the Grand Central. Pr. and Mrs. J. P.. A.D.niilson ut Oumcey, Fla., are in Asheville on a visit. Detective I. II. Hampton left yesterday for a business trip into Kutherlord county. Col. Chas. W. Woolscy and family have returned tiom a several mouths' stay Last. Internal revenue collections tor the Filth North Carolina district yelcrdav were $7,573 SO. Chas. F. Anderson and wile am' Mrs. Lmma Cabbie of Brooklyn. N. Y., are among the Swannanoa's guests. J. 11. Woi sli-y rente' die Y.iughiin it . Mien tent in " Tent !!'c." rear tlir postofiice, and will oj-t n a museum t'icv tomorrow. Kecorder Miller, City t'lorli uup, Mayor Hlat:ton and Citv l-.nginier icturncd vtstci day ;i!t-.-i noiot i: -. m' Wayncsville. Touio:row .ilh nnH.n, w.uhtr i-e:nr.t-ling, the Bank Clnks and S:--n Cl-.iks will cross bats at the r ice tr.iek. A go,,d game mav be expected. The baseball game scheduled for yes terday betweecn the K. iV D. elub and a picked true was pos' Mixd on account of rain until next Tuesday. Miss nll.i McCallum of knoxvillc. and Mtss Maltie McCallum of Jacksonville, spent last night at theSvvaiinanoa, leav ing this morning for Wavr.csv'llc. Theiooin in the city hall given for '.ia use of the lily school committee, has been handsomely carpeted and is u'ed by Superintendent Claxton as an office. The Joint Hoard of Aldermen and Ad visors will meet tomorrow nliernoon at 3 o'clock. The Hoard of Aldermen will hold their regular vvcikiy meeting at I o'clock. Ko-h HaSiionu.ili, the Jewish New Year, began last evening at 0 o'e'ock, and in conscejtienic the Hebrew mer chants have ihetr places of business closed todav. Frederic Henry Warren of Montgomery-, Ala., died nt Turnpike oa Monday. Mr. Warren hail many friends in Ashe ville. He win a member of the Masonic tratcrniiy. Alabama papers please copy. Salisbury Herald: Mir-s Aylmer lames returned last night from Abbeville, where she has been the pasi laonth. Her father. Mr. W. I.. Janus, weal to Ashe ville Saturday night and retiinad vvi:h her. The biiek building on I'attou avenue recently vacated by the Asheville Sh .c companv has been rented by N K. Perry & Co., who will use it the coming sea son as a tobacco storage and rc-ordcr ing warehouse. President Lemmond of the Southern Business College, reports this institu tion in a flourishing condition, with ad ditions almost daily. The night school in connection with this college will open Monday, October 3. A telegram received in Asheville states thrt C. U. Pavis, the popular voiiui! auctioneer, was married in Baltimore yesterday to Miss Hattie Culpepper. Mr. Davis and briilenrecxpcctcd tuteach Asheville this afternoon. Tom Leslie, George Wilson's live ad vance agent, came in yesterday to make the arrangements necessary Ii r the proper advertising of his star's return to Asheville on Saturday evening, the Jltli, at the Grand opera house. Young men's piavcr meeting at the Young Men's Christian association this evening at S o'clock, led by Mr. L. I.. Harris. Subject: "Secret ol Perfect Se- cuiity" Pan. vi, lO-'.'d, Prov. 1:33. Young men wishing to enter the Bible training class should apply this evening at S:5 to the secretary. IN THE KEAI.TY WllUI.n. What in l'ruiistii'iii In the 1a of Dirt Ti'HiiHactioiiN. The following deed'i have bien filed in Register Mackev's olfiie: A. L. Carter, coin'r, to Jesse T. Cowan, 1SU acres on Smith's Mill creek $ 2 uof) E. V.. Jenkins and wife to W. 11. Weir, lot on North Main and Cherry streets, TlxlJO leet 1 300 J. B Cole and wife to Marshall Williams, one-third interest in one acre in to,vnshi L'33 T. C. Starnes and wile to J. M. Orders, lot in northwestern part of city S3 J. M. Orders and wife to I). M. Redmon, lot in citv 130 L. W. Burkholder and wile to W. H. Weir, house and lot on North Main street, 63x130 feet II OOo J. T. Bostic and wile to Otis A. Miller, house and lot on Pine street $ 2,000 E. L. Jenkins and wife to W. II. Weir, lot on Cherry and North Main streets, 71x120 feet 1,300 J. W. dreer and wifeto Isaac Rob ertson, 30 acres in county (100 Geo. Slnrnes to Alexander Har ris, land in Asheville township. 1,800 SouUieru IiiiMineHH College Night School. Besides the regular day session of this institution, which is now in successful operation, there will be a night session opened on Monday night, October 3d, to continue six months. Clusses in Book keeping, Shorthand and Typewriting will be organized for younc and middle aged ladies and gentlemen who are en gaged during the day. Special classes will also be organised in Business, Arith metic, Practical English and Correspond ence for the benefit of those whose ad vantages have been limited. Hours for instruction, 7:30 to to 9:30 during four nights per week, viz: Mon days, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Terms for book-keeping or shorthand, three months, $18; six months, $30. Typewriting, three months, $15; six months, $25. Course in Arithmetic and English, three months, $15; aix months, $25. No student received for a less time than three months. Tuition payable in advance. Each of the three departments is under a teacher who is a specialist. Persons desiring further information will call at the college office between 9 a. m. and 4:30 p. tn. M. M. Limuond, President. The Bottom la Oat. $16. The Tyler Desk Co.of St. Louis, Mo., have just issued their Mammoth Desk and Bank Counter catalogue for 1893, showing new goods, new styles, with a cut of nearl; fifty percent, below all former lists. A Standard oak roll curtain desk for $16, should satisfy every one that they mean just what they say. Catalogues ftee. Postage 12 cents. To Advertisers. T Insure change of advertisement! running on regular contract, coot must be handed to br 10 o'clock , m. AT TUB GRAXD. It will please many people here to learn that tt.orge Wilson has been prevailed upon to return to Asheville and give an- "TO P V ; VV!1 S.A UN fol .trie's o:,;ei owe of ,i:s :u:;,s'.iei perform .inccs. lie will .r.ioe.i:- at the Gi.ii'.d opera hoiwc iut S itmd.iy evening, the J !: !i, in an ci tire eb.iuge of program and an n iesistibic atlcrpiece, that will be picsrmed here for the fust time. Owing to t'.ie big crowd that attended the show wi.ea it was l ist hero, wcie un able to obtain admission, therefore those who wish suits this time, would bettei s.e-ave then now at Sawyer Bros.' store an I avoid the erufl; at the door. The i'hi'a de'phia fiiues says of the "Two i -1 ' Cronies," which show 'nies to the Grand pet Tuesday evening : ' 'The ' l'wo i I'd Cm nit s' have returned to town and ieeeii l their friends at the Arch Street theatre. Ryan and Shcehan. as the cronies, made these eccentric rides palpitate with ivn, an ! MissGussic Hart reeiivcd a wt-loorie that meant come again. The C'lnoany is the best that has i v er ppeaied hu e in the comedy." Booliid. Anor ,in. 17 aiol I1. opera company. i.i:rri:i;s :i tub riinri.i:. Kt rnaii ami Ki'riiuu'H Initiator Ijriciii Tin: Cit;i.n: 1 oliserveil in the eilitoi i;il eniiitun of Till- Ci'rizi-x of ;i le-v (lavs .i.i, a l:.irl lKiiiiiioe on the doings of Will l'.i;!i!'aril Kernnii fiml ereilited to the Hay Cily Times-I'ress. Ilaini; 1 ecu a re; nsentativc of the Al pena llviit'ii lii, at the time Kenian was eniploveil nil that aKT, I ;un i.a'.n nillv intirejiteil in his lesiiructioii. The wild ravines i f t lie 1 'in liatn, Nort h Carolina, liiolii'. and l!ic slaiwtto MU' in vvhiih :lu-y are put np. f-eein striking! v familiar, at i! ate a tai.-i.:n:!e t,f tlie ones pnlilislied in the Heho. Iirnan vas in a letiiit.'e e:iiilitinn when he nrrornl at Alpena, at'al was im mediately linthol in new jjariuents by the ma n;; uetiivii t of the paper. time in the al 'usaid city was t t short dura tion, as Taylor Bi ns, who then published the Echo, soon found that he was an un profitable n; an tor the papet ; hence his res iiznattoi). liis "fire-eating" editorials as they were then culled- wire making the paper very unpopular, and the elerv "f the co;. h id lieaoiinci il him. Km. an is the anther of a book ol poems. entiiUil the "1'iyini; Meteor," and h id j it put it on t'-e market, wl.ete l.e hit Alpena in Apiil lor K;uirt, Miss., where he went to assume the management of a pap, rat that place. Your attiele in Tin; Cml: surpiised mens 1 tlioui;l,t Kernau had blown his bellows lor the time. WIilii he left Alpena he was in a c;i:iea!, nervous con dition .ami doitoi s w i;o knew him, pre dicted his catly death. our 'ery Kes peellully, II'. .1. I'.i.ul.Uui u. liiysoti Ci'.x , X. C, Sep-, 1 :. .tipt-akfnu at )'s Iliil. Eiutok Tin Crn. i :. - i he candidates of the three parties met line today. The house was crowded to cvet flow inj;. many slaudine; in i lie ard. Wells opened the debate with an hour's speech composed entuelv of jokes anil asser tions. He is perhaps the best speaker thev have in the held, but the intelligent people of Mar's Hill saw tbrouiih his fallacies. lie was loiiuwcil I v I.o'rs, n usually intelligent man, but he could ilo notiiiiiK hut flounder, as lie could neither support his platform nor his nominees. Mr. Locke Craig followed Mr. Uoyns. Ills sp cell was a crusher an annihila tion. There was very little left of Wells when he closed, and not a rack ol lloui;s, All parties were moved with his loie and eloquence anil he closed his Sfieeeh nniKl prolonged clieennij. In tlie discussion Craig lorccd Koggs to admit nubliclv that lie doubted whether or not he would support the state ticket, uml that lie would not vote tor a man who hail advocated the priti ciplcs that Weaver hail, When Craig closed, the audience saw that Hoggs had no platlorni ntul nrl mitted that he hail no candidates. The Third pnrtv is dead at this place. A: the clone ol the speaking manv crowded around the young Clevelund elector (mil bid turn iiod speed. Mars Hill, Sept. lit). M. 11. Walter Bridges, Athens. Tenn., writes "For six years 1 hnd been atllictcd with running sores, and an enlargement ol the bone in niv leg. 1 tried everything I heard without any permanent benefit until Botanic Wood linlm was recom mended to mc. After using six bottles the sores healed, and I am now in better health than I have ever been. I send this testimonial unsolicited, because I want others to be benefitted." Itimjy i'ltrnnim sro fmKca own from overwork or hutuchold catea. Browu'9 Iron Bitters FetmllrMhe System, Bids diH'lion. removed exee ol tile, Ad cures inUuria. Out luu ffeuuius. K K Ticket Broker, Member ol American ricuri Kroner Annocla lion. Clarke, irand Central Hotel Index to Mew Advertisement. I.out Citlien Office. KT Al R V. Garrett. Auction Sii.HJ II. Law. OI'bka llorsB Two Old Cronie "VTOTICU Cntle Hall. Piafiata Lodge. No XI a- K or P.; Kir Knignta Attend meeting of your lodge thla evening at o'clock shurp. Visiting brother invited. 13. M. JONBS, C. C LOST On September SI, at or near the po.toffict, a silk umbrella; .traiglit tafT. bark hnndle. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving at the sept22d2t CITIZEN OFPICB. E STRAY A red and white heifer about thiee years old, in poKKtaion of R. U. uarrett, at Springfield Farm, in Victoria. Owner enn have same by paying charges. septfiKdlw TWO 8TORBB FOR RENT 8tores Nos 69 and 61 South Mnin street, occupied now by Law, will be vacated October 1. Both connected will be rented separate or together. Apply to BBARDKN, RANKIN & CO . wptedcodtf 00 South Mods Street. CARPETS ! I We ait' showing for 1 lit' fall Of '92 many nOW patterns of Moqui-1 te. . xminster, Velvets, Body Brussels, Tapes- try Brussels am! ii .grain Carpets, Smyrna, Fur, Byzantine . ' ' and ugiain aiL's. fall jmh! make your selection. Trices low. . B. WILLIAMSON & CO., FURNITURE AND 16 Pattou Avenue, WHITLOCK CLOTHING HOUSE. Corner Main and Eagle Streets, ASH F, VILLE, N. C Heady Our raml new Mock is ready. Fresh new styles: high grade qualities: ehoiee ffelections; complete variety. You will find our stock made up of practical ser viceable well made goods, cut in styl, dose in price Our Clothing is made to wear and to look well out of the store as well as in t ho store. We ask every reader to oblige 113 by inspecting our stock, coniposod this season of larger liin'sof Men's and l'.oys' Clothing, Dunlap and Melville Mats, Manhattan Dress Shirts. to o,ir immense stock of Cnderwear from the cheapest to the finest. Silk goods in all nid Hosiery we show elegant We are ready to show our ittention. Telephone No. 10S. THE WHITLOCK blair & Mcdowell, UNDERTAKERS AND CALL AND SEE OUli STOCK. No. 45 Patton Avenue, Aslieville, N. C. OPPOSITE CMl Ki ll STHKliT, DAY CALL NO, 75 TELEPHONE NIGHT CALL NO. 65. C. EL Moody cvx 4uii,jv you with FIREWOOD til"AT ANY s,z,: K,:A,1V roR Kindlings and Charcoal. flfiW ' RAN'Oi:. ITRNACKS NO (IRATI.S. MAKES NO SMOKE, jJJVJZi ICIIIiAI'HK THAN HARD CDA... JAmo, Portland niul Loxusvilh Cement nnd Plaster, .1; t'Ukinl Stone Tile and Concrete Works. Fancy Brick and Mortar Color. Agent for Kings Windsor tnr nnd Knoxville Sewer Pipe Works. HAY-AND - FEED Office No. 30 1'utton Avenue, Telephone 4U. OTIS A. Ii now ready to Mil beautiful buildinK Iota AND KBSTIIAVEN. Ttacne priee. are lower pavment are ca.. The utreet cart take you to theie Ramotk lot. for a fare of fire centa. At the terminut on Lookout Mountain will be built "CAVALIBR CAsTLB," and then tht price, of lot. will advanc. greatly. Rrithaven ! one mile from mitmore and the fii it t wenty lot. (elected can be bad at $76 each your own choice. Call at No. ix Patton Avenue. OVER KIIMNAIGH'S STORE. GRAIN - AND - FEED - WHOLESALE We deal in Feed exclusively. from first hands. Paying counts. Can save you some money. Try us. " C. S. COOPER. Telephone No. 67, CARPETS ! lu'isptrcinjiiy, j CARPET STORE, Ahheville, N. Cs We call special attention sizes. In .Neckwear, (iloves goods in latest novelties. fall slock and invite your CLOTHING HOOSE, FURNITURE DEALERS. Asbestos Cement, Dry Mor- Ynrd and Warehouse near Depot, Telephone 73. MILLER in the quiet suburb of Afhevllle RAMOTH than anybody c!k can offer and the tcrma of three mil., from AabeTille To intercat you, AT - AND RETAIL. 67 North Main Street. Buy altogether in car lots, cash, get advantage of all dis . . - . A.heUle, N. C DO YOU WANT TO BUY COAL? If you do here are some Interesting Prices, on GENUINE JELLICO and Finest Quality of ANTHRACITE Coal. Cenninc JEI.I.ICO Domestic .Nut, single tons $4.00 per ton delivered. ,. .. I'"mp car lots jlso liist ANTiiRAcm;,Erg,stove or chestnut, cnriots$8.-io ..,.... .. Bni,le tons $8.65 ," " au, coal clean and free from dust and dirt. ... , T . , . . Quality and Weights Guurantecd. IHUtl! IUW i-KICIiS AKIi FOll STOT CASH ONLY. SPECIAL l'KICKS FOR CAR LOTS ON TRACK. ASHEVILLE ICE AND GOAL COMPANY, Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Telephone Non, 36. No. 30 Pattou Ave. GARQL1NA WINE AND LIQUOR STORES, NO, 19 NORTH MAIN AND 7 AND 71-2 C0LLE6E STS. -I 0 Keep In KtiR-n "Mount Vernon," "Canadian Club," and Old llukcr Rj-e Whiskicd. The 1cm Wines, Urnndici, llcer, Ale and Mout for familj use. All good delivered Iree. Ale and l'orter on draught, Entrrunee No. 19 North Muin and College itrefta. Teler(hoiie No. IBS. P. 8.: On and after May uth I will nenil tntniH-ut of nccountu by uiail to parties In dibUil to me If not iettlcd by that time. Respectfully, Frank O'Donnell PROPRIETOR CAROLINA SALOON. WE LEAD; OTHERS FOLLOW.. EVERY - PERSON -THAT Big Racket Store Is Packed With JScw Goods. 'Sow is your ohnnc for bnrira ins Drew Goods. Notions. Shoos, Hats, (tents' Furnishings. Trunks. Valises, Sta tionery, Picturo Frninos. See our large Pictures, worth $3.00, reduced to $1. fit). Five tliousnnd yards l.nees at I.J, .!, 4 nntl r cents jer yard nil styles nnd prices. Blankets, Ouilts, Window Curtains?. Window Shades: Cur- tain Poles, 2") cents each, and thousands of other things too numerous to mention. The nicest assortment of Rib bons ever brought to the city. Special bargains in Ladies' Fine Jackets. All we ask is for the people to come and see our pneos, and they will be convinced that The Racket leads in prices. OWENS & Best 8c Co.'s Children's Suits and 'STAR" SHIRT WAISTS As Advertisements will simply say: We keei) a snoP U)r Hoys' Heady Made Clothing of the first class. E. B. BARNUM & CO., No. 8 Court Square, OUR 1DSUB COMMENCES MONDAY. All Summer Goods Must 60 at Some Price, MMNAUGM'S ISiTIIE PLACE TO DO THE BALANCE OF YOUR SUMMER SHOPPING. Our prices are as dilapidated as the avenue at present. Look to tout Interest and - visit our store early and often the coming week MIMNAUGH, No ii Patton Ave Asheville. N C I- - SHOULD - KNOW THE- JENKINS are Dull Heading the sale of Men's and A she ville, N. C, i! in ii! jaws "